Author Topic: CC: Corellian Birthright  (Read 100514 times)

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #60 on: October 03, 2016, 11:58:29 AM »

Surface: CorSec Academy

The Masterton shuttle touches down on a private landing pad within the Academy. Director Elon Veritaas is waiting with Riley Patten beside him. Gemma's impending arrival caused quite a stir, a stop in a string of concerts beginning in the Corporate Sector and ending on Chandaar. The Director felt it best for her to land here as it is a closed campus free from the prying eyes of the press.

The ramp descends and Garron Prescott walks down first followed by a white-jumpsuit clad Gemma. Her face lights up when she sees Riley and she runs to him. Elon shakes Garron's hand and glances toward Gemma.

"My deepest condolences on your loss, Lady Masterton."

"Thank you," she says, turning back to Riley.

He holds her hands in his.

"I'm glad you came."

"Me too."

Elon motions toward the administration building, "Shall we?"

As they walk through the halls, the cadets all stare and whisper while trying to remain composed. Gemma smiles and waves dutifully until they board a skiff that takes them to One CorSec Plaza. Once they are safely ensconced in the Director's office, he brings his hands together behind his desk.

"Much has happened while you were away."

"We saw," Garron says. "Not exactly a stellar development for the Jedi. How are they holding up?"

"It's been tough but they are resilient."

Gemma breaks Riley's gaze to turn to the Director.

"I was able to procure a considerable contingent of the Force vaccine for them. We are taught to suppress our signature to avoid detection but it wouldn't pass one of the Republic's tests. I've started my own regimen since I'll be heading there soon. The vaccine will allow them mobility and protection."

Elon grins, "They will be grateful for this gift. Riley, will you see that Gemma has some refreshments after the long journey."

Riley nods and escorts Gemma from the office.

Once the door closes, Garron crosses his arms.

"How bad was the damage to the Patten Ranch?"

"The fire destroyed a vast majority of the main house but the surrounding gardens remain intact. Construction is nearly complete on the rebuild with some reinforcements added to the plan in order to fortify the compound. Riley has been staying at the Academy ever since so we can keep an eye on him. He's such a good kid, bright and studious but there is a naïve and curious streak that reminds me so much of his mother. It's a struggle between wanting him to learn while trying to keep him safe. I know at least a part of him understands why his very existence holds the public interest. Thankfully, between me, Della, "Octavia" and "Cale," we've been able to provide some semblance of a normal life for him here."

"He is extremely fortunate to have you," Garron says. "I find myself in a similar situation with these three. They aren't children anymore but that doesn't change my instinct to want to protect them from everything even though I know damn well that's not possible."

"I heard that Dane is working at ChemiX. It was a smart move to maintain the integrity of the company while moving it forward under new leadership."

"He is surprisingly complex."

"And Dahlia?"

"Ever more so. She's difficult to read but in terms of our suspicions there isn't much to go on save for the fact that one of those creatures was posing as part of her security detail up until a few months ago."

Elon leans on his desk, "How was it discovered?"

"Too late, I'm afraid. Gemma brought it to me but I was distracted by the disappearance of Kylie Miranda so she faced it down herself."

"That's bold but I'm not surprised. She is very capable."

"Yes but she is also curious and does not believe in things as blindly as the other Jedi. She is not entirely convinced Dahlia was as oblivious to the creature's presence as it wanted her to believe. Unfortunately, I've seen no evidence to the contrary."

"Demaris' intel has confirmed as much. Dahlia is either very good at hiding things or she really is just a privileged girl heading off to university."

"As much as I hate to believe it, the Winton's were masters of deception in their own ways."

"So I've read," the Director says. "The loss of their parents will undoubtedly change all of them in ways they may not fully understand. Grief often leaves one vulnerable."

"That's what I'm afraid of. I have Irulan Reeves watching over Dane on Mondder and I stay close to Gemma which leaves Dahlia to her own devices. She's eighteen so there isn't much I can do. I only have guardianship over Gemma and Dane."

"Then I hope, for our sake, that she chooses the right path."

"You sound like Nevylinn."

"I'll admit their views have resonated but it doesn't change our situation here. Corellia has always had a somewhat contentious relationship with the Republic even after our admission. We had begun to work together more efficiently thanks to the work of Senator Soldys but since the truce with the Empire, it has again fallen into odds."

"There were rumors that the Empire was helping to shore up the Republic fleet along with Mon Calamari but nor Corellia."

"This is true and no one has been able to get a straight answer out of the CEC. Their resources are tied up by Maker only knows what."

"What does Mara say?"

"Mara and Nevylinn have been gone for some time now."

"A lead?"

"Possibly, but I have not heard from either. Doctor Cross is still missing. I had forensics comb every inch of that lab but they found nothing. With the photage also gone we had little to go on except what she was working on. It does not appear in the report."

Garron shifts in the chair, "The research wasn't sanctioned?"

"Not by CorSec. Nevylinn had asked Doctor Cross to analyze a sample of Riley's blood for a certain…enzyme. We don't know what conclusions were drawn but her abduction lends to the theory that she found exactly what she was looking for."

"Why would anyone care about this molecule?"

"Because its the same as the one found in Valerie Gellar."

The implications dawn on Garron slowly – who Mara really is, how she came to be. He swallows the lump in his throat.

"I see. That is concerning."

"More than a little. Mara believes it may be part of some pattern, a genetic link between The Four, that relates to the prophecy."

"The prophecy…"

"The Queen may not have been the first," Elon says gravely. "And she may not be the last."

« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 04:27:50 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #61 on: October 17, 2016, 04:34:48 PM »
"They say nothing lasts forever
I disagree 'cause we've got this memory.
Even if the stars don't align perfectly
Forget destiny, I want you to stay with me."

-Natalie Walker


Gemma plays a sold out show at the Gothic Theater in downtown Coronet.

She prefers the smaller venues to the arenas. It feels more intimate and she can connect with her fans with a full view of everyone. Although her heart is heavy, Gemma sings through the pain. Music is her therapy, a perfectly healthy form of expression. The crowd is delighted by her set and she takes a final bow as the curtain closes. The roar of applause and screams follow her backstage where she signs autographs and greets fans. They shower her in flowers and condolences on her loss. Some are even in tears which touches her. She gives hope to those who have lost.

Garron hovers nearby as the security detail ensures no one gets too close. She isn't bothered by the chaos, blowing a kiss and waving as she is whisked back to the hoverlimo idling behind the theater.

"You inspire them," Garron says. "Hell, you inspire me."

"Thank you."

He nods and stares through the tinted windows, caught up in a mixture of thoughts and emotions. Her music stirred something in him. It always does but the gravity of their current situation gives it an edge that is all too real. Sensing this, she touches his arm.

"We will all get through this together. I promise."

He smiles.

"Each day at a time."

They arrive at the hotel where fans wait eagerly to catch a glimpse of her. Gemma waves and reaches out to them as she passes. The positive energy gives her strength, makes her feel less alone. They head upstairs where Garron retires for the evening. Gemma returns to her suite to shower and change into a simple beige tunic dress before ordering dinner from the restaurant downstairs.

There is a knock on the door twenty minutes later.

Riley grins behind a cart of covered plates.

"Glad I'm on the list," he says, wheeling it inside. "No one gets on this floor without clearance."

"Garron's orders."

"He isn't lurking around here, is he?"

"I told him I was in for the night so he gets to rest easy. Besides, it is nice to spend time with you alone. I missed you."

He blushes and sets the plates on the square dining table.

"Same here," he says. "But I was sort of nervous to see you again."


"I don't always know what to say when bad things happen."

They eat in silence for a while, enjoying the spoils of a world-class chef. They stare at each other across the table and her heart beats faster. The tension and chemistry are palpable but she can also feel his anguish, unsure of how to comfort her.

"No one does, not really but I'm coping as best I can. There are no words to even describe how I feel. Not in any way that will do it justice. So I sing out these feelings and it helps."

"People say time heals…I'm sorry, that's so stupid."

"It's not," she says. "Time does heal but everything is still so fresh I can only process the feelings as I experience them. The Force keeps me balanced but that doesn't mean there isn't anger or doubt. I just know those things won't lead anywhere good."

"You are so strong, Gemma but I am here if you need me."

"That means a lot, Riley but may I confess something?"

He leans in expectantly, "Of course."

"Long before they died, I had this dream. I saw their gravestones but never the names. It was just a flash, a fragment of a montage but I saw them. Dane thinks I should have known and in a way I did but never said anything. I didn't tell Garron, my parents, you or even Master Nevylinn. I never told anyone. I think I was so focused on other parts of what I saw, the more present danger of the creature and its motive in our lives that I was not mindful of the future as well."

"You can't know everything and you can't blame yourself."

"I don't feel responsible for their deaths but it does make me question my abilities. I don't know why I would even see it if I wasn't able to make a difference."

"Maybe you weren't meant to."

"What do you mean?"

"It may not have been your role to intervene. Maybe you were shown what you were shown so that you would be prepared, be the one other people turn to."

"I'm no pillar of strength."

"You were to me when I needed it most."

Riley clears the plates and piles them back onto the cart then follows her out on the patio. There are breathtaking views into the city center. The towers and lights are intoxicating and their hands find each other in the darkness.

"I am lucky to have someone who believes in me the way you do."

"Can't help it," he says, bringing his eyes to meet hers. "I'm in love with you, Gemma."

