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Star Wars: The Crimson Covenant / Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Last post by Syren on September 13, 2024, 09:53:40 PM »
“Maybe it’s perfect
Maybe I lack control
Coz you’re still the coin in the air
And I don’t know where it leaves me
Heads or tails
Wings or sails.”

Eli & Fur


Far from the exercise, the faux-Agent Cale Theon keeps a steady system patrol aboard the Asunder.

The High Commander felt it best to keep Jedi out of the fray, something Donovan agreed was best. They had enough problems and handing them two living violations of their insipid laws would not be one of them. Not today, at least.

Gemma’s call took him by surprise. The loss of life was tragic and he is grateful his sister is not among the victims. The presence of a traitor raises more uncomfortable questions and reveals the depths of their situation with Gemma's controversial take on it. Prophecy as a stage play, a rotating cast across generations with characters that seldom escape their run. There are rare exceptions but there is no denying that those orchestrating horror behind the scenes take great care to close the loop when they can. Rutherford Gellar and Celeste Masterton are evidence enough of that.

For those caught in the prophecy’s glittering web, it is always a matter of time.

He turns his attention to more pressing matters. While Demaris may be in the Corporate Sector with a few potential suspects, Donovan finds himself on a ship with one. Gemma made it clear the Force-sensitive refugees may not be who they claim to be. It is a convenient position, possibly meant to exploit their assistance by ingratiating themselves and lulling them into lowering their guard.

Sirona has kept to herself since the desecration of Centerpoint Station. He left her meditating not long ago and would like to imagine that is what she continues to do. She has not made a move against them with plenty of opportunity to do so. She even had a chance to strike a more damaging blow to their efforts when the High Commander joined them. Sirona is the one who brought him from the surface. Donovan was nothing compared to a strategic target like Artemis Soldys. She could have taken that shuttle down before they ever reached his cruiser, or crashed the shuttle into the Asunder killing them all.

A tactical victory that would have robbed Corellia of further hope to combat the imminent Republic threat.

That is not a phrase he ever thought he’d think. The Republic, a galactic enemy. He never cared much for politics in his old life, much too busy with the salacious duties of a Corporate Sector heir. It never touched him, all those happenings outside their opulent little world. Such privilege, the luxury of being an Atrii. To not care simply because it did not personally inconvenience him in any way. Let others suffer so long as he did not have to deal with it. That seems like such a very long time ago. The Jedi set him on the straight and narrow. Something else he is grateful for. They are not perfect, nor is he, but their ways allow him a chance at real purpose. A path to absolution. Yet, his mind drifts to other things.


It turns out path and purpose come at a price. Feelings that are felt and acknowledged but must not be acted on. It helps that they are both playing other people since the galaxy believes them long dead. Lives lost in the early days of the Republic’s swift and spectacular downward spiral. For many it made it real. If they could kill someone like Circe Prescott, in principle, as a symbol of dissent in a democratic society, then they could do the same to anyone else - and they did. There are the true believers out there bent on ensuring this all goes south and, so far, they are making great work of it. Threats near and far.

Near being his primary concern.

Donovan rises from the chair and retrieves his saber, stashed away to complete the CorSec ruse but always nearby. He clips it to his belt and steps into the corridor. It is quiet, as the cruiser tends to be in their patrol of solitude and reflection most days, but now that silence is laced with suspicion.

Do other enemies masked as allies walk among them?

He is relieved to find her exactly where he left her, meditating in the galley with her back turned to him. He approaches slowly, rapping on the archway with a knuckle to signal his presence although he knows she already senses him. Her body stiffens.

“I have news. Not good, I’m afraid.”

She lowers her head, “Tell me.”

“We’ve lost Oz and Lysette,” he says, choosing his words carefully. “It seems Lysette was not on our side after all.”

“And now you have come to see if I am?”

“I would like to know where you stand, Sirona. You have been through a lot and it would be understandable if your feelings are…complex. Nothing we’ve experienced has been what anyone would consider normal but know that I am here to check in and support you.”

“I will be fine."

“I am pleased to hear it but not certain I believe you.”

“You do not know what I felt when what was left of that station imploded. The things I heard. Madness. It was pure madness.”

He eases further into the space, curious.


“The spirits of those trapped within, no way out, so much fear, confusion – they did not know it would end that way. In an instant, so many lives cut short. Everyone’s last thoughts bombarding me, invading my mind, and then…then there was her. They told me she was waiting there.”

“Who? The one who attacked the Republic?”

“A voice clearer than the others, cutting through the noise. She spoke directly to me.”

