Author Topic: REBOAM (HAPAN STAR CLUSTER)  (Read 9479 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« on: November 30, 2018, 01:42:52 PM »

  Reboam is a sparsely inhabited Consortium world covered in sands and arid dry lands.  There is no known atmospheric water cycle, but extensive aquifer networks have been discovered and partially mapped.  The climate varies between calm clear warm days and dry freezing nites, or massive tempest like wind storms whipping the sands in to churning furies that blacken the sky, choke life and reshape the landscape.  After Terephon, it is the next inhabited star system along the Great Rim Route within the Hapan Rim Worlds and spared from the formers title of 'Most Backwater' only because it is lesser known and because based on appearances, it lacks water.

  Since ancient Hapan times, myths told of a Jedi Praxeum on the planet that was at some point either destroyed in conflict or swallowed by the sands.  The general Hapan aversion to the Jedi has helped color the tone and varying accounts of the tale.  Like all Banner Worlds within the Consortium, Reboam is ruled by a Ducha.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 06:28:35 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

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« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2018, 10:02:35 PM »

The Long Road Home


  The winds whipped violently across the ancient walled capitol city Praddesh, especially at the elevated levels of the Old Citadels landing pad where Konstancja awaited her younger sister.  The name Praddesh was that of a long dead Noble House of Hapes, according to legends the first of their people to settle the unforgiving desert world Reboam.

  The newly minted Letylana family matriach and young Ducha of Reboam could not help but consider if her House too had been sent here to die, cast from relevance and choked by the sands.  The shuttles idle hum and ion blue exhaust vent glow was dulled as the intensity of the encroaching windstorm increased by the minute.

  Ducha Letylana's wrist piece emitted a quick series of notes preceding a strong female voice,

  "Madame Letylana, the storm intensity is reaching category 4 and not slowing down.  The sirens are sounding and the city shields will raise shortly.  If we do not depart now we will have to wait out the storm.." the voice informed her Lord.

  Konstancja gritted her teeth.  Thousands still depended on them to lead and decide and the younger scion of House Letylana had yet to rise to the task that was their new reality.  She raised the wrist device to her mouth and conceded,

  "Thank you Lieutenant, coming aboard.  Let's g.."

  "Let's go," Anastazja grunted as she passed her elder sister in her usual heavy stride, a half hour late having just emerged out onto the platform nearly unnoticed in the driving precipitation of sand granules.

  The elder followed quickly shielding her face from the storm with her cloak.

  "Nice of you to show.  I'm sure whatever you were preoccupied with outweighed our duty to our name and our House," Konstancja began scolding her sister when they'd stepped in to the shuttles loading bay as the door folded down closed behind them.

  Anastazja ignored her elder and pulled away from her light grasp heading for the seating compartment.

  "Hey!," the young Ducha grabbed her siblings shoulder with the same hand and yanked her back, spinning and pushing her in to the paneled walls.

  The younger shoved her back with both hands sending her in to the opposing side of the narrow walk way.  She then pulled an ornate dagger from inside her vest and tossed it to the ground of the cargo bay where it fell with a ringing metallic roll.

  "I was busy deciding who I was going to use this on first! The bitch queen in her golden stitched britches or my cunting sister who smiles and bows before her!" Anastazja cried out in a long brewing rage.

  It was answered with a firm slap across her mouth from the Ducha which was launched before the personal part of her younger sisters attack had even processed.

  "If you value your head, you'll learn in this short ride to mind your fucking tongue," Konstancja chastised her sister in an extremely muffled anger.  Bending down she picked up the dagger and tucked it in to her own waist, heading toward the seating compartment herself.

  Ana watched her elder sister carry herself with what she saw as ambivalence and proceeded to mock her,

  "The Ducha has spoken.  Thank you Lord, I shall wear this lesson with pride!" she exclaimed rubbing her reddened cheek and performing a clearly disrespectful bow.

  Before Konstancja could exit the cargo area, Ana cried out as she slammed a clenched fist on the wall and pointed out toward the front of the shuttle and spaceward.

