Author Topic: Common Technology  (Read 20040 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Common Technology
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:37:56 PM »
1. Capital Ships
2. Starfighters
3. Auxiliary Craft
4. Platforms
5. Ground Units
6. Special Units

« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 02:18:19 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Common Technology
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2013, 02:42:25 PM »

Recuscant-class Light Destroyer (RLD)
Cost: 1125 KC + 2 SU
Production Time: 11 Days
Length: 1187m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2374
Armor: 1187
Hull: 594
Systems: 594
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 1
20 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (200)
60 Quad Laser Cannons (240)
Unit Capacity:
2 Starfighter Squadrons
12 Auxiliary Craft
400 Infantry Squads
Notes: Can enter the atmopshere and make planetary landings.

Venator I-class Star Destroyer (VNSD-I)
Cost: 1105 KC + 2 SU
Production Time: 11 Days
Length: 1140m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2280
Armor: 1140
Hull: 640
Systems: 640
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 4
10 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (200)
50 Heavy Laser Cannons (100)
Unit Capacity:
8 Starfighter Squadrons
36 Auxiliary Craft
500 Infantry Squads
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings. Equipped with a HOLONET transceiver. The Venator I-class excels as a fleet carrier, even in an era when the space battlefield is dominated by powerful warships.

Providence-class Battlecruiser (PBC)
Cost: 1150 KC + 2 SU
Production Time: 12 Days
Length: 1100m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2200
Armor: 1100
Hull: 650
Systems: 650
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 2
10 Heavy Quad Turbolaser Cannons (400)
40 Quad Laser Cannons (160)
80 Proton Torpedo Launchers (240)
Unit Capacity:
2 Starfighter Squadrons
12 Auxiliary Craft
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings. As one of the prevalent ships-of-the-line for Separatist forces during the Clone Wars, the Providence-class became respected by the Republic due to its heavy firepower which was capable of standing up against Star Destroyers.

Acclamator I-class Assault Ship (ACC)
Cost: 810 KC + 1 SU
Production time: 8 Days
Length: 750m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1500
Armor: 750
Hull: 375
Systems: 375
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 2
12 Quad Turbolaser Cannons (384)
24 Laser Batteries (72)
4 Proton Torpedo Tubes (12)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Unit Capacity:
2 Light Starfighter Squadrons
36 Auxiliary Craft
1000 Infantry Squads
10 Heavy GAVs
50 Light GAVs
Notes: Can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser (DREAD)
Cost: 750 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 7 Days
Hyperdrive: x1
Length: 700m
Shields: 1400
Armor: 700
Hull: 350
Systems: 350
UCR: 3
Launch Bays: 2
30 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (300)
20 Heavy Ion Cannons (80)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Unit Capacity:
2 Starfighter Squadrons
12 Auxiliary Craft
500 Infantry Squads
5 Heavy GAVs
20 Light GAVs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Enforcer-class Picket Cruiser (EPC)
Cost: 645 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 6 Days
Hyperdrive: x1
Length: 600m
Shields: 1200
Armor: 600
Hull: 300
Systems: 300
UCR: 5
Launch Bays: 1
10 Turbolaser Batteries (100)
10 Quad Laser Cannons (40)
6 Ion Batteries (30)
4 Tractor Beam Projectors (400m)
Unit Capacity:
1 Heavy Starfighter Squadron
12 Light Auxiliary Craft
200 Infantry Squads
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings. Built around the versatile Immobilizer 418 hull design, the Enforcer-class is a faster and lighter version to its Imperial counterparts.

NeutronStar-class Bulk Cruiser (NSBC)
Cost: 600 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 6 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1200
Armor: 600
Hull: 300
Systems: 300
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 1
20 Quad Laser Cannons (80)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Unit Capacity:
1 Starfighter Squadron
300 Infantry Squads
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Hammerhead-class Escort Frigate (HEF)
Cost: 425 KCs
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 315m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 630
Armor: 315
Hull: 165
Systems: 165
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 2
12 Heavy Turbolasers (120)
12 Ion Cannons (36)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Unit Capacity:
3 Starfighter Squadrons
6 Auxiliary Craft
40 Infantry Squads
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and performing planetary landings. The Hammerhead-class is one of the most enduring warships to have served in the galaxy, much like its peer - the Dreadnaught.  Despite being an aged design, contemporary versions of the vessel are still being produced today for private buyers due to their flexibility and popularity.

