((runs parallel to "Alive" and "Vogue Empire"))
CorSec Academy,
Central Square, Coronet City
"Your responsibility is to defend Corellia. Your loyalty is to the Corellian Security Force. When a superior gives you an order, it is not your place to question. You obey, or you have committed treason. Betraying Corellia is punishable by death. Is this clear?"
"Sir Yes Sir!"
The room rang with the loud voices of hundreds of new recruits. One day soon, they would be proficient in weapons, skilled in combat, trained in the skills of survival. The things that made the Corellian Security Force one of the most formidable police agencies in the galaxy.
Much had changed in the last few months. With the mysterious murder of Governor William Tacofer, Saga Judec had declared martial law. No new elections were held. The civilian government disappeared. And CorSec, once a beacon of Corellian independence, had slowly been transformed into a tool to stifle dissent. Director Frank Farmer, still alive, had been forced into an early retirement, and one of Judec's own deputies took control of the academy. Discipline, control, force. Hand in hand, they were the new methods of teaching, and selection to enter the force became more discriminatory. Women, for example, were facing open sexual harassment, and were not promoted nearly as often as men of lesser qualification. There were also rumors of more serious sexual assault, but of course, discussing or accusing these things were a violation of the rules.
Outside in the square, Judec had begun using extreme measures to show the population who was in charge. A golden statue of piled battle droids stood on one side of the square; a statue of Valerie Gellar stood on the opposite side. And in between? What became known as the 'Death Stone' - a square block where "traitors" would be summarily executed, publicly.
Artemis was a teenager, nearing adulthood when his father was taken. His father had served in Tacofer's administration, and had been helping the governor deflect the encroachment of the military under Saga Judec. When Tacofer was killed, one by one, members of his staff had been arrested and sentenced for betraying the Corellian Confederation. Artemis' father had been a good man, a loyal Corellian, but Artemis could remember that day, that fateful day when he was dragged out of the house. Artemis ran after the soldiers, but was stopped at the outskirts of the square. He watched, crying out as his father was stood on the block, sentenced to death, and shot in the head. He remembered falling to the ground, crying as the body was dragged away. And he remembered the thoughts of revenge beginning to grow in his thoughts.
Artemis was now 18, a man, with choices. And today, he was taking the first step on the rest of his life. No matter what path he took, he knew he needed to be trained, and he needed access. So he signed up to enlist on the Corellian Security Force.
And now he stood in line with hundreds of new recruits, declaring his loyalty to CorSec, shouting out the lie that would get him where he needed.
"Sir Yes Sir!"
CorSec Academy,
Central Square, Coronet City
Sweat poured down Artemis's forehead. He could feel his heart pounding, his back pressed against the cold duracrete wall. Hands loosened and tightened around the blaster in his hands as he counted down in his head. Almost.
As he reached zero in his head, Artemis swung around the corner, raising the blaster and.
He felt the pressure hit him square in the chest, pain spreading quickly, followed by numbness.
"Your dead, cadet"
Artemis had barely time to think before he blacked out, body falling to the ground.
He was awakened by a cold splash of water - ice cold, and he shivered, before looking up.
"you messed up again, cadet. If you were in the real world, it wouldn't be stun fire. You'd be dead five times by now. But in the real world, there are no second chances. Once you die, you die"
It was the drill sergeant, giving Artemis the same general lecture he'd received four times before. He frowned up at the man, as feeling returned to his hands and feet. He had learned that most of the other cadets had 'died' on their first exercises, but he wasn't sure if he was doing better or worse than the rest of them. Hard to keep track.
"Did you hear what I said, cadet?"
Artemis nodded "Yes sir" he tried standing, but his legs were still wobbly. The drill sergeant just frowned and walked away, leaving Artemis to his thoughts.
It had only been a short while since his arrival, but already, it was hard to keep track of the days. Every day, intensive physical training, going through obstacle courses, academic courses, weapon use, tactics. His body felt continously sore, though he was starting to pick up some muscle, especially in his legs. There was a lot of running.
But even more confusing was the schedule - some days, there was no sleep at all, sometimes there would be a wakeup in the middle of the night, or half an hour after lights out. Sometimes, they spent the daylight doing absolutely nothing, staring up at the ceiling in the large hall in the middle of the academy, followed by nights of constant movement. Meals came sporadically - maybe once or twice a day. Then there were these odd live fire exercises. It wasn't clear if they were training or testing. No one told him the proper procedure to turn that corner, and every time he just died before he could take another step forward. What did he need to do differently, if only to get past that first point? He had asked the first time, only to get the yelling of a lifetime.
But he didn't have it worst. One of the other cadets, an arrival at the same time as Artemis, a young woman named Della, had been having a rougher time (as Artemis imagined most of the female cadets did). Artemis had heard some of the catcalling that happened when Della passed, and she had mentioned to him how some officers had been making advances on her. SHe told Artemis that when she had asked how to beat the training exercise, the drill sergeant had said "it doesn't matter. You don't belong holding a gun anyway - the only thing your good for is keeping a bed warm."
She'd even got smacked around a bit, a black eye from someone she refused to name, taking her suffering in silence. She refused to quit, and Artemis admired her for it. Both of them were here, both hated the system for one reason or another, and both had a goal in mind (though Artemis had not revealed his plans of vengeance to her).
For now, he too was suffering in his own silence. Once he got his motion back, he stood and made his way from the infirmary tent to his barracks, moving quietly along the CorSec Academy Campus. Once there, he stripped down, throwing the sweaty clothing into a general hamper, and heading to take a shower. The barracks were quiet - people must be out at a meal, or something. He shrugged. He didn't care. He liked the quiet time.
Shower on, and he stepped beneath it. Water was luke warm (better than the ice cold it usually was). and he stood beneath the spray for a few minutes before scrubbing down, rinsing, and grabbing one of the sterilized towels from the rack and drying himself off. Fresh work uniform from a shelf holding his size (they shared clothes here at CorSec) and he glanced at himself in the mirror as he put on the grayish-blue outfit. He could see he had grown. THe short time he'd been here had forced him to improve his posture and he looked taller, his eyes more knowing, his body stronger. CorSec was helping him. It wasn't just a way to get close to his father's murderers.
He shook his head. The drills were effective in one thing. they gave you little time to think. CorSec just wanted you focused on the task at hand and protecting Corellia. They didn't want individuals. They wanted soldiers. Killers. Artemis made his way past his bunk, when suddenly, something caught his eye. A small slip of paper, tucked by his pillow. Curious, Artemis turned back to his bed, grabbed the slip, and unfolded it.
'I need your help. Meet me at the back of the dining hall tonight at midnight
Artemis wasn't sure what this was about. But Della rarely asked for help. If she was in trouble, Artemis had to find out what it was. Assuming there was no training going on at midnight (and there was no guarantee of that), Artemis would meet her there. For now though, he shredded the paper in his hands, tossed it away, and made his way quickly out of the barracks.
CorSec Academy,
Central Square, Coronet City
'I need your help. Meet me at the back of the dining hall tonight at midnight
Artemis fingered the note in his hands as he glanced around nervously. It was one minute past midnight. He was standing in the dark alleyway behind the main dining hall near the center of CorSec Academy. Around were some of the subtle sounds of the evening - the buzzing of florescent lighting somewhere, rustling grass, bugs chirping endlessly.
The last march of the day had ended, the last training before everyone was sent for the short span of sleep. But Artemis was not sleeping. After receiving the letter from Della, he had been preoccupied, and after lights out, he had waited patiently for the sounds of his bunk mates to fall asleep before slipping out. He had arrived at the location about fifteen minutes before midnight, waiting and growing more nervous.
Now, it was past midnight, and Della had not yet come.
Artemis had no idea what had happened, or what could have happened to Della. But he knew that whatever it was, she was later for her own planned meeting. He checked his chronometer again.
Minutes ticked by with no response. It was now half past midnight. Something wasn't right, and Artemis couldn't stand here any longer. Peering out of the alleyway, he made sure the coast was clear of any guards before stealthily making his way across the academy campus until he reached the women's bunk. It was smaller than the men's, and in a sort of irony, less neat than the men's. Part of the new Corellian mentality of women's subordinate role. Or something like that. But Artemis didn't have time to get upset about the chauvenisism that permeated the academy. He made his way to the door and without thinking stepped inside.
There was a nervous silence in the air, and there was a sense of forced shallow breathing as he approached the rows of beds, slowly walking past each. He knew instantly - the women around him weren't asleep, though they pretended they were. Maybe they felt that if they were awake, they'd draw attention from the man who had invaded their private space. Maybe he wasn't the first to do so.
Quietly, Artemis made his way down the row to where he knew Della's bunk to be, but when he arrived, he found an empty bed. No, not just empty. It was clean made, and there was no sign that it was being used. No belongings next to it. Not just empty, but vacant. He stood staring for what felt like a long few minutes, wondering what it meant.
"If you wanted a piece of her, your too late. She's already been transferred"
The voice came from the bed next to Della's, a woman who no longer kept the charade of sleep offering him an appraising look and a sarcastic tone.
"Yeah - the sergeant told us she was being transferred for 'special assignment.' A few of us have already been sent out. Nobody knows for sure what it means. But hey, at least it keeps a few of us away from guys like you"
Artemis shook his head
"No - I'm not ... not like that"
He unfolded the note and showed it to the woman
"She had asked me for my help, and she never showed up. Do you know what was going on?"
The woman looked at the note with mild distrust, before again looking up at him. She shrugged.
"Wasn't any secret. Della was attracting lots of male attention. Too much. My guess? Somebody got to her. I mean really got to her"
Too much vague euphemism. But Artemis got the gist of it.
"I want to find her. I want to help her"
"The only way to find out what happened to her is to get sent on 'special assignment' too. and my guess, buddy, is that you don't really want that. If I were you, I'd high-tail it out of here. Our bunk hasn't had a nightly visit from a superior officer in a few days, and my guess is that one will be wishing he could satisfy an itch tonight. You don't want to be here when whoever it is has to reprimand you instead of spending time with one of us lucky girls"
Artemis just nodded.
"What's your name?"
The woman tilted her head, again an accusing distrust before finally speaking again, as if accepting this guy was not all bad.
"Milly. You?"
"Artemis. Listen, Milly. If you hear anything about what happened to Della, let me know. Somehow. OK?"
Again a moment's pause before she nodded.
"You got it - but don't go getting yourself killed for a girl. They'll tell you - we aren't worth it"
Several minutes later, Artemis was again laying on his own bed, but he still could not sleep. Too much was going on, and he was without the power to stop it. How could he attempt revenge if he couldn't even save a friend?
Three hours later, the morning alarm blared. It was 04:00. Too early. But Artemis decided - today, today would be the day that he beat the course. And start becoming the soldier he needed to be. So he could become the killer he needed to be.
At about the same time that Mara was plotting with Karen Winton aboard a mark two imperial star destroyer, a picture of her face was flashing across billboards and screens throughout the entire Corellian Federation.
And beneath her face, the word TRAITOR flashed. followed by the word REWARD.
"This individual goes by the name of Mara Gellar. She claims to be related to the Corellian hero Valerie Gellar, though that is believed to be among her many lies. She is a traitor to the Corellian people and seeks to undermine the Corellian Federation."
A video appeared, Mara firing shots, than another clip of several confederate soldiers down. Nice editing work made it look seamless.
"Already, she has caused the deaths of many of our bravest soldiers. And she is implicated in the murder of Governor Tacofer. She is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous. If anyone has any information on this traitor, they are to report the information to the local authorities immediately.
Once again, she cannot be believed."
Mara's name and face were only semi familiar to the corellian citizenry - she had been seen in the background of many photos with governor Strye, and a few small pieces had been written in the media about this cousin of Valerie taking up a role in government. Now though, everyone across the Confederation would remember that face, that hair, those eyes. And remember that Corellia called her a traitor.
Frank Farmer, forced-retired director of the Corellian Security Force watched the ads silently on his monitor. His last encounter with Mara had started with him telling her that he knew she was lying about who she was, and the conversation being cut off by word that Governor Tacofer had been apprehended.
Mara had come with Farmer to the station, and helped arrange for the governor's release. Only for him to be found dead a few hours later in his home.
Farmer didn't trust Mara, because he didn't know who she was, or what she was hiding. But he did know this - Mara was not responsible for killing Tacofer. Because Mara had been with Frank Farmer that entire evening, as he tried learning more about her.
Not to mention, of course, that he never trusted anything Saga Judec's martial law government said. He frowned at the monitor, wondering what, if anything he could do.
High in the north, the lab facility that Mara had visited - and destroyed - was back online. The computer systems had taken quite a bit of time to recover, and some information was still missing, but the important parts had been salvaged and secured.
Now, The High Commander, Saga Judec, was watching a monitor scroll information across as information was being told to him.
"We have confirmed, sir, that she-"
"It, lieutenant." Judec turned briefly to the officer, "it is not a living creature. it is a machine. I'd rather not humanize machines"
"Yes, of course sir. As I was saying, IT definitely was as we suspected. Our computers recognized her - err, I mean, the machine, as matching programming code of Phage. Phage's spawn, as it were. We believe that the HRD ended up doing what several high-level droids have done in the past. It turned on its creator. As you know, several assassin droid models have become independent. Phage did the same thing - something clicked, and became what Phage became. The same is true of this HRD."
"and now what?"
"Well, we believe that repairs were not completed, meaning the HRD is still weaker than its full strength. But in all likelihood, it is seeking answers. trying to find keys to its programming, possibly so that it can modify its programming. Again, much like Phage did."
"Which means it was headed, where?"
"We have a fair guess that it was headed to its place of origin - Coruscant. Where Phage kept the droid army base of operations. We already have sent probes to that outskirts of the asteroid field, and we believe we have found traces of recent hyperdrive activity. Also, that base has been more active in the past week than it was for months since Phage was destroyed."
"But is the HRD there now?"
"We don't think so. We think just as it turned on Phage, Phage's army turned on her - I mean it. Our belief is that the HRD went somewhere else for answers, though we aren't sure where"
"Very well. Thank you lieutenant. Good work. Keep searching"
"yes sir"
the lieutenant stepped out and Judec sat alone in his thoughts. Judec had been a military man and an opportunist - the two characteristics that made anyone a good candidate for dictator. But he had only limited knowledge of Phage's origins. And he wanted to know more. More because he wanted something like phage under his control, without the risks of losing that control. And so now, he was doing his research. Taking steps to avoid the mistakes made by the likes of the Trade Federation. But first, he needed to learn how Phage came to be. And for that, he had another source. Someone who had come to him only recently, a shadowy figure who never appeared in person, and always communicated on highly secure channels. Nor did he have any idea who this person was. But he knew the information was good.
Typing in a few keys, he activated a program on his personal reading device, and began reading:
To be continued
CorSec Academy,
Central Square, Coronet City
How many times had Artemis failed this course before?
He stood with the blaster in hand, at the corner, ready to turn and face the sniper, like each time before. And in all likelihood, it would cause him to "die" again, feeling that nasty feeling from a stun blaster, and another mark of failure on his chart.
He waited patiently. How was he going to beat the sniper this time?
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Blast - the sound of the horn marked the beginning of the exercise. Artemis secured his grip on the blaster and prepared to turn the corner.
But this time was different - instead of rounding the corner that marked the start of the course, he turned the other way, moving as quickly as he could and circling around the other side of the building. Cautious he was - blaster up as he rounded the corner, despite still being outside the exercise grounds.
[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]
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Up, down, around. All clear - he moved along the perimeter wall to the next corner
[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]A
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This time, he was more cautious, peering around the corner, gun raised and ready for the fight, ready to die again. But he found that this whole time, the threat had actually been so easy to defeat. Up above, on the tower facing the alley he was supposed to take, an automatic gun unit was aimed, facing downward, its rapid fire stun-blaster was fixed on aiming down that alley. Nothing that walked that way would be able to escape it - but anything going around definitely could
[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]A
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It almost seemed too easy - a gun that couldn't move? maybe there was another weapon that was ready to strike back from wherever something fired. He peered around the corner and caught sight of just what he was looking for - another weapon, poised to strike whatever dared to cross the current path of the building
[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]A
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Nor could he hit either of the automatic weapons from where he stood.
"Well, Artemis" he thought to himself. "if the guns don't move, and we cannot go around the building - what about through the building?
He took a glance at the facility that was his shelter, a duracrete walled facility without much features. But then he noticed what was not at first obvious - the walls had grooved bricks, common in duracrete structures, but deep enough that someone light could 'rock climb up it.
Hesitantly holstering his weapon, he began to slowly pick his way upward, slipping a few times but otherwise making progress. The building was tall and he felt exhausted when his fingers finally reached the edge, not daring to look at the height beneath him - that fall would cause more than just a stun wound.
Pulling himself up, he quickly drew his weapon and did a sweep. No one on this roof, though he now could see clearly the two automatic weapons perched across the intersection from him. Slowly, he made his way across the roof.
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The guns were point blank range - and turned permanently downward. aiming gun from this close range, he targeted the wiring behind the basic shielding of the closer weapon, firing a succession of shots before turning to hit the second weapon and doing the same. Neither gun responded.
And nothing happened. So now what? From his vantage point, he could see the top of the course - was there more to it?
Almost immediately in response, he heard a soft motor from below. Glancing down, he saw a small armament droid rolling around the corner, heading toward the starting location. Without hesitating now, he aimed his gun downward and fired several shots, the droid falling to pieces. More silence.
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ANd then that was it. After ten minutes standing atop the roof, he guessed nothing else was coming out. No way down other than the way he came up - he scrambled across the roof, holstered his blaster and took the treacherous wall down, slipping several times, scraping his knees, and landing only semi-softly on his feet. Blaster out again, he now walked - still cautiously - down the designated path for trainees, and walked to the finish line.
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It all seemed so easy, he glanced around, wondering if there was some sort of trick to it. But no. He had figured it out. He had passed this test.
"Alright, cadet. Now we really start your training"
Artemis avoided a grin.
"Yes sir"
The men sat in a dark room watching the photage, amused looks on their faces.
"He took way too long on this. Couldn't even beat it the quick and easy way."
"And this is a good thing?"
"Perhaps - the exercise is designed to to test their ability to understand their surroundings. Most cadets fail every try until they realize where the gun is, then they destroy the gun before they move. But him? He went around the system."
"He cheated - he entered the course from an unauthorized location"
"No - he beat the system. He found a way to go that we didn't want cadets to go. That we didn't think cadets to go. That wall? It's not meant for climbing, but he did it. he hit those guns at point blank range, and they couldn't fire back, because he outsmarted the system. That's what we are looking for"
"I don't know sir"
"Trust me. THis soldier - he thinks the way we need him to for the project. He has a brain that will work for us. Begin him on the special training assignment"
"Very well, Commander"
CorSec Academy,
Central Square, Coronet City
Artemis thought that his initial training was hard. But now that he had beaten that course, his capacities were being tested to a new level.
Logic games, of all things, seemed to be a focus for them. He didn't understand it. he was training for security, so why give him puzzle after puzzle to solve?
He found he was good at them - with every type of puzzle, there was a trick, and the more complicated they got, the more sophisticated they were, the more he found there were loop holes - trick ways around, weaknesses in the programs. And he was finding them faster.
He also noticed that he was spending much less time with the other cadets. His schedule had been altered, and he was transferred to a new bunk on the opposite side of the campus. He didn't understand it, and he didn't really have time to think about it.
It was one day, just after finishing one of those puzzles, that he was approached by his superior sergeant.
"Cadet. I have received transfer orders for you. You are to be taken out of Coronet and sent to Orbital Base Epsilon for a special training assignment"
Artemis wasn't sure what it meant - he had never heard of Orbital Base Epsilon, and 'special training assignment' had a negative connotation to him. Della had been sent on 'special assignment' and had not been heard from since. But Artemis had not been causing trouble, and they had no reason to suspect his true motives. What could possibly be going on?
"When do I leave, sir?"
"Immediately. Leave any personals. You won't need them anymore"
Even more foreboding, but he had little choice but to comply
"Understood, sir"
It felt like hours later. Artemis had been shuttled offworld to an orbital platform, and almost immediately ushered onto another ship. Whatever his destination, it wasn't orbiting Corellia. Now, he could see out the viewport a space station, deep in space. It had a familiar look to it, like it was out of the history books of Corellia's colonial period.
"Where are we headed?"
"You cannot tell by now? That's Center Point station. That is where you will be for the next portion of your training"
That was it, Center Point Station - more powerful than the first death star, and a relic controlled but little understood by the Corellians. Why were they going there, and what kind of training was he to be doing? Center Point was known to be a center of science experiments, related to changing gravitational forces. Would he be training in gravitational operations?
The shuttle made its way toward the behemoth, which grew larger and larger in the viewscreen until nothing else could be seen. Slowly, more detailed features of the station were revealed, and Artemis could see the massive sphere rotating on its access. No artificial gravity existed, the station used that rotation to create gravity within. Closing in, the shuttle began to pick up speed, and artemis could hear the pilot speaking.
"This is shuttle Z-1-B, preparing constant orbit and making our approach."
The shuttle began moving even faster, and Artemis could feel the g-forces increasing, pushing him first against his seat. The shuttle rotated, so that the top of the shuttle faced Center Point Station, and Artemis could feel the gravitational pull pushing him down..
"Shuttle Z-1-B, now in position. We are moving in for a lock"
The shuttle's own artificial gravity was shut off and it began moving closer, a small arm coming out of the station and latching on to the shuttle. Over the intercomm, he could hear:
"Shuttle Z-1-B, we have you locked on now. Shut down engines and prepare to be brought inside."
The shuttle was slowly pulled back into the station and the hatch through which it came closed underneath them. Not five minutes later, the shuttle was on a docking bay platform and Artemis was stepping out.
Greeting him were three officials dressed in the blue corellian confederation uniform.
"Welcome to Center Point Station. Just a few important notes. Because gravity is created using centrivical (sp?) motion rather than artificial gravity, it is not constant. Down here, it is the heaviest and if you turn the wrong way you may suddenly find yourself off balance. Going up several levels, the gravity will get weaker. And there are points in the open where if you jump too hard, you'll actually float to the other side of the station. Don't try it."
Artemis nodded.
"Anyway,welcome to Center Point Station. We'll get you set up in your quarters, and then you will be briefed on your new special assignment"
Artemis couldn't wait.
High Command Platform, Low Orbital
High Commander Judec watched the monitor in silence. It was a series of photographs, taken less than a day ago from the Wheel space station.
Mara Gellar. Karen Winton. Together.
“it was as you predicted. The droid went to the imperials. And apparently, is now working with them.â€
A voice responded over the speaker system.
“Not necessarily. The HRD went to seek answers, not as an imperial operative. It was drawn to Winton specifically, because her programming is based on Valerie Gellar, who was also close to Wintonâ€
“So that is why they are together – but what are they doing at the wheel?â€
“isn’t it obvious,Commander? They are seeking answers. The droid wants to learn how it came to be, why it is so capable, where other droids are not.â€
“And Winton? What’s in it for her?â€
“She too is seeking answers. The droid is trying to learn of her past- Winton is trying to decipher her future. I have told you of the prophesy, yes?â€
“I do not much believe in prophesies.â€
The voice on the other end sounded smug, superior in reply.
“They are worth paying attention to. Because Winton and her former friends all certainly believe the prophesy will come true. But any prophesy can be interpreted with different endings. Each will be trying to develop the ending most suited to them.â€
“And why should I care if they are trying to play out an old fool’s tale?â€
“Because it can be used to your advantage. Winton will not come to Corellia – she is not foolish enough to do so, given the current relations between the Confederation and the Empire. Nor will the droid, obviously. But the other two – Patten, Masterson. They will come to Corellia, seeking parts of the puzzle. And when they do, you will find it beneficial to be prepared for their arrival.â€
Judec leaned back in his chair, flipping the monitor to another picture – older, of the Four socialites together.
“You’ve told me that Masterson is now a jedi?â€
“Yes – or on her way to becoming one. And Patten is still hiding from Winton, and coming along in her pregnancyâ€
“How do you know all thisâ€
“it is my job to knowâ€
“And they will come here?â€
“at least one of them will. You have some individuals on the surface who will be useful contacts to them.â€
“and when they arrive, what should I do?â€
“watch them. Carefully. Let them have their meeting. It will speed along the result in the end. Masterson and Winton will cause each other’s death. The Republic and Empire will both fall, and Corellia, with you at the helm, will be able to use your new warriors to sweep across the galaxy.â€
“And why do you want to help me?â€
“Consider it my part to play in the prophesyâ€
Melanie reflects heavily during the long journey.
Kent Carlson is her primary target but paying respects to Valerie is something she should have done some time ago. The memories are bittersweet. A part of her feels guilt for not being there, for not trying harder to save them all from the monsters within. Master Corrin had been clear when telling her she could not change their path. Those who were meant to would come to her when they were ready and they did.
There is a third prerogative she has kept to herself.
The Corellian traitor named Mara Gellar. Her face had been splashed across the Holo, a face that she recognized and questioned. Melanie had stashed this intel until she could make sense of it all. She did not want to upset Kimber further. Long ago, Valerie had voiced to her that she believed the man who raised her was not her father. They shared many secrets not known to Kimber or Karen. Valerie trusted Melanie with certain information because Melanie also had things to hide. She doubted this man, Jerico Gellar, was a CorSec Agent at all. There were several inconsistencies, leads which Valerie followed to a bleak conclusion that only served to darken her view of the worlds. When Kimber admitted Kyri Patten was Valerie's biological father, things became more complicated. Why would the Major have his daughter raised by another? Scandal aside, it would have taken considerable planning. How would you be able to choose someone for such an assignment? The effort and organization involved in pulling off that facade would have been staggering. It would be incomprehensible were it not for the complicated webs their lives seem to weave. And now there is another Gellar.
Who is this girl, named a traitor, with the face of a hero and friend?
Melanie would have to be discreet in her investigation. She did not want to rile the High Commander who had a reputation for swift action and a low tolerance for any acts of defiance.
The shuttle alarms blare from the consol. Melanie eases on the controls and flares out of hyperspace in the Corellian Sector. She merges into the main commercial traffic lanes headed for the capital planet. As she approaches, the com bleeps. A voice from central command, ordering her to identify herself and state her business. She takes a breath and opens the channel.
"Central command this is Jedi Melanie Masterton, friend of Corellia and the late Valerie Gellar, requesting permission to formally pay my respects and gain closure after the loss of a hero and trusted companion."
High Command Platform, Low Orbital
It seems his shadowy contact was extremely accurate in his assessment of what was happening in the galaxy.
Not three days passed when suddenly, he receives word that the contact was right. Jedi Melanie Masterton had come to Corellia. And with the same excuses as the contact had claimed would be used.
"Have her land on my personal platform, and set up an audience with her"
"it is not every day we are visited by the jedi"
"Yes sir"
Melanie would wait for a few minutes before two corellian fighters came up to her flanks and she received a message over the comm.
"Jedi Masterton, High Commander Judec welcomes you to Corellia and seeks an audience with you prior to your landing on the surface. He hopes it is not too inconvenient for you to make time to meet with him"
The invitation was forceful enough that Melanie would recognize it as more of a command. She was in their space, she had to follow their rules.
Upon her compliance, the two fighters would direct her to not the planet's surface, but the command center on a nearby orbital platform. And upon stepping down from her shuttle, she would find herself in a docking bay, holding only a few other small vessels, but otherwise carrying with it an almost alien sterility.
Greeting her, a single line of blue-uniformed corellian personnel. and coming toward her, an entourage of about ten individuals, all ranking members of the Corellian Defense Force, and at their front a tall, imposing figure, uniform adorned with multiple pins and medals, face and body chiseled from a heavy workout regime, hair matched cold black eyes. He smiled politely, but the smile looked just that -polite.
"Jedi Masterson. I have heard much about your past, but little about your recent whereabouts. But I know of your longstanding friendship with Governor Gellar, and it is an honor to have you here with us"
His handshake was firm, and he never dropped eye contact.
"Please - I'm sure we have much to discuss on your visit"
Two fighters flank her shuttle when a message arrives.
"Jedi Masterton, High Commander Judec welcomes you to Corellia and seeks an audience with you prior to your landing on the surface. He hopes it is not too inconvenient for you to make time to meet with him."
Melanie smiles to herself. It's not unreasonable for them to be cautious. She would be too if she were them. Given what they probably know from their more publicized antics, she is the only one of The Four that has been "missing" for several years now.
"Central command, I would be honored to meet with High Commander Judec."
She is guided to an orbital platform and lands smoothly. Melanie draws tranquility from within as she rises from her seat and moves through the cabin. She wears fashionable but simple stark white robes, long blond curls spilling wildly off her shoulders and down her back. Her blue eyes are vibrant and filled with calm.
The saber she constructed under Master Corrin's tutelage is clipped to a thick white belt.
Melanie steps off the ramp into the hangar bay to find a small greeting party. She nods to them and notices the officers striding toward her, the leader of which she feels must be Valerie's replacement. His uniform, metals and swagger give him away.
"Jedi Masterson. I have heard much about your past, but little about your recent whereabouts. But I know of your longstanding friendship with Governor Gellar, and it is an honor to have you here with us."
Melanie extends a hand which he grips firmly.
"The honor is mine, High Commander. Thank you for seeing me. I prefer to keep a low profile as of late. My formative years weren't exactly what one would call discreet and I quite enjoy the peace my recent solitude has afforded me."
"Please - I'm sure we have much to discuss on your visit."
She nods, falling into step beside him.
"I apologize for the suddenness of my arrival but I felt it was time to personally honor my friend. She was the bravest of all of us and I am deeply proud of her accomplishments. I ask only to be allowed to pay my respects and spend some time getting to know the Corellia that meant so much to Valerie."
"I apologize for the suddenness of my arrival but I felt it was time to personally honor my friend. She was the bravest of all of us and I am deeply proud of her accomplishments. I ask only to be allowed to pay my respects and spend some time getting to know the Corellia that meant so much to Valerie."
He kept his current, steady pace, almost a march as they continued down the cooridor.
"You will be pleased to know then that Ms. Gellar’s vision for a well defended, prosperous Corellia has come true. The re-militarization she started has been accelerated, and the Confederation has expanded its borders tremendously. And our fleet has grown strong enough to almost face off against the Empire."
They had reached his private quarters, his hand identification opening the door with a hiss to reveal the suite – A large office, one wall a giant viewport, another wall covered in medals and awards and an authentic ated timeline of Corellian military history. In the center of the room, a large desk, covered with various datapads and slips of paper. He motioned for her to sit, and offered a glass of water from a small caddy nearby.
Finally, both were seated, he leaning back in his chair, studying her with hard cold eyes, silent before leaning forward on his desk and again speaking
"I say almost strong enough. But preparing a fleet takes time, and the Empire, we believe, is poising for a strike against Corellia. You no doubt have heard of traitors in our midst. Mara Gellar. Not her real name, of course. She is responsible for killing the Corellian governor, William Tacofer. And now, she has been seen parlaying with imperial elites"
He flips a switch and a holoprojector lights up, revealing the photage of Mara and Karen at the wheel
"Harboring a traitor is an act of war, and we have already begun to face imperial treachery on our borders. Small skirmishes, mostly, but they are just testing the waters. Soon, they will strike us at the heart. The Emperor’s apprentice, with this traitor at our side will be able to break us."
The projector shut off and he again focused on her.
"I know of the jedi code, and I know that despite your past with Ms. Winton, your path now lies in opposition to her. She will bring about destruction unless she is stopped. It seems a bit fortuitous that you should come to Corellia now. Perhaps you come under other pretenses?"
He tilted his head ever so slightly, he knew she was here on a mission – he had been told as much. But he was not about to reveal everything he knew.
"Perhaps you are not really here for your friend, but as an ambassador of the republic, and a well needed ally. It has been long since the Republic and Corellia worked together, but with Darth Kyja at Dementat’s side, the Empire threatens to consume the galaxy. Maybe the jedi are fearful of the sith destroying what they work so hard to protect. I should hope so. So let me ask you straight – what do you and the jedi plan to do about Emperor Dementat and his apprentice? "
Orbital Platform
"I am glad to hear Valerie's vision has been realized. It would make her proud."
The High Commander's office is no doubt impressive. Melanie sits in the chair facing his desk, crossing her legs slowly. Her stare is neutral as he speaks. She does not fear him but knows the situation remains delicate.
Judec makes reference to Mara Gellar, blaming her for the murder of the interim governor who assumed control after Valerie's death. Melanie's expression does not change until he flips on the holoprojector. Karen appears bold and menacing as her image is captured, frozen as she strides down a corridor on The Wheel. Beside her is a woman who looks so much like Valerie she gasps and she grips the side of the chair.
If she's not a Gellar, who is she? And what is she doing with Karen?
It's no surprise the High Commander sees this alleged unholy alliance as an act of war but Melanie is not so quick to judge. The story she hears is one-sided from a man who clearly wants to maintain control. There would be other sources with a perspective on Mara that may add depth to her true purpose. For her to investigate, she would first have to finesse her way off this platform and onto the surface. There is a grave to visit, leads to follow and a reporter to find.
The projector shuts down and he focuses on her once again.
"I know of the Jedi code, and I know that despite your past with Ms. Winton, your path now lies in opposition to her. She will bring about destruction unless she is stopped. It seems a bit fortuitous that you should come to Corellia now. Perhaps you come under other pretenses?"
Melanie folds her hands, "Are you insinuating something, High Commander?"
"Perhaps you are not really here for your friend, but as an ambassador of the Republic, and a well needed ally. It has been long since the Republic and Corellia worked together, but with Darth Kyja at Dementat’s side, the Empire threatens to consume the galaxy. Maybe the Jedi are fearful of the Sith destroying what they work so hard to protect. I should hope so. So let me ask you straight – what do you and the Jedi plan to do about Emperor Dementat and his apprentice?"
She speaks fluidly with an even tone.
"I did not come here as a liaison to the Republic or the Jedi but will not deny we all share a similar fear. The Empire is and always has been a serious threat to galactic security. The Jedi, pushed to the brink of extinction by the Sith long ago, are not oblivious to the rise of a new darkness. Neither the Republic nor the Confederation can stop them and you know it. They must be dismantled separately."
Melanie's wide blue eyes radiate with an intense sincerity.
"I alone must face Darth Kyja. Some things, no matter what the price, are inevitable. Valerie Gellar knew this as I do. Destiny requires sacrifices, some larger than others. I do not expect you to understand or care - what matters most is what you do once Kyja is taken out of the equation. With his lover and apprentice gone, Dementat will be weak, unfocused, and vulnerable. It is then the Republic and Confederation can make a move if you so choose. That is when you will have the power and opportunity to stop the Empire. But not before. Winton must fall for the rest to follow."
