Author Topic: RENDEZVOUS POINT  (Read 22705 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« on: March 21, 2011, 11:00:50 PM »

The "Rendezvous Point" is a secret predetermined region of deep space, somewhere near Sullust, where the Rebel Fleet has amassed in the wake of the rout at Hoth to regroup and strategize a future path forward for the Alliance.

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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2011, 12:47:47 AM »

  Calgan sat perched with a slight lean in his chair to the left of the ship's captain.  The small bridge of the rugged Gallofree transport was a cramped affair with little more room than average smaller tramp freighters.  His face was worn and weathered, skin dry, broken and pale and his hazel eyes empty of vibrance.  He stroked his scruffy graying beard in a non rhythmic process as his gaze lay fixed in the distance of the star lines filling the bridge view ports and his mind drifted even further beyond.  The dim lighting of the small pod was momentarily masked in a cool shade of red as a soft pulsing light and gently whooping alarm went off indicating immediate proximity to the intended drop point, rendezvous with the Rebel fleet. . .

  . . .the Rebel transport and her escorts reverted to real space in an instant as the streaking stars screeched to a halt and became their usual distant twinkles.  A male Devaronian pilot situated in front of Calgan and the Captain affectionately patted the control panel in front of him before he spun about in his chair with a smug satisfied and characteristically literal devilish grin before exclaiming in relief with a hiss,

  "This is where we part waysss my friendsssss!!!"

  The ship's captain tended to his log book without acknowledgement while Calgan grimaced and responded, "last jump on your contract?"

  "Yesss.  My 45th. Twenty-third combat," the horned fanged alien answered while turning back to his controls.

  "Where will you go from here?" Lieutenant Verose pressed further.

  "Home.  Devaron," he answered abruptly with a prideful tone.

  Calgan nodded and offered a return as the ship banked starboard and the bulk of the Rebel fleet in the distance came in to view,

  "Home, sounds nice.  Devaron huh? I was there once," he said.  "During the uprising," he added a second later.

  The Devaronian cocked his neck back to see the grizzled human male in his peripheral before eagerly inquiring, "where at?"

  "The southern mountains," Verose answered.

  The Devaronian spun about in his chair again with a more serious determined inquisition and peaked curiosity, "You fought against the Kardue Battalions???"

  Calgan bobbed his head in confirmation, "Kardue and the Empire"

  "If you ever come back, you would be welcomed as a living martyr in my village.  Tosska, it is located in the southern mountains," he said with a shifting somber tone turning again to his station.

  Calgan thought for a moment and replied, "Tosska isn't there any more. . ."

  "It will be!  I told you I am going home!" the Devaronian angrily retorted.

  Calgan bit his lip in an expression of failed self restraint.  The Devaronian was a contracted pilot, a mercenary.  While much of the Alliance military was a volunteer force, their ranks were rich with hired hands as well to fill the necessary posts otherwise vacant of the altruistic, willing and talented.  He looked on most of them as shallow bottom feeders, lacking the integrity to ever measure up to real soldiers who fight for a cause rather than profit.  But the Devaronian seemed to be one of the few might serve a purpose greater than themselves.

  The ships com screen hummed to life as a blue hued Mon Calamari appeared,

  "Approaching flight, sector Four-Two.  Transmit clearance please," he stated with a punctuated gill flap and blink.  

  The transport's captain punched a short sequence of keys on a panel affixed to his command chair sending the code off for verification.  Only a few moments passed before the blue character on the monitor responded,

  "Thank you flight Tango Four, you are clear to proceed along the following coordinates.  Lieutenant Verose is ordered to report to the command ship immediately.  Welcome to Rendezvous!"

  The refugee flight sped off in to the collective crowd of friendly vessels and disappeared in the bustling frenzy of activity. . .
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 09:30:52 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2011, 06:30:25 PM »
Onboard the GR75 Medium Transport Mother

With a flash of psuedomotion the GR75 Transport 'Mother' dropped from hyperspace and into... nothing. The darkness of the rendezvous was overwhelming, so far from Sullust's sun or any other nearby star. Danen watched the viewports as they adjusted, automatically contrasting the field of view around the ship, and so just barely he could make out the activity glints of dull light that made up the retreating Rebel Fleet.

"Welcome to nowhere," Danen muttered to himself.

"This isn't nowhere, it's our future." Myn seemed to materialize on the bridge behind him without warning, the chastising motherly tones dripping from each syllable.

"Yes, well," he raise a thumb to the viewports. "Looks like nowhere to me."

