Now with all that being placed, can a capship attack CSP for the purposes of engaging them. Like could a YT-1300 or an NSBC be used to engage a squad/swarm of TIEs on CSP allowing bombers to streak in and make an attack?
The rules don't speak on this, so that's a good question.
Here's the new official ruling, to which I'll update the main rules accordingly:
<> Auxiliary craft are in essence "mini capital ships", so they can bypass enemy CSP, but at the same time due to their smaller "starfighter"-esque nature, they cannot take on an entire enemy SF squad by themselves. One AUX craft might be effective at drawing fire from 2,3, or even 6 starfighters all at once... but "drawing fire" and "actively engaging" (as the rules say) are two different things.
<> Capital ships are a different story, as they have multiple weapon hardpoints and are capable of individually targeting all 12 SFs in a single squadron, so I see no reason why we can't make this provision.
Here's what I'm going to add onto the rules (and the FAQ):
Auxiliary craft cannot be used to engage enemy starfighters on CSP. Capital ships can satisfy the "1:1 engagement" requirement, as if the capital ship was a starfighter squadron itself.
For example.1. Carrack Cruiser
Bruiser has 1 TIE Swarm (of 3 TIE Fighter squads) on CSP.
2. The TIE Swarm needs to be attacked (with all weapons) by 6 other units in order to be engaged.
3. 6 CORVs attack the TIE Swarm, satisfying the "6:1 engagement" requirement.
4. 3 Y-Wing Squadrons may now attack the Carrack, in this case for 360 damage.
If the 6 CORVs attack the Carrack Cruiser directly, they would have dealt 336 damage to it. Be it as it may, they dealt 294 damage to the TIE Swarm, which now has 138 hit points remaining.
*Important Note about CSP* -- if a CSP is dealt lethal damage, it is "engaged". In this scenario, that same TIE Swarm wouldn't have to be engaged 6:1 anymore, because 3 CORVs could deal 147 (lethal) damage to it. I think this is important to bring up because I know some of you Rebel players are bewildered at the idea of facing 2 or 3 TIE Swarms on CSP, which is insane... but that just means you'll have to deal what damage you can to the CSP and keep pushing.