  "Do you even know what today is!? Do you think she choose today by chance!?"  tears streamed down her face while she held a chiseled angry expression.

  The young Ducha Letylana restrained her urges to comfort her sister as a child as she always had before.  They no longer had the luxury of that relationship.  She only turned her head partially to respond,

  "I know what today is and I know why she choose it.  Mother is gone.  Reboam is our home now.  Letylana banners still fly in the Consortium.  So long as our House lives on, we all live forever," she offered the most stately comforting terms she could without crossing in to weakness and favor.

  The eldest true blooded Letylana by the womb exited the cargo bay of the shuttle and left her younger sister to gather herself.  Beyond, in the personnel compartment and crew cabin she joined the rest of the House Letylana Delegation as the shuttle was beginning to pass through the outer atmospheric zones.

  In a matter of moments passing in to space, the shuttle veered sharply toward dozens of gleaming glints in the distance against the black back drop and trillions of pinpoints of light..

« Last Edit: December 08, 2018, 01:24:59 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2018, 01:35:15 PM »

  As the shuttle approached, the tiny glints in the distance took more defined shape until resolving clearly in to a mighty assembly of Hapan warships.  Dozens of Battle Dragons, Nova Battle Cruisers, and the crowning jewel the ancient Star Home.  His Presence made this no ordinary Fleet Assembly but a Royal Fleet Assembly.  He was a looming testament to the glory of Hapan engineering and culture.  Every world in the Cluster provided some key component to the structure or identity of the monstrous mobile structure.  As a mirror of the cluster and it's various member worlds it carries both the natural beauty and power of them all.

  The tiny ship ferrying the Ducha and Scion of House Letylana ducked in to the under belly of the massive super structure of the mobile seat of Royal Hapan power...


  Anastazja stood next to her sister Konstancja as they awaited the shuttle ramp to lower and their small party to disembark aboard the Star Home.  The elder pulled the ornate finely pointed thin cylindrical dagger from her waist belt and handed it to her younger sister.

  "Hold this and stash it in our House Chambers when they take you there.  The Queen will no doubt summon me immediately to account for our lateness," she calmly instructed.

  Ana tucked it in to her lapel and kept mum.

  The dim interior lighting of the shuttle was flooded out by the nearly natural seeming bright light of Star Home's massive main hangar bay.  Two women flanked by half a dozen royal guards stood before them as they strode down the short ramp.  Adeladja was an elder noble woman of House Letylana herself, she was the two young noble ladies Aunt, and was alive unlike their mother only because she served on the Royal Court whose constituents were protected from punitive royal justice.  Despite still having her life, she had become a defacto prisoner of Ta'a Chume and bound to the Royal Court until her death, unless she choose to exchange one for the other.  Despite not being cast away to distant Reboam herself, she represented it now and no longer held any claims on Loradram, the ancestral Letylana homeworld-moon of Relephon.

  The other was a much taller and less diplomatically attired woman with strong features and form.  Her long deep yellow blonde hair was tightly knotted in one long tail hanging past her waist line.  She was a senior noble woman in House Veridan of Selab in the Interior, a family who owed it's modern relevancy to the sitting Chume's House.  Rekaba was Chief of Security for Ta a Chume herself.  As such, she'd lately become intimately familiar with House Letylana from noblewoman to bannermaid to serf.

  Adeladja greeted them warm but professionally,

  "Madame Ducha Letylana, with pleasure I welcome you aboard Her Royal Majesty's Star Home,"

  she embraced Konstancja with the usual customary light hug at the right shoulder before greeting her younger niece,

  "Madame Duchas," before embracing her with a stronger shoulder hug and clapsing her hand giving it a light squeeze in a casual yet unseen manner.

  Anastazja had always adored her Aunt in youth as she carried herself with much more formal pomp than their mother had.  She was glad to see her next closest living relative but jockeyed with the sadness it elicited within due to her strong resemblance to their mother.  Still seeing and being near her again was comforting.

