Author Topic: CC: Imperial March  (Read 69850 times)

Offline Medivh

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CC: Imperial March
« on: August 05, 2012, 11:03:27 PM »
Imperial March

Byss, Capital of the Imperial Remnants

"Ten years have gone, and where are we?  The Republic has continued to grow, continued to swell its ranks, while we are fighting for survival.  Ten years since our fleet was devastated, and yet still we have not been able to regrow to our former strength.  We still fight to hold onto our worlds, and the Republic has sent ambassadors to the outlying worlds.  Emperor Schrag, you have failed to live up to the expectations of your post.  You may have served as a tactical leader under Dementat, but without him, and without Saevia, your tactical abilities are shown to be somewhat lacking.  We need new leadership if the Empire is to survive"

The discontent by the Moff Council had slowly been growing over the past years, and now, they felt confident enough - no, brazen enough - to actually make their claim against Emperor Schrag.  It was in the throne room on Byss, of all places, but they had come in large numbers. Twelve Moffs, each with their own honor guard, nearly 100 troops in all, standing in front of the throne room.  The Moff Council was officially a group of advisors to the Emperor (as well as regional governors) and were responsible for selecting a new emperor should the prior one die.  They had selected Schrag when they and the Empire were at its weakest.  The rare moment when internal intrigue gave way to a fast decision to save the Empire from total destruction.

That was long gone.  Emperor Schrag rose from the throne, staring down at the room full of enemies.  He was no Dementat - they could not be killed with a stare or lightning from his hands.  Their act was treasonous, but if he ordered their deaths, he would be dead before the order was carried out.  This was true despite his own personnel stationed about the room.  His eyes glanced at the balcony were his troops stood stationed, then flickered along the base of the walls where they stood at perfect attention.  How many Moffs would die before he was dead?  How would his own men react if he died? would they keep fighting?  or would they relent?

No, the confrontation could not end here, not like this.  Instead, Schrag stared down the mutinous Moff.

"Is it you then, Moff Anish?  Are you the savior of the Empire?  You hold yourself out as the champion, but when I'm gone and you are in my place, would you be any better  How would the other Moffs feel under your rule, as opposed to mine?"

There was an almost imperceptible murmur in the chamber, Moff Anish bristled slightly, and Schrag smiled to himself.  Unified against him, they were not unified in their choice of replacement.

"Tell me, Moff Anish, when did you last command a starship? a platoon?  A fleet?  What military experience would help you lead us to victory?  Or yourself, rather - how would you bring glory to your post, and to the Empire?  And how would the other Moffs feel when their regional complaints are brought before you?"

Schrag took several steps down now, eyes glancing around the room before focusing on Moff Anish.  His guards - a group of eight - placed their hands on their weapons, and the room grew tense.  Schrag paused only a minute, smiling as he drew closer, but instead of approaching Anish, he turned to the soldier beside him, leaning in, and speaking, his voice calm, but loud enough that most in the area could hear.

"Soldier - you are an honorable guard of the Empire, yet you hold your gun against the Emperor.  Would you shoot?  Would you really kill your Emperor?"

The soldier seemed taken aback by the question.  It was one thing to shoot the enemy of your leader - another to kill someone who was already your leader.  The soldier shook his head.

"I thought not.  Moff Anish has provided well for you, but if you are loyal to your emperor, you would turn away from him now."

The soldier seemed confused, and frightened by the prospect of choosing wrong - going against either man had its dangers.  But Schrag was the Emperor, and after a few moments, the soldier nodded.

"Yes sir - I stand with you, sir"

Schrag nodded.

"Good.  Then kill him"

The other seven soldiers around Anish held their weapons tighter, and Schrag turned to them.
"I reward loyalty and punish those disloyal to the throne. I would choose wisely"

Anish himself was speechless as Schrag turned and began moving back toward his throne. Finally, Anish himself gave in to temptation, pulling a blaster from his side, raising it and pointing it at Schrag


Moff Anish crumpled to the ground, the soldier's weapon still raised.  None of the other seven honor guard had moved.  Schrag, now standing back at his throne turned back to the crowd.

"It is an act of treason to raise a weapon against the Emperor.  Moff Anish was subject to death.  Does anyone in this room disagree?"

The room was silent.

"I thought so.  I trust that the rest of the Moff's Council is more loyal than Anish was.  That they are loyal to the Empire, to their Emperor.  Moff Anish is gone.  There are no more excuses.  if any of you wish to be held responsible for treason as well, stand your ground.  If you wish to remain uncharged, turn now and go back to your sectors, and be grateful for my mercy."

It took a great deal of confidence for a man to order others away when he was out gunned, but he had just managed to have a man with an eight-soldier honor guard killed while having his back to him.  One by one, the Moffs left the chamber, leaving the eight soldiers from Moff Anish.

Shrag walked up to them, first to the soldier who had fired.

"You have protected your Emperor, despite immense pressure.  You will be rewarded to join my guard post"

"Thank you Emperor"

"As for the rest of you - I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you would have done the same.  I am ordering you back to your ship, your sector, to serve a normal tour of duty.  I trust I will have no complaints"

They nodded, saluted, and departed, leaving Schrag mostly alone in his throne room.  A red-robed imperial guard approached from the side, Schrag turning to him.

"See to it that each of the Moffs get safely aboard their shuttles - and then shoot them down.  I will not have dissension in the Empire. Not from individuals who think themselves greater than the Emperor"

"Yes, your highness"

« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 07:12:13 PM by Syren »
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2012, 11:12:39 PM »
Byss, Capital of the Imperial Remnants

Emperor Schrag sat in front of a massive holo-board, studying the intelligence that had been provided to him on the whereabouts of Corellian and Republic vessels.  The enemy's defenses were formidable now, and initiating a campaign against them would be hard fought.

Still, when one can move through space, there were always weak spots, and Schrag was determined to find them.  The western border of the Republic - made up of the planets of the Corellian Sector - was among the most formidable, but the southern border, republic's connection to the unaligned worlds in the south, were much more sparsely protected, the naval forces focusing mostly on anti-pirating action, protecting convoys and the like.  North and northwest were also not so strongly protected, facing the outskirts of space, though an imperial assault from Bastion might be able to make good use of the republic's weaknesses.  It was in the northwest where the defenses were weaker due to republic offensive maneuvers - pressing into imperial worlds that were waivering in loyalty.

He sat alone in his quarters when he heard a knock at his door.