Donovan is so close to her now. Was this who she referenced before? The one who had come to let the darkness out? Perhaps she had…in ways they had not considered. He moves closer still.

“What did this person tell you?”

In a single fluid movement, Sirona rises and ignites her saber, twisting around with a controlled strike. Donovan jerks backward reflexively, hand finding his weapon just as her blade clashes with his in a sickening hiss. Her eyes have a green glint to them that he has not seen before, expression determined but faltering.

“She told me to turn on you,” Sirona says evenly, advancing on him. “To prevent you from trying to take what is rightfully hers.”

“Sirona, stop this! This is not you!”

“None of them deserved it. Not one worthy enough to claim victory. We are but mere mortals, and she a goddess. Soon…she will reign.”

Donovan pulls back and flicks his wrist to create some distance between them. She rights herself quickly and attacks. He engages her defensively as their sabers clash.

“Fight this, Sirona!”

“She is still in my head…whispering…willing me…”

“No, she does not control you-”

“That is where you are wrong. She controls all of us.”

He parries and steps back, assessing the tremors of expression flickering across her face. She may be fighting but she is losing. He had only heard rumors of such possession, the Sith inflicting their will upon others, but he had never seen it manifested. She may not have been sent as a sleeper in the same way Lysette evidently had been but she arrived here vulnerable, her defenses down, and within the psychic attack left open the opportunity to strike. Donovan must disarm her before she hurts anyone.

“Sirona, listen to me. Hear me. You are safe here with us. We will protect you!”

She attacks again, this time more aggressively, but he is careful to deflect and keep her at a distance as he tries to reach her. What he does not know, what he does not yet understand, is the piece of an artifact this dark visitor had come to collect from Centerpoint and the power it holds. Adubell’s words, imbued with the essence of the Etheralis, coil deep within her mind – she no longer has control.

“The Jedi can’t protect anyone,” she laughs coldly, voice octaves lower than it had been only moments ago. “Not even themselves.”

The glint in her eyes flares a brilliant hue. He gasps, hesitating for the briefest moments but it is enough of an opening. Donovan feels the sear of saber upon flesh, into his forearm, down across his thigh, and he stumbles back. The Twi’lek comes at him hard now, swinging more wildly, sparks from contact with the walls showering across the narrower corridor he’s been forced back into. He brings his blade down against hers, both sparking against the floor as she whips a headtail against his face. Flinching, he throws himself forward, slamming her against the wall, their sabers tangled dangerously beneath them. She shoves him back and he staggers then spins to the right into a crouch, feeling the heat of her blade as it passes over him, and thrusts his hand outward to send a concussive Force blast that sends her tumbling back into the open space of the galley.

Donovan sags against the wall. His leg is screaming, realizing now it may be deeper than he thought, but manages to drag himself to where she lies still. He holds his saber out, not yet raised. He believes there is still a chance they could save her. He is not going to give up on her now-

She springs upright at an almost unnatural angle, gripping his throat and hauling him forcefully back across the room. Sirona almost seems to float as his legs scrape helplessly across the floor. They crash into the far wall with enough force to smash his head against it. Colorful spots explode in front of his eyes and her saber tip pierces his shoulder. Crying out, vision clearing, he watches the fury drain from her face.

His glowing saber is lodged through her chest, casting shadows on her features from behind. The glow dims but remains present in her eyes. Donovan deactivates his weapon. Hers drops to the floor and snaps off. Grabbing ahold of her as her knees buckle, he cries out again.

“No, no, no….Sirona, no…you were safe here…”

“No one is safe,” she sputters, weakly. “Not from this. From her.”

She sinks to the floor in his arms and a small, nearly guttural laugh escapes her lips. She raises her eyes to his as she begins to fade from this life.

“Really, Jedi. Do you think your sister is safe…with one of them?”

OOC Cantina / Re: RIP James Earl Jones
« Last post by SWSF Hoppus on September 11, 2024, 08:10:50 AM »
Was so bummed RIP
OOC Cantina / Re: RIP James Earl Jones
« Last post by Medivh on September 09, 2024, 11:24:02 PM »
For ANH, he said he didn't deserve to be credited for playing Darth Vader because the voice was too small a part of the character,during%20the%20franchise's%20early%20days.
OOC Cantina / Re: RIP James Earl Jones
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on September 09, 2024, 06:21:28 PM »
aw, womp womp

I was reading through his imdb for memories, apparently he was initially uncredited in ANH for voice over!  I'm sure it was added in eventually but crazy.  Oversight or by request from the man himself perhaps?

I wonder if there's any sort of existing contract that permits them to continue using his voice over?  I had pretty much assumed they stopped using him at some point but it looks like everything up until Obi Wan series was him voicing.

