Author Topic: DEEP SPACE NEAR KALIST  (Read 13859 times)

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« on: January 07, 2019, 07:53:02 PM »
Intel summary:

Constant fighting with Zsinj's Empire and the arrival of Imperial Remnant forces has forced Admiral Corren Vang and his fleet to leave the vicinity of Dathomir for Prakith in the Deep Core. Vang is a minor Imperial warlord who recently allied with the Disciples of Ragnos, and his mixed fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers and Nebulon-B Frigates represents an emerging threat to the New Republic.

Vang is now making a move for Kalist (also in the Deep Core). If he succeeds, it will be the first time the Vang Empire has held control of multiple systems at once. Vang does not possess any SSD's. His flagship is the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Unbreakable, which is confirmed to be at Prakith currently.

New Republic forces have been dispatched by Admiral Ackbar to intercept. NR intelligence has provided coordinates in deep space near Kalist, and unverified reports suggests there is a single VE-aligned Victory II-class Star Destroyer that is to rendezvous with a bulk freighter. There is no intel on the freighter itself, which suggests that the contents of the freighter are probably standard freight such as fuel or auxiliary parts.

**** This is a mini-campaign event involving LordSeverus and SWSF Eidolon only. The purpose of this campaign is to test out a new dice mechanic with classic SWSF ship specs. ****

**** For this event, LordSeverus will assume command of Vang Empire forces, and SWSF Eidolon will assume command of New Republic forces. ****

**** GM for the event is LordSeverus. ****

**** Since this event takes place in deep space, we will be using a large square grid. ****

NR forces should exit hyperspace and initiate a ComScan first, after which the grid locations of VE forces will be revealed.

The NR fleet is comprised of one CCRV and one FRG for this event.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 05:46:23 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2019, 08:07:36 PM »
Square grid, A-J x 1-10.

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2019, 08:40:05 PM »
Vang Empire forces:

Victory II-class Star Destroyer (VSDII)
Name/Model#: Victory II-class Star Destroyer
Designer/Manufacturer(s): Kuat Drive Yards, Rendili StarDrive, Krell Heavy Industries
Cost: 1,900,000,000 credits per ship and 5 supply units
Build Time: 5 weeks

Combat Designation: Medium Cruiser
Length: 900 meters
Crew: 5,200
SPEED: 20 MGLT = 2 grids per turn
Maneuver: 2
2,500 standard troops
10 AT-AT Walkers
20 AT-ST Walkers
3 Landing Barges
Cargo Capacity: 3/4 Supply Unit
20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (20 Bow, 10 Port, 10 Starboard) OVERLAP
2 Double Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (1 Bow, 1 Port, 1 Starboard) OVERLAP
20 Double Turbolaser Cannons (15 Bow, 10 Port, 10 Starboard, 5 Stern) OVERLAP
10 Ion Cannons (10 Bow, 5 Port, 5 Starboard) OVERLAP
2 Missile Launchers (36 Missiles Each)
10 Tractor Beam Projectors (4 Bow, 3 Port, 3 Starboard)
Armor: 500 Damage Points
Shields: 1,100 Damage Points
Launch Bays: 1 Standard (12 craft per turn)
Onboard Craft:
12 TIE Interceptors 6 Assault Transports
12 Assault Gunboats
Special Capabilities / Notes: Launch bay can launch 2 TIE Squadrons per turn, standard rate with all other fighters. Towers can take 140 Points each. Shield Generators are each responsible for 20% of the shields and must be targeted by starfighters or auxiliary craft.


Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (FRG)
Name/Model#: EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards, Krell Heavy Industries
Cost: 150,000,000 credits per ship and 1 supply unit
Build Time: 2 weeks per ship

Combat Designation: Close Support Vessel
Length: 300 meters
Crew: 920 (77 officers, 843 enlisted)
SPEED: 16 MGLT = 2 Grid Spaces per Turn
Maneuver: 2
Troops: 75 Lightly armed troops
Cargo Capacity: 1/4 Supply Unit
12 Taim & Bak Turbolaser Batteries. (4 Bow, 6 Port, 6 Starboard) OVERLAP
12 Borstel RH8 Laser Cannons. (3 Bow, 6 Port, 6 Starboard, 1 Stern) OVERLAP
2 Phylon Tractor Beam Projectors. (1 Port, 1 Stern)
1 Krupx Anti-Starfighter Launch System (36 missiles)
Armor: 150 Damage Points
Shields: 300 Damage Points
Launch Bays: 1 Standard (12 craft per turn)
Onboard Craft:
2 Standard Starfighter Squadrons, 1 Lambda-class Shuttle
Special Capabilities / Notes: May be converted for a variety of tasks.