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (NEB)
Cost: 423 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 300m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 600
Armor: 300
Hull: 150
Systems: 150
UCR: 5
Launch Bays: 1
12 Turbolaser Batteries (144)
12 Heavy Laser Cannons (24)
2 Proton Torpedo Tubes (6)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Unit Capacity:
1 Heavy Starfighter Squadron (or 2 Light Starfighter Squadrons)
6 Auxiliary Craft

Pelta-class Support Frigate (PFRG)
Cost: 345 KC
Production Time: 3 Days
Hyperdrive: x1
Length: 283m
Shields: 566
Armor: 283
Hull: 160
Systems: 160
UCR: 4
Launch Bay: 1
2 Turbolaser Batteries (20)
3 Laser Batteries (9)
3 Tractor Beam Projectors (300m)
Unit Capacity:
200 Infantry Squads
5 Heavy Vehicles
15 Light Vehicles
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings. This KDY-designed ship saw significant use by the Old Republic during the Clone Wars as a medical transport. Modern configurations are setup to provide fleet commanders with increased ground logistics capability.

Action VI-class Gunship (AVIG)
Cost: 263 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 150m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 300
Armor: 150
Hull: 75
Systems: 75
UCR: 5
Launch Bays: 0
6 Turbolaser Cannons (48)
6 Proton Torpedo Launchers (18)
6 Quad Laser Cannons (24)
6 Ion Cannons (12)
Notes: With uncertain times, many private merchant and government shipping fleets alike have flocked to the Corellian Engineering Corporation to have them manufacture bulk cruisers than can act as convoy escorts without standing out as one.

Corellian Corvette (CORV)
Cost: 325 KC
Production Time: 3 Days
Length: 150m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 300
Armor: 225
Hull: 75
Systems: 75
UCR: 7
Launch Bays: 1
2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (40)
4 Heavy Ion Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Unit Capacity:
5 Infantry Squads
1 Auxiliary Craft
Notes: Can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

C70-class "Charger" Consular Cruiser (CCC)
Cost: 272 KCs
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 115m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 230
Armor: 170
Hull: 60
Systems: 60
UCR: 6
Launch Bays: 0
5 Dual Turbolaser Cannons (80)
2 Quad Laser Cannons (8)
Unit Capacity:
5 Infantry Squads
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings.

Arquitens-class Escort Cruiser (AEC)
Cost: 235 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Hyperdrive: x1
Length: 100m
Shields: 200
Armor: 150
Hull: 100
Systems: 100
UCR: 5
Launch Bays: 0
4 Quad Laser Cannons (16)
4 Dual Turbolaser Cannons (64)
4 Concussion Missile Launchers (8)
Unit Capacity:
1 Infantry Squad
Notes: This classic Clone Wars-era ship of KDY-design was licensed to general manufacturers in order to compete with other light cruisers such as the Corellian Corvette. Bearing the resemblance to a tiny-scaled Venator-class Star Destroyer, the Arquitens proves that heavy firepower can be found in small packages.

GR-75 Escort Transport
Cost: 175 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 90m
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 180
Armor: 90
Hull: 90
Systems: 90
UCR: 4
Launch Bays: 1
2 Quad Laser Batteries (24)
Unit Capacity:
1 Starfighter Squadron
Notes: Made famous by the Rebel Alliance so that squadrons could have technical support and a mobile docking bay in the Rebel Fleet, this modified version of the GR75 Medium Transport is overhauled to carry a single starfighter squadron with staff and supplies.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 10:58:14 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Common Technology
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2013, 02:40:36 AM »
Porax-38 Starfighter Squadron
Type: Heavy SF
Cost: 110 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Hyperdrive: x1
Length: 13 meters
Durability: 312
UCR: 5
24 Laser Batteries (72)

A-9 Vigilance Squadron (A-9)
Type: Light SF
Unit Cost: 71 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 8 meters
Hyperdrive: None
Durability: 144
UCR: 8
24 KDY Laser Cannons (60)