She allows this to settle over him before making the pitch.
"There are individuals on Corellia who would be pray to those who wish to undermine all you have built and the security you provide in an attempt to claim the sector. Make no mistake, I am here for Valerie but I can help keep Kyja's curse off your doorstep if you will allow it."
Orbital Platform
"I alone must face Darth Kyja. Some things, no matter what the price, are inevitable. Valerie Gellar knew this as I do. Destiny requires sacrifices, some larger than others. I do not expect you to understand or care - what matters most is what you do once Kyja is taken out of the equation. With his lover and apprentice gone, Dementat will be weak, unfocused, and vulnerable. It is then the Republic and Confederation can make a move if you so choose. That is when you will have the power and opportunity to stop the Empire. But not before. Winton must fall for the rest to follow."
Judec listened to Masteron, nodding patiently. The idea that she would need to kill Darth Kyjas as part of some destiny was not new to him – he had been told as much just days before.
"I We seem to be in agreement of an ultimate goal then – destruction of the sith, and the empire they control. I agree, Winton is the key. Her destruction will be the beginning of the end for Dementat. If you must face her, then so be it. How may I aid you in your task?"
"There are individuals on Corellia who would be prey to those who wish to undermine all you have built and the security you provide in an attempt to claim the sector. Make no mistake, I am here for Valerie but I can help keep Kyja's curse off your doorstep if you will allow it."
"I anticipate that Kyja will meet her end in Corellian space, she and the Corellian traitor. They will attempt to sabotage one of Corellia’s greatest assets. The Center Point Station. But if there are those on Corellia’ surface who can aid you, and you can hold off Kyja for just a little while longer, than I can have Center Point better prepared for the expected assault. Wherever it is you go, I expect we will see each other again soon. Go now- pay your respects to our fallen comrade."
He stands and shakes again
"I I trust you at your word Jedi. Do not be tempted to do anything that would bring about the wrath of the Confederation. If you are truly an ally, than you may go in peace."
He escorted her to the door, and had an attendant take her back to her ship.
Back in his chamber, he activated his commlink
"The Jedi is free to go the surface. ? Keep an eye on her. ? Track her on and off the planet. I want to know what her plans really are."
Center Point Station
Artemis had now been on Center Point Station for over a month, and his regiment, which had seemed quite odd to him before hand, had become routine.
Each morning at 5:00am, he along with a group of about twenty were sent on a workout run around the outer, lower portion of the wheel where the gravity was the heaviest. ? The run had burned when he first arrived, but now, his muscles had adjusted. ? Before each run, he was required to put on a jumpsuit, equipped with a long line of sensors. ? Apparently, they were tracking the progress of his muscle development and brain function while he ran.
At 6:00am, time to shower and breakfast
At 7:00am, war games, where he and his team faced off against decoys in a host of scenarios in various portions of the station –sometimes in heavier gravity, sometimes in lighter gravity, and a few times, even in a special room that jutted across the center of the station, where gravity was essentially nil, and he could feel himself floating and body realigning. ? All the while, sensors seemed to be recording his every move.
War games ended at noon, by which point, even the hardiest soldier was usually ready to collapse. ? Lunch break lasted a full hour and a half, and at 13:30, they moved to intelligence analysis.
More sensors tracked their actions and brain patterns as they worked through logic games and simulated battles, serving as commanders, as pilots, as soldiers, as observers.
Three ? hours of that were followed by an hour and a half break, including dinner time. ? At 18:00, they were sent out to run maneuvers in various space craft. ? Again, sensors monitoring their every action. Three hours of that, 21:00 was the end of the day, by which point, soldiers were utterly exhausted.
It seemed like they were being tasked with every possible action, thought, or whatever that anyone in the service would need to do. ? Artemis was frustrated with it all. ? On the one hand, he felt his body had never been so fit in his life, his mind so keen, his fingers so nimble. ? Maybe he was training for a special-ops team, a team that would need the skills he was being given? ? On the other hand, he had not come any closer to his goal – finding his friend, Della, who had also been sent on ‘special assignment’ or getting close enough to High Commander Judec to have his revenge.
He had a feeling though – something on this station was a lot more than it seemed. ? If it was all about training, why here? ? They could simulate the conditions anywhere, why were they done at this research laboratory?
And why all the sensor readings? What was going on?
Artemis was determined to find out. ? It was at the end of another long day, 21:00. ? Most of the trainees were heading to the showers and then to get some relaxation in before heading to sleep – wake up was in less than 8 hours, and they needed a full night’s rest to be on top of their game for the extensive day ahead.
Artemis however was determined to use his precious free time to do some hunting. ? Dorm areas were in the very center area of the station, where the gravity caused by centrivical forces was most close to that of Corellia. ? Artemis slipped past his dorm, first heading to a turbo lift, and then thinking better of it. Sensors everywhere. Best to take the hard route. ? Near the turbolift was a service shaft with a ladder leading up and down to the various levels. ? Glancing around, making sure he was unseen, he slipped to the ladder and began making his way downward, to the outer most portion of the station. ? Ashe moved down, he passed several levels, and could feel the gravity growing stronger as he moved. ? Finally, the ladder came to an end and he stepped down onto the curved floor of the station’s outer wall. ? His first several steps were hard to take, but gaining his balance, and weeks of training, he moved with purpose. ? Down here, it was below where the turbolift led. ? Instead, there appeared to be a maze of pathways leading down dimly lit cooridors. There were storage rooms, and he passed an array of ventilation shafts that led to several docking ports. ? But all in all, there was nothing of interest that hecould find until he reached a bend in the path he had chosen. ? Turning, he found himself in front of a heavy blast door. ? A small entrance pad on the side had, in bright LED letters: “GURI PROJECT – AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLYâ€
Artemis did not know what the Guri Project was, and this door was sealed shut, but he had a feeling that he would find answers inside. ? For now though, he had pressed his luck enough for one night. Making his way back to the ladder, he moved up as fast as his tired arms could carry him, and made his way as quickly as possible to his dorm and his bed.
"I trust you at your word Jedi. Do not be tempted to do anything that would bring about the wrath of the Confederation. If you are truly an ally, than you may go in peace."
Melanie offers a warm smile.
"Thank you, High Commander. We will be in touch."
As she guides the shuttle out of the station and toward the surface, Judec's words linger in her mind. Why is he so convinced Karen and Mara would come to the Centerpoint Station? He seemed certain it would be their target. Only someone harboring something of value to them would make such a bold statement. But what? Mara has ties to Corellia and possibly a deep hatred for Judec but Karen? What's on the station that she would want? Karen always frowned upon Corellia as if it was Coruscant's distant, unpopular cousin. Melanie would heed Judec's warning for now. Angering the Confederation at this juncture would be unwise. The Republic would need their support if they were to counter the Empire's forces.
The ride in is uneventful but she has a hunch the High Commander would not let her out of his sights, despite his assurances. The man has so many layers she doesn't even know where to begin. She deviates from the traffic lanes and follows her feelings through the towers of Coronet City to land on a private platform attached to a giant dome-shaped mansion. She gathers her bags and steps off the ramp into the warm night air. She has never been here but the presence of familiarity clings to the structure. The lavish spectacle befits the owner.
Melanie withdraws a keycard from her purse and swipes it through the reader. The red light blinks and turns green as the door hisses open. It's cooler inside, climate controlled despite its emptiness. What was once a center of social activity and sexual debauchery now feels like a tidy mausoleum.
The late Valerie Gellar's personal residence.
The Four had contingency plans of their own, everyone trading keys to each other's places in case of emergency. She sets her bags down and wanders into the living room to open the large windows lining the wrap-around balcony. The decor is typical; black leather with accents of intense color. Everything appears to have been left, she assumes, as it had been. No dust lines the mantle or tables. Freshly cleaned glass allows pictures of them to stare out into the room - Karen pulling Valerie's hair, Melanie shrugging as Kimber stares longingly at a purple flower. Stills from their first Raga'Ana campaign are blown up, wrapped on museum quality canvas and hung above the fire place. There is an astounding amount of visual stimulation within the residence, an homage to their glory days. Melanie is actually surprised by Valerie's sentimentality. Sometimes it was difficult to tell she cared.
Melanie falls onto the couch, remembering.
She disliked Valerie Gellar until she saw below the brash surface she showed the worlds. If it wasn't for her, Melanie might have died that night after Homecoming. Valerie helped her stay clean despite her own foray into self-medication. The beauty was that she never asked why. They had an understanding, a respect for each other's secrets. She even came to Melanie when she was convinced the man who raised her was not who he claimed to be. When asked how she came upon this information, Valerie told her a friend looked into it for her.
That friend would now be a source.
Melanie stands and moves to the desk consol, scrolling through contacts until she finds who she is looking for. She opens the channel and exhales.
"Frank Farmer."
"Director Farmer, this is Melanie Masterton."
There is a significant pause.
"You know who I am."
"Yes, but be advised I am no longer the CorSec Director."
"My apologies."
"Where are you?"
"Corellia, actually, which is why I'm calling. Can you meet me tonight? There are things we must discuss."
He clears his throat, "Of course. Do you know the Coronet Club?"
"Only through our mutual friend."
"I'll be there at nine."
"Looking forward it."
Surface: Coronet City
Gellar Residence
With a few hours to kill, Melanie wanders through Valerie's home. It's always interesting to see what others value and by the looks of things, she held her friendships in high regard. She wishes she could have brought Kimber here. It would have done her some good to be back in familiar territory but she doesn't trust the High Commander. He is obviously playing his own angle and she can't risk that including Kimber and Rydan as leverage against the Empire, especially with the bounty's on their heads.
She enters Valerie's bedroom and flips on the light. Black sheets, purple walls, a signed Miz Vovo poster framed on the wall, ridiculously large vanity filled with perfumes and makeup. It's all so Valerie. There is a picture of The Four together on Imperial Beach in front of the Bolerathon Tower on her nightstand. It was taken after their sophomore year at North Coruscant by Skyler. Melanie picks it up and gazes at the image. They look so happy, everyone grinning madly, their whole lives ahead of them. They were, save for Melanie, completely unaware of the larger danger surrounding them. Guilt creeps into her mind, echoing something Kimber said to her on Arbra. Would things really have turned out differently if she told them what she knew? The prophecy was too heavy for one person but there was a reason she had to shoulder it alone. In doing so, Master Corrin said she had kept her friends alive during that dark time. Anyone else with that information would have skewed the balances and they all could have wound up dead.
Still might, if she's not careful.
Melanie turns, bumping into the side of the dresser. It shakes and several pictures topple over. One of them slips off the side, frame shattering on the hardwood floor. Sighing, she stoops down to pick it up. It's a picture of Reef looking rather smug. She never understood their relationship or what Valerie saw in him. He was kind of a jerk. More than kind of. She remembers that summer after graduation when they had all been mourning the loss of their friends. She expected Valerie to be more upset after losing Reef but she wasn't. When she found her one evening drunk on Karen's balcony, she looked up at Melanie and smiled.
"That boy was only good for one thing."
Melanie shutters, picking up the frame when she notices something taped to the back. She pulls off the tape to find a datacard. What's this doing hidden in a picture frame? With Valerie it could mean anything but Melanie is compelled back down the hall and into the living room. She slides the card into the consol, praying to the Maker it's not a sex tape.
There are no video files on the card, only audio. Interesting. She taps open the first file.
The speaker crackles, caught in static, cutting into the middle of a conversation.
"What about our deal?"
Reef's voice, deep and vaguely condescending.
Then another.
"You know the terms. Keep them together and all your dreams come true."
"They are together."
"Not just The Four. All of them."
"Yeah, yeah, I got it. The nine of us are going to be great friends."
"I hope so, mister Stratford. For your sake."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
The other voice laughs.
"You'll see."
Melanie stops the recording, panting for breath. She knows that other voice. She grew up hearing it. The tone is lower than she's used to but the laugh confirms it.
The voice belongs to Alexander Winton.
She checks the date signature of the recording. Two weeks into their freshman year at North Coruscant. But they barely knew Reef then. How did they meet him? That's right, after the first Death Star was destroyed. He approached Karen and Melanie on the plaza. He introduced them to Lucas, Valerie and Kimber. He had art history with Skyler and Billy. He bumped into D'Arcy in the Hesperidium spaceport and brought her back to the Bolerathon Tower the following summer.
Questions sail through her mind. What deal? What dreams were promised in exchange for forging these connections? Were their friendships not as random as they...wait.
The prophecy.
Five will die.
The Four survive.
Together, nine of them.
Dread rises within her.
How did he know it would be those five? The five specific names mentioned in the prophecy were not theirs.
Winton. Masterton. Patten. Gellar.
Then later, Dementat.
Melanie thought the five who were to perish did so long before Alexia returned to Coruscant.
Carli Cole, Tenley Price, Lux Lynus, Caprial Bronson, Nikoli Venko.
Were they merely a foreshadowing of things to come? Melanie stands and backs away from the terminal, her mind spinning with disgust and horror. Only one thing is clear.
Reef Stratford was a spy.
Does Rydan know his brother helped sell them out?
How long had Valerie been holding this information?
Good questions - for another time.
Melanie ejects the disk and tosses it in her bag. That is a whole other issue she could not deal with right now. There are more important tasks at hand, information she must gather in order to stop Karen from fulfilling the prophecy. She powers down the consol and returns to the bedroom. After a quick shower, she pads into Valerie's closet. The girl was never much for colors save for crimson, black, and grey. She selects what she can only imagine is the most conservative garment Valerie had and tries it on.
When she stands in front of the vanity mirror, she has to laugh. The simple black floor-length gown looks stunning if not a hilarious contrast to the rather drab robes she had been wearing recently. Still, it might be nice to exude the confidence Valerie paraded around and shoved everyone's face into. It certainly got her what she wanted most of the time. She sighs, tucking a blond curl behind her ear. What's wrong with her? She used to be good at this kind of thing. It was once her job. The attention was in some ways it owns reward. At least that's what they used to tell themselves. It's all so trival now. Perhaps the crushing weight of reality has dulled the allure. It wouldn't be the first thing. Humming softly, she steps into a pair of black heels and glances at herself once more.
Would Farmer be able to help her?
One way to find out.
Center Point Station
while Melanie Masterton was discovering a hidden data disk in the Corellian apartment of the late Valerie Gellar, Artemis was preparing to make a discovery of his own, not too far away. The planets of the Corellian system could all be seen with a telescope, and some even with the naked eye as Artemis stared out of a viewing room on Center Point Station. It was an addition at the far end of the northern cylinder, designed for the scientists. From here, he could see space rotating around - or rather, it appeared that way, as the station rotated to maintain the artificial gravity. Corellia was a far off blue spec among an array of stars.
It was about ten minutes before lights out, and he was one of the few in the room. He waited patiently for the last few to take their leave of the observation room. Then he was alone. Casually, he made his way toward the doorway - but instead of stepping through to the main cooridor, he stepped over to a maintenance entrance, jimmying the lock and stepping inside.
When people think of a space craft, they may think of the elegant structure, the aerondynamics. Or, in the case of some uglier vessels, they think of wires barely holding together in a cramped space. Most people don't consider that a station, especially as large as Center Point,would have a large network of ventillation shafts. But in fact, because of the station's size, huge shafts were needed to circulate and recycle the air that was being breathed. The shafts created a vast network that circled the entire cylindrical structure, and crossed between the inner most and outermost levels.
Artemis had figured out that the only way to get past a clearance required door was to avoid the door entirely.
Here, inside the maintenance room, hot air could be felt blowing out and being sucked back in through grated vents. Closing the maintenance door behind him,he made his way over to the vents, Thinking through a diagram he had seen. Exhaust valves would be pushing 'used' air from the most inhabited areas,and sending it to the recycling chambers, replenishing oxygen levels before sending it back out again. if he followed the airbeing sucked inside, it would lead him down to that recycling center, likely in the uninhabited lower regions ofthe station.
Several minutes later, he was inside the shaft, vent closed behind him, and air washing over him and directing him forward. The shaft was large - a maintenance air shaft that needed to be accessible, and so was capable of leaving him standing, albeit at a crouch. That was here. It would be tighter where he was going. Moving slowly, he made his way forward, passing side passages as he went, again thinking over the diagram he had seen. Turn left here. Straight ahead there. Down aladder here.
he could feel the increased gravity as he descended a few levels,until he was in the shaft units for the very bottom. Here, the air shafts grew tighter and he was forced to crawl inside. Already, things became more complicated as he tried navigating his way to his destination. he might a wrong turn, ending up at a path that was blocked by a huge fan, threatening to cut off an appendage that got too close. Unable to turn, he had to back up several meters before he was set right again.
Onward, he began counting a series of vents he passed - intake vents, collecting the air that went into this passage. They were spaced out evenly and he had about 400 meters to travel at this crawl before he would reach the area of the vessel he was trying to reach. one by one he counted them until he reached about 23rd. Then, more trouble. The vents disappeared. How could he calculate how far he had left to go? He couldn't exactly leave the shaft. Deciding he had no choice but to move on (he couldn't travel backwards that far anyway, so he needed to exit somewhere so he could turn around),he started trying to calculate the distance manually. It was a slow crawl and when he was about to give up, there was an abrupt change - the shaft he was in had a split, forming a Y shape. The air flow continued traveling through the right, but the left one had air being pulled from it.
Taking a gamble, Artemis turned left, now heading up a new shaft. Not five minutes later, he began hearing sounds - machinery moving in the background. And then, finally, he saw a vent exit.
Remarkably, this opening was covered with a dust screen rather than a standard vent opening. peering through, Artemis could only see a long line of blinking lights outside. Gritting his face, he pulled out a screwdriver and began undoing the dust screen. Several minutes later, a line of screws were placed neatly on the side and the dust screen came loose. Pulling his arms out, and stretching them for the first time in what felt like hours, he began pulling himself out of the shaft, finding himself about fifteen feet off the floor of the room. There was a small scaffolding, holding the ventillation shaft in place and he shifted his position to sit there while keeping his balance, then turned to replace the dust screen - too much dust in the system might alert someone that this was tampered with.
That done, he looked around for the first time at his surroundings. It was a mostly dark room, though LEDs seemed toflicker about. He could see the prize - the backside of the door that had barred him just a few nights earlier. LED lights tracked a path in the dark toward another room, not too far off, from which the most machine noises and a bit more light were coming from. Lowering himself from the scaffolding, Artemis jumped the last ten feet, landing on his feet and bending his knees to absorb the fall. He wasn't quite sure how he'd get back up, but for now, he had a question to answer -what was behind the door?
Following the path, he made his way to that second door, finding it was not protected like the outer entrance. Pressing the button, the door hissed open. Artemis stepped in and gasped.
The loud sound of machinery filled a massive room. The extra glow of the room came from molten metal, being poured from huge vats into molds. Molds traveled along a conveyor belt, where cooled metal was removed from the molds, and placed into sorted piles. Machine arms took from the piles and began assembling the different pieces together - arms, legs, torso, head. Down the conveyor belt, wiring was woven into the creature being created.
Artemis followed the path paralleling the conveyor belt to its conclusion. At the end, he saw what might be the most horrific sight a corellian could imagine.
An army of droids. Not small spider droids, grunts. No. Artemis recognized immediately the shape and style - columns of IG-100 MagnaGuards-Advanced Prototype series. Their skeletal shapes were made of black metal, and though none were active, Artemis could imagine their frightening red glowing eyes.
In front of him stood an army of Phages.
"And you walk over, softly moving passed the guards.
The stakes are getting higher.
You can feel it in your heart.
You never know if winning this could really be enough."
The Coronet Club
The club lies in the heart of the city and remains one of Corellia's oldest and most exclusive lounges. Despite its prestige, the club is understated and elegant. She approaches the guarded doorway with confidence and states her name. It is on a list one of the bouncer's is holding. They step aside and allow her to enter through a set of deep purple curtains that leads to an expansive empty foyer.
Melanie strides across the polished floor and walks up a grand staircase into the large, packed bar area filled with Corellia's elite. A hush falls over the crowds as they stare. She can feel the heat against her cheeks. She has forgotten that not so long ago, her face was also splashed across the Holo and on billboards in Corellia. They were once the glamorous and sought after poster girls for the Imperial chic. She can only imagine what they must be thinking but that can't affect her now. She won't let it touch her. Squaring her shoulders, she crosses a room full of admiring gazes and questioning glares to the man sitting at the end of the bar.
"Is this seat taken?"
He turns, eyes meeting hers.
"Saved it just for you."
Melanie smiles, sliding onto the finely carved barstool next to him and crossing her legs.
"Thank you for meeting me, mister Farmer."
"Please, call me Frank."
"Of course," she says, extending a hand. "I'm Melanie."
He shakes it.
"I know. Your photage doesn't do you justice. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Thank you. The pleasure is mine. Valerie spoke so highly of you and we both know what a rare and honorable thing that is."
He laughs.
The bartender is hovering.
Frank motions to him, "Care for a drink?"
She shrugs.
"Something tropical."
"So, what brings you to our neck of the woods? And after such a long absence."
"I never got to pay my respects."
"I suppose not. Where have you been hiding?"
He grins, "I take it your social hiatus isn't why you came."
"You're a smart man, Frank."
"I'm surprised Judec let you come down here without an escort."
She turns briefly, eyes scanning the crowd.
"Oh, I'm sure I have one lurking in the shadows but I assured the High Commander I could help."
"Can you?"
"That depends on you. Do you know a reporter named Kent Carlson?"
"Carlson? Who doesn't know him?"
"Any clue as to where I might find him?"
"Far, far away from here."
"Why do you say that?"
"His days of snooping came to an abrupt end when he went looking into 'ol Judy. Things have been less tolerant around here. New regime and all."
"So I gather. Did he leave of his own volition?"
"He made the decision himself but there were certain factors involved leading up to it."
"Such as?"
"A cease and desist of his investigation into the High Commander and Corellia's new military-state. Valerie had unified the sector to help defend it from the Federation, from Phage, but before William Tacofer could overturn martial law and restore the government back into the hands of the people where it belongs, Saga Judec stepped up to turn martial law into a military machine."
He says this like it pains him.
"I'm sensing you disagree?"
"On or off the record?"
"Consider it a personal curiosity."
He swallows the last of his drink. She sips on hers.
"There are those, like myself, who saw the need for Valerie's swift actions. We rallied around a grievous threat against Corellia and won. To honor her sacrifice, Tacofer intended to restore order and reestablish the Corellian democracy. We were free of the Federation and the people were to decide the course of their fates. That's not how it turned out and naturally Carlson was suspicious. They shut him down before he even began to dig."
As he speaks, he jots something down on his napkin. His slides it over.
Melanie glances down and sets her drink over it.
"He's not the only one who got pushed out. I was fired as Director of CorSec and relieved of my teaching responsibilities at the Academy. Senior management, so to speak, got a brand new face."
"All on Judec's payroll, I assume?"
"Correct. Now I get to sit around and spend my pension resenting every microsecond I'm not doing what I loved most."
"I am sorry, Frank."
"Not your fault."
"Not directly."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know how much Valerie told you but she, Karen Winton, Kimber Patten and I are part of an ancient prophecy."
He laughs. She does not.
"Oh, you're serious? My apologies. How is Kimber these days? I heard rumors she was consorting with the Empire as some kind of diplomat."
Melanie's frowns, "They blackmailed her into the position under the pretense they would lend support to Corellia against Phage to save Valerie. Clearly, that was not a promise they kept."
"Damn Empire."
"I'll drink to that."
They toast and sip quietly.
"So, a prophecy huh? What does that have to do with me?"
"Those that surround us play supportive roles in our destiny. You are all just as important as we are in affecting the outcome."
"Which is?"
"Once we're all dead, Karen and Dementat will be free to rule the galaxy at will."
Frank sits back quickly, "No shit? How many of these supporting roles are left?"
"Not many, I'm afraid. There is an elusive Imperial agent named Marius Guile working to tie up the loose ends, those who know us or could possibly assist in thwarting Imperial dominance. We believe you, Kent Carlson and Lilandra Patten may be on that list."
"Who's we?"
"The Jedi and myself."
"Someone's been busy out of the limelight."
"I've had a lot of spare time on my hands."
"You and me both, sister. What can I do to help?"
"I'll find Carlson. You must keep Lilandra safe."
His face falls, signaling for another drink. He is silent until it is placed in front of him.
"After Kyri and Valerie were killed, Lilandra came off the rails. She was institutionalized at Coronet General."
Melanie nods, "Kimber mentioned she had been unstable in the past."
"Unstable is putting it lightly. She was violent, full of a rage no one could fathom. Years ago, she had delusions that Corellia was conspiring with the Trade Federation. She was convinced her husband, Major Patten, had been working with them to create a monster."
"Didn't they?"
"Yes and when Phage took her husband and his illegitimate child, she went over the edge. I tried to console her but she was beyond my help. I thought about calling Kimber but I couldn't bring myself to do it. She shouldn't have to see her mother like that, not after losing so much. The only thing the doctors could do was keep her sedated and calm. She barely spoke. I came to visit, at first. Access to her was restricted following Judec's rise to power."
She narrows her eyes, "Why?"
"That was around the same time most of CorSec's senior staff was let go so I didn't ask. Associates of mine were able to gain Carlson access prior to arranging his escape."
"What did she say to him?"
Frank tilts his head and laughs. After what she's told him, it makes a strange sort of sense.
"She said Winton was responsible for it all."
"Lilandra used the masculine pronoun."
Melanie is rigid, mind swirling. There is only one male Winton.
All of their parents were supposedly friends.
Perhaps the Queen was right.
What did Lilandra know?
She exhales, shivering.
"Have you checked on her since?"
"That's not possible."
"Why not?"
Frank turns, placing a hand on her arm.
"Melanie, Lilandra Patten died the day after Carlson left Corellia."
She gulps, completely crushed by the news. They are being systematically reduced. And Kimber. Poor, sweet, Kimber. She has suffered enough. They all had. In the shadow of the moment, she needs a friend.
"Take me to Valerie."
High Command Platform
The image was a poor quality and taken from across the room,but the video clearly showed former CorSec Director Frank Farmer chatting it up with Jedi Melanie Masterton.
Judec watched the video, listening to their discussion.
It was no secret to him that Farmer was opposed to his martial law - that was part of the reason for his forced retirement. But he was a hero, extremely popular, and no propoganda would change that in the hearts and minds of the people. THat left Farmer barely touchable. Judec had hoped the man would just retire, and disappear into the background. Apparently not.
The audio was a better quality, thanks to the bug planted at the table.
the Jedi was looking for Kent Carlston because of the prophesy.
Judec had been told about the prophesy - from his own inside source. But what did Carlston have to do with any of that?
Talk of Lilandra Patten, late mother of Corellian-turned-imperial-turned ... he wasn't sure.
"She said Winton was responsible for it all."
"Lilandra used the masculine pronoun."
Judec sat up in his chair. Winton was responsible for it all? For Phage, and the Trade Federation? for the whole prophesy? Suddenly, Judec was uncertain about his plans. And it was time he got answers.
His source would have some explaining to do.
Ebaq, Imperial Border World
For the past year, Corellian scout ships had been flipping in and out of hyperspace near the gas giant world of Ebaq, and it's smaller moon, Ebaq 9. Ebaq 9 was an imperial mining colony that was right along the Corellian Confederation border and just a quick jump to Columus or even more importantly, Corellia itself.
The Corellian Confederation was surrounded on 2 sides by the expanding empire - the Imperial Deep core, including Byss, lay to the west of the confederation, whil Leria Kersil, Kuat, Alderaan lay to the north. The Hapan Star Cluster, expanded west as far as the world of Telti, prevented the imperials from pushing too much further north of Corellia. The Confederation itself had expanded it's hold on a number of worlds south of Duro, including denon, Devaron, Aleen, Rhommamool and Osarian. Now though, an increased war machine, a more arrogant leadership, and sources showing the Empire's fleet was spread out in various other engagements meant it was time for a new strike.
Ebaq was situated in a location that left Corellia vulnerable. A trade route connected the worlds, and imperial hostilities could mean a single hyperspace jump would be all it took to go from Ebaq onto the Confederation's capital. Even with added defenses, a buffer would be helpful, and Ebaq 9 had vast mining resources that would help Corellia. Plus, it would be a symbolic win, the first Corellian conquest into the Empire's deep Core.
The Imperial mining colony was not too large, but they did have an orbital platforms and about a half dozen patrol craft for defense. They knew the Corellian's spied on them, but it happened so often, they figured it was part of the routine. War was coming. But none expected it to come this soon.
Alarms suddenly went blaring as imperial soldiers tried to figure out what triggered the proximity alarm.
Out of the viewport, they could see the ships, bearing down on them.
"I count a dozen Corellian dreadnaught! So many! Prepare to send a distress signal"
The Corellian ships, bore down quickly, the massive correllian dreadnaughts and twice as many support craft. Transmitters were struck first,disabling the communications of the defenses, and the barrages from the large craft were a rain of fire.
The battle lasted less than five minutes from the appearance of the Corellian fleet. imperial ships were smoldering in orbit, as craft prepared to land and secure the surface mining facilities.
No escapees. No survivors.
The war had begun.
Ebaq 9, Corellian-Controlled Mining Base,
Corellian/Imperial Border, Deep Core
Mining operations on Ebaq 9 had been shut down for mere days before it was restarted under new management, the Corellian Confederation Fleet. Already, shipments of bronzium was being sent back into the Corellian sector, to be used for metal work construction (bronzium happened to be a metal often used for droid construction and weapon making). Hovering in orbit over the world, the Confederation 3rd fleet had been reinforced with more ships. Further away, the Confederation 1st, 2nd and 4th fleets had stopped over briefly before disappearing again ...
The further into the Deep Core one was trying to go, the harder the journey. Dense clusters of stars and black holes made hyperspace travel treacherous and unpredictable. It was this cobweb of danger that made travel to the Imperial sanctuary world, Byss so difficult for those who did not know which ways to travel. Over time, information on those routes had leaked out, just as the secret of Byss had. Still, even though people could travel to Byss, such a trip required precise nav computer calculations and a long journey. Byss's defenses included hyperwave tranceivers, a technology that detected disturbances caused by ships traveling in hyperspace. this technology, located along the few safe routes to Byss, meant that the Empire would be prepared for any visitors - wanted or unwanted.
But at the outside of the Deep Core region, there was not that level of insulated protection. Worlds there were just as accessible as planets in most other reaches of space. That left these worlds vulnerable.
Ojom, Imperial Border World
After Ebaq and its mining colony on Ebaq 9 had been taken days ago, The Corellian Confederation began prepping for the rest of the first phase of their assault on the Empire. Their next target, Ojom, was one of the few habital worlds on the eastern imperial border. It's proximity to Corellian space meant that it was well enough defended, despite its average population. A number of orbital platforms, including two Golan I defense platforms.
A shipment that had been expected from Ebaq 9 had not come in days earlier, and the world was in high alert now. Scouts had been sent to Ebaq and had not returned. there was a sense of foreboding as the guards shifted rotation at their scanner posts, the new one just getting ready to sit down when he heard a bleep, followed by several more.
Scanners picked up a large mass of craft.
"Commander! Corellian craft, approaching at high speed!"
The Captain turned from his seat,a look of apprehension on his face.
"Prepare to open fire, and sound the alarms - send out a distress signal"
Sirens blared as Corellian fighters began spraying the defenses with fire, shields shimmering as they began to weaken under the assault. return fire hit some fighters, and the battle felt almost even, until the corellian capital ships came within range.
Massive barrages of turbolaser and ion cannon fire slammed down on the defenses, shields finally giving way. Fighters moved in on another sweep, now targeting and destroying the transmitters. Small fireballs erupted as targets were eliminated.
Turbolasers continued to be used to destroy planetary defense ships, but against the Golan platform, ion fire was used, blue bursts of energy striking and overloading the platform's systems. Lights flickered and went out, and weapons failed as the station went dark.
"what are they doing?"
Out of the viewport, the defenders could see assault shuttles deploying to their direction,and toward the planet's surface.
"Arm yourselves men - prepare to be boarded"
Imperial soldiers made their way to the vulnerable entrance points of the station, barracading themselves behind crates and storage units. Small explosions at the door, then what looked like a gas grenade tossed in. The halls began to fill with a greenish mist, soldiers began gasping for air, coughing and collapsing to the ground. Just before passing out, a few saw metal feet marching past them toward the command center.
The commander of defenses stood in the small room, staring at the blast doors that sealed closed automatically when the station lost power. he heard marching outside, but could barely see the door in the dim emergency lighting. Only a half dozen men were in the room with him. He knew he had no choice. Surrender was the only option.
Metal whined as it began to be pried open using metal pliers. It groaned as the opening went wider and wider.
The commander cleared his throat
"I am prepared to surrender. Please state your terms"
From the darkness of the hallway, a figure emerged, the commander and his men stepping back as it entered. A dark metallic frame with red eyes stepped into the room, surveying the commander for only a moment before dropping a canister on the floor. The room began to fill with the gas, and the commander and his men fell to the ground, clutching their throats. The being moved past the men to the console, beginning to reset the systems for when power came back on.
On the planet's surface, assault craft were bombing the imperial garrisons, while soldiers landed and began securing locations in the populated areas. Many of the soldiers looked like young, newer recruits, but their fighting and training was honed as they moved with precision, baring the uniform of the Confederation.
Onboard the ships, the Confederation commander was keeping track of the progress, and was in communication with the High Commander, Saga Judec.
"The assault is going well, sir. Defenses have been subdued, and we have teams already securing the surface."
"What of the special team that I had attached to your fleet?"
The commander shuffled a bit uncomfortably at reference to the special team. They had been put onboard, and no one had seen orheard from them. Whoever they were,they were keeping themselves apart fromthe rest of the crew - only recieving orders or sending reports through audio transmissions, and being deployed independently of any of the commander's own forces. Judec had put this mystery team onboard, and though they were performing well, the unknown gave the commander a chill.
"I received a verbal report from them sir, saying they've taken the defense platform. I was preparing to send my own men over soon"
"That will not be necessary commander. the team can remain on the platform and run it independently. None of your men are to approach the station"
"Very well, Commander. As you order"
"Carry on with the ground assault, and inform me when the planet is secure. I will be sending reinforcement ships to help secure your location from an imperial counter-attack"
"Yes sir"
Center Point Station, Corellian Sector
Artemis stared in horror at the sight- an army of Phages. He was literally shaking. What was Judec doing? What was he thinking, producing these droids? Hadn't he learned anything? Judec may have fought and won for Corellia, but the battle had been close. Why was he tempting fate? And what was he trying to do with all these droids? What goal did he have that meant that Corellian soldiers were not enough?
