
In all seriousness, do you want to...

play a combat-oriented game for GCWIII?
4 (66.7%)
OR an SL-driven game using the GCWIII sandbox?
2 (33.3%)
OR an SL-driven game, where units are provided free of charge but major battles are decided via some combat-oriented mechanism?
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Author Topic: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!  (Read 159366 times)

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #60 on: September 11, 2014, 09:14:52 PM »
Personally, my initial idea was being a higher up in the rebel operations on the planet.

However, it might be fun to be a colonel or some rank, who is on the Governor's staff and in charge of the world's garrison. A miserable bu cunning bastard. That would create conflict between me an Eid's legions as well as Gall if he is the big-shot Admiral sent out basically saying to my character - you aren't doing a good enough job, I'm taking over and now you answer to me... to some degree. Anyway, a character with his own traumas and lust for power.. a real sick bastard that has antagonized the population at large in his hunt for rebels and what not - and paranoid as all fuck... an embodiment of the darkest sides of what THE EMPIRE means in Star Wars...

Hm I like this idea!

Obviously there would be secondary characters - The Governor, Majors or whatever under his command, other political and aristocratic/social persons in the sphere of influence of the Governor, etc...

Could be damned interesting, that...

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #61 on: September 11, 2014, 10:07:58 PM »

   Here an idea pertaining to single planet focus Blockade dynamics.  Initial thought is Blockade in entirety or not at all, but thought maybe it would help better serve Gal's interests if Blockade dynamic was also broken down in to zones of control as Ground combat would be.  Something like this. .

   So you have 4 quadrants.  8 would work well if you could find a good illustration to use for it, I can't yet.  If adopted would work to adapt this one to actually displaying a planet and what not.

   Anyway, here, 4 quadrants that can be controlled from space.  You could start game out that Rebel Fleet and Imperial Fleet both occupy 1 Space.   Then you design dynamics around shifting that power about.  Actual number battles take place to shift control one way or another, or a fleet can split up and occupy two spaces with two smaller groups at the risk of being spread but at benefit of controlling more zones. The idea of this part of game is to get control of all 4 quadrants to completely blockade planet and help your side flourish in the ground war.  Space Battles could then take place on smaller focused grids with more spaces and such or via some other dynamic, or simply compiled mass units or however the people who'd play that angle of it all would want to see?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 10:09:29 PM by Eidolon »
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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #62 on: September 11, 2014, 11:36:32 PM »
I wouldn't mind taking a more space-oriented approach. Personally I am more drawn to the mid-to-large scale naval battles (1 ISD and company vs. NEBs & CORVs), and wouldn't mind taking helm of the Rebel Fleet for the campaign and GM'ing.

I like the idea of a lot of action concentrating on one planet, but for purposes of raids, battles, smuggling to-and-fro, opening the game up to a Sector, even if we just utilize a few worlds in practice, just feels better for me. If we stick with the Seswenna Sector, simply using Eriadu and Sullust as our "main stage" systems with the others in the background might work.

As we're discussing all of this, I just want to bring up the bad memories of SWSF Legends RPG, and the Aburik Cluster. One fizzled out, the other got burned out in development hell. Whatever we decide, the game should be fast-paced, scalable, and focused on a few victory conditions so we don't get bored nor dragged into a massive group SL that requires everyone to post according to some short order timetable. I'm of the opinion that collaboration should be rewarded, not required.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 11:38:13 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline gallpizi

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #63 on: September 11, 2014, 11:49:07 PM »
I am really digging this.

The way I see it is a decently important planet starts having some rebellion. The Governor tries to stop it. Asks for help from Sector fleet(me). I send some ships, things get out of hand I have to send more ships and then other flare ups start. I have to balanace keeping this key world secure with letting the rest of the sector devolve into open rebellion.
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Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #64 on: September 12, 2014, 07:53:38 AM »
I wouldn't mind taking a more space-oriented approach. Personally I am more drawn to the mid-to-large scale naval battles (1 ISD and company vs. NEBs & CORVs), and wouldn't mind taking helm of the Rebel Fleet for the campaign and GM'ing.

