Author Topic: ~\¥ Imperial Guardians: Kamino ¥/~  (Read 15335 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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~\¥ Imperial Guardians: Kamino ¥/~
« on: October 14, 2019, 02:43:56 PM »
« Last Edit: October 18, 2019, 08:09:55 PM by SWSF Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: ~\¥ Imperial Guardians: Kamino ¥/~
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2019, 10:21:25 PM »

  The New Republic Southern Fleet slipped from hyperspace in close succession and prepared for battle against the Imperial Remnant...

=Action Summary=
RAF Pegasus, Tempest, Guardian, Steadfast, Hunter, Paladin Exit HS in X Grid Space (Previous -3AP to HS)
RAFs " " Spend -1AP to deploy 1 VCX Gunship each
RAF Pegasus Initiates ComScan of Kamino System...

RAF Pegasus
LOC/HD  X/A     UCR/AP  5/4     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  BH Prikesshk
  VCX Banshee  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Red  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Ruby  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Tempest
LOC/HD X/A     UCR/AP  5/4     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Cyclone  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Green  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Forest  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Guardian
LOC/HD  X/A     UCR/AP  5/4     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Sentry  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Blue  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Midnight  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Steadfast
LOC/HD  X/A     UCR/AP  5/4     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Allegiant LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Purple  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Violet  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Hunter
LOC/HD  X/A     UCR/AP  5/4     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Scout LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Yellow  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Gold  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Paladin
LOC/HD  X/A     UCR/AP  5/4     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Knight  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Grey  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Silver  LOC X  UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 10:37:09 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: ~\¥ Imperial Guardians: Kamino ¥/~
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2019, 12:48:49 PM »
(( Story, and more details forthcoming. But this is the essential moves of the round for me ))

Y-45 HAULER Runescaster & Thrashlighter:
  * land on surface (4/5 AP/ea)
  * deploy 8 Stormtroopers (4/5 AP/ea)
  * take off from surface (3/5 AP/ea)

CRK Sentinel:
  * H3, heading G4
  * raise shields (5/6 AP)
  * move H3->G4->F5->E6 (2/6 AP)
  * turn 60-deg, E6 heading D5 (1/6 AP)
  * deploy TIE AVENGER 1

CRK Houndbeak:
  * H1, heading G1
  * raise shields (5/6 AP)
  * move H1->G1->F1->E1 (2/6 AP)
  * turn 60-deg, E1 heading D1 (1/6 AP)
  * deploy TIE AVENGER 2

  * Combat Space Patrol activated (5/6 AP each)

  * H3, heading G4
  * move H3->G4->F5->E6 (2/5 AP)
  * Combat Space Patrol Activated (1/5 AP)

  * H1, heading G1
  * move H1->G1->F1->E1 (2/5 AP)
  * Combat Space Patrol Activated (1/5 AP)

28 Stormtroopers

(edit: fixed indentation)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 03:34:40 PM by SWSF Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: ~\¥ Imperial Guardians: Kamino ¥/~
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2019, 02:23:00 PM »

    Discerning the strength and positions of defenses, a pair of cruisers from the Sullustan fleet moved to engage them while the rest of the main force remained in Deep Space...

=Action Summary=
ALL AP restored to Full

RAF Pegasus, Tempest, Guardian, Steadfast hold postion in X, spend -1AP to Raise Shields
AWing Red, Ruby, Green, Forest, Blue, Midnight, Purple, Violent hold position in X

RAF Hunter spends 7 AP, Raises Shields, Moves from X to A3 > B4, Facing C5
RAF Paladin spends 7 AP, Raises Shields, Moves from X to  A3 > B4, Facing C5
AWing Yellow & Gold spend 3 AP, Moves to from X to A3 > B4, goes on CSP for B4
AWing Grey & Silver spend 2 AP, Moves from X to A3 > B4
VCX Scout spends 2 AP, Moves from X to A3 > B4
VCX Knight spends 2 AP, Moves from X to A3 > B4

RAF Pegasus
LOC/HD  X/A    UCR/AP  5/7    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  BH Prikesshk
  VCX Banshee  LOC X    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Red      LOC X    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Ruby    LOC X    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Tempest
LOC/HD X/A    UCR/AP  5/7    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Cyclone  LOC X      UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Green  LOC X      UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Forest  LOC X    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Guardian
LOC/HD  X/A    UCR/AP  5/7     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Sentry          LOC X    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Blue        LOC X    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Midnight  LOC X    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Steadfast
LOC/HD  X/A    UCR/AP  5/7    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Allegiant  LOC X    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/26
  AWing Purple  LOC X    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14
  AWing Violet  LOC X    UCR/AP/DUR  8/6/14

