Author Topic: CC: Corellian Birthright  (Read 99153 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2013, 01:26:40 PM »

Surface: Coronet City: Gellar Residence

Garron is helping/forcing Dane to pack for the hopefully uneventful journey back to the Corporate Sector.  He hadn't arrived with much, but the ship he came in would be the ship they used to return home.  He insisted on taking something from the residence, though what he ended up slipping into his case was anyone's guess.

It was later that day that Mara knocked on the door where Dane was staying.

He eyed her suspiciously.

"What do you want?"

Mara thought about the conciliatory approach.  But he was a Gellar.  And being one herself, she knew conciliation was seen as a trick or a sign of weakness.

"We need to talk"

"About what?  About how your look alikes kidnapped us?"

Mara stepped inside, and shut the door, locking it before taking a step towards Dane, who went from angry to fearful in a matter of seconds.

"What .. what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to tell you off, Dane Gellar.  Because from what I've seen, and what I've heard, you've been acting like a brat.  And while being a brat might get other kids grounded, in your case, it is likely to get you killed.  So shut up and listen to me."

Dane was silent and Mara continued, her voice marginally less harsh, but equally stern

"Me - and the others who look like me - we aren't just clones.  We were very specially created clones of Valerie Gellar"

"You're a CLONE?  What kind of-"

Mara shushed him and continued.

"Not just a clone - a very specially designed clone"

"Special how?"

"It doesn't matter right now.  What matters is that what made me and the others such special copies of Valerie was that Valerie had something very special inside of HER.  A part of her DNA produced a very powerful, very dangerous gene.  I call it the 'legacy' gene - but it's something that bad people will try to get their hands on"

Dane was skeptical and curious all at the same time.  He had a million questions to ask about this gene, but Mara was still talking.

"If it was in Valerie's blood, that same gene might be in yours.  So I'm telling you that you need to cut out the brat, and be a little more careful, or someone is going to try to take from you that gene - even if they have to rip it out of your tiny, bratty child body."

Dane's mouth dropped at the statement. It was certainly the most frank anyone had ever been to him before.  Mara hoped the shock would weigh heavily on him, as she began making her way out of the room, unlocking the door.

"Dane - I'm telling you this because Gellar's need to look out for their own.  We're family.  And any Gellar who doesn't look out for family, at all costs, is a traitor in my mind."

She stepped out of the room, leaving Dane to decide how to interpret what she had said.

Meanwhile, Mara walked down the hall, letting out a sigh, heading toward Riley's room.  he was a different boy, Kimber's child.  Harshness didn't work as well with him.  That was something she had learned over the last decade.  He was defiant in a way very different from Dane. and she knocked on his door before entering.

Riley was sitting at a terminal, turning to face her.  His eyes showed trepidation of a very different kind.  Dane was afraid Mara would hurt him, but Riley was afraid of being disciplined.

Mara stared at him hard, letting him cringe before softening her expressions.

"You know what you did was wrong"
"I had to, Aunt Mara.  I couldn't stay cooped up like that.  I needed"

She held up a hand, nodding her head.

"I know what you needed.  You needed to be kept safe.  And what you did was anything but that.  You could have been kidnapped, again, or killed, or anything.  Why Corellia?"

"It's where I belong, Aunt Mara"
"Are you so sure?"

He paused, then nodded his head.
"It won't be as easy to protect you here.  I don't even know if I can protect myself"

"Aunt Mara ... I need to stay here... I feel it, I belong here"

She studied him for a moment, then nodded his head.

"I think we can stay.  IF - and this is important - IF you can follow rules, and not go running away.  And if they let us stay"

Riley's face broke out into a huge smile and he jumped from his chair to his aunt, hugging her tightly.

"Really!!!  Oh thank you, Aunt Mara"

Mara couldn't help but smile at his reaction, wrapping her own arms around him again.

"And you'll go to school"

"CorSec Academy?"
"When you get a little older - MAYBE. We'll discuss it THEN.  For now, regular school, with kids your own age.  But Riley"

he broke the hug and stepped back, looking up at her.

"Yes Aunt Mara?"

"If you want to stick with the name Patten, it comes with a lot of responsibility, and a lot of pressure.  You'll become an instant celebrity, whether you want it or not.  If it were up to me, I would say you need to hide that you are a Patten, until you are a little older.  Only the Corellians we've already met will know.  But I'll let you make that choice.  I want you to think about it, hard, and let me know your answer."

Riley nodded his head, solemnly.  He had been so excited to be a Patten, but his aunt did have a point - it came with a lot of strings attached.

"For now though, I think it's time to say goodbye to Garron and Dane"

Riley cringed slightly

"I think I'll stay here - I don't really want to say goodbye"

Mara tilted her head, curiously.  She hadn't heard about the fight, and last she had seen, the two were growing into close friends.  But she didn't push the issue, finally nodding her head.


They were standing at the platform, Della Avers and Director Veritaas had accompanied them.  Dane was walking stoically toward the ship, refusing to look at Mara.

That was fine.  She walked slowly beside Garron, neither of them saying anything.  Finally, at the edge of the ship's ramp, Garron paused and turned.

"Mara, I"

She shook her head.

"Not today, Garron.  We'll see each other soon, I promise"

His face showed disappointment, but he nodded, turning and abruptly boarding the ship.  Mara watched after him with a growing feeling of longing and loneliness.  She didn't even know a machine like herself could FEEL that kind of emotion.  And she didn't like it, for all of its novelty.  She stood silent as the ship powered up and took off, watching it as it faded into a spec in the sky, and for several minutes after.

Then she finally turned back

"Alright, what's next?"

« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 05:30:12 PM by Syren »
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2013, 10:24:17 PM »

Surface: Coronet City

One CorSec Plaza

The Director asks Della to return with Mara to the Gellar Residence until morning. There were many things to consider. The Patten boy would bring acclaim and prestige to both CorSec and the people. So many still admired the fallen Kyri Patten and, as Elon had told Riley, his methods were still taught at the academy. This could give them a galactic edge from a reputation standpoint, given what the Patten name means yet not all of the fame is positive. There are murkier parts of the narrative that cast Kimber Patten in a questionable light. Beloved as she may be, she still served the Empire. True, it was blackmail stemming from a broken promise to aid the Corellian people against the Phage crisis using Valerie Gellar as leverage but trust is something that is earned slowly by their citizens and can be lost in an instant. Still, Riley Patten could be a valuable asset if he has the same tactical genius and benevolent, attractive and charismatic demeanor of his grandfather and mother. Given proper training, he could grow to become a respected member of Corellian society. He could also become a lucrative target for anyone still soured by the destruction The Four once brought with them where ever they went. It's a fine line, Elon thinks to himself back in his office, one he would have to walk very carefully. And then there is the subject of his guardian, Mara Tacofer, the Gellar clone.

The concept of her creation is enough to make his skin crawl but then again, many atrocities violating their way of life had been committed back in those days. Mara is simply a byproduct of those atrocities and he is uncertain as to whether or not he can truly hold it against her. In all likelihood, she had not asked to be created. She simply...was. And given her circumstances and extraordinary achievements in surviving the Centerpoint Battle, rescuing Riley then raising and protecting him while ascending the ranks of the Federation is something to be commended for sure. Everyone must reconcile who they are but for Mara, the clone of an infamous hero, such a task would seem almost insurmountable. The Director is unclear as to where her loyalties lie after the Empire's assault on The Wheel but he does know she would go to the ends of the worlds for Riley. And that is definitely something to consider....


Gellar Residence

Della and Mara return to find Riley watching the local Holo and he bounds toward them when they get off the lifts.

"You'll never guess what happened!"

"What, Riley?"

He brings them both back into the living room and adjusts the volume.

"It's been all over the news tonight. Dahlia showed up at some trial on Chandaar and everyone is kind of freaking out about it."

Della and Mara exchange glances. They have not even really discussed it but the girl had been on their minds. Della had tried to coax the details of his ordeal out of Dane and all she had managed was that three were rescued and taken to The Wheel but it was never clear what happened to the fourth. Mara, having been part of the rescue and knowing full well they left Dahlia behind, did not expect this development yet somehow, she is not entirely thrown. The Winton's are full of surprises.

"What? Riley, are you certain it's her?"

"Yeah," Riley says, motioning to the images as they freeze on the girls face as she crumbles into tears before the court. "That's Dahlia Winton."

"Dahlia...who?" Della gasps, turning.

Riley looks confused, "That's what she said."

"I thought you said she was a Gellar-Masterton?"

Mara's face is deathly serious as her eyes scan Dahlia's features on the screen, features she had come to know very well.

"I did but that's not entirely true. She was legally adopted by Rutherford Gellar and Celeste Masterton as an infant. She went by the surname Greyson, the maiden name of her birth mother but was known throughout the Corporate Sector as a Gellar-Masterton, much like her brother and sister, Dane and Gemma."

"Then how is she a Winton?"

"Queen Monica Greyson, once the monarch of Naboo married Alexander Winton. They had three children but, to the best of my knowledge, he was only privy to the elder two. Dahlia was raised a Gellar-Masterton, as I said, even if she may not be so biologically."

"I don't understand..."

"How much do you know about The Four?"