Put a sock in it Jaffe!  RIP.

EDIT- Just read on Forbes, he signed over rights for AI to recreate Vaders voice with all his recorded material.
OOC Cantina / RIP James Earl Jones
« Last post by Medivh on September 09, 2024, 06:12:11 PM »

93 years old is too short a time for a voice that will live forever.
Star Wars: The Crimson Covenant / Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Last post by Medivh on August 21, 2024, 01:16:35 PM »

The Republic (and Imperial) vessels halted their progress as the Corellian fleet came into view.  this wasn't just one scout ship. It was an armada.  The TIEs that had been closing in circled back to form a defensive perimeter around their own capital ships.

It was actually several minutes before they could be seen reforming thier line, preparing themselves for a battle as opposed to patrol duty.

"They weren't ready for us to show up"
It was the commander next to Artemis who spoke as Artemis was staring out the viewport, lips pursed as he looked across at the opponent.  They weren't the enemy, at least, not yet. At least, he hoped not.  But for this maneuver, opponent would suffice.

Opponent, even though this skirmish could very well lead to the deaths of forces on both sides.

"We certainly hope not.  Begin pressing our ships forward - slowly - and keep an eye on our flanks. We will be entering the gravity wells of those nets, and won't be able to escape quickly if the Republic manages to have reinforcements close by."

Even as they maneuvered forward, the Republic ships were slowly responding.  The slowness told Artemis much about what was happening.  The border patrol unit here, while substantial in size, was never intended for a large battle, and they were not led by a commander skilled in this kind of combat.
The assumption was that as soon as the Corellian fleet appeared, they sent out a signal to Chandaar, both alerting them of the situation and asking for orders.  Their delay was probably about receiving those orders, and how to carry them out.

Artemis' eyes shot up to a counter-clock above the viewport.  8 hours, counting down.  It was almost a two-day hyperspace trip to Chandaar, even along the most favorable route.  But the Republic had a fleet that was about eight hours away, located at the planet Tanaab. A quick bump on the Perlemian Trade Route, then south on the Hydian Way to get to the Corellian Sector.  Artemis was betting that was their rapid-response.  The imperials also had worlds, much closer, but Artemis was counting on, first, those worlds being in the Deep Core, where hyperspace travel was more treacherous, and therefore slower.  And second, that the imperials wouldn't stick their neck out in a first-salvo like this, by reinforcements.  If they did ... that eight hours could be as little as 4.

Timing was everything.

"We've reached the perimeter of the first gravity well, sir"
"Launch the Y-Wing fighters"
"Yes sir"

From the larger corellian carriers, dozens of Y-Wings emerged, quickly moving to attack speeds and heading toward the nearest republic vessels.  Blue energy jutted out as they let out salvo after salvo of ion-cannon fire.  They were followed by X-Wings, with standard laser fire, eating into the shields of the republic vessels, whose weapons were already moving sluggishly before ion fire made it worse.  The Republic was responding by sending out more fighters, hoping that larger numbers would help in their counter-attack.


Far from the battle, a dozen heavily-modified auxiliary ships were watching from the viewport as blue, red, and green lights splashed like twinkles in the distance.
Mara was sitting in the pilot seat of the lead vessel, eyes flicking between the battle and a red-light indicator on her dashboard.
When it ignited, she pressed down on the comm.

"We are go. Remember the plan.  Full speed until 5-klicks out from the gravity well."

each auxiliary vessel began powering their engines, moving forward, slowly at first.  They didn't make a straight line ahead, instead, each beginning to form large circles, picking up speed as they did.  It wasn't until each vessel was at its maximum speed that the vessels straightened out, making a bee-line toward the battle.

"Each team, line up your coordinates.  We each have our own target, but we won't be able to adjust our trajectories once we are in the combat zone.  We've got one good shot at this."

A few acknowledgements and Mara was checking her instruments.

It was only a few minutes later when she sent out another message.
"This is Surge 1. We are entering the combat zone. Going dark."

With a final check to ensure the ship's flaps were closed down, Mara shut down the engines of her ship, letting the inertia of the high speed send her forward into the battle zone.
"Lights out."
Her voice was now a whisper, and the lookout next to her nodded, shutting down more systems on the ship.
"Ready for inertial dampeners to be reactivated"

Around them, republic, imperial, and corellian ships twirled and spun and fired, but her auxiliary craft, with no power signature, looked like debris floating by, and was ignored.

Ahead of them, the gravity well net was visible and steadily filling up the screen.
"Get ready to activate dampeners on my mark ...
3 ...
2 ...
1 ...