A man, bent low and covered in a cowl stepped inside.

"Darth Erinbol"

Emperor Schrag stood and made his way to the old man.  With the death of both Dementat and Darth Kyja at the same time, the normal order of Sith had suffered some.  Emperor Schrag was never much of one for the Force, preferring more reliable, stable tactics.  Still, he recognized the strength of the dark side, and had sought to have a counselor at his side who could be trusted and knowledgeable in the Force.  Dementat, in his wisdom, had formed an academy, taking those with the power of the Force to Byss and having them trained there.  Never given the attention of Darth Kyja, he had left them in the capable hands of Darth Erinbol, a sage who had helped Dementat master his own abilities, and stayed out of the public eye.  Schrag had drafted the old teacher.  ANd now, here, he had come to see the Emperor.

"I have felt a disturbance in the Force Emperor - a great burst of power, a flash of raw, unbridled energy, just as quickly gone"

"someone has used their abilities in the Force somewhere in the galaxy?"

"oh no, Emperor - this was quite unplanned.  Too unrestrained"

"many in the galaxy have the power of the Force without training.  Is it so uncommon?"

"Oh yes, Emperor.  This was quite uncommon.  This Force signature - the feeling that I felt has rippled across the galaxy, has only been felt before by those of the house of Winton"

"Winton?  You mean"

"Yes, Emperor - Darth Kyja was not the last of them.  Somewhere, there is another"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2012, 08:31:06 AM »
Byss, Capital of the Imperial Remnants

"Emperor Schrag, we have received word from our contact.  The Corellians have been officially admitted into the Republic, with full voting privileges"

Schrag nodded.  He had hoped that being treated as second-class citizens would encourage Corellians to relinquish their support from the Republic, but Artemis Soldys had apparently been a force to be reckoned with.  It meant that the Western border was all but closed off to him.

"What of the deals with the Trade Federation and the Corporate Sector?"

"Our agent in the sector has informed us that negotiations are ongoing.  The Federation's work undermined Gellar's position slightly, but several other matters seem to have taken precedence, and he predicts a final deal will be coming very soon.  As for the Trade Federation itself, they are still seeking approval from the Republic to trade within its borders."

"Send an envoy to the Wheel - see if we can benefit from the Federation's technologies.  And maybe learn something new about their negotiations as well.  I don't want to be at a disadvantage"

"Of course sir."

The officer bowed and left and Schrag again glanced over at his map.  A few minutes later, another officer appeared.


"Emperor, the ships you asked me to commandeer have been assembled.  Over one hundred neutral capital ships, and a variety of discarded fighters."

"All in working order?"

"Yes, M'lord"

"Excellent - Divide the ships up into a dozen combat groups, non uniform.  Order the crews to begin raiding the Republic's northern border.  I don't want imperial formations being used - the Republic is to mistake them for pirates"

"Understood, M'lord.  It shall be done"

Schrag was left alone again - or almost alone.  He turned away from the map now to the figure in the shadows behind him.

"Darth Erinbol, some might find your presence a bit unsettling"

"Silence is a virtue, your highness"

Schrag shook his head, lightly rolling his eyes.  Erinbol deigned to use theatrics to seem more impressive, but in truth, he was an old man.  A gifted old man, but not the force to be reckoned with that Dementat, Lady Kyja, or .. well almost any other sith had been.

"What more do you have to tell me?"

"I have learned that the girl has begun expanding her influence.  One day, a social pariah at school, destined to be suspended or expelled.  The next, the school's little darling, worshipped by those that had been her enemies"

"Such is the nature of high school, Lord Erinbol."

"not quite like this, m'lord. She has used her abilities to change her fate.  It is a sign that she is aware of her power, and how to use it"

"Do I need to be worried?"

"Only if she falls into the hands of your enemies, Emperor Schrag."

"If she has the blood of siths in her, wouldn't she be on my side?"

Darth Erinbol smiled.

"The Sith are not so black and white, Emperor.  Their allegiance is to the dark side, not to the Empire"

"I shall have to remember that when deciding whether or not I should trust you"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2012, 11:49:28 AM »
Mimban, Sector O-12

Mimban was a damp world - covered in forests and heavy clouds, it had only a small population, mostly colonists who were seeking to exploit otherwise untapped natural resources.

Still, over the course of the past few decades, the world had prospered, largely from its lack of a role in the many wars between the various government powers.  The planet's greatest threat was from pirates.

The southern portion of the galaxy had fallen into chaos years ago, with the larger, organized governments - The Republic, The Empire, the Hapans, the Corellians, the Corporate Sector, and the Trade Federation - focusing their expansion efforts on worlds north of the 12th Lateral.  Mimban was one of several worlds located in that gray zone, along the border with the chaotic southern regions.  As a result, it was the target of regular piracy raids.  It had joined the Republic about eleven years ago, seeking the protection of republic ships from those pirates, and had grown under that protection ever since.

Piracy had dwindled against Mimban, and with other threats looming larger, the Republic had reduced the planetary defense forces of the world by three-quarters, leaving only one medium capital ship, an aging MC-60, and a few smaller craft.  Fighter squads patrolled less frequently, and the world in general had gotten lax in its defenses.

When a dozen capital and auxiliary craft appeared out of hyperspace, it thus came rather unexpectedly.

The captain on the MC-60 was walking his rounds, when suddenly, the alarm went off.  He ran to the nearest comm-station.


"Captain, we have a number of ships appearing out of hyperspace.  They appear to have weapons and shields active"
"Do they have any affiliation markers?"
"No, sir.  It looks like a pirate raiding group"

The captain frowned.  It had been some time since they had been raided - and this force was larger than they had faced in a long time.

"Order all ships to red alert - raise shields, weapons, and hail the ships, ordering them to power down"

"Aye sir"

The Captain ran up to the bridge of the ship, arriving just as the vessel shuddered


"Sir - we weren't able to get our shields up in time.  They've disabled several power conduits"

"Return fire - see if we can get those shields online, and move other vessels into position to support us."

The ship continued to rock as it was fired upon, weapons finally returning fire.  The other PDFs were spread out around the planet, and it would be some time before they would reach the attacking party.

"Sir - the raiding party - they have just deployed what look like seven auxiliary craft, protected by two fighter squadrons.  They are approaching our docking bay"

It seemed impossible that a party would be so brazen as to try and steal a republic cruiser, the captain shaking his head.

