Author Topic: SWSF: Rulebook  (Read 15354 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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SWSF: Rulebook
« on: July 05, 2017, 02:38:11 PM »
Version 1.0.0
Ruleset based on Galactic Realms Universe

General Rules


    A player may post once every 12-hours unless in combat. If in combat, they may not post until their opponent has responded or 24-hours has passed.

Hyperspace Travel

    Hyperspace is the manner in which units travel between planetary systems. A unit must have already been present in Space then turn they enter hyperspace. Put another way, a unit may not move from the Ground to Space and to Hyperspace in a single turn.
    Travel in a sector takes 12-hours. Travel to an adjacent sector takes 24-hours, and for each sector further out add another 24-hours, and so on.
    When travelling within in a sector a unit may deploy its hyperspace-capable escorts before hand. If travelling beyond the sector origin, all escort units must be onboard their parent ship.

Damages & Special Rules

Weapon Damage (A/B/C/D)
A = Capital Ships, Platforms, and Ground Facilities
B = Starfighters and Auxiliary Craft
C = Ground Vehicles
D = Infantry

An easy way to think about it is Big-to-Small. For the most part, your battle posts will be eating and breathing in the A/B categories, so keeping metal track of damage output vs units should be easy. The idea is to spend less time referencing the specs and rules, and more time referencing the grid and plotting your next move!

DAMAGE CATEGORY      A         B        C     D
Turbolaser Battery^  8         0        8     20    1
Heavy Turbolaser^    7         2        7     17    1
Turbolaser Cannon    6         3        6     15    1
Heavy Laser Cannon   3         3        3     12    1
Laser Cannon         2         1        4*    8*    0
TIE Laser Canon      1         2        4*    8*    0
Ion Cannon           6         2        0     0     1
Heavy Ion Cannon     8         1        0     0     1
Proton Torpedo^      4         2        8*    8*    1
Proton Bomb          6         0        50*   0     0
Concussion Missile^  2         4        4*    12*   1
GROUND WEAPONS       A         B        C     D     RANGE
Vibro Knife          0         0        0     5     0
Vibro Sword          0         0        0     10    0
Vibro Axe            0         0        0     15    0
Vibro Spear          0         0        0     15    0
Blaster Pistol       0         0        0     3     0
Blaster Carbine      0         0        0     5     1
Blaster Rifle        0         0        0     6     1
Blaster Cannon       2         4'       2     9     1
Heavy Blaster Cannon 3         6'       4     11    1
Siege Blaster        4         8'       8     13    2~
Concussion Grenade   5         5        3     15    1
Thermal Detonator    0.1       0.1      0.1   17    0

^Weapon is capable of being used during Orbital Bombardment. May only target hostile units on the Ground in the Z-Grid. Resulting damage is defender's choice (to resolve inherent weapon inaccuracy).
*Bombing Runs allow atmospheric bomber-class starfighters to specifically target individual GAVs. During a bombing run, that starfighter performs a low-altitude flight path which exposes it to vehicle and facility-based weapons. While not on a Bombing Run, starfighters are considered to be in the Space Z-Grid (aka HALO Zone) and out of range of ground weaponry.
'Damage applies when weapon is fired at a Starfighter or Auxiliary during a Bombing Run. Explosives are only effective against SF/AUX which have landed.
~See chart below.

The Common Grid

In Space, the Transit Grid is where all hostile starships must exit hyperspace. The Transit grid is considered a contiguous Deep Space/High Orbit (DSHO) Zone that is one giant grid space that connects to A, F, K, P, and U for the purposes of movement and combat. On the Ground, the Transit Grid is where all landing barges, auxiliaries, and capital ships must land to disembark troops and vehicles. It functions the same way as space for purposes of movement and combat.

In Space, the Z-Grid is the Planet Itself. The Z-Grid is considered a contiguous High-Altitude/Low-Orbit (HALO) Zone that is one giant grid space that connects to E, J, O, T, and Y for movement and combat. In order to conduct Landing Barge operations or Orbital Bombardment, Capital Ships must be in the Z-Grid. In order for Starfighters and Auxiliary Craft to conduct Bombing Runs, they must also be in the Z-Grid. On the Ground, the Z-Grid represents the central command area of the planet. In order to take over a Planet, hostile forces must have a 5:1 Infantry advantage in the Z-Grid AND all local ground facilities must be destroyed.

When moving from Space-to-Ground, units move from the Space Z-Grid to the Ground Transit Grid. For visualization purposes, the Space Z-Grid is "directly above" the Ground Transit Grid, as to provide a seemless transition.

No more than one (1) capital ship or platform can be present in any grid space at the end of a turn, excepting TRANSIT and Z grid spaces which may contain any number of platforms or capital ships. Unlimited star fighters and auxiliary craft can occupy any grid space. Units can move through a grid space with a capital ship, but may not end their turn in a grid space that is already occupied.