Artemis thought back to the massive recruitment efforts going on throughout the Corellian Sector. Hundreds of thousands had enlisted. So what were these for? Judec must be preparing for a war - not just expansion of the Confederation, but an all out war. Maybe even a strike at the Empire? He had heard rumors of such a conflict, skirmishes that would soon escalate to a full blown war. More ships, needed more hands to run them. But didn't this droid create enough nightmares? What was Judec thinking?
Meanwhile, these droids didn't seem activated - and now Artemis noticed that this was not the end of the assembly line. The lines and lines of droids were being lifted up and sent into another room nearby and careful not to press or trigger anything, he made his way to the next chamber.
Each droid here was outfitted with a small antenna and then plugged into what could only be a massive super computer. Time for programming. A monitor on the screen began playing videos, and Artemis gasped. Those werevideos of himself and his cohorts in all of the maneuvers they had been doing. The monitors showed their actions, their brain activity, muscle movement - He realized that his work here had been to help program the droids for military actions in any number of scenarios. he was not being trained to be a soldier - he was being used to train droid soldiers.
Now not only was he frightened - he was angry. All this time,he had planned to get closer to Judec, and here, Judec and his machine had been using him all along.
No - he would not stand for it. Artemis resolved that he had to stop Judec before he took his new army of droids out. And if Artemis had to die doing it, than his death would be well served.
No more time of waiting.Judec had to die soon.
Surface: Coronet City
They finish their drinks and leave the club, walking along the crowded city streets. Melanie buys a single white rose from a street vendor and follows Frank to the rebuilt CorSec Academy. The complex is massive and state-of-the-art, integrating all the new technology into a modern yet organic design. They stop in front of Valerie's memorial plaque. She reads the inscription, touched by the verbiage used to the honor her and lays the rose down. She presses her fingers to her lips then to the plaque.
"Here's to you, old friend. May your sacrifice never be forgotten."
Frank watches sadly, his heart aching. He had loved her deeply despite their difference in age. Valerie was feisty and honest which made him question things about himself and others he would never have thought to consider. She challenged him in ways his former job never did and for that, he will always be grateful to her. The pain of losing her strikes him all over again.
Melanie turns, "Are you alright?"
"Any day now."
They move through the halls and out into an expansive plaza which reveals three very different installations. On one side, a spiraled tower of destroyed battle droids. On the other, a giant statue of Valerie Gellar. Between them, a slab of stone. Melanie cannot take her eyes off of Valerie's carved face, mouth set in perpetual smugness as beams of light illuminate her.
Even in death, she's still in the spotlight.
Frank pauses near the stone, glancing back at her.
"This is where those who challenge the High Commander meet their end. This was Carlson's choice."
As she approaches, Melanie notices the slab is deeply stained. She runs her fingers along the edge, overcome with powerful flashes of pain, screaming. Gasping, she steps back, blond curls caught in the breeze. Her eyes travel up to Valerie's face once again, the battle droid tower framed behind her.
"This couldn't have been what she wanted."
"Not even close," Frank says. "She was only tyrannical in the moment, despite what everyone said. She knew if she didn't make sweeping decisions, the public would flounder and talk. Their indecision would make them vulnerable which is why she acted so aggressively."
"She saved them."
"And who will save them now, I wonder? Even the most outspoken have grown quiet as their numbers dwindle. It is either silence or the stone."
"Saga Judec is not invincible. There are things he fears."
"Like what?"
"Mara Gellar."
His face hardens, body straightening as he gazes at her intensely.
"What do you know about her?"
"Only that she is accused of murder and labeled a traitor to Corellia. Oh, yes, and she is currently with Karen Winton."
"How do you know?"
"The High Commander showed me recent photage of them at The Wheel."
"The Wheel? What were they doing there?"
"I was hoping you could tell me."
"The Wheel is still a Federation outpost, what's left of it anyway. Business, as of late, is conducted on the small scale from what I hear. The Administrator is someone named Amir but I'm afraid I do not know much about him."
"What about Mara? What do you know about her?"
Frank narrows his eyes at her.
"I know she's not a murderer and she sure as hell isn't related to Valerie Gellar."
"Why do you say that?"
"Mara was with me when William Tacofer was murdered. I had a feeling she was hiding something and wanted to figure out what. We were in the midst of a discussion when we were interrupted by the news and taken into custody."
Melanie leans against the stone and crosses her arms.
"What did you discover about her?"
"She claims to have been a distant cousin of Valerie's, one Valerie may not have even known about."
"Do you believe her?"
"When you were all still in high school, Valerie asked me to look into her family. Even though she looked up to Major Patten, she knew he was withholding something. So she came to me. A cursory search revealed nothing we didn't already know. No relatives, no information on her mother. After it came out that Kyri Patten was Valerie's biological father, I began to question who Jerico Gellar really was."
"Understandably so. I know Valerie struggled with it as well."
"Jerico's close friendship with the Major never seemed suspicious in the past until Jerico began acting irrationally. Valerie was slated to be sent to the capital to attend North Coruscant but Jerico protested. The reasons were never clear but Jerico disappeared shortly after. Kyri and I investigated endlessly, beyond the CorSec standard and long after the case was closed. I found remains outside of Coronet City that matched Jerico's DNA."
Melanie's heart is racing, "And Valerie knew this?"
"I confirmed her father was dead and not missing but never filled in the blanks with my own commentary. I had no proof. It wasn't until Kyri's paternity was brought to light that I decided to investigate further."
So Valerie had information the rest of them didn't. She knew her father was dead and that her boyfriend was a spy.
"What did you find?"
"Beyond what records CorSec had, there was never any reference to a Jerico Gellar. I checked up on the background, the home world, even possible relatives. No one had ever heard of him."
"Valerie came to question whether or not he was actually a CorSec agent at all."
"I highly doubt he was nor do I believe there was a Jerico Gellar. His account records, spread in different banks across the galaxy, each held seven times what he would have made annually. The funds were coming from an alternative source."
A man posing as a father to cover the sins of another. But why?
"Did you ever find out where?"
Frank hesitates, walking again. She follows.
"No but I did find something else. After Lilandra Patten died, I went to Coronet General. A buddy of mine got me in to take a look at the cell. It was comfortable and secluded but covered in writing. The official cause of death stated an adverse reaction to new medication but there was blood everywhere. No reaction, no matter how severe, causes that much bleeding."
Melanie's eyes widen with alarm.
"You think she was murdered?"
Frank shrugs.
"I think someone knew she had talked to Carlson. More importantly, the hospital staff was required to paint over the walls to cover the writing."
"Did you see what it said?"
"I got a good glance before I left. Mostly gibberish, nonsense, a few drawings, one that looked vaguely like a sarcophagus, and two names I had heard before."
Melanie arches a brow, "Which were?"
"Winton was the first."
"And the second?"
"I'm not following..."
Frank exhales loudly, slowing his pace.
"Someone had written that name in Valerie's bedroom here on Corellia. She concealed it from Kimber, who was with her at the time, but asked me to look into it. No references to the name came up in my search but now I have a feeling it does have some significance. Lilandra, Kyri, Jerico, Blair, Winton - I think Carlson was onto something."
"Which is why I must find him before Marius Guile does."
"The Imperial agent, right?"
"Right. He remains loyal to Alexander Winton and apparently operates outside of Dementat's Empire."
"Alexander Winton?"
"Karen's father. The masculine pronoun Lilandra spoke of."
"I thought Winton died years ago."
"Twice, actually. We believe he murdered his wife and my parents before staging the speeder crash. He resurfaced a year ago but was apprehended and killed by the Hapan Consortium."
Frank stops walking, "That's terrible, Melanie. I'm sorry."
"Thank you but it is what it is. We think Guile may be hunting down those closest to the individuals the prophecy references. I do not know how he could have slipped in and out of Corellia to kill Lilandra without the High Commander's knowledge."
"Unless he allowed it."
"If that were true, we wouldn't be having this conversation. You are on the list too. I have to find Kent Carlson and see what he knows. If he has discovered information that connects everyone involved, he is in more danger than he realizes."
"What can I do?"
Something dawns on Melanie.
"Do you know what's happening on the Centerpoint Station?"
"I lost my right to classified information when I was stripped of my duty."
"All the more suspicious. If Lilandra can no longer be protected and Carlson is elsewhere, I need you to find out what's going on up on that station. The High Commander seemed rather convinced Karen Winton and Mara Gellar would return to attack Centerpoint."
He seems surprised, "How can he be sure of that?"
"That's exactly what we have to find out. If he believes they will target Centerpoint, there is something on that station they must want."
"Or something he doesn't want them to find."
She nods, "Will you help me?"
"Of course. I will do all I can."
"Thank you, Frank. You have my com channel. Call me if you find anything."
Melanie begins to walks away.
Frank calls after her, "Leaving so soon?"
She pauses, turning with a smile.
"I'll be back. I promise."
Surface: Coronet City
Melanie Masterton returns to the Gellar residence on a wave of emotion.
After changing back into more conservative robes, she considers what she knows as she gathers her things.
Jerico Gellar, whoever he was, has no relation to Valerie. He was only a father figure, a place holder until the Major's secret was exposed. He was getting paid handsomely through unknown sources to maintain a facade of normalcy until Valerie was sent to Coruscant where she and Kimber met Karen and Melanie. Then he disappears only to be found dead, presumably killed by whomever placed him there. Why did he object to Valerie leaving? Did he know what would happen to her on the capital once she got there? The Major was insistent they go. How badly did they want Jerico out of the way? Those are awfully extreme measures to take just to cover up an affair. The Major was keeping secrets, they all were but how far would they go? This makes her wonder how well she knew her own parents if they all seemed to be living in a haze of lies.
If Jerico was never her father and Reef a spy, could Mara really be her cousin? This strange woman claiming a relation was framed for murder and virtually exiled. What makes Mara so dangerous to the High Commander? Why would she go to Karen? There were many surrounding Valerie who were not who they claimed to be. Does that hold true for the rest of them? Who else was cast in a role?
Her mind drifts, chest tightening.
Lilandra Patten's death shakes her to the core. She would have to give Kimber the news. They were all parentless now. It makes things a sad kind of special, a tragic bond they share. If Lilandra was murdered, who killed her and why? She must have revealed something for her death to be disguised as a medical reaction. The names Frank mentioned resound in her head. She has never heard of Blair before but now she's curious. Did Lilandra know who she was and what significance she had? This brings her to the other name.
All fingers point to Alexander Winton. The Queen had whispered it frantically long ago, Kimber confirmed it in frightening detail, and now Lilandra was writing it on walls while mumbling to a reporter. Could he really be responsible for everything that's happened to them? Kimber seems to think so. Their conversation on Hapes implied Alexander played their parents from the beginning. What was meant as a blessing, the prophecy in all its fragmented glory, must have become a weapon. But to what end? What would Alexander have to gain from slashing the competition aside from having a daughter on the Imperial throne? Is that the endgame? How many people had this prophecy hanging over their heads?
Reef Stratford's arrangement with Alexander, whatever it may have been, was clearly not delivered on. Reef never got it all, in fact, he was missing several vital body parts if she remembers the medical examiner's report correctly. What would make Reef agree to spying on them from within? What's a soul go for these days? Up until she heard the audio recordings, she believed Reef had been nothing more than morally questionable jock who happened to be a trusted friend. What happened to him was terrible. That's not in question. He was, however, seemingly keen on loyalty and had never betrayed them before. Well, not in any way that externally compromised them. The media never managed to get inside. Alexander Winton, however, did. She tries to remember anything that would imply Reef played a role larger than a watchdog...
And what about Rydan? The other Stratford brother.
No time.
Melanie had to get to Carlson as quickly as possible. Perhaps he could shed some light on the deadly implications of a shared connection. She turns down the lights as she stands by the door, tossing the datacard and the napkin into her purse.
Reef's confessions. Frank's instructions.
She would have plenty of time to ponder them.
As the shuttle idles on the platform, she leaves a message for Saga Judec.
"I appreciate the hospitality, High Commander yet there are leads I must follow elsewhere. I do not believe Corellia is in imminent danger but would advise that you remain vigilant. The Empire does not play by anyone's rules but their own. I'll contact you if anything changes. Til then."
She clicks off and pulls on the controls.
The shuttle rejoins traffic heading out of the city and into the darkened sky. Soon Corellia is behind her, systems calculating the fastest route to her destination. She inhales deeply, calming herself as the shuttle flares into hyperspace en route to Tatooine.
Orbital Command Platform
"I appreciate the hospitality, High Commander yet there are leads I must follow elsewhere. I do not believe Corellia is in imminent danger but would advise that you remain vigilant. The Empire does not play by anyone's rules but their own. I'll contact you if anything changes. Til then."
Judec listens to the message, a smile on his face.
"have her followed - I want to know what she knows. she may think that we are on the same side, but I'd prefer to be ahead of her - and anyone else as much as possible. Also, keep a few eyes on Frank Farmer. I'd like to know what he's planning as wel."
"Yes, Commander"
Saga Judec turned his chair around to face the monitor
"As I've told you before, her investigations, her plannings - all are just a footnote. The endgame is already set up. She will return to Center Point. Darth Kyja will go to Center Point. They will fight. They will die. Your skirmishes against the Empire will force Dementat to attack Corellia with as much of his strength as he can muster. When he learns that his precious empress is dead, he will be in a weakened position, in Corellian space. He and his admiral will be uncoordinated, and your new superior force will trap and destroy them. The Empire doesn't use clones anymore - they cannot match your numbers."
"You haven't explained why Darth Kyja is coming to Center Point"
"You're going to lure her there - Kyja is out to destroy a former friend. When you next speak with Melanie Masterson, you will offer to protect this friend, bringing her to Center Point Station."
"The pregnant one?"
"Yes - while the mother is expendable, the child is a key part in the prophesy. Darth Kyja knows that for her and Dementat to reign, the child must die. Jedi Masterson knows she must keep the child safe, before and after its birth. Center Point is the best place for that."
"And you have no qualms about killing your daughter?"
The image in the screen paused for only a minute. Saga Judec had hoped to catch his source off guard with the comment. But the man simply smiled.
"As I've told you before - we all have our parts to play. Karen Winton must die"
"And what about you - where do you end up in the end of the prophesy?"
"You need not worry about me, High Commander. When the two jedi are dead and the empire crumbles, my own life or death will prove to be irrelevant. You'll never hear or see from me again."
"And I should trust you why?"
"Because trusting me is how you've succeeded so far - and it is how you will ultimately win"
Coronet City, CorSec Academy
Frank Farmer knew he was being tailed, a fact which made his travels that much more difficult,since he was about to go to a highly,classified base where if he was caught, he would likely disappear forever. Not something he wanted to think about. He had agreed to help Melanie, both for Corellia, which he loved, and for the memory of Valerie Gellar - whom he also loved. Or something like love, at least.
As a CorSec veteran, practically the writer of most CorSec techniques, he was fairly skilled at eluding surveillance. He had arranged to meet an old friend of his who still managed to hold a post in the academy. that had gotten him into the facility. Now he needed a way to get out undetected.
"Frank! Good to see you! I thought we'd never catch your face around here again"
"Well, things have changed. My style of management wasn't wanted"
The man nodded
"A lot has changed around here. The whole program is different. many of the older teachers are thinking of quitting rather than go along with the new system anymore"
"i think we need everyone where we can keep them for now. Keep as many inside as possible. Listen, I have a favor I need to ask you"
"Anything, director"
A half hour later, Frank Farmer's tail watched him step down from CorSec Academy and turn away toward the former director's home. Something seemed off about the way he was walking, and the tail began to follow more closely.
The man made his way into Farmer's apartment building, door security door closing behind him. A minute later, an indicator light showed the tail that Farmer had entered his apartment. Apparently, he was in for the night.
CorSec Academy, Lanuching Bay 7
"Transport to Orbital Base Epsilon, leaving in 5 minutes"
The vessel had a low passenger list, but lots of cargo. Even as they were finalizing the loading process, a shadowy figure managed to slip into the rear cargo hold and find itself a nook among the large freight
Centerpoint Station
A supply vessel from Corellia was expected within a few hours. 'Training' exercises were proceeding as normal. But Artemis had other things on his mind. He knew what Judec was up to - at least, he though he did. And he knew that Judec must be stopped. For this though, he needed an ally, and he decided it was time to find his missing friend.
Della had been sent on 'special assignment' and Artemis knew that she must be somewhere on CenterPoint. He was exhausted now, trying to make it to all of his training so he wouldn't be caught missing, and using his few hours of breaks working on his real mission. Luckily, the workload had been reduced. Apparently, the droids had enough feed now to give them the program information they needed. A blessing and a curse in one.
Artemis had begun to be quite familair with the ventillation systems of the station, and now he used it to get inside a large restricted cooridor on the opposite side of the facility. Dropping out of the vent, he found himself inside a bunker. On either side of him, a long line of beds. All looked eerily well pressed and empty, despite the late hour. Cautiously, he made his way to the door of the bunker, opening it and stepping out.
There, a whole team of individuals, male and female, were conducting what could only be considered sparring matches. A ring of individuals around two people fighting, bare hands and feet on a mat. No armour was being used. Artemis slowly made his way to the outside of the ring. People were cheering for the two fighters, who were beating each other up pretty badly. Artemis glanced around and noticed another disconcerting image. Each member of the crowd had a smallcylindrical object attached to the back of their neck, a small LED light blinking from each. What were they? He turned his attention back to the fighters, watching the battle grow more intense. It was a woman and a man fighting, the woman's back was to him. A hard kick by her sent him sprawling to the ground, and she lunged on top of him, knocking him onto his back.
The crowd began chanting "kill! kill! kill! kill!" Artemis watched in horror as the woman brought up an arm then slammed it down, as hard as she could, into the man's neck. He was gasping for breathe as his windpipe was crushed, but the woman didn't seem to care. She stood, raising arms in the air, triumphant. She had killed the man. She turned, triumphantly circling the crowd. And it was when she turned that Artemis got the biggest shock if this display.'
the woman was Della.
Centerpoint Station
Lower Levels
Artemis watched as Della triumphed after successfully murdering a man in a savage ring fight, while others cheered. His shock was broken when he heard a silent bell ring, and an announcement
"All X-fighters, return to baracks"
Immediately, the cheering stopped and everyone turned, heading back to the barracks. Artemis panicked, realizing they would see him. But infact, all of them seemed to ignore him, walking past him toward the baracks. Della, having been in the ring, was toward the back of the line and Artemis was hoping to get her alone. As her bloody figure moved forward toward the baracks, he grabbed her by the arm and swung her to face him.
"Della, it's me"
She offered only a blank stare, before pulling her arm, turning and walking away. He watched as she disapeared into the baracks. She hadn't even recognized him. perhaps worse,she didn't seem cognizant, that jubilation of the fight had vanished with.
It was the signal - something about the command. But these were humans - real people! What had Judec done to them. Realizing his own time was limited before he might be found missing, he nevertheless decided to stick around, making his way to the baracks and standing inside, in a corner. It was remarkable, watching them all lay down in bed, close their eyes and instantly fall asleep.
Della was off in a corner, her body cleaned off (apparently she had been hosed down) and she lay down and did the same. Lights over each bed switched from red to green - and as soon as each of them was green, a light over the door shifted to red, and the lights over each bed shut off completely.
Each of the soldiers/subjects was asleep, and the doors were locked.
Artemis made his way toward Della, not sure if he could or should wake her. She looked peaceful - too peaceful. Glancing next to her, he saw a small IV running next to the bed, and saw, attached to the small device at Della's neck, a tube that connected to the IV. Drugged to sleep, apparently. he knew that the strange behavior had to be from that device.
Risking everything, he bent down and shut off the IV. Then he waited
It was a good half hour before he saw signs of activity - Della moved,then blinked her eyes open.
"What - where am I?"
She sounded groggy, but she was shaking her head, looking around, finally focusing on Artemis.
"Artemis... what are you ..."
Della's eyes went wide
"Oh my goodness! Artemis! They - they took me! They're making me do things. Making me kill!"
Her hand moved to the back of her neck, where the IV connected to the device attached there.
"It's this thing - it takes away our voluntary action. Makes us act. .. differently. obediently."
She looked scared, looking at Artemis
"I don't want to go back to that - Artemis, i need your help"
He nodded
"I'm going to do everything I can - but I'm not sure what I can do on my own. If I deactivate that device, they'll know someone was here and that will put us and the others in this room in danger"
Della looked betrayed, then nodded her head. She knew what the implication was. she had to go back under.
"We need a solution"
"Do you know who is controlling you? Or where the control station is?"
Della shook her head
"Last I remember, I was told to report for special assignment - and then I just remember feeling groggy and sleepy as they installed this ... thing on me. I feel like I haven't been under my own will for weeks"
"You haven't. Listen Della, I'm going to do whatever I can to help you. I promise. But I cannot stay here any longer"
Della nodded
"Please come back to visit me - I miss the company. Wake me as often as you can"
With tears in her eyes, Della lay back down, closing her eyes.
"I'll see you when you wake up"
Artemis flipped back on the switch for the IV, and moments later, Della drifted off to sleep.
Artemis was shaking with fury, but didn't have time now to solve anything - he heard people coming from outside the bunker, and made his way, quick as he could, back to the vent he had come from. Closing it behind him just in time as the door light switched to green and it opened, a series of individuals in lab coats and CorSec uniforms entered the room, going from person to person, inspecting vitals. At Della, they paused a bit longer, and Artemis watched, holding his breathe - had he left a sign of his presence? But no, they moved on and soon left.
Artemis waited several minutes before he began his journey back to his own chamber. He now had a new task at hand. Free the slaves.
Centerpoint Station
Lower Levels
Artemis slipped inside the dark room, constantly checking behind him. Until now, he had been touring the lower, unmanned levels of Center Point Station, but now he needed to be in a place more populated. The computer control room was just a few levels down from the main deck, and generally required authorization to be used. Artemis did not have such permission,but he needed answers. So here he was in the middle of the night, breaking in to see what he could find.
The past weeks had taken a toll on him. He was losing sleep, between the daily military routine and his nightly excursions. But he felt it was necessary. Necessary to help free Della and the others who were being remote-controlled. Necessary to stop the droids. Necessary to stop Judec.
Slowly making his way across the room to the terminal, lights in the room remaining off as he switched on the machine. A soft hum as it came to life, and requested authorization.
Now to see if he was as skilled as he hoped. Pulling from his pocket a small datapad with a slicer program, he extended a small cord into the computer unit, and set the program to run.
The datapad had numbers and symbols running across it at a fast pace, while Artemis typed in a few keys. Minutes were taking what seemed foreverbefore a green light appeared, the code entered, and the machine opened its doors to him.
Now, what to look for.
He started by running a search for 'X-fighters' the title the loudspeaker had referred to Della and the others. Instantly, a number of hits came up, including a general description memo, which he opened.
TO: Corellian High Command
From: Mishloach Manot, Director of Troop Enhancement Experimental Programs.
Re: X-Fighter Program
It is apparent that using humanoids as a mainstay of the Corellian Defense Force is necessary, given the population's current droid-phobia, and also a liability. Humanoids are generally weaker than droids, and even the best trained of them are more disobedient than the general droid soldier. the X-Fighter Program will resolve this problem.
Using neck implants, we have established a way of interfering with human synaptic connections between the brain and the rest of the body, allowing us to control the actions and emotions of test subjects. Initial test subjects were those classified as 'troublemakers' and they have proven extremely receptive to the technology. Subjects behave without moral imperative or any form of hesitation in performing ordered tasks, including murder, torture, promiscuity, or self-mutilation. subjects have even had emotions modified, guaranteeing that their behavior would seem 'normal' to outsiders.
The implant itself is a small cylindrical object that can be attached at the back of the neck, though visible, it is not in the way. It is activated and deactivated remotely and runs on a non-carcinogenic battery system that lasts up to twenty years, and can easily be replaced. A small incission in the subject's neck allows the implant to connect to the appropriate spinal and brain cells, and the same incision allows easy intravenous drug insertion.
Subjects have been made to run for 16-22 hours at a time with the implant active, followed by a rest period where they are induced to sleep with intravenous drugs and the implant is temporarily deactivated. Brainwaves indicate no damage to neural systems, but we have found that the implants being active make it difficult for the subjects to receive REM sleep, necessary to their other biological functions.
Removal of the implant is possible, but difficult, and requires a standard surgical procedure. Attempts to remove the implant otherwise could leave a subject paralyzed, though this has not been tested. In the event that the signal transmitting commands to the implants is terminated while the implants are active, tests indicate no adverse affects, and the subjects will remain in a temporary 'stunned' state until either the signal returns or normal brain activity reactivates (which could take anywhere from 1 to 20 minutes).
In addition to the implant, subjects of the X-Fighter Program have been injected with various performance enhancers, making them stronger than standard, nonenhanced soldiers. They are more resilient and heal faster when wounded, can run faster and longer, are resistent to lower level stun weaponry, and are the most formidable humanoids in the confederation fleet.
I request a continuation of the program, increasing the subjects military practice training in addition to our normal testing. We are also prepared to expand the program to additional subjects who fit the necessary qualifications, including other advanced soldiers on the Center Point Station.
As for recommendations, I recommend that the X-Fighters ultimately be integrated into the fleet and used when interacting with humans, in or out of Corellain space, while droid forces should remain mannning vessels, and acting only in no-prisoner warfare scenarios.
As always, I am available if further detail is required.
Mishloach Manot,
Director of Troop Enhancement Experimental Programs.
Artemis read this over with a grim look on his face. Well, that at least explained what Della was going through. Apparently, they didn't know or didn't care that the individuals were fully aware of what they were being made to do.
But now Artemis needed to find out how to stop it all. find that signal that they were using to command the 'X-Fighters.' so that he could shut it off. He also needed more information about the droids being built in the levels below. He began searching the files some more, unaware as an individual approached from behind him.
"Well, well - what have we got here"
Artemis, startled, turned abruptly, to face whoever was there. he was unarmed, but he did know hand to hand combat, and the room was small - maybe he could knock the guy out before making a run for it? But that would be the end - he'd need to escape, once they saw his face, or he'd be killed - or made into the next 'X-Fighter'
But Artemis dropped his guard, shocked as he was to see who was there.
"You can call me Frank. I think you and I have a mission in common"
Eclipse, Imperial-Controlled Outpost/Mining Colony
Corellian/Imperial Border, Deep Core
Along with Tarkin's Fang, Eclipse had nothing growing on it, and its value as a system was based entirely on its location. Over the years, the Empire had carved into the rock of a planet huge holes and caves, laying down flooring and placing airtight portholes.A substance known as plastiform was used to mold and fill in gaps,creating a space safe from the vacuum of space.
Eclipse was situated in the center of a large asteroid field, and the planetoid's surface also housed the key reason for establishing the base - mining equipment. Asteroids were mined for metals and ores which were brought back to the planet's surface, sorted out in a refinement process and then shipped - carefully - out of the asteroid field and into the empire at large.
Until recently, Eclipse had been home to only a small defensive force, enough for those on the planet to have time to escape. The PDFs were small,nubile craft that could navigate the asteroid field, and one or two larger capital ships that would circle the outskirts of the field, and mindfulof straying asteroids as much as the threat of oncoming ships.
With the Corellian threat though, changes had been made recently - not because of what Eclipse had (though it had a fair storage of valuable resources) but because of its key location. eclipse lay on the path to Byss. And so on Imperial orders, the defenses there had been increased, with over two dozen auxiliary craft and several squads of fighters based on the planet's surface, and nearly a full size system squadron - including an imperial star destroyer - that now patrolled in circles around the field.
Mining operations continued with fighter escorts, and a particular mining run was in progress. The small vessel with a pointed drilling nose eased its way over an asteroid, clawlike fingers grasping so it could position itself, finding its target, the drill began spinning as it bit into the rock.
Boom - in a ball of fire, the mining ship had vanished and rock was flying everywhere, hitting one of the two fighter escorts and sending it spiraling into another asteroid. Another explosion as the fighter hit, sending more rocks everywhere, the second fighter on escort regaining his trajectory and looking around frantically as space went silent.
"This is fighter 00-91B. We have had an explosion. Correction, two explosions. Weve lost the mining ship and escort 00-91A. No enemies sighted"
The signal was garbled with asteroid interference, but a message came back promptly.
"00-91B, this is command. Run a visual scan of the area. We are sending out a patrol to assist you. Stay on your guard"
"Understood, command."
the pilot skirted around the area, careful to avoid the new dust that had formed from the explosions. what had caused them? Then he saw it a small filament of metal remains, a metal that was not in the asteroid rocks.
"Command, 00-91B. I think the asteroids were rigged with something. I've got on my readout small metal components, not native to the region."
The fighter slowed down as he circled the small debris of filaments closer up.
"Definitely some circuitry in there, cannot quite make it out."
Inching closer to get a better look,the fighter was about to come to a full stop.
Another explosion, and the fighter was gone.
A new shower of rocks sprayed out in all directions, and the reinforcement fighters on their way pulled back.
"What happened?"
"Another explosion - he got too close?"
"Or something hit him"
By now, alarms were starting to sound in the fleet - losing one or two small things in an asteroid field was not totally uncommon, but this was starting to seem too deliberate.
"Command, this is Patrol Leader, we have seen the other explosion and - wait, Command - command, I think we have bogies"
The fighters watched as a series of asteroids, having been moving in what appeared to be a totally random pattern, now began moving steadily toward them.
"Command, I think some of the asteroids are being used to mask bogies. They are coming straight at us"
The particular asteroids, all small, were picking up speed.
"Patrol Squadron, this is leader - free to open fire"
The fighters began spraying laser fire at the oncoming asteroids. One hit, and there was another explosion, the others kept coming. More firing, more explosions as one by one they aimed and targeted and destroyed the oncoming bogies.
Of course, they were still in the middle of an asteroid field, and rocks of all kinds were floating around them. they were paying so much attention to the floaters, none seemed to realize a fairly large asteroid that was pummeling toward them.
With a, half the squadron had been flattened against the new intruder, the others scrambling with just enough time. No explosion, but now this asteroid was turning toward the base.
"Command, large bogie, heading toward Eclipse Station"
"Take it out"
"Trying, Command"
It now seemed that the once empty space was filled with enemies, and the remainders of the squadron were watching all sides as asteroids began chasing them, and they were chasing the large one, firing at it in hopes of slowing it down. From behind it, they could now see a small, barely visible ploom of exhaust, coming from what appeared to be a crater of the asteroid.
"Target its engine"
Zooming downward now, the asteroid was pummeling toward the entrance to Eclipse Station.
"Activate Station shielding"
"Somethingis jamming our signal sir - it's not going up!"
"Prepare for impact!"
the asteroid plunged into the base, sirens blaring as air began to billow outward.
"We have depressurization! Seal off internal areas!"
Systems though were malfunctioning, a result of the crash or something more sinister.
Those still onboard were sealing their pressurized suits and heading to more secure locations, deep within the facility. Fighters were now circling overhead, trying to assess damage.
And that is when the real assault began.
Far away from the planet itself, the imperial fleet was now watching and waiting. they had a feeling they knew what was coming. Shields were up, weapons were online.
Four dozen corellian vessels appeared out of hyperspace. Without a moment's hesitation, they began letting loose their firepower, as Corellian Fighters zoomed out into defensive posturing.
Soon, the space was filled with cross-fire, fighters, and battle debris.
"This is command - send out a distress signal, all frequencies. Let Byss know we have been attacked"
"Trying too, Commander. They appear to be blocking our signal"
"Impossible - our transmitter is"
"Destroyed - sir, the first thing they did was take out our best transmitters. We are using backup signals."
"Smart enemies. order two hyperspace capable craft, small, to enter hyperspace and make for the nearest imperial base"
"Yes sir"
Two assault transports were soon moving as quietly as they could away from the battle. It was to no avail. The Corellian fleet spotted them, and soon, their engines and hyperdrives were disabled, leaving fighters to finish them off.
"Sir, no distress signal sent."
"what is our status"
"We aren't destroyed yet sir - but they have more firepower than us. Our ship is already losing its backup shielding, and we have lost some smaller frigates, not to mention fighters"
"Have they made any demands?"
"No, Commander"
"Order all ships to retreat immediately. Hyperspace coordinates for Tarkin's Fang. We'll regroup and then return."
"What about the base?"
The commander glanced out the viewport at the darkspot, deep amidst the asteroid fields. he turned to his executive officer.
"We'll come back to avenge them. We were not prepared for this attack like we should have been. The Corellians were too ready for us. No, we have to retreat. Give the order. Recall what fighters we can and then get us out of here"
"Yes, Commander"
It was another two minutes before the ships were ready for hyperspace. Originally more even in numbers, the larger and more durable Corellian ships had started reducing imperial numbers, such that only about half of the imperial fleet remained, mostly its larger craft.
Disappearing into hyperspace, the commander sat gravely in his chair.
"Prepare a report of the battle and have i-"
He suddenly felt himself flung forward as the ship lurched. then booms and thuds. sparks flew in the command center as he commander tried rising to a stand.
"Sir, it appears we've been pulled out of hyperspace"
"By what"
"artificial gravity well sir. might be a pulse mass mine, but its signature isn't clear. sir, our exit seems to have triggered several proximity mines"
More explosions, louder this time.
"How many"
"Dozens -maybe hundreds. We are sustaining heavy damage sir. Already, we are suffering breaches on many levels"
More explosions, still louder.
Fireballs outside indicated the loss of several ships.
"Get us out of this gravity well mess, NOW! Send any distress signal we can."
"Trying, Commander. Transmitters are all offline"
The space outside lit up again with laser fire - the corellian fleet had waited only a few minutes, letting the mines do their work before coming back. to finish off the fleet.
Huge chunks of metal broke free of the imperial star destroyer, and a final series of blastes disconnected the bridge and command center from the ship's triangle.
Not long after, the last of the imperial ships exploded into fire.
((OOC NOTE: My ship numbers in the memo are based loosely on the size of a Sector Fleet http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Fleet. It is meant to be nearly twice that size, as this is for a full campaign against the Empire.))
Centerpoint Station
Artemis watched as Frank Farmer sat at the keyboard, typing like a pro and seemingly whizzing past security walls.