A sweet surprise settles across her features and she smiles.

He is embarrassed by his forwardness and moves toward the patio doors.

"I should go…"

She stops him, "I don't want you to."

"You don't?"

And she kisses him, softly at first but he responds as if activated by her touch. It becomes more passionate and they stagger back inside the suite, gradually but instinctually moving across the room. His hands slide up her body through the dress and she pulls open several buttons on his shirt. Her back hits the bedroom door. They break and look into each other's faces.

"Stay with me tonight."

It is his turn to be surprised, touching the side of her face.
"Are you sure?"

"Yes," she whispers.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #62 on: November 07, 2016, 02:54:42 PM »

Surface: Coronet

They awake in the afterglow.

It was beautiful and awkward and sweet; everything a first time should be. Riley sweeps blonde curls away from her face and smiles.


Gemma kisses him then reaches out to grab her Carteris chronometer on the nightstand. Gasping, she sits upright.

"Oh no, we better get you out of here before Garron finds you."

He glances at down at it and makes a face, "Whoops, guess we overslept."

"Totally worth it."

He laughs as he slips out of bed and pulls his uniform back on. She eases into a robe and watches him fumble around for his boots. She rests on the edge of the bed when he returns to kiss her goodbye, and she holds his face in her hands. His expression falls slightly as if remembering.

"Please be careful in the Republic."

"I will."

"It's dangerous for you there."

"It's definitely hostile," Gemma says. "But if I can find out what's really going on then perhaps the Jedi won't have to hide."

"How are you going to do that from a stage?"

"I am hoping Senator Soldys can provide a little insight into these attacks. I'm no tactician but they don't seem like strategic targets. These are deliberate spectacles, often in the most public places."

"You think it's all a sham?"

She nods.

"By someone wearing Nevylinn's face. I don't know who or how they did it, if it's Changelings or clones or the creatures playing their tricks. Someone is manufacturing evidence to support the Registration Act and keep the Jedi away from Chandaar."

Riley follows her process.

"At a crucial time in the new truce between the Republic and Empire."

"Makes you wonder - what are they doing over there that the Jedi's presence may cast suspicion? My guess is it's not something good."

"I agree but people are genuinely fearful of anyone with Force Sensitivity, so much so that they have resorted to all sorts of violence."

Gemma eases down onto her knees, taking his hand.

"Which is why we have to stop it. Riley, you know who we are – what we represent. Whatever is happening is happening. It's been happening since we were children, even when we didn't know what it meant. We are part of something larger and everything that has happened to us makes me more certain that we are the ones who can end this once and for all."

"Don't you think that's what my mother thought? Your sister? I feel like we have a real chance to live outside the legacy they left us. We don't have to play these games. We can just be ourselves, be free of all that."

"We both know that's not true. We see them because they need us to finish this. They won't be free; we won't be free, until we do. I will not be duped and strung along in ignorance or complacence. They were lied to and manipulated-"

"-and in the end, killed."

"That's because they didn't realize what was happening until it was too late. We need to know. I need to know who is behind this and why."

Riley sighs.

"Even if it leads you to something you may not want to find?"

"If I don't, it will find us instead."

He nods, recalling their time in the dark place. It already had. They were captives, terrified and confused, studied by an unseen adversary while replicas of his aunt taunted them with their emotional detachment. He thought they were going to die. Gemma kept him centered, clear-headed until they were rescued.

The attack on the Patten Ranch had been devastating for him. It was the home of a family he would never know and it meant something to him. It made him feel like he was a part of them. Still, they had come for them again. He was injured and Gemma would have been killed had it not been for Nevylinn's intervention.

No matter what they did, they would always be in the cross hairs if they didn't figure out who gave the order.

"Okay but the others, the original Four, were pieces in someone else's game."

"The Four were players but we don't know they were actively playing."

"We don't?"

"Nothing that came out of that story was entirely conclusive. No one knows how deep or how far it really went. There wasn't any reference to the creatures or the Sith woman so we have to infer there are other elements they didn't know about and those elements are only now beginning to appear. Contrary to what Dahlia believes, it's not all about us. It's bigger than that."

"It would also make us pieces. Pivotal or not, there are people that want us to do certain things. I don't want any of us to be prodded along and threatened so that some sinister purpose can come to pass."

"I know," Gemma says sadly. "But either we play the game or we're going to lose."


Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #63 on: January 18, 2017, 10:24:16 PM »

It didn't take long for the reports from Ambaril to reach Corellia - all part of the Republic, after all - but Riley had been spared for a few extra hours, focused on his academy training.  It wasn't until he saw Donovan Atrii standing at the doorway that he knew something was wrong.  Atrii, of course, was posing as his alter ego, but the expression on his face gave away that this was more than just a visit.  Riley stepped away from his sparring partner and walked over to the jedi.

"What is it?"

Atrii shook his head, then motioned for Riley to follow.  Riley followed Donovan out of the academy where a speeder was waiting.

"I'm in training"
"It can wait.  There's been a development"
"What kind of development?"

"With Masterton"

Riley's eyes went wide. "Gemma?  is she alright?  What happened?"

"Mr. Patten, not here.  We  - including Director Veritaas - are concerned that what compromised Gemma might have compromised you as well."
"Gemma's been compromised?"
"Not here, Riley"

Riley forced himself to remain quiet as he entered the speeder and quietly made their way out of Coronet.  The speeder was still moving when Donovan spoke.

"Gemma was at a performance in Ambaril when footage of her, wielding a lightsaber, appeared on screen behind her.  She was booed off stage, barely escaped, and apparently fell in with the Concealed,a protest group on the planet.  We haven't heard from her or Garron Prescott ever since."

Riley was scared, panicked.  But mostly angry.

"I knew this would happen!  How could you put her at risk like this!"

"It was a risk she was willing to take, Riley.  And it was necessary."

"A lot of good it did for her. Now you don't even know if she is hurt, or alive, or captured"

"She is alive Riley - if she wasn't, I would have sensed it.  And maybe you would too.  No, I believe she escaped, but she hasn't made contact yet, and until she does, I want to be prepared in case we need to move quickly.  Her being revealed compromises you, compromises the jedi on Corellia.  Compromises Corellia itself."

"What do you mean?"

"If the republic finds out that Corellia is harboring jedi - it could be disastrous"

"Whoever took that footage already KNOWS"

"Exactly.  That's why I'm so worried"

The speeer continued moving out into the night, away from the cities and people and threats.

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #64 on: January 24, 2017, 09:19:00 PM »

Riley was taken to a remote launch pad and then transported via shuttle into orbit, where he rendezvoused with the training ship the jedi had obtained a few months back.  The ship had skipped around the entire sector, never staying in one place too long.

Riley had a hundred questions, and just as many worries.  Donovan Atrii had stated that Gemma was ok, but he had been misled before.  Why was now any different?

Not to mention, what was the plan? humiliate her?  Kill her?  Discredit her?  Who would be so evil as to go after GEMMA, the sweetest, most wonderful ...  He let out a sigh as the shuttle docked.  He could hear security clearances being given, the hiss of the ramp, and then he rose.

Before he had even descended the ramp, two teenage jedi approached.

"We have a message.  For Riley.  It's from Demaris"

Donovan and Riley both shared a look of surprise as they hurriedly followed the teens to the comm room.  One pressing the button to play back the message.

There was Demaris, a smile on her face.

"Hey Riley!  I just wanted to say thanks for the beautiful present you sent me.  It looks like it came out ok, except the bow was missing from the wrapping paper.  Thanks so much. Hope the academy is treating you well.  Talk to you soon"

They could see Demaris reaching toward the recorder and then the message cut out.

"Riley, do you know what it means?"

Riley stared at the blank screen for a minute, then nodded.
"Gemma is ok.  But she's missing something - or someone.  The wrapping protects a present, so if Gemma was the present, it means she is missing the one who protected her."

Donovan let out a sigh.  "Garron Prescott.  This is worse than I feared"

Riley didn't know Garron that well, but he knew that Garron would do anything to protect Gemma.  In fact, now that he thought about it, Prescott had done far more than the jedi had to protect the jedi.  He was about to say as much, but Donovan already had other plans.

"Riley, I am going to make arrangements for you to stay aboard the ship for the foreseeable future."
"I think I should go see Gemma"
"i think that is a poor decision, on several levels, young man.  We will dispatch a jedi rendevous to meet up with Gemma, help her decide how to go forward.  But you being in the same place as her would not be wise right now"

Riley wondered if this was really all about safety, or if Donovan knew more about Gemma and Riley's relationship than he let on.

Either way, Riley had dealt with being confined before.  Mara hadn't liked his response, and neither would Donovan.

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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #65 on: April 27, 2018, 04:22:50 PM »

Surface: Coronet

Circe Prescott, known as Octavia Valles in this life, stares up wistfully at the statue of Valerie Gellar. Her metallic face is serene but determined as she watches over the CorSec Academy. Circe had never known Valerie, not in the way she knew Melanie, but from the stories she was told made Valerie seem legendary. Death does that to a person. It has the power to propel their life into a legacy and on Corellia, the Gellar name is synonymous with hero. She fought and died for them, sparing the people of this world untold horrors at the hands of the sentient machines led by the Baron Phage. Gellar, along with Patten, Winton, and Masterton seem to be a fated lot – death follows them where ever they go.

