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OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by EmperorSeverus on July 07, 2024, 08:09:30 AM »
Disney has destroyed Star Wars.
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on July 06, 2024, 01:59:20 PM »
  Is the whole series a canon confirmation though or do any of the characters have greater and longer significance to the later story beyond a historically far removed feeler?

  The twins being Born of the Force should ultimately have some unique story value still, otherwise that is a completely wasted major point.

  But also by Qimir saying "a very long time ago", this to me feels like a tie somehow to the Darth Plagueis tale.

wookiee canon tab
"Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying."―Sheev Palpatine

wookiee canon tab
While training Sidious, Plagueis taught him that two Sith were required for their perilous machinations. So, if they worked together in accordance to the [color=var(--theme-link-color)]Rule of Two[/iurl], with one of them serving as a bait for the [color=var(--theme-link-color)]dark side of the Force[/color] and the other as a vessel, they would succeed in acquiring the ability to harness the full power of the dark side and rule immortal for ten thousand years.[color=var(--theme-link-color)][[/iurl][/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color]

  Qimir calling for Power of Two as opposed to Rule of Two is maybe something different then.  Reading through some Wookiee articles I got on this one

Seems like a good summary of everything thats going on at the grander level here.

But Sol needs to confess.  Vernestras whip and Qimirs scar shape seem obvious link to come to the open. 

But perhaps Osha and Mae come together to defeat Qimir and form Force Dyad.  Jedi do some soul searching in after math, Sol goes on trial if not killed yet by Q, O or M.  Probably in all their struggle he is first to go.

I dunno where the Qimir > Plagueis tie could come unelss Qimir has a master who is Plagueis.

Osha/Mae born of Force, "to create life" according to tale of plagueis, Qimirs "a very long time" and "The Power of Two" quotes.  All the keys?

The bathing scenes sexuality was weird.  Maybe it was just the camera work when he walks out and the cut off being so blatant yet implied presence.  Also the line, "if you're not going to join me I'd like to put my clothes back on".  It was kinda sloppy almost all together.  Like too much like a real dude trying to get a woman naked in the water with him.

Give me some Han Leia ESB tension.  Peak eroticism.

Most important take away: Bazil is still the best part of this so far.
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Medivh on July 03, 2024, 12:09:36 PM »

Totally agree - I liked the scenes with Qimir and Osha in this episode.
The breathing in the mask had a nice touch of ominous/foreboding recall. I haven't decided if it was too over the top, or just right.
My biggest problem is we don't really know enough about Osha (or Mae) to understand that anger.  We know Osha left the Jedi, but her supposed "failure" is unclear, so her anger at said failure is unclear as well

Yay cortosis!

And good call - that mark on Qimir's back looks more like a whip mark than a saber blade mark.
I can't stand Sol.  Agree - just spit it out already.  The show is too purposefully holding off the answer to what really happened, and it ruins so much, being so forced.

Because, by the time they tell us the answer, I think we'll stop caring.
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Syren on July 03, 2024, 11:22:05 AM »
I liked this ep, although the pacing/scene cutting still kills me.

Some thoughts:

Love me some Star Wars critters. I told my husband I would have made friends with them and he was like oh you would not, you would have slipped on one of those rocks because you were wearing completely inappropriate shoes and screamed at the ocean and scared them away. Which, fair. He knows me pretty well.

If this aired on HBO that bathing scene would have been a hell of lot more exciting but I suppose we already got full-frontal with HotD this week so I forbear. This episode does a great job of outlining the 'seduction' aspect of the dark side. Anakin was "seduced" and not even that subtly but Qimir hits the right notes with Osha and you can see each one makes her consider things. Or reconsider them. I also think Osha would make a much better acolyte because Mae's motivation is so one-note. Osha has a lot of nuance to her grief and anger which makes her much more susceptible to exploitation and manipulation. Then, when she is in just the right place emotionally, she finds out what really happened on Brendok and boom - one dark side acolyte coming right up!

Hearing cortosis spoken aloud made me feel a certain kind of way. Gratifying, in some sense, because it is a EU/Legends concept, now made canon.

Sol just needs to spit it out. Whatever it is, and it is likely cringe and incriminating, he needs to unburden himself.

Is it just me or is Vernestra acting super sus? Lightwhip is cool but...Qimir's injuries don't look like saber slashes to me. And how old is he really? He implied "a very long time ago" but I suppose that is subjective. Is that like 20 years or 200 years? Still waiting on his former Jedi/Sith master to show up here any minute now...after we get a flashback to what really happened on Brendok.

Ultimately, all the concepts and characters are cool but I am struggling with the execution being as compelling as it could be (or I want it to be). However, I am open to the fact that there are many ways to tell a story and can appreciate that aspect despite anything else.
OOC Cantina / Re: Simming Discussion
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on June 29, 2024, 10:05:40 PM »

Just read it in recycle bin.  Odd.

Deleted the member.