Myn huffed. "You can retire to quarters if you like. Why don't you try to get some rest?"

"I think I might."

"I'll take care of fleet ordinance. Should I take us into hyperspace as soon as we're ready?"

"That would be perfect," Danen said. With a nod to the few other men, women, and aliens on the pocket bridge of the Mother, he slipped off the bridge, went down the narrow passageways and lifts and disappeared into the captains quarters, the only full suite on the ship. After a steaming hot shower, he collapsed on his bed and slept a dreamless, black sleep.

Myn stayed busy. Contact was made with the Home One and Ackbar himself signed off approval on the forces that Danen had commissioned. The small task force of ships reformed on the farside of the rendezvous and entered back into the slipstream of starlines that was hyperspace, barreling towards their new future to agitate and spread the fires of liberty to the galaxy...
« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 09:13:08 PM by GCW Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2011, 01:58:16 AM »

  Calgan's routine stride abruptly broke to a half stumble and clumsy few steps forward as he rounded the corner to step in to one of the many tactical briefing rooms aboard Home One to find Mon Mothma with a handful of ranking Generals and Admirals awaiting.  Their low mumblings ceased and full attention shifted towards the tried and aged Lieutenant who stood at attention before the esteemed assembly, waiting to be addressed.  Mothma began. . .

  "Lieutenant Verose, welcome.  It's good to see you made it off Hoth, you commanded the flank of the east line I understand during the defense? I'm still waiting for word on my son Jobin."

  Her gentle tone invoked fixation complimented by her soft features and radiant glow.  She'd been a founder of the Alliance and remains one of it's most prominent and important figures.  Her political career began at the young age of 19 as a representative of her native Chandrila.  From his nearby home of Alderaan, in his younger years Calgan could remember an infatuation with the beautiful young senator, though he'd never met her even in all his years in the Alliance.  Decades later now face to face she looked even more beautiful than in her tender youth.  Full of grace and compassion.

  Calgan processed her words but couldn't manage to force out a response until several awkward seconds passed.  The admirals and generals assembled behind Councilor Mothma curiously glanced towards each other with shrugs and peaked brow lines.

  "Lieutenant?," Mothma curiously questioned as his mind snapped back to him. .

  "The east flank, yes madame Senator," he responded while adjusting his posture to stand a bit taller and blinking away the daze before continuing. .

  "Sargeant Mothma had taken up cover fire position with his unit during the onset of the retreat.  Last I heard his unit was pulling out under weather cover.  Two of the transport groups remained when ours departed ma'am. ." he paused and stopped himself short of offering a hasty presumption of reassurance to a worried mother.

  "I appreciate you sharing Lieutenant, it warms my heart with hope to at least hear an account of him. And as for you, I hear your ranks were the last to break along the front," she answered.

  Calgan confirmed, "Yes ma'am.  We weren't hit as hard as the left and center, they were massa. . ." he hesitated with a slight quiver to his lip, ". .they were overwhelmed."

  Mothma glided forward smoothly while continuing the conversation and cutting to the meat of their encounter,

  "Modesty doesn't suit a soldier of your acclaim Lieutenant.  The east flank was hit hardest of all and you suffered sixty-three percent casualties. ." she summarily stated while approaching a small control panel and keying up a holovid with a broad horizon view playing small three dimensional clips of the battle on the ringed circular tactical display table in front of them.

  Calgan's humbled demeanor prevented him from seeing himself as anything other than an individual working for what they believed in.

  "Acclaim ma'am?" he inquired.

  Mothma keyed another sequence of keys pulling up a much larger holovid displaying what appeared to be a record of Calgan's military service and covering some of the highlights while casually strolling about the room. . .

  "You fought with valor at the Battle of Kalaan, aided in acquiring the X-wing in our action on Fresia for which you were awarded a silver star and a purple heart, helped organize and administrate the evacuation at Yavin Four, saved an entire company from annihilation in the grueling urban Battle of Restuss during your tour there and even commanded a Frigate at Turkana, which is puzzling given your army rank before finally being assigned to Echo Base. ." she intentionally came to a stop only a few feet away from Calgan staring directly in to his face with her calm gaze, meaning to illicit an explanation.

  "Captain Shu'rook was suffering from a spore poisoning due to an infestation in the galley.  The executive officer jettisoned in an escape pod when the Imperial armada arrived," the Lieutenant explained.

  "And the Chief?" Mothma inquired about the usual third officer in line for command of a vessel.

  "He was detained and locked in the brig ma'am.  He attempted to flee the engagement against orders," Verose answered.

