Author Topic: SAM: Socially Acceptable Monsters  (Read 117414 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #60 on: July 12, 2010, 07:12:47 PM »

Surface: Galactic City

The office within The Imperial Palace is dark aside from a singular desk lamp.

It's light shines down on Agent Nikoli Venko hunched over into his hands. His head is throbbing, a dull roar rattling his skull. The contents of the datacard confirm something for him. If Alexia Winton is truly that unpredictable then what is Karen capable of? Or Melanie? And what the hell do the rest of these kids have to do with any of it? Doors in his mind keep sliding open to reveal more questions than he can handle being answered right now. He combs over the photage, unable to shake the feeling of dread consuming him when Alexia stares darkly through the screen.

Then there is the question of its sender.

Kimber had promised him a break in the case just minutes before but how would she come across this information? How would she even know he was looking for it? He had told no one. At the Lynus apartment, Kimber was just along for the ride. He had not filled her in on the details. If she knew anything about Alexia Winton, she would have told Karen by now. If Karen knew, he would know. That girl flips out over everything. He mentally crosses her off as a potential suspect but her face lingers. Still her friends grow more curious and dynamic by the minute.

This brings him to the Ames reports.

The rookie agent had fought hard for this exclusive, ridiculously lucrative, and suspiciously benign assignment. Guarding The Four was cake in comparison to what most Intel and Security agents were subjected to. They had heard horror stories at the Carida Academy, saw the scarred and jaded instructors who had seen and done some pretty terrible shit in the name of the Galactic Empire. Agent Ames took this assignment seriously and had recently documented multiple lapses in Melanie Masterton's whereabouts. Reports that had been sent to and gone seemingly unnoticed by the Director. From what Venko can ascertain, no action was taken by his department. He had heard nothing about it until he got the urgent message from Ames.

Venko closes his eyes, running circular patterns into pulsing temples with his fingers. The whole situation reeks of conspiracy but he was explicitly told to drop it, to lose emotional interest, and it suddenly makes him wonder if that means he is not part of the larger plan.

Venko must find out what Ames knows.

Where is miss Masterton going?


The Esplanade is hot and hopping.

Skyler and Billy hit up the holocomics store after a strenuous afternoon of popsicles and video games. This is what summer is truly all about. After months of intensive study the languorous summer days are something everyone looks forward to. Slacking is priority one so they wander aimlessly back and forth along and across the massive shopping platforms and walkways.

"When do you think we should mosey on over to the Hessy?"

"Soon," Skyler says, eyeing a pair of sneakers in a storefront window. "They gotta decompress too, you know."

"I guess it's not easy being pretty all the time."

"Hate the game."

"Not the players. Yeah, got it but I still think the reason you want to lag on the capital is because we can enjoy these rare moments of anonymity. The microsecond the press found out some of the girls were bouncing they took off. I mean, come on. Going on vacation is hardly news. Lots of people do it. Tomorrow we'll be reading the headline: The Four takes shit, story at eleven!"

"That's disgusting, dude."

Billy laughs, pointing out a cap tilted on a mannequins expressionless head.

"True though."


"Maybe? Whatevs. Our lives are like a reality show circus. I hate reading shit before you guys tell me."

Skyler adjusts his sunglasses and frowns.

"Am I going to break up with Karen because of something she does? No. Do you and D'Arcy plan on ditching out on our friendship because of it?"

"No, man. Of course not! I'm just saying it's getting kind of ridiculous."

"Don't be so melodramatic...."

The sentence hangs there, incomplete, an unfinished foreshadowed thought, as a group of people materialize out of the crowds clutching handheld cams and microphones. Light begin to flash, blinding both boys where they stand. Skyler and Billy throw up arms to shield themselves as the media circle closes in around them. Questions are shouted about Karen - why isn't he with her at the beach? Is there trouble in paradise? Relationship on the rocks? They ask if Billy's jealous about D'Arcy not also pursuing a career in modeling despite being attractive enough.

Billy glares at Skyler.

"What was that?"

Skyler blinks rapidly, finding an out beyond the spotted haze.

"Shut up, dude."

They bolt down the Esplanade and the rabid reporters give chase.


Further down the Esplanade, a late afternoon gallery opening commences.

Melanie sweeps into the vast space with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. Once the attention of the room is solely on her, she glides forward to approach the artist and after a kiss on each cheek presents him the flowers. She makes a big show of it. The audience relaxes, attention returning to the brightly colored abstracts hanging on the walls in front of them. The artist thanks Melanie and disappears to "put them in some water" which is code to extract the microchips hidden within the bouquet.

The artist is an Republic supporter and financial contributor to Castin's faction thus her presence here becomes much more than what it seems. She was formally invited through her contacts at Raga'Ana as the brand often raises awareness for the contributions of arts and sciences. The faction utilized the opportunity and Melanie is able to satisfy obligations to both parties with one event.

As the opening wears on, conversation bordering on inane, she suddenly feels two familiar presences in distress. She excuses herself and strides toward the massive transparasteel doors. Skyler and Billy appear on the center platform, cutting across a service walkway and jumping down behind an oversized planter in front of the gallery. She steps out and waves them over. Panting and sweating, they dart inside.

The crowd takes notice and whisper when they realize who it is. Skyler's ties to the art world through his renowned impressionist father are not questioned. There is talk his work could rival that of Bastien's which is not something many people would say in mixed company.

"What happened?" Melanie breathes soothingly. "Are you alright?"

Billy nods, glancing nervously outside.

"Paps," Skyler sputters. "They're after us."

Nodding to the artist, Melanie places a hand on each of their arms, calming them both considerably, as she guides them through the party and out of sight. In the back halls, Melanie maneuvers them past wrapped pieces that have already been sold and into the gallery office. She grabs two water bottles from the desk and a bottle of pills from her purse. She hands a water and two pills to each of them.

"Where did you get those?"

She couldn't flinch if she tried.

"My doctor. It's just for nerves."

"Understandable. I'm all shaky right now."

"So, what did they want to know this time?"

Billy sighs, "The usual."

"They came out of nowhere, Mel. It was like a paparazzi ambush but don't worry, we didn't tell them anything. We never do."

"I appreciate that," Melanie says with a smile. "We all do. I am terribly sorry they disrupted your afternoon. Do you want me to talk to Venko about sweeping an area before you arrive?"

"If you don't mind. They manage to mostly keep them away from you guys when you don't want to be bothered."

"But we would have to let them know where we're going all the time!"

"It's either that or get mobbed, man. Which is worse?"

Skyler slugs the water and falls into a chair.

"I guess you're right."

Melanie clasps her hands together and nods. She doesn't have the heart to tell them Imperial Intelligence probably already knows where they go and what they do. That is why she must resort to a public cover and carefully elude Venko's team.

"Then it's settled. I'll see what I can do."


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #61 on: July 17, 2010, 02:58:02 PM »
"Don't meddle with her heart or meddle with her mind, meddle with the things that are inside. You don't know what you'll find. You don't know what she hides."



Alexia staggers out of the cave in a weary daze and collapses into Dementat's arms. She murmurs incoherently about things she has done, about someone named Kennick, and whispers her sisters name like a prayer before passing out.

Dementat carries her across the scorched sand as the last of the sun's rays set the sky on fire.


"You don't need a white horse to steer you back onto course. You know what to do and what's expected of you this time.... walk the longest line."


Surface: Coronet City

Kimber wakes from a magical dream. She briefly panics when she doesn't immediately recognize the room but slowly remembers Valerie taking her home and plying her with booze and pills. Slipping from beneath the cool sheets, Kimber pads out into the hall and bumps into an impressively tan half-dressed boy slinking out of Valerie's bedroom. She waves, he smiles and disappears through the living room. Valerie emerges moments later looking appropriately disheveled.

"Sleep well?"

"More like passed out. I really needed that. Did my parents call?"

"No but I think we should go see Sergeant Farmer."


Frank Farmer receives a surprise call from Valerie Gellar.

It's late and he's pouring over a case file but decides to answer anyway. Morbid curiosity. She tells him to meet her at the Coronet Club in twenty minutes, that there is something she needs to know. Then she hangs up. Typical. The venue is a little stuffy for his tastes but respectably neutral. There is nothing uncommon about Farmer being seen with Gellar. He had known Valerie her whole life. She both attracted and annoyed him with a virtually lethal combination of brash tenacity and blatant sexual menace. Long ago - before her face was plastered across half the galaxy, before she was one of The Four - Valerie was a quiet, cool and calculating girl. She was a tough, toned down version of the exquisitely poised painted persona that he finds leaning precariously against the Coronet Club bar.

He approaches her cautiously and slides onto a polished wooden barstool. The Club lounge is fairly empty given the hour. It's a reason why, he suspects, she chose this particular place. She sips a mineral water a little too casually.

"So, how's work?"


"That's all I get?"

Frank orders a whiskey and sighs.

"Got promoted and offered a position at the CorSec Academy. The Empire has strangely lost interest in our dealings and there has been a steady stream of Corellian backlash from a small but noticable Federation presence on the surface."

Valerie smiles wanly.

"Understandable. No one likes droids invading their space."

"And you? How are things on the dreaded Coruscant?"

"Different day, different outfit."

"Now who's being intentionally vague?"

She shoots him a look as if somehow relieved the pleasantries are out of the way and gets right to the point.

"Where the hell are Kyri and Lilandra Patten and why haven't they checked in with Kimber? We've been here for hours and she's worried sick!"

Frank leans back against the stool.

"I see you've arrived with blasters blazing."

"What other way is there to arrive? Stop stalling. Where are they?"

He pauses.

"It's complicated."

"A word I'm never fond of hearing. Break it down for me."

"What makes you so sure I can?"

"Is this a clearance issue? I should be exempt from that shit."

"We all have protocol to follow."

"Not if it were up to me."

Frank laughs.

"Right, I always had you pegged for a tyrant."

Valerie turns to face him, a black cocktail dress hugging every curve.

"Why can't you just be straight with me? Off the record."

"Perhaps I fear what you might do with the information."

Her smiles become something else, something he does not like.

"I doubt the dread is enough to stop you from doing it anyway."

He scoffs at the presumptuous statement but none the less she's right. A part of him has been waiting for her to exact her revenge for Jerico Gellar. He's just not so sure he wants to be the one arming her for it.

Still, if anyone can blow the lid off a situation it's Valerie.

"Fair enough. As you know, the Major has been on a classified assignment for some time now. The details of which far exceed the information I'm given. All I was told is that this mission is of significant and profitable interest to Corellia."

"Not exactly breaking news, Frank. Deep cover often requires prolonged periods of time. What about Lilandra?"

He shifts on the stool and finishes the drink, signaling for another.

