But as ridiculous as the numbers and scale of Mocha II was, it has yielded us some valuable insights. I'm happy to bring it to a close and move to Mocha III, if you all would prefer?
I think the value of Mocha II has been drawn and finishing it is just ceremony at this point. I had a bunch of fun though battling again already and am pretty optimistic about the bit of fine tuning it seems we have going on here and what comes after that.
Entirely agree with your points though Hale about the lack of ground invasion intent skewing the space battle experience. I would even be down with considering a clause regarding Ground Battle/Invasion that trumps space battle- as in, if you win the Ground Battle and the Space Battle is still going on, the Battle is Over. Its like Capture the Flag, no matter who survies, once the flag is captured, battle over. This would potentially reap the benefit of added structure to both the process of Battle and the process of the Campaign.
- 1 Players ships per grid space
- Ground Invasion clause that ground victory ends Space Battle
- something for Fighters
These small changes I think could possible clean up a ton of what we saw at Mocha II and what we worry about seeing in future.
The space battle grid becomes a chess board for sure then, with the planet being the immobile King.