  Mothma resumed her stroll and continued. . .

  "I trust you are beginning to see what I'm getting at then Lieutenant?" she asked.

  "Well. .no, not exactly Madame Senator.  What is it I've been called her to do?" he answered and bluntly stated.

  "You're a fifty-two year old Lieutenant who's opted out of commission advancements half a dozen times and have more experience than the sum of any three of these gentlemen behind me," she began to sum up while motioning to the high ranking collection of personalities behind her who expressed a bit of a ruffled mood with her bluff call, but declined to challenge the fact of her statement.

  "It's time for you to be put to better use Mr. Verose.  Your experience is accentuated only by your dedication and humility.  Men respect you, superiors listen to you and soldiers follow you.  I can't think of many other qualities I'd pick for a commander," she elaborated, now picking up a data pad and scrolling through briefly before handing off to Calgan and continuing. .

  "This is your new assignment, you've been given priority security and requisitions clearance and assigned a modest assortment of military assets.  You'll also be given your pick of the litter for your men.  Unlike your previous promotions, this is not optional.  You'll be taking an element deep under cover to set up operations and build a power base from the ground up, if the rout at Hoth has taught us anything it's that we have to spread our resources thin to ensure survival and permeation.  Further details of your mission and objectives are all contained within that pad.  You will depart in zero five hundred hours and go silent from then on save for our contacts.  Are you clear on your status and new command?" the eloquent Mothma inquired again stopping just before Calgan.

 "Clear as our purpose Madame Senator," Calgan responded again reinforcing the rigor of his posture.

 "Good, then I congratulate you on your new assignment and send you on your way with our hopes and blessings.  May the force be with you Lieutenant Verose, and I don't know if there is any justice to be had for Alderaan, but we will tirelessly pursue it and deliver vegeance for those who can no longer speak." she said reaching out with both of her hands to gently clasp his in a delicate shake that sent a warmth coursing through his usually numb veins.

 She stepped off to the side as the few Calamari Admirals and couple human Generals proceeded in succession to briefly greet, condone and shake Calgan's hand and each offer an individual salute which was returned.  As they departed the room Calgan watched the group move down the hall to board a turbolift.  Mothma stepped in and turned to face out she met Calgan's gaze from down the steel walled corridor and offered him a small smile, nod and bow as the lift doors slid shut with a hiss.

 Calgan delved in to data pad vested to his keeping and proceeded to carry out his orders. . .

Action Summary:
   Purchased Starting Fleet at the Rendezvous Point
   Pocketed Remaining Cash
   Starting Fleet and all additional starting possessions enter Hyperspace bound for *****************
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 02:17:42 AM by Eidolon »
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Offline Ramano

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« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2011, 04:13:46 PM »
OOC Note: Unless someone lets me know im still too dumb to understand directions im assuming my fleet is legal and im gunna kick start the show here to be ready for tomorrow =) Also, if we have a neutral party GM or a GM from the rebel side I have some questions about my starting base location I wish to discuss.

0321hrs Republic Rendezvous point
It was early morning hours galactic standard time. Most of the fleet was powered down, resting, repairing, and reloading from previous engagements with the occasional blue flash of an exiting vessel. One such flash revealed a heavily damaged GR-75 transport, listing slightly on its port side with a line of smoke and sparks trailing from a small hole near the engines on the same side.

Jason: Com> "Rebel command, this is GR-75 Delta 4-7 Heavy. We will be in need of a tow to dock, and speed would be much appreciated. Hull is at 31%, life support and inertial dampeners are failing, and we will have a full system crash in about 8 minutes. We are also heavy about 700 soldiers you guys seem to have misplaced back on Hoth."
Rebel Com> "Roger that commander, dispatching tugs now, good to see you made it back."

Jason slammed the comm off without even so much as an acknowledgement. Perhaps he could play it off later as radio failure. The loud bang from the rear of the ship signaled the final death throws of the hyperdrive as silence fell over the vessel. Quickly the tugs moved in locking their tractors on the now powerless vessel, as another moved in and attached a power shunt providing an external power source for the life support systems. Slowly they began their trek into the bowels of the system.

0557hrs Rebel Command Space Yard
Jason marched down the corridors of the space station, a look of stern anger and determination on his face. Passing a few doors he reached his destination, a secretary seated outside a conference room, a pair of guards, one on either side of the door.

Guard: "Commander, general Rieekan is currently in a mee..."

He was cut off by a swift palm strike to the sternum rendering him instantly unconscious with the following spin kick sending his partner limp to the ground. The now lone secretary jumped from her seat backing into the corner as Jason casually adjusted his uniform and proceeded into the room.