"Lilandra has always known what her husband's job entails. Sometimes he has to go away for a while but he always comes back. But....when he failed to return or even check in after six months, she became understandably...upset. No one could tell her anything and things started to spiral from there."

"Spiral? I don't think I like the sound of that."

Frank grows more uncomfortable as he continues.

"She was briefly imprisoned after a protest she staged turned violent. There are groups in the city who believe any business conducted with the Trade Federation would destroy all Corellia stands for. For some reason, she blames them for the disappearance of her husband. She would not divulge how she came to this conclusion. When she marched on the Parliament there was an altercation with her group and CorSec agents. In her hearing, she demanded to know why Corellia would risk its sovereignty by associating with the treacherous Federation. Even under Viceroy Medivh's progressive new leadership, Lilandra remained convinced they wished only to subjugate us. She swore it would be the end of us all."

Valerie's face is twisted in shock. The story sounds nothing like the Patten's she knows. The Major always checks in, no matter what. He finds a way. Lilandra has never had a violent outburst in her life. This all went down and no one even bothered to notify them on Coruscant.

Frank clutches his glass tightly.

"Lilandra was deemed a danger to herself and others and found herself on psychiatric hold at CoroNet General. That was a month ago."

"Wait, she's still there?"

He turns.

"I am sorry, Valerie but Lilandra Patten had to be committed."


Valerie takes Kimber to One CorSec Plaza where Sergeant Farmer sees them right away. When he tells Kimber what he told Valerie, she doesn't cry as he expected she would. She sits with her hands folded neatly her in lap, frown tugging down her polished pink lips.

"I need to see my mother right away," Kimber says softly. "I'll need transport to Coronet General then out to the Patten Ranch."

Frank nods gravely.

"Of course, I will arrange it personally. If you need anything else the entire CorSec force is here for you, okay? Per your father's instructions, a security detail will be at your disposal and will provide escort to your destinations."

Kimber is completely stricken, the pain in her violet eyes wounds him deeply.

Valerie wraps an arm around her protectively, glancing at Frank.

"We'll be in touch."

Frank watches them go, curious to see what Valerie would do. He wants the best for both of them. It's the way the Major would want it so he would ensure their protection in his absence. Out in the hall, Kimber slides out from under Valerie's arm and walks quickly away from her. Valerie calls out and begins to follow. She tries to keep up but Kimber has broken into a sprint, heading for the door.


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #62 on: August 23, 2010, 06:00:16 PM »


Karen and D'Arcy dance back-to-back in the center of the floor. It's two in the morning inside the packed Club Hex where deep house spills from the surround and keeps everyone moving. Bodies writhe against each other as colored lights blur the scene. It is a rare moment when they both get to cut loose and let go of everything else.

In the music it all just falls away.

They are mobbed by press outside and the reality comes flooding back into focus just as quickly and easily as it had vanished. Karen waves them away by blowing kisses and provocatively proclaiming support for Imperial troops in the ongoing campaign against the Alliance. "Those pesky Rebels need to give it up," she is quoted as saying. The reporters eat it up but soon spot someone much more famous stumbling out of the club. It is so much clearer beyond the cam lights and questions. Linking arms with one another, they wander down to the shore and along Iobatese Beach with waves breaking calmly against the smooth cool sand.

Two of Venko's men trail a ways behind them. Another walks further ahead.

"I'm sorry about that....the reporters...always the reporters."

"You don't have to keep apologizing."

"I feel bad."

"Don't. I know what I signed up for."

"Do you? I mean, seriously. Doesn't the whole spectacle bother you?"

D'Arcy flips dark hair over her shoulder and laughs.

"Truth be told, I have never wanted a high profile life. My father taught me that much. One day when I'm a renowned scholar people will recall all the research I've done or things I've discovered. I want people to know my name not my face."

Karen frowns, a salty breeze stinging her eyes.

"You think we're insane for putting ourselves out there?"

"Not at all. You are doing what you love. That's all anyone can ask for, right?"


"We, Billy and I, just don't want to be in your way. The Four are destined for success and just because it's not the same kind of success we envision for ourselves doesn't mean we don't want you to have it."

Karen stops, turning D'Arcy to face her.

"You are not getting in the way of anything."

"But we could be holding you back...."

"Listen to me. Things wouldn't be the same without you. We respect and adore you guys and believe me when I tell you that no one wants either of you to go anywhere."

"You're sure?"

"Friends til the end, remember?"

D'Arcy tears, nods and throws her arms around Karen. They embrace tightly beneath the sliver of moonlight slicing through the sparse fog rolling over the beach.

Back at Bolerathon Tower, Karen returns to the Penthouse floor. The comparative silence is monumental and makes her a little paranoid. She giggles to herself as she nears the door of the Winton Residence when a shadow falls across her. Startled, she glances up to find Reef standing in front of her. His face is puffy and flushed as if he's been crying. There is a mostly empty bottle dangling from between his thick fingers.

Karen raises her eyes to him, lips automatically pulling into a sneer.

Reef attempts a smile.

"We need to talk."



The Underground

Melanie must travel in disguise; a designer outfit covered completely by nondescript robes. With her head down, she shuffles through the directions she was given. No one even seems to notice. The faction hideout has changed twice in the past month. One of their associates has disappeared and they fear it means the Empire grows ever closer to discovering them. Melanie meets up with Castin and tells him the information was delivered to the artist. They intend to leave the hideout and spend a quiet evening together alone when her com-link bleeps.

"Don't answer it."

"I have to."


"It's all part of the performance."

Agent Venko is returning her call.

Melanie taps the device open, answering sweetly before explaining what happened with Skyler and Billy on the Esplanade.

"That is a troubling issue."

"I am glad you think so too."

"Tell them not to worry. I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you, Agent Venko. I do not wish for our friends to suffer."

"My sentiments exactly. We'll be in touch."

She clicks off and smiles at Castin.

"He is surprisingly compliant."

"For an Imperial agent."

She gives him a look as people converge in the room.

The conversation, short as it may have been, sends resounding fear throughout the rest of the faction. The group gathers around them and accuse Melanie of giving them up. They believe Venko will surely track her here. Castin brashly defends her, citing that she is also taking a considerable risk carting their information and plans through heavily occupied territory. Without her they would be denied access to most of Galactic City where there is the highest concentration of Imperial patrols. The wealthy demand to live free of the unsavory elements that dominate the world just below their feet. They need her just as much as she needs them.

And she does, if she ever hopes to survive what she knows.


Galactic City

Agent Nikoli Venko glowers in his office.

His men lost visual contact with Masterton forty-five minutes ago. The reports from Agent Ames assert that she is deliberately trying to elude her security detail. At first, they believed it to be some sort of high school prank, an act of teenage rebellion. They soon started to realize that despite their best efforts, she was still vanishing from the Esplanade. It's an insanely large area to cover and one of the most populated places in all of GC. He would have expected this from someone more rambunctious, someone like Winton or Gellar. Not from the gentile and studious Masterton.

The thought process is interrupted when Venko realizes he is late for lunch with Ames. He had called the agent in after his team reported in on Masterton and used the pretense of an expense account meal to pump him for information. Venko wants to know why Masterton's disappearing act piqued Ames interest. On the way down the lifts, he ponders repercussion of his inquiry. It is his job as head of security to protect The Four. If one of them is putting themselves at risk for potential harm it is his duty to rectify the situation promptly.

The Director only told him to lose interest in the Winton's.

Exterior - Imperial Palace; executive plaza.

Sunlight blinds him momentarily. He always forgets how dark the Palace can be.

Ames appears across the plaza, nodding when he spots Venko before making his way over. A girl passes Ames which causes him to do a double-take. He raises a hand, mouth opening to speak as the girl spins and lifts a concealed blaster. Venko has no time to react. She shoots Ames twice point blank. Chaos erupts, people screaming as they scatter for cover.  The girl slips into the fleeing crowds leaving Ames to stagger and claw for his weapon as he goes down. Security agents swarm. Venko bolts across the plaza, weapon in hand and drops beside him.

"Ames. Ames!"

The Agent squints through the brightness, chest and abdomen severely blackened by blaster burns. Venko props him up, staring down into his face.

"Who did this to you? Who was she?!"

Ames croaks through a final grimace.

"It was her..."


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #63 on: August 31, 2010, 02:58:28 PM »

Surface: CoroNet City

Kimber visits her mother in the CoroNet General Psych ward. Lilandra Patten sits practically catatonic in the padded room wearing a thin white gown. Her violet eyes widen then close at Kimber’s presence but she does not speak. Kimber is told she is on a variety of medications to control outbursts which have bordered on harmful both to herself and the medical staff, a fact which she has a difficult time believing. Her mother had never been a violent person and always lived through grace, love and diplomacy.

“How did this happen?” Kimber whispers.

Lilandra rocks slowly in place, clutching her exposed knees.

“Mom, can you hear me? It’s Kimber. Your daughter. Remember?”


Kimber swallows the burning lump of fear and frustration rising in her throat.

“Where’s dad?”

Lilandra stiffens.

Kimber is suddenly hopeful.

“Do you know where he is? Mom? Did something happen with dad? Is that why you were brought here? Is it because you were angry about something that happened with dad? Mom? Can you answer me? Please?”

Lilandra gurgles and begins to drool.

Kimber deflates, fighting back tears. She rises and kisses her mother on the forehead before rapping lightly on the door. An orderly enters a code which allows the door to hiss open. Kimber steps out into the hall, heels echoing in the deserted and obsessively clean corridor. It’s clear the medication would prevent her from obtaining any answers and there is only one other place she can think of that might shed light on the situation.


Patten Ranch

The once meticulously manicured foliage surrounding Kimber's family home have fallen into disarray. She wanders around the darkened cabin, a place that used to be filled with so much love, so much light. Now it just fills her with sadness. Behind the cabin, Kimber moves down into the overgrown gardens. Uneven branches cast ominous shadows in all directions. It signifies a loss of control, something much larger than she can even begin to understand. Tears well up until her eyes can no longer contain them.

"I thought I might find you here."

Valerie emerges from the darkness with a somber expression that, for once, is entirely sincere.

"I'm so sorry, Kimmy."

Kimber collapses into Valerie's arms and sobs into her shoulder. Nothing is said for close to five minutes. Valerie just lets her get it all out. Once the weeping has subsided, Kimber steps back and stares into Valerie's face.

"I don't want to be alone..."

"You are never alone. You've got me, you've got our friends. We will get you through this. Whatever happened, whatever happens, we will help you sort it out. I will help you sort it out."

"You won't leave me?"