  But the looming emotional connection between the three women was assuredly muffled as Rekaba Veridan shortly intervened in the family reunion.

  "Ducha and Duchas Letylana, please I'm honored to escort you to the Royal Court.  The High and Lower Court Nobles have been assembled for some time awaiting your House's arrival," she spoke in a barely feigned courteous tone while guiding the party off.

  Konstancja shot her younger sister a quick look while prodding Rekaba as they walked,

  "Apologies to her Majesty, the tempest like sand storms of Reboam are an ever present delay of our work for the Crown there, but I'm confused, we didn't expect the formalities to begin until this evening.  My sister and I are hardly in presentable form for the High Court at this moment.."

  the House Veridan attache continued her pace while retorting,

  "Yes, I'm sure Letylana is endeavoring with it's dying breath to atone and prove fealty on that dry dirt ball.  Does House Letylana still possess the means to adorn its upper nobility in attire befitting a Royal audience? .." there was silence from the Letylana women as they walked behind the Veridan woman.

  Apparently impatient with the lack of response, Rekaba switched to more literal forms,

  "It was too lenient of terms for one of the Pillar Houses of the Usurper.  You should consider yourselves lucky I serve Ta'a Chume only in matters of physical security and not in an advisory role."

  Konstancja could feel Ana's seething and the inaudible grinding of teeth was all the while deafening to her.  She maintained her veil of nobility and regal in response,

  "It is well Veridan carries royal favor in some form.  I shudder to consider where Letylana would stand were it not for the shoulders Her Majesty has always provided us as footing,"

  Ana Letylana could not contain a short muffled snort-laugh.  She was young but knew the history of all the Houses quite well.  Veridan held no power of their own before their total submission to the Royal House, their Ducha had never held domain over an entire world.  They had no bannermaids of their own.  Letylana history of power and influence spanned as far back as the first Houses of Lorell, they always held domain over an entire world- even now in the shame of their fall as defeated Usupers.  Behind the walled cities of Reboam for certain and she imagined scattered across the steppes of Loradram, bannermaids still swore loyalty to Letylana and secretly spat upon the reigning Ta'a Chume's sigil.

  Rekaba abruptly ceased her stride and turned to face Ducha Letylana, Adeldja hurried passed them to beckon the door guards of the Great Hall they had already arrived at to usher them in before words and tensions boiled over,

  Konstanzja Letylana, Ducha of her House and Reboam stood a degree shorter and much less musuclar than the strong towering woman of House Veridan before her.

  "Is your womb then as dry as your Houses new home world?  Is that why you bear no fruit for the Great House Letylana?  Perhaps this one will snare herself a stag serf to inject some strength in to her House to carry on your name?  She needs only let those raven Letylana locks grow on the other half of her head to lure one close," she taunted the young Ducha before bringing the younger Letylana scion in to the mud slinging.

  Konstanzja held the more formidable seeming womans stone gaze for a frozen moment.  Her polite expression and tone unflinching she countered briefly,

  "Blessing upon the daughters of Veridan for years to come," she offered with extreme restraint before striding passed Rekaba Veridan and joining Adeladja as the Letylana delegation entered the Great Hall of Star Home where the High and Lower Royal Courts of all Hapan Nobility had assembled.

  Anastazja could not help but give Rekaba Veridan a dirty look back as they parted company for the moment..

« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 03:48:44 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2018, 05:13:43 PM »

  The Great Hall of Star Home was a mirrored space of the same room within the Fountain Palace on Hapes.  There a representative of every member world of the Hapes Consortium served on an assembly of noble women who helped guide the politics of the sixty-three populated planets in concert with the Absolute Monarch, the Queen Mother herself.  The interior was a towering cathedral like space decorated with the expected glimmering and shining ornate fixtures.

  The Letylana women  stepped inside and the clamor died down amidst them as gatherings of women parted and gave way to them as they waded inward.  Konstancja, Ana and their House and worlds own Representative, Adeladja walked along a gilded path leading from the over sized double entry doors up to to the Queens throne platform, passing through the entire Court Assembly and it's multitude of calculating, judging eyes and a mashed chorus of loud murmuring.