"Order troops to the bay - and concentrate fire power on their party"

Even as he gave the order, the lights flickered and burned out, leaving only the redish glow of auxiliary power.


"Yes I know ... they were using ion cannons against us?"

"Yes sir - interspersed with the turbolaser fire, it seems.  We weren't ready for the fight"

The ship jerked again, the captain looking out the viewport.

"What the hell?"

The ship was moving - sideways.  A dozen pirate capital ships had locked onto the Cruiser with tractor beams, pulling it out of the gravity well.  As the enemy landed in the docking bay, the ship was pulled into hyperspace, the raiders taking their prize before reinforcements could arrive.

Ruuria, Sector Q-3
On the opposite end of the Republic, near the Corporate Sector, Ruuria was suffering a similar attack.  Better defended and better manned, the planetary defenses were putting up more of a fight against the unknown intruders.

The PDF captain watched from the Starfighter Platform as the raiders attempted to destroy or disable the Republic defense ships.

By the time the battle was over, two attacking ships and five PDF ships were destroyed, the enemy disappearing into hyperspace before the battle could be turned against them.

"Contact Chandaar - notify them of the attack, and the need for replacements"

"Yes sir.  Who shall we say did the attacking?"

That question was left up in the air.

The Wheel, Trade Federation HQ
Unlike several other targets, the Wheel was not assaulted by raiders.  Instead, they were engaged by a single lambda shuttle, exiting hyperspace and disappearing into the traffic lanes leading to the massive structure.

Upon landing, a man dressed in imperial officer garb disembarked, flanked by a single stormtrooper.  it was not unheard of for imperials to visit the Wheel - it was a neutral party that did business with the Empire, after all - and so his visit mostly went unnoticed.

The officer made his way through the cooridors, past the massive trading center, to the executive hub, where he was stopped by two young security officers, bathed in dark-blue uniforms, the trade Federation logo on their chest.

"May I assist you, sir?"
"I am here to meet with the Wheel Administrator"
"I'm sorry sir - Administrator Faram may only be seen with an appointment"
"Please convey to the Administrator that Officer Iam Patynt from the Galactic Empire is here to see him"

The security officer frowned - imperials tended to be so pushy - but nodded, standing and moving to a comm-unit while the second officer remained in place.

The first officer returned a few minutes later.

"Officer Patynt, the Administrator is unavailable at the current moment - he is able to meet with you this evening, at around 1800, galactic standard time."

Patynt nodded.

"Very well.  I look forward to the meeting"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2013, 01:13:11 PM »
Byss, Capital of the Imperial Remnants

Things had been going so well.  The pirate fleets created by the Empire had raided many of the Republic's outlying worlds, crippling defenses, commandeering ships, and weakening the perception of an increasingly strong Republic.  Even with the addition of the Corellian Sector, the view that the Republic was unable to defend its own had been spreading.

Then, they went and did something bold - though perhaps it was not those stupid rebels who had been bold.

With the now famous speech given by the Federation ambassador, a new twist came to the imperial campaign, and it was not long before the changes were noticeable.

Reports were coming in that the attacks were being stopped dead in their tracks.  Where before, imperial pirates had moved in and out, swiftly, Suddenly, they were pulled out of hyperspace prematurely, often within close proximity to a waiting republic fleet.  Corellian vessels augmented the republic ships, and with a small but effective gravity well, ships were being decimated.

Now, Emperor Schrag was staring at a vast galaxy map, eyes fierce and cold watching a date indicator move forward as indicators turned from green to red - from ripe targets to blocked off - until the present day. A brief pause before starting the motion over again.

"The Federation has managed to get production up and running very quickly, considering they claimed to not have the technology readily available"

An aid next to the Emperor glanced down at a datapad.

"Based on our current information, the initial 'gift' that ambassador Tacofer spoke of was pulled from Federation storage. No way to confirm this, of course.  Production of new gravity-well nets began approximately two weeks later, and is now taking up the bulk of the Federation's production capacity.  The New Republic has put in an order of over one hundred nets."

"Where precisely is the Trade Federation building these things?"

"The Federation has a dry-dock orbital facility within the same system as the Wheel, plus more expansive capacity at Junction, a short distance away"

"And what kind of security do these facilities have?"

"It is believed they could withstand a small fleet, and the Federation itself produces some of the best anti-espionage security systems in the galaxy."

"The Trade Federation doesn't build everything for itself - who supplies their needs?  Who supplies their ships?"

"When the Federation voluntarily collapsed over a decade ago, they consolidated their fleets to the few primary locations they still held. Junction and the Wheel are among their primary holdings, and so much of the relic ships are located in those two places, some serving as active security, some have been transformed into floating platforms for expanded trade.  But on the whole, lucrative contracts - with various entities, including the Empire - have yielded them the resources to update and maintain their own security and military forces.  The Republic contract just entered will allow them to expand further along the Perlemian Trade Route."

"Are they trying to break into corporate territory?"

"That is what it appears like, Your highness.  In the past few weeks, the Federation have slowly been taking larger and larger market shares of what had formerly been corporate dominated fields of trade.  The Federation pharmaceutical company is rapidly moving to the number 1 spot as ChemiX has suffered repeated setbacks, not the least of which was the recent break-in at one of their main facilities."

"So it seems the Federation decision to work with the Republic has suited them well. Now, how can we punish them for it?"

"We can withdraw our own contracts with them, sir.  Rely more heavily on Kuat, and Siennar"

"Can we take out the Federation's gravity-well production?"

"It would be a costly endeavor, sir, and one not certain to succeed. It is possible the Republic would aid the Federation to protect the new instrument"

"We are only a few months away from the Republic sealing off their entire territory.  At that point, the element of a surprise attack will be gone. They will know anytime anyone enters or exits their space.  This is unacceptable. It gives the damn rebels an advantage that we will not be able to counter.  Put together a plan to stop the Federation's production or the Republic's ability to implement those gravity well nets.  The Empire will not sit by idly while our destiny is stolen from us"

"Yes Emperor Schrag"

The aide disappeared and Schrag turned back to the board, studying Republic weak points.  His thoughts were interupted by a voice behind him.

"I know where you will find your victory, Emperor"

Schrag turned to face Darth Erinbol.

