Author Topic: Welcome to the new SWSF Simming Game  (Read 13240 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Welcome to the new SWSF Simming Game
« on: July 04, 2017, 01:25:27 PM »
Hey Everyone,

For those of you who remember the AOL-era, the OGFs and all the rest, you'll remember a certain formality around boards, posting, and games.

I am hoping to bring this back to the Community.

To that end, a (tiny bit) more moderation will be going on. The 'SWSF' prefix means that person has moderator abilities, and they are not afraid to use them! In reality, the only change is trying to organize the forum and get people actively posting in dedicated spaces again.

But more importantly, a new game is going to start. As your benign (and temporary) dictator, I am declaring this the official game of the forum.

You will recognize the rules. They are very close to those we played with years ago. They are simpler, streamlined, written by an adult rather than a bunch of kids, but they are the same in spirit.

The goal is very simple here: get people active and playing, pronto.

At the moment, these are the core ideas:

  • Simple fire arcs and grids (with a helpful app for quickly plotting units on the map and getting a sense of what's around you in a visual context).
  • One player per faction, no hard cap on # of units. Instead, unit support/production are both intertwined and dependent on the systems you control.
  • A large galaxy, but conditionally closed off. You'll need to win a battle, destroy a big enemy ship, or complete other feats of import in order to 'unlock' neutral worlds for diplomacy (SL and peaceful) or annexation (Battles and War).
  • Simple Empire Building. Units are either Capital Ships, Starfighters, Troops, Vehicles, or Military Facilities (Garrison Bases and their like).
  • Turn-based. Every 'turn' lasts 48 hours. Everything posted in that turn, happens 'instantaneously'. There is a bit of change around how battles are handled now that touches this, and hopefully keeps battles rolling.

I will begin posting rules and other information soon. So keep you eyes peeled.

- SWSF Hoppus
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 02:29:03 PM by SWSF Hoppus »