"Back in the day, CorSec Directors were given a great deal of leeway. And the directors were given access codes to just about everything. Override codes. Those things don't just disappear. They are passed from CorSec Director to CorSec Director. When Saga Judec came into power, I may have neglected to mention those passcodes to him. He doesn't know about them and that is to our advantage"
Artemis appraised the man as he sat there. Farmer looked dirty, and his face was aged more than someone his age should have been, but he was physically in excellent shape.
Apparently Farmer had snuck onboard the station to learn what Judec was up to. And how it tied in to what he kept calling the 'prophesy.' Artemis understood little of it, but he was young and didn't know much about these things.
"There we go. I think this will be helpful"
Artemis stepped toward the monitor, looking over Farmer's shoulder at the screen.
"What is it?"
"Take a look"
TO: Corellian High Command
From: Anderwin Tonalex, Director of Droid Programming
Re: Droid Construction
As you have indicated, the facilities onboard Centerpoint Station are insufficient for establishing a fully functional droid fighting force that is capable of maintaining our expanding fleet.
A Standard sized Corellian Dreadnaught, the largest fleet vessel in the Confederation fleet, requires over 38,000 crew and can hold almost 10,000 troops. Due to the intelligence level of both crew droid and our soldier droids, We have previously recommended a 10% human, 90% droid ratio for maximum effect.
Our current estimates are that over 40 such dreadnaughts, with over 4000 large, medium and small capital ships, will be needed for an assault on the Imperial Remnants.
Current construction rates indicate we are near reaching this goal. As a result, we will need approximately 9,000,000 crew and 2,400,000 troops - translating to 8,100,000 crew droids and 2,160,000 droid soldiers.
We understand that there are a number of facilities, spaced throughout the galaxy, that were formally functional as droid construction facilities. Though many of these are outside of Corellian Space, we believe that we can utilize these facilities.
I seek authority to reactivate the droid plants in the following locations:
-Naboo, near the city of Harte Secur
-Kamino, Bio-clone development center
-Geonosis, Droid Construction Plant
-Holowan, PhlutDroid Station
-Mechis III, Droid Construction Plant
-Lok, Nym’s Factory Compound
Each facility can be brought online without the knowledge of the local populace or government. I believe that with these facilities operational, we will be able to produce the required numbers to staff our fleets.
With your authorization, I shall proceed immediately.
Anderwin Tonalex,
Director of Droid Programming.
TO: Anderwin Tonalex, Director of Droid Programming
From: Corellian High Command
Re: Droid Construction
Director Tonalex,
You are authorized to obtain control of the following assets, and begin immediate construction to supplement our droid forces:
-Naboo, near the city of Harte Secur
-Kamino, Bio-clone development center
-Geonosis, Droid Construction Plant
-Holowan, PhlutDroid Station
-Mechis III, Droid Construction Plant
-Lok, Nym’s Factory Compound
Be advised that the Confederation will not be able to support you should your efforts be discovered.
Transports will be provided to move droids to necessary locations and fleet assignments.
What is the status of our droid control transmitters?
Corellian High Command
TO: Corellian High Command
From: Anderwin Tonalex, Director of Droid Programming
Re: Droid Construction
Our facilities at these locations will be up and running shortly. They require minimal supervision, as most of the functions are automatic. To preserve secrecy, we have set up only droid soldiers as overseers and guards of these facilities, so no humanoid personnel are within.
The droid control transmitters, all located in the Centerpoint Station Command Console, have been upgraded to meet the capacity necessary. using Centerpoint's advanced systems will allow the signals to be broadcast throughout the galaxy. This will allow humanoid crew to be kept in the dark on the droids, and allow maintaining these forces indefinitely from a central location.
The Command Console is also the location where we have the control transmitters for the X-Fighter program. A scant few individuals can command the forces from this one location, which will allow continued secrecy and a full screen from the Corellian public.
As always, i am your humble servant
Anderwin Tonalex
Director of Droid Programming
"Who is this Tonalex person?"
Farmer shook his head
"I'm not sure - but he seems to be the key to what's going on here. We also know what we are looking for. We need to find the Command Console here on Center Point Station, and use it to destroy these droid forces. I cannot believe he's using droids. I didn't even believe it until i saw it. I saw what you saw, Artemis. An army of our worst nightmares. How could Judec do this? He's not stupid! He was a great military leader, and now, he seems to have let power go to his head."
Frank Farmer turned to Artemis.
"We are going to destroy the command console, wherever it is, and make sure that none of those droids are able to do what Judec wants them to do"
"Isn't it too late? I've heard the war has already started"
"No - those were just opening moves. Judec's numbers - the size of the fleet - His plans are much bigger. He is positioning himself now, and I think he plans on destroying the Imperial fleet in one fell swoop. And then taking what's left of the Empire for himself."
"Well, I cannot say I'm a fan of the Empire - but isn't the Emperor smart enough to see that coming?"
Farmer frowned.
"Normally? I imagine so. But Judec is playing with fire. It's all starting to make sense"
"I don't understand"
"Judec told ... well, it's a long story, but Saga Judec told a jedi named Melanie Masterton that Karen Winton and Mara Gellar-"
"you mean the imperial princess, and the one labeled as a Corellian traitor?"
"Yes, those two. Judec told Masteron that they would come to Center Point Station. I think Judec plans on using them as bait. When they are here, he'll try using them to bait the Empire here - into a trap."
"But how does Judec know they'll come to Centerpoint? What is here that they want?"
Farmer shook his head.
"I don't know - it has something to do with that prophesy. Let's see if we can find something here."
And he began typing in.
Orbital Command Platform
"Sir, we are getting reports of the size of the Imperial Fleet stationed at Byss. Our current estimates indicate that it is well larger than our currently commissioned force. Sources indicate that the Empire had collected much of its assault fleets and positioned them in a defensive position around the imperial capital."
"Is there any indication of movement?"
"None that we can tell sir."
"Thank you, lieutenant"
The comm was switched off, and High Commander Judec turned his chair toward the individual sitting across from him.
"You told me the Empire is planning an attack. Our sources say otherwise"
"Your sources are out of date. The Empire is planning an attack coming from the south"
"They wouldn't dare - not with the success we have had. They are too afraid of leaving Byss under defended, or sending a fleet into a trap"
"Do you really believe Dementat is that frightened? He has suffered a number of defeats, and their border is exposed - hence the imperial recall - but the victories thus far have been of small outposts, small tactical forces. Dementat is looking for a time and place to strike back. He assumes, correctly, that your fleet is concentrated on the imperial border, and that your southern most worlds are under defended. While you grab small outposts, the Empire could hit a heavily populated rich world, and you'll be scrambling. If you catch Dementat unprepared, in the south, when he attacks Duro, it could halt any imperial counter attack, and leave him in a fetal position until you are ready to take Byss itself."
"How do you know that Dementat will hit Duro?"
"My sources are better than yours. You know that already"
Judec shifted in his seat, frowning and scratching his chin as he thought about this
"So we plan an ambush at Duro, and wipe out the imperial assault fleet"
"You are thinking too much like a military leader - crush the fleet, end the assault, gain the advantage. Much more must come in to play. We need Dementat to lose the battle at Duro, yes. But only just barely. We don't want him to hide at Byss. We want him to commit more resources to an attack. and then eek out a victory."
"You want him to take Duro? The world is -"
"Yes - the Empire will take Duro. Giving them the chance to hit more primary targets. Corellia, and Center Point Station"
"The last thing I want is the Imperial starfleet hovering over Corellia. The people"
"Dementat won't hit Corellia. His goal will be Center Point. Because of the weapon. The Centerpoint weapon will be ready for use very, very soon. soon after we let Dementat take Duro, we will use it to anihilate his force there. That, if nothing else will force him to hit Center Point. That is when we will reveal just how large and ready our fleet is"
Judec shook his head.
"I think Dementat is smarter than that. He'll sense the set up. The same move was used by Emperor Palpatine to lure the rebellion to Endor. Put a high profile target that must be hit in place, and wait. He won't fall for that trap"
"Normally, Commander, you are right. But we do not anticipate Dementat thinking rationally. The weapon will not be the only thing at Center Point. That is where his betrothed will meet her doom. Soon, Melanie Masterson will seek refuge, and you will bring her and her charge to Center Point. that will set things in motion."
"How do I know you are right, Alexander?"
"I always am"
Centerpoint Station
Where once was hope, there now seemed despair. Progress was like molasses, and for each step forward that Artemis and Frank Farmer made, it seem they took another step back.
For one thing, Artemis was still conducting operations, and Farmer was still in hiding. Artemis' schedule had been intensified as he practiced combat missions until he was exhausted. And still, at the end of the day, he couldn't go to sleep. He had to sneak through old service passages to bring food to Frank Farmer who had now spent weeks in cramped quarters. Even at night, security was tight, and though they had managed to get a fairly wide range of motion, they had not found the command center onboard.
Plus, security was getting tighter. Artemis took longer to reach Farmer as security patrols increased and he had to choose alternate routes each night to avoid running into sensory trip wires. Both Artemis and Frank Farmer looked the worse for the wear, and Artemis's compatriots had begun to notice.
Farmer spent his days keeping an eye on what was going on, traveling through air shafts on the Center Point Station to reach upper and lower levels. Of course, there was only so far he could go - security measures ensured you had to pass checkpoints to circle around the reverse side of the giant cylinder.
Both had to be more careful.
Artemis had dared to visit Della only twice more, but between the drugs injected into her and the trauma of not having control of her own body or mind, she was little comforted by his presence.
It was now evening again, and Artemis had just slipped through the airshaft that would lead him past a CD Guard. The shaft carried him to a central air circulation system, where Frank Farmer was sitting nestled next to a fan.
"Evening, Artemis"
Artemis just nodded his head, before tossing Farmer a bag. Farmer pulled it open and grimaced, but took out the stale wafers and water bottle without complaint.
"I think I figured out what's happening, Artemis." He paused only long enough to take a bite.
"Center Point isnt just being used to experiment with weapons - I think it is being set up as a weapon itself"
Artemis took a seat next to Farmer.
"I don't understand - I thought the weapon was destroyed. Can't be rebuilt"
"That was the word at least - but if Judec even gets a small portion of the primary weapon online, he will have a huge power at his disposal. You know what Center Point did, right? It uses powerful tractor beam and gravity well technology. It actually can move mass objects in space - objects as large as planets. Or, it could use gravity to crush things in space. Stronger than the Death Star, because it could have a huge range"
"What makes you think it's being activated"
"Glad you asked, Artemis - take a look at this"
Farmer handed Artemis a datapad with a small holo display. A blue shimmering image of Center Point lit up, hovering above the pad.
"An area of the station that had been dormant and labeled as under construction was just completed, and recently went back online. The central core of the station has been using huge amounts of energy, and the gravity there does not match the gravity anywhere else on the station."
Artemis watched the holo image change as different sensory readings displayed themselves.
"Judec is going to use it to destroy Byss?"
"Byss is too far. Judec doesn't have the manpower or the intelligence to make the weapon reach farther than what is currently Corellian controlled space. But I do think Judec is going to use it to destroy the Imperial fleet.
"If it's all Corellian space, it would sound like a defensive weapon."
"Maybe, unless it was used in trap. Or if it was moved. Center Point hasn't moved in millenia, but that doesn't mean it is impossible. I have seen far less likely things come to pass. Plus, if he manages to get the power systems at higher capacity, the reach could be extended - maybe as far as Byss, maybe the capital of the republic. Either way, the gravity well could crush any ship that opposed Judec."
Artemis shook his head.
"We need to-"
"We need to change our plans, Artemis. I know Della is important to you. But this is something bigger. We need to stop Judec from activating the weapon."
Artemis shook his head
"It's all connected Frank. The weapon, the X-Fighter Program, the droids. We need to hit them all to stop Judec. I think we need a bigger force. I say we free Della and her X-Fighters, and have them help us take down the droid factory. And the weapon"
"They'll be weaker if we try, and they might die if Judec's forces find out"
"They are practically dead already. This needs to be done."
Frank sighed. Too much to do. Too little time. Too little access.
"All right. As soon as we find the command center, you and I are going down to the basement level, and we are going to set those soldiers free. And then we're going to take Judec's control of this station away from him. You had best get going - they'll be missing you"
Artemis nodded and made his way out of the shafts, back toward his chamber.
He opened the door and gasped.
There, standing in front of his bed, in full combat gear, was Della and her fellow soldiers. There was a semi-vacant stare in their eyes, but each brandished a weapon. In front of them was Artemis's platoon commander.
"Artemis - we've been waiting for you. It seems you've been breaking curfew quite a bit. We've decided its time for you to be reassigned"
Duro, Southern World of the Corellian Confederation
The planet Duro did not stand out for being overly rich or poor. It's biggest strategic value was in it's industrial plants that dotted the planet, the orbital cities - for the population to avoid the polluted world created by those plants. And the fact that it lay in the Core, just south of the historical Corellian Sector.
Duro had been a part of the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, and had been independent for several years. After Phage was destroyed the first time, the Corellian government signed an alliance with the other worlds in the Corellian Sector, and included Duro. They agreed to aid each other in their mutual defense.
Before Saga Judec rose to power, he led a fleet stationed at Duro, keeping a watchful eye on pirates from the southern galaxy that had fallen into anarchy. His fleet had heard the distress call from Corellia, and he decisively moved his fleet to defend that world.
With the formation of the Corellian Confederation, Duro had been a world that had joined willingly, and their industry had been a major source of resources - processed foods, various metal ores, as well as a shipyard construction facility interspersed among the orbital cities.
The native population of Duros had been reduced in size significantly, and now made up about 40% of the total population, the rest, mainly humans from the Corellian Sector.
Planetary Defenses for the world had been built up since the New Republic era, and even more so under Saga Judec's rule of the Confederation. A number of Golan platforms were interspersed in orbit, and the ships on patrol included several Corellian Dreadnaughts.
This was the target of the imperial's first counter-attack on the Confederation.
It started with a number of probe droids, carefully analyzing the current location of the ships. Five minutes later, the imperial fleet flashed into orbit, and began firing immediately.
"Focus all firepower on the Corellian Dreadnaughts"
Admiral Saevia was sitting in the command seat of the Palida Mors, eyes flickering over status reports and holographic images as they were rendered.
Streams of TIE fighters of every shape and size flew out of docking bays, putting up a screen as turbolaser fire began lancing out.
Space heated up, and the Corellian ships all began sending out fighters of their own, quickly taking on defensive postures to protect their mother ships from the more numerous TIEs.
Golan platforms began to respond now as well, firing off from their stationary positions into the heart of the imperial fleet.
"Status report"
"Admiral, two Corellian Dreadnaughts have been destroyed, two more are coming to bear. Several Star Destroyers have shields below 80%, One Imperial Star Destroyer, the Warrior, has announced shields are down and that hull integrity is about 60%"
"Order the Warrior to withdraw out of the fray, run a damage assessment, and make any repairs they are able to to, focusing on getting shields back online."
"Yes Admiral"
With the order given, one star destroyer began to turn about, it's thrusters facing oncoming Corellian ships as several more star destroyers covered its retreat, filling in the vacated space. The ship was moving deeper out of orbit, when suddenly, alarms began to ring.
"Admiral, we are picking up multiple Corellian ships exiting hyperspace, many large-class Corellian Dreadnaughts. Admiral, the Warrior has been destroyed, and they are opening fire as they move to surround us."
Saevia nodded downward. It was as she feared. the Corellians had prepared an ambush.
"Maintain the attack - order fighters on attack runs to return to combat space patrol. Contact the reserve assault fleet and have them enter hyperspace at once"
"Yes, Admiral"
Saevia glanced back up now, watching as the holographic displays filled with dozens more images, many of them in red, indicating enemy.
"Order all ships to keep fighting and to protect their shielding."
"Shall we send a message to the Emperor?"
Saevia paused for a minute.
"No. We will let the Emperor know when we've won the world. That is what he expects of us, and that is what we will achieve."
Corellian Admiral Booma had received notice of the imperial attack and smiled. They wouldn't know what they were getting themselves into.
"All ships, enter hyperspace for Duro, set exit for Coordinates 66-49-329, and weapons free upon arrival."
Once they had exited hyperspace, they found one ship, a damaged imperial star destroyer, moving toward them
"How convenient - destroy it"
The weakened vessel had put up little fight as it imploded under the assault of several Corellian Dreadnaughts. Then Admiral Booma assessed the situation.
"The imperials were concentrating on taking out the defenses. Let's use that against them. Begin the assault, and move ships to surround them. We'll let none of them escape."
Admiral Booma smiled as he watched his fleet turn the tide against the imperials, and he promptly submitted a message to the High Commander, indicating their progress.
Corellia, High Command Platform
"The Corellian fleet is surrounding the imperial attack force, Commander. We will make short work of them"
"Excellent, Admiral Booma. Keep me informed"
"Yes sir"
As the comm was disconnected, High Commander Judec turned back to the other in the room.
"It will be a shame to lose Admiral Booma. He was a loyal admiral and a capable tactician"
The man shrugged.
"Easily replaceable. And necessary. When the imperial relief fleet comes, they will think they outsmarted us by just a bit. We'll need to take casualties for it to be believable"
"Some of those soldiers are fresh out of training."
"Don't get sentimental on me now, Commander. Soldiers are machines. The only difference is how they were made"
Duro, Southern World of the Corellian Confederation
Corellian Admiral Booma was proud of his progress, slowly breaking the imperial fleet, one by one destroying their precious star destroyers. It felt good. Even his own losses seemed almost trivial next to his successes.
"Send a report to high command letting them know of our progress, and that the imperial fleet will not escape"
"Yes sir - sir! we are picking up new enemy signals!"
Booma's smile disappeared as he walked over to the display. Then it became a total frown.
"Another imperial fleet - how could they have prepared one so soon? They must have been on standby ..."
"Sir, the second imperial fleet is moving into position and has begun engaging our outer ships. Orders sir?"
The admiral shook his head "request orders from high command"
"Yes sir"
The image of High Commander Judec appeared on screen.
"Sir, the Empire has sent in a second fleet to reinforce their first attack. We are outgunned sir. Shall we pull back?"
"I understand admiral. You must stay the course. I am moving to send in additional forces as quickly as possible"
"Sir, I do not know if we will be able to hold out that long"
"Focus your fire power and destroy the Imperial command ship. that will give you more time"
"That will take a large amount of firepower, sir. it will reduce our defensive abilities"
"Nonetheless, that is the action that should be taken. Destroying the command structure will send the empire into disarray and provide us with more time to send reinforcements. You have your order admiral. Do not disappoint me"
The comm was shut off and Admirall Booma's stern face turned his XO
"Order the entire fleet to concentrate power on the Palida Mors"
Admiral Saevia sighed in relief as the familiar wedged star destroyers of the reinforcement fleet appeared behind the corellians and began opening fire.
"That should be sufficient to give us a clear victory. All weapons free. Let's wipe the floor with these Corellians"
"Yes admiral."
The battle became a fierce weaving of laser and missile fire, the Corellians getting the brunt of it, or so it seemed. Suddenly though, their tactics changed - the corellians stopped acting defensively and instead, began rushing their fleet deeper into the imperial line.
"What are they doing?"
A shudder went through the ship came as an answer. Followed by another, and another
"They are targeting us. What is the status of our shields?"
"The Palida Mors has shields at 60%, admiral, but its starting to drop pretty quickly"
"Order increased Starfighter protection, bring more power to shields, and increase battery fire against anything that comes close."
Another shudder, and then from the viewport, they saw a wave of literally hundreds of missiles aiming for the ship.
lasers managed to stop about half of the missiles, but the rest broke through, exploding against the ship.
"Shields are down admiral. All imperial ships are now working to destroy the corellian fleet, and we are making fair work of it, but ... well admiral, they seem to have their sights set on us"
"Keep fighting"
Another wave of missile fire shook the ship even harder.
"Hull breaches on outer levels"
"Seal off any breached levels, move all power from engines and hyperdrive to weapons"
That order itself brought silence
"Admiral, we won't be able to pull out"
Saevia nodded her head
"No we won't. Put all power to weapons and fire everything we've got. Make sure all auxiliary and fighter craft are deployed"
The imperial ships continued battering in on the corellians as they continued hitting the command ship. chunks of metal went flying.
Admiral Saevia stared out the viewport, and a lieutenant came up to her.
"Admiral, we have a shuttle ready for you"
She shook her head
"No, lieutenant. I am staying with the ship. Have my XO board the vessel and fill it with as many troops as possible, then send it out. Then send out the evacuation order"
"Admiral ..."
"all gunners are to maintain their posts and keep firing. The bridge crew is relieved"
The lieutenant backed up, stood at attention, and saluted, before moving back to his post, and sending out the last orders. The bridge crew made their way out, leaving Saevia alone to monitor the ship and the battle. She watched the status board as escape pods launched out and were picked up by other imperial vessels. and watched as more and more ship levels breached, sirens beginning to whine before she cut them off.
She moved to the comm unit, and flipped on a private message.
"Emperor Dementat,
I am sorry I have failed you. I will always love you.
Message sent, she moved back to her command chair and sat down, staring out the viewport in front of her.
The last escape pods managed to get out, the XO landing on another star destroyer, as the Palida Mors began to break up, whole chunks falling away before an explosion engulfed what remained.
The XO, now commander of the fleet, reached the bridge of the destroyer and opened a comm.
"The Corellians have killed our admiral. Now they will pay. Destroy them all"
Both sides suffered more casualties, but it was not long before the Corellian fleet was wiped out, as were all of its orbital defenses. Landing vessels were sent to the orbital cities to secure those as well and a message was sent back to Byss.
Duro was ours.
Centerpoint Station
Frank Farmer knew something was wrong. Artemis had been late in the past, but not this late. He had altogether missed the last appointed meeting. Farmer hadn't eaten in about a day, when he finished the last wafer that Artemis had left him. Things could get desperate very quickly if Farmer had to emerge from the vents to search for food. But things were looking desperate already.
Cautiously bringing his older form through the vents, he headed down into the bottom levels of Center Point. It was here, he assumed, he would figure out what had happened, and why Artemis was no longer seen.
Slithering and crawling through, he found himself over a heavy vent, through which he could hear a conversation below.
"The boy has refused to provide any information, despite our attempts at ... persuasion. He is more resistant than we thought."
"He is also more ignorant, and irrelevant to the project. He may have nothing to provide"
"He'll know where to look inside the vents"
"So can we. we have already begun scanning and flushing out the ventilation system. If we haven't found him within the next 24 hours, we'll close the the entire system and run a toxin inside. But our droid scanners have already begun seeing signs. Small trails of dirt, sweat. Some has been identified as the boy's, but there are a few matches to Farmer."
"You are sure he's here?"
"Yes. the agent assigned to trail him found he hadn't left his apartment in several days - and found the apartment empty. This is where he ended up."
Farmer shifted slightly, frowning. So they were on to him. That made things worse, to be sure. And they knew where he was hiding, roughly, and had a plan to get him out. They also had Artemis. He would need to speed things up, or his whole mission, and saving all those people, would be a failure.
"Why here?"
"Why here? What kind of question is that? You know why here! Center Point Station is the key to everything. The droid program, the enhanced soldier program. And the weapon"
"But how could Farmer know about all that?"
"Farmer is more resourceful than you could have thought. Plus, he spoke to Melanie Masterton, who, despite being blond, has her moments of insight and intelligence.Plus, we led him here"
There was a pause in the conversation, Farmer confused. They led him here?
"But if you really want to know how Farmer knows what he knows, you can just ask him."
Quite suddenly, Farmer felt the vent begin to shake, as if it had been hit by several blaster shots. Glancing ahead, he saw a bright light of overheated metal, and light pouring in. He felt heated air behind him as more shots were fired, and then suddenly, the vent and duct came crashing downward. Farmer felt the weight of metal on his back, and attempted to shrug it off, as he was pulled, quite suddenly out of the broken piece of duct work
Four individuals, dressed in Corellian Confederation uniform lifted him to a standing position, pulling arms harshly behind his back. Farmer glanced about, only briefly trying to break free - if he could only reach his blaster.
But a man, looking all too familiar to him came forward and pulled the blaster from his holster, taking a step back and glancing at him with a smile.
"Director Farmer. It has been some time, but of course, I've been expecting you. I've been expecting you for some time now."
Farmer stared at the man with the dark eyes and the short red hair, and couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"Alexander Winton? No... it can't be ... your ..."
"dead? yes, I know. And quite an experience that was. I imagine you'll experience it too, and quite soon. But not yet. Your part has not yet finished. Take him to the special laboratory, and make sure our guest is .... comfortable"
"How long, my friends? How long will we let the Empire threaten us and everything we hold dear? They have assaulted and taken one of our worlds. They have destroyed our ships and killed our people. For too long, we have been slaves to others. to the corrupt Republic, to the greedy Empire, to the nightmarish droids of the Trade Federation. But we have defeated them all. We have tossed away the Republic's corruption. We have overthrown the Empire. We have turned droids into molten metal, and have rebuilt.
Corellia is a phoenix. It will never die, and it will never be defeated. Corellia is stronger than it has ever been, and we will make it stronger still. The Empire may attack us. They may come and kill our sons, and our daughters. They may conquer our worlds. But they will not succeed. They will not succeed because of who we are. We are, all of us, Correllians. We will stop the Empire, and we will avenge those who have fallen protecting Corellia.
Duro may have been lost, but it is not forgotten. Nor are those murdered in defending it. I stand before you today, not just as High Commander, chosen to defend our citizens through strength of might. I stand before you as a brother, a comrade. Here, we honor Admiral Jason Booma, who sacrificed himself and forced the Empire to lose much in taking Duro. Today, we honor Jason Booma with the Corellian Bloodstripe, First class. Let his memory remind us of the fight we have ahead of us. Let it remind us that we still have many enemies that threaten us every day. Let it strengthen our resolve as we prepare to let the Empire know that they cannot keep what does not belong to them, that they cannot get away with threatening our security and killing our people.
Today, let us send a message that the Empire will suffer its greatest defeat because it dared to strike at us.
And so today, as we honor our fallen, I hereby declare the Corellian Confederation to be at war with the aggressors, the Empire. And so too will we be at war with any organization or individual that aids them.
To arms, my brothers and sisters of Corellia! Let us tarry not another minute, and let us make the Empire pay for their crime."
Saga Judec stepped off the stage to the sounds of thousands cheering loudly, handing the red corellian bloodstripes to a woman, apparently Admiral Booma's widow, before making his way out of the military arena. Meanwhile, Alexander Winton, watching from the sidelines, simply smiled and turned to an aid.
"Begin the next phase. It's time to bring the weapon online"
Centerpoint Station
"Begin the next phase. It's time to bring the weapon online"
Troops moved along at a fevered pace, and scientists among them moving almost as if they were disciplined troops themselves. It was a day both exciting and nerve wracking.
Centerpoint Station was in shape, essentially a large sphere with two large cylinders coming out of each side. The artificial gravity was an old fashioned variety, kept by those cylinders constantly spinning at a high enough speed that centrivical force pushed the inhabitants within down along the curved floor. Gravity. It was strongest at the bottom levels, which were also the outermost levels. And in the very center of those cylinders, one would feel like they were floating. Or being pulled apart, as the case may be.
But in the center sphere, dynamics were different. The sphere did not spin like its two appendages. Nor was it inhabited. Its center held a bright ball of energy that was older than any Corellian alive today, and dozens of gravity-cones of various sizes, lined up to tap into the energy. A few rooms located in the outskirts of that massive sphere held control rooms to activate the various cones. And to reposition the station itself so that its cylinders would point at particular areas of the galaxy.
A yellow light was flashing throughout the station now, and those command and control rooms were filled with Corellian scientists, setting coordinates. The station began to rotate, its massive behemoth moving slowly, as other stations were checking in.
"Gravity Cones, Sectors 1-20, check in on status"
"Sector 1, active, 60%"
"Sector 2, active, 50%"
"Sector 3, active, 85%"
So on and so forth, they checked in, listing the power levels of their designated gravity cones. Slowly, each sector reported in that their cones were fully powered.
Loudspeakers throughout the station began to blare.
"Centerpoint, lockdown procedures are being initated in three minutes. Secure your locations. Repeat, lockdown procedures in three minutes"
Scrambling went faster as throughout the two cylinders, individuals made their way as quickly as possible to secured seating. No one was in the uppermost level of the station, restricted from access several hours ago and scanned for imperfections that could negatively impact the upcoming operation. All fighter craft had been secured as well.
Even the X-soldiers, down in the lower levels, were secured in their places.
Another announcement, blaring everywhere
"Centerpoint lockdown procedures are being initiated. Warning! Lockdown in 10 ...9...8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Lockdown has been initiated."
Each and every level and station of Centerpoint had its entrances sealed, as well as all ventillation systems. A lockdown that lasted too long could suffocate some in certain areas of the station, but most had gone to areas with more air available. No one could go much of anywhere now. Which was important.
"Lockdown initiation complete. Centerpoint coordinates have been established. M-12-G1B has been fixed. Beginning energizing procedure"
the cylinders on either side of the station had been moving at their normal high speed, establishing the G-1 standard gravity. Now though, they began to increase in speed. Round and round they went, increasing the gravity in both cylinders to 3Gs, 3x the force of gravity. Those in the cylinders, mostly trained troops, grasped onto their seats and bore the pressure with as little discomfort as they could manage. Systems to counter those G-forces could affect the operation, and therefore could not be used.
Even as the cylinders were speeding up, a round entrance way slid open in the very center/highest level, allowing free access from the sphere to the cylinders themselves. Lights changed from yellow to red as at the end of the cylinders, the observation windows also slid away, leaving the very core of Centerpoint exposed to space
"Target acquired. Acceleration complete. Energizing complete. Weapon ready for fire."
Inside the control room, a voice over the intercom, silent until now spoke
Buttons pressed, and that central point of energy in the center of Centerpoint's sphere grew brighter, a wave of energy going back and forth between the gravity cones before collecting and shooting out one end of the station, like a ball of fire or a laser, it leapt out and soared into space. The energy dimmed in brightness as it went away from the station, but its strength never diminished as it headed to reach the target. Inside the control room, a large screen lit up, a map of the coordinates, as compared to Centerpoint, tracing the energy beam as it moved.
The Imperial fleet had a steady war-patrol around Duro, their recent acquisition in the now declared war with the Corellian Confederation. At least a dozen imperial star destroyers guarded this planet that had cost them so much to win.
The head of the fleet, at least temporarily with Admiral Saevia gone, was Vice Admiral Repor. He was making his way to the bridge when he felt a sudden shaking of the ship. Disturbed, he picked up his pace to the bridge.
"All appears normal sir. No sign of any activity"
"No one else felt the ship move?"
"We probably just hit some type of bump in the system's gravity. Systems have probably already compen ..."
Even as the lieutenant was finishing speaking, the ship tremored again, harder this time.
"Did something hit us?"
"No sir, negative. There's nothing out there"
"Find out what that was"
The ship tremored again, this time enough to trigger the alarm. And now the ship continued to shake.
"Sir - it seems. I don't know. There appears to be increase gravitational forces affecting the ship. We are getting reports from other vessels in the fleet of similar experiences. Some of our smaller ships are reporting structural damage"
The Vice Admiral shook his head.
"Order the fleet to disperse. I dont want any damage from one vessel affecting another. And move the fleet away from the planet"
"Yes sir. Sir, I am getting a report from the Activ. Sir, they've had a significant hull breach. It seems the ship just collapsed in on itself. Also, vessels don't seem to be able to move sir. In fact, it appears that whatever is pressing against the ship is stronger than our engines allow."
"That's impossible. hyperspace?"
"Too much gravitational interference to even try sir."
"Well figure out something. Where is it coming from?"
"Our sensors are showing it's not from the planet. It looks to be coming from the very middle of the Corellian sector."
"Get a message to Byss, indicating what we are finding, and tell them... tell them that we will be suffering from sever structural damage"
"Yes sir"
"And put all power into engines, moving us away from the fleet"
The command ship's thrusters lit up and slowly, though the vessel protested heavily, it began to move away.
"Order other vessels to move as far apart as they -"
His voice was cut off by a loud sound, tearing of metal, the entire ship shaking uncontrollably, everyone falling from where they stood.
The imperial fleet, using all its power to escape the invisible death grip closing around it, could not stand a chance. Gravity is something that is almost undefeatable. As the full power of the Centerpoint weapon reached Duro, the great imperial fleet literally began to crumple like foil, masses of metal imploding in on themselves.
The orbital platforms around Duro faired no better, as millions of the civilian populace -many still loyal to Corellia - died under its great weapon. On the the planet itself, the gravity had only slightly less effect, but massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurred simultaneously, mountains formed and crashed in seconds where it would usually take centuries, waves lifting miles high and crashing hard on the shores.
Not ten minutes had passed.
Dementat received the message in his throne room, standing as he watched a video of the fleet playing, watching as his ships crumpled before the camera gave out. His eyes grew cold, darkening as fists clenched. Servants nearby cowed back in fear as electric energy seemed to coalesce around the emperor. The servant nearest to Dementat fell to the ground, blood spurting from orifices as he died from sheer proximity.
The emperor was angry. Angrier than he had been in a long long time. And as the power of the dark side coarsed through him, his only thought was on destruction. Destroy Corellia, it's weapon, Saga Judec. And torture whatever being it was that was playing him like a fool.
Corellia's citizens had mixed feelings about the events of the past few days. On the one hand, they had pride and confidence. Look what had been done to the imperial fleet, terror of the galaxy. On the other, there was beginning to be a sense that the current military state was taking too much to maintain their protection. Becoming just a little bit too strong.
The military presence on the capital had been increased, possibly in case of an imperial attack in retribution to what occurred at Duro. High overhead, many could see the capital ships, small specs from the distance, floating past.
Meanwhile, in low orbit, Saga Judec's command platform was bustling with activity, the High Commander sitting behind his desk as a lieutenant stepped inside, saluted, and reported.
"Commander, we have received word from planet security indicating that the Jedi Masterton has returned. She is requesting sanctuary for herself and her companions. From the Empire. She also has requested an audience"
Saga Judec nodded, smiling.
"Have her ship escorted to the hangar bay. Have the Director meet her there and escort her to my office"
"Yes commander"
Corellian Fighters flanked the shuttle until it was just a dozen or so meters from the platform, breaking off with brilliant precision As the shuttle made its way in.
Even as it was landing, a patrol of a half dozen men in uniform approached, making up an impromptu honor guard for the jedi.