Just as the ship was about to crash into the small platform, the inertial dampeners kicked in, using reverse-impulse engines to slow their approach.
"Magnetic clamp in 3 ... 2 ... 1 .... mark"
With a soft clang, their ship stopped moving, held against the platform on its side.

"We appear to be undetected, maam."
"Good  run a passive scan for the external power linkup.  Get everyone suited up."
"Yes maam"

Star Wars: The Crimson Covenant / Re: CC: Corporate Greed
« Last post by Syren on August 10, 2024, 11:25:27 PM »
“In a state of confusion you made an illusion
State of confusion you made an illusion.”


Corporate Sector

Etti IV: Surface: Mondder

The implications of his conversation with Irulan weigh on him but he knows what he must do.

He is many things, of course; dashing, spoiled, selfish, and wealthy. All the things a good corporate heir should be – at least the ones that make headlines on the Holo. He also isn’t entirely foolish which is why he goes to Demaris. With Alka at rehearsals with Roman (as Avenarius) and Shendo, it leaves him time that evening with Demaris and Taarek in the Gellar Tower.

He excuses Taarek, asking to speak to Demaris alone.

She nods and he takes his leave, disappearing into the expanse of the penthouse.

“I am telling you this because you need to know and because I trust you. Not that Gemma doesn’t have legitimate concerns with your Order and the way of things but the Jedi, on occasion, have saved the galaxy and stuff so here we are.”

Her expression tightens, “Damning by faint praise. How very…you. What is it? Sounds serious.”

Dane outlines everything Gemma told him about what happened on Corellia after the group dispersed – the betrayal, the appearance of the freed Infiltrator, the fight that ensued, and the injuries and death that resulted from it. All stemmed from a traitor among them, the seemingly meek Lysette, who had been manipulating them the entire time with the intention of striking Gemma down before doing the same with Riley.

“As far as agents of the prophecy go, I’d say that pretty much covers it. You want to stop what is coming, so maybe we start here. With us. How well do you know everyone you brought with you?”

It stuns her momentarily silent as she processes everything he tells her. There is a flicker of anger that she did not sense anything amiss throughout their adventures - so focused on Gemma slipping effortlessly to the dark side and Roman spiraling into revenge with murderous intentions - that she did not even realize there was an even greater threat within the group. This is followed by profound grief at losing both Oz and Lysette, two who she believed they were able to save from the Republic’s purge of the Jedi and subsequent elimination of anyone who may possess any type of connection to the Force.

They have failed them.

She pushes a strand of purple hair away from her eyes and raises them to meet his.

“I could do without the accusatory tone but it is a relevant question given those rather horrific details. The truth is, I thought I knew them better than I do. That much is clear. We came together so quickly, separated into groups of Force-sensitive refugees pouring out of the Republic capital who were then shipped off to supposedly safer places. Oz, Lysette, Sirona, and Shendo remained with us, as you know. You were there at the Viperii Lakehouse when we left. Taarek was routing people out of Chandaar any way he could and joined us I believe in some part because of the devotion his father held for Melanie Masterton.

Although the refugees regarded her with suspicion, considering her background, public profile, and connection to atrocities sensationalized throughout the galaxy, Taarek saw what I saw, glimmers in Gemma that led us to believe she held a greater chance armed with the context Melanie so clearly lacked. That does not speak to motive to me if we are reasoning it out. I suppose you realize this puts Roman under suspicion as well.”

Dane folds his arms, “He faked his death to spite his shitty parents after their hand in Preston’s death. As grateful as I am that he is alive, it was not something I expected.”

“We were led to him – by Lysette. That detail holds greater significance now.”

“Not disputing that,” Dane says evenly. “If Oz was in on anything, he got a raw deal from the visuals Gemma so vividly provided. Sirona is with your brother but Gemma told me she already sent word so he is aware. We now know Lysette orchestrated this with help from the grey-skinned woman and that Infiltrator thing. Shendo is, well, something else.”

“He has always been the most skeptical of all this. Not making the kinds of connections we did with each other. The closest he came to showing any kind of warmth was when he banded together with the others to stop Roman from using that superlaser on his family. Not a small thing. However, it is slightly atypical of the Nagai to be so withdrawn. They are traditionally more charismatic, and engaging, but we must remember they all suffered extreme trauma from being turned on so ruthlessly by the Republic. They had citizens hunting them down in the streets. Shendo is a skilled warrior, best with blades so the saber comes more naturally to him, and yet he has not taken up against us.”

“Lysette had the same access to you as he did but did not strike until the time was right. Who is to say he is not lying in wait as the backup?”

“For what?”