RAF Hunter
LOC/HD  B4/C5    UCR/AP  5/1     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Scout      LOC B4              UCR/AP/DUR  6/4/26
  AWing Yellow  LOC B4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/3/14
  AWing Gold    LOC B4  CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/3/14

RAF Paladin
LOC/HD  B4/C5    UCR/AP  5/1    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Knight    LOC B4    UCR/AP/DUR  6/4/26
  AWing Grey  LOC B4    UCR/AP/DUR  8/4/14
  AWing Silver  LOC B4    UCR/AP/DUR  8/4/14

« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 07:02:47 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: ~\¥ Imperial Guardians: Kamino ¥/~
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2019, 08:05:51 PM »
Imperial Guardians

Lieutenant Hershel had spent the last weeks wondering privately how he had he crossed the Admiral. Why else would he have been sent beyond the known galaxy and into wild space itself?

Yesterday he had worried about his men, who were growing weary of staring at the inky black void of space where so few stars shone and the monotonous swirling of the white capped seas below. There were reports of drunkenness and disorder. His men respected the Admiral, but still. The Emperor was dead. There were doubts. In every man.

"Two of the Assault Frigates are moving in system," reported the officer at the Sentinel's bridge sensor monitor. "They're heading towards the Sentinel."

A pair of Assault Frigates would make quick work of the Sentinel. But Lieutenant Hershel had no intention of giving them that chance.

"Engineering, bring the Sentinel around and take us towards the Houndbeak. The Haulers are to break orbit and move towards our current position and hold."

"Yes, sir."

"Have we heard anything back yet, Comms?"

"No, sir," a young woman reported.

"Keep transmitting."

Unit Actions:
Y-45 HAULER A & B:
  * move to F5 (2/5 AP/ea)

CRK Sentinel:
  * turn 60-deg, E6 heading E5 (5/6 AP)
  * move to E4 (3/6 AP)
  * turn 60-deg, E4 heading F3 (2/6 AP)
  * move to F3 (1/6 AP)
  * turn 60-deg, F3 heading F2 (0/6 AP)

  * move to F3 (3/6 AP, 2/5 AP)
  * Combat Space Patrol activated (2/6 AP, 1/5 AP)

  * move to F3 (3/6 AP, 2/5 AP)
  * Combat Space Patrol Activated (2/6 AP, 1/5 AP)

CRK Sentinel in F3 heading F2, 100%
TIE Avenger 1 & 2 in F3, 100%, CSP
TIE Interceptor 1 & 2 in F3, 100%, CSP

CRK Houndbeak in E1, heading D1, 100%

Y45 Haulers A & B, 100%

((That map is amazing and very helpful!))

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: ~\¥ Imperial Guardians: Kamino ¥/~
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2019, 11:47:57 AM »

  The landing force finally arrived (3rd Post Reinforcement Rule) and pushed inward of the now cleared area of space.  The penetrating Assault frigates continued their push to protect the transports while the rest of the Fleet that had waited in Deep Space now moved to the outskirts of the system to protect the rear of the transport group...

=Action Summary=
4 RMTs Meerkat, Muskrat, Mara, Marmot exit HS in X at -1AP, 3 Remain
They move to A4 > B5 > C6 Facing end grid

4 RAFs Move to protect transports Rear from X > A4 Facing B5
Their 8 AWs and 4 VCXs Move to A4 and go on CSP -2AP

RAF Hunter and RAF Paladin Move to protect the Landing Transports, spend 8AP to Move from B4 > C5; Turn 1 Angle to Face D4 > D4 Facing E4

  I think I got all the status' updated appropriately.. lemme know if I missed!

RAF Pegasus
LOC/HD  A4/B5    UCR/AP  5/5    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  BH Prikesshk
  VCX Banshee  LOC A4 CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  6/4/26
  AWing Red      LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/4/14
  AWing Ruby    LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/4/14

RAF Tempest
LOC/HD A4/B5    UCR/AP  5/5    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Cyclone  LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  6/4/26
  AWing Green  LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/4/14
  AWing Forest  LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/4/14

RAF Guardian
LOC/HD  A4/B5    UCR/AP  5/5     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Sentry          LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  6/4/26
  AWing Blue        LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/4/14
  AWing Midnight  LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/4/14

RAF Steadfast
LOC/HD  A4/B5    UCR/AP  5/5    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Allegiant  LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  6/4/26
  AWing Purple  LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/4/14
  AWing Violet  LOC A4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/4/14

RAF Hunter
LOC/HD  D4/E4    UCR/AP  5/0     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Scout      LOC D4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  6/3/26
  AWing Yellow  LOC C6 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/3/14
  AWing Gold    LOC C6  CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/3/14