I like the idea of a lot of action concentrating on one planet, but for purposes of raids, battles, smuggling to-and-fro, opening the game up to a Sector, even if we just utilize a few worlds in practice, just feels better for me. If we stick with the Seswenna Sector, simply using Eriadu and Sullust as our "main stage" systems with the others in the background might work.

As we're discussing all of this, I just want to bring up the bad memories of SWSF Legends RPG, and the Aburik Cluster. One fizzled out, the other got burned out in development hell. Whatever we decide, the game should be fast-paced, scalable, and focused on a few victory conditions so we don't get bored nor dragged into a massive group SL that requires everyone to post according to some short order timetable. I'm of the opinion that collaboration should be rewarded, not required.

Legends RPG was quite different from what we're talking about here I think - at least in my mind this is more open and less turn by turn and there's room to explore the world as you like.

I think an important thing to acknowledge here then is that there isn't some large game mechanic that will determine space battles and the like - instead we'd be coordinating story reasons? Like Eid's character is smuggling in armor and so maybe that info gets leaked and it leads to a skirmish in space - or whatever, story reasons for the space battles to take place?

I think I would be happy planet-based (most of the time). This scenario - a sort of backwater planet with an inept Govenor turning into a flashpoint of rebellion activity (just after Hoth) sets a good stage to jump into - in other attempts, the stage had been to wide open for me to really sink into I think. I like this - I have two characters in mind - and I'd like to do small trooper skirmishes and perhaps occasionally larger ones. We could set these up through story then create a custom map for each engagement (between Eid and I and if the others join) and then use some set of rules that are streamlined for the combat...

Anyway, dumping thoughts before getting to work. I'll be checking in.

EDIT: Just to be clear I like the idea of limitless systems available if the story takes you there, though probably all in the same region of galaxy more or less. But one world would be the sort of boots-on-the-ground stage, and other actions on other worlds would be related to what is happening or characters or doing in the stage-world.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 08:37:18 AM by Hoppus »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #65 on: September 12, 2014, 07:56:52 AM »
Also I should add, not crazy about the sector - Eiradu and Sullust aren't very ripe for exploring our own stuff.

Quenelli sector (galactic north) has some backwater worlds that aren't really featured much in SW sources but have some data on them - some big space ports and MFG places in the sector. We could choose one of those worlds and make it the Sector Capital and work from there. Or choose something even more remote.

I would prefer something that is 'backwater' and that the characters in this would know they are in backwater regions.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #66 on: September 12, 2014, 10:58:54 AM »
I think the Seswenna Sector is ripe for exploration and fertile for story backgrounds! http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Seswenna_sector

Here is a full write up of the sector according to Wookiepedia.

Eriadu, nuff said!

Seswenna was a planet in Seswenna sector. It was the original sector capital, but lost its political and economic dominance to Eriadu. Seswenna had been on the Hydian Way, but the Way was rerouted through Eriadu to reflect economic realities. Seswenna, and the rest of the Seswenna sector, were briefly lost to the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War. It was also the birth place of Conan Antonio Motti, an influent admiral of the Galactic Empire's naval forces.

Adras was an Imperial-held planet. Nezan was a city on the planet, on the outskirts of which there was an Imperial detention center. Around 4 ABY, the planet served as the rendezvous site between a group of Alliance to Restore the Republic operatives and group of Sullustan agents from Alliance Intelligence. After a skirmish with Imperials, the Rebel operatives rescued the Sullustans and fled to the Alliance fleet at Sullust.

Agomar was a planet in the Agomar system of the Seswenna sector. During the Battle of Agomar, the Confederacy of Independent Systems pitted its Droid Army against the Grand Army of the Republic, with the world eventually falling back onto Republic control.