  Konstance's own mother Katarzyna had done much to prepare her for the shark infested waters of Hapan politics from a young age.  Unlike much of the squabbling and power struggles that tore other Houses apart from within, the history of Letylana was devoid of internal blood shed.  Her mother had confided in her shortly before the Usurpers War to replace Ta'a Chume with Na'a Chume'sa that in early councils, Ta'a had asked personally.. ::fade to flashback scene::


Hapes, Fountain Palace Great Hall, nearly two years ago..

  "Tell me Ducha Letylana, how is it of all the Great Houses through the ages your hallways and histories remain bloodless?" the Queen Motther asked.

  The Ducha did not hesistate or think in her response,

  "Love your majesty.  Above all else, we shower our daughters with love."

  The matriarch sat stone faced for a moment considering the woman's response.  Then she erupted in an astounded roaring laughter.

  "Sometimes I wonder how you Moonies survived at all," the Matriarch replied, gathering herself and rising from her throne and walking toward Ducha Letylana.

  Staring her in the eyes and speaking solely as an absolute ruler she continued,

  "We trust in the coming months, Letylana Battle Dragons and Bannermaids to flock to our side and show that renown honor to your Queen that we may confront the Usurper," she laid plain her expectation as she stood before Katarzyna.

  The Ducha had dropped to her knee throwing her cape back, avoiding meeting the Queen's cold eyes as she approached,

  "Yes Ta'a Chume.  Letylana will lay itself bare in honor for better or worse as always," she answered with her head down, dark black hair covering her face.

  ::end flashback!::


  As they passed by, the numerous nobles made their way to their places in the tiered mezzanines of the Hall.  The deeper in and closer to the Queens throne they went, the thinner the crowd became and the quieter the entire room went.  By the time the trio of Letylana noble women stood before the Queen Mother's dais the Hall had gone nearly silent save for the quietest of whispers and the soft voice of a single female child endeavoring to entertain her mother, the Queen.

  Adeladja and Ducha Konstancja bowed to the appropriate knee in unison.  The younger Letylana, Anastazja hesitated in contempt, but survival instinct and an imagined psychic scathing from her elder sister beckoned her quickly down in tandem with the others.


  Rekaba Veridan had somehow much earlier made her way to the Queens side.  A Royal Consort male, perhaps the only one in the room at a glance, pulled away a young toddler daughter of Ta'a Chume, one of half a dozen potential heirs.  As the Royal family members exited the Hall, the silence was pierced by some bold attendees anonymous exclamation, her voice echoing across the Hall,

  "Off with their heads!"

  It was followed by a stew of reaction from various corners of the Royal Court ranging from unified chuckles to scoffs and muted disapprovals,

  The Queen Mother was displeased,

  "SILENCE!," her voice boomed much deeper than any of the rest, eliciting a dead deafness throughout the Hall.

  She stood and gracefully moved slowly toward the kneeling noble women at the base of the throne platform.  Rekaba strode closely behind but leaving the royal her space.

  Ta'a Chume spoke in a manner audible to all but more directly to the new arrivals,

  "Rise Letylana and please pardon the tasteless among our sisters," she began while walking passed and placing a hand softly at each of the three Letylana women's right shoulders as they slowly stood.

  Rekaba stood staunch eyeing them all closely.

  As the Queen now strode the dais she lectured as a mother does now addressing the entire Court, her voice now naturally filling the Royal Court from wall to wall and floor to ceiling.

  "Some seethe still it seems as the new wounds are slow to heal, and the old wounds linger beneath..

  ..the fires of war have burned us all and the barren harvests left all our bosoms spent..  but now is the time to oil our scars and bask in peace while our daughters grow strong and learn from the mistakes of their mothers.."

  She emphasized specific words.  The not so hidden implication was obvious to all with ears.


« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 05:23:36 PM by SWSF Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death