Jason: "Who the HELL is in charge here! You? Or that daffy bitch who just sent us screaming headlong into the face of an imperial invasion fleet!"
Rieekan: "And here is the commander now, however he seems to forget his place."
Jason: "Oh stow it asshole! We were in the same class at the training school and the only reason you out rank me is I wanted field duty and you were content to shine a desk with your ass! Now I want to know who's responsible for letting a dozen star destroyers and the Executioner into echo base completely unannounced?! I mean, how blind can you be to not see a fucking SUPER STAR DESTROYER COMING ON YOUR RADAR! Then we get an evac route right through the middle of the damn fleet!"

The woman seated at the far end of the table stood before the now moving general could reach the commander.

Mothma: "Gentlemen, please, be calm. We understand your frustration of the Hoth situation commander and we have been discussing it at length. The empire is gaining strength every moment we sit idle, and yet the fleet has not the strength for a full on engagement. We are in need of time commander. We have a special mission I think suits your abilities with perfection."

General Rieekan reached down taking a datapad from the table handing it to him with a noticable scowl on his face. Jason glanced down at it only seeing the very first line before looking back at the group in front of him.

Jason: "Sector 3-1-5? Your trying to re-establish Demon Outpost!"
Rieekan: "Not up for it commander?"
Jason: "Establishing an outpost in the most god forsaken place in the universe where every army thats tried has failed. Whats not to be up for?"

Jason tossed the datapad on the table with a half chuckle.

Jason: "You cant possibly be serious. For 4,000 years people have been trying to set a base there and the only ones that ever even came close were the mandalorians. If they couldnt maintain a base there what chance do you think we have?"
Mothma: "Which is exactly why we have chosen you for this task commander. You have a special knack for accomplishing the impossible, just ask those 704 soldiers who owe you their lives."
Jason: "Thats the problem with politicians being in charge of a military. They're always in need of another hero to do all the work for them."

Jason reached down and picked up the datapad again from the table, quickly turning to the door without even so much as a word. Upon reaching the exit he stopped. Still looking down the hall he continued.

Jason: "One more thing, if you want me to do this, I wont have a bunch of weekend warriors and politicians mucking up MY work. I do this my way."

He continued out of the conference room without waiting for a reply. There was much work to be done and he was tired. A short rest and it would be off to hell with him and a few select volenteers.

Took Command
Entered HS for "Demon Base" with: (eta: n/a SL)
5 YT-1300s
3 Y-Wing Squadrons
1 Facility Transport

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« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2011, 09:19:49 AM »

Command and control ships amidst the Rebel Fleet relay the message: Yavin IV is under attack by the Mandalorian Liberation Army. As the message is promulgated, the Rebel Alliance's Special Assault Service gears up and takes into formation outside of the main fleet. Their mission is to capitalize on the chaos by destroying anything they can. Since the SAS differs from Rogue Squadron, in that they offer larger scale strike packages, they maintain specially modified craft with increased combat capability, namely faster hyperdrives. So as the SAS completed their hyperspace calculations, they departed!

1. Rendezvous Point received General Distress Signal from Yavin IV.
2. Rebel SAS entered hyperspace for Yavin IV: ETA 90 hours.

GR75 "SAS" Transport (GR75/SAS)
Cost: N/A
Production Time: 3 days
Length: 90 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shields: 180
Armor: 90
Systems: 90
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (3)
6 Dual Turbolaser Cannons (96)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Units:
100 Rebel Guerilla Squads & 5 T-47s
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 09:21:46 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2011, 07:48:37 AM »
With a flash the GR-75 popped out of hyperspace and transmitted the needed codes to the fleet. After being escorted to the nearest medical frigate the shuttle docked and began its offload of the much needed bacta supplies for the fleet.

Exited HS
Docked with a Med Frigate
Began offload of 189 Units of Bacta
Completion Date: 5/23
Income: 1,134KC

Status: Docked
Everything 100%

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« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2011, 06:57:25 AM »
OOC Note: Due to how much KC im generating per month Ive been asked to limit smuggling to YT-1300/YT-2400s. So im just switching my smugglers ship to show that.

The YT-2400 entered HS for Xohixi.

Entered HS

YT-2400 100%

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« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2011, 12:55:12 PM »
With a flash the yt-2400 exited HS and entered the atmosphere.

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« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2011, 02:25:22 PM »
The YT-2400 docks and offloads 50 units of bacta. +300KC