Brintooin was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories covered in plains, deserts, swamps, and a few mountains. It was the home base of the Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Unit. After the Battle of Endor, Imperial Governor Thalkuss maintained nominal control of the planet; but he relied on the presence of Colonel Zel Johans, commander of the Hammers, to retain control.

Dzass IV was a planet in the Dzass system. It was the location of the Lunis-Medix Medical Academy.

Eczar was a world in the Outer Rim Territories' Seswenna sector. It was known for its extensive financial networks. The Imperial agent Vacander had a bank account on Eczar, which was discovered by the Rebel Alliance Intelligence operative P. Essex Yerac.

Luptoom was a member world of the Galactic Republic. The inhabitants of Luptoom were Humans, who were known for their outrageous taste in fashion. Naboo was halfway between Coruscant and Luptoom, which indicated that Luptoom was in the Outer Rim.

Mirnic was a planet in the Seswenna sector of the Outer Rim.

Orryxia was a planet in the Orryxia system, in the Outer Rim Territories near Eriadu. It was home to the Orryxians, a sentient species sometimes given the derogatory nickname "Cats." It was also home to the orycat, a small woodland predator. Wilek Nereus, the Imperial Governor of Bakura, visited the planet and obtained a dental specimen of the orycat but was unable to complete a comprehensive survey of the creature's environment due to adverse conditions. The planet was also noted for Orryxian Catsblood, a popular beverage.

Parwa was a world that was located in the Seswenna sector, in the Outer Rim Territories. The Parwan bounty hunter Derrown originated on Parwa.

Hockaleg was a planet in the Patriim system. The Tarkin superweapon was built in orbit of Hockaleg, with the construction crew living in a spaceport town on the world in between work shifts. Citizens of this world worshiped the deity, Holy Jaf.

Phelarion was a planet located in the Seswenna sector, in the Outer Rim Territories. In was the homeworld of the wealthy Motti family, which included figures prominent in the Galactic Empire such as Lady Thalassa Tarkin, wife of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, and Conan Antonio Motti, Admiral of the Imperial Navy. The Motti family were wealthy citizens in the megonite moss mining business, established in the centuries prior to 60 BBY, using slave labor. Lady Tarkin erected a solid black obelisk on Phelarion in tribute to Tarkin and named the main starport Port Tarkin. She ran the mining operations for the Empire, but they were sabotaged by Leia Organa, who crashed on the planet after her ship was shot down by a TIE fighter.

Spuma was a medium sized planet in the Seswenna sector of the Outer Rim. It had a number of prairies, mountains, and jungles located along its surface.

Uvena Prime or Uvena I, was the home planet of the Shistavanens (wolfmen) in the Uvena system. The species, capable of hyperspace-level technology, emigrated to other uninhabited worlds of the system, including Uvena III, to prevent strangers from outlying systems from arriving and settling them. Nearby was  Uvena II and the Shistavanen colony world Uvena III.

The Moshaw Dark Star was a black hole on the edge of the Seswenna sector. The Dark Star Hellions originated from the area around this black hole. The Dark Star Hellions was the name of a swoop gang in the Seswenna sector of the Outer Rim Territories. They ran spice, smuggled weapons, and served as muscle for various underworld factions.

Offline gallpizi

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #67 on: September 12, 2014, 11:23:48 AM »
I think this sector works for our purposes.
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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #68 on: September 12, 2014, 11:37:52 AM »
I agree. I think for The Lost Campaigns, starting out in a familiar setting with natural Imperial vs. Rebel tendencies is the way to go. That way we can refine the game mechanics for the next Campaign, and move to another part of the galaxy that could be considered more remote or backwater.

Offline gallpizi

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #69 on: September 12, 2014, 01:04:18 PM »
I agree 100%. Having a sector we know and then branching  out is the way to go.

Now that we are all on the same page the next step is to get together some rules/ideas of who is who.

