My main criticism of the new movies isn't so much story, effects, or setting. Story in my personal opinion has been a pretty solid B-, effects are a strong A, and setting.. its Star Wars.. so its god tier A+. The center of my criticism is the characters and it isn't because they are bad. It is just they didn't have time to grow in the story or on me. TFA came along and does the introduction tour which is really standard in a trilogy /planned squeal movies and set them up nicely in my opinion. Then TLJ came along and had one sin before it even was seen by us, and that sin was no time jump between the movies. Time jump lets characters breathe, explains some growth and change because of time has pasted in the story. Also it lets the imagination work and solve small problems without having to bring them and you end up not even thinking about them. But because they made the movie start within seconds of when TFA's ending none of this could occur. So everyone is still totally in the getting to know each other phase of a relationship but acting like they grew up on the block with each other. I mean we are talking 2-3 days here? Ray being super powerful suddenly wasn't just a spark of power that peaked out to defeat Kylo, like it happened in Luke to guide torpedoes to destroy the death star, but instead it was just her being a god tier Jedi person without even a talk. No Obi Wan with the remote on the falcon. No force ghost whispering into her ear. Just a freak-out when she touched the saber and "power, unlimited power" moment on the edge of a cliff in a saber duel. Then grumpy Luke drinks of freshly squeezed blue milk in front of her, plays some tricks with a branch on her hands, give a 3 point breakdown before laying out the guilt trip because his nephew caught uncle standing over him while he slept creepily and she rivals the strength of a lot of Jedi's we have EVER seen. EVER. As a reminder in about 2-3 days TOTAL and lets just be generous and say a week so 7 days. For me its crazy. I mean Poe does like this massive mutiny on a ship filled with people he has known since he was a child based around a guys plan that was a stormtrooper 2-3 days ago to save Ray who of which he may have met once at a meeting before she bailed to find Luke and the First Order showed up. Again, within a couple days time. Time jump, a little explanation in the crawl, and leave some of it for the imagination and the same exact movie (accounting for some edits because a few cuts cannot happen with time jump) is a lot better in my opinion. Then the characters actions can be explained to me a bit better.
I feel its going to make 9 a whole lot better of a movie. It cannot explain something perfectly? Well its been some time and time does things and it will make me wonder and imagine. Not just throw my hands up and say thanks for the forced plot push.
But with all this said I do want to say I didn't dislike TLJ. It isn't a horrible movie to me at all. It is just when I see TFA I pretty much get all I need to know. They feel like ONE movie.