"You have been telling me about the Winton girl for some time.  Has something changed?"
"Every day, my lord.  Every day, she grows more powerful, her presence stronger.  She is becoming a strong warrior"
"She is fourteen"
"She will not be fourteen forever"

"I only have months to find a way to destroy the Republic, and you tell me I have to wait for a high school student"

"You under estimate the power of the Force - you don't need to destroy the Republic.  It will, as it always has, destroy itself.  You need to be ready to pick up the pieces. And you must be patient.  The Winton child is the key to creating a lasting Empire"

"Perhaps, but whose empire will it be? Mine? Her's? Your's?"

"You are the Emperor, my lord. the child is but a tool in your arsenal"

"I've seen how tools can turn on their masters, Darth Erinbol. And how Siths do as well.  Perhaps it is time I relieve you of your role as my counselor"

Erinbol frowned.

"Let me be plain, my lord - you can have the Empire you seek.  Dahlia Winton will help give it to you. Just as long as you do not make her your enemy.  Be patient, my lord.  You will soon see her for yourself"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Circle of Freedom
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2013, 10:04:05 AM »
Byss, Capital of the Imperial Remnants

The Emperor sat patiently in his chair as the aide approached.


The aide bowed low before rising.

"Emperor Schrag, we have calculated that the Federation has nearly completed the Republic order for gravity well nets, and will be sending the shipment to Republic space within a few weeks.  Our estimates have calculated it takes the rebels approximately a week from receipt to be able to position, activate, and fortify a gravity well net, though they have grown more efficient in the process.  We believe that within 60 days, Republic territory will be completely encircled within gravity well nets, save for the Corellian adjunct.  The Corellians have adamantly refused the protection of the nets."

"They don't need them - they have ships enough to deter most attacks.  Still, a matter worth remembering.  But for now, how can we disrupt this process?"

"Our sources indicate most of the nets are in fact being produced in orbit around the Wheel itself.  The production facilities are heavily guarded.  However, we have devised a plan that should allow us time to either disable or destroy the facility"

"For how long?"

"it's hard to say - depending on our success, it could be several months."

"That is insufficient.  what of a larger assault?"

"We have calculated a force depletion of anywhere from 10-30%, my lord.  The Federation territory, though small, is very well protected"

"What percentage of our fleet would be involved in such an assault"

"Not counting the dozen pirate fleets that are still conducting raids, the calculations would involve approximately 50% of our mainstay ships"

The Emperor leaned back in his chair, lifting a hand to rub at his chin.

"Prepare a scenario involving 100% of our mainstay ships, plus the pirate fleets.  Use whatever calculations or maneuvers are necessary to reduce force depletion, and come back to me.  I think I have a scenario that might be acceptable"

"Yes, Emperor Schrag"


Darth Erinbol had been watching and counseling Emperor Schrag for several years now.  But of late, his attention had been elsewhere, and that is where his attention was turned to now, staring at the blue holographic image of the woman standing before him.

"Lady Adubell, it has been too long"

"Indeed, Lord Erinbol.  But we will be meeting soon"

"The child?"

"She is almost ready, My Lord.  And she stands to be the one we have been waiting for. Soon ... soon it will be time"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Re: Imperial March
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2013, 03:42:32 PM »
Sketchy Map for purposes of this and subsequent posts.

W= The Wheel space station
N = Gravity Well NETS
D = the Droid Control Ship
P = Defensive PLATFORM
C = Construction Platform - specifically, the one that was attacked, and is where the gravity well nets were mostly built.
O = Space (filled with ships and other fun stuff)
I = Imperial's Main Fleet
R = Imperial Pirate Fleet


The Wheel

It was surprisingly quiet aboard the bridge of the ISD-Vengence.  There was certainly a kind of disconnect, even as the ship let out bursts of fire against the Federation's defenses.

Emperor Schrag looked out on the scene with the appearance of boredom.  It was true enough that the Federation's defenses were formidable.  It would take a long, long time to successfully obliterate them.  But the Federation ships and platforms lacked the offensive capabilities that would make them a real threat.  This wasn't a battle.  It was a very, very slow slaughter.

Ahead, looming just a few klicks away, the massive Wheel rotated slowly, it's shield shimmering everytime a laser shot struck it.  That would be the target in time.  Right now, the dozen or so star destroyers in attack formation were busy blasting at the agile Federation Revenge Class Corvettes and Ping Cruisers, and larger frigates.  The smaller vessels were kept far enough away by the batteries, and in return, did little damage to the formidable destroyers of the Empire.  TIE fighters, meanwhile, were sent out to do the dirty work, suffering the most casualties of the battle and doing the most damage.

Three smaller groups of ships were also conducting a series of back and forth maneuvers - swooping in from one angle, firing at targets, and disappearing into hyperspace before the Federation could respond.  It was these groups that made the battle so one-sided.  The Federation could fight, but they didn't know where the fight was coming from, and so could not react.

And all of this to keep them from realizing the primary goal - a handful of non-military shuttles that had entered Federation space only a few minutes before the arrival of the pirates, now intermingled with the scurrying traffic in a seemingly random flight pattern, but moving steadily closer to the target.

Then, the battle changed.

"Emperor, we are detecting gravitational distortions"


"Gravity wells, emperor.  They are appearing in a variety of locations - it appears they are forming a ring around the Federation holdings. They are disrupting the smaller taskforces, sir.  They aren't able to reenter hyperspace.  Federation corvettes are moving to engage them, sir."

Schrag frowned.  He knew the Federation had the nets, but had thought that their profit margin was more important than utilizing them for their own security.  It would disrupt his plan, to lose the versatility of the task forces.  And, what was worse, with a stationary target, the Federation would have a better chance of fighting back, or gaining enough time to strengthen their defenses, and cost the imperials far more than planned.

"How close is the ground team to target?"
"Another half hour, sir"

The wide expanse of space made the distance take so long - ships that followed federation traffic panels might spend two hours approaching the station, keeping in lanes, maintaining speed.  Even with the chaos, if the ground team tried to advance too directly toward the target, they would be noticed right away.  With the small taskforces now less functional, the Federation might pay more attention to what was going on.  That could not be allowed.

"Order all destroyers to increase firepower on defensive platforms - and fire concussion missiles at the Wheel itself.  I want their shield down as soon as possible"

"Yes, Emperor"

Within a few moments, the array of star destroyers, previously taking a more passive role in the battle, let out a barrage of fire.  Schrag watched it from the comfort of his bridge, as the laser blasts lit up space before impacting on their targets.

