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Star Wars: The Crimson Covenant / Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Last post by Syren on July 23, 2024, 06:18:44 PM »
“When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen’s off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head
Feed your head.”

-Jefferson Airplane


An ominous feeling simmers between them, actively filling the space.

Under normal circumstances, he would evade her arrogantly pointed questions and withhold these feelings. Still, the strangeness of their arrival and discussion throughout their journey has given way to a more amenable exchange. She stands firmly behind his chair with a hand placed upon her hip.

“Not loving this for us. What happens when we are discovered?”

“Contruum remains Imperial aligned. Kimber Patten’s antics allowed us to make damn sure of that. Our avatars, after all, are emissaries of the Emperor so our presence should not be an issue.”

“How fortunate for us.”

Dahlia lowers her shoulders but knows this does not necessarily mean they are out of danger. Convenience may only be a pretext for something far darker. For his part, the context and shading provided were intriguing if not somewhat suspicious so she decides to push it.

“You said you didn’t know anything and were never involved with them.”

“I said not directly,” he reiterates, staring ahead. “Things may have gotten messy but we retained control here despite certain ethical detours. While the intrepid agent St. Claire did as instructed, I was unaware of his previous allegiance to the Trade Federation which…complicated things.”

“I hear dying tends to do that.”

“He was disavowed by the Empire first.”

She tilts her head, expression tightening in a way he finds infuriating, How is that better?”

“No one said it was but he served his purpose. Played his role. Champions rise and fall, even unconventional ones.”

“You know, the mythological aspects of our lives are seriously disturbing when you really think about it. Solid lore though.”

“I suppose so, through a certain lens. Something I imagine appeals to you a great deal.”

“Obviously but indirect involvement still counts as involvement.”

“What are you asking me?”

“If you ever met them. The Four. Do not lie to me.”

He turns and takes a more measured tone.

“Not formally and met is a strong word. I only laid eyes on two of them in person. Here, in fact. On Contruum. I was dispatched in secret after Alexia’s behavior became increasingly erratic and she absconded with then-Emperor Dementat along with the governor of this world. Considering Karen’s…connection to the Emperor and sentimentality toward Governor Strye it became, as you say, a thing.”

Her eyes widen in anticipation, “I’ll bet. Please, continue.”

He allows it with a small nod.


Considering its potential relevance, she has earned a bit more of his perspective.

“As the newly anointed Darth Kyja, Karen stormed into the government building with a rage that gave even me pause before promptly, if memory serves, physically and verbally assaulting several ranking Imperial staff, securing Kimber’s release from the increasingly sadistic games the Imperial Director – your father, as it turned out - was rumored to be playing with her, and took off after Alexia.

However, I was one of few people who ever saw Riley Patten’s mother and father together alive and bore witness to your elder sister practically torching the Imperial bureaucracy. The reaction to the whole ordeal was…mixed. There were many competing agendas as we have come to discover, the Imperial staff in question themselves were angry and confused, but Karen prevailed, the Voss-Ra’s faith in her solidified, and I returned to my post far, far away from here for the rest of it to play out. We know how that story ended.”

“We certainly do,” she murmurs, eyes shifting back to the moon they are steadily approaching. “So, we share a peripheral connection to this place but I must be missing the deeper significance.”

“Perhaps you are being tested. Both of your sisters displayed feats of skill and strength here.”

“Or we are being punished for exerting the agency you so impressively wrested back from Erinbol. Neither the Sith nor the Voss-Ra may appreciate us putting them in their places which is, let’s be honest, secondary to the roles we play. We are, according to them, destined for this. You think they would appreciate the initiative.”

Seif considers this while he transmits their credentials and destination to central command. Orders from the Emperor provide swift clearance to proceed without interruption.

“It would be risky to intentionally place you in a situation that may harm their chances yet again but they have gone to greater lengths before. To your point, this may not be the Voss-Ra’s machinations we are dealing with here. We shall investigate but stay alert.”

“Fine but keep it cool. We’ve got enough to worry about.”

Seif Guldon-Greyson senses a softening in her. There is still skepticism but also a willingness that had not existed before they departed from Byss. He made his choice and it forged trust, however tentative at first, which was quickly solidifying. She has started to care for him as well. Something he had, admittedly, always wanted. The connection. The family they kept from him. As tempting as the prospect is, he also knows this path leads to a distraction they simply cannot afford.