TIE Fighter Squadron (TIE/F)
Type: TIE SF
Cost: 50 KC
Production Time: 1 Day
Length: 6 meters
Hyperdrive: None
Durability: 72
UCR: 8 (-1 in Atmosphere)
24 SFS Laser Cannons (48)
Notes: With the formal collapse of the Galactic Empire, the once exclusive and signature starfighter of the Imperial Fleet has now proliferated across the galaxy and has found its way into many independent fleets due to its low cost, combat performance, and technological accessibility. TIE Fighters have the ability to become a TIE Swarm, which is a combination of 3 Squadrons; simply total the combined durability and damage when attacking/defending. TIE Swarms allow TIE Fighters to be grouped together without individual squadrons getting singled out, but for all other rules are still 3 Squadrons as opposed to 1 Squadron. TIE Fighters also have the ability to DOUBLE LAUNCH since docking bays that carry them take advantage of their small size and ability to be rack-mounted.

T-Wing Squadron (T/W)
Type: Light SF
Cost: 90 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 12 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 216
UCR: 5
24 Laser Cannons (24)
24 Proton Torpedoes (72)

R-41 StarChaser Squadron (T/W)
Type: Light SF
Cost: 90 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 16 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 216
UCR: 5
24 Laser Cannons (24)
24 Proton Torpedoes (72)

CloakShape Squadron (C/S)
Type: Heavy SF
Cost: 145 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 15 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 360
UCR: 3
48 Heavy Laser Cannons (96)
24 Light Ion Cannons (24)
24 Proton Torpedo Launchers (72)

Z-95 Headhunter Squadron (Z-95)
Type: Light SF
Cost: 85 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 12 meters
Hyperdrive: None
Durability: 216
UCR: 5 (+1 in Atmosphere)
24 Laser Cannons (24)
24 Concussion Missile Launchers (48)

Enhanced Z-95 Headhunter Squadron (E-95)
Type: Heavy SF
Cost: 117 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 12 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 288
UCR: 6
24 Heavy Laser Cannons (48)
24 Advanced Missile Launchers (72)

StarViper Squadron
Type: Heavy SF
Cost: 189 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 21 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 504
UCR: 6
24 Dual Heavy Laser Cannons (96)
24 Advanced Torpedo Launchers (96)

F-1 Defender Squadron (F-1)
Type: Aerospace Fighter
Cost: 100 KC
Production Time: 1 Day
Length: 10 meters
Hyperdrive: None
Durability: 240
UCR: 7
24 Rapid-Fire Blaster Cannons (72)
24 Advanced Missile Launchers (72)
Notes: The F-1 Defender is an aerospace fighter designed for patrol, combat, and defense of a planet's airspace and immediate low orbit. Incapable of entering High Orbit, the F-1 excels instead as a planetary defense unit. Because the F-1's technology is so prevalent, its manufacturing can be completed without the usage of a Light Production Factory anywhere.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 07:52:51 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Common Technology
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 11:04:53 AM »
StarHauler-class Space Tug
Type: Heavy AUX
Cost: 40 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 50 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 150
UCR: 4
1 Auxiliary Tractor Beam Projector (50m)
Unit Capacity: None

Lambda-class Shuttle (L/SHU)
Type: Light AUX
Cost: 14 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 20 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 40
UCR: 4
6 Heavy Laser Cannons (12)
Unit Capacity:
2 Infantry Squads
2 Speeder Bikes

Delta-class Escort Shuttle (E/SHU)
Type: Heavy AUX
Cost: 29 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 30 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 90
UCR: 4
2 Laser Cannons (2)
2 Turbolaser Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
Unit Capacity:
4 Infantry Squads

Nu-class Attack Shuttle (N/SHU)
Type: Light AUX
Cost: 14 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 19 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 38
UCR: 5
2 Laser Batteries (6)
2 Heavy Laser Cannons (4)
Unit Capacity:
3 Infantry Squads

Aerospace Assault Transport (AAT)
Type: Heavy AUX / Heavy GAV
Cost: 21 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 17 meters
Hyperdrive: None
Durability: 51
UCR: 5
2 Laser Batteries (6)
2 Pulse Cannons (10)
4 Rocket Launchers (12)
Unit Capacity:
3 Infantry Squads
4 Speeder Bikes
Notes: The AAT is modeled directly after the Low Altitude Assault Transport used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Redesigned strictly for aerospace combat, the AAT is incapable of operating in High Orbit. Because of this unit's versatility, it may take up either a Heavy AUX or Heavy GAV slot.