Circe was devasted to learn of Rutherford Gellar and Celeste Masterton’s deaths in the Corporate Sector. Her singular solace lies in the fact that she had been able to tell Celeste that Melanie had fought with honor and that she loved her family, even if she was never able to return to them. Her heart breaks for Gemma and Dane…and even Dahlia in some respects. They had been stripped of their parental figures, much like Riley had, to leave them exposed in a tumultuous time in the galaxy.

Her eyes drift further up, past Valerie’s ever watchful gaze, to the sky above.

Director Veritaas had warned them they had been compromised in the same way Gemma had on Chandaar but no one had come for them. Both she and Donovan, posing as their new identities after they were “killed” in the bombing on Ambaril, have not had their covers blown. The Jedi are still safe, for now, darting throughout the sector in an old training ship. She knows the things she does here with Della, for the betterment of all Corellian’s, is simply a way to atone for the failures of her past.

As far as she knows, Circe and Riley were the only survivors of the Battle of Centerpoint. Riley was only an infant and free of the guilt associated with escaping a fate that befell everyone they held dear. At night, near sleep, she sometimes sees flashes from so long ago, hears the voices of her team as they prepared for battle. She remembers Kimber refusing the change out of the beautiful dress and the solemn glance shared between Rydan and Melanie when they knew the Empire was coming for them. She remembers the words Kent spoke to her as he curled that datacard with the story of The Four into her hands and how she felt as her shuttle rocketed away from the platform just before the jump to lightspeed. It all seems like a lifetime ago and, in a sense, it absolutely was. She’s not even Circe Prescott anymore.

Her feelings for Donovan have grown and although they are reciprocated, his Jedi vows prevent him from moving forward with her. Circe respects that but wonders if they would ever be granted a chance at a normal life. She laughs in spite of herself. They are too far beyond that for it to really matter.



Riley Patten dreams of Gemma. Her face, those lips, and the golden curls. He hates that he can’t go to her and he’s been trapped on this damn ship for what seems like forever. The time is mediated by rigorous trainings with the Jedi which have turned Riley into not only an expert marksman but a highly capable fighter. He may not have the Force but he can throw down better than most.

He wonders what Gemma is doing right now, if she’s safe and thinking of him too. Their night together has never been far from his thoughts. It was probably the most magical thing that’s ever happened to him. He is in love and love makes people do crazy things. Riley has to remind himself of their plight daily so that he doesn’t try to escape the ship and go to her. He knows better than to compromise her further. There is more at stake than just the two of them even though it doesn’t feel like that sometimes. So, he dutifully attends his trainings and gives it his all.

After one of his sparring sessions with Donovan, he admitted to seeing his mother. It felt organic to tell him as they have grown close during his time here. Riley thought it would sound foolish but surprisingly Donovan met him with understanding. He said that sometimes those we love have a way of finding their way back to them in ways they least expect. Donovan explained the concept of a Force Ghost and, even though Kimber Patten was not a known Force Sensitive, her proximity and connection to two powerful Force users may have allowed her the ability to communicate with him. Riley also admitted it had been some time since he last saw her but Donovan did not seem concerned. He said that knowing Riley is safe and has become the man he is may have been enough for Kimber to pass on completely, where ever that may be. Riley hopes not. A boy always needs his mother.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2018, 04:27:11 PM by Syren »

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #66 on: October 22, 2019, 10:28:38 PM »

Surface: Coronet: CorSec Academy

Director Elon Veritaas sets about his day as he always did. A quick tour around the Academy before heading over to One CorSec Plaza for meetings and administrative duties. Corellia has largely enjoyed peace, despite the unrest on Chandaar. Senator Soldys continues to fight on their behalf against anti-Jedi sentiment which has only been exasperated furthered by Speaker Leeds’ descent into paranoia. So strange that such a principled man could come to see things this way. The Jedi had been their protectors once upon a time. Now they assume false identities within their regional government and slowly traverse the sector. Veritaas has long-doubted the motive behind the Imperial truce and has unfortunately come to see those feelings were not misplaced.

Drakos and the RSB are spinning their wheels while enjoying the increasingly military state a little too much. Reports provided daily by Della Avers state the Republic capital is pretty grim. He is grateful that, despite their reputation for being scoundrels, Corellia has managed to rise above it. Senator Soldys is losing ground in the Senate which has been reduced to seething shouting matches the Speaker only seems to encourage. The fear that the Jedi fugitives they are harboring will be discovered is never far from his thoughts. His only respite is the knowledge that Riley is safe. He wishes he could be here but understands the boys need to forge his own path. Both his mother and aunt had been dragged screaming into a horror they should have never experienced. Riley deserves a chance to do it differently.

The Director swings by the training complex, speaking with a few instructors, nodding to one of their brightest, Cassidy Clay, before heading to the medical lab. Physical and psychological evaluations were expected in on a class of potential recruits. Enrollment was steady. It pleased him to know citizens still took pride in their service. Entering his code, Veritaas strides into the medical lab to find Doctor Tivoli Cross scanning through a datapad. He stops dead in his tracks when she looks up, their eyes locking momentarily. She smiles.

“Good morning, Director Veritaas.”


“Doctor Cross.”

Tivoli disappeared almost two years ago. A frustrating but thorough investigation, including the interrogation of the Infiltrator, turned up nothing. It was nearly a year before they found a new medical director yet here she is - in the same place she was last seen - as if nothing had happened. He makes a command decision.

“Are the results in?”

She nods, handing over the datapad. He glances over them and hands the device back.

“Well, what do you think?"

There is not a hair out of place. She is entirely composed and seemingly unharmed.

“Fine,” he says. “Just fine. Thank you, doctor.”

Director Veritaas leaves the lab, waiting until he is safely ensconced in his office before making the call to Master Atrii.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 10:33:46 PM by Syren »

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #67 on: December 21, 2019, 10:53:51 PM »

Deep Space

A lone cruiser on patrol moves slowly through the fringes of the Corellian system. 

The Jedi Donovan Atrii watches from the viewport as a shuttle nears. He had been living under the CorSec Agent alias “Cale Theon” long enough to have settled into the identity. His assigned mission, one designed to keep him far from Coronet, has been to dutifully patrol their borders as part of Corellia’s admittance into the Republic. They were doing their part. The droid crew and solitude of his work allowed him much needed space to meditate as well as keep sharp with training the other Jedi refugees. His feelings, however, create dissonance within the teachings of their order. Donovan had given up possession but a growing attachment posed an interesting problem. 

Once the shuttle touches down in the hangar bar, Director Elon Veritaas strides down the ramp followed by Della Avers and “Octavia Valles.” Unlike him, Circe Prescott was hiding in plain sight. Her work with the People’s Council inspired hope on Corellia in spite of the darkness spreading across the Republic systems. Her face brightens as he approaches but the Director’s expression is dour. 

“You said it was important,” Donovan says. “Has something happened?”

Veritaas nods, “Doctor Cross has returned.”

Returned? You mean she was found?”

“No, returned. As in, I walked in to find her in the CorSec medical labs in the same spot she had been the last time we saw her.”

“It’s been ages and there were signs of a struggle."

Della smirks, “You can see the reason for our concern.”

“And you are certain it is her?”

“It’s her,” Circe says. “We saw her for ourselves.”

“I mean, biologically. You’ve confirmed it?”

“She’s not a clone,” Veritaas says sharply. 

“It wouldn’t be the first time in history. Or even here, on Corellia. Best to make sure.”

“We’re sure, Donovan. Stranger still is that she does not appear to remember even being gone and went about her routine as she always had. We came to amicable terms with the current medical director pending further investigation but the problem remains. I thought it best we meet to discuss next steps." 

The Jedi folds his arms across the beige uniform jacket, “The good doctor has clearly been somewhere all this time. How much did you question her?”

“Minimally, and we kept it vague,” Della says. “As we believe she was abducted, there is a risk of further trauma if we force her to confront things she has subconsciously blocked from her mind. There is also the issue of her status.”

“You have a theory?"

“She's a plant. It may signify why she was returned seemingly unharmed. Think of all she knows. The enzyme in Riley’s blood, the Jedi and, more critical from a political perspective, the true identities of “Cale” and “Octavia” as well as the fact that Mara Tacofer is still alive.”

The list of secrets is not a short one. Tivoli Cross’ knowledge of the truth put them and many others in danger. 

Donovan muses on this gravely, glancing at Della. 

“Whoever revealed Gemma as a Jedi in that photage never made good on the larger threat. Perhaps that is why Cross is here, to exploit the additional leverage. What does Senator Soldys say?”

“He’s as skeptical as we are. All is made worse by the fact that he continues to fight a losing battle in the Republic Senate. They may have scaled back their presence around Centerpoint but there are rumors of sending what essentially constitutes a Republic garrison to systems that oppose the expansion of the F.U.R.A. and its more ethically questionable applications."

Veritaas sighs, “I don’t need to tell you what that could mean for Corellia.”

“We do not wish to be another catalyst for violence and subjugation. We need to evacuate the Jedi,” Donovan says. “Now.”

Circe gasps, Where? We are quickly running out of places to hide them as the policies of the Republic continue to divide the galaxy. Such a decision should not be made in haste-“

“What about the two of you?”