Della laughs, "Everyone knows the story. We grew up on it. Karen Winton. Melanie Masterton. Valerie Gellar. Kimber Patten. They are names we whispered as teenagers, legends or cautionary tales, depending on who you asked. What does Dahlia have to do with them and how did she escape? I was under the impression no one knew where she was."

"As was I."

"She was tortured by a dark Jedi," Riley says from the couch. "Then she killed the lady with her own lightsaber. That's what the reporter said."

Mara makes a face, "Riley, that's enough for now. Why don't you go explore the other rooms."

"But Aunt Mara!"


The tone shuts him down and he pads off down the corridor. She waits a moment before turning back to Della.

"The Four of the past now relate directly to four in the present. Dane is the Gellar. Gemma is the Masterton. Riley is the Patten."

"And Dahlia is the Winton," Della finishes, her voice trailing off. "What does that even mean?"

"We don't know but someone out there knows exactly who they are and what they represent which is why I have spent the last eleven years trying to keep Riley's true identity hidden. Much the same way, to a lesser extent, Rutherford and Celeste tried to do with Dahlia. Bringing her to Chandaar with the family put her in the spotlight. It raised questions, especially since that trip coincided with the Centerpoint Battle and why they were later taken. I believe we were meant to rescue Riley, Dane and Gemma but there is a reason why we were not able to leave with Dahlia. You know that families history with the Force."

Della nods, "An extremely powerful connection."

"Everyone already knows about Dane Gellar and Gemma Masterton. Now the worlds know Dahlia Winton. It's up to Riley if he wants to reveal himself as a Patten but I fear dire consequences for everyone if someone were to try and prevent a repeat of their prior counterparts."

"I want to be who I am, Aunt Mara."

Riley steps out of the shadows and back into the living room.

"I thought I told you-"

"I know and I'm sorry but I can't pretend I'm someone else. Not anymore. It may be dangerous and it may not be what you think is right for me but I am a Patten. That's who I am. You saved me from that station, showed me many worlds and protected me from things you thought might hurt me but some things are meant to be known. I want to stay on Corellia because it's my home. It's your home too. We can have a good life here together. I know we can."

It is difficult for her to be angry when he does make some compelling points, even if he's not aware of just how poingiant they may be.

"How do you know?"

Riley smiles, "My mother told me."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2013, 10:59:50 PM »

Surface: Coronet City

"Your…mother told you? How?"

Riley glances between Mara and Della.

"I see her. In my dreams. She told me we belong here and showed me the Patten Ranch where we will live. But first we have to go to Coronet Capital Bank."

"Why is that?"

"There is an account set up for me. It will provide for both of us."

Mara takes this in stride, noting that he sounds fairly confident.

Della remembers the exchange between Riley and Dane.

"Does Dane see Valerie too?"

He nods, "Gemma said they are our spiritual guides."

"She sees Melanie?"


"What did Melanie tell her?"

"That my kidnapper would have Valerie's face."


Riley bites his lower lip.

"And…to be wary of Dahlia."

"I see," Mara says. "Riley, why don't you get ready for bed? I'll be in shortly to say goodnight. It's been a long day."

Surprisingly, he goes without a fight.

Mara turns.

"How did you know Dane saw Valerie?"

"The boys quarreled in CorSec."

"About what?"

"Dane thought Riley left his injured father on the Wheel. Clearly, that's not the case given we now know Rutherford Gellar is alive and well in the Corporate Sector. Riley made mention of monsters, something he claims they all saw, that Gemma had seen before. He told Dane he came to Corellia because his mother told him we could help and that Gemma saw Melanie like Dane saw Valerie."

"Did he say why they saw them?"

Della nods, "He believes they are trying to tell them something."

"Did Dane tell you what they experienced after they were kidnapped?"

"No," she says softly. "I tried to inquire but did not want to push. He seemed so hostile, frightened but was trying very desperately to pretend otherwise."

"The bravado is a Gellar trait."

"So I've heard."

"Thank you for watching out for them, Della."

She smiles, "It's my pleasure. Let me know if you need anything."

"I will. Goodnight."

Mara walks down the hall and enters the guest bedroom where Riley is drifting. She notes the framed picture of Kimber leaning against the far wall next to his duffle bag. It is a much better picture than the one she had allowed him to hold on to. In truth, Mara had only met Kimber Patten once on Centerpoint, the night she gave birth to Riley but she knows a considerable wealth of information about her. From public records and media archives to the very detailed reports in Alexander Winton's files, Mara can say she knows Kimber Patten almost better than Kimber Patten knew herself. There is much of her she sees in Riley but, as with his mother, the best parts of him are often the most dangerous. His honesty and idealism will lead to trouble which is why she has fought so fiercely to protect him.

She sits on the edge of the bed, brushing the tousled hair away from his forehead. He is not fully asleep and smiles.

"We can stay?"

"It's complicated, Riley. I do not know what the Director or Senator will ultimately decide."

"They will let us."

"Did your mother tell you that as well?"

"No," he replies, distantly. "But she did say…the prophecy…isn't the only thing Winton found…in that cave…."

His breathing changes as he is pulled into a peaceful slumber, those last words hanging in the air, crystallized like a threat. There is no clarification and a part of her doesn't need it to know the past is not at rest. It never was. Not with Riley, Gemma, Dane and Dahlia stepping into roles far larger than they realize. Her eyes move to the picture and focus on Kimber's face, a slender finger held up over a playful smile. And Mara wonders.

What side does the dead play for?


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2013, 05:33:57 PM »

Surface: Coronet City

The morning somehow feels different, endings and possible new beginnings. On one hand, they had both found a place to call home. But on the other, Mara would have to see how smoothly the acquisition of the Federation's holdings went over with the Corellian Engineering Corp. She had much to do in the way of negotiating with shareholders but Riley had other plans for the morning.

He requests CorSec Director Veritaas accompany them to the Coronet Capital Bank. It is arranged that the three of them enter through a private area to avoid the public eye and are escorted to the offices of the Finance Director, Ubre Braun. He has been a trusted staple of the financial sector for over thirty years and had presided over Coronet Capital for the last twelve. As they enter, he does a double take when glancing over the boy. He flashes back many years to when a radiant young pregnant woman and her Jedi companion arrived in this very office to make arrangements. It couldn't be, he thinks to himself, but that face. He turns his attention to the adults.

"Director Veritaas, it is a pleasure seeing you again."

"You as well, Director Braun. May I introduce Mara Tacofer."

He stands and steps forward so they can shake hands.

"Welcome, miss Tacofer. How may I help?"

The boy steps forward.

"I am Riley Patten and I was told you have something for me."

Braun glances at Veritaas who produces the DNA results run by Doctor Cross in the CorSec labs.

"It has been confirmed."

"So I see," Braun says, taken aback by the revelation. "My, my, my, Riley Patten. That is not a name I ever expected to hear again."

Mara narrows her eyes, "You've heard it before? How?"

Braun motions to the chairs before taking his own behind the larger desk.

"I was new to this position, well over a decade ago now, when I was paid a visit by Kimber Patten."

Riley perks up.

"You knew my mother?"

"Everyone knew her," Braun says. "But this was different. She came here with a specific purpose and was escorted by the Jedi Melanie Masterton."

Both Veritaas and Mara are now paying very close attention. How could Riley have known exactly who to come to?

"Miss Patten pooled her vast resources to create an estate trust, one she denoted under a specific name."

He taps a few keys and pulls up the title page of the trust document. There in bold red letters is a name.

Riley Patten

"Of course, after the tragedy at Centerpoint, I was certain that name would never be spoken of again. Even with the news stories, the documentary and then that dreadful Cineplex adaptation…not one of them mentioned the name Riley. As far as I knew, Miss Patten, the Jedi Masterton and I were the only three who had known it. I certainly was not going to tell out of respect for your mother. The only people who knew she had even come here perished with her."

Braun sighs then smiles.

"And now, here you are."

He taps away at the keyboard, pulling up the account history and current status.

"Shall we talk business?"

Riley nods.

"To get to the point of where the trust began is a bit complicated but, simply phrased, the estate trust established by Kimber Patten consolidated all accounts including personal, life insurance, property and, transports. After ten years of compound interest, the current balance is upwards of 5.2 billion credits which makes Riley one of the five wealthiest people in the entire Corellian Sector. He is certainly the youngest."

Mara and Veritaas are stunned silent.

Those numbers mean nothing to the simple life Riley had grown up in and so he folds his hands in his lap and listens.

"Clearly, that is a considerable amount for someone your age. Not all the sum is liquid either. The property within the trust includes the Patten Ranch, two penthouses on Hesperidium, and the Gellar Residence above the museum. Although the building itself has been granted historical standing, the residence remains separate and therefore part of the trust. There was one other, the Galatea Suite in the Hyperion Tower but unfortunately that was destroyed with Coruscant. There are also several transports, ranging in size and value. The remainder is in cash, carefully invested, of course."

"Where most of it will remain," Mara says sternly.

Riley nods, following his mother's gentle guidance.

"It's to provide for both of us but we can keep most of it for a rainy day."

Braun smiles, "That would have to be quite a rainstorm. I can establish modest yet comfortable personal accounts for both you and Miss Tacofer if that is what you would like, Mister Patten."

"I would, thank you."

Veritaas changes the tone slightly, "I believe it goes without saying but I do hope these interactions are held in the highest confidence. Given the nature of the circumstances and his identity, discretion is tantamount."