Ramp lowered, and Melanie exited first, perhaps out of caution or suspicion, or perhaps because it was her own request to land. Something felt uneasy about introducing Kimber to Saga Judec, as necessary as it was.
As the line of Corellians turned and saluted, another individual was making his way forward. Even from a distance, he looked familiar, a man in his middle age, but who clearly had aged more than he should have.
Melanie blinked, confused as the man came into focus. Frank Farmer came up to her and offering her a warm smile.
"Director ... Farmer? I am a bit surprised to see you here."
Farmer nodded his head, glancing sideways at the other Corellians before turning back to her.
"I'll be happy to tell you all about it later on. For now though, let me just say that I have been reinstated in CorSec. Not as director. More as an emeritus position, overseeing some of the rough patches between CorSec and CDF. Saga Judec and I may not disagree on a lot of things. But for now, the threat of the Empire is big enough on both of our lists. Come. He wishes to see you and Kimber as soon as possible. And anyone else you have brought with you"
Farmer glanced behind Melanie at the other individuals coming down. Kimber was waddling along, very pregnant, while Rydan gingerly held her hand. Counselor Prescott was right behind her. Then came Kent Carlson and in the rear, Agents Cirque and Denton.
Farmer's eye stopped on Kent.
"You brought Carlson back ... I'm a bit surprised"
"We didn't really have a choice. He is here under my protection"
"I hope that works."
Farmer turned and began escorting the team out while Melanie was trying to figure out what was going on. She kept an eye on Farmer, trying to get a sense of his new role and demeanor. His uniform was freshly pressed, bearing the usual insignia of CorSec (Farmer would never trade that in for CDF anyways). The only two differences were that the new uniform had a higher collar, covering the lower part of the back of his neck, and the insignia indicated a promotion. Nothing that she could see or sense out of the ordinary. But something was definitely up.
Not five minutes later, Farmer reached the door and brought them all in to see the High Commander.
Jedi Masterton. I had a feeling you would be coming back. I am glad you made it back safely
Low orbit: Command Platform
As startling as it is to see Frank Farmer in this place, Melanie adjusts her attention toward the High Commander. The greeting party and sense of ceremony this time around seem far warmer than Judec had been when they first met. No doubt their recent military progress had them in higher spirits.
"Jedi Masterton. I had a feeling you would be coming back. I am glad you made it back safely."
"Thank you, High Commander. We are grateful for your assistance in this matter. In the interest of mutual cooperation, I will be as forthcoming as possible. Those I brought here I did so for protection."
She motions to each of those behind her.
"This is Kimber Patten and Ryden Stratford along with our Republic escort, Agent Seneca Cirque, Agent Trace Denton and Counselor Circe Prescott. I believe you already know Kent Carlson."
His aggravation over Carlson's inflammatory words aside, Judec survey's the crowd but his eyes linger on Kimber's flawless and frightened face and the protective way her arm curls around her expanded stomach.
Melanie continues evenly.
"We believe we are being pursued by agents of the Empire. Our shuttle was attacked before we made the jump to lightspeed by something not detected on our scanners. I could feel it and after the information we had received, we felt it prudent to evacuate immediately."
He studies her closely, "What information?"
The words are chosen carefully.
"Before I was reunited with miss Patten, the Hapan Consortium was kind enough to ensure her safety when the Empire put out a price on her head. They arranged for her transport to meet me when it was discovered the Empire may have known where she was. For months, we hid without detection but when a message from Hapes confirmed the Counselor working exclusively with miss Patten was missing, we believed the Empire had finally infiltrated their world."
She pauses, considering something.
"While the Empire's ideal's pose a galactic threat, the Jedi believe the fates of the Emperor and his Apprentice are linked to the fates of others. Among those who are still alive include miss Patten, mister Stratford, mister Carlson and Director Farmer. Their safety is tantamount in stopping them."
Melanie inhales, soft blue eyes never leaving Judec's face.
"I have come before you to ask sanctuary for my companions on Corellia's surface. In exchange for their protection, I pledge to help the Confederation rid the universe of the Empire's insidious ways once and for all."
Low orbit: Command Platform
"I have come before you to ask sanctuary for my companions on Corellia's surface. In exchange for their protection, I pledge to help the Confederation rid the universe of the Empire's insidious ways once and for all."
Judec nodded his head gravely.
"I am somewhat aware of the situation you speak - no, I cannot reveal my sources, but needless to say, the Confederation has developed its own extensive intelligence network. I of course would be honored to have you and your companions under our protection. Well, most of your companions. As you no doubt are aware, there is a warrant out for Mr. Carlson."
Melanie was not prepared to accept that
I understand that Mr. Carlson has some qualms with your leadership that he has made public -"
"He has instigated unrest and rebellion"
Melanie gave a stern face to Judec and continued
"- but you and I both know that the charges against Carlson have been trumped up, and I will not accept his being taken into custody simply because he is a political opponent of yours. You said you are ready and willing to protect us. That you thought it was best for us to be under Corellia's protection. We come as a package, as a group. All of us, or none of us."
Judec and Melanie stared at each other for a moment, before Judec's eyes flickered to Kent Carlson, Kimber Patten, and back to Melanie.
"Very well, Master Jedi. But his movement will need to be restricted. Kent Carlson will not be allowed to leave the level that I have set aside for you and your companions. So long as he stays within that space, I give you my word that no harm will come to him. At least, no harm from anyone under my command. But if he so much as takes one step out of those boundaries, takes one step into a turbolift, that protection will be lifted, and he will be subject to arrest and the full weight of the Confederation. Am I clear?"
Melanie nodded "very"
Judec nodded,
"Excellent. Now, I must warn you, there is concern of the Empire attempting to infiltrate Corellia itself. Should the war escalate as quickly as I anticipate, it may be prudent for you and your charge to be taken to a more secure location. You no doubt know of our facility in deep space. That station is more readily capable of resisting infiltration and defending itself. But that is not for today. No doubt you have had a long journey and all of you need rest. We will talk more later, Jedi Masterton"
turning to Frank Farmer.
"Director Farmer, I would appreciate if you could escort our guests to the suite upstairs"
(ran out of time, but wanted to get the post started. you or I can continue)
Low Orbit: Command Platform
Melanie nods to Judec as the group follows Frank Farmer to the lifts. Once inside, Kent has a not so subtle seizure.
“This is ridiculous, this is an outrage!†he fumes. “That man is a tyrant, a villain!â€
Melanie arches a brow, “I have no interest in your qualms with his regime, Carlson. We are here because you are an Imperial target and the Confederation has the military power to protect you. Be thankful you are allowed to remain.â€
He grumbles something but quiets down.
“Hi Frank,†Kimber says, glancing up at him with those violet doe eyes.
“Hello, Kimber. I am very glad you are safe.â€
“Me too.â€
They exit on what appears to be a diplomatic residence level. It is brightly lit and very clean but devoid of any personal touches. She figures this is to prevent offending those from other cultures or perhaps Judec does not favor unnecessary decoration. This is, after all, his command platform. More utility, less style. It is comfortable and clean and that is really all they care about right now. They are shown to various staterooms to relax after the long journey. Rydan helps Kimber settle in. She turns in the doorway to the refresher.
“That man creeps me out.â€
“Who? The High Commander?â€
She nods, “He’s all business. So cold. Brrr, scary.â€
“He’s a military leader, darling. That doesn’t leave much room for warmth.â€
“Perhaps not…â€
“But I don’t like the way he looked at me.â€
He laughs.
“You’re famous. Everyone looks at you.â€
“I was famous. Now I’m infamous. That’s not the same thing.â€
“Isn’t it in your world?â€
“The lines can be blurred at times. I just think Judec is up to something.â€
“Like, what? Using you as leverage against the Empire?â€
“Totally! I’m like, the most fabulous bargaining chip ever.â€
“I would be lying if I said it had not crossed my mind as well but I don’t believe Melanie would let that happen. She could sense if that was his intention.â€
Kimber sighs, “You are right. I’m just being paranoid.â€
“No, you are being cautious. You have more than just yourself to look out for.â€
“Don’t I know it. Could I be any fatter?â€
“You’re nearly nine months pregnant.â€
“Yeah, well, I feel like Kimmy the Hutt.â€
He winks, “The hottest Hutt.â€
She laughs and disappears into the bathroom. He can hear the sound of water hitting tile as steam begins to creep out into the bedroom. Rydan activates the door lock and checks his cache of blasters. Despite his reassurance, there is no telling how Kimber’s presence would affect the brewing war between Confederation and Empire. He had to be ready.
Out in the corridor, Melanie lingers behind to talk to Frank. Once they are alone she finally speaks.
“I must say I wasn’t expecting to see you here and I was worried when I did not hear from you after I left. In the morning, I wish to take them to the surface. If Carlson must remain here that is acceptable. I will leave the Counselor and Agent Cirque with him. I know Kimber is anxious to return home. It would certainly ease her fears. We will, of course, comply with CorSec security throughout our stay.â€
She crosses her arms and glances behind her, making sure they are out of ear shot.
“You heard the High Commander reference Centerpoint in the event of escalation. Were you able to uncover anything about it while I was gone?â€
Low Orbit: Command Platform
?You heard the High Commander reference Centerpoint in the event of escalation. Were you able to uncover anything about it while I was gone??
Frank blinks, then nods
"You know what happened at Duro, right? The imperial fleet stationed there was crushed, literally, like foil. No battle, no lasers, no bombs. It was Centerpoint. Judec's managed to reactivate Centerpoint's primary function, it's gravitational tractor beam systems. Those same powers originally were used to bring the planets of the Corellian Sector to their current position. Now, he's using it as a weapon. Strong enough gravitational forces can crush just about anything"
?including an entire imperial fleet, apparently. How far does the weapon reach??
"I don't think even Judec knows for sure. What is clear is that it is strong enough to work as a weapon within Corellian space. When the imperials took Duro, that put them in range of the weapon. And it turned out to be just what Judec wanted as a test for its strength"
Melanie absorbed this information, nodding her head. She had heard about - and sensed through the force - the events at Duro not too long ago. A weapon that could destroy entire fleets and wreak havoc on an entire planet? Maybe even destroy a planet? It sounded like an imperial super weapon, like the death star. Except Centerpoint had a further range. The death star had to have the planet in sight. Duro was nowhere near Centerpoint.
"Is there anything else at Centerpoint?"
"It is also a military training facility, for specialized forces"
"What kind of forces?"
Frank blinked again, and for a moment, his eyes looked older and more strained, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't. Then he shook his head.
"They were classified. Judec has refused to let me anywhere near them. I'm still looking to see what else I can find, but I'm on thin ice. I am trying to keep my head above water right now, keep the most dangerous enemy as the common enemy, and then worry about Judec later"
"It worries me to think of what Judec will be like when he's the biggest bully left"
"But right now, we need him to stave off a bigger bully. The Empire was hit hard, but they are still stronger than the Confederation is. The weapon is likely keeping them cautious, but eventually, they'll strike. That's what Judec was talking about. If the Empire attacks Corellia, that is one world he couldn't use the weapon against. Even him, as cold as he is. He's told me that you would be safer in Centerpoint itself. and I happen to agree with him"
Frank glanced behind him then back at Melanie.
"How is Kimber doing? I haven't seen her since. .. well, a long time now. She and Valerie were, well, you know. This whole pregnancy thing must be rough on her. How far along is she?"
Saga Judec watched them leave as a figure came out of the shadows.
"You were right"
"I always am"
"What now?"
"Farmer will play his role. The role he's been meant to play all along. They will go where they need to go, and so will the Empire. It's coming close now"
"I'm not comfortable setting things in motion that I cannot control"
"I would try to get used to it. You are doing your part. And you'll reap the rewards in the end"
Low-Orbit: Command Platform
Melanie is unsettled to say the least. There is a flicker from Frank, as if he is holding back but it passes quickly. She is not entirely comfortable with a fully functional Centerpoint. A weapon that massive does bring up frightening similarities to the Death Star's along with a menace a terror she had hoped never to relive. His endorsement of the station's security also troubles her but at this point the primary objective is Kimber's safety and with that she could not argue. Still, the words of the High Commander from their first discussion stay with her.
Winton would come to Centerpoint.
If he is so certain of that, is Kimber the reason?
There is no time to second guess.
Frank changes the subject, drawing her attention away.
"How is Kimber doing? I haven't seen her since. .. well, a long time now. She and Valerie were, well, you know. This whole pregnancy thing must be rough on her. How far along is she?"
She smiles, "She is doing well given the circumstances. She's entering the ninth month of her pregnancy which, I've heard, can be rather uncomfortable."
"The father?"
"An Imperial Agent named Mod Navris. He came to turn against them after they manipulated Kimber in negotiations with the Hapan Consortium. Unfortunately, for everyone, he was killed on Hesperidium by a rogue agent working for Alexander Winton. Coincidentally, this rogue agent was working with a classmate of ours who was kidnapped in high school. She was brainwashed and apparently trained as an assassin who in turn came after Kent Carlson on Tatooine. Thankfully, I was there to stop her."
She shutters, pulling on the white robes as they walk along the silent corridor past a large transparasteel window facing the planet's surface. Corellia glows below them, bustling with life as the Confederation forces mobilize in orbit.
"Losing her father, Mod, Valerie and then her mother has been tough on Kimber. I told her about Lilandra when I returned with Carlson. Poor thing was barely shocked, as if she had somehow been expecting it-"
Her voice trails off as her body tenses.
She holds up a hand, trying to get a grip on the emotions raging through her. The forces of darkness, growing near.
"Something is here."
"The same something I felt before we came to Corellia," she whispers with wide eyes.
Frank watches her closely. She gasps, turning to him.
"Maker have mercy. They followed us here."
"We have to warn Judec. Now."
"We have to warn Judec. Now."
Frank glanced around the hallway, completely empty except for the two of them
"This is a Force thing, right? Where are they?"
"Here. Somewhere in the Corellian system. Maybe in orbit, maybe not, but they feel close"
"Corellia has strong defenses and equip-"
"No! You aren't listening to me! We cannot see them. They have a working stealth system. A full cloak. Completely Undetectable. THey could be -"
"Melanie! calm down! We'll let the High Commander know, and they'll sweep the system. In the meantime, they cannot get on board without revealing themselves. I'll order extra agents to stand guard by your rooms"
Melanie gave Farmer an incredulous look.
"My agents. CorSec. Loyal to me. Not Judec's men. You'll be safe with them. And then, we'll move you all to a more secure location as soon as possible"
Melanie seemed unsatisfied, but Frank hurried away.
The uneasiness wasn't just from outside. Something, something intangible, was off about Director Farmer
Farmer had just left Commander Judec's office, the High COmmander turning to his Director of Intelligence and Operations.
"You brought them here, the Empire here"
"We wanted them brought here"
"Corellia cannot handle an imperial attack. THe weapon cannot be used here"
"Which is why we are going to transfer the targets to where the weapon can be used. Centerpoint itself"
"The Empire is readying to attack, and we are playing games! A stealth ship in orbit, means they can monitor our every activity! I'm tired of these little maneuvers as part of playing some mystical prophesy! It's time to finish this"
The Director narrowed his eyes.
"Careful, Commander. Getting in the way of the prophesy has led to the destruction of many in the past"
Saga Judec turned his glare on the man
"Are you threatening me?"
"I have no use in threatening anyone, Commander. I am simply offering you a warning. For your own good. Consideration and prudence have gotten you far. As have I. Follow both now, and you will find yourself even stronger. Now, I must return to Centerpoint, and prepare the station for the many visitors we will be expecting soon. Make sure Farmer reminds our guests of the safety of Centerpoint. I will trigger events that will convince our guests they must go there as soon as possible."
No one remembers their birth.
His resurrection gives new meaning to the term 'born again.'
Here, on this command platform, lurking in the shadows of their own stupidity, Alexander Winton reflects fondly on how it all came to pass.
He started out just another savvy businessman, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, climbing up the corporate ladder to eventually inherit what his father and grandfather helped build at RepulsorCorp. His friends, his lovely wife, everything was perfect if not completely traditional. Everything became mundane, predictable, and he was on the verge of resigning himself to the tedium of this life.
Monica's vision changed everything.
His began to see a new future unfold with the birth of his daughters.
Finding the prophecy gave him hope that he would break free of the stagnating hold his family business had over him. He and his family were destined for much greater things. As his cohorts translated more and more of the prophecy, he knew blood would be spilled. He made deals with the Empire, manipulating information to keep them one step ahead of the game and outside the Emperor's wrath. The other parents had questions he would answer with an ambiguity that began to wear thin. His whole life had become crisis management. His marriage, balancing two careers, and his family life became stifling and oppressive.
Resentment followed.
It wasn't until he met the Viceroy Medivh that he found a way out. The possibility of everlasting life pushed him into a period of reevaluation. The things once so important to him were now merely stepping stones to his own legacy.
Why should they have it all when he could?
So he tailored a plan around the prophecy. He showed only what he wanted them to see. Medivh did not share his ultimate vision but that wasn't going to stop him. He took what they had learned to a frightening degree and put into motion the spectacularly brutal fates that awaited those closest to him.
Alexia was determined but unstable. When the Force consumed her, she became a malevolent stranger to him. A stranger who's power he offered up to Palpatine as the rising star to replace Vader once he had outlived his usefulness. This potential in Alexia, however unfounded, kept them alive.
Karen regarded her abilities as a garish social stumbling block and somehow convinced Melanie they didn't need powers to be special. The ridiculous idealism of children. They sought normalcy when instead they should have sought greatness. Her insurmountable self-involvement was a great disappointment but this lust for status would work to his advantage.
Henrick Masterton's Force vaccine was a stroke of genius but there were no guarantee's they could keep Alexia in complete control forever. If he couldn't control her, he would use her instability against them. Alexia's wrath kept them in line. Celeste proved smarter than he realized and somehow eluded sharing her husband's grisly demise on Naboo. Fear would keep her out of his way forever.
Monica told him a lot more than she remembers. She would fall into trances, dazed yet lucid, and he would ask her things about the prophecy. She told him which five had to die. She spoke their names with certainty.
Saunders. St. James. Maxwell. Stratford. McNeal.
All Alexander had to do is appeal to one.
Reef Stratford may have been a brilliant athlete but he was hardly a thinker. He never had to be. He served his purpose and the friendships they forged with one another through his efforts to corral them were a mystery to Alexander. Loyalty blossomed out of nothingness and it was highly poetic to watch Alexia destroy it all. With each friend that fell, samples were taken and replicated. Soon his factory on Kamino was bustling with D'Arcy's and Skyler's. The whole clueless crew ready for round two. He even created himself a new best friend from Henrick's sample but the intrusive aura of guilt siphoned the joy from this accomplishment and he destroyed it. Although he has samples of The Four, he was hesitant to use them. Valerie Gellar's genetic material had allowed Medivh to create Phage who, in turn, created his own offspring.
Alexander wanted more than that. He wanted them to live and remember so that the victory would be that much sweeter.
He would have used Kimber Patten as his adorably dense test subject had his meddling daughter not circumvented this with alarming powers of perception she never seemed to manifest at an earlier age. The anger he saw in Karen was promising indeed yet she handed him off to Patten and the elder Stratford for Hapan justice. Alexander knew he would die there and often wondered what it would feel like to experience to exquisite pain of it all. His final conversation with Patten was both poignant and powerful. Nothing had tasted more satisfying then discovering she was The One spoken of in the prophecy.
The Hapan Queen Mother had been swift and as one life ended, his next began.
The Corellian command platform is quiet now. Judec is ambitious but merely a tool like the others. They serve a purpose in his quest for Imperial control which he would have once Dementat and his daughter have fallen. The Confederation would be damaged beyond repair in this climactic battle of the ages and once they have all perished he would be free to seize control.
To know he is so close to Masterton and Patten without detection excites him. He had allowed Melanie to believe so many things. She, like her parents, is blinded by an idealism that begets naiveté. Monica had ruined her life with the doctored version of that prophecy. She bore the weight of that alone because she thought she had to. Alexander had Alexia kidnap or kill five others to throw her off the trail. She thought it had already come to pass which is why she never saw Alexia coming for the real targets. She was helpless to stop it and had no choice but to go into hiding. But Melanie could only stay out of sight for so long. Way down, she knew and in some ways that makes her the brightest of the bunch. In others, it makes her the easiest to manipulate since she believes coming here was the only way to protect Kimber when in reality, none of them will leave Corellia again.
This is where is all comes to an end.
High Orbit: Command Platform
Agent Cirque touches his earpiece, listening as Melanie calmly relays the information. He sighs, tapping off and turning to Counselor Prescott.
“There was an attack at the Gellar residence.â€
The Counselor’s eyes widen, “An attack? Is everyone alright?â€
“Agent Denton was wounded but he’s being treated at Coronet General. Director Farmer and mister Stratford suffered minor injuries.â€
“And Kimber?â€
“She was assaulted in the turbolift but neutralized the attacker.â€
“That poor girl. She must be terribly frightened.â€
“Patten is tougher than she looks. She has to be with all that she’s been through.â€
Kent Carlson appears behind the Counselor, “Who attacked them?â€
“According to Jedi Masterton, it was an Imperial hit squad. One she believes followed us from Arbra. Masterton held off the attack but it was Marius Guile who went after Patten. She used Denton’s blaster. Single shot to the head.â€
Circe cringes, crossing her arms.
Kent is fuming.
“Imperials on Corellia’s surface?â€
“That’s what she said.â€
The Counselor arches a brow, “What are you getting at, Kent?â€
“If the High Commander has declared war on the Empire and secured the sector against possible retaliation, how did Imperial agents get to the surface undetected?â€
“Unknown,†Agent Cirque says. “I take it you have a theory.â€
“You bet I do. Judec is in on it.â€
The Counselor gasps, “Kent, please. That’s outrageous. Why would the Corellian High Commander conspire with the Empire and declare war on them? In my experience it has either been one or the other.â€
“Unless he stands to gain from both. On one hand, he circle’s the wagons and goes to war. The whole sector is behind him against this grievous threat. On the other, he knows how valuable Kimber Patten and Melanie Masterton are to the Emperor and his Apprentice who, as fate would have it, used to be one of their best friends.â€
Agent Cirque frowns, “Go on.â€
“So, he tips off the Empire after Melanie leaves Corellia while taking them head-on in a military show-down. They barely lose Duro but pull out an impressive retaliation. The Empire somehow finds us on Arbra and Melanie is convinced the Confederation has the brass to fend them off and she brings us here.â€
“What’s the endgame?â€
Kent scoffs smugly, “Judec has the public fooled into believing he’s a hero while holding Patten and Masterton as leverage against the Empire. He has a weapon they know can destroy them and two bargaining chips to force their hand.â€
Counselor Prescott shakes her head, “Forgive me if that sounds like a paranoid delusion. You have a previous history of opposing his policy not to mention clashes with his security forces. For a reporter, you are hardly remaining objective.â€
“She has a point, Carlson,†Agent Cirque says. “Are you sure this isn’t personal?â€
Kent’s face is twisted in rage.
“Think what you will but Judec turned what Valerie Gellar made into a military machine. He’s hiding something.â€
High Orbit: Command Platform
Kent Carlson wasn't the only one who was mad. High Commander Judec was practically screaming into the comm unit.
"This was your doing. You brought the imperials here! To Corellia! You let them on our homeworld, and you almost let them kill"
"Killing was never going to happen, Commander. Nor did I bring the imperials here. At least, not all of them. I was not totally out of the loop, of course. Dementat is looking for Patten, just as I suspected. It was merely good fortune that his units finally caught up with her here"
"Good fortune? What kind of"
"Commander, we WANT Patten to be running scared. If she stayed at Corellia, she would endanger the entire plan. the fact that the Empire sent only a small team here was a blessing. They could have sent a fleet, and then where would we be? Our precious weapon would be little use if it destroyed Corellia while defending it. It was good fortune they came when they did. I arranged for only a single agent to penetrate the defenses."
"Through Farmer ..."
"Yes - Farmer has been very useful, as of late. That single agent understood his orders well enough. He did exactly what was required of him"
"He's the one who died?"
"Yes - he proved quite useful while alive, but being captured alive would have been ... unfortunate. His death is another lucky convenience"
"And the imperial team, still on Corellia?"
"Already being hunted down. They won't be found, not soon anyway. Dementat's men are well qualified, well trained, well equipped. But it does give us an opportunity to put some more extreme measures in place. Reinitiate the curfew on the world. In response to an imperial terrorist plot that resulted in damaging the hero's residence. Keep CorSec busy"
"I'm busy trying to fight a war"
"Very good commander, but you and I both know that isn't true. We aren't really fighting a war. We are making moves to win a war without really fighting it. Duro, Corellia, Centerpoint. All just pieces on the board"
"I am a military commander, my strength is in fighting, and I'm tired of playing your games"
"You won't have to play them much longer."
Centerpoint Station
Alexander Winton shut off the comm unit, staring at the blank screen for a moment. Then he smiled.
Commander Judec had been useful. But so had Marius Guile. Guile's usefulness had expired. And he was dealt with.
Judec's usefulness was also rapidly coming to an end.
Centerpoint Station
A blank face staring up at the ceiling. The inability to focus on reality. Endless sleep.
Then the dreams. His body moving of its own free will through the bowels of Centerpoint Station. He was dressed in a simple white jumpsuit with a Corellian Confederation Logo on the shoulder. a drove of similarly dressed, similarly aged individuals moved forward. They all seemed to have one purpose.
It was no dream. Though he wished it was. He could, if he chose to, resign himself to this new state, let his mind fade into the cloud of oblivion as they controlled his every movement, every twitch of his muscle, even the emotions he felt. He felt surges in adrenaline, artificial joy and sadness. All manufactured. He could resign himself to the life of a machine, of a slave. They were telling him to - the same voices and triggers that controlled his hands, his emotions told him to just give in to the programming, and let it run him. They would take care of him, and he couldn't fight it anyway. So the voices said.
But he could not. He knew too much. He couldn't let it beat him.
Artemis watched his body betray him over and over and over again, obeying the commands of those in charge of the X-Fighter Program. As he fought and killed other innocents, other slaves like himself. As he laughed and cried at all the right moments, because that's what they made him do.
But he hadn't given up. He would get out of this mental prison. If it was the last thing he did.
Alexander Winton moved along the catwalk, watching as the X-Fighters sparred against each other. Some in matches ordered to kill, others just to wound. Behind him, one of the program directors was speaking.
"The new recruit is displaying some troubling signals, sir"
"such as?"
"His mental functions remain at a much higher level than any others"
"Well, we are not quite sure sir. He was believed to be snooping around the program before he was caught. We think he might be resisting our commands."
"Resisting? Has he shown any resistance? Has he failed to obey a command? Has he even hesitated?"
"Well ... no sir. But ..."
Winton turned abruptly, his cold eyes staring at the man.
"What precisely do you think is going to happen? His over active mind will do what precisely? Override our signal? We've already essentially disconnected their brains from any active function. If they somehow managed to use their mental will to shut off the signal, they will collapse in a heap on the ground, helpless."
"It is possible sir that if his mind does manage to override the signal, that he could survive and function independently"
"for how long, before the sheer effort leads to exhaustion?"
"It is not clear exactly. But in seeking perfect obedient warriors to fight, we don't want them collapsing mid battle."
Winton frowned
"I do agree with you there. alright. We'll have to see just how far this so called active mind will take him. He might be the one in a million who could cause us trouble. Put him in a death match. If he manages to control himself long enough to hesitate making a kill - he'll die himself. We'll eliminate the imperfection. But if he succeeds, makes the kill - than, well, he is an asset to our program to be studied, perfected"
"Yes, Sir"
Centerpoint Station
A massive explosion has rocked the outer planet world of Naboo, collapsing the memorial dedicated to the Naboo war against the Trade Federation, over a generation ago. Naboo Security Forces believe it was the work of terrorists. Luckily, there were no reported injuries, as the memorial park was temporarily closed for maintenance work at the time of the explosion.
An interesting development from the explosion is the discovery of a massive cave-system underneath where the memorial had stood. Analysts are studying whether it was natural or man-made when the Trade Federation set up their base there. There are traces of metal and circuitry amid the rubble and rock, but it is unclear if they came from the infrastructure of the memorial itself, which included an old fashioned droid transmitter, also destroyed.
Naboo officials have yet to comment on if and how the memorial will be rebuilt. Further investigation is ongoing to find the perpetrators
Alexander Winton stared at the monitor, but was no longer paying attention as the galactic newscast moved on to some other insignificant detail of the galaxy.
Harte Secur.
Emotions coursed through Alexander Winton. Emotions he could barely describe. Emotions he did not wish to feel.
After all, emotions made one week. He did not need that facility. He had his others. Any sentimentality toward what that particular location had - sentiment was irrelevant, and dangerous.
No, emotion be left aside. There was a more concerning matter. Not that it had been destroyed, but that someone had known to destroy it. Someone knew what was there, and someone had purposely destroyed it.
Pressing a button, he summoned a minion to him. A servant, a slave. Whatever you wanted to call it.
The man entered.
"Yes, sir?"
"I want to run a status check of all of our droid creation facilities. I want visual confirmation that everything is proceeding as appropriate"
"Sir, wouldn't travel to those locations possibly reveal them"
"Possibly. But it may be they are already revealed. I insist that this be done, immediately, ahead of all other projects. Go, now"
The man left in a hurry, well aware not to trifle with Commander Judec's Director of Special Projects, a man who wielded almost as much power as the high commander himself.
Winton meanwhile turned to look out the viewport at the stars that surrounded Centerpoint. The droid facilities were all well hidden, most far from populated areas. Most were a complete secret to all but a scant few. If somebody knew about them, it was because the secret had somehow been revealed.
Emotions or not, whoever it was would pay.
Centerpoint Station
Things were coming to a head. Alexander Winton looked silently at the report before him. All but two of the droid facilities had been destroyed. Cast into the sea, under a landslide, a massive explosion. It was no coincidence. Though to be honest, Winton did not believe in coincidences. Millions of droids had been lost, a huge expenditure. Corellia, if it knew its money had gone to waste, would not be happy. It would of course, never learn.
Undoubtedly, the perpetrators knew of the facility that remained floating among Coruscant's ashes, and probably the facility here as well. And they were well equipped.
Both facilities, of course, were the strongest of those created. These were entire environments, not just a factory or plant. It would take an entire imperial fleet to destroy Centerpoint, and even then, it would still be a tough battle. Which of course, was the whole plan.
As someone was slowly destroying Winton's backup plans, his main plans were moving ahead at full speed. The war against the Empire had turned defensively, and Judec had sent him an order to fire Centerpoint at one of the four recent imperial conquests, at his discretion.
Of course, he preferred none of the options. Dementat wouldn't leave his fleet vulnerable, so there was likely nothing to destroy. Besides, he wanted the empire to draw nearer. He wanted them to target Corellia and Centerpoint. That was how they would be destroyed.
Which would happen first? Success of his plan, or destruction of his backup plans? It was like a race, almost a game really. And at that, Winton smiled. Even if they killed him, he would never die.
But that didn't mean he wouldn't take precautions. He had analyzed, repeatedly the possible revealers of the truth. Those that new of every one of the droid facilities. And had ruled out all of them. Saga Judec, despite his growing hesitance, he would not allow a Corellian asset to be destroyed. Scott St. Claire was dead, plus only knew of two of the facilities. The same was true of Patten. and Medivh. Medivh knew of all the facilities that existed - had helped in each of their creations, in fact - but was also dead.
Or was he?
A more detailed review of his data showed that two of the destroyed facilities were destroyed internally. From the very droids who were built there. Not a normal malfunction, and too time consuming for someone with explosives. Perhaps Medivh, like himself, was not as dead as originally thought.
Time to check out the old dig, and see what cropped up. He himself went aboard a shuttle, filled with some of his best X-Fighters, and set a course for Ord Radama.
He wasn't worried. He would be back in time for the fireworks.
Artemis had survived the death match against him by doing what he had to in order to survive. He had killed. It was a tough fight, and Artemis had almost lost. THey were equal in almost every way, and both were being controlled. Artemis felt the ability, just a brief moment, where he COULD have stopped his hand, just long enough to avoid killing the other. But that would have led to his death. And so he let himself kill an innocent where it could have been stopped.
Now, he was in a state of dreaming again. Or almost. He was grief stricken, and despite the drugs they were pumping into him, he found his mind was active.
His eyes opened. His body was still in its drug-induced paralysis but his mind, his mind was awake.
It felt fuzzy, to be sure, and concentration was hard. But he tried. Slowly, slowly trying to focus on one part, just one part of his body. It was exhausting work, and several times he wanted to give up. But then, finally he did it.
He was able to voluntarily twitch his thumb. And with that sense of accomplishment, he collapsed back into sleep.
Centerpoint Station
It was only a short hop from Corellia to Centerpoint Station, the massive structure hovering in the darkness of space. The Corellian Corvette Vigilance exited hyperspace, shaking and rattling as the damage from its escape from Corellia seemed to take its toll on the entire ship. The last of the thrusters died out, and the engines themselves had to be shut down to avoid an explosion.
Almost immediately, the ship was swarmed by Corellian fighters, and shuttles. The vessel would not be able to travel close enough to the station, and its passengers needed to be securely moved as soon as possible. The ship was too vulnerable.
Outside the viewport, a sight to behold - aside from the station itself (larger than the death star, and still looking as ancient as it was), a massive, massive fleet of Corellian and unidentified vessels stood waiting in the darkness. A fleet that in itself was about the size of the imperial fleet.
Not far from where the Corellian Corvette made its dramatic exit from hyperspace, In the bowels of Centerpoint, Artemis lay awake.
It was a feat in itself, fighting the drugs they pumped into the sleeping soldiers. But over the past few days and weeks, he had managed to fight them just long enough to move his hand, and even his arm. Using all of his effort, he dragged his left hand toward the edge of the bed. Slowly, slowly slowly.
Here goes nothing.
With all the energy he could muster, he threw his arm off the bed, letting it slam into the IV pole. As his hand fell, his thumb and index finger latched on, momentarily, to the knob, turning it ever so slightly, and reducing the flow of drugs in his IV.
It was still several hours later when he was able to get his arm back onto the bed. And then threw it off again. His hand hurt as it slammed into the IV pole, but that was good - it meant he could feel. Fingers latched on again, closing the valve just a little more.
By night's end, he had managed to shut the valve completely, cutting off those drugs to his body. Now all he had to do was hope they didn't notice.
Centerpoint Station
They had made it. Barely. The Corellian Corvette Vigilance was in bad shape and orders to evacuate come through to the shuttle containing the fugitives.