BFF-1 Bulk Freighter
Name/Model#: BFF-1 Bulk Freighter
Designer/Manufacturer: Phylon Freight, others
Cost: 4,000,000 credit per ship and 1/4 supply unit*
Build Time: 1 week per ship
Combat Designation: Medium Bulk Cargo Carrier
Length: 120 meters
Crew: 10
Passengers: None
SPEED: 17 MGLT = 2 grid spaces per turn*
Cargo Capacity: x supply unit*
Weapons: None
Armor: 20 Damage Points*
Shields: 70 Damage Points*
Special Capabilities / Notes: None.

* = I either took it from the specs for the Corellian Action VI Transport, or left it blank because it doesn't matter for this event, or made up something (e.g., armor and shields) just so it can be used for the event.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 11:20:56 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2019, 08:45:20 PM »
New Republic forces:

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (FRG)
Name/Model#: EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Cost: 150,000,000 credits and 1 supply unit per ship
Build Time: 2 weeks per ship

Combat Designation: Close Support Vessel
Length: 300 meters
Crew: 920 (77 officers, 843 enlisted)
SPEED: 16 MGLT = 2 grid spaces per turn
Maneuver: 2
Troops: 75 Lightly armed troops
Cargo Capacity: 1/4 supply unit
12 Taim & Bak Turbolaser Batteries. (4 Bow, 6 Port, 6 Starboard) OVERLAP
12 Borstel RH8 Laser Cannons. (3 Bow, 6 Port, 6 Starboard, 1 Stern) OVERLAP
2 Phylon Tractor Beam Projectors. (1 Port, 1 Stern)
1 Krupx Anti-Starfighter Launch System (36 missiles)
Armor: 150 Damage Points
Shields: 300 Damage Points
Launch Bays: 1 Standard (12 craft per turn)
Onboard Craft:
2 Standard Starfighter Squadrons, 1 Lambda-class Shuttle
Special Capabilities / Notes: May be converted for a variety of tasks.


Corellian Corvette (CCRV)
Name/Model#: CR90 Blockade Runner
Designer/Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Cost: 21,000,000 credits and 1/4 supply unit per ship
Build Time: 1 week per ship

Combat Designation: Multi-Purpose Vessel
Length: 150 meters
Crew: 48 (8 officers, 40 enlisted)
SPEED: 30 MGLT = 3 grid spaces per turn
Maneuver: 2
Troops: 600 lightly armed troops or passengers
Cargo Capacity: 1 supply unit
   2 Taim & Bak Double Turbolaser Cannons (2 Bow, 2 Port, 2 Starboard, 2 Stern)
   6 Heavy Laser Cannons (3 Port, 3 Starboard) OVERLAP
Armor: 75 Damage Points
Shields: 150 Damage Points
Onboard Craft: None
Special Capabilities / Notes: None.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 08:50:58 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2019, 08:59:28 PM »
GM note: The warbook I'm using as a reference for this event is We'll be modifying the rules to incorporate the use of dice.


Shields and armor

Ships have shield points equal to their length. Armor points are equal to half their length.



A ship's systems points are equal to 2x the length of the ship.  Only Ion Cannons and Magnetic Pulse Torpedoes (see specs) can do damage to a ship's systems. Ion Cannons do not affect shields in any way.



