Author Topic: Simming Discussion  (Read 208012 times)

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #90 on: April 13, 2016, 11:33:25 PM »
Or in a separate thread. I may have some interested parties to test it out with and we can tweak the rules as issues arise until we have a working system.

Offline gallpizi

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #91 on: April 14, 2016, 10:27:00 AM »
I have a decent amount of experience using the FFG RPG and also Star Wars Rebellion which just came out.

Maybe we can use a dice roller like that and it determines successes, criticals, etc.
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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #92 on: April 14, 2016, 08:21:30 PM »
I love the FFG system but you couldn't really roll those dice on this forum.  Also I think if you're going to do rolling for outcomes, a 2d6+modifier will yield better odds than just one d6.  Pbta style 2-6 is a failure, 7-9 is a success with a complication or partial success, 10+ is a success.

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #93 on: April 15, 2016, 10:09:04 AM »
I just am a bit concerned with having a complex or strict turn based ruleset - it doesn't play well with message board games. You wind up having to wait on each person or have lots of missed actions where nothing happens, and then a battle takes like a week or more. Plus, plenty of us are old working stiffs now with kids and little time.

Might work well for short single session games once a week or something, though. I agree with simplifying dice rolls where possible since it does muck up the flow on threads.

I'm working on a very simple narrative based ruleset, and will post it when I have any sort of working version. Need the people active here to play anything at all though, of course!

Offline gallpizi

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #94 on: April 15, 2016, 04:27:09 PM »
The issues are two pronged.

1.) We need a good system
2.) We need people to use it.

I am not good at creating systems but I am semi decent at driving traffic to a site.

I will see what I can do.
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Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #95 on: April 16, 2016, 01:02:20 AM »
Don't worry about systems. There is a private developer's thread on these boards that I dump stuff into that Eidolon and Hoppus tweak. We got systems for days. Everything under the sun has been thought of. The intent has always been to recreate the nostalgia of mass fleet on fleet combat but recognizing the fact that 20-40 person factions are unrealistic... really it's 2-4 person factions these days is the best we can hope for. The numbers are never really the problem. We've had good runs with about 5 people on average for GCW. We can work with that.

The gaming landscape was much different 3-4 years ago for us though. Tabletops hadn't hit the market just yet. So there was still a niche itch to scratch with traditional simming on this forum. Admittedly, Fantasy Flight Games has killed it in terms of quality, and are on the same level of the kind of stuff we do here. I think the reality is that many of us are in our 30s now. We have jobs, lives, houses, kids, projects, friends, family, grad school, and maybe after all that.... the occasional afternoon a few times a month to absolutely waste playing FFG Star Wars tabletops with our homies.

"Well it's not about the gaming, it's about the writing and character development." Okay great! I think that's what is keeping this forum alive to be honest. Storylining is the one contingent that won't go away. We even set up a group SL sandbox just for that in the "Rise of the Empire" thread.

"Well we need to adjust our expectations." I think we have. We're developing a gaming system that will be more streamlined going forward. Low commitment threshold, algorithmic combat calculations for rapid posting, and long intervals between events to allow players to check in once a week or just a few times a month. This gaming system will also be terminally focused. In GCW, one of the best aspects of those games was that they had a definitive beginning and ending point. We're going to keep doing that, but this time the "story" of the game will be truncated to short time spans. For instance, GCWI lasted 9 months, GCWII lasted 12 months... these were drawn out games. The idea going forward is that - like a tabletop game - there is an objective ending that gamers can bring about.

"All we need is a core group that can stay consistently active to keep a game going." I believe in that 100%. Unfortunately, in the past 2 years on this forum, that core group has burnt out. Including myself at times.

"So what are we waiting for?" People to show up - old or new! We need fresh blood. Otherwise we're just a nostalgia club. We hope Episode VII will continue to drawn in more strays, but it has yet to spark the gaming dynamite yet.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #96 on: April 17, 2016, 12:54:23 PM »
  I agree with Hales points, but also would add that there is at least some simmering of interest here amongst us to begin with.

  I think the best jumping off point for any stab at a galactic scale sim with what we know is following. . .