Braun holds his gaze.

"We at Coronet Capital shall always maintain client confidentiality. You can take my lack of supplying the media machine with his name as my personal guarantee. We can set up their accounts and continue investing the remainder without so much as raising a set of eye brows within the bank. The property and transports were placed in Riley's name after Kimber Patten signed the trust into existence."

"We appreciate that," Mara says, looking to Riley. "It's been an interesting morning to say the least. What's next?"

"I want to see the Patten Ranch, get a feel for the place."

He glances over his shoulder at Director Veritaas.

"Then, when I'm old enough, I want to enroll in CorSec like my grandfather."

Elon Veritaas is not an emotional man but those words stir something in him. He puts on a good show then laughs.

"Forgive me; I teared up a bit at that. We'd be lucky to have you, son. Let's get you settled in first then we'll talk future plans."

They thank the Finance Director who offers his services or advice whenever they need it and leave through the same private area to the Director's transport. Riley buckles up in the back and Mara sits beside Veritaas.

"I was not expecting that," he says, easing up on the controls. "You did not seem surprised."

"Not much surprises me these days."

"How did your meeting with the Senator go?"

Mara shrugs, "We'll see, I suppose. He was called away urgently during our talks."



"Something happened?"

"Doesn't it always?"

Veritaas smirks, guiding the speeder back into his personal hangar bay at One CorSec Plaza. Della Avers is waiting near an idling shuttle. The droids had packed their things and were ready and waiting. Della had been assigned to assist in Artemis' absence. It would give Mara a bit of freedom to conduct some business without having to watch Riley's every move.

"You'll be safe at the Ranch. It is a little over forty kilometers from Coronet in the Northern Hills. A peaceful place, good for considering your next move. If either of you need anything, you have my personal com."

"Thank you, Director," Mara says.

She nods and turns back to the shuttle. Della and Riley are talking excitedly before entering the shuttle. Mara takes the controls and guides them out of the hangar. The coordinates are programmed and it is not terribly long before they reach their destination. Mara notes that it is nestled between the rolling hills, some of which are densely covered in foliage. The ranch itself is a massive compound with high walls surrounding the entire property accessed only through a central gate. She uses the codes given to them by the Finance Director to deactivate the proximity alarms and lands on the platform to the east of the residence.

The property has been maintained but could use a bit of work. To the west of the residence lays the giant sunken gardens Riley mentioned he had dreamed about. Her files tell her that Lilandra Patten, mother of Kimber Patten, was a botanist famous for her flowers and was solely responsible for the brilliant blooming gardens on the Ranch.

"Isn't it beautiful, Aunt Mara? Like I told you it would be."

She takes a moment, staring out over the lush foliage.

"Yes, it certainly is."

Mara uses the codes to grant them access to the residence which is a sprawling, single story mansion. There are a lot of rustic elements with a mixture of tiles and wood. It even smells pleasant, vaguely floral that immediately relaxes the senses. Riley finds Kimber's room and Della helps him unpack. Mara finds the master bedroom and falls onto the bed. She feels…comfortable here. Like it really is meant to be. But she knows nothing is ever that easy and refrains from letting go. There is still so much to do but finding somewhere Riley would be safe is one major thing crossed off her long to-do list. She hastily unpacks and gathers her contact list of the Federation shareholders.

This is what she does best.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2013, 09:52:11 PM »

Surface: Patten Ranch

As Mara leaves to handle business, Riley and Della continue to unpack and settle in. It has been a long day already and Della's mind turned to sustenance.

"You hungry?"

"Always," Riley happily replies.

She nods, "I'll get things started here. Why don't you finish up what you can in your new room?"

He slips off the stool he had been sitting on and pads down the hall. Della returns to the kitchen and searches the custom cabinets for cookware to use with the grocery supplies they brought with them. She wasn't sure what to expect so she brought a little of everything. The kitchen is well stocked with cookware, spices and other non perishables but things needed to be freshened up. Riley is such a striking contrast to Dane but it is comforting to be around someone so earnest and forthcoming. Dane was vague and secretive and, despite her best efforts, she never felt he really trusted her. Riley is the complete opposite, warming to her quickly. He even gave her a flower he picked on the way in. Della smiles to herself and begins to cook.

Riley finds himself back in Kimber's bedroom. It's very feminine but comfortable. He just wants to be where his mother was, to know her better. Since he cannot spend physical time with her, he would have to settle for the little clues she left behind. There are many pictures on the wall along with a peculiar abstract piece by someone named McNeal and a signed poster of Miz Vovo. He scours each picture carefully, taking it all in. The Four around a red table in what looks like a school. Kimber pointing and smiling at a dour looking man in an Imperial uniform. Valerie with her tongue hanging out and an arm around Kimber's shoulder. Karen and Kimber making faces behind a somber looking Melanie. Kimber cheering on the sidelines of a Chin-Bret field. Kimber and her group of insanely attractive friends carefully styled and posed in a posh living room.

On the surface, it appears as though Kimber Patten had the perfect life. But based on the stories that run parallel to the photage, he knows that is not true. She suffered horrible losses and stumbled into tragedy after tragedy beneath the glaring lights of Galactic City on the Coruscant that was.

Riley clears out a few drawers and unpacks what little he has with him. He would have to go buy new things now that he could afford to. The meeting with the banker had left him feeling strange. He was happy that he and Aunt Mara would be taken care of but feels apprehensive about taking his mother's money. Rationally, he knows she left it for him. That's why she had the good sense to set up the trust in the first place. It's almost as if she somehow knew. But how could she? Even with a Jedi by her side, there was no way Kimber could have known she would never again leave the Centerpoint Station. The Corellian reporter, who was with the group, said it was decided that the station would be the safest place for her. Obviously that wasn't true either.

He rummages through the entertainment center across from the bed, fingering through a variety of discs and datecards. He randomly pulls a disc from the case and slides it into the player. The projector whirs to life and there is a pitch of static and a dark blur before his mother's face appears. She smiles and steps away from the camera.

"I think its recording."

"How can you tell?" Valerie asks, stepping into the frame. She is wearing something that can be loosely called a dress. Kimber is dressed casually but more conservatively in a cardigan and slacks.

"Um, the red light is on."

"The battery could be dead."

"Your battery could be dead," Kimber retorts, giggling.

Valerie laughs, "What does that even mean?"

"It doesn't matter. We need to capture this moment. It's Mel's first date with Lucas. We spent all afternoon in the Raga'Ana boutique to find the perfect dress."

"Big deal," Valerie says, staring past the camera and smoothing her hair. "It's not like the Holy Roller is going to let him get past first."

"So mean."

"So true! Her legs are practically stitched shut."

That is when others voices can be heard.

"I am not sun damaged, Karen. We're only ever in direct sunlight on Hesperidum."

"Exactly. Val? Second opinion here."

Karen moves into the shot dragging Melanie by the arm. She is wearing an elegant white dress. Karen is clad in a short skirt and fuzzy sweater. Valerie looks ready to pounce with some kind of brush in her hand while Kimber peeks over her shoulder.
"Stunning, Mel. Really. You have that uptight and chaste look down solid."

"Oh, thanks."

Kimber moves Valerie out of the way.

"She didn't mean that to sound so negative. It's just that you look so wholesome and that's what you were going for, right?"


Karen smiles, "That may drive him even wilder."

"Wild? I am going for a sort of subtle tingling. I don't want him going nuts or anything."

"Something will definitely be tingling."


"Oh, don't be so provincial. We're teenagers!"


"So, it's expected of us to be sexually charged and a little raunchy."

"Says you."

Melanie frowns, "I don't think I want raunch on a first date. It might be a bit much."

"Alright, alright, play it soft. Just don't expect him to stay that way."

A chime sounds in the background sending all four girls into squealing fits. Karen, Melanie and Valerie move out of the shot but Kimber turns and moves back toward the cam. She leans down and sighs.

"Not exactly insightful but it's a start."

Kimber's face fills the screen again.

"Bye for now!"

And then it goes dark.

Riley looks away and jumps when he sees Della standing in the doorway.

"You scared me!"

"Sorry. Dinner is ready. Was that your mother?"

He nods.

"She was very beautiful."

"Thank you," Riley replies, moving to the projector and turning it off. "I wish I could have met her."

She considers referencing his exchange with Dane in the CorSec Headquarters when he mentioned his mother told him to come to Corellia, implying he had had some sort of contact with her from beyond. She thinks better of it now, not wanting to further upset him.

"I'm sure she wishes the same thing too. You can take comfort in her memory, knowing that she loved you very much."

"I know. I do. Aunt Mara never told me very much about her growing up, only that she was pretty but also in a lot of trouble. Then I read that story. You know, that reporter guy."

"Carlson. Yes. His prose is…colorful."

"It wasn't her fault she was in trouble. There were circumstances."

Della smiles, "There always are. Come now, let's eat and you can dive back into her world afterwards."

He nods and bounds off the bed past her. She sighs, trailing behind, wondering if she and Artemis would ever share the joys and terrors of child rearing. Given the tribulations of these children, she has serious reservations yet the nurturing comes so naturally to her. It's what makes her an effective stateswoman of the people. Della genuinely cares where other politicians may not. She knows Artemis does as well but he is in a much more complicated position. Dealing with a government as massive and complex as the Republic has a set of challenges he must constantly adapt to. Della deals mostly with Corellian's and they are a people of principle and passion.

