Its 3 BBY. Nascent Rebellion. Player Character focus. Level up Char Units. Uniform simplified combat formulas with a simulation but choosy feel. Facility/Base aspects which amount to assets and important targets. Mission/Side Jobs/Campaign Plug-Ins to do depending on your main char loyalty at virtually every world pretty much at your leisure, Campaigns are a scheduled/live over arching story/mission guiding aspect that intentionally draw all players across all loyalty/factional leanings to force interaction. You get points more or less for doing Missions and Campaigns, more for Campaigns. The Objective for each factional loyalty (Imperial, Rebel, Indep) will differ but the Campaign will be structured to be valuable/worth getting sucked in to for all.
Youre Empire, youre Rebellion, or youre any imaginable Independent entity. i.e. a Rising Smuggling Kingpin, a Hutt Kajidic elder, a respected ascending Rebel commander, a feared and growing Imperial governor or officer, probably even say a Royal Family member of a given Independent leaning world looking to make history yourself.
The galaxy is a little smaller than in GFP but the Gal Map is also prettier, its hex gridded to measure travel more easily/structured and major hs trade routes are included and probably attackable/blockadable (becomes a prime/desirable target probably to dislodge). I'm just trying to find a satisfactory color scheme for labeling then try and keep Hale from talking me out of dropping some worlds and that's done.