Gellar Residence

Kimber shuffles into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of wine, a corkscrew, no glass and heads out onto the balcony. This act is not disputed or called into question. Valerie understands completely. She knows what it feels like to have no parents, to have a sense of everything structured fall away into nothingness. It is then she realizes this is something The Four now share. Even living parents are no longer in the picture. The funny thing is that no one knows why. It's as if they all took a step back to leave their children on stage without a script. Parenthood has become nothing more than the faceless shadows beyond the bright lights. Valerie winces, trying to focus on helping Kimber while not drowning in her own emotional baggage.

Everyone's got issues and issues sell.

She peeks out onto the patio. Kimber is curled up on a chaise lounge with the bottle staring vacantly out into the city. Words won't help her right now. She just needs time. Valerie moves back through the kitchen and takes a left at the hall, heading toward her room. Inside, it is dark with a lingering scent of her fruity perfume. She smiles as she taps on the lights and moves toward the vanity. Valerie gazes at herself in the mirror, pulling the pins from her hair to let it spill around her tan shoulders.

Then she sees it, something marked on the wall behind her.

Valerie gasps, whirling around. A single word has been written backwards in her favorite lipstick. Bewildered and furious, she turns back to the mirror but can't make anything out. She takes several steps away from the vanity until the word reflects clear - except it's not a word. It's a name.



Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2010, 09:11:00 PM »


A flicker, a presence in the distance -

Dementat carefully watches the mouth of the cave Alexia Winton disappeared into nearly three hours prior.

The journey had commenced in almost total silence. Since her experience on Korriban she had grown sullen and withdrawn. She would reveal nothing of what she saw but he has instructions and takes her to the next stage of her alleged development.

A test to see if she could practically apply what he has taught her, to see how bad she really wants it.

There was a moment, as she lay shuttering in his arms, that he saw through the monster the Empire was creating. Alexia, as a real person, is vulnerable and insecure. She clutched Dementat's arms, wide-eyed, panicked, pleading and asks,

"Why can't her?"

Almost as quickly as this person appeared, she was taken away before his piercing blue eyes. He watched it pull her under. The darkness returned and a part of him rejoiced in knowing this would not be someone the Empire would ever be able to control. One more thing to slip through their fingers. Alexander Winton, like Palpatine, was dangerously single-minded.

Dementat has much bigger plans.

Star-Destroyers and strike-cruisers streak through his mind in perfect formation.

What is meant to be will be.

Alexia appears at the mouth of the cave, black jumpsuit practically shredded, clutching a kinrath appendage in one hand and a glowing stone in the other. Varying shades of blood cling to exposed flesh. Her face is a mask, eyes pooled, vacant, as she drops to her knees before him. Dark energy permeates the rocky hillside. She offers up both the appendage and crystal as if asking for a forgiveness he has no ability to grant.

"Take me back to Korriban and I will tell you what I have done."

« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 09:15:37 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #65 on: September 12, 2010, 07:26:19 PM »

Surface: Bolerathon Tower

Karen hesitantly allows Reef into the residence and watches as he stumbles toward the living room where he manages to find and put on music but ends up swaying slowly in place, lost in his own little world. Shaking her head, Karen pushes him backwards. He falls onto the couch. She points sharply at him.   


Reef smiles, raising the bottle.

"Want some?"

"I'm fine, thanks."

"Have fun at Hex?"

"How did you know I was there?"

"It's the place to be. I saw you and D'Arcy dancing."

Karen opens the patio doors, allowing the cool ocean breeze to swirl through the penthouse. She flips on a few lights and finally turns around to face him.

"And you didn't come over and say hello? I'm hurt."

"No, you're not. You are like indestructable and shit. Besides, D'Arcy doesn't like me."

"I wonder why."

"You don't like me either."

"I never said that."

Reef laughs hollowly, "Yeah right."

"Aren't you being a little melodramatic for a jock?"

"I don't want to be the drunken asshole, Karen."

"Then I suppose you should stop getting drunk and acting like an asshole."

"You don't hate me?"

"Hate is a strong word."

"I probably deserve it."

"You did sleep with Lucas to get back at Valerie. It's not exactly the nicest thing you could have done."

"It seemed like a good idea at the time."

Karen snickers, grabbing two bottles of water from the kitchen before joining him on the couch. She takes the liquor and sets it on the coffee table then hands him a bottle of water.

"As hip as your progressive thinking is, you still hurt people. Valerie was furious, Skyler didn't think you would take it that far, Billy and D'Arcy agree it was intentionally cruel, Kimber was disgusted by the whole thing, and Melanie was completely devastated."

"And you? What do you think?"

Karen crosses her arms.

"Inventive but unnecessary. You don't have to perpetuate your own stereotype just because everyone expects you to. Why would you even go after Lucas?"

"Lucas came to me. He wanted to hurt Valerie."

"You don't strike me as the type to be used. By anyone."

Reef gazes through her.

"You'd be surprised."

"Oh, I'm surprised alright. Surprised that no one stopped to think about what this would do to Melanie. I mean, what has she done to any of you?"

"Melanie is fine."

"No, she's not. She has been on the capital most of the summer."

"It's not because she's pissed at us. She's busy sneaking around with that other guy."

Karen visibly jerks.

"What other guy?"

Reef arches a brow, smirking.

"You didn't know?"

"Would I be asking if I did? What's the sitch, mister?"

"I shouldn't..."


"Remember the big game?"

"Um, yeah, sure, the big one."

She gestures wildly with her hands.

He plows forward undeterred.

"Well, afterwards, Lucas told me he saw her getting into a racing speeder with some underworld punk at the stroke of midnight. Some ridiculous romance that only people like Melanie, Kimber and D'Arcy would fall for. Maybe Skyler too. He's all hearts and flowers and shit. Personally, I think she's settling. Melanie could do better."

Karen is feeling a little fuzzy, caught on a particular phrase.

"Underworld punk...?"

"Crazy, yo."

"Does Venko know about this?"

Reef shrugs.

"If he does he's playing it pretty close to the chest."

Then he wonders if the Director knows about it. Surely something would have been done by now. The Director gives him the creeps and strikes him as the kind of guy who could slaughter or save depending on how well it served him. He would bring it to his attention none the less. At the very least it would keep him off his back for a while.

Predictably, Karen is strangled by her self-absorption.

"No, seriously, this is bad. Real bad. She could get in major trouble hanging around with someone....else. Someone not on the security list. My dad craps durasteel over details like that not that he's really been around to notice but whatever. This needs to be kept under wraps."

"What to do, what to do...."

"You are not going to do anything."

"Is that an order?" he laughs.
"It is if you want to get back into the group's good graces."
This sobers him up immensely.

He nods deftly.

Karen leans forward and speaks slowly.

"You are going to keep that whore mouth of yours shut while I talk to Melanie about it and in return I'll clear the way for your return to favor. How does that sound? You do want to be accepted by your peers, don't you?"

In truth, he could give a shit. Reef is not in it for the camaraderie of classmates.  He is in it for the girls and the gain. The Director could make it all happen.

"Yeah, Karen. I do."


She smiles as if she's won something. He lets her have this stupid victory. She stands and moves past him, heading toward the cavernous hallway.

"I'm off to bed and you are much too drunk to be gallivanting about getting yourself into more trouble. Now pick a room and I'll see you in the morning."

"Any room?"

"Any room but mine."

"You don't know what you're missing."
Karen grins, calling behind her.

"Not much."


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #66 on: September 25, 2010, 02:21:39 PM »

Surface: Underworld

When Castin Donn finally gets Melanie Masterton alone he makes the most of it. They kiss deeply between seemingly endless rows of blaster scarred walls. It's all so alternative and tragically romantic which is why she feels she must speak up.

"The Faction doesn't trust me and they never will. I can't blame them. After all, I do have future blood on my hands. It's a considerable risk for them as well. Maybe too much of a risk."

"Where is this coming from? What are you saying?"

What is she saying? Melanie stares longingly into his perfectly rugged and appropriately worried face. She must return to Hesperidium for the contractual Raga'Ana shoots not to mention what she can only imagine is a significant amount of damage control. By now her social life should be on the critical list. She's been spending most of her free time with Castin but wonders now if she should walk away. Melanie has her own to worry about yet is crippled by what she knows. Too much information, not enough context. Giving it any kind of serious reflection causes an anguish and panic she does not wish on anyone.

She thinks there may be a reason for that.

"It's just that I might be too dangerous for you right now, too dangerous for The Faction. The Empire is closing in on the Alliance with most of their resources off world scouring and pillaging the galaxy. It's the perfect time to strike from within and that might be safer if I didn't see you..."

He disagrees.

"Safer for who? That's bullshit, Melanie. No one is fucking safe. I take my own risks. I do what I want. So should you."

She shakes her head, keeping her tone melodic and even.

"You can't make that choice for them and I can't continue to fool myself into thinking I won't bring Venko down on you. You always say he's still an Imperial Agent and you are right. He is. And Imperial Agents aren't supportive to the cause."

He flashes a sloppy smile.

"You support my cause. I support yours. That's the beauty of us."

"My cause could get everyone killed, Castin. I need some distance to get a little perspective or else I'm going to go crazy. You have come to mean very much to me in the short we've known each other and I believe what you are doing is right. The Empire must be stopped."

Castin's eyes border on pleading.

"Then let us stop it together."

"To accomplish what? Bring it down only to have it replaced with something worse? Who's to say this Dementat won't put Palpatine to shame?"

"Prophecies are often open-ended, babe. Words can be twisted, meanings can be turned."

"Turned into what?"

Castin sighs.

She nods.

"Exactly. You and The Faction need to worry about the present. I must consider the future."

"What are you going to do? Fight it?"

Melanie pulls the robes up over her designer dress, tucking golden curls into the hood. A cool panic presses against the chemical barrier. She has no clue what she's going to do but if she keeps running around with Castin no one is going to able to stop anything from happening.

"I think I am supposed to.....try."

Then she is gone.

Castin lifts his head to the sky so high above he cannot see it. He knows she is trying to be noble, a respectable quality rarely found in someone so young and privileged but he doesn't want her to carry that burden alone. She shouldn't have to. No one should. He believes she has the potential and power to turn it all around. He only hopes she gets the chance.

A man covered in a tattered brown tunic emerges from behind an outcropping of rubble.

Castin spins around, blaster leveled, "Don't move."

The stranger does not draw, does not attack as he steps into the light. His face is revealed and Castin relaxes, lowering the weapon.


The stranger speaks.

"She is in more danger than you realize."


Surface: Galactic City: Venko Residence

Nikoli hunches forward onto his knees and takes another swig of whiskey.

What exactly are you doing here?

Poor Agent Ames - just one more in a long string of disasters. No matter which direction he moves, Venko is shut down. He can do nothing with the photage of Alexia Winton. Boundaries had been set. Now,  he doesn't get a chance to figure out what Ames had on Masterton. Dead end after dead end. His career is swirling awfully close to the implied menace and horror strangely attached to a few spoiled schoolgirls and their snotty friends. He places a desperate call to Agent St. Claire's com unit, searching for insight, but is informed it has been disconnected.