He cannot believe that he, for once, gets there first.

“Gemma said the Corellian doctor freed the Infiltrator and likely tipped off the Republic that Corellia hasn’t exactly been operating to the letter of their stupid laws. That set in motion the conflict brewing between them. On the capital, it sure looks like Janessa Kain took out the Republic President, one of the last opponents to the Speaker's consolidation of power and increasing instability.”

He glances down and tries to swallow, mouth having gone dry.

“Garron has tried to kill me more than once and is now on the loose probably plotting to do so again. Two of those three people may be dead but actions were still carried out on who knows whose orders. The grey-skinned woman? Those Voss-Ra freaks? Other, still unknown creepers and prophecy hangers-on? What I’m trying to say is…if Lysette and her flunky-bot-thing succeeded in killing Gemma and Riley and Garron had killed me…”

Demaris’s mouth falls open, “Dahlia would be declared victor, as she would have survived the prophecy.”

“Full stop, no contingency plans. Game over.”

“And what they believe will happen with a Winton victory may come to pass.”

“Big time maybe, but yeah. They sure as hell think so and we would be unprepared to stop them. Any of them. I mean, holy shit, Dahlia as Imperial Empress? On the throne beside that nerd Barrett? Yikes.”

Demaris clasps her hands in her lap, “Right, but thankfully none of those things happened. They were stopped there and can be stopped here.”

“And what about you?"


“Yes, you, Demaris. You were missing for a time too. Gone after your incident on Hesperidium.”

“A few years ago, yes. The Voss-Ra tried to toss me off that bloody tower. I already explained this to everyone.”

“Janessa told me straight up she was on a fucking sabbatical with Garron so please spare me the indignation at having asked the question.”

“I was on Corellia with witnesses. You said you trusted me.”

“Trust but verify. It’s not personal.”

“I see. If we are reviewing our cohort as a whole, let’s look at the timeline. The stalker situation with Alka, and her father’s impending trial for the murder of Finnius Dyre, all happened before any of us arrived. Someone is targeting us, targeting you, but not someone in this group.”

He shudders, Garron. It has to be Garron.”

“Why do you say that?”

“He could have left any of those things for Alka to find but Dyre was only murdered after Garron escaped our custody. You don’t think-”

“Garron didn’t do this,” Alka cuts him off, moving into the great room space with Shendo and Avenarius flanking her.

Neither Demaris nor Dane heard them enter but it could not have been long.

Dane recovers, averting his eyes from Shendo and Roman for now, and tries not to choke on his words.

“He’s done so many things that don’t make sense, Alka. Terrible things. He was sent here to kill me and he would destroy everything around me to do it. You said so yourself, they want me to suffer first. Screwing with Garron's mind, turning him against me? That has made me suffer because I can't help him, can't fix him..."

“Not untrue,” she says, still dressed in a black leotard with a thin, botanical print wrap tied around her waist.

Skin flushed, dewy from the exertion, impossibly hot.

Dane inhales sharply and concentrates on the topic, “How do you know? How do you know he didn't send you those things? Knows our secret? Attacked you?”

She contemplates, allowing the silence to become excruciating, but then she squares her shoulders and glares at him.

“Because he is why I survived."

Star Wars: The Crimson Covenant / Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Last post by Medivh on July 30, 2024, 01:24:50 PM »

Post from December 17, 2020:
"As the VCX auxiliary fighter slipped out of hyperspace, Artemis was shocked to see not only that the gravity well net location had been moved.  it was accompanied by what amounted to a fleet. Republic vessels. And almost twice as many imperial ships, including an interdictor cruiser.
"They let the imperials bring one of those into Republic territory?"
"Half the fleet is made up of imperial ships now.  And it's been increasing ever since you were detained.  Quietly, of course, sir, but needless to say, with you out of the way in the senate, others were taking full advantage."
Their comm suddenly lit up, and they could see a mix of X-wings and TIE fighters approaching from the fleet's location.

There were too many fighters, enemy ships.  The distraction was appreciated but ... so many would die just for him?
"They know what they are doing sir.  We need you, alive, free, and on Corellia.  Corellia needs you to prepare for what's coming"
A moment later, Artemis was watching as one of the 'calvary' exploded, just before their vessel again dipped into hyperspace.


Surface: Coronet City

“If there is anything we can do here to support you, we are at your service."

Mara shook her head

"Just try not to get into too much trouble, at least until I get back"
The wry grin on her face said all the words she'd left out, all the feelings, all the worry, all the excitement.  She'd only be gone for a little while, really.

What could possibly happen?

2 days later ...