Circe and Donovan turn to each other. There is too much unspoken between them. A classic case of duty versus emotion, one he did not expect to find himself in. He had sworn to protect her. Their separation, he patrolling the system and her in the thick of it, had not begun as intentional. It was part of their assumed identities. Roles they had to play in order to survive. Their attraction had grown to make it necessary to keep from crossing an invisible line of attachment the Jedi drew long ago. She respected that. She does not like or understand it but she respected it. It does not, however, change how she feels. Circe tucks a strand of white-blonde hair behind her ear. 

“I cannot speak for you Donovan but I am too ingrained in society now that leaving would arouse more suspicion. You should go with them. They need someone to watch over them.”

“They have learned and grown considerably in our solitude,” he says. “I go where you go.”

She smiles, hoping that would be his answer. 

His eyes return to the Director, “Did Riley tell you where they were headed? Perhaps they found a suitable sanctuary?”

“He made mention of Lur” Veritaas says. “But I do not believe that is where they are heading."

“I thought the initial reports indicated that he departed for Corellia. Won’t his absence be noticed?” 

“He wants to stay with Gemma. I am not going to argue with that, especially if I know that means he is not a target here. His withdraw from the public eye can be rationalized. What happened to them on Hesperidium must have been awful. Gemma is a presumed casualty. Maker knows those kids have been traumatized enough. I don’t know the full story but if the reports on the Holo are to be believed, Dahlia Winton and many others perished in that tower.”

Donovan glances down. 

“Something tells me that doesn’t necessarily upset the Jedi,” Della quips, crossing her arms. She has been on salty island since her last conversation with Artemis. Nothing he said or did have been able to bridge the deep division the Force itself has driven between them all. She knows how much effort he expended trying to keep this all together and Dahlia has always been the wild card. Which way will she go? The Jedi seemed to take past familial behavior as the chief indicator for future performance. 

Circe interjects lightly, “That girl saved my life so I will always be grateful.”

“Only for the Republic to take it from you again. They thrust out the Jedi, painting them into a fanatical threat, then tried to eliminate both of you in full view of the public. I apologize if I sound bitter but we have done good work here. We have helped Corellia thrive again which is more than I can say for the Republic. They have been investigating Centerpoint for years and have reported nothing conclusive that may imply motive or explain their continued interest other than to never allow us to forget they took us into their fold. Artemis may disagree but sometimes I wonder why we fought so hard to be a part of this only to have it become everything we have ever stood against. Paranoia, oppression, aggression – these are not tenants of the grand Republic I grew up hearing about.”

Veritaas takes this in.

“The Republic is a dream, flawed and filled with ideals. There is no perfect system but I feel we must keep fighting how and where we can. Even the notion of withdrawal may bring them down upon us and we can ill afford that kind of exposure without extensive coordination." 

“Then what do you suggest? Our inaction is, in essence, our acceptance. We are letting them get away with it all.”

“I do not disagree but there is no easy way to win this battle, especially one predicated on misinformation and prejudice. We must be clever and remember that we are not the only system that feels this way. I have had contacts on other Republic-aligned planets express the same concerns. With the help of Senator Soldys, these contacts could be valuable allies should it come to that.”

“An alliance against the Republic? That would be treason.”

"Even after all they've taken from you?"

“I wouldn’t go that far just yet. Let us consider our more immediate problem – Doctor Cross. If the knowledge she possesses comes out, the Republic will come for us anyway.”

Donovan sighs, "No reason to give the Republic anything to find if and when they do. We must get the Jedi out. I will explore the lead on Lur and arrange transport if it is viable. Circe, if you and I are to remain here we must be ready for anything. It could get ugly.” 

"I will be ready.” 

He glances back at Elon and Della. 

“If Tivoli Cross was returned alive and unharmed it is likely because she was sent here with a purpose. We need to know exactly what that is.”


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #68 on: April 29, 2020, 04:10:10 PM »
“Your head will collapse
But there’s nothing in it
And you ask yourself, where is my mind?”



Surface: Coronet: One CorSec Plaza

Director Elon Veritaas walks the compound corridors with new agents Cassidy Clay and Sixta Belasiss. They are two of his prized students who have graduated from the academy to officially join their ranks. Pride swells within him as the new class holds the hope and promise of a better tomorrow for their people. Cassidy and Sixta have quickly become his eyes and ears on the ground, having gained the trust and respect of their colleagues and superiors. Their first case, led by a senior agent, involves an alleged sansanna spice ring operating out of Coronet. They must discover the validity of the tip and, if true, uncover how such a rare and potent drug made its way from Oba Diah to Corellia. They are anxious and eager but he makes sure to temper those feelings with the seriousness of their role in keeping the peace. 

Affairs of law and order are not the only things occupying his mind. After sending Cassidy and Sixta on an errand, he makes his way toward the medical wing. His conversation with Donovan, Della, and Circe had driven him to take considerable care that his behaviors did not come off as overtly hostile to the Republic. Della was encouraged to dial it back as well, not that they did not share her sentiment. They cannot risk that kind of exposure. He must navigate the delicate politics of those that reach out to him to decry the Republic’s latest move, one that Senator Soldys took swift action to quell. 

Soldys narrowly avoided a full vote to make the F.U.R.A. mandatory and actively enforced on all Republic worlds. Clearly, Corellia is not the only system that did not want to monitor its citizens in such a way. Their advanced technologies allow them to collect a vast amount of data which is then utilized to analyze threats and keep the populous safe. The Republic was going much further in turning that data into a situation where it is used proactively against them, framing safety as a method of control. Corellia would never be subjugated again. They did not survive Phage and his droid armies only to be oppressed by the Speaker and his overzealous policies. He was surprised to hear that some of the systems lending their support were those aligned with the Empire, something that makes him more than just a little wary. They would seemingly have more to gain by backing their strategy given how little they thought of the Jedi. 

As he heads into the lab, he takes comfort in knowing that with the exception of Donovan and Circe, the remaining Jedi were scheduled to be evacuated. Donovan made contact through a trusted back channel with the Lurian’s who had harbored Gemma and company. They agreed to grant them shelter. Della arranged for a pair of salvaged shuttles to transport them, keeping things off the official scopes. Donovan programmed the coordinates and sent the first group to Lur with a vow to join them when he could. For now, they must stay safe. They, along with however many others managed to escape the Republic and the hunter, are the future of the Jedi. The second group is scheduled to depart this afternoon from Kor Vella as he felt a staggered schedule would draw less suspicion. 

He meets Doctor Tivoli Cross in her office to review personnel files on a batch of new academy recruits. Although maintaining a calculated distance, he had been pushing her slowly, trying to poke holes in her memories that may expose where she had been and what she wants. The recall and performance are flawless, speaking as though she had been here all along. She tactfully avoided specifics of two cases he prodded for, leading him to believe there is not a leak elsewhere in the department. He feared someone had supplied her captors with information to aid in her gaslighting campaign. However, it appears Tivoli is on her own. If anything, it only strengthens his assessment that she was sent here with a purpose. Whatever procedure she went through was thorough. He imagines the process could not have been easy for her and shutters to think of what tactics they use to break the good doctor. Despite his elation at her return, he knows that kind of sentimentality is exactly what those that sent her hope to capitalize on. 

He browses the files thoughtfully, “These look promising.”

“I would inquire with specifics but you have been so evasive lately.”

“Not sure I follow, doctor.”

She crosses her legs slowly and folds her hands into her lap. 

“Director, please. This is me you are talking to. You and Della have been shutting me out for weeks and I suppose that is your prerogative. After what happened on Hesperidium, I am worried sick about Riley.”

“He will return soon,” he says evenly. “Grief is not a linear process, as I am sure you are aware.”

“Of course. Gemma’s loss must have been crushing for him. The Jedi too.”

“I imagine so.”

“How have they been holding up?” 

“I would not know. After the incident at the Patten Ranch, it was deemed much too dangerous for them here and they left Corellia.”

“Right,” she says, the com behind her on the table chirping loudly. “Did they say where?”

“I am afraid not.”

“Pity. Excuse me, I have to take this.” 

She stands, turning her back to him in order to retrieve and activate the device. A distorted voice utters a garbled phrase before cutting out. He rises from his chair and begins to move around the desk as she replaces the com and reaches into the pocket of her lab coat. 

“What was that?”

With a slack, expressionless face, she withdraws a scalpel and attacks in one fluid movement. He is caught off guard, pulling back but not enough to keep the blade from nicking his neck and chin. The doctor advances across the office as he staggers backward, clumsily dodging her swipes. He clutches his neck but knows he is losing blood too quickly. His legs buckle under the weight of his fading consciousness, throwing himself at the door controls. He does not make it. Not even close. Instead, Director Veritaas crumples to the ground, turning over to watch helplessly as Tivoli kneels down beside him. There is nothing in those dark eyes as she pulls the datapad from the inside pocket of his uniform jacket. 

She finds the message from Della Avers with the coordinates she was looking for. He had been careful, yes, but not careful enough. They still used the same methods to communicate about covert subjects, one she remembers clearly. Tivoli pulls the security cards from his belt and steps over him. He weakly tries to grab her leg but it does little than smear blood along the slender point of her heel. The door hisses closed and cuts off the echo of her purposeful steps away from him. 

Veritaas is left wide-eyed with blood spilling between the fingers he has clamped around his neck as the room spirals into blackness.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #69 on: May 27, 2020, 04:06:05 PM »
“Where’d it go?
Someone just ripped out my throat
Told me to sing while I was choked
Wish I could tell you but I won’t
You should know but you don’t.”