Despair rises up, threatening to consume him.

The com bleeps in his hands, jarring him out the downward spiral. He clears his throat and taps on the device.

"Venko here."

"Hey, it's Kimber."

He finds himself sitting up.

"Miss Patten, so nice to hear from you."

She sounds somber, quiet.
"Are you going to the Hessy?"

"Yes, I leave at the end of the week, why? Where are you?"

"Corellia but I'm headed back that way."

" okay?"


"Where is miss Gellar?"

"Oh, you know Val. She's off mishandling the situation."

Venko is thrown by this statement but aims for sympathetic.

"That doesn't sound good. Is there anything I can do?"

Kimber's giggle is not so jovial this time.

"Yeah, you can help me find out what the hell happened to my parents."


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #67 on: September 27, 2010, 06:23:39 PM »

Surface: Coronet City

Valerie walks into One CorSec Plaza on a mission.

She wears a tight black ruffled top, short gray micro-skirt, and thick black round-toe heels. Her dark hair is flat-ironed and styled to frame her tan angular face. The entire ensemble gains instant attention when she storms into Agent Frank Farmer’s office despite protests from his homely and fashion-victimized secretary. He nearly jumps out of his chair at her arrival.

“Miss Gellar. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

Valerie taps the door closed in the secretary’s face and trains her gaze on Frank.

“We need to talk.”

"Apparenly, it’s important. I’m listening.”

“Does the name Blair mean anything to you?”

Frank considers this with a neutral expression.

“Why do you ask?”

“Answering a question with a question usually means you know something.”

“I am merely trying to gather a frame of reference for your inquiry.”

This response is unacceptable and so Valerie rages.

“For fuck’s sake, Frank! Someone broke into my house and wrote it on my wall. This was not something done inconspicuously. They knew I would find it!”

“Alright, alright, just calm down. On your wall? Where?”

“My bedroom. In lipstick. My favorite lipstick!”

“That’s…terrible. I am more concerned with the breaking and entering portion of that statement. You are certain it was forced entry?”

“I am not certain of anything which is why I am reporting it to you now! I know how fond you are of proper channels. Consider this my effort to appease your unwavering respect for the law.”

He smiles wanly, “I appreciate that.”

“So who is Blair? Male? Female? A droid? Some kind of migrant alien?"

There is a considerable pause.

The Major’s absence has obviously adversely affected Kimber but failed to rouse suspicion in Valerie. She is not frightened by covert ops. She knows the rules and would break them for the greater good. Or personal gain. Whichever one was more favorable at the time. No one has been able to get any information out of Lilandra and he secretly wonders if she has been overly medicated for that specific reason.

“I don’t know who Blair is.”

“But the name is familiar?”


“How is it familiar?”

He pauses again.

Valerie narrows her eyes, “Frank!”

“I have heard Major Patten utter the name twice since I’ve known him. It was always said in a tone of religious sacriment, as if envoking a deity or spiritual entity. I believed it was a personal expression of his and never questioned it.”

“I suppose there was never a reason to until now.”

“Why would someone break into your residence to deface your room with this name?”
“Duh! Someone who wants me to know what it means.”

“Fair point. Would you like me to dispatch a security detail to investigate?”

“It wouldn’t do any good since I already cleaned it all up.”
His temper flares briefly but he keeps it contained.

“Before you reported it? How long ago did this happen?”
“Nearly a week and don’t give me shit, okay? I didn’t want to freak Kimber out! She’s already on edge as it is.”
“Understandably so.”
Valerie ponders something then says, “When was the last time the Major said this?”
“Right after we discovered….”
She arches a brow.

Frank clenches his jaw tightly. He is not sure how much Major Patten told her about what actually happened to Jerico Gellar. Hell, they still don't know for sure. The parts they found were mutilated and burned nearly beyond recognition. To confirm something now may risk sending her over the edge but there is no way to answer the question without blatantly lying to her.
“…remnants of a body from a crime scene.”

“Who’s body?”
She’s slick. He would give her that.

“Is that relevant?”

“It is if you can’t tell me.”

“I think it might be best to consider what you are really after here."
“Is this information classified?”

“There is a certain level of confidentiality attached to it.”
Valerie’s smoldering dark green eyes burn holes into him.

“Was it my father’s body?”
Frank Farmer is officially backed into a corner.


Valerie flinches as if she’s been slapped but somehow maintains both control and aggression.
“So my father is really dead?"
Frank chooses his words very carefully. The Major had confided in him and there was simply a line he could and would not cross with Valerie right now. Some things were better left coming from the source.

“Jerico Gellar is dead, yes. I am deeply sorry Val-“
“Save it, Frank.”

“The Major wasn't as forthcoming."
“I’m sure he has a reason for withholding information.”
“Really? I’d love to hear it.”

Frank frowns sharply, “I cannot speak for him. I can, however, say that it was not my intention to hurt you or Kimber. I did not wish for any of this to happen and can only tell you what I know. I have no information on this Blair or how they relate to the Major but I can look into it if you feel it will help.”

Valerie waves her arms wildly in the air as she paces the length of his office.
“How is it supposed to help?! Will it bring back my father? No. Will it cure Lilandra? Probably not. Will it send the Major running back to Corellia to answer all these mounting questions? Doubtful. Everything is so fucked right now its not even funny!”

He rises out of his chair and rounds the desk.
“What can I do?”
Valerie nears, brushing up against his starched uniform before wilting into his arms. He holds her tightly for some time, unsure of how he can rectify the situation without making it worse. She is already one step ahead of him in that department. Valerie leans forward, head swerving to the right as she connects her lips to his. He is about to protest when she breaks the kiss and takes a step back. She seems a little too satisfied with herself. He is flustered and aroused in a way that should be very wrong.
“You must do what you think is best, of course.” 

With that, Valerie storms back out of the office in the same manner that she entered.

Surface: Gellar Residence

Kimber leaps off the couch when Valerie stalks through the door into the living room.
“Where have you been? I’ve been waiting here for over an hour!”

“Well, does Agent Farmer know anything else?”

“He does but unfortunately not about your parents. And stop calling him Agent Farmer. His name is Frank.”
“He’s nearly twice our age, Valerie. That’s kind of rude.”
“You think? He's not that old.”

“Sure, whatever you want to keep telling yourself. Can we, like, go now?”
"You sure you want to leave? If we stay, maybe we can figure out what the hell is really going on."
Kimber stares at her, completely incredulous.

"Let's review, shall we? Dad, gone. Where? Classified! Mom? Totes crazy and locked up tight without a key. Agent Farmer, I'm sorry, Frank is not at liberty to spill helpful CorSec secrets which might shed a little light on the situation. The shoots begin in a few days, school starts in a couple of weeks and right now, I really just want to be baking on a beach."

Valerie is impressed with this outburst. They can be so similar at times.
It shows potential.
"I see your point."

The trunks have already been loaded into the transport which waits for them on the platform outside. Valerie seems even more agitated than when she left but by now, Kimber knows better than to press her for information in the heat of the moment. She would most likely confess once she’s had a chance to cool off.

“Yeah, let’s blow this joint.”

Kimber breezes through the door with Valerie trailing behind. She takes one last look around before stepping outside and tapping in the door lock codes that activate the security system. The feeling of violation of her sacred space stays with her all the way to the landing platform.

Twenty minutes later, the transport blasts off from Corellia headed for Hesperidium.


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #68 on: September 30, 2010, 08:07:51 PM »
"Hold me, dear. Don't let go. I am only here for a moment."



Across the sands, evil is restrained by activity.

The blinding daytime heat keeps them indoors where Dementat watches Alexia Winton crudely attempt to construct her own lightsaber. The extraction of the crystal is the easy part compared to the technical intricacies of such a device. She must learn how each part works, how they are pieces of a whole -

Individual parts that function together

- He had forged this shelter during his own journey; a simple setup composed of a small cot and massive workbench that had taken a remarkable amount of patience and time to carve. It is on that bench he constructed his own weapon.

Nighttime is for teaching the fighting styles and Force manipulations that had gotten him by all his life. Some of these come naturally to her while she struggles with others. She is stubborn and bitter. Her attacks are powerfully scattered, unfocused and she tears through the landscape as if it's in her way.
There is much room for growth if he can keep her this lucid.

Later, in front of a spectacular bonfire, they both enjoy the heinous gourmet of an Imperial ration kit and Dementat breaks a seemingly endless silence by engaging Alexia socially for the first time in weeks. He is prompted by her performance on Dantooine and somewhat anxious to know how this girl factors into his destiny.

"You said you have a story to tell me."

Alexia does not look away from the flames and sighs.


He yawns.

"I can't imagine it's very important then."

She is more defiant than appalled.

"You know, I wasn't always this way."

"Somehow I find that hard to believe."

Her emerald eyes finally meet his steely blue stare.

"You don't know me."

"I don't have to know you to train you. I don't have to like you either."

"No, you don't but, for your own personal reference, it hasn't always been this bad. I have potential. Surely you are not blind. My father noticed, the Empire noticed. They think I'm special."

"You are."

Her jaded laugh saddens something in him.

"You find that humorous?"

"My family is a twisted joke. My father roots me on while keeping my mother in an alcoholic haze as means to prevent her from freaking out over my gravitation toward the dark side. As if she could stop what's inevitable. Then there is my sister who wears her superficiality like a coat of armor against having to look inside herself and find out there is nothing there. Just hot air and a pleated skirt."

Dementat is amused by the image of Karen in a pleated skirt.

These thoughts do not betray him as Alexia wades through the past.

"I am the one who wants more than a life without struggle! There was no purpose, no meaning for me in any of the items my family placed so much importance upon. Status means nothing without skill. I craved a challenge and it wasn't until I met with the Emperor and transferred out of that Maker-forsaken North Coruscant that I was finally given a chance to prove myself."

"What was wrong with North Coruscant?"

She seems genuinely surprised.

"Don't you already know?"


"Guess we're even then."

"What? You don't know? Didn't you ask?"

"My father is the king of cryptic. All I know is it was bad. Bad enough to get me thrown out of school."

"You said you were transferred."

"It was more of an Imperial arrangement. Everyone, including me, felt it would be best."

"Was it?"

"I thought so..."

"Do you not think so anymore?"

"You tell me."

Now, in the raging glow of the flames, she looks suddenly frightened and whispers.

"I don't even know how I got here."

"I brought you here."

"And before that?"

"You were on Coruscant."

"Funny how it seems I can never escape that place no matter how hard I try."

"I did not bring you to the capital."

"I know that now."

"Tell me."

She is staring off into the distance, beyond him, in another world, a lifetime and for a moment she almost sounds like an actual teenager.