The ships of the Republic and Imperial combined fleet had grown since Artemis made his escape from here, however many months/years had passed since then.  The Corellian scout ships had made the prudent decision to slow-walk to the border region, not only to avoid getting trapped into those gravity-well nets, but to avoid being detected altogether.

That was crucial for the mission to succeed.
The distraction had to be meaningful - Enough Corellian ships to hold their own; not enough to trigger all out war.
And for the Corellians to make it meaningful, they had to play their trump card.  It was something that was sure to cascade into even more chaos and enmity.  Mara had asked Artemis if it was worth it.

Artemis still wasn't sure.  This encounter might be enough to push the Republic over the edge it was already so close to.  And in return, Corellia would get some protection ...
But it was finally decided, they would go forward.

The scout ships hovered at the outskirts of the territory, taking in passive scans of the ships.  The imperial interdictor was the most formidable looking vessel present, but there were also a handful of Republic cruisers and Victory Star Destroyers in the mix (the ships looked remarkably similar to each other).

"No large Mon-Cal vessels"
That the Mon-Calimari senator had been arrested was enough for their shipyards to pull any support they had for Speaker Leeds and his military efforts.  The only Mon-Calimari cruisers present were smaller, and much older. Pre-purchased.

"Partially to be expected.  Final scans coming in."

A black screen with green-highlights began marking off the locations of the republic and imperial ships, swarms of them, as well as the location of each of the gravity well nets in the area, a string of them, like polka-dots across the expanse of space.

"Locking in target locations and transmitting to the fleet"

A red light began to flash.

"We've been detected"

As if to confirm the suspicion, they could see an imperial frigate rotate and begin moving toward their location, flanked by a half dozen TIE-fighters that were starting to pick up speed.

The comm chimed, and soon they heard the voice over the speaker.

"This is Border Patrol.  Identify yourself."

The Corellian scout turned to his colleague before pressing the button.
"Meesa so sowwy!  Meesa no understand"

The frigate was moving closer.
"I repeat, identify yourself"

The pilot grinned, placing headphones over his ears.
"THis is Corellian Scout Vessel Feedback"

"Feedback, prepare to power down and -"
The rest of the captain's words were drowned out as the Corellian pilot pressed a button, a loud screeching noise over the intercomm.
"Get it? Feedback?"
The captain on the other end was cursing, but now, they got the attention of a few more ships that were starting to move into position - including the interdictor.

"Alright, that did it.  Send coordinates to the fleet, and power up the engines"

The Corellian scout ship's engines roared to life, and the vessel began circling around, preparing to make an exit.  Green laser fire flew overhead as TIE fighters got closer.

"Confirmation. The fleet received the intel."

"Good, so calvary is coming in, in ... 10 ... 9 ... 8..."

A loud book as laser cannon fire struck the back of the scout ship.

"Deflectors down to 60%"
"Transfer auxiliary power to the engines"
"3 ... 2 ... 1..."

Blasting out of hyperspace, nearly 50 Corellian ships of varying sizes appeared, including at least one Executive-class ship, over 1500 meters long.

The broadcast message that came from the ship was sent out on all frequencies, just to make sure nobody missed it.

"This is High Commander Artemis Soldys of the Corellian Sector Defense Force.  We are hereby enforcing our sovereignty, under both the Republic charter and the intergalactic laws of governance.  We demand all non-Corellian vessels leave the system at once"

Artemis tapped the comm off, turning to the commander on his right with a grim smile.

"This is where the fun begins."

Star Wars: The Crimson Covenant / Re: CC: The Crimson Covenant
« Last post by Syren on July 23, 2024, 06:18:44 PM »
“When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen’s off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head
Feed your head.”

-Jefferson Airplane


An ominous feeling simmers between them, actively filling the space.

Under normal circumstances, he would evade her arrogantly pointed questions and withhold these feelings. Still, the strangeness of their arrival and discussion throughout their journey has given way to a more amenable exchange. She stands firmly behind his chair with a hand placed upon her hip.

“Not loving this for us. What happens when we are discovered?”

“Contruum remains Imperial aligned. Kimber Patten’s antics allowed us to make damn sure of that. Our avatars, after all, are emissaries of the Emperor so our presence should not be an issue.”

“How fortunate for us.”

Dahlia lowers her shoulders but knows this does not necessarily mean they are out of danger. Convenience may only be a pretext for something far darker. For his part, the context and shading provided were intriguing if not somewhat suspicious so she decides to push it.

“You said you didn’t know anything and were never involved with them.”

“I said not directly,” he reiterates, staring ahead. “Things may have gotten messy but we retained control here despite certain ethical detours. While the intrepid agent St. Claire did as instructed, I was unaware of his previous allegiance to the Trade Federation which…complicated things.”

