Author Topic: Faction Planet List  (Read 9601 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Faction Planet List
« on: July 12, 2017, 04:45:48 PM »
This is probably what its gonna look like.

RA = Republic Alliance
IG = Imperial Guard
TGE = True Galactic Empire
SA = Smuggler Alliance
DMG = Defense Management Group

The Galaxy

Unknown Regions
1. Ilum
2. Scarif  (IG)

Braxant Sector
1. Bastion  (TGE)
2. Dantooine
3. Mygeeto
4. Muunilinst  (TGE)
5. Dathomir  (TGE)

Corporate Sector
1. Bonadan  (SA)
2. Ammuud  (SA)
3. Kamar
4. Cadomai  (SA)
5. Etti IV  (SA)

Middle Rim Sector
1. Iridonia
2. Ord Mantell
3. Ithor
4. Yinchorr
5. Bilbringi
6. Arkania

Hydian Sector
1. Myrkyr  (SA)
2. Bandomeer
3. Yavin  (SA)
4. Korriban  (TGE)
5. Taris
6. Toprawa
7. Telos
8. Elom

Tion Hegemony
1. Mon Calamari  (RA)
2. Munto Codru
3. Raxus
4. Dellalt

Deep Core
1. Byss  (TGE)
2. Fresia
3. Galantos

Coruscant Sector
1. Coruscant  (IG)
2. Brentaal
3. Alderaan Asteroids
4. Carida  (TGE)
5. Chandrila  (IG)

Core Worlds
1. Kuat  (IG)
2. Balmorra  (IG)
3. Neimoidia
4. Commenor  (IG)
5. Corulag  (IG)
6. Rendili  (IG)
7. Corellia  (RA)
8. Duro
9. Nubia

Colonies Sector
1. Abregado-Rae
2. Fondor  (IG)
3. Devaron
4. Thyferra  (IG)
5. Bestine

Expansion Region
1. Druckenwell  (TGE)
2. Falleen
3. Rodia
4. Tynna
5. Naboo  (RA)
6. Chommel Minor

Inner Rim Sector
1. Vandelhelm
2. Malastare
3. Haruun Kal
4. Sullust  (RA)

Outer Rim Territories
1. Bakura
2. Endor
3. Bespin
4. Hoth
5. Mustafar
6. Polis Massa
7. Sluis Van  (RA)
8. Dagobah
9. Eriadu
10. Utapau
11. Alzoc III

Outer Rim Corridor
1. Tatooine
2. Geonosis
3. Ryloth  (RA)
4. Vergesso Asteroids

Wild Space
1. Kamino  (TGE)
2. Roon  (TGE)
3. Rothana  (TGE)
4. Bothawui  (RA)
5. Kothlis  (RA)

Hutt Space
1. Nal Hutta
2. Nar Shaddaa
3. Gamorr
4. Kwenn
5. Ylesia
6. Kessel
7. Honoghr
8. Toydaria
9. Ruusan

Perlemian Space
1. Mandalore  (RA)
2. Roche Asteroids  (SA)
3. Ossus
4. Tanaab. (SA)
5. Onderon
6. Hapes
7. Zeltros  (SA)
8. Kashyyyk  (RA)
9. Trandosha  (SA)

Offline RanesDsane

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Re: Faction Planet List
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2017, 04:52:39 AM »
Not to be a pain in the rear, but...Can I swap Trandosha for Kamar?  I think I'd rather have the entirety of the Corporate Sector.

- Ranes