"It all started to fall apart after Carida. The Emperor had given me a very rare present, a Roonstone necklace. It was supposedly part of his personal stash. He said my accelerated studies and brisk graduation was most impressive. Only imagine it being said in a much more menacing way. Still the recognition scored me an assignment on a strike-cruiser called The Abyss with several of my graduating classmates. Navris, Kennick-"

"Kennick? You've mentioned him before."

"Have I?"


Alexia allows a miniscule smile.

"He was a good friend at the Academy."

He presses against the edges of a personality he had not fully seen until this moment.

"I'm sure he was."

She clears her throat.

"On the Abyss, we were introduced to the rest of the crew. Captain Reverand commanded the vessel. There was a whiz kid com-officer named Morrison and a man-hating but brilliant new doctor Kensington. It was all so exciting."

"What happened?"

"Me and Kennick..."

"I mean on the Abyss."

"Oh, that's the best part. No one knew. As recruits, we weren't privy to details and did what the Captain ordered. Mostly cleanup and reports, the occasional systems scan. Not exactly glamorous but still cool. That's when we found out the senior staff all belonged to different agencies within the Imperial network. Navy, Intel, Operations. Our missions were not part of any publicized campaign."


"We all thought so."

"Find anything useful?"

"Never got the chance to look. Things started to go downhill for me around that. The episodes had returned."

He had seen it but will ask anyway.


He needs to hear her try to rationalize it.

"I've had them since I was a child. I'd get angry and wake up in a different place than I remember. My parents were scared I would hurt them or myself. They were convinced I would hurt my sister. Doctor Masterton tried to help but there was nothing he could do."


It's a name he's heard before, a name he knows.

1 / 4

Alexia shutters at the memory.

"Medication dulled the roar but turned me into a blathering zombie. I stopped taking it when I started North Coruscant. Bad things started to happen again. The same bad things that started to happen on the Abyss. I was overcome with anger without reason, feelings of aggression toward those I hardly knew. I was having blackouts. I was becoming a liability. There was an episode where I came too and had a significant amount of the crew held hostage. That was kind of the last straw."

"Did they come for you?"

Alexia rises from the ground and shuffles languorously around the fire as she speaks.

"Quicker than I expected they would actually. Imperial operatives pulled me out before a scheduled assignment in the Outer Rim and sent the Abyss on ahead. They brought me back to the capital and asked me to carry out a very specific set of instructions that I could not remember until here, until the cave..."

He stands as she near him. The dark energy of Korriban pulses from below. Their minds go to the same place because they had been shown the same version of a story.
The prophecy.

Draw your own conclusions.

Let the truth set you free.

Dementat's eyes grow a brighter blue.

"Tell me what you saw."

"I saw the lives I have taken."

"You don't sound upset."

"I'm not."

"You shouldn't be."

"Others will have to die too."

"How many?"

"As many as it takes."

"Why must they die?"

Alexia can almost taste it.

"For the future of our Empire."


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #69 on: October 18, 2010, 07:30:17 PM »
"Tonight I'll help you find the baseline."



The Four pose on a sparkling white beach, large glaring sun in the center of a cloudless sky that darkens them all into shadows as the photage rolls on. The days no longer seem to burn as bright and a crispness slowly creeps into the evening air. It's all ending and no one is pleased. Only one thing can be done about it.

Death of Summer Party @ Bolerathon Tower.

The Winton Penthouse.

Karen secures all goods and services through a five-star catering company using her parents account. She hasn't heard from either of them in what she thinks is weeks but is actually months and figures they probably don't care. About anything, apparently. They have become the idea of parents. Vague concern infiltrates her mind but the cases of champagne arrive before it can bloom into anything that would require taking action. This enchantment lasts until the help arrives. Her mouth takes a sharp dive as she stands at the door. The droids hired to serve are not here to socialize. In fact, Karen insisted the catering company deactivate speech capabilities because "droids really do make better listeners."

She slides into a beaded green Raga'Ana halter dress and steps into a dazzling pair of black strappy heels. Her crimson hair is twisted into an ornate up-do dotted with gems and glitter. Her emerald eyes are amplified by the a shimmering green shadow and smoky outline.  She giggles to herself, taking one long, lasting look at herself in the mirror before turning and striding from the bedroom.

Only the A-List of North Coruscant and the Hessy have been invited but the Four must arrive first for pre-party coverage. They are all dressed in corresponding colors per contractual obligation, faces sun-kissed and smiling. Agent Venko hovers nearby, groaning inwardly. Photage is shot and the girls stand around on the expansive patio looking bored and staring faux-contemplatively toward the deepening blue sky and raging ocean below. Cue the ambient-electronic and candles flickering in the salty breeze as the guests roll in.   

Images are projected onto walls behind the young revelers; Star Destroyers advancing silently on an unseen target while a Tie squadron spirals across the twinkling vacuum of space.

It all happens as it is meant to, blurring and streaking toward a seasonal climax.

Reef is surprisingly tight-lipped and sober but Valerie is in one of her moods and decides to take it out on him in a spectacle of rage befitting an angry god. People actually applaud, some cry. Kimber dances beneath the colored lights swirling across the living room as Venko watches from the sidelines with an aching and guilty heart. Vex Sienna shows up to say his goodbyes before heading off to academy. The Chin-Bret legend leaves a legacy waiting to be fought over and filled by either Lucas or Reef. The competition could get ugly. Melanie avoids Lucas like a plague and is pulled away by Karen who confronts her about the secret boyfriend. In a chemical haze complimented by champagne, Melanie finally confesses but is accidentally overheard by Skyler. Karen has heard the name Castin Donn before. Something about ties to terrorist activity. The Holo says he's bad news. Melanie is hurt and wonders if Karen really believes the press.

Most of what is told about The Four is blatantly false. What's to say that's not true of everything else?

In the end, Karen wants Melanie to be happy and agrees to keep the secret. Skyler is distraught with the notion that Karen would willingly help conceal a criminal. Rebuffed and confused, Lucas drowns himself in ale. Kimber and Venko finally find a moment alone together where she cryptically comments about a Corellian catastrophe over the bass of the music.  A drunk and angry Valerie tells Reef about her father and he suddenly sees her in a multidimensional light. D'Arcy and Billy keep step, ignoring the petty drama, bodies pressed against each other, twirling slowly around the living room.

Midnight approaches.

Fall is upon them.

Let the games begin.


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #70 on: October 28, 2010, 05:52:34 PM »
"Gambled every bit of sense I had and lost it all to you."

Fall 3ABY


Surface: Lake Country: Greyson Compound

A breeze blows gently through the expansive covered terrace and coils around carved and finely polished columns to tousle her dark hair. Queen Monica Greyson-Winton has not left this place in almost seven months. She yawns, sprawling out further on a chaise lounge as it begins to rain.

There were certain repercussions of her trip into the Core, amendments to a deal she never remembers making much less going along with. They say it's all in the details. Information is omitted, replaced and interchanged so often she can barely recall the who had been told what. Truth is relative and no longer has any meaning. Alexander Winton was waiting for her when she returned and despite her best efforts to the contrary, he seemed to know exactly where she had gone and what she had done. In fact, he seemed almost pleased. Monica did not even bother denying it so he did not even bother throwing a fit. Instead they self-destructed into each other's arms, grappling in a tempest of passion, indignation and hatred. As punishment for interfering with Imperial activities he left her here, heavily guarded, to reconsider her position on just how they would like the prophecy to play out.   

The afternoon storms light up a sky darkened by towering clouds.

None of the agents assigned to the compound will speak to her nor had Celeste returned from Bakura. All communication was strictly monitored which caused a panic and urgency she had never experienced before. She tried to contact Kyri and Lilandra Patten on Corellia, to warn them somehow but the message never made it past the relay station. As she waited, hoping one day someone would come, she often thought of her children and her failure as a mother to protect them. There are moments when she wondered what they were doing, if they were alright, and if one day they would come looking for her. She had let go of Alexia a long time ago but the terror she now felt for Karen is palpable and consuming. Her youngest could be spared if the information she gave Melanie is delivered into the right hands.

Monica runs a hand slowly across her stomach and escapes into her mind.



Surface: Salis D'aar

Celeste Masterton sobs quietly into her hands, something she has begun doing fairly regularly as of late. What was once an exciting and promising adventure was now nothing more than a rapidly deteriorating nightmare. Somehow they had gotten ahead of the information. Steps had been missed. Innuendo's, one after the other, slid down the multitude of glaring distractions. Their families had  been separated and they had done it to themselves. One fact had become frighteningly clear.

Alexander Winton determined the fate of their children.

They had unknowingly yet willingly moved aside to allow him unlimited access. The sudden and severe Imperial presence surrounding them signified a much deeper connection to the governing body than she or Henrick knew about or felt comfortable with. It all became so clear for her after all this time. Alexander was one of them and now they were at his mercy. Celeste cursed herself for not sensing it sooner. She should have listened to Monica. The fear, the worry, the warnings had been there all along. Monica was terrified but could not pull the pieces of the visions apart to form a coherent danger. Celeste had naively hoped for a brighter future and feared what this betrayal would ultimately do to her husband.

Henrick had always wanted to believe Alexander and returning to Bakura to head up potentially revolutionary medical research was considered the highest of honors. Alexander presented him with a state-of-the-art laboratory and access to RepulsorCorp resources. The objective was not simple - creation of a chemical compound capable of rendering a Force-sensitive neutral. A way to significantly suppress midi-chlorians on the cellular level. In theory, the "potential" would be depowered and invisible to others through the Force. Such research had been banned by the Empire since the purge but exceptions were being made. Alexander told him it could save Alexia and others like her by lessening the pain and allowing them to regain control of their own choices. Henrick had exhausted his medical resources in attempts to aide Alexia Winton as a child. There was no treatment available at the time to counter the blackouts, the extreme rage, and the explosive use of power. When Alexia, Karen and Melanie were taken and tested by the Imperial Health Authority just after their move to the capital, Henrick had been greatly troubled. The Empire was notoriously swift and harsh when it came to others who shared the gifts of the Emperor and his progeny. Karen and Melanie's levels were significantly elevated. Alexia, however, presented an entirely different problem.

One that overshadowed any fear the Emperor might have felt toward the others.

Alexia Winton was the only known Force-possessive. A  being with a midi-chlorian level so high it could at times take complete control, the result of which would be catastrophic on a galactic level. That was all the information Alexander relayed to Monica, Henrick and Celeste. It was enough of a threat to keep their questioning in check. His life had become a game of buying time on every front.

Under normal circumstances, Alexia would have been destroyed if Alexander had not already interceded. He had complied with the Emperor's commands and offered his firstborn to do with as the Empire saw fit. Alexia was indeed the leverage keeping Karen and Melanie out from under the Empire's interest and it was a venture that had been highly successful. Alexander was prepared for Alexia to die but it was deemed unnecessary. Where the Emperor saw potential to have yet another weapon at his disposal, Alexander saw opportunity to prepare for the things he knew would come.