Surface: Kor Vella

On a dusty hillside landing platform, Agent’s Cassidy Clay and Sixta Belasiss bring their speeders to a slow stop beside a CorSec skiff. It had been reported missing an hour earlier as a department-wide alert went out that there had been an isolated attack at One CorSec Plaza. Few details were provided but their commanding officer dispatched them to check out a tip while he followed up on a lead in the spice smuggling case in Coronet. The tip proved correct but more concerning than the presence of the stolen speeder is the smoldering remains of a shuttle in the center of the platform.

It was a recent explosion from the looks of it, smoke only just beginning to taper off into smaller, lighter gray plumes. Cassidy hops off the speeder and approaches the wreckage, glancing back at a curious Sixta.

“What are you thinking, Six?”

She surveys the scene, “Well, it hadn’t launched yet. The placement is too precise on the platform.”

“Ruling out projectiles leaves malfunction or explosive device.”

“If someone attacked CorSec and stole a speeder to flee, it seems unlikely that they would blow themselves up intentionally.”

“It’s not a very good escape plan,” Cassidy says with a smirk. "Is it?"

“Nope. Can you see inside, Cass?”

“Still too hot and smokey. We should call it in.”

“Yes,” Sixta says distantly, scanning the surrounding platform as she retraces steps between the shuttle and skiff. “We should do that.”

She pulls on gloves and steps up into the skiff as Cassidy reports on their initial findings. Their friendship at the Academy blossomed from respective tendencies to earn favor from their instructors. The incessant brown-nosing irked classmates but Sixta likes being better than others, at least when it comes to doing the right thing. She does not see fault in that. The detachment between their peers also stemmed from a tenuous friendship with Riley Patten who others felt was either a flakey rich boy or a damaged and cursed soul. They knew him as neither of those things, and Riley had been gone for some time now but they were labeled outsiders none the less. Now that they have graduated to become agents, they enjoy more thrilling assignments than most of their counterparts due to their standing with Director Veritaas. Hence, the alleged spice ring and now this.

Sixta rummages around the skiff, finding nothing of interest until the glint of the early summer sun calls her attention to something on the floor. She kneels down to get a better look. It is a Hush-98 comlink, CorSec issue with the signature brown and beige lining.

“What is it?” Cassidy calls. “Did you find anything?”

She stands, flashing the device.

“One of ours.”

He pulls out his datapad, “Give me the serial and I’ll run it.”


He frowns, “That’s not an agent or investigator code."

“Nerd. What does it say?”

The query delivers the matching employee profile but it is a result he was not expecting. Cassidy sighs and raises his eyes to meet Sixta’s, turning the datapad toward her.

“It belongs to the medical director, Tivoli Cross.”


Coronet: One CorSec Plaza

Della Avers meets the medical droid in the corridor. Although not employed by CorSec, her work on the People’s Council in conjunction with their security efforts keeps her in the loop. She came as soon as she heard but the message was intentionally scarce on details.

Never a good sign.

“How is he?”

The droid apprises Della briefly, identifying her before responding.

“Stable, for now, but unconscious. Director Veritaas lost a significant amount of blood.”

“Who attacked him?”

“Unknown,” the droid says. “My records indicate the building has been locked down and an investigation is underway. If you will excuse me, miss Avers.”

Before it leaves, she calls out. She has felt a lingering sense of dread since their meeting in Corellian Deep Space, followed closely by anger after she'd been told to dial down her skeptical Republic rhetoric. She longs for a breakthrough on Chandaar, something Artemis can relay as a step back toward the foundation of justice they all fought for. But she knows better. After the photage was released that confirmed Gemma Masterton was a Jedi, they had been collectively waiting for the other boot to drop. Perhaps they had let their guard down as the months dragged on and new developments replaced old fears. The droid pauses and swivels around.

“Where was he found?”

“Director Veritaas was discovered in the office of doctor Tivoli Cross.”

“And the doctor?"

“The whereabouts of doctor Cross are unknown at this time.”

She nods as the droid moves further down the corridor, walking swiftly in the direction of the Academy. The reappearance of doctor Cross never sat well with her. It was unsettling and very clearly a game Veritaas seemed more than willing to play. Had his plan to extract information from her gone too far? Although she had advised against pushing Cross too quickly, she suspects the director’s attack and the doctor’s second disappearance is likely not a coincidence.

As Della approaches an inconspicuous turbolift within the Academy, her throat tightens in sickening anticipation. She punches in the security code Veritaas entrusted her with and steps inside. Her stomach flips as the lift plunges deep below the Academy and opens into a dimly lit corridor. It is unnervingly quiet as she makes her way through the rocky tunnel to a door flanked by two dead guards. She does not need to check. One guard’s head is twisted almost completely around. The other rests at a shockingly sharp angle, not one that could be easily achieved by human hands. Della cringes. It confirms something horrifying and more sinister than any of them ever considered, growing closer to the real purpose as to why Tivoli was returned seemingly unharmed. She withdraws her blaster, tapping in a series of codes with a free hand, and positions herself defensively as the door hisses open.

Della carefully traverses the curved chamber until she reaches the silver, domed room where they were holding the captured Infiltrator. The slab is empty, straps hanging limply against the reflective metal.

"Bloody hell..."

The Infiltrator is gone.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 04:23:45 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #70 on: June 24, 2020, 04:46:40 PM »
“You said that I’m sinking
Now I’m underwater.”


The Past

She screams again as the current pulses through her body and collapses to the ground. 

Every day it is the same. Questions that lead to pain if answered incorrectly, too slowly, or not at all. There are no marks but she feels it deep inside, snaking around her limbs and brain like barbed wire doused in accelerant and lit on fire. The things she knew were used against her although she held out as long as she could, Maker forgive her. The grey woman always comes, speaking sweetly, claiming to be a friend. She called it extraction but it felt like dying. How long had she been here? She tries to remember, to retrace her steps from the lab but all she can see is the monster and knows the nightmare is real. There had been different screams recently, a sign of others, or perhaps she imagined it. She does not even know where she is, not the planet nor system. She could be anywhere or nowhere. 

The room is tinged with unnatural darkness, everything beyond where she is kept blurred out of focus, a void of emptiness. When the grey woman comes, she cannot think straight, her mind clouded with thoughts that cannot be hers…or could they? Often, she would come to in strange places, still dark, holding weapons and covered in blood. She lost time, not that time held any meaning. Not anymore. Nothing made sense, nothing but those dark thoughts. Those thoughts became the answers when she stopped recoiling to the grey woman's presence. 

“You know what you must do.”

It is no longer a question but a psychically instilled directive for a captive under the thrall of the Sith.  

Doctor Tivoli Cross turns, her voice soft but certain. 

“Free the Infiltrator, set up the Jedi, and remove Veritaas from power.” 

The grey woman smiles. 


The Present 


Surface: Kor Vella

Acting on an increasingly dreadful hunch, Della Avers leaves Coronet in her government skiff. She arrives at the landing platform to a sight that confirms her worst fears. One of the two salvaged shuttles she managed to procure to transport the Jedi to safety on Lur smolders on the platform. There is no sign of the other which means nothing yet allows herself to hope. 
Two young agents, Clay and Belasiss, greet her at the scene. They recognize her instantly as the Director often worked with the People’s Council. He had given her clearance with CorSec which she is hoping to leverage and she forces a smile. 

“You guys okay?”

“Yes,” Cassidy says. “We seemed to have arrived after it happened and just called it in.”

Sixta is more skeptical, “Did the Director send you?”

She plays a hunch that the blunt truth would stun them enough to drop any further inquiries into her presence.

“Director Veritaas was attacked but he is recovering. I know how close you all are and so I was worried. Backup is on the way.”

Cassidy reacts the way she expected, with surprise and alarm. Sixta not so much. 

Backup? The area is secured.”

“We cannot be too careful,” Della says, eyeing the CorSec skiff at the far end of the platform and makes the connection to the missing transport. She managed to get that much out of those she spoke with. Although she is a trusted ally, Della is not officially CorSec but the information was enough to mentally sketch out a few pieces. The destroyed Jedi shuttle, a missing CorSec skiff, a freed Infiltrator – things swirling in her head begin to come together. This was not an accident. This was planned but there is something else missing. “Whoever attacked the Director may still be close.”

“Is he alright?”

She nods, “Unconscious but stable. They will let us know when he wakes.”

“Where was he attacked?”

“At the CorSec Academy.”

“No,” Sixta says, narrowing her eyes. “Where specifically?”

“The medical director’s office, why do you ask?”

Cassidy and Sixta exchange knowing glances that do little to reassure Della.

He frowns, “That is interesting.”

“How so?”

He considers this but reluctantly pulls a small evidence bag out from his jacket pocket. She cannot help but stare, not wanting to ask but the words tumble out anyway. 

“What is that?”

“The medical director’s com. Do you know how it could have ended up here?”

And there it is. 

“I do not but that is…worrisome.”

Her eyes travel from the skiff back to the wreckage of the shuttle. Everything feels pulled out of place as their carefully constructed lies begin to collapse in on themselves. CorSec arrives on the scene and just in time. She feels the sick taste of bile in the back of her throat, a nightmare scenario they mused about and thought they prepared for finally becoming realized. Her com bleeps. 

“I have to get this. Please keep me updated.”

The agents join their counterparts but Sixta’s gaze lingers as Della heads back toward her skiff. Once she has reached a reasonable distance, Della answers, bringing the com to her lips. 