Riley is spinning on the stool as she approaches. Della considers calling for Mara but has no idea where she went in the expansive residence. She makes sure to save a plate and sits down with Riley to eat.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2014, 09:49:37 PM »

Surface: Patten Ranch

Mara was nearly consumed with the CEC deal and receiving the associates and assets of the Federation. She was often away for extended periods of time, begrudgingly of course, but she knows it's best for all of them. Even with Riley's newfound wealth, she had a sense of duty and obligation to those she led. It wasn't about the credits earned, it was about doing what was right by them. There is still no sign of The Wheel or any transmission from Administrator Farim. She did not have time for worry nor to address the lingering thoughts and conflicted emotions surrounding Garron Prescott. His absence did something to her, made her feel things she was not built to feel but they were easily lost in the tediously and often exhausting exchanges with Director Mangum.

The Ranch compound was secured by some of CorSec's finest on Director Veritaas' orders and discretion. From what he has seen, Riley Patten is a good kid but he shares some of Mara's concerns regarding going public with his true identity. Things needed to settle before any movement was made and so a highly recommended governess is brought in so that Riley does not fall behind on his studies. CorSec Academy was his goal but a public or private school in Coronet would still draw too much attention and perhaps place undue stress on the boy. Della oversees things when Mara is away and shuttles to and from the capital to maintain her own duties in the Counselor's office. She spends some afternoons with him and the governess preparing the gardens for spring. She is pleased to see him come alive in the things he learns, a childhood fascination she always found charming. Riley loves to learn but he struggles in some of the more analytical subjects which the governess is more than happy to explore. She runs a tight ship with no room for excuses or slacking.

In his free time, Riley gets more acquainted with his birth mother through her vid-diaries and scattered photage from her short but fabulous life. The photage reveals that her public persona and her personality varied as the diaries show her as much more compassionate if not adorably perplexed. On an ordinary afternoon, he places another disk in the player and turns it on as he had done for weeks. Most of the time it served to reinforce stereotypes intermixed with Kimber's colorful commentary. Karen was kind of controlling, Melanie somewhat uptight and Valerie was super mean. Their other friends were a mixed bag but extremely loyal and protective. Last week he had to watch Kimber's heartbreak over the murder of their security chief, Agent Venko. It was difficult to endure but it showed her ability to find the silver linings even in the worst of times.

The player whirs to life, momentarily caught in static as the recording begins. It is the interior of what looks like a stateroom, Imperial from the design. Kimber sits on the bed, facing a man whose features can be seen in his own.

"I don't know what to do, Mod."

Mod Navris.

Agent of the Imperial Security Bureau.

His biological father.

Riley gasps.

"We'll get through this….together."

"Will we? I tried to play hardball, do what they asked me to do and look where it got me! Admiral Ohtar was only trying to keep her people safe. The Hapan's don't trust the Empire and with good reason. Now she's tied up downstairs being interrogated by those barbarians."

Mod takes her hands, "They just need answers."

"Look at me and tell me you really believe that."

He falters, glancing down.

Kimber's lip trembles.

"I only did this because your superiors agreed to help me. If they don't back Valerie up, I don't know what PHAGE will do to Corellia. And don't even get me started on Karen. She's off cavorting with that stud-bucket Dementat while I'm here facilitating the torture of Hapan Admirals! It's ridiculous! I can't even believe those things I said. What was I thinking?! This was a terrible idea."

"We can fix it."


"Get the Admiral out."

"They'll label you a traitor and kill you. Then they'll kill me."

"You think Karen will let that happen?"

"You hijacked her first. You tell me if she seems like the type to multi-task when she's being courted by a freaking Emperor? I have doubts, babe. Serious doubts. We'd be dead before her com even bleeped. Granted, she'd be pissed and throw a tantrum this galaxy has never seen but we'd still be dead! And that doesn't help Valerie very much, does it?"

"I suppose not. Let me talk to Graves."

Kimber's eyes bug out, "Graves is a sadist! He wants me to suffer."

"I don't think it's that personal."

"You know what they are doing is wrong. You've known it for a long time. St. Clair forced Karen to join your ranks at blaster-point and now they are using Valerie as means to make me cooperate. They have plenty of counselor's in the DiploServ program yet they somehow needed me? I don't think so. Something is seriously wrong here."

The consol beeps.

Mod reaches out and taps a button.

"Navris here."

"Is the Counselor with you?"

"She is."

"Good," the gravelly voice says. "I need both of you to report back. We have made…progress with the Admiral."

"What kind of progress?" Kimber says, clutching Mod's wrist.

"In due time, Counselor Patten."

"That's not exactly reassuring, Graves."

"I'm sorry what?"

She clears her throat, "Special Agent Graves."

"That's better. I'll expect you soon."

The com does dead and Kimber turns as Mod reaches out and touches the side of her face. That's when the entry ends.

Riley is left stunned, clawing at the bed sheets. As much as he doesn’t know about his mother there is even less he knows about his father. Mod Navris was a larger mystery, a shadow, an abstract concept. Clearly, he had reservations about his Imperial service and Riley wonders if his feelings for Kimber are what really changed his mind. He had read they planned on running away together but Mod was murdered during an assignment on Hesperidium along with several other members of their ground team. It was an inside job from the reporters account and that much later, Kimber exacted revenge on the rogue agent when he attempted to kill her while she was nine months pregnant.

Della calls for him, jarring him from the sordid tales. He leaps off the bed and slaps off the player, deciding to see how much more of his father he could find later.


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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2014, 02:26:28 PM »

Surface: Patten Ranch

Riley was at first quite excited to see his aunt return on an unexpected visit.  But when she came through the entrance and smiled over at him, there was a look of worry in her eyes.

"Is everything ok Aunt Mara?"

It was rare for Riley to see his aunt, normally so calm and collected, to show much in the way of emotions.

His aunt didn't answer the question directly, but bent down to Riley's eye level.

"Just some things I have to do.  Where is Della?"

Riley motioned to an office just a few doors from the entrance, where Della had set up a link so she could be at the ranch more often without sacrificing her responsibilities.  Mara nodded, placing her hands on Riley's shoulders and standing back upright.

"We'll talk in a few minutes"

Riley watched as his aunt made her way into Della Aver's office, already impatient and worried about what was going on.


Della turned from the desk as Mara came in, offering a polite smile.

"I'm glad to see you're back"
"Not for long, unfortunately.  And I think it might be a while before I return"

Della's face was inquisitive as Mara began to relay some of the information she had learned - that the Wheel had been commandeered - apparently - by one of the look alikes, and that she believed it was somehow tied to this shadow corporation, D.W. Inc.

"But traveling down to Eriador - you might never make it there, what with the piracy.  I've heard some even have gravity wells to rip unsuspecting travelers out of hyperspace"

"I have to go, Della.  I have to stop them before they hurt more people.  If I'm right, they've already stolen millions from unsuspecting shareholders, and are in a position to exert tremendous influence on several major galactic corporations.  Besides, I owe it ... I owe it to the administrator. If he's alive or dead, he helped me when no one else would, and I need to make good by stopping them."

Della let out a sigh, nodding her head in acquiescence.

"What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to watch Riley - no matter what happens, if I return or not, I need you to make sure he remains safe - from danger, and from the public eye.  No matter what"

Della again nodded.

"You can count on me"

Mara offered her own brief smile.

"Thank you."  Della had been an unknown to her until recently, but already Mara felt she could trust her - enough that Riley could be left in her care for as long as necessary.

As difficult as that conversation was, Mara knew it was the easier of the two for today, and she, with Della behind her, turned to go speak with Riley.


Riley knew there was more to it than Aunt Mara was telling him.  She was going away on a business trip, but wasn't sure how long, or when she would be able to be in touch with him again.

Worse than her leaving - a necessary evil - was that she still didn't trust him with the truth.  After all they had been through.  Della was to be the caretaker, along with the governess, but in truth, Riley sensed they weren't supervising him as much as shielding him, much as his aunt had tried shielding him on the Wheel.

But his aunt looked almost desperate for the conversation to go well, and so Riley, sullen faced agreed to abide by their rules and not ask too many questions.

Mara hugged Riley, tight and long, before pressing a kiss to his forehead and disappearing out the door.

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Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2014, 02:01:21 PM »

Surface: Patten Ranch

The main house com bleeps in the early afternoon. Della swivels in her chair to answer it. A young girl's face she recognizes appears in a pale blue hologram.

"Good afternoon. How can we help you?"

"Yes, is Riley home?"

Even though she knows who it is, she plays the parental role Mara tasked her with.

"And who may I say is calling?"

"Gemma Masterton."

"Oh, well hello Gemma. I am Della Avers."

"Hi, Della! Riley has told me so many wonderful things about you."

"I should hope so," Della says with a small smile. "Let me see if he's available."

"Thank you."

She pushes a few buttons that sends the call to Riley's room. Riley had mentioned her many times over the past few months. There is a picture of her in his room. How he got this is debatable and Mara seemed wary of the Masterton girl but did not go into any great detail as to why. Della only knows what comes from the coverage but in her humble opinion, Melanie Masterton and Kimber Patten seemed like the lesser of the four evils. She knows the Jedi Masterton had been on Corellia during the weeks leading up to the Centerpoint Battle and tragically lost her life aboard it like so many others. Gemma seems nice enough and the com channel is secure so Della doesn't see the problem, especially since Riley told her Gemma was against him running away from The Wheel.