So many strings had to be pulled in just the right way.

As Imperial Director, he sent the fleets in all directions to hunt down the Alliance on flimsy leads and hollow tips. They could be occupied for years. The one called Dementat had been located. The Four were together and properly self-absorbed. Reef Stratford was placed securely on the capital watching their every move. Monica and Celeste were coaxed out of range. Major Patten was embroiled in his own morality tale and Lilandra just needed a little push over the edge. Henrick's blind faith had begun to waver and as Alexia became more difficult to control, Alexander sought to handle three pressing issues simultaneously - Justify his actions in the mind of his best friend while moving Dementat off sides and away from the Emperor's suspicion to safeguard Alexia until it was her time.

However skeptical, Dementat came as instructed and absconded with Alexia to Korriban. Grateful and challenged, Henrick assembled a team and went to work on Bakura.

This occupied almost all of his time but after weeks of failure Henrick became frustrated with the lack of progress. Alexander ordered Celeste to leave Naboo and help to refocus her husband. Reluctantly, she left Monica's side. She tried to reason with Henrick, to relay her concerns over Alexander's intentions, to tell him what she and Monica found but he could not believe it. Henrick resumed his research with renewed vigor and when a trial vaccine was finally ready for testing he was presented with Force-sensitive's that had been captured and considered a direct threat to the Empire. While Henrick was hesitant to test so readily on humanoids, Alexander insisted.

Two of the three died relatively quickly. The third survived.

This last potential was tested further using Celeste's talents to try and feel him out as she sat sobbing in a chair biting her left fist. There was nothing. The subject was as tangible as a shadow and as dangerous as a housefly. Henrick and his team were congratulated and thrown an elaborate party. Celeste tried desperately to appear at ease amongst associates and colleagues in their respective fields. She held her tongue and smiled. That is, until Alexander Winton pulled her aside.

The conversation haunted her still.

"Don't look so glum," he said. "This is a big moment for Henrick. You should be happy for him."

"I am happy for him."

"That's not what your smile says."

"I'm tired, Alex. Too tired to play this game right now."

"You sound like this isn't a good thing for all of us. The vaccine has potential to save people's lives. Maybe even Melanie's"

"What does Melanie have to do with this?"

"More than you think."

She clenched her fists, determined.

"Then tell me the truth about the prophecy. I want to know what it says, what it really means for them."

"So did Lilandra Patten but, as it turns out, she couldn't handle the whole truth. There were certain allusions she maintained that needed to be....adjusted. But don't worry, the Major is fully aware of the situation and has complete faith in his daughter. You should have a little more in yours. I'm sure Melanie will make the right choice."

Celeste is completely aghast at his candor.

"How sure?"

"About as sure as I am that they will all survive what's coming."

She choked on a scream and fought back a flood of tears but that did not stop her voice from faltering.


Alexander smiled, stepping back into the crowd as if melting into the social landscape. A hateful and satisfied whisper escaped his lips.

"The Beast."


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #71 on: November 03, 2010, 08:10:11 PM »
"You twisted little girl, showin them what life is all about."


Surface: Galactic City

Images of The Four peer curiously out from between the other flashing advertisements, vibrant and vaguely threatening stares gazing down into the glamorous epicenter of elitist activity.

Fall semester at North Coruscant begins with a rush. Excitement is high after an especially intense summer that separates them from the present and the mysterious tragedies last year. Everyone is anxious for a fresh start. This year is all about standardized testing and extracurricular's. The best University's look for well-rounded individuals. Reef and Lucas resume the jock posturing. Skyler was already in the art club and signs up for yearbook. D'Arcy is elected onto the student council. Billy takes up with the AV geeks but only because they happen to be the best gamers. Alarmed at the notion of being left out, Karen signs the Four up for cheerleading. It's the only thing that requires the least amount of mental involvement and includes a cute outfit. Bonus! Kimber is thrilled. Melanie thinks it's a wonderful way to support their team. Valerie throws the prerequisite fit and pretends to have some kind of principles before dramatically relenting. The best part is they don't even have to try out. The current captain, a senior named Caprial Bronson, practically has a seizure when Karen approaches her about the opportunity. Several spots on Varsity had opened up after graduation and there were not many desirable candidates. Caprial says they would be honored to have The Four cheering on the sidelines and while she seems sincere, Karen suspects she is more interested in the attention their addition to the squad would no doubt bring. A deal is made and the microsecond the information is released every girl in school wants to be a cheerleader. Per Karen's request, Caprial closes out any further applicants and sends the school into a jealous tizzy. The Four have their extracurricular and Caprial Bronson is now the most popular senior at North Coruscant.

Karen is a girl of her word and the remaining members of Carli Cole and Tenley Price's group still have the backing of The Four and their allies. The interconnected cliques now form a large and dangerous social web that dominates the upper class. Every facet of student life has a connection and any problem imaginable now has a solution.

Junior year for the capital kids may come with a higher standing but with it brings much more responsibility. Practices and meetings fracture the once seemingly unlimited amount of time they all spent together. D'Arcy finds student politics surprisingly more petty than her friends and manages the gripes and concerns of the student body accordingly. Chin-Bret season kicks off in the shadow of Vex Sienna's absence. Everyone is looking to stand out this year. During practice, Reef edges ahead in both skill and speed to be recognized as a contender. Tension between him and Lucas continues to grow despite the best efforts of Skyler and Billy running damage control. Fashion week creeps up and The Four spend five straight mornings walking the runways modeling the Raga'Ana fall lines before class begins. The contract demands more of their time during junior and senior year. Marketing Director Maxi Marx lays down the law. Wednesdays and Fridays are now permanently attached to a premiere or event. Socially conscious activity like Melanie and Skyler's involvement in the theater and arts is strongly encouraged. Causes are big this season. Hope in the midst of so much darkness. They are to be a beacon for both the company and the Empire. Somehow they make it all more acceptable to the general populous although no one can quite tell them why.

Three weeks into the semester, the new fragrance ad by Raga'Ana hits the Holo. Valerie stars in the commercial and wears what can loosely be described as a dress but it covers so little of her body that it seems to be more a trick of the light than an actual outfit. Her dark hair falls around her shoulders, tousled with maximum volume. She storms down a dimly lit corridor in frighteningly high black heels, stomping and sashaying to the bass of the latest underground house hit. Red lights pulse from open doorways as she passes until she reaches the end of the hall.

"Don't hate us cuz we're pretty."

She throws her head back and laughs like it would be impossible not to. Then she glares into the cam and sneers suggestively.

"Okay, hate us but in the cool way."

The cam pans out to frame her with lips pushed out, pouting pretentiously as she whispers.

"Cool Karma. Exclusively at Raga'Ana."

Karen, Melanie and Kimber are stunned. The ad is so blatantly sexualized they are surprised Valerie was allowed to participate. Maxi Marx explains that Valerie is the only one without parents who would take issue. This is said casually, like they should understand completely. Kimber secretly wonders if this whole persona is somehow branding Valerie with a reputation she may not want. Or maybe she does. Valerie can go either way. Many ways, actually. Melanie finds it all a little too vulgar and Karen doesn't get what the commercial has to do with karma. Maxi says it's all conceptual and modern and left open to the interpretation of the audience. Performance art is the suddenly the cutting edge.

Back at school, fall deepens toward the inevitable.

Homecoming Weekend.


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #72 on: November 14, 2010, 07:50:12 PM »

Surface: Galactic City

Homecoming weekend. Friday night. The big game.

As Reef and Lucas dash across the sand with the North Coruscant Crusaders, Karen, Melanie, Kimber and Valerie cheer them on. Skyler captures it all on cam for the yearbook while Billy and D'Arcy hang near the sidelines holding hands.

The Crusaders crush the competition and as the Magnus Arena erupts into cheering, Melanie wanders in the girls locker room alone. She stares into the mirror and cannot believe what is staring back. She sees a girl who has tried valiantly to turn her back on the things she knows. She has tried to resume life as a normal teenager and pushed Castin away to focus solely on her coursework and career. But Melanie is not a normal teenager. She is burdened with a deep connection to the Force, a connection she cannot quite understand, and far too much information. Castin doesn't know what it's like to have to lie to his friends every day. To keep the secret for safety's sake. People they know are going to die but she doesn't want to believe it. She doesn't want to dignify the Queen's frantic plea with an overreaction. To act hastily could cost them all, that much she does know. The internal struggle is constant so she ramps up her self-medication to keep the darkness at bay. If she falters, it might catch her. If she feels nothing, she can't be afraid to lose them. So Melanie stands in front of a mirror and swallows most of a bottle of pills. She splashes her face with water, fixes her hair and touches up her makeup before turning to run into Valerie.

"What are you doing in here? I hope no one is being cliché."

"You don't know me, Valerie."

"By the looks of things, we're not as different as you might think. Let that resonate with you for a moment before the inevitable triad. Everyone has secrets. Boyfriends, habits, backgrounds, reputations. Some things are better left out of the limelight."

"A lecture? From you? Really? You are completely shameless."

"Shame is for the weak. Whatever your problem is you need to let it go."

Melanie adjusts the red and gold uniform skirt and sighs.

"Your presence is like nightmare that never ends."

Valerie laughs, flipping her dark hair over a shoulder.

"I'll bet. Maintaining an allusion of perfection must be exhausting. So are you going to tell me what's going on or should I just ask Karen?"

Melanie's blue eyes flash momentarily, pupils dilated to the size of a laser point.

"Oh, does she doesn't know?"

"She knows....things. Some things."

"But not everything."

"No one knows everything."

"Unless you ask."

"What do you want, Valerie?"

"The same thing everyone wants, Melanie. Answers."

"Well, you aren't getting any from me," Melanie hisses, trying to move past her.

Valerie grabs her arm roughly, spinning her around. As they struggle, a bottle slips from Melanie's purse, hitting the tiled floor with a clatter. The lid pops off to send white pills spraying out in all directions. Panicked, Melanie drops to the floor and tries to scoop them toward her sloppily, a useless gesture.

"What the fuck, Mel? This isn't you."

Melanie glares up hatefully, an expression Valerie has never seen on her before.

"What do you know?"

"A lot more about being bad than you do. No one goes to this much trouble unless they are trying to bury a hurt so deep it humbles. I mean, I get it. The situation sucks. Your parents may be elsewhere but at least they are alive. Your life isn't so terrible, is it? Looks, smarts, wealth, fame, love. You have everything."

"So do you!"

"No, I don't. Credits and friends can't fill that void, I'm afraid. I'm not big on parental involvement but there is something to be said for at least knowing they are out there somewhere."

