Author Topic: Hutt Empire  (Read 16680 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Hutt Empire
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:39:07 PM »
1. Capital Ships
2. Starfighters & Auxiliary Craft
3. Ground Units
4. Special Units

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Hutt Empire
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2013, 04:17:09 PM »
Dreadnought-class Heavy Providence Battlecruiser CORPULENCE (PBC)
Cost: 4205 KC + 8 SU
Unique Maintenance: +1 SU
Length: 2177m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 4354
Armor: 2177
Hull: 1088
Systems: 1088
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 3
20 Heavy Quad Turbolaser Cannons (800)
40 Quad Laser Cannons (160)
80 Proton Torpedo Launchers (240)
20 Heavy Ion Cannons (80)
12 Tractor Beam Projectors (1200m)
Unit Capacity:
4 Light Starfighter Squadrons
4 Heavy Starfighter Squadrons
12 Light Auxiliary Craft
12 Heavy Auxiliary Craft
4 Hutt Landing Barges
800 Infantry Squads
30 Light GAVs
10 Heavy GAVs
Notes: Providence Cruisers came in two distinct classes, the traditional Providence Battlecruiser spanning an impressive 1,100 meters, and the behemoth Providence Heavy Battlecruiser spanning a massive 2,177 meters. The larger brethren of these ships were few and far between, and came to be known as "Separatist Dreadnoughts" due to their almost exclusive use by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. They were some of the largest functional purpose built warships of the era and even today, and while most have been scrapped, mothballed, or fallen in to disrepair in the decades since the Clone Wars, the Hutt's are known to have acquired, possess and operate one of these hulking vessels, as a usual display of their taste for excess and a flexing of their bulbous might.

Inkabunga-class Huttese Battlecruiser (IHB)
Cost: 1105 KC + 2 SU
Production Time: 11 Days
Length: 1200m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2400
Armor: 1200
Hull: 600
Systems: 600
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 2
15 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Turrets (300)
10 Tractor Beam Projectors (1000m)
2 Mass Driver Cannons (100)* [Notes: Shield bypass damage]
Unit Capacity:
3 Light Starfighter Squadrons
2 Heavy Starfighter Squadrons
12 Light Auxiliary Craft
12 Heavy Auxiliary Craft
2 Hutt Landing Barges
400 Infantry Squads
6 Light GAVs
2 Heavy GAVs

Hammerhead-class Assault Frigate (HAF)
Cost: 550 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 315m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 630
Armor: 630
Hull: 315
Systems: 165
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 1
24 Heavy Turbolasers (240)
24 Dual Ion Cannons (144)
1 Krupx Void-8 Seismic Torpedo Launcher (100)* [Notes: Shield bypass damage]
1 Mass Driver Cannon (50)* [Notes: Shield bypass damage]
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Unit Capacity:
1 Light Starfighter Squadron
Notes: Acquired from the now defunct Outer Rim Coalition, the Hammerhead "Assault Frigate" is the Hutt Empire's attempt at redesigning a classic starship into a modernized and streamlined warship. Using the reverse ideas behind the Republic Assault Frigate, the HAF is a bulkier and more heavily armed and armored version of the Escort Frigate variety. Armed with powerful unconventional weaponry, the HAF presents a unique threat on the battlefield.

Enhanced Minstrel-class Space Yacht UNIQUE
Cost: 449 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 7 Days
Length: 160m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 640
Armor: 320
Hull: 160
Systems: 160
UCR: 6
Launch Bays: 1
4 Heavy Turbolasers (40)
6 Quad Laser Batteries (72)
8 Proton Torpedo Tubes (24)
Unit Capacity:
6 Heavy Auxiliary Craft
40 Infantry Squads
Notes: May enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings. Personal space yacht reserved only for the most powerful Hutts. Often functions as an express transport, consular vessel, or pleasure yacht. Limited to (1) in operation at any time.

Minstrel-class Space Yacht (MSY)
Cost: 284 KC
Production Time: 3 Days
Length: 160m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 320
Armor: 160
Hull: 80
Systems: 80
UCR: 5
Launch Bays: 1
4 Turbolasers (32)
6 Quad Laser Cannons (24)
Unit Capacity:
6 Light Auxiliary Craft
20 Infantry Squads
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 11:45:27 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Hutt Empire
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2013, 04:51:26 PM »
Slermo Attack Starfighter Squadron (SA-SF)
Type: Light SF
Cost: 90 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Hyperdrive: None
Length: 12 meters
Durability: 216
UCR: 7
24 Laser Cannons (24)
24 Concussion Missile Launchers (48)

