Author Topic: SA // Politics of Alliance - Happenings Within the Smugglers' Alliance //  (Read 11282 times)

Offline RanesDsane

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(General storyline material will be posted here.)
- Ranes

Offline RanesDsane

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Re: SA // Politics of Alliance - Happenings Within the Smugglers' Alliance //
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2018, 06:22:00 AM »
Ranes reclines in office chair reading a datapad with his daily intelligence report on it.  Most people, if they even know of the Smugglers' Alliance, think it's all about moving illegal goods.  That works for Ranes, but it's not entirely accurate....    Sure, the SA's happy to move good that the Empire or Rebels would otherwise consider illegal.  In fact, they're happy to move that same cargo FOR either faction, too.  That's the advantage of official neutrality....  But, the real product of the SA is information.  Knowing what is going on across the galaxy, where the next battle will be, where the next occupation will occur, who plans to make the next move...that's the real currency of the galaxy.

So, as Ranes reads his latest intel summary, his interest in peeked on a report that the Imperial Remnant had moved on Korriban.  He was not surprised by the reports of a rather overwhelming victory.  The ISD was still the premier warship in the galaxy and sending three was almost comical overkill, but the tactics of overwhelming force and intimidation were still typical.

Ranes' eyes go unfocused as he mentally sorts through previous reports and tries to figure out what the IR was up to.  There were some obvious interest there for them, with the sisterhood being a part of the IR, but surely they wouldn't waste forces just to claim a trophy for the sisterhood....

A few minutes later, the door chime brings Ranes out of his thoughts.  Ranes blanks the screen of his datapad, causing it to wipe the unencrypted data and called for the visitor to enter. 

The door slides up and, somewhat to Ranes' disappointment, RAT walked in.  6S6-RA-7 was a captured Imperial protocol droid who had been sent to spy on the SA, but was intercepted upon arrival and his operational core replaced.  The combination of being an RA-7 droid and an intended spy eared him the name RAT.  He was also rather obnoxious, even for a protocol droid.

"Sir," RAT started, at least he was pretended to have some manners today, Ranes thought to himself....

(To Be Continued)
« Last Edit: February 03, 2018, 08:51:22 AM by RanesDsane »
- Ranes

Offline RanesDsane

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Re: SA // Politics of Alliance - Happenings Within the Smugglers' Alliance //
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2018, 10:04:40 AM »
"Jade Squadron has entered hyperspace for Bonadan as ordered," RAT finishes.

Ranes raises an eyebrow at the droid.  Surely he didn't visit in person to report that things were on schedule.  RAT was probably just being intentionally annoying to get on Ranes' nerves, as usual.  "Thank you, RAT.  Is there anything else?"

RAT quirked his head slightly to one side and stands still for a moment.  Ranes has never figured out if this is a quirk of his core replacement, or yet another delaying tactic.  While Ranes considers just how necessary RAT is to operations and debates sending him out an airlock and toward the nearest sun, RAT straightens up and says, "No, sir."  He turns and begins to walk out and Ranes' temper flares, but he doesn't say anything.

After two steps RAT stops, turns back around, "Oh, one more thing, Sir."

Ranes closes his eyes for a moment, recognizing the bait after the fact and feeling glad he didn't take it and make things even worse...  "Go on..."

"Sir, the spies have returned from their mission and would like to brief you."

Finally, to the real point of the visit.  "Tell them to report to my conference room in thirty minutes."    "Dismissed," Ranes says annoyed and returns to his datapad, keying in the access code to re-decrypt the data.  He'll finish the daily before moving on to the specific....
- Ranes