RAF Paladin
LOC/HD  D4/E4    UCR/AP  5/0    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Knight    LOC D4 CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  6/3/26
  AWing Grey  LOC C6 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/3/14
  AWing Silver  LOC C6 CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  8/3/14

RMT Meerkat
LOC/HD  C6/EG    UCR/AP  7/0    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  0(2)/9/5/5
  6 SPDRs  LOC Bay

RMT Muskrat
LOC/HD  C6/EG    UCR/AP  7/0    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  0(2)/9/5/5
  6 SPDRs  LOC Bay

RMT Mara
LOC/HD  C6/EG    UCR/AP  7/0    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  10(2)/9/5/5
  6 SPDRs  LOC Bay

RMT Marmot

LOC/HD  C6/EG    UCR/AP  7/0    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  10(2)/9/5/5
  6 SPDRs  LOC Bay


« Last Edit: November 04, 2019, 10:00:30 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: ~\¥ Imperial Guardians: Kamino ¥/~
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2019, 07:44:38 PM »
Imperial Guardians

<Will update with a story later>

Unit Actions:
Y-45 HAULER A & B:
  * move to E1 (0/5 AP/ea)

CRK Sentinel:
  * turn 120-deg, heading E4 (4/6 AP)
  * move to E4 (3/6 AP)
  * turn 60-deg, heading E5 (2/6 AP)
  * move to E6 (0/6 AP)

CRK Houndbeak:
  * move to D1 (5/6 AP)
  * turn 60-deg, heading D2 (4/6 AP)
  * move to D2 (3/6 AP)
  * Fire 1 TL @ VCX Scout in D4 (2/6 AP)
    > 1 TL UCR 5/6 * 8 DMG = 7 DMG

  * move to E6 (3/6 AP, 2/5 AP)
  * CSP

  * move to E6 (3/6 AP, 2/5 AP)
  * CSP

CRK Sentinel in E6 heading SOUTH, 100%
TIE Avenger 1 & 2 in E6, 100% CSP
TIE Interceptor 1 & 2 in E6, 100% CSP

CRK Houndbeak in D2, heading D3, 100%

Y45 Haulers A & B, 100%

« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 07:46:33 PM by SWSF Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: ~\¥ Imperial Guardians: Kamino ¥/~
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2019, 10:49:43 PM »
  The two penetrating Assault Frigates turned to attack the flanking Carrack cruiser Sentinel, then quickly maneuvered to be ready to engage the Houndbeak.  Meanwhile the Landing ships and their escorts moved closer to the planet and the rest of the escorting fleet went to Hyperspace..

=Action Summary=
RAF Hunter & Paladin Turn 60 to Face E5, -2AP ea

RAF Hunter & Paladin each Fire 2 QTLCs (Rng 2, Dmg 32) @ CRK Sentinel in E6; UCR 5/5 = 1.0x64x2 = 128pts dmg to Sentinel, -2AP ea

RAF Hunter & Paladin Turn 60 to Face E4 again, then another 60 to Face D3, -4AP ea

RMT Muskrat, Meerkat, Mara, Marmot Turn 60 to Face D5, Move to D5 > E5 > F4 Facing G3

VCX Scout Takes 7dmg
AWing Yellow, Gold, Grey, Silver move to F4 and Maintain CSP for Landing Ships

RAF Pegasus, Tempest, Guardian & Steadfast spend 1 AP ea to Recover their VCX, they then spend 3 AP ea to Enter Hyperspace with their Starfighter escorts

RAF Hunter
LOC/HD  D4/D3    UCR/AP  5/0     SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Scout      LOC D4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  6/6/19
  AWing Yellow  LOC F4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/3/14
  AWing Gold    LOC F4  CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/3/14

RAF Paladin
LOC/HD  D4/D3    UCR/AP  5/0    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  40(3)/60/30/10
  VCX Knight    LOC D4 CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  6/3/26
  AWing Grey  LOC F4 CSP    UCR/AP/DUR  8/3/14
  AWing Silver  LOC F4 CSP  UCR/AP/DUR  8/3/14

RMT Meerkat
LOC/HD  F4/G3    UCR/AP  7/0    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  10(2)/9/5/5
  6 SPDRs  LOC Bay

RMT Muskrat
LOC/HD  F4/G3    UCR/AP  7/0    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  10(2)/9/5/5
  6 SPDRs  LOC Bay

RMT Mara
LOC/HD  F4/G3    UCR/AP  7/0    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  10(2)/9/5/5
  6 SPDRs  LOC Bay

RMT Marmot

LOC/HD  F4/G3    UCR/AP  7/0    SHD/ARM/SYS/HLL  10(2)/9/5/5
  6 SPDRs  LOC Bay

    New Positions Grid Coming Tomorrow/Tuesday!
« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 07:00:05 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death