RotE small scale traditional style game could be cool. Maybe with a more abstract galaxy at play, aside from player bases or something. Only two factions, Empire and Rebel cells. Using Special Character Units kind of like was at work for last GCW to get other things done or as modifiers. Maybe have simple random GM facilitated missions once per month to help spur action, have reward tie ins or something, some high ranking Imperial dignitaries shuttles making a run being targeted.. a rebel supply convoy trying to break through to reinforce some indigenous fighters against IMperial occupiers.
Mentioned scale sounds fun. With whole galaxy alive in background for tie in/spec mission use, we just build game around players small strike groups or whatever. Maybe develop a system where Rebs have to contiuously work to keep base location secret, but imp players have some mechanic to work towards discovery. When discovery happens, big battle over reb cell base. No matter who were to win the larger battle, presumably rebs have to flea after and find new base. This is then the basic dynamic driving game, destroy and rebuild. Rebs build up base but try and keep secret (maybe larger base gets harder to keep secret), Imps have to locate and destroy somehow. Could tie the Gm Spec Missions in to this, earning cred somehow for discover/stealth or something.