A 150 meter long ship with normal (unmodified) shields and normal (unmodified) armor would have:

Shields - 150 HP
Armor - 75 HP
Systems - 300 HP
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 11:33:23 AM by LordSeverus »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2019, 09:38:55 PM »

Space damage chart - shields and armor

Weapon Type                  Damage

Laser Cannon                    1 HP
Heavy Laser Cannon              2 HP

Light Turbolaser Cannon         7 HP
Medium Turbolaser Cannon        8 HP
Heavy Turbolaser Cannon         9 HP

Light Turbolaser Battery       12 HP
Medium Turbolaser Battery      14 HP
Heavy Turbolaser Battery       16 HP

Hapan Light Turbolasers         8 HP
Hapan Medium Turbolasers       10 HP
Hapan Heavy Turbolasers        12 HP

Concussion Missile              5 HP
Advanced Concussion Missile     6.5 HP
Proton Torpedo                 10 HP
Advanced Proton Torpedo        15 HP
Heavy Rocket                   20 HP
Heavy Space Bomb               40 HP


Space damage chart - systems

Weapon Type                  Damage

Light Ion Cannon                1 HP
Ion Cannon                      2 HP
Heavy Ion Cannon                3 HP

Light Ion Battery               1.5 HP
Ion Battery                     3 HP
Heavy Ion Battery               4.5 HP


Intercepting warheads with lasers, turbolasers, and ion cannons

Warheads may be intercepted with lasers, turbolasers, or ion cannons. Refer to the below chart for the number of cannons required to intercept a warhead.

Warhead Type:                  # of Laser Cannons:                  # of Turbolaser Cannons:

Advanced Concussion Missiles      4 Laser Cannons                      5 Turbolaser Cannons
Concussion Missiles               3 Laser Cannons                      4 Turbolaser Cannons
Advanced Proton Torpedoes         3 Laser Cannons                      4 Turbolaser Cannons
Proton Torpedoes                  2 Laser Cannons                      3 Turbolaser Cannons
Heavy Rockets                     1 Laser Cannons                      2 Turbolaser Cannons
Space Bombs                       1 Laser Cannons                      2 Turbolaser Cannons


Intercepting warheads with other warheads

Alternatively, may also use other warheads to intercept inbound warheads; however, only missiles and torpedoes may do so, and they won't always hit.

Aganinst Advanced Concussion Missiles:
Warhead type                  Success rate:
Concussion Missiles                      50%
Advanced Concussion Missiles             25%
Proton Torpedoes                         75%
Advanced Proton Torpedoes                50%
Heavy Rockets                           100%
Space Bombs                             100%

Against Concussion Missiles:
Warhead type                  Success rate:
Concussion Missile                       25%
Proton Torpedoes                         50%
Advanced Proton Torpedoes                25%
Heavy Rockets                            75%
Space Bombs                             100%

Against Advanced Proton Torpedoes:
Warhead type                  Success rate:
Concussion Missiles                      25%
Proton Torpedoes                         50%
Advanced Proton Torpedoes                25%
Heavy Rockets                            75%
Space Bombs                             100%

Against Proton Torpedoes:
Warhead type                  Success rate:
Proton Torpedoes                         25%
Heavy Rockets                            50%
Space Bombs                              75%


Weapon Ranges

Weapon type                        Range:

Laser Cannon                    Same Grid
Heavy Laser Cannon Same Grid

Light Turbolaser Cannon         Next Grid
Medium Turbolaser Cannon        Next Grid
Heavy Turbolaser Cannon            2 Grids

Light Turbolaser Battery        Next Grid
Medium Turbolaser Battery       Next Grid
Heavy Turbolaser Battery           2 Grids

Hapan Light Turbolasers         Same Grid
Hapan Medium Turbolasers        Next Grid
Hapan Heavy Turbolasers         Next Grid

Light Ion Cannon                Same Grid
Medium Ion Cannnon              Same Grid
Heavy Ion Cannon                Next Grid

Concussion Missile              Next Grid
Advanced Concussion Missile     Next Grid
Proton Torpedo                     2 Grids
Advanced Proton Torpedo            2 Grids
Proton Bomb                     Same Grid
Heavy Rocket                    Same Grid
Heavy Space Bomb                Same Grid


Systems damage

A ship looses a system every time it looses 20% of its system points.  Systems are lost in the following order:

-Sublight Engines



- Capital ships are able to fire 100% of their laser weaponry, 100% of their ion cannons, or 50% of both. 50% means half of weapons, not half of one arc. 

- Auxiliary and fighters do not follow this rule. They can either fire a laser weapon or am ion weapon, and then a warhead (unless specs state otherwise).
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 10:50:58 PM by LordSeverus »

Offline EmperorSeverus

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« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2019, 09:44:57 PM »
***** Starfighter specs, clarifications, and dice mechanic not yet posted. ****