“I hear dying tends to do that.”

“He was disavowed by the Empire first.”

She tilts her head, expression tightening in a way he finds infuriating, How is that better?”

“No one said it was but he served his purpose. Played his role. Champions rise and fall, even unconventional ones.”

“You know, the mythological aspects of our lives are seriously disturbing when you really think about it. Solid lore though.”

“I suppose so, through a certain lens. Something I imagine appeals to you a great deal.”

“Obviously but indirect involvement still counts as involvement.”

“What are you asking me?”

“If you ever met them. The Four. Do not lie to me.”

He turns and takes a more measured tone.

“Not formally and met is a strong word. I only laid eyes on two of them in person. Here, in fact. On Contruum. I was dispatched in secret after Alexia’s behavior became increasingly erratic and she absconded with then-Emperor Dementat along with the governor of this world. Considering Karen’s…connection to the Emperor and sentimentality toward Governor Strye it became, as you say, a thing.”

Her eyes widen in anticipation, “I’ll bet. Please, continue.”

He allows it with a small nod.


Considering its potential relevance, she has earned a bit more of his perspective.

“As the newly anointed Darth Kyja, Karen stormed into the government building with a rage that gave even me pause before promptly, if memory serves, physically and verbally assaulting several ranking Imperial staff, securing Kimber’s release from the increasingly sadistic games the Imperial Director – your father, as it turned out - was rumored to be playing with her, and took off after Alexia.

However, I was one of few people who ever saw Riley Patten’s mother and father together alive and bore witness to your elder sister practically torching the Imperial bureaucracy. The reaction to the whole ordeal was…mixed. There were many competing agendas as we have come to discover, the Imperial staff in question themselves were angry and confused, but Karen prevailed, the Voss-Ra’s faith in her solidified, and I returned to my post far, far away from here for the rest of it to play out. We know how that story ended.”

“We certainly do,” she murmurs, eyes shifting back to the moon they are steadily approaching. “So, we share a peripheral connection to this place but I must be missing the deeper significance.”

“Perhaps you are being tested. Both of your sisters displayed feats of skill and strength here.”

“Or we are being punished for exerting the agency you so impressively wrested back from Erinbol. Neither the Sith nor the Voss-Ra may appreciate us putting them in their places which is, let’s be honest, secondary to the roles we play. We are, according to them, destined for this. You think they would appreciate the initiative.”

Seif considers this while he transmits their credentials and destination to central command. Orders from the Emperor provide swift clearance to proceed without interruption.

“It would be risky to intentionally place you in a situation that may harm their chances yet again but they have gone to greater lengths before. To your point, this may not be the Voss-Ra’s machinations we are dealing with here. We shall investigate but stay alert.”

“Fine but keep it cool. We’ve got enough to worry about.”

Seif Guldon-Greyson senses a softening in her. There is still skepticism but also a willingness that had not existed before they departed from Byss. He made his choice and it forged trust, however tentative at first, which was quickly solidifying. She has started to care for him as well. Something he had, admittedly, always wanted. The connection. The family they kept from him. As tempting as the prospect is, he also knows this path leads to a distraction they simply cannot afford.

Don’t. Empathy does not lend itself to the goals of the Sith.”

Her eyes are consumed with the stars beyond the viewport, “Perhaps…for what the Sith once was, not what it could be. Imagine...”

“The certainty in that statement is frightening.”

“It is meant to be,” she quips evenly, straightening her posture to push impossibly shiny hair over one shoulder. “That whole solo power trip vibe is tired. Played out. Feeling the feels is what the Sith are all about. I feel what I feel and I said what I said. Deal with it.”

His tone turns warning, “We talked about this. The only thing tired is your attempt at being flip even when we both know that is all part of the act.”

She sighs, expression hardening with resolve.

“The goal is power and the freedom that brings us but we only get that by winning. I understand that very clearly, thank you, and so do you. This is our only way out but, speaking of it, how has your solo power trip worked out for you? Is that what you wanted or is this what they told you to want? The Voss-Ra are the ones who changed things up for us, leveraging different roles in different ways to win. 

You and I were never meant to be allies. Alas, here we are. If this had played out like a previous cycle they would have had one of us kill the other. Then where would we be? I say we make the most of this new frontier. Progress is not made with more of the same but hoping you don’t, like, die or whatever does not deter my focus nor does it obscure what must be done.”

“A rousing speech, to be sure, but I do not want your pity, princess.”

She rolls her eyes, “Let’s not get carried away. What’s down there?”