Hornet Interceptor Squadron (HI-SF)
Type: Heavy SF
Cost: 129 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Hyperdrive: x1
Length: 14 meters
Durability: 336
UCR: 6
24 Pulse Cannons (120)

Blacalla Attack Ship (BLAC)
Type: Light AUX
Cost: 24 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Hyperdrive: x1
Length: 30 meters
Durability: 50
UCR: 5
2 Pulse Cannons (10)
2 Heavy Ion Cannons (8)
2 Advanced Torpedo Launchers (8)
2 Concussion Missile Tubes (4)

Pazaak-class Troop Carrier (PTC)
Type: Heavy AUX
Cost: 50 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Hyperdrive: x1
Length: 60 meters
Durability: 180
UCR: 3
4 Pulse Cannons (20)
Unit Capacity:
25 Infantry Squads

« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 11:34:54 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Hutt Empire
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2013, 11:35:17 AM »
Hutt Thugs
Type: Basic Infantry
Cost: 1 KC
Production Time: 7 Days
UCR: 3
Durability: 2
Attack Rating: 5
Notes: Hutt Thugs are the lowest form of conscripted ground forces the Hutts can purchase. While often employed as muscle in low-level and small scale skirmishes, these Thugs fail in larger conflicts.

Si'Klaata Infantry
Type: Basic Infantry
Cost: 2 KC
Production Time: 7 Days
UCR: 5
Durability: 5
Attack Rating: 7
Notes: Comprised of various species (Weequay, Vodran, Nikto, and Klatooinian) from the Si'Klaata Cluster, these soldiers often rely on a combination of blaster and melee weapons - which makes them particularly dangerous in close-quarters combat environments. If used in boarding operations, Si'Klaata Infantry get +1 UCR and +1 Attack.

Nar Shadaan Mercenaries
Type: Elite Infantry
Cost: 3 KC
Production Time: 14 Days
UCR: 7
Durability: 10
Attack Rating: 13
Notes: These unscrupulous soldiers of fortune employ the most advanced combat equipment available on the black market. Though lacking in large-scale organizational discipline, squad for squad these mercenaries pack a much greater punch that most conventional armies. Production Time can be rushed to 1 Day with an additional 3 KC surcharge added to each unit (squads still remains 3 CP each).

Noghri Death Commandos
Type: Elite Infantry
Cost: 5 KC
Production Time: 21 Days
UCR: 10
Durability: 20
Attack Rating: 20
Notes: After having evolved into an apex predator species, the Noghri are some of the most feared warriors in the galaxy and are known for their brutality and relentless aggression in combat.

Hutt Combat Swoop
Type: Light Vehicle
Cost: 4 KC
Production Time: 1 Day
UCR: 5
Durability: 10
Attack Rating: 20
Notes: Often employed by Swoop Gangs, these swoops have been modified with RPG launchers and disruptor cannons.

Hutt Tortoise Walker
Type: Light Vehicle
Cost: 10 KC
Production Time: 7 Days
UCR: 5
Durability: 50
Attack Rating: 40
Notes: These four-legged all-terrain combat vehicles walk low to the ground in order to maintain perfect balance of gravity. Although very slow, these walkers are heavily armored and feature a vast arsenal.

Hutt Battle Barge
Type: Heavy GAV
Cost: 30 KC
Production Time: 14 Days
UCR: 5
Durability: 200
Attack Rating: 100
Notes: Can be deployed from Low Orbit onto the Surface. This massive floating combat vehicle is built off the standard sail barge design but rigged with heavy armor plating and slew of deck guns and missile launchers strong enough to combat any threat.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Hutt Empire
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2013, 08:35:20 PM »
Bounty Hunter
Type: Special Unit
Cost: 100 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 14 Days
UCR: 10
Durability: 100
Attack Rating: 100
Notes: You may have this unit "Mark Bounty" on any other unit in the game. This unit now has a Bounty on their head are incapacitated and captured instead of killed by this unit. When attacking units with a Bounty, you can increase the Attack Rating of this Bounty Hunter by +1 for every 1 KC you pay it (once per round).

Type: Special Unit
Cost: 100 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 7 Days
UCR: 8
Durability: 30
Attack Rating: 20
Notes: The Auxiliary Craft this unit pilots gets +1 UCR, +1 Movement, +1 Supply Unit capacity. While at a system with Black Markets or Syndicated Crime, this Smuggler can siphon SUs from that System at 100 KCs per SU (these SUs must be loaded on an Auxiliary Craft and transported to a friendly system for reprocessing). While at any other system, Neutral or Hostile, the Smuggler can siphon SUs at a rate of 250 KCs per SU.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 10:48:50 AM by GCW Hale »