Hope it doesn't become a recurring thing..
OOC Cantina / Re: Simming Discussion
« Last post by Syren on June 29, 2024, 05:59:12 PM »
We apparently have shit posters in here. That jackflapper guy registered and posted some insane stuff in my VE thread for some reason but I deleted it. FYI, Hop.
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on June 28, 2024, 08:09:34 PM »

I think maybe it's all been intentionally kind of clumsy to this point.  The nod to it being

When Qimir asked Mae, paraphrase when he's choke holding her, "didn't you know the whole time it was me? deep down in there?"

Darth Q speaks of a history of persecution already by the jedi, if he is not tied to the Witches somehow maybe a hidden secret boy from the two mothers experiemnts at creating life, or somehow rescues mae as a girl yet from there?  Or then he was part of another community of unorthodox force users who met the same fate at the hands of the Jedi perhaps?  He doesn't claim the sith mantle himself, so he just sees himself as a renegade using the force according to his rules.  But how did he get so powerful in hiding up until now if he does not himself have a Master?

He calls Jecki, 'It' right after he kills her.  Is it just an insult and would have been said if she were human, or is it personal and because she was not?  Or possibly he speaks of her as It as a Jedi.  Later he snaps Yords neck pretty effortlessly  That is some It treatment...

Going back now and watching Ep II where Osha/Jedi use him to trap Mae and he cooperates (now we know manipulates).makes him seem much more sinister.  Is funny he says to them when the spring on him 'please don't do that memory wipe thing or whatever you do to me'.  Is that an MIB reference or is there some other instance of jedi wiping memories of people in canon?

Is interesting when Sol asks him why risk revealing himself he says he wants a pupil.  But he does not see himself as a Sith, sooo, why does he want a pupil if not to use a tool to help him acquire and grow his power on a galactic scale?
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Medivh on June 27, 2024, 10:33:13 AM »
There seem to be a lot of loose ends and questions left.

First is the obvious - we KNOW Sol and the jedi with him did something the night of the fire.  He's repeatedly said he'll "explain everything" and he feels guilty about something.  THIS was the central question for the first 3 episodes, but it was kind of forgotten during the last two.  Seeing the jedi as less than perfect fits nicely with the stories we have going on now here.  That they are blinded to their own internal problems helps explains what they don't know and their eventual downfall generations later.  But the story-telling ...

Second, we learned in the first episode that there is an effort to curb use of the force outside of the jedi order.  That seemed to be what Qimir was referring to. I actually hated the line that the jedi would call him a sith.  SITH hasn't been defined, the word dark side hasn't been used.  Whether he is actually a sith or not, it was a stupid line. It doesn't bother me that much that there might be a "sith" around now - I don't think it hurts the all sacred canon (everyone on this forum used or uses Legends material, which has been declared non-canon anyways).  

Here's a few lines I think would have been better:
"I'm what the jedi fear - someone not under their control"
Or more fleshed out:
"I'm like you.  I have the force at my side.  But unlike you, and your jedi, I see the full power of the Force.  Generations ago, my people were cast out by the jedi centuries ago for daring to have ambition, for daring to use their power. Your history books would call them sith, wielders of the dark side of the force.  And their knowledge has been passed down, generation to generation, master to apprentice (((or master to acolyte)), until me.  You think I am the bad guy, but your self-righteousness is undeserved.  You and your jedi are just as ambitious, just as power hungry, as me. I just don't pretend, like you do"

It's stil rubbing me the wrong way, the pacing, the dialogue.  I feel like there is a good story here, but they are either rushing to tell it, or just assume certain knowledge, or don't care what we don't know.  Even if there was a "big reveal" at the end, I don't think it will necessarily be earned.
OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Syren on June 26, 2024, 11:51:39 AM »
We sure did! First time in canon, I believe since that originated in what is now considered legends. I know we've read about it and written about it but so cool to see it in live action.

Hats off to the choreography in this episode as that was quite action-packed.

Some thoughts...

The reveal - not shocking. What was shocking was those guns. I guess saber-wielding is good for delts and such.

Did not expect that level of massacre but they sure went there which lends itself to my theory that by the end of this the "Sith" may take out any Jedi with any knowledge of him and/or have it covered up by leadership so that by the time Ep 1 rolls around the Jedi Council are obscenely unaware - both of the growing Sith threat but also they are the ones who concealed it which led to their spectacular downfall.

Also, he never said he was a Sith only that the Jedi would reference someone like him as a Sith. If he doesn't consider him as such either he's not a fan of labels or is something else entirely. Still get a feeling he is the apprentice serving a master who has taken to fostering darkness in an acolyte.

The switch thing - not a bad plan as plans go, considering there is only one Jedi left on the hit list. That's one way to get close to one's target. However, wouldn't Sol sense this? I imagine her presence would not feel the same to him.

Lastly, lots of insinuation that the Jedi do bad things in the name of good. Curious to see what they actually did but also how the "Sith" is connected to it. Was it me or did he also seem to have a personal connection to it all? It would be strange for him to purely project on behalf of the twins but may be reading too deeply and he is trying to prove a larger, more insidious point about the Jedi.

OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by Medivh on June 26, 2024, 11:27:13 AM »
And last night, we got Cortosis armor :-)
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