CR25 Assault Carrier (CR25)
Type: Dropship
Cost: 40 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 60 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 180
UCR: 2
2 Turbolasers (16)
Unit Capacity:
20 Infantry Squads
2 Heavy GAVs
10 Light GAVs
Notes: Designed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation for usage during the Clone Wars. Excels as a vehicle carrier to complement the CR20 Troop Carrier.

CR20 Troop Carrier (CR20)
Type: Dropship
Cost: 40 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 60 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 180
UCR: 2
2 Turbolasers (16)
Unit Capacity:
100 Infantry Squads

GR-95 Heavy Transport
Type: Dropship
Cost: 78 KC
Production TIme: 4 Days
Length: 100 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 300
UCR: 3
2 Quad Laser Cannons (8)
Unit Capacity:
125 Infantry Squads
1 Heavy Vehicle
5 Light Vehicles

Firespray-class Patrol Ship (FPS)
Type: Light AUX
Cost: 17 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 22 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 44
UCR: 5
2 Laser Batteries (6)
2 Ion Cannons (6)
2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (6)
Unit Capacity:
1 Infantry Squad

YT-1300 Light Freighter
Type: Heavy AUX
Cost: 30 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 35 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 105
UCR: 5
2 Quad Laser Cannons (8)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
Unit Capacity:
2 Infantry Squads
1 Supply Unit

YT-2400 Light Freighter
Type: Light AUX
Cost: 16 KC
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 22 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 44
UCR: 6
2 Dual Heavy Laser Cannons (8)
2 Advanced Missile Launchers (6)
Unit Capacity:
4 Infantry Squads
1 Supply Unit

D5-Mantis Patrol Ship
Type: Heavy AUX
Cost: 77 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 90 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 270
UCR: 4
2 Turbolasers (16)
2 Ion Cannons (6)
2 Proton Torpedo Tubes (6)
2 Dual Laser Cannons (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Unit Capacity:
4 Infantry Squads
1 Light GAV

BT-7 Thunderclap
Type: Heavy AUX
Cost: 65 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 75 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 225
UCR: 5
3 Turbolasers (24)
2 Concussion Missile Tubes (4)
Unit Capacity:
4 Infantry Squads
1 Light GAV

X-70B Phantom
Type: Heavy AUX
Cost: 55 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 64 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 192
UCR: 6
2 Turbolasers (16)
2 Ion Cannons (4)
Unit Capacity:
2 Infantry Squads
2 Speeder Bikes

XS-1000 Heavy Freighter
Type: Heavy AUX
Cost: 56 KC
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 68 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Durability: 204
UCR: 5
2 Dual Heavy Laser Cannons (8)
2 Ion Cannons (6)
2 Concussion Missile Tubes (6)
Unit Capacity:
3 Infantry Squads
1 Supply Unit

« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 01:22:01 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Common Technology
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2013, 04:51:47 PM »

HoloNet Comm Station
Type: Platform
Cost: 150 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 100m
Hyperdrive: None
Shields: 200
Armor: 200
Hull: 100
Systems: 100
UCR: 2
Launch Bays: 0
Weapons: None
Unit Capacity: None
Notes: This platform provides HoloNet communications and functions as a relay station to and with any ship with a HoloNet transceiver.

Advanced ComScan Station
Type: Platform
Cost: 150 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 2 Days
Length: 100m
Hyperdrive: None
Shields: 200
Armor: 200
Hull: 100
Systems: 100
UCR: 2
Launch Bays: 0
Weapons: None
Unit Capacity: None
Notes: This platform provides advanced ComScan capabilities to the system it is at by alerting defense forces of any hyperspace entrances or exits in the Deep Space zones.

Golan-I Space Defense Platform
Type: Platform
Cost: 700 KC + 2 SU
Production Time: 7 Days
Length: 500m
Hyperdrive: None
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Hull: 500
Systems: 500
UCR: 2
50 Turbolaser Cannons (400)
50 Laser Cannons (50)
50 Ion Cannons (150)
Unit Capacity:
2 Starfighter Squadrons
6 Auxiliary Craft

Golan-II Space Defense Platform
Type: Platform
Cost: 1350 KC + 3 SU
Production Time: 7 Days
Length: 1000m
Hyperdrive: None
Shields: 2000
Armor: 2000
Hull: 1000
Systems: 1000
UCR: 2
100 Turbolaser Cannons (800)
100 Laser Cannons (100)
100 Ion Cannons (300)
Unit Capacity:
4 Starfighter Squadrons
12 Auxiliary Craft

