Ok, its about that time of the week again, lol. I would like to challenge a minor rule quick here. The stopping in A-1 when exiting the atmosphere seems a bit unnecessary. I can understand the logic for entering the atmosphere, as you wouldnt want to charge head long into a planet with your fleet, you'd either bounce off or burn up, and thats at an atmosphere like earth, some of these planets have twice that. But when leaving a planet, other then the fact it give the enemy time to pounce on you, which if we look at Empire Strikes Back, was not the case. Those ships come out of the atmosphere at full ahead flank and went nearly straight to hyperspace. I know, im watching it right now, they didnt have to stop to calculate a baring or computate the navicomputer, they came out of the atmosphere like missiles and went immediately into HS.
So I would ask that the rule for stopping in the A-Ring when EXITING the atmosphere be removed and inquire others thoughts to this. Thank you for your time.