Is the whole series a canon confirmation though or do any of the characters have greater and longer significance to the later story beyond a historically far removed feeler?
The twins being Born of the Force should ultimately have some unique story value still, otherwise that is a completely wasted major point.
But also by Qimir saying "a very long time ago", this to me feels like a tie somehow to the Darth Plagueis tale.
wookiee canon tab
"Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying."―Sheev Palpatinewookiee canon tabWhile training Sidious, Plagueis taught him that two Sith were required for their perilous machinations. So, if they worked together in accordance to the [color=var(--theme-link-color)]Rule of Two[/iurl]
, with one of them serving as a bait for the [color=var(--theme-link-color)]dark side of the Force[/color] and the other as a vessel, they would succeed in acquiring the ability to harness the full power of the dark side and rule immortal for ten thousand years.[color=var(--theme-link-color)][[/iurl][/font][/size][/color][/font][/size][/color]
Qimir calling for Power of Two as opposed to Rule of Two is maybe something different then. Reading through some Wookiee articles I got on this one like a good summary of everything thats going on at the grander level here.
But Sol needs to confess. Vernestras whip and Qimirs scar shape seem obvious link to come to the open.
But perhaps Osha and Mae come together to defeat Qimir and form Force Dyad. Jedi do some soul searching in after math, Sol goes on trial if not killed yet by Q, O or M. Probably in all their struggle he is first to go.
I dunno where the Qimir > Plagueis tie could come unelss Qimir has a master who is Plagueis.
Osha/Mae born of Force, "to create life" according to tale of plagueis, Qimirs "a very long time" and "The Power of Two" quotes. All the keys?
The bathing scenes sexuality was weird. Maybe it was just the camera work when he walks out and the cut off being so blatant yet implied presence. Also the line, "if you're not going to join me I'd like to put my clothes back on". It was kinda sloppy almost all together. Like too much like a real dude trying to get a woman naked in the water with him.
Give me some Han Leia ESB tension. Peak eroticism.
Most important take away: Bazil is still the best part of this so far.