I am going to be the Sector Fleet Admiral/troubles-shooter from an ImpNav fleet.
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #70 on: September 12, 2014, 02:18:16 PM »

     A whole sector itself might be too ambitious still.  Just saying.  You're talking 4 players at the moment, 2 of which have expressed interest in relative static planetary locations.  That's a lot of void for 2 players alone to fill, especially when the other 2 players activities are going to be drawing you there presumably?  How much are other worlds going to play in any actual management & build up dynamic or will there be absolutely none of that?  You could take just Eriadu and Sullust and develop as the Battleground Stages possibly that are primarily what Empire or Rebs may use as harvest points of some sort?   and keep with idea of the whole sector, as Hop says, as story may possibly take you places and some small features for action on a couple that are used for characters or people with backwater interest (my story will be almost exclusively on Eriadu I anticipate tho)

     We need to try and adequately address what we all want to see, find the absolute middle ground, as there are only the few of us and otherwise those who aren't satiated are going to drift and lose interest or feel as though we are bending to play the style of game others want to play.  I like the idea of intending to do future campaigns, but if this first one isn't held together with enough carrots on sticks to keep us all enthralled then we can forget about a second one.  At least that's my theory.

     But anyway, to try and stay somewhat on a progressing note,  I'm cool with idea of Eriadu as it entirely fits a mold for a story I'd like to do and angle that'd be fun to play with the strategy battle/rpg system we come up with.  So there's a good common ground point there.
     I will be taking role of Eraidu Opposition, character angles may be numerous, I expect primary to be some sort of iconic mid level commander though.  It will begin as political wranglings, discontent and isolated acts of violent dissent against Imperial domain.  As a crackdown intensifies, it will escalate per real world parallels and it will blossom in to all out Civil War amidst Eriduans to depose Imperial rule and Galactic Civil War between Imps and Rebs.  In this role, I will very unlikely ever be writing about anything going on outside of Eraidu, besides perhaps very minorly Sullust if it is to function as the Rebel Bastion of sorts in the region.   Think Syria conflict almost then roll in impending Iraq 2.5 and all to that.  I'm going to try and make it have feel of those parallels sort of, vaguely I guess.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 03:01:28 PM by Eidolon »
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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #71 on: September 12, 2014, 03:43:38 PM »
Eriadu seems like a real high profile planet...

Offline gallpizi

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #72 on: September 12, 2014, 03:45:53 PM »
So the real question is how do we make usable and fair rules?
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #73 on: September 12, 2014, 04:18:00 PM »
Eriadu seems like a real high profile planet...

    Yes but that helps the cause of at least being a Battleground location.  Reb and Empire aren't going to fight to last man standing over worthless scrap of land like Hoth or some undeveloped rural world in the context of the drawn out ground battle that I'd been considering that lasts for months and months or years and years in IC context and has substantial population to matter enough in public eye and opinion of galaxy etc.

    I would naturally gravitate toward more backwater locales as well, but I don't feel that fits the story I'm finding myself want to do as my interest takes more solid shape here.  I'd also personally rather see it as a completely Us-Invented world, but others are more keen to stick to some brand of canon.  I'd be content just to exist in SW Uni and tech and lore and galactic background and compeltely invent our settings, but I've been pushing that concept for years and years and preaching the tactic of shrinking down our game as much as possible and no one ever (or at least not enough or whatever) wants to bite on it and give it a try.

    So I'm just trying to grasp at the straws here that are are close as possible to what I'd like to do and try and not pull it to far away from what everyone else wants to do.  Eriadu compeltely fits the idea I'd like to do, but I'm open to other suggestions as well.  But for the type of conflict and story evolution my angle will come from, it needs to be relatively populated with lots of city scape and value.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 04:23:44 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline gallpizi

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Re: GCWIII -- New Combat Model? Let's Mock!
« Reply #74 on: September 12, 2014, 04:24:34 PM »
Don't have a problem with an original planet. Hell call it Earth lol. But I do know I don't like small scale lol.
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