"I find it hard to believe you mean that."

"You wouldn't if you spent less time judging me."

Melanie drops the pills in her hands and stands, wobbling back against the wall. Valerie reaches out but she slaps her hands away.

"I'm fine, okay? I'm fine!"

"You don't look fine."

"Save this moment away in the smug and ever-expanding arsenal of leverage you have against us. I don't care. Just leave me alone!"

Melanie storms out of the bathroom to rejoin her celebrating friends by the black hoverlimo waiting to take them back to Five Hundred Republica. Valerie shakes her head, rolls her eyes and follows.

Agent Venko waits patiently on the landing platform. Melanie avoids eye contact and manages to fall into the limo. Valerie walks out moments later and smirks as she brushes past him. Karen and Skyler are crushed against the opposite end of the plush interior with Lucas and Reef shouting and swaying in the center of it all. Billy laughs as D'Arcy leans into him. Kimber fiddles with the stereo until rock is suddenly blaring through the limo. Melanie is planted with her arms crossed so Valerie grabs a bottle of champagne from the wet bar. Venko takes it from her as he enters the limo and taps the door closed.

"Let's try and keep it together til you are home safe, alright?"

He signals the pilot and the luxury craft pulls away from the bright lights of the stadium and up over the immaculate campus. A small security speeder leads the way while a much larger and heavily armed skiff pulls up the rear.

Karen likes to think she is putting everyone's tax credits to good use.

The capital kids laugh it up, dancing in their seats to the music until Melanie's eyes sink ever lower and she slumps over into D'Arcy. Valerie watches the whole thing happen but waits for someone else to notice. This can't be good. D'Arcy turns, nudging Melanie, calling her name. Melanie does not respond. D'Arcy looks up and shouts and motions for Karen. By now Kimber has turned down the music and Venko kneels in front of Melanie who slides down into the seat. He tries to shake her awake but she is unresponsive, head rolling forward. Suddenly all eyes turns to Valerie since they were the ones holding up the procession.

Karen crosses her arms, "What happened?"

A choice must be made.

"Nothing. She said she wasn't feeling good."


"In the locker room."

"She looked okay during the game," Kimber offers. "Maybe she's just tuckered out. We did cheer pretty hard tonight."

Reef laughs, "You don't pass out from standing on a box and yelling."

"We jump around too."

Lucas nods, "And make those pyramid things."

"Which, by the way, is an accident waiting to happen," Skyler adds.

Billy chimes in, "Yeah! I'm just waiting for one of you to drop someone."

"Imagine all the up-skirt on the way down. Awesome."

"Shut up, Reef!"

D'Arcy holds up a hand and leans forward, motioning for Venko.

"Tangent much? Check her pupils."

Venko tilts her head back and pulls open her eyes They roll around freely, unfocused as she begins to convulse.
He glances back to D'Arcy.

"We just covered this in AP Internal Med and it looks like, I dunno, maybe a head trauma or reaction or something. You have to know all the symptoms. Was she vomiting? Val, did you see her take anything? Did she fall?"

Suddenly everyone is looking at Valerie again. Why do they have to be so studious? Normally, she would gladly take this opportunity to destroy Melanie's saintly reputation but hesitates. Melanie somehow seems like more of a real person with flaws and knowing this satiates something in Valerie.

Maybe it's about more than a boyfriend.

"Like I just said, she looked ill and I asked if she was alright. She said she was fine and then we walked out here. End of story."

The group exchanges uncertain glances with each other. Her credibility has been damaged as of late and mostly by her own doing.

"Hey! What is this? A fucking committee? Why don't we all take our time to weigh in while our friend dies in the back of this limo? Who cares what happened? Just get her to hospital!"

Venko leans back and taps down the heavily tinted partition, "We need to get to the IPMC immediately."

The pilot nods and moves to correct course when a rocket streaks through the sky to strike the security speeder. The explosion cuts off all conversation as the pilot swerves to avoid the wreckage. Kimber clings to Venko as the passengers are jostled and thrown around. Lucas steadies himself and cradles Melanie gently, holding her head against his chest. Karen and Kimber are screaming. Valerie yanks the champagne bottle out of Venko's hands. He protests as the limo is riddled with blaster fire, punching through and hitting the pilot. There is a sudden freefall as wind violently whips through the interior. Glasses, ice and pom-poms all seem to hang in mid-air before they crash into the ceiling or hurtle out into open space. Venko leaps forward, diving into the front seat to grab the controls and pulls the transport up before it plows into the side of a corporate tower. The screech of steel against steel is deafening. Orange sparks spray into the sky to blend with the fresh round of horrified screams.

Several more missiles sail past which he barely avoids. The security skiff returns fire but is hit twice and begins to go down. Venko manages to level out the limo but they are losing power and altitude quickly.

"Brace yourselves!"

He tightens his grip on the controls as the limo begins to fill with smoke. They are near the Esplanade. He scans the area for a reasonably clear section of plaza. Minimizing damage is essential. Venko grinds his teeth and keeps the limo steady as they come down hard. The transport clips a massive planter and careens onto its side before flipping over twice and smashing through a department store window.  The epic silence that follows is hardly encouraging. Venko grips his blaster and climbs into the back to find Valerie covered in ash finally drinking from the champagne bottle.

"You are unbelievable."

"So I'm told."

"Are you injured?"

"Physically or emotionally?"

He groans, trying to assess the situation. Damage control mode. He is responsible for these kids. He's got to get them out alive. Skyler and Karen sit completely stunned in the center of the limo, seemingly unharmed. Billy is slumped forward onto what's left of the seat while D'Arcy appears to have been thrown against the back window.

Lucas pushes through the mangled interior, holding Melanie in his arms.

"This is total bullshit, man."

"Get her out outside. Valerie, you need help me with the others."

"You do realize," she says, trying to stand. "That if we're visibly scarred in any way Raga'Ana is going to like, sue your ass, right?"

"What? Don't be ridiculous."

"Our bodies are insured. It's in the contract. Didn't you get a copy?"

"Bloody hell, no. Let 'em try! Imperial counsel outclasses corporate lawyers. Now shut it and help me. Where's Kimber?"

"I'm here!" she calls weakly.

Venko crawls through the haze to find Reef lifting most of the wet bar off of Kimber.

"Oh no, my uniform is ruined! We're going to be in so much trouble!"

"We'll wash it," Reef says in a surprisingly soothing way. Then he lowers his voice and leans toward Venko, "You got any other weapons?"

"Yeah, why?"

The low hum is distinctively ominous yet unfamiliar.

"There's something out there."

Venko scrambles to the front, pressing his fingers against the pilot's throat. Dead. Cursing, he reaches down to unclip the concealed blaster attached to his belt. He hands it to Reef then checks his com to call for backup. The smashed device falls apart in his hands. Valerie grins, pulling a sleek mini-blaster from a ruined sequined clutch.

"You're armed? Why doesn't that surprise me?"

She shrugs, "Nothing should surprise you about me. Besides, you are going to need some cover if whoever did this is lurking about waiting to finish the job."

"True enough. Eyes open, kids. I need you to work with me here."

Coughing, Karen slips out of the limo. She turns to grab Billy's legs as Skyler slowly lowers him down. D'Arcy is dazed and barely conscious when Kimber helps her out into the smashed store. Reef is near the gaping hole where the window display used to be, gripping a blaster and peering out onto the eerily silent Esplanade. At this hour, kids their age would be teaming through the shops and holoplexes. By now a crowd should have formed. Reef doesn't trust it and waits as the rest of the group catches up with him. As they stare out into the night, the low hum returns, closer this time. Whatever's out there, it's airborne.

The outlines of their bodies fill the space.

Venko nods to Reef and Valerie.

"Let's move."


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #73 on: November 19, 2010, 07:16:25 PM »

Surface: Galactic City: Glitannai Esplanade

Blaster raised, Agent Nikoli Venko eases out of the smashed storefront. Reef and Valerie keep him covered. The hum returns from further out on the main plaza. There is no telling when backup would arrive and they could not stay here. The only holdout with adequate coverage is the maglev station across the plaza. They would have to cross a wide section of open space littered with the aftermath of their crash landing. He glances back, pointing to the station. Reef and Valerie nod and split off in opposite directions as the others creep out of the storefront. Venko peers out into the plaza, scouting for the source of the noise.

He finally catches sight of it as it swoops in low - an aerial drone usually reserved for military operations. Something amateurs could not get their hands on.  It opens fire the microsecond they appear. Everyone dives for cover as the plaza is sprayed with blaster fire. The wreckage provides plenty of places to hide. Skyler and Karen drag Billy behind half of the massive planter they hit on the way in, laying him gently on the spilled soil. Kimber drops D'Arcy off beside him and runs screaming into the night. Valerie returns fire at the drone and bolts after her. Reef and Venko are firing furiously but failing to find their target. The drone is quick and avoids their fire a little too well. Venko suspects its controller is nearby, the same someone who may have fired the missiles at their convoy.

The drone makes several passes, pounding them with fire to keep them from escaping. They have mere moments between waves leaving Venko scrambling for a plan. Lucas hefts Melanie and retreats back into the ally, using the darkened storefront as cover. He glances around, looking for a way around the plaza. He needs to get her the med center and quickly. There is no telling how long she has but by the bluish tint and shallow breathing, he's guessing not long. A shadow emerges from behind him, causing Lucas to spin around. With Melanie in his arms he doesn't have any leverage. The figure holds up his hands and steps forward.

The racer trash he saw Melanie with that night on the Esplanade now stands before him.

"What do you want?"

"I'm not here to hurt you. I can get her out of here."

"Like hell you will. I'm not just going to hand her over to you."

"She'll die."

"You don't know that."

"Are you willing to take the chance? I'm not."

"You aren't the only one who cares for her."

"I don't doubt that but you need to trust me if you want her to survive. She's too important."

Lucas glances down at Melanie's beautifully still face, long blond curls spilling over his arm, caught in the breeze. He doesn't trust the commoner but knows better than to risk her life being proud.

"We go together."

He nods and dashes down the ally. Lucas throws a glance behind him at his friends under attack and makes his choice. Without a weapon, he would be useless and Melanie would probably die. He follows the commoner.

Back on the Esplanade, things are rapidly deteriorating.

Valerie drags a sobbing Kimber out of the fray. Karen tries to console her as Valerie raises her blaster and fires. She manages to clip the wing but it does little to stop the drone. The planter is taking too much damage and would not provide protection for long. Venko and Reef lay down some cover fire as they begin to advance across the plaza. D'Arcy is struggling with Billy and Kimber is a total mess. Karen hauls her up and gets ready to move on Venko's signal. As if sensing their plan of action, the drone fires two smaller missiles. Venko's bark is crisp.