  1) Start out with a Galaxy, full routes for traveling- allowing for "trade routes" "blockades" etc in economic terms of game play and other venues of attacking opponents.  You make this a good full galaxy with important worlds and few additional back up worlds.  Maybe try to limit to 100 or less, or at least near there maybe.  To allow for story dynamic to fulfill game purpose of taking and holding territory, I think After Endor suits best, then you have Rebellion in position of strength and possibly early shaping into NR, and Empire can be fractured to allow for the next dynamic..

  2) "Players" start out with a base Fleet/Armada, and control/governance of 1 System.  Admirals, Moffs, Imperial Governors, Local Governors risen up in Palpatines death loyal to Rebellion/NR, worlds actually a part of NR or indep worlds part of Rebellion now openly in defiance of crumbling Empire.. etc.  Various angles for us each to choose.  Every other NPC system then has a leaning loyalty, Rebel/Imperial/Indep whatever based on their canon situations at the time generally.  They'd also have their own elements of defense, perhaps their Fleets are comparable to what a Player starts with at first, while a Player has more growth potential and an NPC just hovers at whatever it starts at, with certain NPCs of course having more.  For instance- we could establish Coruscant as an NPC Galactic Empire entity that Players cannot choose at the onset, it is a goal for a Player/Players in concert together to take it, or perhaps an Imperial Player to gain the favor/loyalty of and rebuild the True Galactic Empire?  But essentially a Player can work alone, in name of Republic/Empire/Self, or work together with others as well to build a greater force, or stab each other in back ;p  A balance of wide open sim and a living rpg world of sorts.

  3) Combat should be as simple as possible with diminutive value sets and if at all feasible/trusting the incorporation of die rolling for variation.  The concept of combined fleet values is worth consideration for even more simplicity, but it of course sacrifices some tactical dimension.  You can compensate by inclusion of ideas like Fleet Formations which would affect damage dispersal/defense/offense and Focus elements such as what is primary objective that they are trying a little harder at and maybe thus gain a benefit from and conversely in other area a detriment to?- which would be options able to switch from turn to turn/round to round.  Ideally, combat would only last 2-3 exchanges until an outcome is decided to keep things moving and exciting?
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Offline gallpizi

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #97 on: April 17, 2016, 05:06:00 PM »

  3) Combat should be as simple as possible with diminutive value sets and if at all feasible/trusting the incorporation of die rolling for variation.  The concept of combined fleet values is worth consideration for even more simplicity, but it of course sacrifices some tactical dimension.  You can compensate by inclusion of ideas like Fleet Formations which would affect damage dispersal/defense/offense and Focus elements such as what is primary objective that they are trying a little harder at and maybe thus gain a benefit from and conversely in other area a detriment to?- which would be options able to switch from turn to turn/round to round.  Ideally, combat would only last 2-3 exchanges until an outcome is decided to keep things moving and exciting?

Have you played at all with Star Wars Rebellion that just came out from FFG?

Their combat and health system is kind of interesting and based on colored dice and each vessel has a colored dice damage thing. Hard to describe in words but it is really very simple.
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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #98 on: April 17, 2016, 06:52:39 PM »
I swear FFG must have an AOL SWSF gamer on their staff!

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #99 on: April 17, 2016, 07:23:08 PM »
I just want to tell stories. :)

Offline gallpizi

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #100 on: April 17, 2016, 09:45:12 PM »
I am less about the stories and more about the fleet building/combat etc.



Also yeah, someone at FFG must have been from AOL SWSF days. For sure!
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #101 on: April 18, 2016, 06:01:57 PM »
I swear FFG must have an AOL SWSF gamer on their staff!

  We should find and kill that son of a bitch.

  XW Minis was lead designed by Jay Little.  One of few people who made first iteration of AE (first AR/DR fighter system, and supply unit dynamic) on AOL SWSF was named Jay I think (Jay, Rejja? and Wedge).  Probably a stretch, but still.  Let's kill the son of a bitch just in case.  ;)

  I will thank him first of course.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 06:05:23 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline gallpizi

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #102 on: April 19, 2016, 10:05:19 AM »
Hmmmmm. Curious and curiouser
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #103 on: April 19, 2016, 08:23:29 PM »
Contact them and find out!

Offline gallpizi

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Re: Game Discussion
« Reply #104 on: April 19, 2016, 09:27:34 PM »
No time!

In all seriousness. I would love to play fleet maker/defense builder/battle man.

If we ever come up with a system that allows for someone to handle just that piece without story. <waves hand>
Simming on the SWSF in AOL since 1999.
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