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OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Syren on June 06, 2024, 09:50:07 PM »
Agreed. I thought the same thing while watching it. While they were tracking Osha, if one of them said 'force signature' I was gonna scream. However, we established that when characters use the Force it creates a unique signature which can be tracked, which is why the vaccine suppresses that signature to avoid detection. The second a redheaded, Force-sensitive socialite shows up I'll be, like, okay, I see what's happening here. 

Nevertheless, we persist - for our characters, storylines, and, hell, inspiration that will create future Star Wars fans.

About the eps though - an interesting premise, albeit one we've explored and continue to explore. My bet - and this is a bold prediction don't come at me - is that Sol is the Master, having known both survived and trained one in light and the other in dark. Love to see the layers of righteousness be peeled back from the Jedi whatever the case may be. Similar to X-Men '97 (which was incredible btw), the lens through which we view these tales has changed as we grew and experienced the world. I feel differently about the Jedi now than I did as a kid and teenager. The thing I hate though (and this transcends SW) is the review bombing by those who loathe anything in their precious fandom that features women and/or people of color as their central characters, as if the other species, races, and themes didn't always exist in these stories. Representation is important and what resonates deeply for some is witnessing characters and experiences similar to their own. Things they believe in and cling to. I felt that with Leia growing up: a powerful woman with cute outfits and hair who takes no shit and handles business, even at great personal sacrifice. But I had the privilege of seeing people I admired or that were like me and for a long time others did not - or they were relegated to dangerous stereotypes (something SW has also dabbled into in its own ways). I really wish people could take a step back and appreciate or disagree with or root for people and stories that may not be their own.

Anyway, off the soapbox, curious to see where this goes but goddamn I cannot wait for Andor.

OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by SWSF Hoppus on June 06, 2024, 09:33:02 AM »
I don't doubt it!

I remember something about some writers hanging around our AOL forums back in the day as well... can't recall details anymore. But I believe in an interview at some point some writer mentioned it, dunno.
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Medivh on June 06, 2024, 09:04:45 AM »
OK, so I've decided, Dave Filoni must be spying on our forum.

The Acolyte is the latest example.

What? Twins - one a jedi, the other a sith?   where have I seen that before?  Oh right - Adubell and Nevylinn, twin sisters who, one went dark, one went light.
And the dark twin hunting down jedi?  We've done that plot before!
How about the jedi separating young siblings, and then keeping it a secret, showing that even the good guys are hard to trust? Yup, we've done that too.

I think it is our mission to keep posting stories, because apparently, we are the inspiration for all new Star Wars material.  That's right. This forum is keeping Star Wars alive.
OOC Cantina / The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Medivh on June 06, 2024, 09:00:22 AM »
For Discussions on the new Star Wars show, The Acolyte.

One more warning: Spoilers included.
Star Wars: The Crimson Covenant / Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Last post by Syren on May 21, 2024, 07:16:25 PM »
“Time ticks into place
And lets you out in your old room
Mind begins to race
I haven’t done what I came to do
Oh, ooh, oh, no.”



Hurling through the milky swirls of the Perlemian Trade Route, they’ve had a bit of time to chat.

Through each interaction, Dahlia grows more convinced of his belief in her. And it feels…good. To have someone believe in her this way. In a way someone hasn’t believed in her since her adopted parents departed these worlds in a rather gruesome fashion and she was once again orphaned. She desperately wants to let go of her doubts, the lingering fears that he may eventually turn on them and doom distant descendants unknowingly waiting in line to be the next targets of the Voss-Ra’s reality-shaping spectacle, but the feeling persists.

She hears Barrett’s voice in the back of her head urging her to be cautious despite Seif’s pledge of loyalty. He chose her over them and she knows this was no small gesture, considering how much of his life had been wrapped up in their plans. That is not lost on her and so she mitigates the feelings of mistrust by conjuring an empathy and understanding that they are both being used and they are each other's only ways out.

Dahlia wants to stop the cycles as well – by winning. No more games.

Seif needs them to stop as the perpetual motion of the prophecy prevents him from ever maintaining any agency and stability.

In this, their goals are aligned and she prepares herself to be the vessel through which the galaxy is fractured by a war neither wants but will inevitably incite. After some stretching, training, and meditation, they retire for the evening to dream of what could be after this is all over.