Then the missiles - dozens of them, sent out toward the stationary target of the Wheel.  Even with anti-projectile measures, this was a blast that would be remembered.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Imperial March
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2013, 03:40:47 PM »
Sketchy Map for purposes of this and subsequent posts.
W= The Wheel space station
N = Gravity Well NETS
D = the Droid Control Ship
P = Defensive PLATFORM
C = Construction Platform - specifically, the one that was attacked, and is where the gravity well nets were mostly built.
O = Space (filled with ships and other fun stuff)
I = Imperial's Main Fleet
R = Imperial Pirate Fleet

The Wheel

Emperor Schrag watched from the comfort of his bridge as a spread of concussions missiles fired at the Wheel.  Like synchronized swimmers, they moved with such grace, poise - and destructiveness.

As they drew closer, the line broke somewhat.  Hundreds of anti-missile lasers began firing from the Wheel's defenses, with marginal accuracy, but the sheer number of counter measures knocked out a fair portion of the missile barrage.  Of the first wave of missiles, about one-fourth impacted, splashing against the Wheel's shield before dissintegrating.  But even as that happened, the second wave of missiles was already drawing close, and the defenses did not have the means to follow up so quickly.  The first to reach the Wheel hit the shields, but then dozens of them began getting through, smashing into durasteel and letting out small explosions of firepower

Emperor Schrag could envision the chaos going on inside - alarms sounding, containment blast doors and energy fields working to stave off the damaged portions and protect the station's health.

At the same time, the Federation fleet was becoming more aggressive - heavier craft had finally coalesced from other areas in the system, forming a more united front and attacking the imperial ships.  Already, the star destroyers most vulnerable were reporting shields dropping and even some hull damage.

It was to be expected. Casualties of war.

"Prepare the next wave of concussion missiles, and order turbolasers to engage the defending ships.  Let's try to keep our losses down."

Meanwhile, his thoughts went out to the much smaller but more vital mission halfway across the system.

At the gravity well net construction platform, the imperial taskforce had gotten close enough and boarded the station at the convenient opening created by the explosion that started the attack.  The team was fairly large - four dozen drained commandos, who had swept in, killing those onboard, and began trying to hack into the computer systems.

Schrag now watched from the distance, wondering about their progress.  That was when he saw the second explosion.

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Medivh

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Re: Imperial March
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2013, 02:23:03 PM »
Sketchy Map for purposes of this and subsequent posts.
W= The Wheel space station
N = Gravity Well NETS
D = the Droid Control Ship
P = Defensive PLATFORM
C = Construction Platform - specifically, the one that was attacked, and is where the gravity well nets were mostly built.
O = Space (filled with ships and other fun stuff)
I = Imperial's Main Fleet
R = Imperial Pirate Fleet

The Wheel

The first brief spark that exploded from the platform across the way was nothing compared to the fireball that erupted just a few minutes later.  Emperor Schrag frowned staring at it - he had hoped the attempts to steal the technology would go unnoticed, saving him the trouble of a greater scaled attempt.  Now that was obviously not the case.  Someone had figured out what he was doing and had destroyed the goods before he could get it.

"Any survivors,Lieutenant?"
"None that I can tell sir.  we have received no communication from any imperials, and there is no indication the imperial shuttle ever left the platform before the explosion"
"I meant any survivors, lieutenant, not just imperial"

The lieutenant glanced down at his monitor before glancing up again.

"There is a lot of debris coming from that area, including a few items that could be ships - it's hard to tell if they are just debris or still functional"

"Keep an eye on that area, lieutenant"
"Yes, your highness"

The lieutenant let out a sigh of relief as the Emperor stepped away, focusing his attention on the monitor to be sure he missed nothing else.

The emperor meanwhile moved to his command chair, activating the comm unit.

"General Kwotes- - what is the status of your strike force"
"ready to launch sir"
"Good - deploy all units to the target.  I am ordering an entire flight group to escort you."

"Thank you sir - shuttles are launching now"

Schrag watched out the viewport as the imperial shuttles departed.  When he initally planned the strike, the idea was to hit hard, and take what he wanted.  It wasn't until the difficulty of the mission had required a revised plan that he realized that the Wheel itself was a prize worth conquering - within the Republic's borders, one of the largest space stations in existence, and in a major commercial hub.  He could obliterate the Trade Federation, and open a whole new war with a single conquest.  It was just a matter of breaking the Federation defenses, and he sensed once his units were onboard, the fight would turn quickly to his side.  Wheel security would be no match for a storm trooper assault team.

A few shuttles were knocked out by Federation defenses, but the imperial destroyers were providing sufficient cover to keep them all quite busy.  It wasn't long before the first shuttle made contact, and he got the call in.

"Emperor  - this is General Kwotes.  We have successfully boarded the Wheel"

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Offline Medivh

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Re: Imperial March
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2013, 04:12:24 PM »
Sketchy Map for purposes of this and subsequent posts.
W= The Wheel space station
N = Gravity Well NETS
D = the Droid Control Ship
P = Defensive PLATFORM
C = Construction Platform - specifically, the one that was attacked, and is where the gravity well nets were mostly built.
O = Space (filled with ships and other fun stuff)
I = Imperial's Main Fleet
R = Imperial Pirate Fleet

The Wheel

The Wheel was divided into twenty four sections of the ring, plus the spokes that led to the central axis.  The thick tube that was the wheel of the Wheel was large enough to accomodate dozens of levels, which held shops, apartments, food courts, and a whole host of other amenities.  The damage to Sector Five had been superficial at first, but even with severe damage, the area was not entirely unusable, with only sub-sectors and portions locked off.  That made it ideal for the boarding party - vulnerable, but habitable, thanks to safety precautions built into the station.

The initial landing of imperial troops had been without incident, landing in an area already sealed off from the station, and devoid of climate control or pressurized air.  The imperials landed a dozen ships at the docking ports, still functional, and stepped through the ray shields into the station itself.

Automatic security was triggered, the walls and ceiling coming alive as weapons appeared out of hidden panels, firing at imperial troops and killing a mass of them.

But the Empire kept coming, and troops were expendable.  Explosives fired eliminated the threat of the automatic security, and the troops, garbed in white pressurized versions of the stormtrooper outfit made their way deeper inside, making room for the next wave of imperials to land behind them.

Around the corner, they faced their first human resistance, federation troops barricaded behind makeshift barriers, but armed enough to stop the imperials.  Temporarily.