Golan-III Space Defense Platform
Type: Platform
Cost: 2500 KC + 5 SU
Production Time: 7 Days
Length: 2000m
Hyperdrive: None
Shields: 4000
Armor: 4000
Hull: 2000
Systems: 2000
UCR: 2
150 Turbolaser Cannons (1200)
150 Laser Cannons (150)
150 Ion Cannons (450)
Unit Capacity:
6 Starfighter Squadrons
24 Auxiliary Craft
Notes: Golan III platforms are the fortresses of space defense. Equipped with Advanced ComScan and HoloNet, they provide a system with all the essential stand-off capabilities not found in lesser Golan platforms.

Galaxy-class Battlestation
Type: Super Battlestation
Cost: 6000 KC + 12 SU
Production Time: 60 Days
Length: 5000m
Hyperdrive: x3
Shields: 10,000
Armor: 5000
Hull: 2500
Systems: 2500
UCR: 1
Launch Bays: 12
1 Super Mass Accelerator Cannon (5000)*
200 Turbolasers (1600)
200 Ion Cannons (600)
200 Concussion Missile Tubes (400)
200 Laser Cannons (200)
20 Tractor Beam Projectors (2000m)
Unit Capacity:
12 Starfighter Squadrons
72 Auxiliary Craft
1000 Infantry Squads
Notes: The Galaxy-class Battlestation takes a page from the Imperial superweapons of old by combining massive firepower and colossal size into one complete package. Reminiscent of the Death Star in many respects, the Galaxy Battlestation's spherical shape was intentionally designed that way to strike fear in those that still remember the famous Imperial war machine. This battlestation must be manufactured at a Super Shipyard, but an additional Minor Shipyard (or above) must be placed in service as a "contractor" so that construction can be completed efficiently. The Super Mass Accelerator Cannon (SMAC) requires 3 Supply Units for each shot, but its sheer mass and insane speed allows the kinetic energy to obliterate almost everything it touches on impact.  The SMAC may also be fired at a planet's surface during a Blockade; if so, that system forfeits an additional 3 Supply Units due to the catastrophic damage, as well as taking on a permanent -1 SU penalty for the remainder of the game. This battlestation also requires a HERO with the Super Command ability in addition to a LEADER unit with the Executive Officer ability onboard at all times in order for the battlestation to be utilized.

XQ-1 Interdiction Platform
Type: Platform
Cost: 625 KC + 1 SU
Production Time: 6 Days
Length: 500m
Hyperdrive: None
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Hull: 500
Systems: 500
UCR: 2
Launch Bays: 1
50 Heavy Laser Cannons (100)
50 Concussion Missile Tubes (100)
5 Tractor Beam Projectors (500m)
Unit Capacity:
1 Stafighter Squadron
6 Auxiliary Craft
Notes: This platform helps regulate system traffic as well as provide sensory relay and telecommunications capabilities. All XQ-class platforms also function as patrol checkpoints for system defenses. | Bonus: Industrial Output of the system this platform is stationed at is increased by +10% due to increased oversight and regulation over trade.

XQ-2 Interdiction Platform
Type: Platform
Cost: 1200 KC + 2 SU
Production Time: 12 Days
Length: 1000m
Hyperdrive: None
Shields: 2000
Armor: 2000
Hull: 500
Systems: 500
UCR: 2
Launch Bays: 2
100 Heavy Laser Cannons (200)
100 Concussion Missile Tubes (200)
10 Tractor Beam Projectors (1000m)
Unit Capacity:
2 Stafighter Squadron
12 Auxiliary Craft
Notes: This platform helps regulate system traffic as well as provide freighters and other merchant vessels a checkpoint to drop off cargo or make controlled transfers. | Bonus: Supply Production of the system this platform is stationed at is increased by +1 due to increased oversight and regulation of logistics.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 01:27:14 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Common Technology
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2013, 05:33:23 PM »
Civilian Militia Squad
Type: N/A
Unit Cost: 0 KC
Production Time: 0 Days
UCR: 2
Durability: 1
Attack Rating: 2
Notes: During planetary unrest, many civilians take to the streets and arm themselves with whatever weapons they can in order to repel invasion forces and assist their government in defending the capitol city. Upon any hostile foreign troop landing, 200 of these Squads are immediately created for the System's Ground Defense Force. Every 24 hours, another 100 Militia Squads are created if hostilities continue. After 72 hours of sustained combat, all Militia Squads immediately disband due to lack of logistics to sustain them.