The first missile sail's over them to demolish the patio of a trendy bistro. The second slams into the side of the planter, throwing all of them tumbling in every direction. Venko is on his back, ears ringing, flaming tiles strewn about. He can see a motionless Skyler a few meters away. Kimber's unmistakable screams slice through the scene like a hot vibroblade through flesh. The next thing he sees is a swath of colors, red and gold, as a figure boldly strides through the center of it all. The figure moves with a fluidity and fearlessness not their own. The air around him begins to crackle and snap as the hum of the drone circling back around ramps up the tension. Then the figure comes into focus, and he realizes he's staring at Karen with her arms outstretched as if beckoning the attack. He calls out but his voice is hoarse, barely a whisper.

Flecks of orange and red energy flash in a sphere that seems to surround her and Venko does not know what to make of it. She inhales, drawing her arms close as the drone opens fire, blaster bolts tearing up two parallel lines heading directly toward her. She turns briefly to reveal her eyes completely pooled in blackness. He has seen the look only once before, a face staring out at him from a security vid he is not supposed to have.

Venko gasps.

Karen glances back toward the advancing drone, thrusting out her arms to push the sphere of energy with it. Everything around them begins to quake. The sky ignites into a brilliant white and a deafening roar consumes the Esplanade.

Then there is only blackness.


Offline Syren

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Re: Socially Acceptable Monsters
« Reply #74 on: November 26, 2010, 08:12:46 PM »

Surface: Galactic City: Imperial Premiere Medical Center

Breaking news! Attack on The Four! Civilians injured, Imperial agents dead! All their faces are splashed across the Holo. Investigation pending. Theories run rampant and ratings for the news channels breaks records.

Pretty people in peril. Again! Story at eleven.

The medical center is locked down tightly with the victims on a secure floor. In one of the private rooms, Karen opens her eyes slowly. She winces at the brightness glaring through the windows and realizes there is someone standing near them, staring out into the city.


Agent Scott St. Claire comes into focus.

"I'm afraid not, princess."

She scoffs in disgust.

"Ew! What are you doing here? I thought you swore me off for good."

He smiles slyly.

"If only. I hear you've been acting out, doing things of interest."

"Of interest to whom?"

"To the government that allows you to get away with being who you are."

"I know you missed me so you can lay off the cryptic today."

"You may want to reconsider that flippant attitude given what's happened."

"What happened?"

He seems genuinely surprised.

"You don't remember?"

Karen reaches into the darkness of her memory.

"I may have fallen down and hit my head....on the ground. Things are a little fuzzy."

St. Claire has already spoken with those coherent enough to do so. They were much too shaken up to given accurate statements but pieces of their stories all match. They remember being attacked and going down but the events on the Esplanade become less certain. They were shot at by what most of them say was a craft of some kind. This fire was returned by those with weapons. Several were injured, mostly minor burns, bumps and abrasions, one confirmed overdose of the Masterton girl, and then a pulse that ended the attack and damaged a significant amount of surrounding property. Witnesses further down the plaza also confirm the pulse and a bright light. The vids pulled from the security cams were pure static. The pulse had taken out everything electronic within a kilometer radius and now no one would know exactly what happened.

St Claire thinks he knows. It's what they have been waiting for. Now if he could only get her to confirm it.

"You can do better than that."

"You try walking in these heels!"

He rubs the bridge of his nose, sighing.

"That's not what I meant."

Karen sits upright in the hospital bed, looking more like a normal girl than he's ever seen. There is a humanizing quality in her vulnerability, something he hopes to exploit for Imperial purposes.

"Where are my friends? Are they alright? Where's Melanie?"

"They are fine. Or at least they will be in time. What I need from you right now is a conclusive story of the events that happened after the crash."

"Why are you even here? Where's Venko?"

He offers more than he usually would, hoping the glimmer of interest and caring would lull her into talking.

"Venko is recovering down the hall. As for me, there was a break in my assignment and I needed to handle some business in the Core. When I was informed of what happened, I came right over. I wanted to see if you were alright."

"No you didn't! You want something."

"Yes, information. I need to know what happened to you out there...."

Karen glares at him hatefully.

" we can find whoever did this and put them away."

She softens at that last bit but does not appear entirely convinced.

"What do you want from me? We were on our way home and then, boom! We're like, crashing on the Esplanade. Friends could have been killed! My boyfriend got hurt!"

"Who saved them?"

"I don't know. Venko, Reef and Valerie were blasting away, like, Stormtrooper style. They must have hit whatever was attacking us."

"I'm not so sure."

"Well, if you have a better theory why the hell are you asking me questions?"

"Everyone has a different side of the story."

"That's so nice, really insightful. Where's my father?"

St. Claire can see she is as feisty and stubborn as ever.

"He's away on business."

She gasps, gesturing wildly with her arms.

"What's new, right? I could have like, died! Doesn't child endangerment trump corporate affairs?"

"Depends on the affair."

"Well, as usual, you are like no fucking help at all. Why did you really come here? I mean, really, St. Claire. Can you at least tell me that?"

He regards her curiously before nodding.

"I thought you might surprise me. I thought there might be hope for you."


"Nope. Not yet anyway."

"Oh, well, thanks for coming. Eat shit and die!"

He takes a step toward the bed, reaching out the grab the IV dangling beside her.

Karen freaks out, slapping at his arms.

"What are you doing? Don't touch that! You're not a doctor! You're a quack! A fraud!"

Smiling, Scott cranks up her meds. It's like watching someone douse a fire with water. Karen falls back against the pillow, voice dropping several octaves as her face glazes over.

"...a real jerk, St. Claire. You...know that?"

He brushes a strand of crimson hair away from her cheek and leans close to whisper.

"It's what you don't know that matters the most."


In another room, Melanie bolts upright. Her heart is racing. She is panting for breath, brow splashed with a thin layer of sweat. She glances around wildly, unsure of where she is.


She turns, spotting Valerie sitting beside the hospital bed looking worried. On the opposite wall, a screen displays photage of a plume of smoke snaking across a flaming portion of the Esplanade. Valerie taps it off and crosses her arms. The room begins to fill with silence.

"Uh, welcome back!"

"Where am I?"

"You're in the IMPC. We took you here after...well, after you passed out in the limo."

"I passed out?"

"Big time."

"Wait, what are you doing here?"

Valerie shrugs like it's uncomfortable to talk about.

"Actually you kind of scared me. Don't worry, I didn't tell them anything but the docs ran tests and had to pump your stomach. It was pretty bad. They found a lethal dose of a very popular painkiller in your system. I asked them to keep that one on the down low but I'm almost certain this was discussed with the investigating agents."

Melanie blinks rapidly, pieces of the game and the locker room flashing through her mind. She recalls how mortified she was and how quickly it was replaced by anger after talking to Valerie. She doesn't even remember really being in the limo. The whole memory blurs out of focus.

"And everyone else?"

Valerie tries to put it as delicately as possible.

"Listen, something..happened. We were attacked and the limo went down. We don't know who is responsible yet. People got pretty banged up but everyone is going to be okay."

"Did you bring me here?"

"No, we came later. Lucas brought you in."

"By himself?"

"Not...exactly. He had help from someone named Castin. Ring any bells?"

Melanie almost chokes, clutching the safety railing on each side of the bed.

Valerie sits back and smiles, immensely satisfied.

"I take that as a yes. Relax, he wasn't seen and Lucas only told me because I grilled his ass about where he went during our Esplanade escapades. I swore him to secrecy. Apparently, Castin popped up to lend a hand and got you out. Without his help, we wouldn't be having this conversation and while that is awfully nice of him, it still borders on stalking. Just my opinion. Anyway, the media is foaming at the mouth about the attack, angered by the lack of access to any of us. Maxi Marx is currently working with public relations to put the best possible spin on the whole thing and I've been personally assured by our security detail that we would not be questioned by anyone outside the department."

Recovering slightly, Melanie redirects.

"I guess that is mildly comforting."

Valerie stands, moving around the bed.

"I thought so. Get some rest, I'll be around."


She turns, "Yeah?"

"Castin was my boyfriend. We broke up."

"I know."

"You did? Then why didn't you-"

"Because I've done enough damage lately. But I will say this, no boy is worth dying over. No matter how fated it seems or how much it hurts afterwards, you deserve better than that. So knock it off with the angsty emo bullshit or I'll be forced to tell Karen and we all know how that's going to end."

Melanie nods, knowing that she must allow Valerie to think this was all because of Castin to protect what she knows.


"Don't mention it. Rest now. I'm going to check on the others."

Valerie strides out into the hall and almost collides with a female agent. She excuses herself and catches sight of St. Claire stepping out of Karen's room. He glances toward her and calls out.

"Agent Fayr!"

The female agent stops and turns around, heading back past Valerie to join him. Valerie watches them closely but cannot make out what either of them says. What's he doing here? She thought they had seen the last of that asshole. Venko is so much less intrusive. St. Claire's presence must mean something is really wrong. The whole attack seemed a little too premeditated for a random act of terrorism. She moves to enter Kimber's room when the agents call out to her.


St. Claire smiles like an idiot and motions to the female, "This is Agent Lena Fayr, an Intelligence agent working with the investigation. Agent Fayr, this is Valerie Gellar."

Valerie looks over her. Relatively attractive with mousy brown hair, no make-up, and a crisp Intel uniform. It's all business. The woman couldn't throw a little product in her hair? Not even a touch of lip-gloss? The stylists at Raga'Ana would have their work cut out for them.

Agent Fayr smiles, "It's nice to meet you, Valerie. Truly I am sorry about what happened tonight. Would you mind if we spoke for a few moments to take your official statement?"

"Yes, I would mind."

This does not deter her as much as Valerie hoped it would. St. Claire smirks.

"When would be a better time for you?"

"How about never?"

"I don't believe that's possible. Intel needs any and all leads in regards to this case."

The girl is trying but Valerie is unrelenting. She allows her Corellian blood to boil over. This whole thing reeks of inside job. Even Venko must see that.

"That's because you are so busy investigating all branches of Imperial operations that you probably weren't paying much attention. Tell me, how does an unscheduled heavily armed convoy with a confidential route get targeted and shot down? Lose many friends in this case of gross negligence? Tough breaks."

Agent Fayr's face goes slack and she glances at St. Claire.

"Miss Gellar, it would be in everyone's best interest if you cooperated with us."

"Is that really your answer?"

Fayr clears her throat, "We are working on that."

"Sounds to me like someone dropped the ball. That's also where you start. Find out who leaked the information and they will most likely lead you to the attacker. Till then, get a grip and let me take care of my friends."

Both agents are left gaping at her.

Valerie pushes open the door to Kimber's room.

"And the next time you want a teenager solving your cases, I charge by the minute."

« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 08:16:12 PM by Syren »