Weapon Ranges on the Common Grid

     All capital ships >500 meters and all ground assault vehicles must adhere to the following diagram when determining the performance of their weapons. X = viable grids where weapons can be fired. Y = an extend grid where only the Siege Blaster can reach. In this scheme, the unit's Location/Heading is M/N. (By default, all capital ships under <501 meters to include starfighters and auxiliaries, AND all infantry and artillery have full 360-degree coverage.) Units with a weapon range of 0 can only attack other units in the same grid.

   _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
  |     |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|     |
  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
  |     |     |     |  X  |  X  |     |     |
  |     |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|     |
  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
  |     |     |     |  >  |  X  |  Y  |     |
  |     |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|     |
  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
  |     |     |     |  X  |  X  |     |     |
  |     |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|     |
  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |

Ionizing & Capturing Enemy Vessels

    Ion Cannons are specialized weapons used to short out a ship’s systems and disable the ship's ability to perform basic actions such as movement and weapons control. Ion Cannons effect shields first, and then systems.
    When a ships Power Systems Points are reduced to zero (0) it is disabled. At this point it can be boarded. You should use shuttles to ferry your troops onto the enemy vessel. When fighting onboard a vessel, remember you must follow Ground Combat rules.

General Combat

    When units engage in combat, it's a simple process of returning fire. Your enemy will post damage and most likely fire back, or make a tactical move.  And so it continues on until one of you is destroyed.  A vessel is destroyed once all of its shield and armor points are depleted.
     For Capital Ships and Facilities, if the unit is three (3) times the length of the target or larger, it may train no more than 50% of its weapons on the target, otherwise it may train 100% of its weapons.


    Starfighters and support craft are deployed based upon the number and type of launch bays found onboard a ship.  Most ships have medium and small launch bays, however some specialized ones are equipped with large and massive bays.  Ships may deploy Fighters/Aux craft at the following rates per bay...

Large Bay  -  3 Squadrons or 6 Aux
Medium Bay  -  2 Squadrons or 4 Aux
Small Bay  -  1 Squadron or 2 Aux

    You may mix and match deployments of different unit types per single Bay to reach their max deployment volume per turn/cycle (i.e. a Large Bay could deploy 2 Squads and 2 Aux, or 1 Squad and 4 Aux).

Tractor Beams

    Tractor Beams are used for a variety of purposes from moving cargo and guiding friendly ships into position, to capturing and holding enemy vessels.  Tractor Beams may only be used on a Capital Ship once its shields fall to 0%.
    A single beam may hold up to 100 meters worth of ship with a range of one grid space.  Multiple beams from the same or separate ships may be combined to hold larger vessels.  If you don't have enough tractors, then you can't get the job done.
    Tractor beams prevent craft from forward/reverse movement. You cannot move a unit from its current position.

Landing Troops/Boarding Vessels

    Ground Troops are an essential part of combat.  Without them, you could not capture enemy ships that have been disabled and more importantly, could not capture and occupy planets.  Galactic Realms Ground Combat rules are involved, but are fairly easy to grasp once the basics are down pact.
    For the process of ground combat to actually begin, one of the two opposing forces must first be transported to the battle zone.  This is done through either landing barges or boarding transports.
    Landing Barges must be carried by larger craft, and are then deployed with their compliments and sent down to the surface.  For a landing barge to get to the surface, it must be deployed from its mothership in the Z-Grid of Space. Ferrying troops back to the mothership works in the same way - it takes a single turn to load troops and return to the mothership.
    Boarding Transports may only deliver troops to a vessel with its shields down.  Once shields fall, a ship may be boarded. Transports may deploy all their troops in a single turn and either remain docked and wait, or move away.  Simply post transports continuously ferrying troops as necessary.

Troop vs. Troop Combat

    Troops engage in combat with each other much in the same way as space-based units do. To attack you simply total your weapons fired and multiply them by their damage ratings. This is the amount of damage dealt to your opponent.
    Notice that Crew do not fight but will surrender as soon as not troops are left to defend them.

Starfighter & Auxiliary Rules

    Starfighters and Auxiliary units have unrestricted movement on the grid. What this means is that on each round, they can move once to any single grid in the entire battlefield to either Attack or go on Combat Grid Patrol (CGP). SF and AUX that are on CGP must be engaged 1:1 before any Capital Ships in that same grid can be attacked by Starfighters or Auxiliary Craft. This is very similar to the classic "Combat Space Patrol" scheme of yesteryear, only we're marrying SF/AUX to grids and not capital ships.

    Starfighters or Auxiliaries that perform a Bombing Run are considered to be in the Space Z-Grid, but while they are on a Bombing Run, they temporarily fly over the Ground Grids and thus become vulnerable to attack *from all units in all grid spaces on the ground grid*. See the visual below.