As they slumber, the nav computer drops them out of hyperspace near Lantilles. A few moments pass as the computer recalculates then jumps again. A short hop before exiting again near a small, icy moon beyond which lay a stunning auburn and azure world not entirely unfamiliar although it has been some time since the world had been visited by a member of this particular family.

Seif is roused after they come out of the first jump and, groggily returning to the main cabin, only realizes what is happening shortly before they arrive at their destination and its potential impact.

The Princess, after a completely oblivious shower and outfit change, joins him and tilts her head at the scene before her, “That’s not…”

“No, it’s not.”

“Then, like, where are we?”

“Contruum,” he says lowly. It does not click with her as quickly as he would like so he adds, “Where your sister Karen was sent after they forced her into the Imperial diploserv program as part of the search for Alexia, where she first displayed a dark and terrifying power the way you did on Hesperidium.”

She swallows hard, “Oh.”

“That got your attention. It got theirs as well and solidified her stance as the Daughter of Darkness in the eyes of the Voss-Ra. She did well, all things considered, and secured Imperial interests on the planet. Not that it lasted.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Empire later...coerced Kimber Patten into a similar diplomatic role under the pretense we would rally forces behind Valerie Gellar’s campaign on Corellia against the Trade Federation. You know your history so you know that did not happen. Those pesky operatives, Max and Xam, had other directives, abducting and experimenting on a Hapan Admiral with an earlier prototype of what eventually became the Imperial Control Serum resulting in a rather bloody battle in which we were the victors."

The nanotech flowing through Quinn and Kinsa Cavanaugh used to turn them into lethal agents when necessary.

The same nanotech Schrag wanted to use to control her.

A shiver runs down the length of her spine as the cyclical nature of everything settles in.

“You sound as though this is not coincidental. Do tell.”

Seif’s half smile is hidden in shadow, “I selected Agent Scott St. Claire to procure Karen’s cooperation. The Voss-Ra requested my perspective and I was on hand to assist if anyone veered too far off script, if you will. Of all the candidates, St. Claire was hardened but not enough to resist forming an attachment to her and play the prophetic role of Unconventional Champion. Someone who would turn on their principles to keep her safe.”

“It only cost his life if I recall.”

“His and so many others. As I told you, the Voss-Ra are willing to go further than you or I could ever imagine in their attempts to fulfill the prophecy and allow the Sith to rise once more.”

“You didn’t stop my father. Or yours. As far as scripts go, I think we can safely say they weren’t reading from the same one as everyone else.”

“Not my call,” he says evenly. “And I believed the Voss-Ra had everything under control.”

“How has that worked out for you?”

“Don’t gloat and focus. I did not set this course. We were brought to Contruum.”

“Concerned but not surprised? I suppose we shouldn’t be by now. Wait, you said this shuttle was prepared for our trip. By who?”

“Those I thought I could trust.”

“Trust can be purchased, darling,” Dahlia murmurs as her emerald eyes are drawn to the world before them. However, it is not the larger planet that calls them nor the icy moon nearby. It is the innermost moon that beckons as if whispering through the stars to an exclusive audience.

There is something out there.

Down on that moon.



For them.

OOC Cantina / Re: Sorry about the downtime
« Last post by SWSF Hoppus on May 13, 2024, 08:22:07 PM »
Sorry, happened again. Stupid server running out of storage because SMF is storing loads of logs from all the bots that hit us.
Star Wars: The Crimson Covenant / Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Last post by Medivh on May 09, 2024, 11:48:11 AM »

Surface: Coronet City

"…which is why I asked Gemma to marry me and she accepted my proposal.”

THAT was not the direction Mara anticipated this conversation going, and part of her wanted to scold him for being such a romantic when she was busy scolding him for not being careful.

He really is such a Patten ...

Her fingers tensed briefly before relaxing.  The truth was, the announcement was not unexpected, even if the timing was.  He had seen the two of them together, and though there was a tension that Mara and Gemma had, she also had spent a lot of time with Gemma, especially as Gemma was healing, and as the Mara, Gemma, and Nevylinn had been training together.  Gemma was more strong-willed and stubborn than Riley was, but the two of them together made sense, and their love for each other was apparent and genuine

“What do you say?”

Mara sighed softly, then smiled.

"You cannot get married ..."  She felt Riley's fingers tighten as she shook her head. "No, let me finish.  You cannot get married until I get back.  I have a mission with Senator Soldys that I need to handle.  But you cannot get married until I get back.  I need to be there when it happens. I need to see you and Gemma be married."