Don’t. Empathy does not lend itself to the goals of the Sith.”

Her eyes are consumed with the stars beyond the viewport, “Perhaps…for what the Sith once was, not what it could be. Imagine...”

“The certainty in that statement is frightening.”

“It is meant to be,” she quips evenly, straightening her posture to push impossibly shiny hair over one shoulder. “That whole solo power trip vibe is tired. Played out. Feeling the feels is what the Sith are all about. I feel what I feel and I said what I said. Deal with it.”

His tone turns warning, “We talked about this. The only thing tired is your attempt at being flip even when we both know that is all part of the act.”

She sighs, expression hardening with resolve.

“The goal is power and the freedom that brings us but we only get that by winning. I understand that very clearly, thank you, and so do you. This is our only way out but, speaking of it, how has your solo power trip worked out for you? Is that what you wanted or is this what they told you to want? The Voss-Ra are the ones who changed things up for us, leveraging different roles in different ways to win. 

You and I were never meant to be allies. Alas, here we are. If this had played out like a previous cycle they would have had one of us kill the other. Then where would we be? I say we make the most of this new frontier. Progress is not made with more of the same but hoping you don’t, like, die or whatever does not deter my focus nor does it obscure what must be done.”

“A rousing speech, to be sure, but I do not want your pity, princess.”

She rolls her eyes, “Let’s not get carried away. What’s down there?”

“A base, strategically hidden for planetary defense. It was converted for Imperial purposes after the planet declared its allegiance but, to my knowledge, seldom if ever used. That is where I feel it. Calling. Don’t you?”

“Yes but, for the record, if we get blasted to bits I am going to be super pissed.”

Seif groans wearily but guides the shuttle down and through the projection concealing the entrance to the base. A rather clever ruse to maintain its secrecy that he had been privy to on his last visit so many years ago. He sets them down on an empty platform, vast but tidy even in its apparent lack of use. They suit up; his hulking orange armor and her black mask, bodysuit, and cape. The hazy glow of the Etheralis fragment in his chest plate brightens her eyes behind the reflective void of her mask. She allows the intoxicating power to wash over her before turning and descending the platform together.

No one appears to greet them.

This does not deter Dahlia the way he feels it should. She struts steadily in front of him, heading for the blast door at the far end of the platform, finally feeling back at home in the chunky heels of her killer boots.

“Get a grip. This is a hangar bay, not a runway,” he hisses lowly, voice menacingly distorted.

“Everything’s a runway if you want it to be, darling. Don’t be so downbeat.”

“As usual, the brash humor is not helpful.”

“I’m tense. Cut me some fucking slack,” she mutters as they close in on the door.

They position themselves against either side, ready for a nasty surprise as she hits the controls, but beyond that, there is only more nothingness. Empty corridors and a heavy silence. Not so much as a repair droid zipping about. The unobstructed entry would almost be considerate if it were not so terrifying.

It is clear whatever brought them here does not want any witnesses, a realization not lost on either of them.

They follow the feeling that led them here, a dark pit that beckons from within. Her hand hovers over the saber at her belt as they press deeper. Twisting inward toward the center of the base, they emerge on a cargo platform near the bottom of a large, narrow shaft cutting through the center of the base. Crates and various electrical equipment lie orderly in the corners but it otherwise appears uninhabited.

Neither is comforted by the apparent anticlimax.

“I don’t like this. Here’s the hook but where’s the catch?”

Two figures blurred in motion, drop from the shaft onto the platform and rise to greet them.

Inquisitor Allom.

Inquisitor Feraas.

It is Feraas who speaks, “Inquisitor Involis, Darth D’Cera, we welcome you.”

OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on July 22, 2024, 10:55:21 PM »
Agreed 1000% Ep 8 tied everything together nicely but also clearly laid out the whole point of the series in concept and tie in to the larger saga with reveal of Plagueis watching on from cave.  Very satisfying ending of the immediate story and set up for the unresolved.  Acolyte is part of the Plagueis story and thereby part of Sidious' and Skywalkers'.