Paramilitary Trooper Squad
Type: N/A
Unit Cost: 0 KC (1 CP)
Production Time: 3 Days
UCR: 2
Durability: 3
Attack Rating: 3
Notes:  Paramilitary Troopers are combat personnel who have been given a crash course in military fighting techniques and basic weapons familiarization, and so while they lack the organization, discipline, and effectiveness of more conventional and better equipped soldiers, they make up for this in their dedication and fighting spirit. Paramilitary Troopers do not require a facility to be trained at, and so they can be recruited anywhere at anytime by a host faction. Although FREE to train, Paramilitary Trooper Squads DO count towards your Command Points.

Combat Trooper Squad
Type: Basic Infantry
Unit Cost: 1 KC
Production Time: 7 Days
UCR: 3
Durability: 4
Attack Rating: 3
Notes: Combat Troopers are the most basic of the regular and conventional soldiers that make up the multi-mission ground forces of factions across the galaxy. Armed with minimal equipment, blaster rifles, and hand-held explosives, these troopers are ready for anything.

Private Military Contractor Squad
Type: Elite Infantry
Unit Cost: 5 KC
Production Time: 1 Day
UCR: 8
Durability: 12
Attack Rating: 8
Notes: Uncertain times often call for unconventionality, and so commanders looking to improve the combat effectiveness of their ground contingency have relied on mercenaries since the beginning of warfare. Private Military Contractors, who typically are Mandalorian, rely on advanced combat techniques and weapons in order to give them a unique edge in battle. Although they are Elite Infantry, these soldiers can be recruited ANYWHERE because they are soldiers-for-hire.

Speeder Bike
Type: Light Vehicle
Unit Cost: 3 KC
Production Time: 1 Day
UCR: 10
Durability: 10
Attack Rating: 10

T-16 Combat Skyhopper
Type: Light Vehicle
Unit Cost: 6 KC
Production Time: 3 Days
UCR: 8
Durability: 30
Attack Rating: 20

T4-B Heavy Tank
Type: Heavy Vehicle
Unit Cost: 15 KC
Production Time: 7 Days
UCR: 6
Durability: 100
Attack Rating: 40

Type: Heavy Vehicle
Unit Cost: 26 KC
Production Time: 7 Days
UCR: 8
Durability: 200
Attack Rating: 50

Combat Landspeeder
Type: Light Vehicle
Unit Cost: 4 KC
Production Time: 1 Day
UCR: 5
Durability: 20
Attack Rating: 10
Notes: Often referred to as "Technicals" by veteran troopers, these low-budget and often improvised attack vehicles are typically civilian model landspeeders retrofitted with heavy repeating blaster cannons (such as E-webs) or any other surplus weapon that is lying around. Combat Landspeeders can be manufactured ANYWHERE without the need of a Factory.


Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Common Technology
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2013, 05:48:48 PM »
Type: Special Unit
Cost: 100 KC + 1 SU
UCR: 10
Durability: 50
Attack Rating: 25 (+275 vs Special Units)
Notes: Recruitable only at systems with Syndicated Crime. If the Assassin kills any other Special Unit, Leader, Companion, or Hero, then the Assassin is deactivated and "paid" a bounty equal to the killed unit's cost in KCs multiplied by 2.

Honor Guard
Type: Special Unit
Cost: 100 KC + 1 SU
UCR: 20
Durability: 200
Attack Rating: 20
Special Abilities: Honor Guards must be attached to another Special Unit, Leader, Companion, or Hero Unit on a 1 for 1 basis. All attacks directed at the protected unit must first be directed towards the Honor Guard.
Notes: Recruitable at any Capitol system.

Bothan Spy Agent
Type: Special Unit
Cost: 100 KC + 1 SU
UCR: 10
Durability: 50
Attack Rating: 10
Special Abilities: Nullifies all the the negatively impacting Special Abilities of other Special Units present.
Notes: Recruitable only at Bothawui.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 06:35:21 PM by GCW Hale »