When you outnumber your opponent so thoroughly, even a good defense doesn't stand a chance.  The federation security forces fell back, and the imperials advanced further, deeper into Sector Five.  They reached a fork in the pathway, one leading around the main hall, another leading down into a service elevator.  Two federation officers stood there, looking both frightened and shocked that the imperial machine had come upon them so quickly and deadly.  They aimed their weapons to fight, but were shot down in a matter of seconds.

General Kwotes came up to the front of the line, glancing down at the two young soldiers, then up at the lift.

"I want access to this lift.  Now."

In compliance of the orders, one imperial placed a small device over the service lift's control panel.  Soon, the device lit up, with bright green numbers, indicating the location of the lift.  A few buttons pressed, and the numbers began to descend, and with it, the lift itself, quite against the will of the passengers and cargo inside.

The lift door opened, and General Kwotes smiled at the team of Federation Security, standing their protectively around the gurney, weapons raised.

"Kill them"

The standing soldiers were cut down summarily, and a few imperials aimed to fire at the comatose man.

"Wait - not him.  Take him prisoner.  I believe we may have caught someone very special"


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Re: Imperial March
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2013, 11:01:44 AM »
Sketchy Map for purposes of this and subsequent posts.
W= The Wheel space station
N = Gravity Well NETS
D = the Droid Control Ship
P = Defensive PLATFORM
C = Construction Platform - specifically, the one that was attacked, and is where the gravity well nets were mostly built.
O = Space (filled with ships and other fun stuff)
I = Imperial's Main Fleet
R = Imperial Pirate Fleet

The Wheel

Emperor Schrag was standing on the bridge, commanding his forces in much the way he had done as the Grand Admiral of Emperor Dementat's forces.  His people feared him for his ruthlessness (as did the moffs), but he was respected because he didn't send others off - he led them into battle.

This battle had been carefully planned out, each attack and counter attack, and had been going well.  The imperial fleet significantly outnumbered and outgunned the Federation's defenses, and had successfully thrown them off with a series of attacks from multiple directions - and then with the boarding of the target, rather than continuing efforts to destroy it.

Now, he was focused on gaining control of the Wheel's systems and executive areas.  It was a massive station, and it could take days for an imperial army to sweep through it in its entirety, but if he had access to the primary areas - like with any ship - he could control the movements of his enemies by sealing off portions, or venting the atmosphere in specified areas.  No doubt the executive control rooms were the most heavily guarded, but his forces were sufficient to be able to deal with any security and still be able to secure the necessary areas.

Then, the battle would be effectively over, and without the Wheel, the Trade Federation, with just a handful of exterior assets, would fold.  That would be its end.  His thoughts on the battle were interrupted by General Kwotes over the comm unit

"Emperor Schrag, we have taken a captive.  He is already aboard Shuttle 5-9-7, headed for your ship"

Taking captives was not a part of the plan - captives slowed down a mission, and while Schrag was not utterly heartless, he cared little for the peons aboard the station.  Even the administrator wasn't really worth saving.  He was a businessman at best, and after this battle, he would be worth less than the Federation itself.

"General Kwotes, such is outside the parameters of the mission"

"I understand, sir.  However, I don't believe we knew he was onboard.  We've captured Rutherford Gellar, sir"


Schrag knew him well enough, at least by reputation.  A successful member of the CSA Direx Board, made wealthier and prominent by ChemiX pharmaceuticals, and of course, involved in the recent scandals erupting in the Republic.  A man, apparently so ruthless, he would hijack his own children to blame it on competitors.

"What's his status?"
"He's unconscious, sir.  He seems to be in an induced comma"

Ah. intrigue - it seems the Trade Federation was to blame for the whole scandal - and had taken Gellar captive.  Schrag wanted to make sure the Federation continued to suffer, even as they crumbled in the coming days, weeks, and months.  Having Rutherford at his side might assist in that matter.

It also might give the Empire a leg up in negotiations with the Corporate Sector in the future.  Savior of Rutherford Gellar.  Brilliant.

"Very well, General Kwotes.. You are to continue with your mission.  I will have Gellar dealt with once he arrives"

"Of course, Emperor"

Emperor Schrag turned to a lieutenant, one of several standing at the ready to obey his commands.

"Have Gellar escorted to the medical unit.  See to it he is kept under guard, but made comfortable"
"Yes, your majesty"

The lieutenant bowed and disappeared.

Schrag had a smirk on his face as he turned back toward the battle.  The Federation battle ships were starting to lose their line, their conbat space patrol diminished, making them vulnerable to attacks by imperial fighters and bombers.  They were trying to reform the line, trying to maintain some sense of discipline, but the Empire was now advancing, aggressively.  Schrag could see in his monitors that behind the Federation line, there was a flurry of activity - small tugs were hitching on to various federation platforms and pulling away, in the opposite direction.  An evacuation plan, as good as any they could hope for.

It mattered not.  Even if everything else in the system was saved, the Wheel (and perhaps the ancient droid control ship) were the only assets that could keep the Federation going.

"Emperor, we are getting reports of various explosions across the system"
"What is the source?"

The officer was punching in numbers, staring at his screen.

"the federation gravity nets, your majesty.  They appear to be exploding"

There was a jolt on the bridge as a fireball, about five-meters in length erupted nearby, disappearing quickly in the vacuum of space.

"They are destroying the nets in preparation for departing the system.  Have all ships stand guard, but proceed with activity.  Send TIEs past the Federation defensive line - see if they can destroy some of those tugs.  continue the boarding process.  The Wheel won't -"

But the Emperor did not finish his sentence.  Even as he was speaking, the vast space filled by the Wheel suddenly became empty.  The huge station had disappeared into hyperspace.

The Emperor's smile vanished.


He already knew what would be said, but he listened anyway, lest he missed something.  The Wheel had entered hyperspace.  Onboard the enemy target were dozens of imperial boarding squads, many of whom wouldn't even know they were no longer backed up by reinforcements.  Two imperial shuttles that had been docking with the Wheel were now spiraling out of control, leaking oxygen.

"Run a trajectory search - I want to know where they could be headed.  Send a scouting party to Junction.  It's a reasonable target, close by, and with a damaged station, they won't want to risk a huge trip.  Whatever hyperdrive they have, it will be slow, and it will need time to recharge and re-calibrate once it reaches its destination.  With any luck, we will reach it beforehand and finish the assault.  Keep comm signals open for General Kwotes, or any other imperials logged as aboard the station"

"Yes Emperor"

With the main target suddenly vanished, the entirety of the battle had changed.  The Federation ships were holding their ground - or trying too, and the flurry of activity that had been behind the line now looked chaotic.