Every boy needs a sensible girl in their lives.

Riley sits at the desk in his new room, finishing up a report for the governess. He had decided to keep his mother's room like it is and, with Della's help, redecorated one of the other larger spare bedrooms into his own personal space. The com on his desk bleeps and he taps it on. Gemma's face appears and he brightens immediately.

"Gemma, hi!"

"Hi, Riley. How are you?"

"Good," he says, involuntarily blushing. "You?"

"That depends. I had another dream."

"About me?"

She nods.

"Was it, like, bad?"

"It was scary, that's for sure. Is the Ambassador there?"

"Aunt Mara? No, she left a few days ago on a business trip. Why?"

Gemma's large eyes are wide and full of emotion.

"I just want to make sure you are safe."

"What makes you think I'm not?"

"The dream…there were these women who all had the same face…Valerie's face. She said something…something that bothered me."

Riley frowns, "What is it, Gemma?"

"Maybe it's nothing. Maybe I'm just being silly."

"You weren't the last time. We ended up in a cell."

"She asked…if I thought you would be safe…with her."

"Her who?"

"I don't know. At least I think I don't. I didn't mean to startle you."

"No, it's okay. I'm glad you called. I will tell Della. The CorSec Agents have this place locked down so I should be alright. How is everything in the Corporate Sector?"

Gemma shrugs, "Pretty normal, I guess. It's nice to be back in school. Dane is still acting like a real jerk."

"Yeah, he was kind of a jerk here too. Is Dahlia okay?"

She pauses, considering this.

"She's coping. We all are."

"I wish you could visit."

"Me too but my parents will barely let us out of their sight. Maybe we can come in the spring when we're on break from school."

Riley smiles, "I would like that."

"Just be careful, okay?"

"I will. You too."

She nods.

"Bye Riley."

Riley leans back in his chair, head spinning. He doesn't know what it is or how it happens but Gemma always leaves him feeling warm yet anxious. He knows enough to trust her intuition as she had foreseen the kidnapping. She had also known him long before they knew each other. Her dreams were powerful and even though it's difficult for him to understand how, he knows she is looking out for all of them.

Later that afternoon, Director Elon Veritaas stops by the Ranch for his weekly visit. He enjoys getting out of Coronet for a while. Since Mara Tacofer had been increasingly busy with the Federation acquisition and dealings, he felt it best to check in with Riley from time to time. They take a walk through the gardens where Elon could tell Riley stories about his grandfather, the great Kyri Patten. Riley is always so interested in the hero's tales but today he is especially inquisitive.

"Did you work with my grandfather?"

"Not directly," Elon says. "I was in another unit under former Director Farmer's command but Major Patten's leadership and courage was widely respected."

"How did he die?"

His queries usually involved missions and captured criminals but the Director knows his mother and her friends were lied to by a vast network of people and vowed never to do so with Riley.

"It was a dark time for Corellia. The Baron PHAGE was wreaking havoc across Coronet. There were troops of battle droids sweeping the streets, widespread chaos. Our people were suffering and dying."

Riley nods, "I saw that in the museum."

"We tried to fight them off but we were outnumbered. Wave after wave of droids. PHAGE wanted Corellia under his control but he wanted Valerie Gellar dead more. We didn't know why then, how a machine could care so much about a single person. As it turned out, the machine had biological components which gave PHAGE unique abilities. In any case, he challenged her to a duel which she bravely fought but PHAGE beat her within an inch of her life and Kyri stepped in to stop it. As punishment PHAGE murdered him in front of a crowd of thousands. He was avenged when Valerie helped destroy him and set Corellia free of the Federation."

Riley processes this as they walk.

"But…the CEC just purchased the Federation."

"It did but the Trade Federation was a much different company after PHAGE fell. Your aunt and others tried very hard to rebuild their reputation over the years. It's a shame the Empire dealt them such a cowardly blow but they have always been petty. This deal is a good thing for all parties involved. Corellia will be stronger for it. Ambassador Tacofer is a smart woman who wants the best for you."

"That's what she says."

"You don't believe her?"

"No, I do. I just wish I didn't have to hide."

Elon stops walking and turns to him.

"It will not always be the case but surely you must realize things are more complicated than just your identity. There are other things at stake, other people to consider."

He nods.

"I know. The Four. It's a thing."

"It is now that the Winton girl revealed herself on several live Holo feeds. Until recently, Gemma Masterton and Dane Gellar were the only surviving connections to that legacy. Or so people thought. Your miraculous survival and Dahlia Winton's mysterious existence adds a certain complexity. People are suspicious and suspicious people tend to act out of fear instead of logic. From a public standpoint, there are only three of The Four confirmed. There are a scant few who know of your true identity."

"And you think it's best to keep it that way?"

"For now? Yes. I do. It's not that you shouldn't be proud of who you are. We do need to make sure you are safe."

"I would be safer if I could protect myself."

Elon straightens, "What do you mean?"

"I want to learn how to fight."

"You will."

"Later may be too late. I've already been kidnapped once. Several Espos, Federation agents, and a Jedi Master died during our rescue. I could have done something more if I had the skills. Please, Director Veritaas. Teach me."


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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2014, 03:31:02 PM »


An early spring dawns upon them. The gardens at the Patten Ranch are still mostly dormant but the perennials soak up the light. In little over a month, the entire property will begin to blossom and bloom. Change is ever present. Director Veritaas had a small course erected near the back wall for target practice. Riley's request struck something in him, knowing the history and the horror of his lineage. Although he is adamant that they refrain from use of the Patten name for now, he knows it is only a matter of time. His presence here has gone seemingly unnoticed thus far aside from the fact that he is the nephew of the Federation Ambassador. Corellia has larger issues to worry about but if there is anything predictable about the public, it's that they have an insatiable appetite for fragments of The Four. Certain channels of the Holo continue to speculate about the reveal of the Winton girl and the Masterton and Gellar counterparts. Elon knows Riley's chronometer of anonymity is slowly running out which why he must be prepared.

Before they even touch a blaster, the Director takes him through a rigorous course of identification and safety. Weapons are not toys. Riley is a quick study in the mechanics and operation of each model and he is able to differentiate between them with ease. The second phase is the practical application and Elon demonstrates the proper stance and grips required for accuracy. Riley is a remarkably good shot with the range and ease of his grandfather. Surprisingly enough, the Director tells him, Kimber was also good with a blaster though she seldom used it. Her initial tests during the semester spent at the CorSec Academy showed great promise. She was far more accurate than most of her classmates and a quicker draw than Valerie Gellar.

Twice a week they practice until Riley is capable enough for something more advanced. Director Veritaas brings him to the CorSec Academy training facility. The setup is much more elaborate than anything Riley has seen before but his face lights up with excitement. He is taken through the basic course and practices at the firing range. The obstacles and targets are adjusted to various levels. He does well and continues these lessons on weekends. Elon takes a sense of pride in the training, knowing that there will come a day Riley joins the ranks of CorSec like Kyri Patten before him.

Back at the Ranch, Della is torn between wanting to preserve Riley's innocence and wanting him to be ready for anything. On one hand, she agrees completely with Director Veritaas. With Mara away on business, it would be extremely helpful if Riley was prepared. The mysterious circumstances surrounding him and the others are not something she takes lightly. He is doing well in his studies and the governess seems pleased by his attentiveness. He struggles with arithmetic but that isn't all that surprising. The kid came from a model and an Imperial agent. While he does hold a sense of child-like wonder, he is hardly dense. He does have a knack for brightening up a bad mood. Work with the Counselor's office has been steadily busy and balancing those duties with that of a guardian-protector isn't always easy but it does bring her joy. The work-family dynamic is something she believes she could swing.

One day. 

Artemis has been on Chandaar for some time now and the reports streaming out of the capital indicate there has been no progress made to appeal the Force User Registration Act. They speak as time allows, usually a few times a week, and the consensus seems to be that the Speaker almost wants the Jedi to fail. Apteen lacks sympathy for their position and refuses to see how these actions infringe upon the public's right to privacy. Blame has shifted and spilled over from the Jedi to others speaking out against the law. Counselor Circe Prescott, who Artemis has been working with, is now being accused of still operating under the influence of the Force. Her status as victim is turned against her as the public cannot understand why someone who was manipulated so completely by a Force user could ever possibly want them roaming around freely. Circe remains strong in the face of such criticism. Artemis is frustrated by it all. He did not fight for Corellia's admission into the Republic just to have some of its citizens with a biological connection beyond their control bagged, tagged and labeled suspicious.

It's wrong on so many levels.

Della also frets about the information Riley told her about Gemma's dream. The girl has prophetic powers? That's never a good sign, especially when it comes to one of The Four. The story by Kent Carlson referenced a prophecy that bound them all together. It was neither pleasant nor peaceful. If Gemma is somehow connected to that then they could be at an advantage, if they knew how to interpret what she sees. Riley said that Gemma dreamed about him long before she ever met him, that they were meant to find one another. He claims she also accurately predicted their kidnapping and tried to warn him. This latest dream of the many faces of Valerie Gellar does not settle well with her at all. She is reluctant but shares this information with Director Veritaas on one of his visits. He doesn't laugh it off as she thought he might but isn't entirely convinced either. He advises they continue to proceed with caution to ensure Riley's safety.

