Author Topic: New Republic Specifications  (Read 14055 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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New Republic Specifications
« on: December 18, 2017, 04:16:50 PM »
Republic Specifications

Capital Ships
Support Craft
« Last Edit: December 20, 2017, 07:43:51 PM by NR Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: New Republic Specifications
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2017, 01:21:54 PM »
Capital Ships

- Removed MC90 from list. [12/22/2017]
- MC80b has more shilelds, higher cost. [1/5/2018]

Liberty-class MC80a Star Cruiser
Cost in Credits:  1,950 MC
Production Time:  5 Weeks

Length:  1,300 Meters
Crew:  5,156
Troops:  3,200
Ground Units:
    10 Freerunners
    7 Heavy Trackers
    12 T-47 Speeders

Shields:  2,600 Points
Hull:  1,950 Points
Power Systems:  1,300 Points

    48 Turbolaser Batteries (8/384)
    40 Ion Cannons (6/240)
    15 Concussion Missile Launchers [10 per] (5/75)
    6 Tractor Beam Projectors

Launch Bays:  1
Onboard Craft:
    1 X-Wing Squadron
    1 A-Wing Squadron
    1 B-Wing Squadron
    2 U-Wing Gunboats

Mon Remonda-class MC80b Star Cruiser
Cost in Credits:  2,250 MC
Production Time:  6 Weeks

Length:  1,200 Meters
Crew:  5,402
Troops:  1,200
Ground Units:
    10 Freerunners
    10 Heavy Trackers
    12 T-47 Speeders

Shields:  3,450 Points
Hull:  1,800 Points
Power Systems:  1,000 Points

    48 Turbolasers (6/288)
    20 Ion Cannons (6/120)
      6 Tractor Beams
Launch Bays:  2
Onboard Craft:
    2 X-Wing Squadrons
    1 A-Wing Squadrons
    1 B-Wing Squadron
    2 U-Wing Gunboats

Special Capabilities/Notes: The MC80b has more powerful as well as redundant shielding. It's total shields/armor value is equivalent to calculations equal to 1.25% its length, so its cost is calculated based on a length of 1500 instead of 1200m.

Profundity-class MC75 Star Cruiser
Cost in Credits:  1,800 MC
Production Time:  4 Weeks, 3 Days

Length:  1,200 Meters
Crew:  5,402
Troops:  6,400
Ground Units:
    8 Heavy Trackers
    6 Freerunners
    12 T-47 Speeders

Shields:  2,400 Points
Hull:  1,800 Points
Power Systems:  1,500 Points

    12 Turbolasers (6/72)
    20 Heavy Laser Cannons (2/40)
    12 Missile Launchers [10 per] (5/60)
    8 Heavy Ion Cannons (8/64)
    6 Tractor Beam Projectors

Launch Bays:  2
Onboard Craft:
    2 X-Wing Squadron
    1 A-Wing Squadron
    1 Y-Wing Squadron
    6 U-Wing Gunboats

Republic Assault Frigate
Cost in Credits:  1,050 MC
Production Time:  3 Weeks

Length:  700 Meters
Crew:  4,882
Troops:  100
Ground Units:

Shields:  1,400 Points
Hull:  1,050 Points
Power Systems:  700 Points

    15 Turbolaser Batteries (8/120)
    95 Laser Cannons (1/95)

Launch Bays:  1
Onboard Craft:
    1 X-Wing Squadron

Hammerhead Corvette
Cost in Credits:  472 MC
Production Time:  1 Week

Length: 315 Meters
Crew:  300
Troops:  400
Ground Units:

Shields:  630 Points
Hull:  472 Points
Power Systems:  315 Points

    10 Turbolasers (6/60)
    8 Laser Cannons (1/8)
    1 Tractor Beam Projector

Launch Bays:  1
Onboard Craft:
    1 A-Wing Squadron
    1 Tramp Shuttle

Special Capabilities:  Can ram any target more than twice its size, inflicting 100 points of damage to the enemy’s hull and taking 50 points of damage to its own hull. Can dock with any craft of any size.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 12:58:54 PM by NR Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: New Republic Specifications
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2017, 03:19:44 PM »

X-Wing Assault Fighter Squadron
Cost in Credits:  28 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  5 Days

Length:  16 Meters
Crew:  1 + Astromech Droid

Shields:  96 Points
Hull:  192 Points
Power Systems:  192 Points

    48 Laser Cannons (1/48)
    24 Torpedo Launchers [96 PT] (10/240)

Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric.