“Things are not good, Agent Theon.”

“So I have gathered. What have you discovered?”

The tension in Donovan Atrii’s voice is evident even through the com. She apprises him on the things she knows but uses their established codes for referencing the Infiltrator and Jedi. It is extremely difficult to keep the rising panic out of her tone when she tells him about the shuttle and what this could possibly mean. The Infiltrator would not be able to go public. Mara Tacofer made sure of that. They may have been extremely liberal with the F.U.R.A.’s policies on Corellia and the photage of Gemma did not further endear them to the Republic but at least the others managed to escape before they were discovered. The ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the shuttle explosion in Kor Vella now seem to circumstantially point back to doctor Cross. Veritaas had not acted quickly enough and he was almost killed. N
ow they risk exposure and worse. She spirals into damage control mode. 

“Perhaps you should check up on the others.”

“I did,” Donovan says pointedly. “No response.”

It is a cue that would be imperceptible to anyone but their circle and her heart sinks. No response from the second shuttle does not bode well for any of them and it is with trembling lips that she dares to ask. 

“And the other sojourners?” 

The ensuing silence gives way to a fresh wave of dread and she closes her eyes. 


The Future

Chandaar: Republic Capital 

Surface: Ambaril: RSB Headquarters

A flashing amber light on Director Laird Drakos’ desk console indicates awaiting messages. One message, left in a breathless and panicked tone, would very much interest him when he discovers it later that afternoon. 

“It’s the Jedi, they’re here, on Corellia. I think they have always been here. The Director knows as does the Senator. You must help us, I think they are planning something against the Republic, something-“

The message cuts out. 



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #71 on: July 22, 2020, 03:46:29 PM »
“Who are you when I'm not looking?
I doubt you even know yourself
Despite those lies that took me
When I'm not looking, you are someone else.”

-Rezz & Grabbitz


Surface: Coronet City: CorSec Academy

The Present

Inspector Claes Thekla apprises the medical lab carefully.

He had served under the Director for years but nothing about this incident makes sense. It may appear random at first glance but each layer reveals a more focused and highly personalized nature in the attack. Veritaas had been discovered by a tech returning from their lunch break. A few more minutes and he would have bled out. There are streaks of blood, presumably from the Director or possibly the Doctor, across the floor that grow fainter the closer they are to the door. It is also littered with shards of glass from the many beakers that had been destroyed in what appears to be a fierce struggle. They could clear it all up by reviewing the security vids but everything had been wiped, indicating not only intent but knowledge of their systems. The last available clip shows Veritaas entering the medical lab from the corridor cam. Everything else is useless.

All they have to go on is the grisly scene which is more than a little suspicious. Tivoli Cross was a missing person for nearly two years, a cold case, who randomly reappeared as if nothing had happened. Veritaas took the lead on that and reinstated her without explanation. In his position, he was not required to give one but it did raise questions with others around the department. According to the file, the working theory was that Cross was taken but it does not speculate by whom. There were whispers that the story was a cover for some kind of emotional breakdown. Whoever attacked the lab may not have been targeting who they thought. The Director may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and nearly lost his life. Despite the setback with the security cams, Thelka would get to the bottom of it.

“Inspector,” one of the forensic agents calls out. “You should take a look at this.”

He joins her by the door where she withdraws a strip of cloth from the seam of the blast doors with a set of micro-prongs. It may have torn when whoever did this fled the lab.

“Bag it. Let us see if we can identify its origin and flesh out a suspect.”

Agents Clay and Belasiss round the corner into the lab, having just come from a scene potentially connected with the attack. He had asked them to report in.


Agent Clay raises a bag containing a com unit.

“We ran the serial,” Belasiss says. “It belongs to Doctor Cross.”

“Where did you find it?”

“The floor of the skiff.”

“And the shuttle?”

“The team managed to douse the heat. There were approximately twelve bodies aboard. They are on the way to the labs now for identification.”

Inspector Thekla sighs, glancing back at the scene.

Agent Belasiss raises a brow, “You have a theory about why they went after the Director?”

“I am not sure they did,” he says evenly. “I think Doctor Cross was the target.”


The Past

Doctor Tivoli Cross leaves her office with Veritaas bleeding out on the floor, feeling like a stranger in her own body. She moves fluidly, with purpose, but remains disconnected and cold. Her bloody heels form jagged streaks as she pulls several racks of beakers and tubes off the counters. Tivoli withdraws a strip of fabric from her lab coat as she steps through the glass and allows the doors to close on it.

She heads calmly to the locker room, grabbing a large bag containing a uniform, civilian clothing, credits, a sash of thermal detonators, and two blasters. She slips the scalpel inside. Moving through the academy and across into CorSec headquarters, she uses Veritaas’ security cards to access the lift which would take her beneath One CorSec Plaza. At the end of the small tunnel, the guards are curious but the Director had not revoked her access and allow her inside. The cards also grant her access to the dome-shaped room and soon she is standing before the captured Infiltrator.

“What are you doing here?”

Tivoli pulls the controls that release her bindings, “Your sister sent me.”

Finally free, the Infiltrator changes into the basic uniform the doctor brought with her, slips the blaster into its holster and follows her back to the door. The guards are startled by her abrupt departure but never get the chance to deliver a clever quip as the Infiltrator is already on them. She twists their necks with contemptuous ease, nodding at the doctor as they continue back through the rocky corridor. Exiting the lift, they make their way directly to the docking bay. It is not crowded at this time of day as most agents and inspectors have already been dispatched.
They climb aboard and set off just as the alert comes in. Someone must have discovered the Director.

They do not have much time.

“I need you to do something for me.”

“Name it.”

“The cam photage,” she says, handing her Veritaas’ stolen datapad. “Not a trace can remain.”

The Infiltrator quickly gets to work, establishing a remote connection. With her programming and skills, it does not take her long to trace the doctor’s movements from the medical lab to the docking bay and everywhere in between. The firewalls are good but not good enough to stop her from eliminating their every move. CorSec will find nothing but blackness and questions, something she anticipates being integral to a building narrative. Publishing her escape would be to admit the Infiltrator was captured in the first place. The winding and complex series of inquiries that followed could implicate them so they would be forced to cover it up, putting them in even greater danger. One way or another, her captors would pay.

“Done,” the Infiltrator says, attempting to hand the device back.

“Keep it. You will find its contents extremely useful.”

“Good to know.”

She stops the skiff near the spaceport. The Infiltrator changes into the civilian clothes, tucking the blaster into her belt and slipping the credits in her pocket. She leaves the bag with the discarded uniform, remaining blaster, and detonators.

The doctor does not look at her, “This is where we part ways.”

The Infiltrator nods, silently stepping off to disappear into the bustling crowd.

Tivoli resumes the trip, following the coordinates she acquired in Veritaas’ files to the platform in Kor Vella. As the shuttle idles, she breathlessly brings her com to her lips.

“It’s the Jedi, they’re here, on Corellia. I think they have always been here. The Director knows as does the Senator. You must help us, I think they are planning something against the Republic, something-“

Clicking off, she drops the comlink, grabs the bag, and jogs toward the shuttle. Recognizing her, a young Jedi moves down the ramp.

“Doctor Cross,” he says carefully. “Is everything alright?”

"Of course."

She smiles and steers him back into the shuttle where eleven others are waiting anxiously inside. Tivoli reaches inside the bag to arm the detonators.

"I just have a surprise from the Director.”

A girl, one of the youngest among them, brightens, Really? For us?”

“Yes,” she says, hitting the ramp controls and tossing her the bag. She excitedly pulls it open and peers inside. “Surprise.”

The shuttle explodes.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 04:14:50 PM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #72 on: August 19, 2020, 04:14:27 PM »
“It's just half time vertigo
And if you want an answer I don't know.”

-Sneaker Pimps


Surface: Coronet City: One CorSec Plaza 

Twelve bodies arrive at the forensics lab. There are nine males and three females. Five children among them. The rest are adolescents, possibly adults, but it is almost impossible to tell with the condition they are in. Inspector Thekla’s team is combing the shuttle for clues but preliminary findings indicate an explosion that originated within the craft as several of the bodies have far greater damage than the others. The working theory is detonators as a cause but the motive and preceding events are still hazy. 

One of the female bodies is confirmed to be Tivoli Cross. Guess they know what became of the good doctor. The others are not in their system. Given the erasure of the security cam photage surrounding the attack on Director Veritaas and the access to their systems required, it could mean that these individuals were specifically purged from their records. It could also mean they never existed at all, something that troubles Thekla a hell of a lot more. How Cross wound up among a score of nameless dead lies in the piece of cloth recovered from the academy medical labs.

They got a hit with traces of genetic material matching a Jedi Master Bolden who was part of the Council originally expelled from Chandaar. Corellia’s entry into the Republic granted access to certain information to build out an expansive, collaborative network. Strange, Thekla thinks, as they believed the Jedi Council were slain many years ago. Perhaps they had been hiding all along, plotting to make a resurgence but that does not make sense to him. It is not the Jedi’s way. At least, not the Jedi of legend and lore. However, there had been previous reports of another Master, Nevylinn, who was linked to killings in the Republic capital. Maybe the Jedi they knew no longer existed and, in their place, a far more sinister sect. He does not want to believe it but could the Republic be right to fear them? Should they? 

