Author Topic: Sith Empire  (Read 14682 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Sith Empire
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:40:22 PM »
1. Capital Ships
2. Starfighters & Auxiliary Craft
3. Ground Units
4. Special Units

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Sith Empire
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2013, 02:50:02 AM »
Enhanced Imperial-class Star Destroyer TUK'ATA (E/ISD)
Cost: 1685 KC + 3 SU
Unique Maintenance: +1 SU
Length: 1600 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 3400
Armor: 1600
Hull: 800
Systems: 800
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 3
60 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (900)
60 Heavy Ion Cannons (240)
10 Tractor Beam Projectors (1000m)
Unit Capacity:
6 Starfighter Squadrons
36 Auxiliary Craft
10 Viper Probe Droids
10 Imperial Landing Barges
1000 Infantry Squads
50 Light GAVs
10 Heavy GAVs
Notes: Equipped with a HOLONET transceiver. Given personally by Darth Algoz, this Imperial Star Destroyer is the last surviving Star Destroyer produced by the Galactic Empire's war machine. With the Galactic Empire officially destroyed, and ties with the Imperial Remnant irreparably ruined, the possibility of a Sith Empire built upon the shoulders of Imperial-class Star Destroyers ended with the Battle of Coruscant. Regardless of this setback, all of the technology of this Star Destroyer - to include its former starfighters, shuttles, and assault vehicles - were reverse engineered to become the genesis of the Sith Empire's newly established war machine. Sith R&D however, did install boosted shield generators in order to ensure the vessel's continuing survival into a new era of dominance of the Sith Empire! (*Unique: If this vessel is destroyed, it may not be reproduced).

Ragnos-class Star Destroyer (RSD)
Cost: 1350 KC + 2 SU
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1300 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2600
Armor: 1300
Hull: 650
Systems: 650
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 3
60 Quad Laser Batteries (720)
60 Ion Cannons (180)
5 Tractor Beam Projectors (500m)
Unit Capacity:
2 Light Starfighter Squadrons
2 Heavy Starfighter Squadrons
12 Light Auxiliary Craft
12 Heavy Auxiliary Craft
5 Kressh-class Dropships
500 Infantry Squads
20 Light GAVs
5 Heavy GAVs
Notes: Equipped with a HOLONET transceiver. The Ragnos-class Star Destroyer is the Sith Empire's premier ship-of-the-line. Nearly 90% of its design elements are direct copies of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, to include the vessel's keel and hull as well. Bearing the exact and fearsome resemblance of an ISD, this vessel is often mistaken as one, yet upon closer examination one will see that the Ragnos-class is merely slightly reduced scale version.

Kun-class Fleet Carrier (KFC)
Cost: 880 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 9 Days
Length: 900 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1800
Armor: 900
Hull: 450
Systems: 450
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 3
10 Quad Laser Batteries (120)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Unit Capacity:
6 Light Starfighter Squadrons
36 Light Auxiliary Craft
5 Kressh-class Dropships
500 Infantry Squads
20 Light GAVs
5 Heavy GAVs
Notes: Named after the infamous Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun, this vessel was designed to provide the Sith Navy with additional starfighter, auxiliary, and ground support in situations where the Ragnos-class would be too ineffective.

Sadow-class Assault Cruiser (SAC)
Cost: 575 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 6 Days
Length: 500 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1000
Armor: 500
Hull: 250
Systems: 250
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 0* (Ground Loading Bay)
20 Quad Laser Batteries (240)
20 Proton Torpedo Tubes (60)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Unit Capacity:
1000 Basic Infantry Squads
100 Light GAVs
Notes: The Sadow-class was designed for a single purpose in mind - planetary assault - just as Naga Sadow himself would utilize this vessel. Essentially, one massive dropship, the Sadow-class is capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings in order to deliver an entire legion of infantry into the battlefield with full armor support.

Derriphan-class Battleship (DBS)
Cost: 400 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 215 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 430
Armor: 215
Hull: 110
Systems: 110
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 1
20 Dual Turbolaser Cannons (360)
Unit Capacity:
1 Light Starfighter Squadron
12 Light Auxiliary Craft
Notes: Taking a page from the ancient Old Sith Empire, this modern version of the Derriphan-class is slow for a vessel of its size but is no less lacking in heavy firepower to engage larger vessels.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 05:47:07 PM by GCW Hale »