"And destroy everything that's left"

Fitful dreams and nightmares, images of dark creatures, his children in distress, and Dahlia - Dahlia being tortured, screaming for him, calling for him, begging him to save her.


His eyes opened with a start, and he found he was staring up at a bright examination light.  He was strapped down to a gurney, but could turn his head, finding himself in a medical wing.

Standing beside him, an aged man, apparently a doctor, but Rutherford noted the imperial insignia on his shoulder.

"Where am I?"

The man smiled.

"Don't worry Mr. Gellar.  You are aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Vengence.  We've saved you"

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Re: CC: Imperial March
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2013, 10:52:26 AM »
Besh Gorgon System
(formerly The Wheel)

Rutherford Gellar still felt woozy, but without the chemicals inducing his sleep, he was waking up, trying to grasp the situation.  His last recollections were confronting Circe Prescott for her apparent betrayal of his family, conspiracies and murders. He had watched her storm away, then seemed to lose himself.  He had trusted her, and his trust had led to everything that happened.

It had gotten worse over the subsequent days, until Garron suggested a sedative.  One that apparently had kept him sedated for not just a few hours, but weeks.  Only to find that the world had once again turned over in his absence.  His children were - where?  He had gone through a great deal to rescue them.  Two of them, his biological children, unable to save the third, adopted one.  And now, they were missing again.  The imperials who had supposedly rescued him knew nothing of his children, only saying that they believed they had rescued him from the Trade Federation.  Was that true?  His recollections were that the Trade Federation, and Ambassador Mara Tacofer had aided in rescuing his children.  But of course, maybe it was all a lie, and no one could be trusted.

He was fed and monitored, and given good care, but he was unable to leave the medical wing, both for his protection, and because apparently, there was a battle going on outside.  The Wheel had disappeared, or so rumor had it, but otherwise, the Trade Federation was in shambles, its primary location - the Wheel and everything else in the  Besh Gorgon system, destroyed in the ongoing attack.  It was hard to believe less than a year ago, he had come to Chandaar to fight the Trade Federation for Republic contracts, and now he was a rescuee/prisoner sympathizing with them and distrusting them as they fell before the Empire.

If Mara Tacofer was right, this was all part of punishment for his past sins.  And punished he was.  With the sedative leaving his system, he could focus clearly enough to again be racked with the guilt of letting his children get stolen, and failing to bring them all back - and letting them get away again.  He kept hearing Dahlia's screams, cries for help as he ran from her.  And he would weep.


It was sometime later, when he had collected himself, and his nightmares had given him a moment's reprieve, when an imperial officer entered the medical wing.

"Mr. Gellar, I hope you are feeling up to a walk.  The Emperor wishes to meet with you"

Rutherford nodded his head quietly, rising from his seat and taking a few shaky steps forward before getting his confident stride back. He could not allow the Emperor to see him weak, or he would just be a bargaining chip.

He was led out of the cooridors, through a turbolift, and up to the executive wing of the bridge.  Four red-robed imperial guards stood at the sides of the hall, and another imperial officer, younger, stood immediately outside the door - younger ranked, obviously an errand boy for the Emperor.

"Lieutenant, please inform the Emperor that Mr. Gellar is here to see him"

The young imperial nodded, disappearing into the chamber before returning a minute later.

"The Emperor will see you now, Mr. Gellar"

The escorting officer stepped back as Rutherford moved forward, entering the room behind the young lieutenant.

The room was about as grand as a star destroyer would allow for without sacrificing tactical use of space.  Transparisteel windows offered a panoramic view in a semi circle at the front, and the flicker of laser lights could be seen, reflections of the still ongoing battle outside, a dias platform with a seat/throne, carrying a variety of control panels.  And upon it sat the current imperial Emperor.

Rutherford bowed his head in respect before approaching.

"An honor to meet you, your highness"

Schrag's gaze was not entirely unfriendly, almost amused as he took stock of Rutherford.

"And a surprise to meet you, Mr. Gellar.  I must say I did not expect to find you aboard the Wheel"

"Yes, well, much of what has happened to me in recent months was not expected"

"indeed - you represented the Corporate Sector before the rebels, did you not?"

At this point in history, calling the dominant government of the galaxy 'rebels' was not accurate, and Rutherford knew the Emperor knew that.  It was a test, to see his reaction.

"I was sent to Chandaar, yes.  As I'm sure you are aware, we had a number of contracts that were possibly being threatened by the Trade Federation"

"You know how I feel about the CSA working for the Republic"

His acknowledgement of the legitimacy of the Republic was enough for Rutherford to know he had 'passed' whatever the test was to find out.

"It has never been a surprise that CSA works for whoever will work with them.  We appreciate all business we get"
"I destroyed the Trade Federation because they worked with the Republic"

So that's what this was about?

"You have always gained more from working with the Corporate Sector than having us as an enemy"
"Are you threatening me, Mr. Gellar?"

"No, of course not, your highness." Rutherford declined to point out the Emperor had seconds earlier threatened him. "I am just stating the reality.  CSA is stronger than the Trade Federation - we have our own active fleets, and many more worlds.  We aren't your enemy.  I must admit, I'm surprised at this attack.  The Trade Federation, according to our information, has worked often and well with the Empire."

"Until recently"

"What changed?"

"The Republic contract was unacceptable to us.  The Trade Federation gave the Republic an advantage that we could not tolerate"

"The gravity well nets"

Schrag smiled

"Indeed - among other things."

"The Empire was planning to attack the Republic soon?"  It was a guess.

"Mr. Gellar, you are not a member of the Empire, or my military, and I am not inclined to divulge imperial plans of conquest.  At the moment, I am trying to figure out what to do with you.  We rescued you from the Trade Federation, and I imagine you want to be returned to your family?"

Family ... returned to them?  He wanted them returned to him, all in one piece

"Emperor, I don't know where my family is"
"Your wife is at home in the Corporate Sector.  Your daughters are both missing, but my intelligence reports indicate that your son Dane is on Corellia"

"Corellia?  What?  How?" he was both relieved to know where his son was, and worried at Gemma disappearing again, unaware of her new training schedule - nor would he mention to the Empire the assistance provided by the jedi.

"I don't have those details, Mr. Gellar.  Nor will I be taking you to Corellia, an enemy world, to meet him there.  I am however, prepared to help you get back to corporate space."