Y-Wing Bomber Squadron
Cost in Credits:  28 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  5 Days

Length:  16 Meters
Crew:  1 + Astromech Droid

Shields:  96 Points
Hull:  192 Points
Power Systems:  192 Points

    24 Laser Cannons (1/24)
    24 Light Ion Cannons (4/96)
    24 Torpedo Launchers [144 PT] (10/240)

Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric. Heavy Starfighter.

A-Wing Interceptor Squadron
Cost in Credits:  17 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  3 Days

Length:  10
Crew:  1

Shields:  60 Points
Hull:  120 Points
Power Systems:  120 Points

    24 Laser Cannons (1/24)
    24 Missile Launchers [72 CM] (5/120)

B-Wing Assault Fighter Squadron
Cost in Credits:  36 MC per Squadron
Production Time:  1 Week

Length:  18 Meters
Crew:  1

Shields:  108 Points
Hull:  216 Points
Power Systems:  216 Points

    36 Laser Cannons (1/36)
    36 Ion Cannons (6/216)
    24 Torpedo Launchers [192 PT] (10/240)

Special Notes: Atmospheric. Heavy Starfighter.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: New Republic Specifications
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2017, 03:21:13 PM »
Support Craft

UT-60D U-Wing Gunboat
Cost in Credits:  38 MC
Production Time:  1 Day

Length:  25 Meters
Crew:  6

Shield:  50 Points
Hull:  38 Points
Power Systems:  25 Points

    2 Laser Cannons (1/2)
    2 Heavy Blaster Cannons (5/10) -- only versus structures, vehicles, troops

Special Notes/Capabilities:  Atmospheric.

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: New Republic Specifications
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2017, 03:24:38 PM »

Cost in Credits:  4.5 MC
Production Time:  1 Days

Length:  14.6 Meters
Crew:  5

Hull:  45 Points
Power Systems:  63 Points

    2 Anti-Vehicle Laser Cannons (4/8)
    2 Anti-Infantry Blaster Cannons (3/6)

Heavy Tracker
Cost in Credits:  3 MC
Production Time:  1 Days

Length:  22.2 Meters
Crew:  8
Onboard Troops/Vehicles:  5 Troopers

Hull:  45 Points
Power Systems:  60 Points

    1 Heavy Laser Cannon (6/6)

T-47 Speeder
Cost in Credits:  3 MC
Production Time:  1 Days

Length:  5.5 Meters
Crew:  2

Hull:  20 Points
Power Systems:  32 Points

    2 Laser Cannons (4/8)
    1 Power Harpoon

Ultra Light Assault Vehicle
Cost in Credits:  5 MC
Production Time:  2 Days

Length:  7 Meters
Crew:  2

Hull:  20 Points
Power Systems:  38 Points

    2 Light Laser Cannon (2/4)
    1 Concussion Grenade Launcher [4 Grenades] (3/3)
    1 Medium Blaster Cannon (3/3)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: New Republic Specifications
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2017, 03:29:07 PM »

Republic Infantry
Cost in Credits:  2.5 MC per Company
Training Time:  1 Day

Troop # per Company:  100

Health:  500 Points

Skirmish Rating:   2
Artillery Rating:  None.

Republic Commandos
Cost in Credits:  3.75 MCs per Company
Training Time:  1 Day

Troop # per Company:  100

Health:  700 Points

Skirmish Rating:  3
Artillery Rating:  3

Republic Special Forces
Cost in Credits:  5.8 MC per Company
Training Time:  1 Day

Troop # per Company:  100

Health:  1,000

Skirmish Rating:  5
Artillery Rating:  5

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: New Republic Specifications
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2017, 03:30:53 PM »

Light Republic Hangar
Cost in Credits:  640 MC
Production Time:  2 Weeks

Diameter:  320 Meters
Crew:  712
Troops:  1,300
Ground Units:
    20 T-47 Speeders
    12 Freerunners

Shields:  1,920 Points
Hull:  1,920 Points
Power Systems:  1,920 Points

    4 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (7/28)
    20 Concussion Missile Launchers (5/100)

Launch Bays:  1
Onboard Craft:
    2 X-Wing Squadrons

Medium Republic Hangar
Cost in Credits:  1,440 MC
Production Time:  4 Weeks

Diameter: 720 Meters
Crew:  1,298
Troops:  2,600
Ground Units:
    20 Republic Assault Tanks
    24 V-Wing Airspeeders

Shields:  4,320 Points
Hull:  4,320 Points
Power Systems:  4,320 Points

    8 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (7/56)
    30 Concussion Missile Launchers (5/150)

Launch Bays:  2
Onboard Craft:
    3 X-Wing Squadrons