Claes Thekla had remained out of the politics and focused on his role, serving the public and keeping the peace in Coronet. The sentiment within the greater Republic was difficult to ignore as messaging and policy increasingly framed Force users as a threat to their safety and way of life. Normally, he would brush it off as partisan bullshit but there are elements of this case that make such nonchalance virtually impossible. There are so many questions left unanswered. Too many for his tastes. 
If the Director was not the target, what did the Doctor know that would warrant such a risky and calculated attack? The Jedi were not known for being hasty or brazen so, whatever it is, it must be one hell of a motive. 

He meets agents Clay and Belasiss outside the lab and redirects to a briefing room where they could speak in private. They were the first on scene and discovered the medical director’s com-link. As their commanding officer in this case, their ambitious and fresh perspectives could be an asset. They are bright, eager, and the Inspector appreciates that tenacity in an investigation. 

“Any word on the Director?”

Thekla shakes his head, “Still unconscious. You do not lose that much blood and bounce back. They are not saying how close it really was for obvious reasons but it was touch-and-go at the beginning. Still not out of the wood yet. I honestly do not know if or when he will recover which puts the organization in a precarious position.”

“Cross was one of the bodies,” Agent Belasiss says. “Wasn’t she?”

“She was. Retracing her steps between the Academy and the platform in Kor Vella has been…problematic.”

“What about the security cams?”


Sixta is undeterred. 

“Our skiffs are tagged. You would be able to view the entire route. We can recreate the journey and investigate along the way.” 

“Good but that only works if the tracking software is enabled.”

“So,” Cassidy says, pacing the length of the room with the confidence of someone twice his age. “Someone wiped the photage and disabled the skiff tracker. Those are not easy things to do. I hate to say it but is there a possibility this was an inside job?”

“I considered it and have not entirely ruled it out. However, there are two pieces of information that muddle that theory.”

“Which are?”

“The other bodies are not in our system and the piece of cloth found at the scene is tied to the Jedi.”

Cassidy and Sixta exchange knowing glances. 

“Something tells me that does not surprise you. Why?”

“You know who Riley Patten is, sir.”

It is not a question. It does not have to be. Everyone knows who Patten is. His grandfather, mother, and aunt are celebrated heroes and celebrities, immortalized in Corellia’s history and bound to a galactic legacy. Plus, the kid is loaded. He has also been under the close watch of the Director since his identity was revealed but the full connection eludes him. 

“Yes. Where are you going with this?”

“Riley is associated with Gemma Masterton, exiled from the Republic because of her Jedi connections…”

“…who also died on Hesperidium last summer. In an explosion.”

Thekla crosses his arms, “You think the two are related?”

“They are not unrelated, sir,” Sixta counters boldly. “Director Veritaas, Doctor Cross, and Riley Patten were all connected to the released photage that outed Gemma as a Jedi and destroyed her reputation. Photage from here on Corellia.” 

“Where is Patten now?”

Cassidy shrugs, “I wish we knew, sir. He was on his way back but the Director said he needed space after Gemma died.”

Thekla’s mind is spinning as the new information works itself into what they know. He saw the reports on the Hesperidium explosion, an attack that was blamed on the Chiss and allegedly part of some larger conspiracy out in the Corporate Sector. From what he could tell, it had nothing to do with the Jedi but even if outside forces had hypothetically and coincidentally eliminated Gemma Masterton, would that make Riley Patten a target for the Jedi? It would be a safe bet that either Doctor Cross or Director Veritaas would know his location. With the current climate surrounding Force users, any knowledge of their activities or movements could be extremely dangerous…or valuable. Corellia had already been revealed as a Jedi sympathizer in the past but is it possible they further infiltrated their world? How far would they go to keep that secret now that the Republic was closing in? And at what cost to Corellia?

“That certainly opens up additional possibilities. Anything else?”

“Another variable and common denominator.” 

“Go on.” 

“Della Avers arrived at the crime scene moments before your team did.” 


She nods. 

Thekla narrows his eyes, “Della Avers. From the Corellian People’s Council?” 

“Yes, sir,” Cassidy says. “Said she was sent by the Director to check on us.” 

“The Director was moments from death so that is rather unlikely. It also brings up the more alarming fact that miss Avers knew exactly where you two would be. How did she know and why was she really there?”

An uncomfortable silence hangs in the small briefing room as Cassidy's speculation about an inside job now holding more weight. 

“What do you want us to do, sir?”

“Bring her in.”


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #73 on: October 06, 2020, 09:53:10 PM »
“Karma come over
Lean on my shoulder
Tell me what’s good
I’ve been thinkin about ya.”

Years & Years


Surface: Coronet City

Della busies herself in the daily activities of the People’s Council.

Helping the citizens of Corellia has always brought her joy and she needs it now more than ever. Her mounting aggression toward the Republic has begun to impact her attitude which she does not want to influence her work. She tries to take a few emotional steps back, despite the growing alarm surrounding the Director’s attack and the Infiltrator’s escape. The pieces are all there but she hesitates to connect them, fearing it will unravel everything they have built over the years. She knows the doctor must have freed the Infiltrator and the Infiltrator, in turn, helped her escape. The motive and fate of doctor Cross in relation to the deaths of the young Jedi fill her with almost oppressive anxiety, one that is only lifted through her work.

People are frightened and they have every right to be. Corellian’s may have swagger but they are also deeply empathetic and proud of their culture. They have built an inclusive environment, rising from the ashes to heal the scars of their droid-laden past with the Trade Federation. All walks of life are welcome here, Force-sensitive or not, but this position has continually put them at odds with the hardened Republic. She does her best to comfort and support them, redirecting to the wide variety of services offered for relocation and asylum. As one of the many worlds not in full compliance with the F.U.R.A., others have emigrated to Corellia to escape persecution. While they have been accommodating, she knows the window is closing under increased Republic scrutiny and enforcement. They had coasted on the backburner for too long with the battle over the F.U.R.A.’s legality and application was hashed out in the Senate. As Della processes these thoughts, she glances at the chronometer on the wall and realizes she has usually heard from Artemis by now.

She had been consumed all afternoon without so much as a break. Taking a breath, she stands as “Octavia” enters her office with a somber expression. It is striking how much different she looks even after all this time. Circe Prescott was a natural beauty who seldom needed or utilized many of the trappings to enhance one’s image. In contrast, Octavia Valles is dazzling with the bright blonde hair, colored contacts, contouring makeup, and tailored wardrobe – a far cry from the boxy pantsuits and layered robes of the Republic capital. The transformation, along with her forged files, had fooled everyone but Della has always worried the day would come when she and Master Donovan were discovered. The Kor Vella bombing resurfaces those fears, giving them new life and the desperate urge to keep them both from the Republic’s clutches.

“Octavia. Is something wrong?”

She nods, waiting for the door to close behind her.

“I am afraid I have some disheartening news,” she says, struggling to keep her voice neutral. “The Senator’s office reached out to inform the Council of Artemis’ arrest.”

Arrest?” Della gasps, rising quickly from her chair. “On what grounds?”

“It is not a short list and it aims to implicate Corellia in a conspiracy and treasonous acts against the Republic.”

“Let me guess, failure to enforce the F.U.R.A.? They so predictable, it is sickening.”

“That is the central focus, it seems.”

“Those bastards,” she hisses between clenched teeth. “I knew our resistance to their tyranny would come back to bite us but I did not expect them to go after the Senator so directly. I see decorum and due process has been thwarted by the whims of the Speaker. The RSB has gone too far this time. Corinthos will eat them alive in court!”

Octavia’s eyes fall and she shakes her head slowly.

“That is the thing. The firm was attacked and nearly the entire staff murdered.”


“Counselor Corinthos was seriously injured but survived. She is hospitalized and recovering.”

It is impossible to conceal her shock and horror. This cannot be a coincidence, not when all individuals are linked through their associations. It is a complex and winding path that leads back to the Jedi…and The Four. The sound of the door chime prevents her mind from spinning out and she quickly composes herself.


The door hisses open a moment later and a young female CorSec agent walks into the room with a confidence far beyond her years. Nodding politely to Octavia, she bids Della a good afternoon. There may be warmth in that smile but it does not disarm her.

“Agent Belasiss,” she says. “What can I do for you?”

“The last time we spoke, you asked that we keep you updated. As it turns out, we do have a few questions. Would you mind joining me?”

“May I ask where?”

“Down to the Plaza.”

“Is this a formal request?”

Sixta’s smile never falters, “Consider it a continuation of our previous conversation.”


Coronet City: One CorSec Plaza

After a short ride provided by Agent Clay, they arrive at their destination. The building is quieter than she would have expected on a weekday afternoon. However, the presence of additional agents stationed at entrances and exits is difficult to miss. Neither Clay nor Belasiss engaged her further yet remained attentive and respectful. This may not feel like a formal inquiry but she knows better given everything that has happened. Her mind drifts to Artemis and the horrors he may be facing at the hands of a prejudiced RSB but she snaps herself out of it. Della must remain focused on the here and now. She may be just as culpable in events that set these terrible things in motion.

Della is shown to a casual interview room. It is missing the trademark tinted transparasteel and minimally yet stylishly decorated as if to project a sense of safety. She can imagine a victim feeling quite comfortable here. A detective, roughly her age if not a little older, waits patiently while scrolling through a datapad. He stands when she enters and offers her a seat before introducing himself.

“I am Inspector Claes Thekla, assigned to the Kor Vella case. I understand you were on the scene shortly after the incident occurred. Is that correct?”