Kimber is shaken, distraught.
"They came for us...just like you said they would."
"We made it out."
Her violet eyes are wide and fearful.
"What about Corellia? What about my people? I don't want to see them suffer and die because of what the Empire believes I represent."
Melanie eases into a chair beside her, placing a calming arm around her shoulder.
"It goes deeper than that. The High Commander challenged the Empire long before we arrived. The Confederation is prepared to engage them for the treachery and malevolence they have inflicted upon the galaxy. True, Dementat knows what must be done for his legacy to survive but we have allies here. They will help us fight them."
"What about Karen? Do you think she is here?"
"No," Melanie says softly.
But she will be.
The shuttle takes them toward the station. It looms in the viewport, making Melanie uneasy. Rydan paces through the shuttle silently, seething while Agent Denton looks on anxiously. When they arrive, Trace and Rydan unload their luggage as Melanie helps Kimber down the ramp. Agent Cirque and Kent Carlson are waiting for them surrounded by a small but heavily armed squad wearing a version of the CorSec uniform none of them have ever seen before. The soldiers are devoid of expression and practically neutral to Melanie's senses. No thoughts or emotions radiate from any of them and they move without speech, effortlessly in sync with one another.
The reunion is short-lived as they are quickly ushered into lifts and taken to nondescript living quarters. They have no idea where in the station they actually are, only that they, like Centerpoint itself, lay somewhere between Talus and Tralus.
As the soldiers begin to leave, Melanie calls out to one.
"Please, is there any word from Corellia?"
His blank stare reveals nothing as the door slides closed.
The series of rooms adjoin to each other through a pattern of blast doors and soon the group reforms in Melanie's quarters. Kimber rummages through a bag frantically until she locates and hugs a pink frilly dress with a delirious smile. Obviously, Kent is the first with something to say.
"Something isn't right."
Agent Cirque growls, "So you've been saying for weeks."
"This is ridiculous," Trace mutters.
Rydan interjects.
"No, I want to hear this. Speak up, Calrson."
The reporter folds his arms, "We've been here for over twenty-four hours and you are the first people to speak to us. These people, whoever they are, haven't said a word. No one has given us instructions or updates on the situation. We wouldn't even know the Imperials showed up if you hadn't mentioned it."
Melanie tilts her head, "You say 'these people' like you do not know who they are. Are they not CorSec?"
"Not any unit I've ever encountered."
"That is hardly conclusive," Trace says.
Kimber shrugs, "Maybe we should ask Frank. Oh, no! Frank!"
Rydan sits beside her and take her hand, "I'm sure he's safe, sweetie but it is something we should bring up when we see him. I got a bad feeling from those guys too."
"I am certain the Confederation has various units much the same way any larger faction does," Melanie says. "Perhaps they are not authorized to report to us until they have something to report. All we know is that the Imperial blockade surrounds Corellia. They attacked anything coming or going, regardless of who they are."
"And why do you think that is, miss Jedi?" Rydan hisses.
Kimber scowls, "Don't you yell at her!"
"I'm not-"
Melanie gently cuts him off.
"Go ahead, Rydan. Say what troubles you."
The Mandalorian fixes his dark eyes on her flawless face.
"They came here in retribution for what the Confederation did to them."
Melanie shakes her head, not following.
Kent is on the same wavelength, "What the Confederation did to them with this station."
The statement is like a concussion grenade in the room.
Rydan nods, "Do you see now, Melanie?"
His says this venomously, the tone of her name suddenly sounding like a threat.
Her lips part and allow a small and barely audible gasp to escape.
"The Confederation used Centerpoint to destroy an Imperial fleet, to destroy Duro. You told me so yourself. Aside from us, what do you think the Empire came for? Decimating the Confederation fleets is only half of it. The real lesson comes in destroying the very station Judec, Farmer and, strangely enough, you are so convinced we are safe aboard."
And then he draws back, satisfied.
"The worst part is, it may be too late to start asking why."
Centerpoint Station
The Imperial message had reached them, sending the band of fugitives into states of reflection.
Melanie stands staring silently through a large viewport as the Confederation ships loom in the darkness. She is hurt and desperately trying not to be. Rydan and Kent may believe she has somehow conspired to bring them here but she feels differently. She had been so careful to avoid manipulation, to side-step any ulterior motives held by the clandestine and corrupt. She has done everything to keep them safe, to keep them alive. So disgusted was she by what Alexander Winton did to them that she swore she would never again let others dictate the course of their lives.
But Rydan's words have filled her with a reasonable doubt she could not suppress. Doubt, for a Jedi, was dangerous and could lead to an inescapable darkness. She had seen it, watched it consume Alexia and, in turn, circle back around to claim Karen. So many were already dead.
What stake could Saga Judec possibly have in their fates?
Kimber soaks in a tub filled high with bubbles. Rydan leans against it, stewing in his own thoughts. There must be a connection that leads directly to Centerpoint. He is convinced Melanie is blinded by an idealism he does not share. He worries though that Kimber may. From the time he spent with Valerie and what he knows of Karen, they were always more aggressive and sinister than the other two. Ordinarily, that would be a good thing but with this much at stake, no one can afford to be naive. Carlson knows Judec has been hiding something and Farmer is acting less like the supporter he once knew him to be of Valerie. He cannot help but feel they are all being played somehow, like it has all be a set-up from the very beginning.
It started with his brother, tied next to his lover, then to an unlikely friend and political ally and now, he holds a savior's life in his hands. Some High Protectorate he turned out to be. The only one he's managed to keep safe is Kimber and even that had been touch and go for a while. Still, she is alive and well. Maybe that's what is most important. Valerie sure seemed to think so. Melanie does as well. But where one was forged out of familial love, the other stems from that damn prophecy. The one he never invested much faith into. How much can the past really dictate the future? How many lines have to intersect before they are all boxed in?
As he turns and looks at her, he feels something deeper than guardianship. Kimber's light had saved him from the downward spiral after losing Scott. She was a salvation from the wounds of having Reef taken from him, wounds that had never healed. He saw promise and hope in her eyes, something he felt was slipping away. She represents all things good in the worlds when he was certain there was never any to begin with. It is then he realizes Kimber is the reason he fights onward, that he has not been lost to grief and consumed by despair. She gives him purpose and perhaps that is why she was placed in his path for protection.
She reaches out and dabs a cluster of bubbles on the end of his nose, an innocent smile pulling at her full lips.
What Rydan fears most is that were someone to extinguish her light, the darkness that followed would last forever. If his role had been foretold, and that's a big if, he would not fail.
Centerpoint Station
Artemis took a breathe, his first breathe in a long time. Freedom. It had been - what, one night? two nights? time really was hard to relate to in this prison. But regardless, it had been only a few days since he had managed to shut off the valve linking the drugs to his body. And perhaps through luck, or because the technicians were too busy with other tasks, they hadn't noticed. By day, he was still bound by the implant installed in the back of his neck, but by night, he was free.
The drugs had finished passing out of his system, and for the first time in weeks, he had a clear head. Now, if only he could figure out what to do with it.
Sitting up, he looked around his surroundings. It was the bunker, housing the newer experiments, known as the X-Fighters. Extreme fighting machines, designed to be perfectly loyal and virtually unbeatable.
His first look around told him one bit of disappointing news. Della was not in the same barracks. And he already knew that come morning, the implant would be reactivated, and he would be forced to be a drone again. Even if he could resist it, how much would that tax him? He wasn't certain. Now could he deal with it alone.
Where was Farmer? Had he been captured or killed? or was he still out there, hiding in the vent shafts, biding his time?
Artemis knew what had to be done. He had to find the command control console, the one that would deactivate their implants. Then, he, and those strong enough his fellow prisoner/slave/whatevers would have to figure out a way to destroy the station. He knew there was an attack of some kind on Corellia. But the details and significance of that were still beyond him. He only knew what he had to do, right here and now.
Rising slowly from his bed, careful not to disturb the wires and IV connected to him, he moved to the bed next to him. It felt good to move on his own, but that was not the focus of this exercise. Reaching the machine of the next bed, he slowly turned the dial, shutting off the drugs to his neighbor. He could not reach any further than that bed without disturbing the wires. He carefully slipped over his bed and to the opposite side, reaching over his left-side neighbor and shutting off the drugs there as well. By tomorrow night - hopefully - he would have two others to share time with. And possibly make a better plan. If they were up to it, they could then shut down the drugs of those next to them, and so on and so on. Maybe, if everyone in the bunker were freed at night - they could make a plan.
It was the next morning. A group of X-Fighters moved through the station in formation, approaching the quarters of the guest.
It opened, and they stepped forward.
"Jedi Masterton - I have a report from Corellian Command. The imperial blockade is in full force, and the Corellian forces are preparing to plan an attack to break the imperial line."
"Have you heard anything from Director Farmer"
The X-Fighter had a flash of recognition and confusion on his face.
"Where did you last see Farmer?"
"On Corellia. Just a few days ago - do you know Director Farmer?"
The young fighter looked like he was struggling, and then his eyes went a bit vacant, and he shook his head, though it looked forced.
"No, ma'am. Apologies for asking, ma'am"
And abruptly, he turned and left.
Artemis felt his body betray him as he was silently making his way away from the jedi. She had seen Frank? He was back on Corellia? What had happened?.
But perhaps more importantly, this was someone who apparently cared enough to inquire about Farmer. Maybe she could be trusted. Maybe she could help.
Centerpoint Station
Melanie paces in the stateroom, doubt giving way to concern that borders on alarm. The young man that had come to give her an update seemed surprised she had seen Frank Farmer but denied personally knowing him. It wasn't the exchange that piqued her interest, it was the feeling she got from him when she asked if he knew Farmer. His expression, pained almost, seemed forced. There was a flicker of resistance, as if he was struggling then a flat calm. She believes this boy knows Farmer and now she must know how.
Kimber waits until Rydan has finally fallen asleep before leaving the room and padding out into the empty corridor. It is so silent it's scary but she wanders two doors down and taps the door chime. Kent Carlson is surprised to find her standing there.
"Can I come in?"
She pushes past him, "You can drop the suspicious routine, Carlson. There aren't any cams here."
"There hasn't been coverage for a while now."
She waddles to the bed and plucks the blanket from it, pulling it around her like a cape.
"And I'll bet that just burns you up, doesn't it? No one is listening."
"Oh, they will listen."
"What will you tell them, I wonder? About us? About me? I read your little stories about Valerie."
Kent smirks, "They were miniscule, weren't they?"
"Why do you hate us so much? What did we ever do to you?"
"I don't hate you."
Kimber arches a brow, "You sure seem to have some sort of fascination with us. I hear you are even writing the sordid tale of our lives."
"Who told you that?"
"Counselor Prescott."
Kent scoffs, turning away.
"So much for client privilege."
"That only applies to lawyers and doctors. She was neither of those things to you. So, tell me, how's the story going?"
"Circe would know. I gave it to her before she left."
"Have you spoken to her?"
"As a matter of fact, I have." Kent says with a flare of anger to his voice. "She regrouped with the Republic yet they somehow don't feel our situation warrants assistance despite the fact that it is growing more dire by the hour."
"The time table has expired. The Empire is going to attack Corellia."
"So it would seem."
"That doesn't upset you? These are our people, Kent."
"Are they?" he asks contemptuously. "You must know how fickle the public can be. One minute they are your best friends, your adoring fans, and then the next they treat you like a pariah. Your stint with as an Imperial Counselor proved that."
"I was blackmailed!" she shouts.
"Oh, don't treat me like one of the bleeding hearts who clamor at the chance to be near you. You aren't the famous model you were on Coruscant. You aren't even the charming CorSec undergrad."
"Then what am I? You think you know me, then tell me."
Kent is caught between being a painfully direct journalist and insulting an emotionally unstable pregnant girl.
"Your beauty can't conceal your cleverness even though you have relied on it for most of your life. In truth, you are far more intelligent than people have ever given you credit for but what I can't understand is why you have willingly followed this Jedi into imminent danger."
"She's my friend," Kimber says quietly, uncertain if his last statement was actually a compliment.
"Friendship only gets you so far."
"Maybe for you. You don't know what we've been through together."
"I do know. I know your parents set you up for something they couldn't possibly understand, something you barely understand now. I know your friends were hunted down and viciously murdered by Alexia Winton. I know Melanie fled after graduation, rumored to be dead, leaving the rest of you to pick up the pieces-"
Kent stares at her curiously, taking her in.
"You all suffered in her absence and then when she magically resurfaced, you follow her into the depths of hell."
"You followed her too."
"Follow her or die? That's hardly a choice."
"She saved your life."
"That she did. From one of your old classmates."
Kimber pulls the blanket tighter around her, "I don't think you realize how much pressure she was under back then. She was the only one who knew about the prophecy and couldn't say anything out of fear for our lives."
"Ah, yes, the Prophecy Persephonea."
"You say that like it's a joke. You wouldn't if you were in my shoes."
"It's compelling, I'll give you that but just vague enough to be left open to interpretation."
"I didn't buy into it either at first but then I started to see things in it, things that had already come to pass. The similarities are too glaring to ignore."
Kent sighs, using the information he has obtained as a segue.
"This prophecy was given to her by the late Queen Greyson-Winton which she stole from her husband, Alexander Winton?"
"That's right."
"Say your parents were manipulated by him into believing it was something it was not. That is, presumably, why they would go along with any of it to begin with. Why risk their children's safety otherwise? This prophecy is turned over to an impressionable young girl who then hands it over to the Jedi for further research and study. They translate the text, fill in the gaps and suddenly it becomes something horrifyingly significant to the survivors."
"So, it is terribly convenient."
"What? What are you saying?"
"That perhaps it says what Alexander Winton wanted it to say."
Kimber shakes her head, "That's impossible. The Queen told Melanie that Alexia was drawn to it when she was a child, that she led an Imperial excavation team right to it on Korriban. They dug it out of a cave."
He nods, "As if he put it there for her to find."
"Then how do you explain everything in it that happened? Even if he wrote the damn thing, how would he have known how it would all play out years before it actually did?"
Kent strides across the length of the room, "No disrespect to the dead but Alexia was unstable and jealous of her sister. The Emperor Dementat could have been pointed in Karen's direction. Melanie distrusted the Empire and was, if I am not mistaken, consorting with an alleged separatist faction on Coruscant which would make her the perfect target for the conspiracy of the prophecy. Your father sold Valerie's genetic material to the Federation and the end result, Phage, came after her as a direct threat."
"And this?" she says, running a hand over her swollen belly.
"Unprotected sex with an Imperial Agent? It happens."
Kimber scowls.
"What about the High Commander? How does Judec factor into this?"
"Winton could have gotten to Judec before Valerie died, giving him the opening he needed to seize control of the sector once she had united it in a military emergency against Phage."
"Well, you have an answer for everything, don't you?"
"It's my job to look at things objectively. You are all so close to this that it has become difficult to see clearly."
"So, that's what you think? We're a bunch of idiot fashionista's who fell for this hook, line and sinker?"
"No," he says. "I think it's one of the most elaborate and twisted plots I have ever seen. You may have left Alexander Winton to die on Hapes but his ties and influence span farther than anyone realizes. The speculative information he left behind is highly suggestive and those who stumbled upon it, by accident or otherwise, have made decisions based solely on his misdirection. The whole thing has spun completely out of control with all of us right in the middle of it."
Surprisingly, she is not enraged. She considers this silently for several minutes before narrowing her eyes at him. She knows better than to take him at face value, considering he has always had his own agenda in the past but the summary gives her pause.
"If that's true then how do we stop it?"
Kent does not want to admit it but forces himself to do so.
"I don't think that's a possibility anymore."
She closes her eyes.
Centerpoint Station
Rydan wakes from a vivid nightmare to find Kimber sleeping peacefully on her small bed. His heart racing, he eases himself back down but cannot help but think of the fates of those on Corellia as the hours pass toward dawn.
The morning brings no peace for him as he waits for Kimber to exit the refresher. She is wearing a short, soft yellow baby doll dress with a simple cardigan sweater and strappy heels she somehow managed to cram her feet into. Her hair is blown dry and flips off her shoulder. She smiles at him as he passes but he stands beneath the steaming water for what seems like forever, trying to wash away the images and feelings of shadows filling up rooms he cannot escape. He dresses quickly in a black jumpsuit and doesn't bother to shave.
"That stubble is pretty sexy," she says, dabbing pink gloss over her lips.
He shrugs, "Why are you so dressed up?"
"What? Fat girls can't be pretty too?"
"The only weight you gained is around your stomach. Most should be so lucky. Don't be so dramatic."
"Aren't we in a mood today."
"Again? Are you alright?"
Rydan shutters, "This place creeps me out."
"It is a bit sterile."
"How did you sleep?"
"Fitful at first but I nodded off after a while. I couldn't get what Carlson said out of my head."
"You went to see Kent?"
"Yes, last night. After you fell asleep."
"What did he have to say?"
Kimber straightens, batting her eyes.
"Apparently, we're all sorts of crazy and I'm a giant whore. Any events that coincide with the prophecy can be explained away as things that would have happened anyway. It wouldn't be stretch to say he believes we are overreacting."
"And what do you think?"
"That we're headed full speed toward disaster. I mean, come on. The Empire has probably begun their assault on Corellia. Even if the Confederation counters with everything they have, this isn't going to end well for anyone."
"War never does. Not really."
"I don't want anyone else to die," she says, brow furrowed. "That's a ridiculous statement, I know, but is it so unreasonable to wish this could be resolved without a massacre? A part of me thinks I should just turn myself over to them so it would be over with."
He moves toward her quickly, "Don't you dare."
"No one else would have to suffer."
"I would suffer."
"You'd get over it, run off with some moron hunk into the sunset."
"Maybe that's not what I want."
"That's what we all want, babes. Let's get the rest of our crew and get something to eat. I'm practically starving to death."
She takes his hand and steps out into the hall. Melanie is just coming out of her own stateroom in swaths of white robes.
"Good morning."
"Good morning, Mel. Sleep well?"
"Not particularly," Melanie says. "I wish there was more we could do."
"I feel you but sticking together is our best bet."
She nods, glancing past them as Kent enters the corridor. He waves curtly as he wanders over.
"I slept terribly."
Rydan smirks, "Join the club."
"Where are our agent friends?"
Kimber traipses past them to the other staterooms, tapping on each door chime as she goes.
"Rise and shine, sleepyheads!"
Neither door opens. Grinning, she taps open the door to Agent Denton's room. The bed is neatly made and does not appear slept in. There are no personal belongings and no Agent Denton.
"Gone where?" Rydan says, moving toward her.
Melanie and Kent trail behind.
Rydan searches the room but there is no trace of Trace Denton.
Melanie strides to Agent Cirque's room and taps open the door to find the place in the same state. She inspects the small living quarters but it does not look like anyone has ever been there. The dull ache of dread begins to rise up within her.
"Maybe they changed rooms last night," Kimber says hopefully.
Melanie, Kent and Rydan open all the doors in the long corridor. Rooms are carefully inspected. All seem to be in a perfect state of order.
There is no sign of Seneca or Trace.
Kent leans against the wall casually, whistling.
"And you wanted to come here."
Centerpoint Station
Artemis's barracks was filled with desperate Corellian soldiers. Through Artemis's efforts, all had been freed of the sleep-inducing drugs, allowing them moments of freedom at night, before the implants were reactivated on their necks at 05:00. It was during these hours he tried organizing the men and women to come up with a plan, a way to escape for good.
They looked over the implant itself, trying to see how it could be removed, but none of them were surgeons, and any attempt might tip off their overlords. They all agreed that the command station had to be destroyed, or any success would be short lived.
Artemis had started telling this group of sleeping rebels about everything he had learned, about the droids, about the weapon. It was not pretty.
He did not tell them about Frank Farmer though - how he was missing (possibly), or about the newest guests onboard the station. He had a feeling they might be able to help, as outsiders, but didn't want to compromise his or their safety. So just before they all went back to sleep, back to that state of uncontrol, he managed to scrawl out a note, written on paper. A warning and a cry for help in one.
It was the next morning. A group of X-Fighters moved through the station in formation, approaching the quarters of the guest.
It opened, and they stepped forward.
"Jedi Masterton - I have a report from Corellian Command. The imperial blockade has begun its immediate attack on Corellia"
That same soldier from days earlier, that same blank stare. He reached out, offering her a printed copy of the recent data on the attacks, his hand seemed to have difficulty unclenching but he finally released it. Before Melanie or any of the other could say anything, he departed.
THe first sheet of paper indeed was the report on the war effort, not too optimistic. BUt beneath it, in crumpled paper and scrawny handwriting, a brief message:
"Help. Controlled by Neck-implant. Find Farmer"
Centerpoint Station
Days have passed since the Republic agents had gone missing. Those that remain spend their time in an anxious flux. Save for the reports given to Melanie, no one speaks to them. They are provided food and amenities but nothing else. Now she stands in her stateroom clutching the note pleading for help. She knew something was wrong but mind-control was not what she was expecting. The implications bring her mind to a dark place filled with questions about why the Confederation would need to control their own agents. Just what were they being asked to do?
Rydan stays close to a panicked Kimber. Even Kent, despite his bravado, seems uneasy. Melanie debates sharing this latest development. To do so would risk pushing their concern into full blown alarm. She finds her com-link and tries to reach Frank without success. Where could he be? She had seen him last on the surface of Corellia, heading up the security team in place at the Gellar residence. No, he was with her when the High Commander requested a meeting. He accompanied her into his office. Judec dismissed him so that he and Melanie could speak alone. She struggles to remember if he was on the shuttle when she returned to the surface to collect the others. Her mind flashes over his face, tight and weary, watching them as they sat down to the dinner Kimber had prepared. Yes, he was definitely there but he was strangely not present with the team escorting them to Centerpoint. She did not have time to question it since the Imperial fleets had arrived at the same time. Attention was diverted elsewhere as they docked with the Corvette and charged the blockade.
Melanie tries the com again but there is nothing but a dull hiss of empty air. It's possible communications were disabled and CorSec had switched to something more secure to prevent the Empire was overhearing their movements and plans. Suddenly, she feels very alone up here on this mysterious station. She focuses on the young agent trying to make contact and considers trying to find him but remembers the last time they tried to leave this floor. No turbolifts came when they called. No other doors opened except the staterooms and kitchen. In essence, they are trapped.
Then it strikes her, a powerful memory lost in the blur of activity.
She stood amongst a team of CorSec agents as they forced open the lift doors to find Kimber Patten holding a smoking blaster that she used to kill Marius Guile. Rydan, Trace and Frank were unconscious and loaded onto stretchers that passed as she comforted a traumatized Kimber. Her eyes drifted across Frank's form, his head tilted to the side, something briefly glinted from his exposed neck beneath the collar of his uniform.
His neck.
How many of them had been compromised?
Melanie shutters, tucking the note into her robes. She grabs her saber and storms out into the hall, determined to get some answers when she spots three forms moving toward her at the far end of the corridor. As they come into view, she has to stifle a scream.
Frank Farmer strides proudly, flanked on either side by Agent Denton and Agent Cirque.
She has a choice, reveal what she knows with offensive action or play the role in hopes of obtaining additional information that could help them uncover motive. The years of pretending prior to becoming a Jedi kick on automatically. A bright smile spreads across her face, wide blue eyes sparkling.
"Director Farmer," she says warmly. "I am so pleased to see you made it off of Corellia safely. We were worried."
He nods, "As was I, Melanie. I trust you are well?"
"We are holding up. I am sorry we cannot do more to help the Corellian people. I know the situation has worsened."
"There have been numerous casualties but the Confederation is preparing to strike back at the Empire's advances."
She turns her gaze to the others, tone almost playful, "Agents, where did you run off to? I thought we had agreed to stay together."
Agent Denton's face grows taunt then relaxes, "We apologize if our absence caused anyone to panic. Director Farmer was briefing us on station protocol should we need to defend it."
Agent Cirque nods in agreement but remains silent.
Her voice never falters, "I appreciate the initiative. Perhaps it would be best if I were kept in the loop going forward. Our safety is my top priority."
Farmer smiles tightly, "Of course, Melanie. Should we check in on the others?"
"Right this way," she says, motioning toward the kitchen area.
Rydan, Kimber and Kent's reactions are less than subtle but otherwise genuine. They are smart enough not to hurl around accusations and settle for welcoming back the rest of their team. Melanie watches their movements carefully, smile never slipping while dread causes her heart to pound in her chest. One thing has become quite clear.
They cannot be trusted.
Centerpoint Station
Things were coming to a head.
In the under levels of the station, Artemis spent his days in an agonizing prison, his own body. At night, he and his bunkmates were working on how to free themselves without tipping off their overlords. They were experimenting at times, trying to fight the commands the implants caused, but only Artemis had made any progress, and even that was minimal.
Artemis had hoped that the jedi would be able to help him, but it appears that no soldiers were being sent to update them anymore, for reasons Artemis could not know.
Frank Farmer too was in a state of turmoil, spending time with Melanie and the others, knowing he was betraying them, repeating their conversations from in front of him to the devil, Alexander Winton himself. Winton always seemed delighted at Farmer's inability to disobey, making him all the more furious. He also exerted himself to fight the controls of the implant.
And then there was Winton himself, cunning as ever, mindful both of his guests here, and the battle at Corellia. Watching and waiting. The Empire was slowly destroying the Corellian defenses, and soon, he would destroy the Empire's fleet, with one swift stroke. All that remained was the arrival of Karen on Centerpoint, and all the pieces would be in place.
But no rush. He was patient. Everything was proceeding according to plan.
Centerpoint Station
The walls seem to be closing in. Danger and mystery seep from the station itself. As much as Melanie tries to tell herself otherwise, the decision to bring them here has taken on sinister undertones. She paces in her small stateroom with a mind she tries to keep from tumbling end over end into panic. The small monitor in the corner picks up broadcasts throughout the Core, most of which focus coverage on the Imperial blockade and, sickeningly, the odds of the Confederation coming out on top. The commentators speculate wildly with a grim casualness that belies the fundamental flaws of humanity. The reports vary throughout the day until she hears a name that stops her cold.
Her blue eyes focus on the screen.
Photage is interwoven through the narrative in a way she finds provocative and inappropriate when it cuts to a news feed. Karen Winton gazes icily through the screen, seemingly fixed on Melanie's face, and announces her support of the Empire's siege on Corellia. Karen looks terrifying, overdone and menacing with heavily shadowed eyes and darker hair than she remembers. The effect is chilling and hardens Melanie's resolve against her former friend. She had fallen so far from the girl who once feared becoming her sister. Soon she would come for them and Melanie would be waiting.
And there were larger, more pressing issues.
The agent boy's message and the subtle differences in the behaviors of those thought to stand with them bore into her soul. She says nothing aloud in fear they are somehow being watched or recorded. This silence, she rationalizes, would do them no good.
She needs allies.
That evening after dinner, she stops by Rydan's stateroom where Kimber is brushing her hair in front of a mirror, humming to herself, blissfully wrapped up in her own world.
"Would you like to meditate with me?"
He laughs, "Meditate? What for?"
"It will help you relax. Kimber tells me you have had troubling sleeping."
Kimber sways in the chair, grinning.
"Please," Melanie says. "It may be more enlightening than you think."
He sighs then joins her on the floor, kneeling.
Inhaling slowly, she taps into his mind.
("Do not respond verbally. Just listen.")
"Now breathe...in, out, slowly, evenly."
He nods.
("Farmer, Denton and Cirque have been compromised.")
His eyes widen then narrow at her, as if this does not surprise him.
"The point is to regulate your breath and heartbeat, to slow down the world around you."
("You cannot leave Kimber alone with any of them. Do you understand?")
He nods, motioning casually to the next room which belongs to Kent.
("Carlson has not been affected as far as I can tell.")
He raises his brows, a question.
"Keep breathing," she says soothingly. "Clear your mind, let it all go."
("The agent who has been bringing me updates gave me a note. A cry for help. He claims they are being controlled by neck implant's which explains a considerable amount given our treatment by the operatives on Centerpoint. He asked that I find Farmer when I remembered something.")
The brows furrow.
"That's right, feel your body relax."
("Farmer is not the same as when I first came to Corellia. He had been forced out of CorSec by the High Commander and seemed content not to serve his agenda. Upon my return, however, he was in full uniform and apparently reinstated. This struck me as odd but not entirely out of character given his service record and ties to the security force. After you were all attacked by Marius Guile, I saw something on Frank's neck as he was being carted away. I thought nothing of it until the agent slipped me the note.")
Rydan frowns sharply.
Kimber hums a lullaby, fingers nimbly working strands of hair into braids.
"Everything is slowing down now," she says. "Your mind is clear, tranquil."
("I do not know how Farmer got off Corellia and onto the station. He appeared with Denton and Cirque after I tried to contact him on his com. This was not a coincidence. If they are being controlled by something or someone, it would be unwise to reveal anything in front of them. We must behave as though nothing is wrong. I will warn Carlson but I think it would be safest if Kimber focused on the child without further stress. Most importantly, we should stay together whenever possible. I do not want anyone else to disappear.")
He nods again.
Melanie smiles broadly and takes his hands in hers.
"There we go. Do you feel better now?"
His eyes tell a different story than the words leaving his mouth.
The shuttle made its hasty exit from the station, even as the imperials took control of the docking bay, the bridge, the armory. The imperial forces were moving in, slowly battering the Corellian defenses and shipyards. It would still be a long time before they had a clean shot at the surface, but now, it was only a matter of time.
High Commander Judec cringed in pain as he pulled himself up on the gurney he had been placed in so that he could look out the viewport. Despite the imperial attack, his shuttle was being ignored, probably was going unnoticed. He was already past the front line of the imperial ships, and only the interdictors and their support craft lay between them and deep space. If only he could get there.
"Are we drawing any attention?"
"Doesn't appear so, sir. We're trying not to fly too fast, and avoiding straight lines. The shuttle is fairly unremarkable, and the Empire had bigger targets"
"Just keep an eye out. When I get to Centerpoint, I plan on mounting a full counter-offensive with the rest of the Corellian fleet. ANd find out why it isn't already here"
"Yes sir"
Centerpoint Station
Alexander Winton stood at the monitor, watching cautiously as the scanners indicated the battle occurring not too far away.
"Sir, the weapon has been reset according to your specifications. It should be able to have a tight enough beam for the short-range targeting your have requested"
"Begin setting your target, commander. 00-00-025"
The officer typed in the coordinates
"Sir ... I don't understand. That's Corellia sir"
"Well, how can we target our own people"
"You know what is surrounding Corellia. The imperial fleet. Bent on destruction. The strength of the gravitational field has been sufficiently narrowed, if your settings are correct, that it should not have a significant impact on the planet"
"But sir - what about our ships? Our shipyards? And we cannot be certain of the effects on the-"
"Commander, I can press the button myself, if you feel incapable of your duties"
"No sir. I understand sir"
"Then activate the short-range weapon, tight-beam. Now"
"Yes sir"
When reaching across star systems, Centerpoint's entire infrastructure was required to generate the power necessary to activate its gravitational weapon. But to a destination so close, to a target so fine, that would create overkill that could hurt the station itself.
Instead, only portions of the station were necessary.
Across the entire facility, alarms began blaring, warning of the imminent firing, but the rotation of the base's cylinders continued as normal. The central sphere instead suddenly began to open, a massive satellite-like device extending out of it.
"Centerpoint on Lockdown in ten seconds ..."
Loud speakers across the station relayed the countdown.
"Lockdown has been initiated. Power diverting for Weapon activation in 30 seconds"
Everywhere in the station, doors were sealed shut, lights were dimmed as the weapon's immense power was focused.
Again, the countdown was heard, the station shuttering as the bright beam of light burst forth from that satellite, heading straight toward Corellia
Artemis heard the countdown from the barracks, listening as station after station was locked down. Power diversion? He had a hunch, a risk to be sure, but it was better than nothing.
Reaching behind his neck, he fingered the small implant there, reaching over its smooth shape until he felt a small switch. It was virtually imperceptible, and he would never have tried it with the station's power working. but maybe ...
Just as the station shuttered from the weapon blast, the lights went out entirely, Artemis taking a deep breathe as he flipped the switch.
A moment later, the lights were back on. And Artemis felt something he hadn't felt in a long time.
Now, if only he could actually get out and finish the job he needed to do. Save his friends, his fellow soldiers, and stop Centerpoint from being used.
Mara was busy thinking about her approach to the station when she saw the light burst from the station back toward Corellia. It was a burst at first, then a steady stream of energy, barely visible in the darkness.
Her first thought was worry - was Karen ok? was she caught in the blast?
Then she realized that the shot was just the opportunity she needed. Flying her shuttle closer to the path of the blast, she pulled up just as she felt the gravitational affects beginning to trigger her instruments. Gripping the stick hard, she flew parallel to the burst, praying its energy signature would hide her own as she made her way toward that instrument of horror.
Saga Judec's shuttle had managed to break past the line of interdictors, barely noticed, him still watching out the viewport, ready for the moment their luck would change. THat was when they felt the sensation.
"Sir - sir we are picking up heavy gravitational activity"
This was it. One of the interdictors had spotted him and was moving to prevent his escape.
"Keep moving. try to outrun it"
"Sir -it appears to be coming from deep space."
"It isn't one of the interdictors?"
"No sir. Coordinates show it as coming from ... well, from the station sir. Centerpoint"
Judec shook his head
"No. That cannot be possible. We never submitted orders - we would never order ... not Corellia!"
"Sir, I don't know what to say. The energy field is getting stronger. These controls are getting a bit tricky"
"Keep moving us away from the planet, as best as we can. Try to keep away from the gravitational pull as much as possible"
"Aye sir"
The shuttle managed to move, perhaps because of its small size and fast speed, though clearly there was a strain, the engines whining in protest. Judec again glanced out the window, staring in shock as the two nearest imperial capital ships - interdictor cruisers - were slowly being dragged toward each other. Closer and closer, TIE fighters that had been around them, in the fight, suddenly in a spiraling orbit, crashing into their exteriors. Closer and closer, until the two ships collided into each other, bursting into fire. Judec watched in fascination and horror, as their shuttle continued to disappear away as more ships, corellian and imperial alike began to feel the crushing weight of Centerpoint's gravitational weapon.
"Sir ... I think we are clear of the blast zone. Shall we stay?"
"No, Captain. I cannot stay and see what affect the weapon will have on the planet, on our fellow people. I want to get to Centerpoint as quickly as we can, and stop this weapon and the man behind it."