Mara brought her hand up to Riley's cheek, looking into his face.  He had grown so much.  From the infant, crying in her arms, to the boy in need of rescue, to the man before her.  How could he have grown up, so much, and so fast?
"Gemma and I have our differences, but I think she is perfect for you.  And I would not only love, but insist on being part of that celebration"

She reached over and wrapped her arms around him, much like he had hugged her just a few minutes earlier.  She could not really articulate the happiness she was feeling right now.  It was immense, over-flowing, among the strongest emotions she really had ever experienced.  Just knowing she had a small part in bringing this boy to this point in his life.

And knowing that her own fate, her own destiny, was moving steadily and seemingly faster to its end.  She would live long enough to see Riley married, and with that, be content that sacrificing her lifewould allow him to continue his.


OOC Cantina / Re: Simming Discussion
« Last post by gallpizi on May 04, 2024, 06:49:45 PM »
I'll take a look at this tomorrow and see how to help. :) 
Star Wars: The Crimson Covenant / Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Last post by Syren on May 03, 2024, 09:44:32 PM »
“Under the sun
It’s not what they can see
Until it’s done
Your secrets safe with me.”

-Mr. Little Jeans

Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

The group is reunited with Alka atop the Gellar Tower.

They find her in an elongated stretch, using the small sill as a makeshift barre. She brings her arm across the air in a graceful arch and smiles. While relief is the shared emotion, Dane realizes how close he came to actually losing her and chides himself for foolishly thinking that pushing her away would save her. She is and always will be a target. He was foolish to think otherwise.

After the requisite embraces, something Shendo shies away from, the group retires to the casual comfort of the conversation circle in the living room to debrief about the attack. Alka walks them through it, careful to avoid her rescuer in outlining the escape but reinforces that she never actually saw her attacker.

“You mentioned you have a…admirer,” Taarek says. “Someone leaving you notes and flowers and gifts. Could this have escalated beyond admiration?”

“This seems too brutal but there is a lot going on. Maybe I missed it. Still, cutting the power, the flying knife fiasco, bisecting my service droid – it all feels so, you know, intentional. Personal.”

Demaris is quick to home in on the more esoteric aspect of the story, Flying? As in, operating independently?”


“That seems more like a telekinetic attack…”

“Or the Force,” Shendo chimes in darkly.

Roman folds his arms, “Perhaps this is not a stalker or a corporate rival.”

It resonates and settles over them in a moment of silence with implications their foe is working with more power than the average executive in these parts. Something more to consider. The conversation then shifts to the aftermath; the slain security team, the spectacular mess, and the literal writing on the wall. Dane groans.

“We had to obscure the message. It would raise too many questions if left undisturbed and someone found it.”

Alka levels her gaze, “We wouldn’t want that now would we? Considering we have our first board meeting in a few days, I don’t think I have to tell you how completely fucked we are going to be if this is made public. Someone could be setting us up to fail.”

They saw how quickly the board took action against Balthazar Nash once his part in the demise of their legacies was revealed – i.e. fabricated. While Dyre may be dead, Aguilar would gladly sacrifice them both if it brought him even a whisper of closure with Ples. Retribution in the form of making their respective holdings vulnerable. Gellar capitalized on that with Nash and now Dawning.

What is it they say? Turnabout…and all that.

Taarek breaks through their mental spiral, “If you believe this was intended as a direct threat, it is something they could leverage. I mean, extortion isn’t out of the question, right?”

“Right. This is a classic move. Hold it over our heads while we try to draw them out and negotiate terms. Only one problem with that. If all they wanted was currency they would have demanded it by now.”

“I do not like this,” Demaris says solemnly.

“What’s to like?” Alka hisses. “We are well aware of how things went down last time. The goal of elimination was preceded by shockingly violent actions against those closest to The Four. They want you dead, Dane, but they want you to suffer first.”

The iciness of her words catches his breath yet they all know she is not wrong.

The things they had seen and read painted a haunting picture of Karen, Melanie, Kimber, and Valerie being stripped of those they loved before ultimately falling victim to it all themselves. Made for good Holo. However, the pressure of a potential sequel in what is now known to be a series of horrific cycles seems quite a bit less glamorous as part of a lived experience.

Roman surveys the group, “Then we protect both. We split up the detail to cover Dane and Alka, each with a Jedi to accompany them. It gives them the greatest chance.”

“At the very least it would give Gemma and Riley some runway to figure out a better way.”

“Not that you have much faith in that,” Alka mutters.