Orbital Bombardment

    All orbital bombardment is done from the Z-Grid in Space and may be carried out by Capital Ships, Starfighters, and Auxiliary craft. Your weapons ratings will tell you if you are capable of bombarding -- if there is a rating greater than 0 for vs GAV or vs Troops, those weapons can be used.
    Because of the distance, bombardment is not precise. Units may only target a single grid space, not specific units. The defender may then spread the damage as they wish on the units in the grid space targeted.

Garrison Bases and Other Structures in Ground Combat

    Units inside of a base/facility cannot be harmed until the outer structure has been destroyed. At which point, they are vulnerable.  Units residing within a facility/garrison may not attack units outside of the garrison.
    The only units capable of entering an enemy base that is not yet destroyed are Troops. Note that only the troops defending the garrison get the terrain bonus. See Movement/Terrain rules.

Altering Compliments

    Altering Compliments is a simple process. Keeping in mind you cannot swap on type of unit for another, you may freely choose which units to place on your ships and facilities, so long as you do not exceed the total number listed in their specifications. The types of units are: Troops, Vehicles, Auxiliary Craft, and Fighters. Second, you may place onboard unit types up to the total of unit types supported by the

Capturing a Planet

    To capture a planet, both of the following objectives must be met. . .

    A) 75% of all enemy ground forces are destroyed.
    B) It must be held for an entire turn.

    Once both of the previous objectives have been met, the planet is thereby considered under the aggressor’s control.  It may be signed over beforehand should the PDF commander decide to.

Expansion to Neutral Worlds

    Almost every faction's goal is to expand their power and capture new member worlds; however, all worlds are by default off limits and inactive. For a faction to activate a world, they must first achieve a notable feat that allows them to 'activate' a neutral world for either diplomacy or annexation.
    At this time, the following are considered Notable Feats: Destroying an enemy vessel > 1000m, capturing an enemy world, forcing the retreat of an aggressive fleet. Feats can be accumulated, and you should keep track of how many you've accomplished. It is recommended to give these names such as 'Defense of Coruscant' or 'Conquest of Kamino'.
    Once a neutral world is activated, you can choose to use diplomacy (7 turns (14 days) and 7 storylines of merit) or annexation (a battle against the worlds defense forces, which should not exceed 1000 MC and are determined at the time of the battle).


    The only defenses that can be built on a world are surface structures. These include hangars, garrisons, and weapons emplacements. Otherwise, a faction is free to place their other units wherever they like under the concept of local defenses.

Distress Calls and Scanning

    Given the constant in and out traffic around worlds, all unit locations are known. This means you should post the location of your units and bases at all times, even when not in combat, and that there is no need to scan.
    Distress calls travel at the same speed as units. In 1 turn (48-hours) the rest of the sector knows about the attack, in another turn, all the adjacent sectors know about tit. In another turn, the sectors adjacent to those, and so on.

Storing Units

    Starfighters, Auxiliary Craft, Troops, and Vehicles must be placed onboard parent ships or as part of the onboard craft of facilities. You cannot 'stockpile' units outside of these locations. When you lose units, simply build new ones to replace them at that time.

Repairing Units

    Any unit that belongs to another unit such as a Starfighter or a Trooper, can be repaired by returning to their mothership. Note that repairs can only take place once combat has ended.
    Capital Ships can be repaired by 'docking' with a Orbital Ship Yard or Repair Dock. For the number of days to repair, use the following algorithm:
        (Cost of Unit / 2) / (Unit Armor) * (Number of Armor points to be repaired)
    Platforms and ground facilities use the same formula, but do not need to travel to repair docks. They simply repair where they are located.
    To reload warheads, including for onboard units, simply return to any friendly planet.


    The Galactic Realms economy revolves around the control of systems.  Each system produces a certain amount of income, which is generated by taxation and exportation of goods. 
    A planets income may be collected once on the first day of every month.  It automatically transfers itself to the controlling factions main accounts and from there may be distributed to other accounts, or used in the construction of units.  The SWSF Admins will mail account status to the Sim Leaders, who will in turn keep them informed of every transaction.
    There is a cost associated with the upkeep of capital ships and combat facilities.  This cost is noted in the unit's specifications and will be deducted from monthly taxes collected from sim systems before deposit. Maintenance fees are paid upfront, for the month ahead.
    All systems generate 300 MC per month in income and it is deposited into accounts on the 1st of the month.

Failing To Pay Your Maintenance Fees

    Maintenance Fees are paid up front for the month, on the 1st, the same day taxes are collected. If a player cannot cover their maintenance fees, units must be destroyed immediately until there is no a shortage. The player is free to choose which units to destroy. All of that unit's compliment is destroyed as well and may not be transferred to another base or ship.
    For example, if I have a negative income after taxes are collected and maintenance fees are paid of -100 MC, I might choose two Light Hangars to be destroyed instantly, thus no longer needing to pay maintenance for them and having my banking balance return to black.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 11:35:22 AM by NR Hoppus »