I dunno about a broad feel but my news feed "buzz" on Acolyte after end of S1 immediately flipped from how terrible it was getting reviewed to how immediate the demand for S2 was.

Sols demise was very pleasing.  What a great turning point for Osha.  She killed a sociopath who murdered her mother and manipulated her to live an utter lie.  The darkside doesn't get any greyer than that, yet the company we keep..

S2 is all but assured with that Plagueis reveal.  It was much bigger and more important to the ultimate plot than the Yoda tease.

Acolyte Favs
Character - Bazil the Tynnan Tracker
Moment - Plagueis reveal duh

Final Acolyte S1 Note:
Sol was a terrible Jedi. Vernestra is not looking great so far either.

Andor S2, Ahsoka S2, Acolyte S2.    The futures so bright, I gotta wear shaaades.

I just rewatched Ahsoka this past weekend.  Already enjoyed but opinion greatly improved.  Was supposed to be building a LEGO castle but was too captivated.

Also rewatched R1 this past weekend.  Agree that the final moments are apex.

Fav Series Overall: Andor
Fav Movie: Solo
Fav Moment: R1 Final Moment Vader Rampage to Leia "Hope" Reveal
Fav Character or Group: Syril and Dedra    OR    Gorian Shards Pirate Gang and ship from Mando S3

Of note, seeing Thrawn in Ahsoka was not as wildly awesome as I had imagined it might have been.  It was well done and cool but just didn't occupy the place in my heart compared to some other things.

The Ahsoka Rewatch brought some interesting tie ins with some of the stuffin Acolyte..

    when Elsbeth recieves the gift from the Great Mothers, 'the gift of shadows' or something they call it, her eyes turn solid glazed black

    when Mother Aniseya takes Torbins mind his eyes go solid glazed black

    when Qimir tries to help Osha remove the mask, his eyes go solid glazed black

    implying a mingling of the powers/knowledge of the force of all three sources
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Syren on July 19, 2024, 04:11:18 PM »
Another thing I wonder...who was Vernestra speaking to on the com in that conference room? Sounded sus. She did say it was highly unorthodox. Could she have been summoning Master Yoda? Or plotting with someone else?

As many things as I am delighted to see brought to life, nothing compares (yet) to the last 4 minutes of R1. I had spent my whole life up to that point wondering where she was coming from, knowing that we (the audience) began in the middle of a story. We were missing context and perspective. Rewatching it still gives me chills every single time.

OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by gallpizi on July 17, 2024, 03:44:05 PM »
So my friends and I watched this together.

I am very conflicted by many things related to this.

First and foremost. I enjoyed the series overall but felt this episode was meh.

Secondly, I feel like the Jedi come off as the bad guys. I am happy about this. They aren't good all the time. 

Overall I am here for it. Give me more Star Wars, more often. 
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Syren on July 17, 2024, 11:21:06 AM »
Huh - they actually tied that together better than I thought they would.

Some thoughts:

If they are the same then both could technically be the Acolyte singular. That same principle could be applied to killing a Jedi without a weapon. The task would have been considered complete regardless of which one did it. I found it satisfying to watch Osha give in as she could not process all that grief and rage - Sol may have said he was doing the right thing but carrying guilt, which those four Jedi clearly did, says otherwise. He got what was coming to him, in my opinion. They all did.

What up, Darth P?! At this point, he would have still been Tenebrous's apprentice, no? Seemingly looking for his own as Qimir is looking for an acolyte. We know Sideous had several apprentices, trying them all on (i.e. manipulating them) to fit different situations until Anakin was ready to go. Would stand to reason that others would shop around as well, seeing which apprentice fit their means best. The vibe I got here (aside from the rule of two thing) is that the Sith are lonely and while they seek someone to teach/train, it also reads as a need for companionship/connection/attachment...something they will eventually destroy.

Figured they would pin this on Sol but did not expect Vernestra to lean into that shit so heavily or methodically. Spinning that story to the Senators was cold-blooded but apparently necessary to maintain their positions of reverence and power. That senator called them out though, the dangers of hero worship, a real 'who's watching the watchmen' moment. That 'certain point of view' statement has far-reaching implications for them as they believe they are doing what they must in the name of order and justice...not realizing they are equally morally compromised and hypocritical since they are now very obviously attached to their power and legacy. Tsk, tsk.