Della stops beside the picture of Gemma Masterton as she absently straightens up Riley's room. She stares out with tousled golden curls and a brilliant smile but there is something behind those ocean blue eyes. Could the key to everything that is happening be locked in the mind of a child?


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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2014, 06:00:53 PM »


In the passing months, Riley becomes not only an expert marksman but an exceedingly promising CorSec candidate. Director Veritaas is as impressed as he is proud to see the young boy flourish. Being well-rounded is important and the Director pushes him in the training facility much the way Della pushes him with the governess. It never hurts to have a wide skill set.

So much is happening that Della finds the days and weeks sliding by and still no word from Mara Tacofer. Her concern is tempered with Riley's happiness and she does her best to be there for him in any way she can. Her work load has been steady but she is able to balance her professional duties with personal responsibility. She wishes Artemis would return to Corellia but the battle for civil rights within the Republic is far from over. There is word that the Republic plans to strike back at the Empire and force them out of their territories for good. It is a lofty objective, even for someone as large as the Republic has grown. The Empire has its own ruthless tactics she hopes the Republic does not fall victim to.

Riley has been so consumed with his own activities that he had not really stopped to wonder why Mara had yet to contact him. Growing up, she often had to negotiate through tricky situations, usually with him nearby. Things are different now. He is safe on Corellia and she has quite a bit to do. The Federation is now part of the CEC and that means more to manage. Riley's come a long way since he first arrived. He has even made a friend, the son of a CorSec Agent and close colleague of Director Veritaas. Granted, he had to keep his true identity and real home from this new friend but it is a small price to pay for company. No one knows he is staying at the Patten Ranch as the Ambassador has an official residence in Coronet City. It is staged to look like the primary home to Ambassador Tacofer and occasionally Della and Riley would stay there when she was in the city on business or he had early training at One CorSec Plaza.

On a hazy weekday afternoon, Riley meets his friend, Cassidy Clay, in the CorSec Academy training facility where they practice running the courses under Director Veritaas' supervision. Tivoli Cross, the medical director, makes notes for her files as she heads back to the lab. She inputs her codes and moves inside, staring down at a datapad until she catches movement out of the corner of her eye. Glancing up, she sees a man in a CorSec uniform standing in front of one of the locked cases where she keeps samples from the agents and cadets. The locking mechanism has been destroyed and the case hanging open. He places a vial into the cooler bag slung over his shoulder and stares at her with a blank expression on his face.

"Who are you?" Tivoli says, moving toward the wall panel. "What are you doing here?"

He says nothing, simply stares. She vaguely recognizes him but cannot place his name. There are very few with access to these labs.

"I'm calling security…"

As the words leave her mouth, she watches in horror as the skin around his face peels back in ribbons to reveal brownish, scarred flesh beneath. His uniform seems to evaporate into smoke leaving only tattered robes. Her eyes are glued to his face and the rows of sharp, uneven teeth that glisten beneath the overhead lights as he opens his mouth. She slaps her palm against the alarm button. Sirens blare and the room is bathed in a red light. The creature snarls, leaping at her. Tivoli drops the datapad as she lunges out of the way and dashes toward the exam rooms. She turns briefly in time to see the creature in pursuit, hunched over but still dragging the bag. It leaps again, slashing through her white lab coat to the skin beneath and sending her careening to the left. She crashes against an exam table, gripping her blaster to turn and fire. The first shot is wide but the second makes contact. It screeches loudly, closing the distance between them. It slaps the weapon away and clamps a scaly hand around her throat, lifting her clear off the ground.

Tivoli screams.

There are voices from the other room, agents calling out for her.

The creature turns, pulling her out into the corridor as the agents move in with weapons drawn. They are not prepared for what they see – the creature snarling with Doctor Cross dangling from its hand. They shout warnings to let her go, that they will fire. The creature roars and hurls the doctor at them as it makes its escape. One of the agents catches her and carefully lowers her to the ground.

"Go…" she croaks."Go after it!"

They are already tailing it out into the crowded halls lined with agents mobilizing and staff evacuating. There is no sign of the creature. Agents coordinate on the emergency channels, telling each other what to look for. The exits are covered but no one passing even remotely matches that description. A man in glasses who looks like the recruiting supervisor slips a vial into his pocket and passes security.

The medical staff tries to tend Tivoli but she is scanning through the roster of that particular case as Director Veritaas strides in.

"You are hurt," he says, looking concerned.

"I'm fine. Did you find it?"


"Yes, it. It looked like a man then it changed."

Elon frowns, "Changed how?"

"It became something…else. Something terrifying."

"The responding agents used the term "creature." Does that seem accurate to you?"


"So, non-humanoid. Was it a species you recognized?"

"No, nothing I've encountered before."

"That is disconcerting. More so is the fact that the custodian was found murdered in his office. All his key-cards stolen."

"The custodian...what does he look like?"

The Director pulls out his datapad and opens a file, turning the device so Tivoli can see.

"That's him!"


"The man who was in here."

"That's impossible, doctor. This man is downstairs in the morgue with a rather large chunk of his neck missing. He bled out quickly."

"No, that can't be right. I saw him before....what about the bag?"

"It was recovered."


"South corridor, near the stairwell."

"And the sample?"

"Negative. It was empty. Are you certain only one was missing?"


Her eyes widen as she turns from the screen.

"What is it?"

"Is the boy secure?"

"The boy?"

"The Ambassador's nephew."

"Affirmative," Elon says. "He's in my office, why?"

Tivoli looks up at him gravely.

"The sample taken belongs to him."


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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2014, 12:05:41 PM »

Surface: Patten Ranch

The late spring sun warms the gorgeous landscape filled with color. Della paces in front of Director Veritaas as Riley works in the gardens.

"I don't like this."

"The entire report is questionable."

Della's gaze is steely and her tone stern.

"This means someone knows he's here and worse they know who he is. Now they have the sample to prove it."

Veritaas crosses his arms.

"We've taken all the precautions to protect his identity. The Tacofer alias had been established when he was an infant and his presence on Corellia was legitimized when with the Ambassador arrived. The parties with information have been vetted and signed nondisclosure forms. If there was a leak, I do not believe it came from us. Any luck reaching Mara?"

"No," Della says. "And that's what scares me. Her com is off."

"There hasn't been any contact since she left at all?"

"None. Not even to check in. Do you think she's been compromised?"

He shrugs.

"Difficult to say but someone pointed this…person in the right direction."

"Person? Doctor Cross said it transformed into some kind of monster."

"That's a bit of a stretch."

"Is Cross prone to irrational thought?"

"Not at all," Veritaas says. "She's one of my most grounded associates and the account was corroborated by several other responding agents. That doesn't make it any less peculiar. We are cross-referencing the description through the CorSec database but no hits so far."

"That's hardly comforting."

"I don't disagree but for now, we must wait and see."


In the garden, Riley tills the soil in a massive pot. He is happier than he has ever been even though he misses Aunt Mara. The governess had completed her lessons for the year and he is officially on summer break. With her help, Riley had done better in school now than he had in the past. Things come more naturally to him and the subjects he struggles with are given prompt attention. He wonders what Gemma is doing now that she had been discovered by a record label. They spoke the previous week when she relayed the good news. He asked that she send him a copy of the single once it is complete.


He jerks, startled and jumps to his feet.

Kimber lingers near the flowering trees. She is beautiful, radiant, in a short summer dress with a beaming smile.


"I am so proud of you, son. You've blossomed here on Corellia as I knew you would. It is our home, our history. But you must prepare yourself for what is to come."

"Prepare myself…for what?"

"For the worlds knowing who you really are. You are the last revealed piece of the puzzle and opinions will vary widely but trust in yourself. You have the strength and compassion to become a great man."

Riley's eyes are moist with tears.

"There is so much I want to ask you, so much I want to know."

"In time you will learn the answers you seek. For now, be mindful of your surroundings and the company you keep. Even though you do not have to Force to guide you, the Patten instinct can be just as telling. I love you, Riley. Always. And remember, not everything is as it appears to be."


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2014, 01:15:03 PM »

Surface: Coronet City: One CorSec Plaza

Director Elon Veritaas watches as Riley darts and dives through the obstacle course. In the corner, the Holo drones on screens with updates on the Republic losses and increasing hostility toward the Jedi. His attention is on Riley. He is young and agile, leaping and dodging with reflexes that have been honed considerably with months of training. They are mid-way through the summer and Veritaas is impressed with the progress. The boy wanted to learn and has exceeded all expectations. He imagined nothing less from a Patten.

Riley reaches the end of the course, draws his weapon and takes out four targets with a finer precision than men twice his age. The alarm sounds to signify the end of the exercise. He stands and turns around.

Veritaas taps the intercom.

"Well done, Riley. Now, we begin again but this time with something different. The course is designed to keep you off balance, to test your ability to adapt in any given situation. One never knows what may come next."

The room resets and another alarm sounds.

As Riley takes off into the course, Doctor Tivoli Cross enters the room behind him in her white lab coat and heels. She glances down as the boy side-steps across moving planks, nearly falling yet he recovers marvelously and continues.

