I want to be extremely suspicious of what Abrams will do with the movies, but everything he's said so far is threatening to erode my prequel shell and release my inner eight-year-old glee. Just the fact that he's shooting it on legitimate film stock is enough to get my hopes up.
Still, I don't like what he's done with Star Trek after Into Darkness. So much large-scale CGI effects; doesn't seem to grasp the concept of Trek. Then again, action/adventure whimsy is better suited to Star Wars, and he has said he's a huge Star Wars fan (and never liked Trek), so I don't know.
I just worry that it'll be a CGI-action-fest, which is an ironic worry since Star Wars was the first movie to so successfully employ special effects on such a large, sci-fi scale. Just give me practical effects over CGI, PLEASE. And fun, good dialogue. Interesting character arcs. And Star Destroyers. No high-stakes political games, no huge-just-for-the-sake-of-being-huge battles. Just a group of core characters sticking together set against the backdrop of a larger story, without the larger story being THE story.