The Qimir conundrum. A former pupil, that much was stated but, anyone else find the interaction between Vernestra and dead Sol a bit...intimate? Could Qimir be not only a pupil but a son? She is significantly older than she looks and Qimir did imply he was as well. I dunno, I got vibes there.

Osha giving up Mae and accepting Qimir's offer to be trained landed for me. Through him, she sees a way to channel those emotions and the turn feels earned because she had been operating on incomplete information her whole life. Mae knew the truth and was, in some ways, used to turn Osha, leading her to this conclusion.

Lastly, Yoda. If this is meant to imply that Vernestra goes to him with this and he helps conceal it then he would be just as complicit in the Jedi's fate all those years later. The fallen pupil turned to evil is a pretty big thread although perhaps "fallen" may not necessarily equate to becoming a Sith in their eyes, considering they were believed nonexistent. Either she lies to Yoda as well or this adds a much more nefarious layer to the Jedi's motives throughout the High Republic leading into their fall and return of the Sith.

While the season felt choppy and uncertain at times, the last episode finally hit the right notes (acting, pacing, etc.) which could serve as both a contained story or setup for further adventures.

OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by gallpizi on July 12, 2024, 12:58:38 PM »
I came here to read thoughts...

And found talking about politics.

OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on July 11, 2024, 05:25:40 PM »
thats interesting some cite the removal from SW feeling- It didn't take me out of SW story but the modernity kind of made me think of Andor, could easily be playing in back ground somewhere he shows up in some public venue to meet a contact.

Indara- when they have escaped to the ship at the end and Osha is on oxygen, Indara cuts in to them fairly deep I thought, blaming the whole debacle on Sol and Torbs.

I'm struggling with whether Torb or Sol is the weaker link that doomed the team.  Torb is the inlet in the confrontation but Sol creates the circumstance to begin with. 

Leave Twins Alone! - I would lean more towards a calculated decision by Vernestra to keep a lid on it?  The idea that it didn't happen and was simnply Indaras lie of necessity seems too far removed from the need of plot links yet.

"Do not believe your eyes, they can decieve you" -  There's hope yet that Qimir is a Muun and actually Plageuis =D    or Plagueis being his hidden master..
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Syren on July 11, 2024, 02:41:45 PM »
I liked the closing credits song although there were complaints the "modern" choice took them out of the SW universe. I thought it worked well but did go against the typical which can be refreshing.

Everyone was a mess in this! So many actions are based on incomplete information and assumptions. On rewatch, I blamed Indara less (for the mission overall) and felt more anger toward Sol and Torbin, since they were constantly undermining her with their bullshit. I still think her glazing over their part in what happened is part of their overarching issue as an order. They want to do right but don't want to look bad doing it? Fighting for justice is going to earn you some enemies but, judging by their interactions with politicians, I see they must navigate that delicately to build a coalition for support. Like all things political, that can be manipulated and/or bought.

Something else that popped for me - we never saw Indara's conversation with the council. If they were like, stop messing with them kiddos and leave them alone then show up with one, wtf? Either she never spoke to them and unilaterally vetoed their dumb plan or she and Vernestra (who is tied to the hyperspace disaster and all fallout from it) plotted to keep that vergance under wraps.

I also saw someone reference a quote from the Jedi early in the season - do not believe your eyes, they can deceive you. This could all be intentional misdirect to reinforce the point that what we see and/or believe is not always founded upon solid ground.
OOC Cantina / Re: Dark Empire graphic novel (compilation of the comic books)
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on July 11, 2024, 10:18:18 AM »

DH TOTJ DLOS were the first SW comic books I got ahold of.  There was a polybagged black and white version of #1 called ASH CAN in the small serial box that I believe came with a topps card of some sort inside, the card may have been diff polybagged DH SW #1 tho..

Reminds me also of this concept art topps card I got somewhere of Coruscant.  Until Ep I came out, I was calling it "Corus-kant'
OOC Cantina / Re: Simming Discussion
« Last post by SWSF Hoppus on July 11, 2024, 07:54:15 AM »
Thanks for the heads up, I might have to restrict sign ups again.
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