"He is doing well."

"That he is."

"There are troubling reports coming out of the Republic, sir."

"So I've seen."

"This kind of turmoil cannot be good."

"Senator Soldys certainly thinks so," he says. "But Corellia is strong, fortified. The Empire won't try anything here again. Not after the losses they suffered in our Sector."

"Centerpoint is gone."

"Non-functional is a more apt phrase. It's a graveyard, a memory, another part of our colorful history."

Tivoli musses on this.

"True but infighting within the rank and file Republic does not bode well for anyone. If they are turning on the Jedi, who else might they turn on next? Secrecy, paranoia, suspicion – these are all powerful keys to an organizations undoing."

Elon arches a brow, "I wasn't aware you followed their politics so closely."

"Corellia doesn't need to be caught in their crossfire. You know it. I know it. Soldys knows it. We are champions of people's rights and freedom of thought. We don't label differences, we celebrate them. These ideals put us in direct conflict with the larger, current legislation."

"Perhaps but I wouldn't worry too much, good doctor. They have their hands full with the Jedi."

That is when the coverage changes. Selene Silvestri, a fan favorite even here on Corellia, fills the screen. She welcomes everyone to her program called The Wall in which she regularly calls bullshit on broken political promises and blatant hypocrisy within the Republic.

"We lead tonight with a startling revelation linked to the ongoing saga of The Four. Months ago, the worlds were riveted with the kidnapping of the Gellar-Masterton children and relived with their safe return. In that return, another twist, the reveal that Dahlia Gellar is actually Princess Dahlia Winton, the last of the royal Greyson-Winton line. She, along with her adoptive siblings, Dane Gellar and Gemma Masterton, reside in the Corporate Sector with their parents, Rutherford Gellar and Celeste Masterton. These three are the direct descendants of their famous albeit deceased counterparts."

Selene's dark eyes pierce through her thick, black rimmed glasses.

"Three. It was never a number associated with them. It was always The Four. And it would have been. Reports of Kimber Patten's pregnancy leading up to the Centerpoint Battle in the Corellian Sector were well documented. But neither mother nor child made it off that station. Or so we thought."

Elon's body stiffens.

"I have received proof that in fact the child of Patten is very much alive. A boy named Riley who has been in our capital city under the alias Tacofer, the name used by the former Federation Ambassador."

Photage of Riley with Mara flashes across the screen.

"How this boy came to be with the Ambassador, let alone his survival and escape from the Centerpoint Station, is unclear but the truth remains. Winton. Masterton. Patten. Gellar - The Four lives."

Elon turns off the screen.

Tivoli glares.

"You were saying."

"Get Riley back to the Patten Ranch and alert Della Avers. We knew this may be a possibility with the breach but we need to stay ahead of it. I will brief our legal team and send word to Senator Soldys on Chandaar as he will most likely be targeted with questions. There is no malicious intent here."

"Given who he is, do you honestly believe people will care about intent?"

His voice is low and gravely.



Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2014, 12:08:04 PM »

Surface: Patten Ranch

Riley is whisked back to the estate without explanation. Once inside, the gates are sealed. Agents lock down the compound. Della is waiting for him in the kitchen, looking uneasy. Riley makes a face.

"What's wrong?"

Della takes his hand and leads him into the living room where they sit. She muses the most direct way to have this conversation without scaring him. There is no easy way to phrase it, to minimize what this might mean. So, she opts for honesty as she believes he deserves nothing less.

"Your identity has been revealed to the public. They know that you are the son of Kimber Patten and that you escaped Centerpoint Station. A reporter in the Republic broke the story this afternoon and it will be rebroadcast. All your aunt has feared is now a reality but I want you to know we are here for you. You do not have to face this alone."

Riley squeezes her hand, "It's okay."

"It is?"

"I knew it was coming. It was only a matter of time. Now I don't have to hide, I can just be myself even if people don't like it."

Della hugs him, an instinctive and maternal gesture.

"You are so brave, Riley Patten."


She pulls back and stares down into his face, brushing back hair that as fallen across his eyes.

"How did you know it was coming?"

"My mother told me."

Della takes this in stride. She had questions about her ever since he and Dane had argued in the CorSec interrogation room. The way they spoke implied they both saw or had contact with their predecessors.

"You see her."

He becomes wistful, smiling.

"All I had of her when I was little was a picture aunt Mara had given me. I was never allowed to take it out in public or show it to anyone else. I knew my mother was beautiful but that she had also been in a lot of trouble. When I got older I wanted to know more and found a way to get that information even though aunt Mara wanted to protect me from it. Then she appeared to me in my dreams, here, at the Patten Ranch, and told me this was my birthright, that it belongs to our family. She told me I had the resources to provide for us, that she had planned wisely so that I would not have to worry."

He folds his hands and sighs.

"I began to see her when I was awake, in the gardens. She would appear to me to check in and see how I was doing. The last time she told me to prepare for what was coming. She told me that I would be revealed. I am the last piece of the puzzle."

Della's brow furrows, "What puzzle?"

"I am the forth. That's what Gemma told me. She had dreamed of me her whole life before she met me and only knew of me as the forth. Dahlia is a Winton. Gemma is a Masterton. Dane is a Gellar and I am a Patten. The forth. Everyone knows about them and now, they know about me too."

"Does Dane see Valerie?"

He nods.

"Yes but he doesn't like to admit it. She haunts him by telling him stories of their family, all the things that were kept from her when she was alive. It's not fair and I know the things she tells him make him feel bad but he pretends like it doesn't. Gemma said that Melanie told her they are like our spiritual guides. You know, to look out for us and stuff."

Della tries to temper this with a little perspective.

"I am glad you get to have a relationship with her but you must know this will change things for you. People will want to know how you escaped Centerpoint and how you were so well hidden all these years. This could put Mara in a difficult spot."

"She's a tough cookie. She will think of something."

He doesn't fully grasp the implications of his very existence and a part of Della wants to preserve that innocence. She knows naiveté did not serve Kimber or her friends well and wants him to be prepared for any unpleasantness that might accompany this revelation.

"The Director will try to take some of the heat off you with a press conference but I can't guarantee things won't get a little crazy around here. Your mother was a celebrity, your half-aunt a hero and your grandfather a Corellian legend. People tend to place unrealistic expectations on others but I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything you don't want to."

"I'm exactly where I want to be," Riley says, glancing up at her. "I'm where I need to be."


Coronet City: One CorSec Plaza

Director Elon Veritaas stands in front of a large crowd of people. Cam's and recorders are out and the press can barely contain themselves.

"Good afternoon," he begins evenly. "I have called this conference to address the Republic report on the Patten boy. I can confirm that the report is true as his identify has been verified by our medical director, doctor Tivoli Cross. While I cannot comment as to how his escape was possible nor is Ambassador Tacofer available for questions, I can say that Riley Patten is a Corellian, one of our own who has returned home where he belongs. I ask that you respect his privacy and direct all questions to my office going forward. Thank you."

He turns and briskly reenters the main building even as a crescendo of questions rise from the crowd. It is best to address it swiftly before the commentators run wild with speculation. He knows the holes in Riley's story will inevitably make for good airtime on the Holo and Elon has no real answers to give them. It is not his story to tell and no one has heard from the Ambassador since she left mysteriously months ago. He knows enough about Selene Silvestri to know she will not reveal her source even if she knows it. To do so would be to admit this information was obtained illegally by stealing it from a CorSec lab. Therefore, it is unlikely the breach or the monstrosity in question for committing the act will be brought up and discussed. It is just one more thing he doesn't have an answer for. And if there is anything Elon Veritaas hates, it is being kept in the dark.

This is not about his ego; it is about a boy's life.

Riley deserves to be safe and happy and Elon would do all in his power to make sure that is possible.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2014, 07:34:04 PM »

Surface: Patten Ranch

The room goes still as her vision shifts out of focus. There is a ringing sound in her ears. Della sits in front of the office consol as the exchange begins to sink in. She was cut off before she could protest, before she could ask any follow up or specifics.

Tell them I'm dead.

It is Mara's directive but Della is struggling to make sense of anything. The Ambassador had left months ago without any real details and had not been heard from until this afternoon. She looked terrible on the screen, hair matted with black streaks across her face. Della is not only concerned for Mara but for Riley as well. How is someone expected to relay that kind of information? She had vowed to be honest with Riley and now she is being asked to lie. It is not a simple lie either; it is a lie that requires a certain amount of detail to be believable. And it is not a lie she could execute alone.

Forty minutes later, Director Elon Veritaas arrives at the compound. Riley is busy in the gardens and the CorSec Director's presence goes unnoticed for now. His office at One CorSec Plaza had been flooded with calls about Riley Patten. Everyone wanted information he was unable to provide but he knew that confirming the Republic report would bring about this type of frenzy. Every request to interview Riley was vehemently denied. He could only answer the requests with clipped responses of "no comment" or "we are unable to verify" or, his favorite, "we can neither confirm nor deny any further details at this time." All in all it had been a hectic week and a rather tense call from Della Avers motivated his quick exodus from the CorSec Headquarters.

Elon joins her in the office behind closed doors where she tells him exactly what had happened that afternoon. His reaction is just as perplexed and alarmed yet he manages a deadpan expression throughout. There are several key points in the short conversation that raise red flags.

"What kind of information is she looking for?"