Centerpoint Station
Melanie wanders the long corridor deep in thought. She weighs the risks of disabling both Denton and Cirque before forcing answers out of Farmer. Such action is far more aggressive than she tends to favor but the anxiety of the unknown is pushing her toward the brink. Carlson has been warned and, in his own way, helps Rydan keep Kimber conspicuously away from the others. Still, she knows his thoughts. She knows Rydan's as well.
They told her so.
The implants used for control conjure darker thoughts about why they were brought here. It would seem that whoever controls them left the fugitives without any other options. The threat of an Imperial attack Judec must have known was coming combined with their own fears made Centerpoint the most secure location. She is hesitant to pin the blame solely on the High Commander as she does not believe he has a reason to betray or willingly put them in danger. He and Melanie had discussed the importance of ridding the galaxy of the Empire. He vowed to fight them and Melanie agreed to help. That does not provide much incentive to draw them into a trap. If not Judec then who? Who would provide a safe haven only to turn it into a prison?
Then she feels it. A familiar signature through the Force. One she has not felt for many years.
Karen is in the sector. She does not know where but she can tell it is not aboard the station. Not yet anyway. She is close, possibly joining her lover in the siege over Corellia. It figures that she would want to share in the spotlight. Karen never shied from it in the past. Judec was convinced Karen would come to Centerpoint but there were no guarantee's she could be drawn away from the fleets. Not with the Confederation forces lying in wait all around the station. And so there is one calculated risk Melanie is willing to take in order to fulfill her own end of the bargain with the High Commander.
She reveals her own Force signature, strong enough for Karen to know it is there.
By now, Karen must know or figure Melanie and Kimber are together but when she comes looking to thwart the prophecy, Melanie will be the only one she finds. There are enough CorSec forces aboard the station to help Rydan ensure Kimber's security and possible evacuation if necessary. All Melanie needs is for Karen to show herself and she would face a destiny she always knew would come.
A door at the other end of the hall opens and Frank Farmer steps out, once again flanked by Agent's Denton and Cirque. He does not glance in her direction but heads quickly toward the lifts. She can barely make out his fingers over the keypad but the lift doors open for him when they would not for her. They disappear behind them.
Melanie walks back toward Rydan's stateroom and taps the door chimes. He answers promptly, motioning for her to step inside. Kimber and Kent are playing a card game. She lowers her voice and leans close to Rydan.
"Where did they go?"
"Like they ever tell us," he says dimly. "Farmer mentioned something about operations."
The words have barely left her lips with alarms begin to blare throughout the small room, startling everyone.
"Centerpoint on Lockdown in ten seconds ..."
Kimber stands suddenly, shouting, "What's happening? That sounds like, bad!"
The countdown begins.
Melanie's heart is pounding, eyes grazing both Rydan and Kent who wear the same expressions of dread. The lights flicker off and are replaced by emergency beacons.
"Lockdown has been initiated. Power diverting for Weapon activation in 30 seconds."
There are sounds of slamming doors from outside. The door to the stateroom locks. Rydan rushes to the control panel, slamming his palm over the buttons.
"Nothing's happening!"
"We're trapped!" Kent shouts.
Kimber is covering her ears, backing up into a corner.
Melanie's eyes are wide as her worst fears about the station are being realized.
"They are firing the weapon!"
"At what?!"
The countdown repeats itself.
Kimber is shaking her head, "At the Imperials! They are going to fire at the blockade!"
"Judec wouldn't be so stupid!"
The countdown finishes.
Melanie draws in a breath, "I do not think it is the High Commander."
Centerpoint Station
Saga Judec's shuttle landed on the executive docking bay of Centerpoint, and he hobbled out, looking worse for the wear but still baring a commanding presence. He strode without a word down the ramp, down the hall, and to the executive suite, where his eyes fell on him, the evil man who had attacked the homeworld.
Alexander Winton smiled back.
"High Commander, it is good to see you"
Judec's eyes were filled with fire.
"You attacked Corellia"
"A necessary part of the plan, sir"
"We discussed this. Corellia was not to be attacked. You probably have killed millions of innocent noncombatants"
"I still AM killing millions, Commander. But that isn't the point. I am saving Corellia from being in the hands of the Empire"
"By destroying it?"
"If I must"
Judec is looking furious, Winton, cool and conniving
"I should have you arrested for war crimes"
"What I did is nothing worse than what you have done. There were so-called innocents at Duro too. I didn't here this then"
"Corellia is our people"
Winton shook his head
"YOUR people, commander. To me, they are just more pieces on the board. And it worked too. The imperial fleet is severely crippled. Even with backup forces, they will not be able to take on the ships I have here"
"Those ships were meant to save Corellia"
"Forget Corellia, Commander"
Judec approached, pulling out his blaster now
"FORGET Corellia? Corellia is all we have! If you cannot grasp that, then you are no longer of service to me"
Winton glanced down at the blaster, his smile disappearing.
"Actually, Commander, it is you that are no longer of service to me"
Winton's hand reached out, and without touching Judec, the gun was knocked from his fist. Winton's second hand came up, half open, clenching slowly. Judec's body suddenly lifting off the ground, his hands reaching to his neck as he gasped for breathe.
Winton's smile returned
"The only person I've ever declared loyalty to, High Commander, is myself. Goodbye"
With a final clench of his fist, Winton pounded his hand downward. Judec's head jerked sideways in an unnatural fashion, then plummeted to the floor. No breathe, though a small amount of blood dribbled from his lips down onto his Confederation Uniform.
Centerpoint Station
Artemis was unable to notify his fellow bunk mates of the secret to their freedom. Just seconds after the blast, The controls were triggered, and orders were distributed. Artemis had one of two choices - go along with them, and hope to find a better opportunity to free them. Or stay behind, and possibly be discovered. And risk not only his life, but all of theirs.
He chose to follow, taking up his usual place in the squad, and moving as close to perfectly as possible. Orders were transmitted via intercom and he thought perhaps this was going to be his chance.
"You are to report to the executive level, and secure the Jedi and her companions. Make sure they do not leave that location until authorized"
A unified yes sir frightened Artemis. It was hard to believe that just minutes ago, he was one of those drones too. But he had to focus, stay unnoticed. And then, maybe with the Jedi's help, he could find a way to free the rest of these conscripted soldiers.
March march march march march
It was several tense minutes later when his particular squad, about 11 others beside him, reached the suite with Melanie, Kimber and the others.
There was marked tension, distrust in their eyes.
The jedi, the spokesperson of the group, stands and approaches, hand noticeably closer to the cylinder around her belt.
But there is recognition in her eyes as they meet his. She remembers him. Knows about his note. She can help. Hopefully.
"What has happened?"
It is not Artemis that spoke, but another in his squad
"the Empire has taken Corellia. The Corellian Defense Force has attempted to incapacitate the imperial fleet, using our specialized weapons. We believe a significant portion of the imperial fleet has been destroyed, but are anticipating an assault on Centerpoint. Command has calculated that our fleet will easily deal with the imperials, but you are asked to stay in your quarters in case any imperials board, and you might otherwise be in danger. We have been asked to station ourselves at the turbolifts to ensure further protection."
The jedi's eyes show the distrust she had, but her words were diplomatic.
"Thank you for the update. Do you know where Director Farmer went"
Again, Director Farmer. the Jedi was looking at the one who spoke, but she glanced briefly in his direction. That confirmed what for him what he had guessed. Farmer had been apprehended, and had the implant placed in his neck as well.
"No, Master Jedi. Farmer is under special orders of the High Commander"
"Would you please see to it that I can speak with the High Commander as soon as possible?"
"I will convey the message, ma'am"
The others in his squad were turning to stake out their positions at the ends of the hall. This was his chance. Rather than doing as the others, he stepped forward, trying his best to have a steady voice.
"Ma'am, I have orders to remain in the stateroom, for added protection. The High Commander has suggested that it might be vulnerable to a more direct assault"
The Jedi turned her attention to him, staring for a long while, as if trying to assess his trustworthyness.
"Very well"
The other soldiers seemed to accept that he had individual orders and slipped outside. It was only once the doors to the chambers closed, that Melanie approached.
"What do you know soldier?"
"We have already reported to you everything we could, ma'am."
But even as he spoke, he lifted his hands, motioning as if writing on one hand with the other. Artemis didn't trust that their room wasn't bugged.
Melanie nodded, continuing to speak as she grabbed the instruments he requested. Indicating her annoyance at the whole situation, but accepting it gracefully.
Meanwhile, Artemis wrote, in a much clearer way than before:
My name is Artemis. We have been implanted with an object in our necks that makes us perfect, obedient soldiers. The implants are controlled through a central system somewhere on the station. The implants can be deactivated, but only once power to that command center is shut down. I managed to deactivate mine during the power outage caused by the weapon being fired. I believe if the implants are deactivated while power is still up, it would kill us. Frank Farmer was assisting me in trying to find and destroy the command center, but I believe he was caught and implanted as well. I have not seen him since I was captured.
There is more as well. In my travels through the station, I discovered that High Commander Judec is creating an army of droids.
Can you help me shut down the command center, so we can stop Judec?
The jedi read the note, taking in the details with a look of horror on her face. But then she looked to Artemis and nodded.
"Very well, soldier. I hope we can be of assistance to each other"
And for the first time in months, Artemis smiled
Centerpoint Station
There are no words for what Melanie is feeling. They seem to blend together, one into another. She stands staring at the soldier, careful to keep her expression as neutral as possible where as not to frighten the others. An army of droids? The very thing Valerie had given her life to rid Corellia of was once again rising up to threaten it. But why would Judec risk such a thing, knowing what happened? History tends to repeat itself and the last thing anyone would want is another catastrophe. True, they may have been created to help the Confederation take on the Empire and such a measure might have been prudent had their population not been on the verge of enslavement and their former Governess murdered. If these droids are being manufactured here, it is a good bet the general populous is unaware of them. She highly doubts they would have given consent had the High Commander put it to a vote.
A new picture of Saga Judec was forming in her mind and now, more than ever, did she wish to speak to him and clear this up.
Melanie trains her gaze on Artemis, shoulders relaxed. She can feel the others watching her closely, waiting for signs the exchange had revealed something. Smiling, she speaks with words then directly into his mind.
"Very well, soldier. I hope we can be of assistance to each other."
("Two of my agents, Cirque and Denton, have also been compromised. The others are aware and have kept tight-lipped around them. Unfortunately, it does not appear we can leave this floor but that is not to say we will not attempt to disable the source of the implants.")
There is a hint of a smile on his lips, "Please let me know if there is anything you should need."
Melanie narrows her gaze, "I certainly will, thank you. We can help you defend this level if necessary."
("Know this - Kimber Patten and her child must be protected at all costs. The fates of many depend on their safety. Their lives are more important than my own and their survival is my primary objective. Do you understand?")
He nods, "I appreciate that, Master Jedi. I only hope it does not come to that."
("Excellent. The Mandalorian is Patten's protector. She does not leave his side for any reason. The reporter, however, may be able to help us but first we must elude those among us who are controlled. Farmer, Denton and Cirque frequently leave and return to the executive floor. Their access can be used to our advantage if you can manage to accompany them. I can have the others ready but I need you to help us escape this level if we have any chance of freeing the others.")
Centerpoint Station
They are getting ready to go.
That's all she knows since no one tells her anything. It's frustrating being the one in the dark, the pregnant girl everyone seems to think is beyond clueless. The one no one wants to upset. Kimber takes this in stride, quietly composing herself in the bathroom. She knows something is wrong. Frank and the Republic agents are behaving far too strangely. The others whisper and glance at one another like there is a big secret she's being left out of. She's not that dumb. She has mentioned nothing of this since she assumes they are to appear outwardly normal. Kimber is happy to play that role, to do anything to get her mind off giving birth while her people suffer not too far away at the hands of the Empire.
There was a time when she would have loved all the attention but it feels so far away now. Kimber stares at herself in the mirror, adjusting the frilly pink baby-doll dress over her swollen stomach so that the embellished ruffles fall against her upper thighs, leaving her tan, sculpted legs exposed. She struggles with the strap of the glittering pink heels she insisted on wearing. There is no law that says you can't be a pregnant fugitive and look good.
At least she's pretty sure there isn't.
Kimber tousles her bangs and smiles at her reflection. These superficial distractions keep the fear at bay. They have lived in the unknown for quite a while now and the anticipation is unsettling to say the least. She dabs frosty pink lipstick across her mouth, blots, then turns and steps into the small stateroom.
Rydan is arming himself to the teeth.
She stares quizzically at the weapons carefully laid out on the bed as he checks each one before placing them in holsters.
"Who are we shooting?"
He glances up quickly, eyes running the length of her body.
"That outfit isn't exactly...practical."
"Since when have you ever known me to be such a thing?"
"I'm just saying..."
She rolls her eyes up and grabs her purse, "Listen, I'm swollen, gassy and completely uncomfortable so the least I can do is be presentable, alright?"
"This isn't a runway. This is war."
"Life is my runway. Don't be so dramatic."
Melanie, Kent and that moderately cute solider guy return to the room. Based on their expressions, she can tell her ensemble is causing worry. The solider is staring at her legs. She blushes, tugging on a strand of hair.
"So, like, what's the haps? Why is everyone going all comando?"
Melanie steps forward, a stern look on her face.
"With the Empire coming to Centerpoint, we must be ready to move quickly."
"The station is surrounded by Confederation fleets," Kimber says. "Shouldn't we be safe in here?"
"Theoretically," Kent snorts.
Rydan punches him in the arm.
Melanie glares then turns back to Kimber.
"We will be just fine but remember we promised to help the Confederation for giving us sanctuary. The High Commander is counting on us to be prepared."
She nods, "Of course, I'll do anything I can to help Corellia."
Melanie seems satisfied with this response and they continue with the weapons and backpacks. As they move around the room, the solider tears his eyes away to glance out into the corridor. She can't remember his name - Arty, Armondo, Artemis - something like that but he seems awfully high strung. She supposes she would be too given the circumstances. She ponders the Empire clashing with the Confederation, an epic space battle with spectacular colors and shapes, and something strikes her.
"Is Karen coming?"
Everyone stops so suddenly, it's as ridiculous as it is obvious.
They all look to Melanie who drops her tone to that soothing pitch she only uses when she tries to make scary things less so.
"Why would you say that, sweetie?"
She shrugs, "Well, if the Emperor is all up in our business then it would make sense Karen would be with him. If they are coming here that would mean she is too."
Melanie smiles tightly.
"Come on, Mel. Work with me. Does Karen know where we are?"
Everyone exchanges tense glances.
"I have a right to know!"
Melanie sighs, "It is entirely likely she does, Kimber."
"Then maybe we can still save her."
The heavy pause that follows grows into an uncomfortable silence.
"Will everyone give us a moment, please?"
Rydan, Kent and the solider grab the rest of the gear and step out into the corridor. Melanie turns back to Kimber, speaking softly.
"While I always appreciate your idealism, Kimber, I do not think that is possible. You saw her on that broadcast."
"Oh, so what? An overzealous stylist and clever lighting can make anyone look evil. I'm not talking about how she looks. I'm talking about our friend beneath it all."
"I thought we discussed that. Karen is too far gone."
Kimber shakes her head.
"No, that's just what you think. No one is entirely good or evil, Melanie. We are all composed of light and dark. I have done things in the past that would be considered evil but I atoned for those sins. You speak of her like she's beyond redemption."
Melanie gasps.
"You think I want to believe that? She has chosen her side and made her allegiances known. Karen and the Emperor cannot maintain control so long as you and your child live. You know what the prophecy says. I will not let anything happen to you."
"Kent seems to think the prophecy is misleading, that we're all operating on misdirection."
"Kent Carlson is a reporter, Kimber. It is his job to speculate and draw wild conclusions based on very little information. Make no mistake, Karen Winton is not our friend. What we had together has been lost in the temptations of the dark side. The sickness that once affected Alexia so deeply now has Karen in its grasp. Her motives have been twisted by evil. We no longer mean to her what we used to. The Emperor has put a price out on all our heads, followed us across the known galaxy in an effort to hunt us down. Do you think she would have allowed this if there was still good in her? As much as I would like to believe she can be saved, I do not think she can be pulled back from the brink."
Kimber is distraught by these facts, unsure of any absolution. Can anyone be truly evil without so much as a glimmer of hope? The Hapan Consortium forgave her for her crimes against them and she was humbled by their mercy. Although she knows what Melanie says is true, there is a small part of Kimber that still believes Karen could be turned, that their presence and influence can break the spell the dark side of the Force holds over her.
She blinks back tears, "I just wish-"
Alarms slice through her words, red lights washing over them. At first they think the weapon is going to fire again but the tone is different than before. The solider appears in the doorway.
"Proximity alarms!"
They move into the corridor, falling into a wide line with the others. Kimber strides toward the massive transparasteel viewports lining the hall, watching the stars beyond them as the unmistakable shapes of Imperial Star Destroyers begin to appear out of hyperspace. One after another, the ominous and sleek triangles fill the sky. Swarms of fighters swirl like a cancerous cloud from the hangar bays, lighting up the darkness with red laser fire.
Kimber Patten folds her hands protectively over her stomach as the cam pulls back slowly, turning them all into silhouette's against the frames of the windows and the chaos erupting around them.
Elsewhere in the station, the terrifying visage of Alexander Winton is smiling as the lines he had so carefully drawn across the decades finally intersect.
Here at Centerpoint, it all ends.
OOC: My rough, rough, rough diagram of Centerpoint, and where things are within it. Obviously, a three dimensional diagram would be more helpful.
The Giant sphere in the center is viewed from the side. Ki = where Kimber, Melanie, and Co are located. A is where Alexander Winton is - rouhly on the same level as Kimber, but in an area separated from them by the large void in the center. P is Centerpoint's power source that lays at its heart.
The two cylinders that stick out are a poor illustration, considering lower levels are outer levels. Landing platforms lie on both sides of the spinning cylinders, with M=Mara trying to get in near one. The large droid armies being constructed are also in the lower levels.
_______________________ ^^^^^^^^ _________________________
[_L_____________________()Ki__[ ]A___()________________________L]
[______________________()_____[ ]C____()________________________]
[_____________________()______[ P ]______()_______________________]
[______________________()_____[ ]_____()________________________]
vvvvvvvvvvvv M
Centerpoint Station
The alarms sound throughout the station. Proximity Alert. After months of the theatrics of war, a back and forth at border worlds, the Empire had finally come to face it's first true enemy in a generation. And it would be here that the Empire would fall. Dementat would die. Darth Kyja would die. The new grand admiral, Schrag would die. The last vestiges of the imperial fleet would be destroyed, crippled beyond repair.
And Alexander Winton would sweep in and take everything. He stood in the executive chamber, staring out the viewport as the imperial ships arrived. And they would find a huge surprise awaiting them.
The imperials had calculated a maximum size for the Corellian fleet, based on their estimations of population that could be induced into the service. They had not been able to take into account the massive droid forces that Winton had been building in secret. The fleet that stood here, guarding Centerpoint was more than a match for the imperial fleet, especially after their crippling at Corellia, just a short while ago. Even as the majestic horrors that were star destroyers appeared, the Corellians began moving to intercept. Massive COrellian Dreadnaughts, the more agile Corvettes, and a variety of other ships, some of which had never been seen before. THe imperials were well equipped, and soon, there was a massive firefight going on outside.
Winton smiled. It was beautiful. Every death was another foe he would never have to deal with again, Corellian, imperial, or otherwise. But this battle had to end a very particular way. In the distance, he could see the sleek elegance of the Super Star Destroyer, the Emperor himself no doubt on board.
He pressed the comm button.
"Proceed to fire on the target"
"Yes, Director"
Over the whine of the proximity alarm, a new warning alarm began to buzz, The roof of the central sphere opening, the massive satellite-like device extending out of it.
"Centerpoint on Lockdown in ten seconds ..."
Loud speakers across the station relayed the countdown.
"Lockdown has been initiated. Power diverting for Weapon activation in 30 seconds"
This had happened not long ago. Everyone seemed both stunned and prepared for the lockdown, the lights dimming as power diverted. Doors locked, and a collective breathe was held.
30 seconds later, upon completion of the countdown, a bright bean of light burst from the satellite, heading toward the Saevia's Revenge. But it hit a different target - An ISD-II, a few clicks from the SSD shuddered as it was caught in the beam of light. It began to shake wildly. And then, as if it was made of foil, it crunched in on itself, small bursts of fire appearing and extinguishing as flames burned up small bits of oxygen before hitting the vacuum of space.
Alexander Winton smiled as he watched the attack. Sure, he could fire on the the emperor. But then he wouldn't have a chance of coming here. And Winton had plans for the Emperor, and for his daughter. It wasn't their time to die. Yet.
Artemis felt very much out of the loop as the jedi and the pregnant women started talking about someone else. He had been introduced to them, but still, he felt very out of the club. Karen? Karen who? Apparently, it was the Emperor's love interest, but all this talk about going bad, the dark side, redemption, were way beyond him.
He recognized the proximity alarms before anyone else, and everyone went to watch as the battle began. The Empire was here. And Artemis honestly wasn't sure who he would prefer to win.
A victory for Judec would make him that much harder to beat. A victory for the Empire could mean the destruction of Corellia. Neither option suited him.
That was when the second alarm went on. They were firing the weapon again. Something he didn't believe was possible this close up, but apparently, Judec and his engineers had mastered that little task.
Then he realized he had a chance. HE hurried over to the jedi, leaning in and whispering.
"If they are firing the weapon, it may give us the opening we need. Once Director Farmer and your two agent friends come back, we need to restrain them and use the next blast from the weapon as our chance to deactivate their neck implants."
As if on cue to demonstrate his point, the lights flickered and died at just the moment that the streak of light illuminated space, heading toward the imperial ship of choice.
Melanie nodded, listening to Artemis even as she watched the destructive power of the weapon firsthand.
OOC: I love rough, rough, rough diagrams!
Centerpoint Station
A colorful array of laser fire produces quite the spectacle.
The layers of alarms echo through the corridor, creating a musical chaos. As Artemis leans in to whisper to Melanie, Kimber watches in horror as the beam lances out to crush the Star Destroyer. She leaps forward, banging her fists against the transparasteel, screaming Karen's name. It can't happen like this, it just can't. After all they had been through together as friends, this seemed inappropriate and unnecessary. Surely they could work this out. The mind of a romantic idealist cannot comprehend the mechanics of war.
Rydan hovers nearby, watching her sadly, wondering how Kimber could see it in her heart to forgive a friend who wants her dead. These things are what set her apart from the others, what makes her better than all of them. Melanie, being a Jedi, sure has no hesitation making such a distinction. She sees only black or white, good or evil, friend or foe.
As if sensing their plans, Frank Farmer exits the supposedly locked down lifts with Agent's Denton and Cirque in tow.
"Ohhhh shit, it's going down now," Kent hisses under his breath.
"Pipe down, Carlson."
Melanie straightens, holding the saber hidden beneath her flowing white robes.
"Director Farmer, we were hoping you would come. I see Centerpoint's defenses are remarkably prepared for the Imperial assault."
He simply nods, directing his attention to Artemis.
"Soldier, why are you not with your squadron?"
The response is practiced and smooth.
"Sir, I was told to secure the guests and remain behind to provide security."
Frank's eyes are cold, "That was not your directive, soldier."
Kent and Rydan stiffen as Denton and Cirque raise their weapons.
Frank steps past Melanie and seizes Kimber's arm, pulling her toward him. She cries out, surprised, and stares up uncomprehendingly into his face. Rydan reaches for his own blaster but Melanie raises a hand to stop him.
"Ow, Frank!" Kimber squeals, struggling. "You're hurting me."
"You are coming with us, miss Patten."
"What? Where are we going? I don't want to go anywhere, I like it here, I'm comfortable here, here is good."
He tightens his grip causing her to gasp.
"Let her go, Director Farmer," Melanie says evenly.
"I'm afraid that's not possible, Jedi Masterton. Miss Patten's presence is required elsewhere."
"She stays with us."
Frank's face trembles, a thin layer of sweat dotting his brow. His expressions vary as if he is struggling within himself and based on the information provided by Artemis, she knows he is waging a war against his own mind. He cannot be blamed for these actions but she will be damned if she allowed him to continue them.
Artemis stands rigidly beside her, waiting until the secondary alarms begin to cycle. The countdown blares through the speakers, lights dimming. He glances at Melanie. Frank glares with Kimber in his grasp. Denton and Cirque are devoid of emotion, holding their blasters firm.
The weapon fires again and the lights die out.
They follow Melanie's lead as she ignites the saber and steps forward, bringing the glowing blade up and through Denton's blaster with a singular motion. She hurls him against the far wall with a flick of her wrist. Artemis is on Agent Cirque, swiping the weapon upward as it fires before swinging inward to land a solid hit with his elbow. He tumbles back and falls to the floor. Rydan decks Farmer while Kent snatches Kimber away as he loosens his grip. He lunges at the Director, taking him to the floor and holding him roughly as he snarls and shouts.
Artemis quickly descends on the fallen, shouting out instructions to Melanie and Rydan as they disable the neck implants controlling their friends. The lights come back up in the wake of their attack.
Frank is breathing hard, staring up at Rydan in confusion.
"Relax, Farmer. You are free now."
He sits up, blinking, until his eyes focus on Kimber. His promise to Major Patten rings in his head, guilt crushing down. He almost hurt her. The very girl he swore to watch out for, the daughter of his dearest friend and mentor, the sister of the only woman he ever truly loved.
"I'm...I'm so sorry..."
Kimber drops beside him and throws her arms around his neck. He is the last anchor she has to a life she once had on Corellia, a connection to the past. She does not ask about the implant or whatever the hell the others were talking about. All she is thankful for is that he is back on their side. She helps him to his feet, squeezing his calloused hand tightly.
Kent and Rydan help the others up. They are dazed but functional, knowing better than to ask questions when the battle rages just beyond the windows. They have control of themselves and that is all that matters.
Melanie pulls open the bag of weapons.
"Arm yourselves, gentlemen. We do not have much time."
There are no disputes.
With the saber still humming, Melanie advances toward the lifts.
Everyone assumes defensive positions, keeping Kent and Kimber in the center of the group. Kimber slings her purse over her shoulder and hefts a blaster of her own, falling into step beside Rydan. She may be pregnant but that doesn't mean she's not packing some heat.
At the lift controls, Melanie turns to Artemis.
"Take us to the power source and we shall end this. Together."
"Maybe it terrifies me
(It's too easy)
This quiet siege
(It's too easy - to wish you harm.)
Maybe it terrifies me."
Centerpoint Station
The Imperial fleets exit hyperspace into the unexpected. Confederation forces lie in wait around the station, seemingly prepared for their arrival. Alarms blare as evasive action is taken, the Emperor barking orders from the command center with his beloved standing right beside him. She tries to be strong for him in the wake of this nightmare. The fighters are deployed and the capital ships engage the Corvette's.
Volleys of turbolaser fire target the enemy.
To anyone other than Karen, this all might seem a fluke. But she knows better. She knows her father had anticipated their arrival with a cool calculation only he had the audacity to flaunt. It is then she realizes that Alexander Winton has always played upon Dementat's tactical brilliance and grandiose rage. He had been playing them all from the beginning in so many different ways. Sad, though, that only now does her lover see that her fears and reactions hold a terrifyingly tangible merit.
No one is prepared for what happens next.
Captain Sienna spots it first, shouting to the Emperor. A satellite-looking device extends from the opened central sphere, aimed in their direction. The beam that fires from it washes over the ISD-II to their right but instead of the damage everyone is expecting, the Star Destroyer folds in on itself as if it was made of nothing more than paper. The crew is stunned but outrage soon overtakes them.
Dementat turns to her, a grave expression on his face.
Somehow the Confederation had not only managed to activate the long-range capabilities of Centerpoint but focus it on a much more precise target. This significantly tips the balance as similarities to the Death Star over Endor are inevitably drawn. In that scenario, Karen thinks with a sickening certainty, the underdogs toppled the Empire.
So perhaps they have a shot against the Confederation.
Dementat narrows his eyes as the weapon fires again, this time crushing several squads of TIE-fighters and severely damaging another ISD-II.
"Target the satellite. Take it down. Now. I want that station crippled and our focus on the Confederation fleets."
Captain Sienna nods, "Yes, your Highness."
His eyes meet Karen's briefly but she does not smile.
As the Emperor coordinates with the other capital ships in terms of strategy, Imperial strongholds throughout the galaxy are being summoned for reinforcements. The Interdictor's loom in the distance, waiting for orders. They could sweep in on either side of the station, if they made it without being destroyed, to use their own gravitational weapons against Centerpoint to weaken its defenses. Opposing gravitational fields could possibly neutralize the effectiveness of the beam allowing them an opportunity to destroy the satellite.
Karen grabs her com and orders a squad of dark troopers to board her shuttle and wait.
Dementat turns to her once again, feeling her restlessness.
"My place down there. He must be stopped."
"Don't say it. If I'm not out in time you have no choice but to destroy it. This is an outcome I've accepted if it means taking him down with me."
They share an extended gaze, filled with so many unspoken words.
There is no time.
He embraces her and whispers, "Be careful, my love."
"Me?" she smiles deviously. "Always."
Private joke, not really funny now, given the circumstance.
Karen turns on her heels and strides from the command center, steeling herself on the ride down the lift, feeling Melanie and Kimber's presence very strongly now. They are so close. Within reach. She touches her earring, opening the channel with an ally who has hopefully made it inside.
"Mara, it's me. I'm going to make a break for the station but I need a technical readout for the most practical entry point from my current position."
Exiting the lift, she moves swiftly through the hangar bay toward her shuttle. Another wave of fighters whiz past, joining the battle beyond. At the ramp, she can see the polished black uniforms of the viciously armed troopers which will accompany her on this mission. Normally, she prefers to work only with Mara but their expendable presences would provide cover fire and distraction.
Hearing nothing, she touches the earring again.
Please, please be alive.
Centerpoint Station
At the lift controls, Melanie turns to Artemis.
"Take us to the power source and we shall end this. Together."
Artemis shakes his head
"I never found it though. Director Farmer?"
Frank Farmer, who was still reeling from the past nodded.
"It's a bit of a walk to get to, and we'll have quite a few obstacles to deal with. Plus. There's him"
Melanie looked to Farmer with a look, curious but sensing she didn't want to hear the answer.
"Alexander Winton. I don't know how, but he's alive. He's running the show here."
The room goes deadly silent. It was unbelievable. No one in the room could understand it. Only Artemis, who really knew nothing about Alexander Winton, didn't understand the significance of the statement.
"Well, whoever is in charge up there - this Winton, or Saga Judec, we're going to have to stop them. And we're going to need help. The station is full of good Corellian soldiers who have been abducted by the Confederation. If we destroy the control center, they should all be free. And they can help us make sure this station never fires again."
Farmer inputs the codes, and the lift doors open. Everyone begins to move forward, but he puts his hand out.
"No - this is going to be dangerous. Too dangerous. You need to get off this station. You need to make sure Kimber is safe. We all know what's at stake here. Artemis and I will deal with the command center. You all need to go"
Artemis stepped into the lift, glad to be free and working with Farmer, and finally making progress. There are protests among the others, but Farmer quiets them down, then steps in beside Artemis.
"Wait five minutes, then the turbolift should come back for you. Head to the landing platform, grab a ship, and get out."
He looks to each of them solemnly
"I'll right the wrong here. Just go"
The lift doors close.
Centerpoint Station
As the lift doors hiss closed, Frank Farmer's words seem to hang in the air. They crystallize in the stunned silence that follows, an aftermath of the unbelievable.
Kimber is the first to speak, shaking her head.
"No, that's not possible. Alexander Winton is dead. Dead! I left him in that dreadful prison on Hapes to be executed the following day. Counselor Erin's confirmed this."
Kent arches a brow, "As intriguing as it is, do you think Farmer is lying?"
"Why would he lie?" Rydan asks plainly, body tight with dread.
"Perhaps the effects of the implant have not fully worn off."
The Republic Agents remain silent, knowing very little about this person.
"I do not sense that he is being untruthful," Melanie says softly.
Kimber gasps, "I don't want to believe he's lying either but how can that be true? How can we be certain this person, whoever it is, is actually Alexander Winton? Maybe he just..."
"Just what?" Kent counters snidely. "Just looks exactly like him?"
"That does seem highly improbable, Kimber. He is rather distinctive."
"Maybe he's a clone."
This throws everyone.
Kimber shrugs and continues, "It's not like the Empire hasn't utilized the technology before. Hello, Stormtroopers! If he really was acting Imperial Director, he was bound to have a backup plan. As horrified as I am, I don't know why it surprises me. Nothing surprises me about that man."
"You really are far more clever than you seem," Kent says, almost sincerely.
Melanie waves a hand in front of the group, "We do not have time to debate semantics. Farmer is right about one thing. We need to get out of here. I should never have brought us here to begin with."
"That's a first," Rydan says. "Admitting the mistake."
She flinches, glancing down.
"Alexander Winton puts things in a frightening perspective. This is a man who orchestrated the most vile acts against us all. He is the one responsible for where we are right now. It makes sense he would manipulate the High Commander into offering us sanctuary then stash us here within his reach as Karen and Dementat come crashing down. Whatever plans he had for us, they end here."
Kimber's eyes widen.
Rydan grips his blaster tightly, "Then I say we blow this joint and not give him a chance."
Everyone agrees as the lift doors reopen for them just as Frank said they would.
All they need to do is get to the hangar bay.
As they step inside, Melanie turns around. Her expression is calm but not an entirely true reflection of how she feels. Escape the clutches of Alexander Winton yet again after all these years.
Something tells her it is never going to be that easy.
Centerpoint Station
Karen listens closely as Mara relays the information, a fresh wave of dread washing over her. A droid army converging within the station bent on destroying the Empire and stamping out their efforts to stop her father.
"Stay there, I'm coming to you."
She cuts the signal before Mara can protest. There is a compulsion to rush in for the rescue that she simply cannot explain. She and Mara had grown close in the time they had spent together. Karen considers her a friend and there is nothing she wouldn't do for her friends. Still, with the fleets being battered by Centerpoint and the Confederation forces, she must warn them.
Dementat answers the com angrily.
"Darling, we have a problem."
"You don't say."
"Sarcasm isn't helping! My father has activated a droid army inside Centerpoint. I wouldn't be surprised if the Confederation ships aren't being operated by them as we speak. Didn't I mention it?"