“A base, strategically hidden for planetary defense. It was converted for Imperial purposes after the planet declared its allegiance but, to my knowledge, seldom if ever used. That is where I feel it. Calling. Don’t you?”

“Yes but, for the record, if we get blasted to bits I am going to be super pissed.”

Seif groans wearily but guides the shuttle down and through the projection concealing the entrance to the base. A rather clever ruse to maintain its secrecy that he had been privy to on his last visit so many years ago. He sets them down on an empty platform, vast but tidy even in its apparent lack of use. They suit up; his hulking orange armor and her black mask, bodysuit, and cape. The hazy glow of the Etheralis fragment in his chest plate brightens her eyes behind the reflective void of her mask. She allows the intoxicating power to wash over her before turning and descending the platform together.

No one appears to greet them.

This does not deter Dahlia the way he feels it should. She struts steadily in front of him, heading for the blast door at the far end of the platform, finally feeling back at home in the chunky heels of her killer boots.

“Get a grip. This is a hangar bay, not a runway,” he hisses lowly, voice menacingly distorted.

“Everything’s a runway if you want it to be, darling. Don’t be so downbeat.”

“As usual, the brash humor is not helpful.”

“I’m tense. Cut me some fucking slack,” she mutters as they close in on the door.

They position themselves against either side, ready for a nasty surprise as she hits the controls, but beyond that, there is only more nothingness. Empty corridors and a heavy silence. Not so much as a repair droid zipping about. The unobstructed entry would almost be considerate if it were not so terrifying.

It is clear whatever brought them here does not want any witnesses, a realization not lost on either of them.

They follow the feeling that led them here, a dark pit that beckons from within. Her hand hovers over the saber at her belt as they press deeper. Twisting inward toward the center of the base, they emerge on a cargo platform near the bottom of a large, narrow shaft cutting through the center of the base. Crates and various electrical equipment lie orderly in the corners but it otherwise appears uninhabited.

Neither is comforted by the apparent anticlimax.

“I don’t like this. Here’s the hook but where’s the catch?”

Two figures blurred in motion, drop from the shaft onto the platform and rise to greet them.

Inquisitor Allom.

Inquisitor Feraas.

It is Feraas who speaks, “Inquisitor Involis, Darth D’Cera, we welcome you.”

OOC Cantina / Re: The Acolyte (**Spoilers**)
« Last post by SWSF Eidolon on July 22, 2024, 10:55:21 PM »
Agreed 1000% Ep 8 tied everything together nicely but also clearly laid out the whole point of the series in concept and tie in to the larger saga with reveal of Plagueis watching on from cave.  Very satisfying ending of the immediate story and set up for the unresolved.  Acolyte is part of the Plagueis story and thereby part of Sidious' and Skywalkers'.

I dunno about a broad feel but my news feed "buzz" on Acolyte after end of S1 immediately flipped from how terrible it was getting reviewed to how immediate the demand for S2 was.

Sols demise was very pleasing.  What a great turning point for Osha.  She killed a sociopath who murdered her mother and manipulated her to live an utter lie.  The darkside doesn't get any greyer than that, yet the company we keep..

S2 is all but assured with that Plagueis reveal.  It was much bigger and more important to the ultimate plot than the Yoda tease.

Acolyte Favs
Character - Bazil the Tynnan Tracker
Moment - Plagueis reveal duh

Final Acolyte S1 Note:
Sol was a terrible Jedi. Vernestra is not looking great so far either.

Andor S2, Ahsoka S2, Acolyte S2.    The futures so bright, I gotta wear shaaades.

I just rewatched Ahsoka this past weekend.  Already enjoyed but opinion greatly improved.  Was supposed to be building a LEGO castle but was too captivated.

Also rewatched R1 this past weekend.  Agree that the final moments are apex.

Fav Series Overall: Andor
Fav Movie: Solo
Fav Moment: R1 Final Moment Vader Rampage to Leia "Hope" Reveal
Fav Character or Group: Syril and Dedra    OR    Gorian Shards Pirate Gang and ship from Mando S3

Of note, seeing Thrawn in Ahsoka was not as wildly awesome as I had imagined it might have been.  It was well done and cool but just didn't occupy the place in my heart compared to some other things.

The Ahsoka Rewatch brought some interesting tie ins with some of the stuffin Acolyte..

    when Elsbeth recieves the gift from the Great Mothers, 'the gift of shadows' or something they call it, her eyes turn solid glazed black

    when Mother Aniseya takes Torbins mind his eyes go solid glazed black

    when Qimir tries to help Osha remove the mask, his eyes go solid glazed black

    implying a mingling of the powers/knowledge of the force of all three sources
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