He holds her stare, “We don’t deal in faith, babe.”

Demaris muses, “I would give anything to forfeit such an outcome so I think you are right about more focused coverage. But I do not wish to speak for others.”

“We will do what we must to protect them. We swore it.”

Roman runs a gloved hand over his helmet, “That we did.”

Shendo nods. These people are insane. He has come to care for some through their fight for survival in a galaxy that now fears and hunts them. Although he has learned much about himself and his gifts, there is a madness in their methods. The lies the Republic told to put them in danger are just as dangerous as the ones Gellar and Dawning told this Direx Board. He can see the distinction in judgment but begins to wonder if one set of lies predicated all the others. Yet here he is, still alive and kicking. He figures he should stay the course.

Once settled, the groups are formed: Demaris and Taarek will stay with Dane while Shendo and Roman watch over Alka.

“Between the board meeting and rehearsals, you shouldn’t have too much trouble I hope.”

“If you don’t wander off again in a huff.”

“Justifiable huff! My father is set to stand trial for a murder he didn’t commit and you were hardly what I would call comforting.”

Demaris slowly paces the length of the room, “Have we considered Dawning’s predicament may be part of this as well? After all, hurting Alka would hurt Dane.”

“It does destabilize her support network. Keeps her close.”

“How very reassuring.”

Roman stands by her side, “It is not a judgment, Alka. Whoever is doing this knows you are Dane’s weakness. They may be counting on it making him reckless, pushing him to further compromise himself to protect you.”

“Strategy wise,” Taarek cuts in. “It makes sense.”

“I will not be a pawn in a game I didn’t even want to play!”

Dane cringes, “Maybe a bit late for that. Do you think anyone unwittingly involved in the prophecy wanted this? Gemma called it. They cast these roles long ago and everyone around them is fair game.”

“Always so helpful.”

“You think I like this? Here I am still butt crazy in love with you and these assholes want to use you to get at me? It’s insane!”

“I’m sorry, what now?”

Taarek shakes his head, Roman and Shendo look away awkwardly, and Demaris bites her lower lip.

Dane throws his arms up, “Oh, don’t stand there and pretend like I’m doing all this for selfless reasons. I’m Dane Gellar for fucks sake! I love you – I am in love with you – and I don’t want you to suffer because my fate is foretold or whatever.”

Alka has never wanted this boy more than she does right now but stares daggers at him anyway.

“Alright,” Roman says lowly. “We know what we must do. We need to keep you both safe and we will.”

Demaris sighs, amused by the declaration, but weary, 
“Speaking of, we’re going to need more of the Force vaccine if Shendo and I are to provide such protection without being tracked through our Force signatures.” 

“I got you. I’ll have Irulan send some over.”

“Much appreciated. You know, this would have mitigated a lot of damage had it been more accessible during the Republic purge of the Jedi.”

“I…didn’t think of it that way.”

“Big picture, Dane,” Demaris says, voice free of any scorn. “You may be central to the plot but it is not only you who risks harm.”

“That’s not what I…”

“I know. I am only reinforcing what you already feel. A call to action to stop what is coming. I believe Gemma and Riley will find a way but until then those we know and love will continue to be targets for agents of the prophecy. We must do what we can to protect them all. You are not naïve, Dane. Neither am I. Lives will be lost but we must minimize the damage the prophecy has the potential to cause however we can.”

He nods, despite not quite believing it himself.

Dane excuses himself to hit up Irulan for the meds, finding a quiet moment in his office. Formerly his father’s. It is not nearly as stately or impressive as the one at the Gellar Estate. He would generally head downstairs to his actual office for official matters of business. This served as more of a safe space, something away from the corporate chaos below. Dane had more recently used it to play virtual multiplayer games but often found himself in his father’s old chair, staring out into the bustling cityscape beyond the massive windows.

He taps on the console and sees a message alert…from Gemma. As usual these days, she leads with an ominous tone.

Dane – something happened on Corellia. You need to be careful.

OOC Cantina / Re: Simming Discussion
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on April 29, 2024, 08:14:58 PM »
Hop & Gal

Posted AE board and Gal Map / HS Rules / Planet List thread and a sep thread detailing the assistance I could use with making it final ready.

When I made the AE Board I only allowed SWSF Members & Regular Member labels to have access.  Intent being to cut out bot views.  With this work?

Hop is Regular Member relative to SWSF site still or is it Regular Member like of some other forum hosting entity? 
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