"Therein lays the problem," Della says. "If we knew, we would be able to help her get it but she never gave an explanation when she left and certainly didn't follow up today."

"These "others" she speaks of…meaning, other clones of Valerie Gellar?"

"Yes. One of the clones abducted the Gellar-Masterton children from the Gellar Estate in D'ian, another lured Riley onto her ship, and another addressed the Republic Senate. The latter two posed directly as Mara Tacofer. These same clones fed and guarded the children while held captive. What we don't know is how many of them there actually are or even where they are."

Elon considers this, "Smart woman."

"I'm sorry?"

"Declaring her deceased will severely impair the clone's ability to maneuver in the public eye. It effectively takes away their powers of manipulation and keeps us and the Republic safe from any damage they could do."

"It also runs the risk of destroying a young boy for no good reason."

"Not necessarily."

She makes a face, "I see wheels turning in that head of yours."

"Controlling the information keeps the narrative on our terms. We will shift the focus where it needs to be while keeping it away from anywhere we do not. What we need is a cover story that can be verified and to map out a scope of the lie."

"That will still hurt Riley."

Elon's speaks evenly as a plan unfolds.

"We're not going to lie to him. We're going to lie to everyone else. You forget that he kept his true identity and that of his "aunt" a secret for twelve years. The boy can be trusted with this information but he will need to perform appropriately to sell it. You will need to coach him and act accordingly as you guide him through this time of tragedy. You will also be named his legal guardian until he turns eighteen. Without Mara, he will need someone to manage his very considerable affairs. You are closer to him than anyone and I can pull strings within the courts to expedite this process in the best interest of the minor."

He pauses, pacing the length of the room.

"The next step involves the cover story of how she perished. Mara was exploring CEC options elsewhere and encountered a rare but tragic mechanical failure with her vessel which led to her untimely death. We can hammer out the specifics – time, place, coordinates – later. It is simple and straightforward as these things happen but the timing will be suspicious. Riley's identify was just revealed and the only person with answers is Mara and so for her to die so soon afterwards would send the conspiracy-driven corners of the media into a tailspin. This is why her death will be somewhat retroactive, as in she died weeks ago before the story was released. I have friends in the CEC who will work with me on this without compromising the lie. She did clear her departure with the CEC Director but I am betting she did not check in with him either. When she did not check in with us, CorSec launched its own investigation and discovered she had died but before we could release a brief, Riley's story broke. This will serve a dual purpose as his identity was made public the same time he found out the only family he had ever known had passed. Empathy for his situation will play in our favor and explain why I was so short on the details during the press conference. Hopefully, the press with respect his privacy but in the event they do catch a glimpse of him, he needs to be heartbroken with you right beside him picking up the pieces."

Elon turns to face her. 

"The last step involves setting the scope. Who will have this critical information? You, me, and Riley for starters. Our medical Director, Tivoli Cross, will also be crucial as her reports combined with our official documents will grant Mara's request."

"What about Garron Prescott?"

"What about him?"

Della crosses her arms.

"They were close and spent much time together on The Wheel. He actually rescued her after the Imperial attack and brought her here. He returned to the Corporate Sector with Dane Gellar once she and Riley were granted asylum."

"Have they been in contact since?"

"I don't know but she may have reached out to him while she has been away. This could jeopardize the lie if there is an inconsistency in the timeline."

"We cannot assume she has been in contact with anyone. She called you, Della. Not him. Prescott is under the employ of Rutherford Gellar but the Holo indicates he is actually on Chandaar with Dahlia Winton. Still think he should be in the loop?"

She shakes her head.

"That goes for the Senator as well. I know this puts you in a difficult position but you must consider the greater good as he does for Corellia."

"I understand."

"Then it's settled. The four of us will know the truth and once the story is fluid to all of us, we will not deviate from that. Life will go on and Maker hope Mara finds what she is looking for."

She calls for Riley and while they wait, her mind drifts to Artemis. He would remain outside the lie. She would be charged with Riley's safety and wellbeing, a surrogate mother of sorts, and Artemis would believe this is noble and decent. He would support her as he has supported her in all she has done. Della loves Artemis dearly but she would lie to him to protect Riley. Her only wish is that he will understand when the truth, whatever that may be, is finally revealed.

Riley finds them in the office, looking pained and serious.

"Am I in trouble?"

"No, Riley."

"We just need to talk."

The door closes behind him.


Offline Syren

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Re: CC: Corellian Birthright
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2014, 04:35:26 PM »
"Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life."



Surface: Coronet City

The press conference is scheduled for the late afternoon, a purposeful move to garner as much coverage from the evening reports here and off-world. Director Elon Veritaas has mapped out a carefully crafted lie that ends the public life of Ambassador Mara Tacofer. Della had recovered from her shock quickly enough, emboldened by the bravery of Riley who faced this new task with the ease of someone twice his age. He knows enough to know that Mara would never ask this of them unless it was important. He takes Kimber's words to heart, steeling himself against the coming tide.

Director Veritaas stands on the steps of One CorSec Plaza before of a range of microphones and cam's the swarm of media hold outstretched. To his left, Della staring blankly over the crowd while Riley clutches her arm and looks deeply pained. To his right, a stern-faced doctor Cross with hands folded in front of her starched white lab coat.

"Good afternoon, members of the press and public. I come before you to clarify our earlier statement regarding Riley Patten. Many of you had questions, as you rightly should but we were unable to answer them at that time. The reason for our silence involved a larger investigation which concluded in some rather unfortunate news."

He draws a breath, keeping his tone low and even.

"Two months ago, Vice President Mara Tacofer left Corellia to conduct business on behalf of the CEC and their interests on other worlds. Her trip was cleared through Director Duane Mangum with strict orders to report on her status. When these updates failed to reach the CEC, CorSec was notified and began to investigate the whereabouts of the VP just as the story on Riley Patten broke on the Republic News Network. In order for Mara Tacofer to answer the questions you had – questions we had – she must be located first. Of course, we were unable to comment on the ongoing investigation but there has been a new development in the case."

Riley bursts into tears on cue and Della pulls him close.

"The last known contact with Vice President Tacofer occurred in Denon Deep Space where her vessel was fired upon when she refused to disclose the details of her mission. These actions were done against Corellian law as the specifications of her assignment were classified under CEC contract. Those responsible have been detained and stated for the record they were only trying to keep her from leaving the system. It appears she was able to do so but her ship sustained damage during the exchange. This clear lack of judgment on behalf of our southern border patrols will not go unpunished. CorSec has reconstructed several possible flight plans and scenarios, the most plausible of which was an emergency landing on Tynna. Reports indicate an unknown ship entered the system briefly but was not identified as it disappeared from their scopes. Given the planet's expansive ocean regions, we have concluded the Vice President's ship went down in the water. CorSec drones scoured the vast area for weeks, tracing several slicks on the surface to dead ends. The considerable depth and in climate weather have hampered these searches but the time frame falls outside our window of recovery."

Elon lets his gaze simmer on the startled faces of the media.

"It is our conclusion that Mara Tacofer perished in this crash. She is survived only by her ward, Riley Patten. Della Avers of the Counselor's office has been granted temporary guardianship over the Patten boy as he was personally entrusted to her upon Vice President Tacofer's departure. We ask that you respect his privacy during this difficult time and direct all questions to my office. Thank you."

The Director turns, reaching out as Della ushers Riley up the steps with doctor Cross following them. Riley turns; eyes bleary with tear-stained cheeks as he clutches the hands of Della and Elon.

The photage would frame the headline perfectly.

Safely inside the Director office, they shake off the façade. Riley wipes his face and smiles up at Della.

"Well," he says. "How'd I do?"

She tousles his hair.

"You did great, kiddo."

The doctor nods, "Yes, I was almost moved to tears myself."

Elon stands by the massive windows and stares down.

"Let's hope they bought it."

"They will," Tivoli says. "We've got our records in order. The agents assigned to that dreadnaught have sworn statements and are awaiting arraignment. It was smart to dig into her disappearance as that pressure presented us with a far more convincing theory. This way we can rely on actual facts as opposed to creating a lie around what little we know."

"Wouldn't they know her ship wasn't damaged beyond repair?"

Elon shakes his head.

"Not necessarily. Even though we know she escaped unharmed, there would be no way to know if the damage was critical. Systems fail all the time. Throw in some turbolaser fire and you have more than reasonable doubt. But the media is curious and I am reluctant to believe they will simply let it go."

"What will they find? Nothing. No one is going to go diving on Tynna to try and locate the wreckage. It's too dangerous even for reporters as intrepid as ours. They will believe the lie."

"How can you be certain?"

Tivoli points to Riley.

"That face, plastered across the evening news. They may be curious but they are not heartless. The public will sympathize with him, relating to personal tales of lost loved ones. The only questions that won't fade are how Mara came to raise Riley in the first place. Since Riley was an infant and Mara was just pronounced dead on live Holo, all they can do is speculate. We have to let this take its course."

Della crosses her arms.

"You are okay with this, Riley?"

He nods.

"Aunt Mara knows what she's doing. She kept me safe my whole life. Now it's our turn to keep her safe."

Riley moves to the window beside Elon, the whole of Coronet opening up beyond. They are joined by Della and Tivoli.

"I am a Patten, a Corellian and this is where I am supposed to be."