"My bad! Then you better listen up. This is what he intended to build in the factories we destroyed across the galaxy. Clones and droids to replace us and the Empire. Mara has breached the station but she's in trouble. I have to go to her."
"Karen, that's suicide even with your abilities."
"Perhaps," Karen says, considering this. "But I must help her. She has done so much for me and for us. The droids must be controlled from somewhere on Centerpoint. Find the source and stop the Confederation. I'm going in."
"How do you know you'll even make it?"
"Because he'll allow it."
"Goodbye, lover mine. I wish you well."
She cuts him off too. It's not something he can talk her out of anyways. As much as she loves him, there is a greater purpose here. No one would be safe if her father and his plans proceed. Risking herself for Mara, Dementat, Melanie and Kimber could save them all and she wonders, boarding the shuttle, if he knew this would happen when he sent Agent St. Claire to retrieve her from Hesperidium. Did Alexander Winton know she would be faced with such a choice - her life for theirs? And if so, did he bank on her selfishness answering that question for him?
Karen has grown to see the larger picture and everything at stake. This is why she nods to the dark troopers looming ominously in rows and assumes the controls, guiding the shuttle out into the massive firefight taking place beyond the Saevia's Revenge.
The shuttle weaves through the crimson lances of turbolaser blasts, twirling around as it speeds toward the station.
Byss: Imperial Capital
Orbit: ISD-II Corporeal Quandary
It is the last remaining capital ship in orbit. Everything else had been called away. Reports are streaming in of the damage and losses. The terrifying effects of Centerpoint's weapon. The crew grows restless, angry.
Admiral Landon Price glances down at the message scrolling across his screen.
An executive order from Darth Kyja.
The last ditch effort to try and save their Empire from the Confederation.
He inhales sharply, steeling himself against the inevitable of what she is asking of them. Alas, her will would be done.
Admiral Price turns and addresses the crew.
"Prepare yourselves. Tonight, we join them in battle."
Centerpoint Station
Melanie takes several calming breaths as the lift begins to slow. They would be reaching the hangar bay shortly. So many things cross her mind that connect the past to the present moment. It seems that even now they were running around in Alexander Winton's maze. Her escape from Hesperidium and acceptance into the new Jedi Order may have been part of his plan all along. The prophecy, their roles in galactic affairs, a shallow hope of overcoming it all to create a better future for everyone.
How quickly her halo had become a noose.
Her self-righteous indignation had led them to a trap within Centerpoint that she is determined to get them out of despite what it may cost. Farmer had his own fight and she respects that. The thinly veiled fury she now feels for the High Commander of the Confederation fortifies her yet she is careful to keep the balance from shifting too far on the side of anger. Winton had manipulated everyone and Judec was no different. He is as much a victim as they are but she has grown tired of the title.
It is time to be a champion.
The lift doors hiss open to reveal a silent corridor. Nothing moves. Lights flash in cycles but the hall is free from the alarms they just left. Gripping the lit saber, Melanie steps out, reaching out through the Force to feel for any signs of life. The Agents follow her slowly with weapons raised. Kimber and Kent exit next followed by Rydan.
"I do not like this."
"What's to like?" Kent hisses.
"Can it, Carlson."
Kimber sighs, "Shouldn't we be like, escaping or something?"
Agent Cirque nods, motioning with his blaster.
"The hangar bay should be at the north end of this corridor."
"Wait," Kent says, stopping everyone. "How do we know he's not leading us into a trap?"
Rydan groans, "Seriously?"
"Oh, so we're suspicious of each other now? That's lovely."
"Need I remind you they had implants controlling them up until ten minutes ago!"
Agent Denton shakes his head, "You don't have to worry about us."
"What are you saying, Carlson? You don't trust us?"
Kent gasps, waving his blaster around.
"I don't trust any of this. First Alexander Winton's been dead for years then he wasn't then he was again and now, he's here, pulling the strings of Confederation soldiers, a former CorSec Director and unsuspecting fugitive houseguests all while a pregnant fashion model carrying the Force messiah parades around in haute couture and heels! Tell me that doesn't ring a little false?!"
Kimber frowns, pulling on the hem of her babydoll dress, "Wait, I thought you said you liked my outfit?"
"He does," Rydan growls. "He's just pissed he didn't scoop these fun little facts before they were presented to us. Stop acting like the journalist and focus on survival. You can fill in the color commentary when we're off the station."
"That is to say we're even going to make it off the station."
"That's a dreadful thing to say! Even for you."
"You think Winton, a man who has been pushing your pretty little buttons almost your entire lives is just going to let the blond bombshell Jedi Master waltz out of here with us? I don't think so."
"Enough," Melanie says sternly. "Turning on each other is what he wants. Let us not make a mockery of Frank's bravery or our perilous predicament. So do me a favor and focus."
Trembling overhead. The walls shutter, lights dimming momentarily. That's when the alarms begin to whine through the upper floors.
Kent smirks, "Guess 'ol Frankie found what he was looking for."
And then they hear it. Clicking noises, growing louder to become a march. Massive figures fill the opposite end of the corridor with countless pairs of red glowing eyes.
They dash in the other direction, scrambling around the corner into the hangar bay filled with light transports.
The droids pursue them.
They find Confederation soldiers scattered across the floor, some coming to, others completely out of it. Frank and Artemis must have deactivated the controls. The soldiers are free. There is no time to celebrate as the droids pour into the hangar and open fire. Rydan pulls a screaming Kimber behind a stack of crates as Denton and Cirque return fire. Melanie twirls the saber, deflecting shots back the way they came. Kent is freaking the hell out, firing wildly. The Confederation soldiers rally and take on the droids with them.
The stand begins.
Several transports are riddled with blaster fire and explode, engulfing the soldiers nearby. The blasts are deafening as are the screams that follow. Danger is everywhere. Droids spread like cancer, advancing without fear or hesitation. They scan the room as if looking for something, the Confederation soldiers merely side-effects. When a lone Magna-Guard zeroes in on the crate's Rydan is firing from behind, it lunges. That is when Melanie realizes they are searching for Kimber. Agent Denton comes to the conclusion as well and leaps in front of it, firing up into its expressionless metallic face. The Magna-Guard swipes the blaster away and spears Denton with its charged electrostaff, hoisting him up high into the air. Denton coughs, gripping the staff for support but his arms buckle and he slides forward. The Magna-Guard grips the other end and pulls the staff the rest of the way through Denton's body, allowing him to collapse to the ground.
"TRACE!" Rydan shouts, moving away from the crates as he fires.
Kimber grabs his belt and heaves him back behind the cover.
Melanie side-steps, slashing through the staff before throwing out her hand to send the Magna-Guard sailing into several others, tangling their gears in each other as they fall.
Chaos erupts.
As the fight escalates, no one notices a lone flaming shuttle crash and skid against the far wall but they are quickly brought to attention when black suited Stormtroopers appear on scene. The Empire has infiltrated the station, Melanie thinks with horror. The troopers, in their own right, do not know exactly who the enemy is. Are the droids part of the Confederation? The matter is settled when the woman steps into the fray, backlit by the flames of her burning shuttle holding a glowing saber matching the color of her hair.
(cue the ominous music and close-up cam shots)
Melanie's eyes widen as she breaths in a slow gasp of realization when Kimber shouts something she was praying she wouldn't.
Centerpoint Station
"I'll right the wrong here. Just go"
The lift doors close.
Frank Farmer's face has a resigned look of sadness. Artemis, on the other hand, was finally fired up. No matter what, it was ending, and he was going to be a part of it.
"Did you figure out how to deactivate the system?"
Frank nodded
"Yes, though the trick is going to be keeping it deactivated long enough"
They reach the cooridor, a long, wide hall that curved around the edge of the central sphere. Corellian troops were moving at brisk paces, passing them and paying no mind. Obviously, Director Farmer and the young soldier had their own business to attend to. No one knew they were playing for the other team. Of course, the soldiers were mostly automatons at this point. Intuition wasn't a big thing for drones.
Frank leaned in to Artemis, whispering
"follow my lead. Don't say anything"
Artemis nodded.
They rounded the corner and reached a very, very heavy blast door.
"What if we see him?"
The thought had crossed Frank's mind. Soldiers wouldn't realize. But Frank Farmer had no doubt that if Alexander Winton ran into them, he would know instantly that they were no longer under his sway.
"We won't"
It was more of a prayer than a statement but that was the way it had to be. As was the next course of action. Farmer pulled out his security card and swiped, the blast doors opening, one behind the other to reveal a massive room filled with computer equipment. Dim lighting contrasted with bright LED lights - screens were covered with hundreds of miniature graphs, monitoring brainwave functions, and sensory readouts allowed a primitive visual of what soldiers were seeing.
The display was interesting in its own right. The appearance of several imperial transports, carrying grunt stormtroopers to their slaughter. It would take many, many transports for the empire to get a foothold into the station, many more to win any real part of it. But the empire, if it had nothing else, had soldiers to spare.
But then, so did the Confederation. Armies of humans and droids at Alexander Winton and Saga Judec's disposal. This could be a very drawn out, bloody battle. Which it obviously was meant to be.
The room they were in was interesting in that it carried not soldiers but scientists mostly, none of which carried any of the implants. All were willing workers of Alexander Winton. A single MagnaGuard Battle Droid stood as sentry inside, away from the prying eyes of those in the halls. Red eyes stared down at Farmer accusingly.
One of the controllers stood and approached.
"Director Farmer, do you have new orders?"
Farmer nodded. Without moving his face or shoulders, he let a small object drop from his hand and fall to the ground.
A bright white light lit up the room, a loud crash sounding.
Moments later, the light was gone, the magnaguard droid flailing blindly, its optic sensors damaged by the flashbang. Farmer already had his blaster out, firing several shots at vulnerable locations, the droid dropping.
Then he turned to the scientists.
"Everyone, back away from the machinery"
A few scientists tried ordering soldiers to their aid, but a blast from Farmer knocked out those controls.
"Let's make this go quick and quiet. Artemis, the door"
Artemis moved to seal themselves into the chamber, then deactivating the door controls.
Next, firing on cameras looking INTO the room, trying to leave the monitors of those looking OUT intact.
Farmer, meanwhile, had rounded up the controllers, ushering them into a small closet at one end of the room, and jamming the door to keep them inside.
"alright, to work"
They begin moving across the controls, trying to find the off switch, as if there was only one. It was several minutes of this before they got the first sign of trouble. Someone was banging on the door outside.
Looking up at the monitors, they saw that they had company - a contingent of MagnaGuard droids was accumulating outside the blast door, and was beginning to find their way in.
"We don't have much time. Any more of those flashbangs?"
"It won't work on such a large number of them. I do have one other trick though."
Farmer moved behind the computers, grabbing a small sliver of metal, no thicker than a pen and poking it through the ventilation shaft.
The sound of grinding metal against metal was heard, a screeching and then a silence. Brief but poignant. The cooling system of the massive computers had been outwitted by a scrap of metal.
Pounding on the blast doors was growing more insistent, and even the strength of the doors would not last against the increasing number of droids and weapons.
Alarms began sounding as the system began to slowly but surely overheat.
Farmer turned to Artemis, that sad look back in his eyes.
"You need to finish what we started. Save your friend, Della. Save the Corellian soldiers. Get everyone to the docking bays and off this cursed station."
"What about you?"
Farmer took a deep breathe.
"I'll make sure that the computer are shut down for good before the droids get in to stop. But you shouldn't be wasting your time here. You have other things you need to do. Go"
"Go - that's an order!"
Farmer helped Artemis onto a chair and up into one of the ventilation shafts that led out of the room.
Artemis turned after him.
"Don't worry, I won't be far behind you"
Artemis disappeared, and Farmer turned his attention to the door, slowly caving in under the oppression of the droids outside.
He closed his eyes and recited a silent prayer, grabbing a small round object from his jumpsuit
"I'll right the wrong here."
The blast door finally caved under the pressure, MagnaGuard droids bounding in. Hundreds of shots fired instantaneously into the man's body and he collapsed to the floor.
The droids had already forgotten him as they tried to undo the damage to the machine.
As the life left his body, he dropped the small object, eyes closing as it beeped loudly.
The thermal detonator, dead man switch armed and activated, let out a massive explosion, erupting and sending droids, computers, and the body of Frank Farmer flying.
Artemis was already many meters away when he heard the blast. He glanced behind him, fearing what he knew to be true. He would have gone back, but he knew he had a task. and his own orders. He had to go on.
He made his way through the shafts, toward the lower cooridors in hoping of finding Della.
Throughout the station, thousands of young Corellian soldiers felt a moment of seering pain before waking up, weak, tired, trying to get a sense of where they were and what had happened with their lives over the past year. Some did not survive, the sudden shock to the implant killing them instantly.
The healthiest, and most ready, were those from Artemis' own bunk, who had been freed by night of their zombie like state. Even without Artemis, they began to rally those around them, in hopes of seeking their freedom.
Alexander Winton knew something was wrong. His line of vision had been compromised. The Corellians were free.
Apparently, he had miscalculated something. The power of the will to be free. No matter. It just meant more humans had to die today.
And speaking of death, he smiled as he saw the surveillance video, the imperial shuttle landing. Smiling from the office of the High Commander, he watched as among the chaos, his daughter appeared. Right on schedule.
Centerpoint Station
The blaster fire is deafening but when Kimber spots Karen through the fray, the excitement cannot be contained.
For a moment, she believes Melanie is absolutely wrong and Karen has come to save them all and they can fly off together into the darkness of space back to Imperial Beach in the shadow of the Bolerathon Tower on Hesperidium where they would play in the sand with her son Riley while perhaps snacking on some finger sandwiches and knocking back ridiculously fruity cocktails. This is the vision that propels the word out of her mouth, echoing over the din of the battle.
Apparently, Melanie does not share this sentiment and turns to shout.
"Get her out of here!"
Rydan reacts in the steadfastly singular way only a Mandalorian can, whisking her away in the opposite direction with Kent and Agent Cirque trailing behind. The Magna-Guard's loom before them one second then are swept aside the next. Rydan does not question this and utilizes the opening to get them out of the hangar bay altogether. Back in the corridor, Kimber struggles to run-waddle in heels that make a clicking sound against the bare walls. Rydan refrains from scolding her for the impractical ensemble and focuses on the escape.
"Wait," she pants. "Shouldn't we be escaping on a transport?"
Agent Cirque turns to fire at a Magna-Guard now lurching after them, "Too risky! We need an alternative."
"Any suggestions would be nice!" Kent shouts, forgoing his blaster for furious typing into a datapad.
Kimber scoffs, "You aren't seriously writing about this? Are you?!"
"How is anyone going to know what happened?"
"Tell them later!"
"And if we perish?"
Rydan angles left at the junction, growling behind him.
"I'm half tempted to leave you behind to find out. Now shut it and keep moving!"
"Where are we going?"
"Seneca? You had access. Where to?"
Agent Cirque finally takes the legs off the Magna-Guard, "There is an auxiliary bay for cargo at the other end of the hall. Go!"
The group hurries down the corridor as Magna-Guards, realizing the target is on the move, now pursue them vigorously. Kimber can barely keep up despite Rydan practically dragging her along. She is winded, drained, and frightened. The droids attack mercilessly, blaster fire spraying showers of sparks as they strike light fixtures and control panels. Agent Cirque realizes they are not going to make it and when they pass through the set of blast doors at the end of the hall, he stops short.
Rydan turns abruptly, "What are you doing?"
"Get her out."
"What? No, Seneca-"
"Get her out!"
Kimber gasps, shaking her head, reaching out.
Agent Cirque slams a fist into the controls, sealing off the hall before blasting them entirely. He turns back to face the wave of Magna-Guards bearing down, slipping a detonator from his pocket and arming it. As he is riddled with blaster fire, thrown back against the doors, the detonator drops and bounces twice as the Magna-Guards converge over him. As it detonates, the corridor and everything it in is consumed in a fiery explosion.
This sacrifice has bought them some time. Rydan darts into the empty expanse of the cargo hangar, moving quickly toward a heavy transport. It would have to do. He releases Kimber's hand and gets to work on the controls. The transport is predictably locked but perhaps he could do something about that. Kimber leans against the hull, catching her breath while Kent sighs in satisfaction. He had completed his story, their story really, with Karen Winton and Melanie Masterton locked in battle aboard the Centerpoint Station while the Confederation and Empire duke it out in the surrounding space. It really is a defining moment. Smirking, he turns to them.
"Now, for a gripping headline-"
The electrostaff cuts through flesh like butter, eviscerating Kent through the middle, blood splashing over Kimber's dress as she screams, Rydan staring up at the Magna-Guard clutching the other end. Kent's mouth fills with blood, eyes wide. Kimber instinctively, desperately, reaches out, trying to free him but the Magna-Guard swipes her out of the way after identifying her as the target. She must be neutralized but unharmed. Rydan raises his blaster as the droid pulls the staff back out of Kent, letting his body hit the floor with a wet slap. Blood pools around him fast but Rydan is firing, shouting obscenities loudly. The Magna-Guard jabs out, catching him in the side, all the way through. He cries out, turns and knocks the staff away before snapping it with his boot. Unfazed, the Magna-Guard rams into him, sending Rydan careening backwards. The droid raises its arms, slamming down in an attempt to crush him. Rydan rolls left then right, evading the mechanical menace but in a fateful turn, the Magna-Guard's fist connects with his chest so forcefully he can actually feel something rupture, several ribs snapping instantly. He snarls, jamming the blaster up into its mid-section and firing wildly, blindly, as sparks spray across the hangar bay until the Magna-Guard collapses.
Groaning, Kimber pulls herself up slowly and when she takes a step forward her water breaks, splashing down over her feet. She sniffles and bites her lower lip. He knows her well enough to know exactly where her mind goes.
Rydan sighs, "Oh, just say it."
"My shoes!!" she wails.
He winces, barely managing to stand. His vision is a haze of colored spots, chest a bruised mess. He cannot even begin to wrap his mind around what's happening beneath the surface so he does not.
Not right now.
It's time to pretend for her sake.
"We'll go shopping. Imagine all the heels you can buy with the millions of credits you have."
"I...love shopping..."
"That's right, you do. So we have to get you out of here."
She screams again, clutching her stomach, "AH! The transport?"
"It won't open."
Kimber is rapidly losing it, practically unhinged.
"Well if I'm going to have a baby in this fucking station it's not going to be in a fucking hangar bay!"
Rydan's bloody smile calms her somehow, "Fair enough, girlfriend."
They cross the hangar and climb a set of stairs which thankfully leads to a deserted hall bathed in a soft white light. Somehow this section of the station is not filled with alarms but then again, no one really knows where they are in a place this size. They could be anywhere. He reads the layout attached to the wall carefully, locating the universal medical symbol and praying for miracle. Grinding his teeth at the pain, he manages get her to what appears to be small infirmary, neatly stocked but not exactly capable of handling anything extensive. They would have to make due. He has never delivered a child before and, he muses sadly, perhaps he never would. He lays her gently on a bare exam table before the pain forces him to his knees. Rydan hisses between his teeth, sinking against the table with a strained gasp.
"Don't leave me, Ry. Please don't leave me."
"I'm here," he says.
She lowers her hand. He takes it.
They both know but dare not admit it.
As he slowly begins to die, he thinks of when they first met. Flashes of her and Mod Navris on Tatooine when Scott St. Claire first brought them to him, ruining what should have been a romantic rendezvous. The running, Trade Federation in pursuit, meeting Valerie and the debacles of her rise to political power, the anguished look on her face when she demanded he flee with Kimber as Phage was closing in, the sense of pride he took in accepting that mission, taking it to heart, realizing just how much he cared for Kimber and now wishing he had not failed.
The pain is beyond words, darkness closing in.
"Kimber," he whispers hoarsely. "I'm sorry I can't stay."
His hand drops to his side and the room goes silent.
Kimber lies her head back, sobbing, alone, clutching her contracting stomach, calling out, a soft whimper.
"Somebody help me....please...."
Centerpoint Station
The entire station seemed to be in chaos. No one was quite sure what was going on, who was fighting who. It wasn't just the imperials anymore - though by now, thousands had managed to board at Centerpoint's hangars and were gaining some small footholds further in. Now, there were a new terror - or at least, a terror to any Corellian with a memory of the past few years. What were droids doing HERE, and WHO were they working for? At first, it seemed as though they were focusing solely on fighting the imperials but as more Corellians were freed from the controlling power of Saga Judec and Alexander Winton, the droids seemed to understand they had more enemies.
Artemis got only glances of all this as he weaved his way through the station, through paths he had learned well. Not quite as cautious as he should have been, he was in a hurry.
Finally, he reached the place where he first discovered the plots that were going on, the bunker in the lower level where he had found Della, promised he would save her, would free her. But when he arrived, the room was empty, as was the training center immediately next door. Apparently, all the troops had been ordered out long enough ago. They could be anywhere by now. Trying to orient themselves to being free, amidst the fierce fighting. And Della was out there, somewhere. She could, of course, already be dead, but that was a thought Artemis could not accept right now. He had promised to save her, and he would keep that promise.
But first - first, he had to save the Corellians as a whole. Moving through the empty bunker, he came to a small hologram on the wall, a tiny map of the station, with blinking dots in varying colors. blue was obviously imperial soldiers. red? probably imperials, since they were mostly by the hangar bays. Orange could have been droids. Pink? A weird color for a military map. Probably noncombatants? Or, he reasoned, it could be the jedi and her friends. Something about them made pink a definite possibility as their color-code.
They were not his concern now. Corellians were stationed all over Centerpoint, but if they were going to beat the droids, Saga Judec, and Alexander Winton, they had to work together.
Artemis nodded. He knew what he had to do. The same thing he had to do to beat the training program. It was break the rules, break the expectations.
Pulling from the armory locker a fresh set of blasters, he rushed out of the bunker to his next destination.
A half hour later, Artemis made his way into the station's forward communications bay. On the floor around him, a half dozen or so Corellian troops were holding their heads, groaning. He sympathized, but he ignored them. Instead, he moved straight to the station's intercomm, flipping it on.
"Members of the Corellian Defense Force - My name is Artemis Soldys. I am, like you, a soldier. I joined the ranks to defend Corellia from the evils that would have us destroyed. To defend us from Phage, from the Empire. But we have been deceived, and we have been betrayed. High Commander Saga Judec tempted the Empire to attack us, putting our people in jeopardy. He violated the sacred law, that Corellia will never allow the use of battle droids again, and has created massive armies to fight for him. And he enslaved us with machines, taking away our ability to think, our ability to fight for what is right. These crimes cannot go unignored. This station - Centerpoint Station - is a symbol of Judec's corrupt reign. Now, we have been freed. Freed to make our own decisions. We are tired, we are drained, but we are Corellians, and we know what is right. I ask you all to now make a choice. If you are too weak to fight - make your way to an evacuation point. Get off this station. But if you are prepared to stand for what is right, have the strength and fortitude to defend Corellia against our own sinister traitor - then gather what arms you can. And together, we will destroy this abomination. This station, and the droid plague.
Artemis cut off the intercomm, glancing down at the Corellians around him, all of whom were staring up at him with an odd kind of admiration. Reaching down, he helped one of them up.
"THat was amazing"
Artemis shrugged
"It needed to be done. Can all of you fight?"
They looked at each other, nodding, then helping each other up.
"Where to?"
"We need to stop Saga Judec, and destroy the weapon. And he will have a contingent of droids protecting him"
One of the other soldiers spoke up.
"Can we disable the droids? I mean, they are being controlled remotely"
Artemis smiled
"They are semi-independent drones, but yes, that's the plan. We shut down Judec's control on the droids, and he will be out of an army. then, we can finish this station off for good"
"What about the Empire?"
"The Empire has their own problems, and we can deal with them later. But right now, I'm pretty sure we have a common enemy. If we seem imperial troops - try to get them to stop shooting at us. Alright, let's go"
Centerpoint Station
Artemis now had a contingent of about three dozen Corellian troops following him. The first stop - and possibly the hardest - was the main armory, housing the heavy weaponry needed to effectively fight against droids. When they arrived, they found the path one way was blocked off, and a handful of Corellians were struggling to hold off oncoming droids.
Artemis quickly surveyed the scene, ordering his men - they had quickly become 'his' men, even though he was not officially a commander - to move several large crates to take cover, while a dozen or so moved into the armory to stock up. With more men, heavier weapons could be utilized, and those pressed hardest gained relief. The Corellians were starting to turn the battle, and the contingent of droids sent to secure the armory from the now disloyal humans were thrown back. Finally, the coast was clear.
"There will be more of them coming. Much more. Everyone, take what arms you can - heavy weaponry, explosives, anything you can carry - and then we're blowing the armory. If we can't use it, neither can they"
Five minutes later, the location was set to blow, Artemis' forces pulling away before punching the trigger.
The heavy blast door bubbled out, but it did its duty, containing the explosion to the weaponry inside. A quick inspection insured that there was nothing left of use, and then they moved on.
Artemis's forces were on the move again. The force moved into another secure corridor when they hit another contingent of droids, larger this time, and better organized.
"Fall back"
The Corellians took cover as droids began moving at them, firing, pressing them back. Several unlucky soldiers were gunned down, Artemis frowning and looking around for options.
How to get around the system. To his left, a vent shaft, narrower than some of the normal access ports, but he knew it was what he was looking for. Turning to his troops, he gave an order.
"I need a handful of you to come with me, the rest, keep up the distraction here"
Through the vent they went, covered by the rest of the brave Corellians. They crawled forward, closer and closer to the droid's position, careful to avoid being seen as they passed a ventilation shaft next to the enemy, slipping behind the droids and then coming out, quietly as possible. A toss of several detonators, and the droid force was in disarray. Followed by heavy blaster fire, and the Corellians outdid their mechanical counterparts again.
And onward
The droid control chamber may have been their target, but they ended up reaching the weapon's main calculator first. Scientists were still here, guarded by only a handful of droids, remarkably enough. A quick attack, and the droids were down, Artemis facing off against the Corellian scientists.
"How could you have done this"
"We were doing what we thought was best for Corellia. We were loyal to Saga Judec"
"Well, Judec is a traitor, which means so were his followers"
"Not everyone believes that, you know. Judec DID save Corellia - and he had the army behind him."
Artemis glanced behind himself now, looking at the grim faced contingent of Corellians. Then back to the scientist.
"They aren't behind him anymore. I am hereby commandeering this station on behalf of the Corellian people. Arrest them"
Several minutes later, with scientists secured, Artemis was looking over the mechanics that controlled the station's controls. All of them were recently built, despite the station's ancient history.
"If we destroy this room, it could still be rebuilt, sometime in the future. I'd like to keep that from happening"
"What do you suggest?"
Artemis moved toward one of the monitors, a huge display of the firefight going on OUTSIDE the station, seemingly an isolated occurrence amidst the internal chaos. There, one imperial vessel was picking up speed, heading toward the station as if to ram into it. Wow, the imperials had either gotten stupid or desperate. Artemis didn't know or care.
"The weapon is capable of firing anywhere. It can hit almost anywhere in the galaxy, and it can hit right on its doorstep. But what would happen if it fired into its very heart? If we set the weapon to fire at that ship - that star destroyer - let it acquire the target and then give it enough time to collide, then the weapon will essentially be firing on itself. That should keep the station inoperable"
"But there are still a lot of people onboard"
Artemis nodded
"Then it's time we get everyone else off this bucket. A team of you, head up and disable the droids. Anything you do would be helpful. The rest of you, start moving through the station, collect anyone you can find, and help them get to a ship. Even once the weapon hits, it will still be several minutes before the destruction reaches the outskirts of the station. We may get lucky."
They nodded, a now fiercely loyal team, and Artemis was left with only a small group. Together, with the assistance of the bound scientists (not the most willing, but anyone can be convinced when faced with angry soldiers), they set the coordinates.
"Make sure the station doesn't lock down when it counts down and fires. We don't want anyone trapped"
Overriding a few security and safety settings, they clicked off the buttons needed to trigger the weapon. Artemis moved over to the plastic cover, flipped it up, and pressed down on the big red button, Setting Centerpoint to fire one last time.
Centerpoint Station
"Evacuate. Everyone. Now"
A few charges were set to make sure the weapon could not be stopped. It's target was on course. Artemis and the men with his signalled whatever alarms they could, and began running, fast, out of the room. Explosion. That was it. The course was set, everything was in motion.
It felt like forever and no time at all when they heard it, the last bit of the countdown.
"Firing in 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... FIRING NOW"
The station shook, the lights flashed off and for a moment, just a moment, everything was still and silent. A moment later, the lights were on again, and sirens were blaring, louder than ever.
"That's it! Time's up! Let's go!"
Running, fast as they could to the docking bay.
As soon as they arrived, Artemis waved the rest of them on to the nearest shuttle, regardless of who's command it had been under originally. A few droids still were active, the more independent variety, firing indiscriminately at Corellians and imperials, who also seemed to be evacuating.
Then he saw her. Artemis saw across the room, armed with not one but two heavy blasters, Della, her short, strawberry blonde hair looked disheveled, but he didn't care. He was just glad she was alive. Lifting a heavy blaster, he moved forward, ready to help her and a few other soldiers finish off the droids.
A stray blaster fire caught her in the gut, and Della went down. Artemis ran faster, coming up to her side.
She turned to look at him, smirking.
"Oh sure, now you show up"
"I'm sorry I didn't get here soon enough ..."
She winced, but looked up at him.
"You did good Artemis. You did good. But you damn well better find me some bacta soon, because if this gets infected, I will come after you myself"
Artemis nodded, glancing around him and finding a medpack stored against the wall. Grabbing it, he pulled it open, placing a bacta patch on the wound, Della wincing loudly.
"I may come after you anyways"
She winked, and Artemis couldn't help but smile.
"I'm glad your alive, Della."
"You too, Artie"
The droids were finally down, and a stretcher was brought over. Della protested at first, and when offered a sedative, she simply shook her head.
"I've been asleep too long. I'm not missing any more of my life."
She grabbed the sedative sringe and tossed it to the floor, then lifted herself onto the stretcher that began carting her away.
"Don't be too long, hero boy"
Artemis nodded, watching as she was carried away, then turned back to the entrance, watching to see if any others were coming.
The station shook, violently, and then they heard the sound of metal beginning to protest against a stress. time had run out.
Artemis ran to the shuttle, jumping in.
"All ships, take off. Get out of here now!"
Dozens of ships appeared around Corellia, but no one was fighting. No one was warring.
It was no fleet that appeared, not the shiny Corellian Dreadnaughts that had brought war on the Empire. It was a fairly diverse group of freighters, carriers, corvettes. A handful or two of Corellian Dreadnaughts were among the group, but they were battered and damaged and hardly consisted of a fleet.
The Corellian Defense Force, like the Confederation, was in shatters. The leadership was all gone, and it was unclear how to progress.
The returning ships arrived not to victory, but to a junkyard.
Hundreds of Imperial ships were floating, crumpled masses, the work of the Centerpoint weapon. So to where Corellian ships and orbital platforms. Even the planet had suffered, massive earthquakes causing much death and destruction.
Over the past few days, most people weren't even sure what had happened or what was happening. The war on their doorstep had disappeared without a word. So all there was was cleaning up the rubble.
Artemis Soldys sat staring out the viewport of the shuttle he was on. Staring out at a very different Corellia than the one he had left months ago. He shook his head. Saga Judec was defeated (he had been on Centerpoint, according to several others), but at what cost?
His thoughts were interrupted as a young soldier approached, knocking on the durasteel wall before entering.
Artemis still found it odd to suddenly be addressed as a superior. He had heard whispers among his ship - and from communications with others - that several wanted him raised to High Commander, head of the defense force, to help rebuild the confederation. He found it odd that these people so quickly wanted to replace the horrible situation they had. Of course, these were military folk. It was what they knew. It was really all they knew. And he, apparently, was all they trusted right now.
Artemis nodded his head, rising.
"We need to organize a defensive rotation - for Corellia, and for all of the worlds that are still under the Confederation banner. I don't want pirates taking advantage of the chaos we've gone through. Organize all capable military ships into ten groups, diversified fighting power, and have them spread out to Confederation worlds. Then, let's get the civilian governors together on Corellia."
"Yes sir"
"It's time for a change"
3 weeks later ....
In three weeks, much of Saga Judec's military government had been deconstructed. Several new rules had been implemented, to ensure power stayed with civilians.
First and foremost, no active military personnel could hold a civilian position, nor could they override said position. Marshall law could only be declared by civilian leadership. And perhaps most importantly of all, the Confederation of worlds was officially disbanded.
At a meeting of governors, representing all of the Confederation worlds - with Artemis representing Corellia, in the absence of a governor - it was decided the worlds would maintain a mutual defense force but independent governments. An alliance with less centralized control.
Artemis himself had steadfastly refused taking on a position as leader of the worlds, believing it would only lead to disaster in the future. He did, however, take on a new role of leadership on Corellia itself. At the behest of the governors, Artemis Soldys accepted the appointment as head of the Corellian Security Force, taking the position that had belonged to Frank Farmer. Director Soldys was determined to keep the CSF out of the hands of the military, though cooperation was welcomed.
Della, after her experiences on Centerpoint, had resigned from the military and taken on a role within Corellia's civilian government, working as an assistant to the acting governor (at least until the upcoming elections).
The position of High Commander was left vacant as well, the sector governors believing it should be a position decided by all of them at a later time. Instead, 10 admirals each was the highest military authority for a defensive fleet, the organization Artemis had set up. The fleets rotated to provide protection for the worlds in the sector.
Centerpoint was a massive field of debris, a graveyard to hundreds of thousands. Civilians were forbidden from traveling there, and the defensive fleets would rotate for a shift through its remains. The area in the sector's deep space, between the planets of Talus and Tralus was suffering from severe gravitational disruptions, the after effects of the station's demise. travelers were encouraged to navigate around the area when traveling through hyperspace.
Another rule was promulgated as well, in light of the discovery that Judec had again utilized battle droids to expand his dominion. Droids of any military nature were banned throughout the sector, and droids of an intelligence level above a standard protocol unit were also banned. Anyone seen buying, selling, manufacturing, distributing, or possessing of such a droid was subject to severe penalties under the terms of the treaty. And any unauthorized droid found would be taken into the possession of the military and summarily melted down.
One of the defensive fleets was always stationed also on the western border of the sector, warily watching in the direction of the deep core - the Empire had gone away, at least for now, but there was never any certainty that they too wouldn't strike again.
So it was, for the time being, the destruction that had been rought by Saga Judec and the mysterious Alexander Winton led to a peace among the people of Corellia. The question was, of course, how long would it last.