“Right down to business,” she says evenly. “I appreciate that. I cannot say when exactly the incident occurred but it appeared to have been recent when I arrived.”

“Agents Clay and Belasiss reported you told them the Director sent you.”

“They did ask but that was not my response. I disclosed the attack on the Director and concern for their safety, given their previous academic and now professional relationship.”

He considers this, “That is…kind. I admire the work of the People’s Council but surely you see how your appearance at a crime scene could raise some eyebrows. Can you tell me how you came to arrive at that platform?”

“Of course,” she says, leaning forward slightly. “After I received word of the attack on the Director, I came to the medical center. Elon and I have been friends and colleagues for many years. As he was too unstable for visitors, I inquired around. You understand the feeling, the need to help. To serve. I do have clearance which I am certain you already know so I sought out the two agents and went to check on them.”


“I can handle myself, Inspector. It was the least I could do for the Director.”

“He will appreciate the thoughtfulness, no doubt. What about your relationship with Doctor Tivoli Cross?”

“Professional although more distanced since her return.”

“Do you know why she was gone or where she went?”

“That I do not know. The Director never discussed it and, as it is work-related, I respected those boundaries.”

“Do you know where she is right now?"

Della frowns, finding the question oddly phrased, “Has she not been found?”

“You knew she was missing.”

“I was told they were looking for her as the attack occurred in her office. I had hoped she would have turned up by now.”

“She is dead, miss Avers. Hers was one of the twelve bodies discovered in the shuttle.”

Della blinks, thrown.

“Oh, I…am sorry to hear that. Do you know have any idea as to why or how this could have happened?”

Thekla leans back in the chair, “I was going to ask you the same question.”

“I do not understand. What is it you think I know?”

“I am going to share something with you,” he says, glancing down briefly at the datapad. “As head of the People’s Council, you are a trusted presence within CorSec, one that has afforded you access and knowledge not shown to most civilians. After the attack, we searched for meaning and motive through the tools available to us.”

“And did you find it?”

“Most of the cam photage was missing, at least from the select areas which would have revealed the perpetrator and their actions as they moved throughout the complex. Do you know what we found instead the moment one of these cams cut back in?”

She does not want to ask but feels compelled to anyway, “What?”

He turns the datapad around and slides it across the table, “You.”

Her image is frozen as she leaves the lift cab that once served as the gate of the Infiltrators prison. Della’s eyes move from the datapad back up to his face.

“That is a restricted area, an area that I do not even have clearance for. Given that I do know about your own minimal clearance with CorSec, I am going to ask the obvious question as to how you somehow do.”

“That is a question only the Director can answer.”

“The attack left him in a coma so he may never get that chance.”

“What are you saying?"

Thekla speaks slowly, watching her closely, “Stranger than the missing photage is you leaving a restricted area only to wind up at the shuttle explosion in Kor Vella.”

“Circumstantial, perhaps but hardly conclusive of the kind of sinister intent you seem to be alluding to.”

“What were you doing there, miss Avers?”

“I told you, that is not for me to disclose.”

He holds her gaze for an excruciating moment before pivoting hard in hopes of a telling reaction.

“Does this have something to do with the Jedi?”

She blinks, “The Jedi? Inspector, the People’s Council holds the same sentiment as the Corellian system. All are welcome here. Tell me you are not subject to the paranoia that has so plagued the larger Republic. Force-sensitives cannot be the scapegoat for everything.”

“I do not believe you,” he admits flatly. “There is a theory forming that Corellia may be more sympathetic than such a blanket and noncommittal statement. Inclusion and belonging may be trendy terms among the naïve but you, miss Avers, are anything but. You know what is at stake here and if Corellia has been infiltrated or found to be harboring Jedi in direct defiance of the F.U.R.A. then the Republic will come after us with everything they have.”

There is another unbearable pause and it forces her toward the same sobering thought.

“If Director Veritaas was attacked and Doctor Cross and a handful of others were killed as a result of keeping those secrets then if I were you, well, I may start to worry.”

« Last Edit: October 08, 2020, 11:39:15 AM by Syren »

Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #74 on: December 01, 2020, 07:49:01 PM »
“I went and searched for some answers
But all I found were monsters."



Surface: Coronet City

They send Della Avers on her way but instruct her to remain available should CorSec have any further questions. Officially, they have no evidence of wrongdoing but the Inspector made his thoughts very clear. Her behavior is suspect and their theories linking current actions to the Jedi are dangerously close to exposing them. The line of questioning nearly veered into a conspiracy about infiltration. The Jedi had done no such thing. Corellia had been harboring them for years, especially as the increasing legal threats gave them few other options. Now, Doctor Cross is dead along with a handful of Jedi. 

They were almost in the clear. 

With the exception of Master Atrii, the young Jedi in the Kor Vella shuttle were the last of them. Those poor, poor souls. There are no other Jedi to find here. Unfortunately, that is not how the narrative is playing out. It will not matter to the Republic and their adversarial relationship over the years had been brought to the forefront by this conflict. Her presence in the CorSec Academy after the attack on the Director is right to spook them. They know nothing of the now-escaped Infiltrator that was hidden deep underground. What was she supposed to say, that they had captured an HRD that looks like exactly like the former Federation Ambassador who may or may not be part of the Gellar-Patten bloodline? There is simply no way to contextualize it without making things worse. Della does not know what became of the Infiltrator and whether or not it remains on their world. It would have a difficult time coming forward given the Corellian sentiment around droids but that is not to say it could not still do a fair amount of harm from the shadows. 

As Director Veritaas desperately clings to life in the hospital and Senator Soldys remains in Republic custody, Della Avers searches for a way forward. 


On Inspector Thekla’s end, there are inconsistencies and unwelcome considerations. He is no fan of the Republic’s tactics and had tried to warn Della that any actions involving the Jedi would only provoke them. His loyalty is to Corellia and any challenges to their political scheming could look like treason. The Senator had been arrested, that much he knows, although the details available to the public are scarce. Never a good sign. Thekla believes his apprehension and this attack may be related. He runs through the reports again, pulling in agents Clay and Belasiss for a fresh perspective. It appears, at least on the surface, to read like the Jedi were discovered and they moved to eliminate the threat. As out of character as that may seem for their order, these are desperate times. 

The younger agents see things differently. 

“Assuming that Cross was the target and Veritaas unintended collateral damage, it still does not make sense. If the Jedi coordinated the attack, going through all this trouble to conceal themselves from us, why blow themselves up in the end?”

Cassidy shrugs, “Who is to say they did? Tivoli Cross graduated from the CorSec Academy. She has plenty of training. Maybe she got the jump on them.”

“A sacrifice to save us from the Jedi? Please.”

Inspector Thekla nods, “If the Republic discovers this, and there is a good chance they have, that is likely the story they will run with. It fits their motives, reinforcing their position on the F.U.R.A. and gives them leverage to investigate.” 

“Your tone makes it sound intentional. I thought you said it was a clear case of the Jedi covering their tracks.”

“I said it looked that way,” Thekla says. “It still does. However, the more I consider it the less convinced I am th
e Jedi would take such an incredible risk. Too many moving parts.”

“Including Della Avers?”

“I am not certain she was involved in this but she is definitely hiding something. Judging by her reaction, I would venture to guess she knew the Jedi were here. In and of itself, that is not an issue nor is the fact that they would want to keep a low profile under the circumstances. The greater the pressure from the Republic, the more secretive their movement would logically become. I think this caught her by surprise as well and implies she had help in concealing them.”

Sixta crosses her arms, “Like the Director?”

“Easy there. Elon Veritaas is a great man.”

“With all due respect, many great men have done terrible things. Hear me out. If this attack was as highly coordinated as it appears to be with breaches into our systems and a body count, there is no way they would not know exactly where Doctor Cross was and who she was with. That meeting was on her calendar. It would have to be precise to work."

Cassidy arrives at the same place, “The Director was either a threat or an obstacle."

“The latter would imply this was staged.”

“To frame the Jedi and implicate Corellia? Yeah, that is actually a pretty good plan if you think about it. The Republic has been looking for a reason to regulate us after their investigation into the remnants of Centerpoint went nowhere.”

“As far as we know.”

“Let us not go there right now,” he quips, bringing a hand to his chin. “The only evidence we have points to the Jedi, even if that was by design. We have no recourse to dispute those claims.”

“Unless Della helps us.”


Della returns to the People’s Council to find “Octavia” waiting for her. She has a small datapad containing the activation of Artemis’ evacuation protocols. It is worse than she feared. Together, they spend the next week arranging for a deluge of arrivals, staggering them in ways that would not arouse more suspicion. The task consumes everything even as Inspector Thekla reaches out in an attempt to engage her further. An evacuation on this scale can mean only one thing; the Republic is no longer safe for them. There is a part of her that wants to scream in “Octavia’s” face that she told her so. Still, the woman formerly known as Circe Prescott holds onto hope that good will prevail. She is not sure she believes that anymore but she is prepared to fight for what they stand for. If it came to that. Della has not counted Artemis' skillful maneuvering out just yet. 

A prolonged chirp from her desk console signals an incoming call. She taps the projector on as she works out details with central command to pre-clear the transports of incoming citizens. A miniaturized Agent “Cale Theon” appears beside her. Della turns with an anguished expression. 

“What is it?”

“Riley Patten,” he says. “He has returned to the system.”

