Heres the thing with your whole argument though Dem, I already covered this. Your asking for vigilante justice, which is illegal. What your saying is you dont trust the police to do their jobs and that we still basically live in the wild west. This falls under the civilized being option, which again, I told you what we do with dangerous animals in this nation.
Secondly, you have to be off on your numbers. 45,000 people with only 2 police officers?! My city only has 30,000 people and at any time of the day or night there are over 90 officers on duty. And the average time it takes someone to gain entrance to a home is way quicker then that. I can be in, clean it out, and be back out of a house in 50 seconds. Now, keeping that in mind, most home break-ins the criminal is 9,999 times out of 10,000 just looking for a quick score. By you coming out of your room with a gun, you simply escalated the situation that would have been done and over with in less than a minute had you just locked yourself in your room. Now perhaps you live in a ghetto apartment with no insurance, but last I knew, to hold a mortgage on a home, it is REQUIRED you have home owners insurance. Your really gunna put your life in danger for insured property?
As far as rapes, it happens about 2000 times nation wide each year. There are 400 million people living in the USA, which means your odds of actually having this happen to you are 1 in 200,000. So using that logic let me guess, you think you actually have a chance at winning the lottery too huh?
So when it comes down to it, your probably not going to be raped in your lifetime, and if you consider yourself a civilized being, if you have a break-in at your home, as the police will tell you, the best option is to lock/barricade yourself in a room, call the police and wait there for them. As I stated, the average robber is not looking for a confrontation, and the few who are fall back into lottery odds territory, and lets face it, you can replace your "stuff" with the insurance check. In closing, no good can come from your owning a fire-arm.