"On what condition"

"As I've said, the Empire doesn't like CSA working with the Republic"

"I don't think I'm worth that much to them, that they would drop such a lucrative market."

"Perhaps we can think of something then"

"Am I a prisoner until then?"

It was a direct question to ask the head of the Empire, and Schrag's eyes cooled considerably, but he kept a smile.

"A guest.  I want to hear all about your last few months, but I imagine you still need to recover, and I ... well, I have a battle to win.  Please feel free to travel the ship in any non secured areas, and I will have quarters arranged for you.  I am having our liason with the sector, Vex Sienna, see what he can negotiate on Mondder.  So, Until next time."

With the dismissal, the lieutenant appeared beside Rutherford, guiding him out.

Rutherford had been rescued from those who helped him, and was being kept a prisoner by an ally and business partner.  His children who had been rescued were gone - as was Garron, who he hadn't even thought to ask about.

He was escorted back to the medical ward for now, where he spent the next few hours trying to stay awake, to keep away the nightmares.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 12:28:06 PM by Medivh »
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Re: CC: Imperial March
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2013, 12:16:30 PM »
Besh Gorgon System
(formerly The Wheel)

After his last encounter with the Emperor, Rutherford Gellar was mostly ignored by the imperial warlord, and given freedom to move about the ship.  Limitations included the obvious - he was prohibited from accessing any sensitive or restricted areas, any armory, and above all, any communications port.  The room he was given was the largest available officer's quarters, enough to comfortably hold a bed, desk, chair, lamp, dresser, and even a window - a luxury aboard a war vessel. He had his own refresher as well.

He had also been granted, albeit monitored, access to the library aboard the ship.  And Gellar took advantage of it, spending his time reading everything from fiction to philosophy (apparently a favorite among imperial readers was 'Imperial Monarch: Why Republics Always Fail and Empires Thrive).  It helped keep his mind busy, and the nightmares at bay.

Sleep was fitful, and it seemed like every dream ended with the sound of Dahlia screaming, of him, Dane, and Gemma running.  The doctor refused to provide any more sedatives, indicating he had been on too many for too long, and was vulnerable to addiction.

All the while, he was also trying to glean news, trying to figure out what was happening outside of the ship - in the Corporate Sector, the Republic, and Corellia, where supposedly his one child was located and under the watchful eyes of the Corellian Security Force.

He could barely remember what his life had been like before this ordeal had begun, and didn't know who to blame.  He was sent to the Republic to stop the Trade Federation, but was it the Direx Board or the Federation, or the unknown menace that was to blame?

Or was it himself, the thought that kept coming back to him.  He had caused this upon himself and his family.  he could blame others, for sure, but he had been responsible for setting things in motion.  And while he was sure of very little, he was certain that he wanted to remedy his mistakes, make up for his past indiscretions

Seek atonement, and be forgiven.

Elswhere on the ship, the Emperor was overseeing the last pieces of the battle.  The last of the Federation defensive line had broken, many destroyed, many fled into hyperspace, leaving the remnants of the system open for the Empire.  Explosions of some craft that tried resisting, but that wasn't much.

The last real Federation threat, the ancient and massive droid control ship on the opposite side of the system, more a relic and museum than anything else, managed to enter hyperspace after sustaining notable but not fatal damage.  Where it went, Schrag was uncertain, but at the moment, he didn't care.  The Wheel and the Control Ship by themselves could not sustain the Federation, nor bring them back after this assault.  They were relics of a now dead entity.

An imperial prison ship appeared in the system, and soon, transports were moving to and from it, collecting remaining federation troops, civilians, consumers.  Some would be replaced, many would be impressed into imperial service.  Scrap ships also appeared, going for the hulking remains of vessels destroyed beyond reuse.  And tugboats - imperial tug boats - were deployed to collect the useable facilities that had been taken over by landing imperial troops.  As each was secured, it was taken into hyperspace, and the cluttered Besh Gorgon system slowly emptied out.

Schrag smiled as he watched the vestiges of the Trade Federation be wiped away.

"Emperor, we are receiving a transmission - it appears to be from General Kwotes"

Schrag turned his head to the lieutenant, a fire in his eyes.

"And from where is the general transmitting?"

"We believe - and its hard to be certain sir - we believe it's from the Korriban system."

"Patch him through"

Schrag turned to the holo display as Kwotes appeared in bluish tint

"Emperor, our situation is most ... interesting.  It appears that the Wheel entered hyperspace without Federation authority."
"Then who, General, took the station into hyperspace?"
"They claim to be sith, your highness.  They have managed to subdue my troops and take control of the entire Wheel space station.  They have battle droids active, sir."

Schrag frowned.  This was certainly not what he anticipated.

"And they are letting you contact me?"
"Yes sir - they wanted me to tell you that they are requesting an audience with you aboard the Wheel"

Aboard the Wheel was apparently their territory, not his own.

"Did they give a reason why I shouldn't just take the Wheel for myself"

"Emperor, they said-"

Kwotes was cut off and pushed out of the display.  Instead, a woman in striking black garb appeared.

"Because, Emperor, we've managed to pull the station out from your imperial armada and subdue some of your best troops.  We COULD do it again, but believe we better serve the cause working WITH you rather than against you.  I have with me the one you have been waiting for, Emperor, and we seek a meeting with your excellency.  I would prefer to do it with minimal guns involved, but can understand the need for at least some protection.  I can tell you, it will not be needed."

"I have limited reason to have this meeting"
"On the contrary, Emperor Schrag, you have everything to gain from this meeting.  An ally who will help you destroy the Republic - from the inside"
"And who is this ally?  Who are you?"
"I am but a servant, and am unimportant.  The ally you seek, you know already, the legacy child, and daughter of the late Alexander Winton."

Schrag's face hardened as he heard the name, recalling all the words his own sith advisor had said, and how he was being played quite against his will.  Still, they had proven quite capable already, and if they were an ally ...

"I will be there in three days time.  I assure you, if I come to regret this meeting, so will you"

"We look forward to it, your excellency"


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Offline Medivh

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Re: CC: Imperial March
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2013, 03:20:08 PM »
Besh Gorgon System
(formerly The Wheel)

Rutherford was pulled from his monotonous routine and brought before the Emperor.

"Your excellence, a pleasure as always"

"Indeed - I am informing you that we have reached a deal with the Corporate Sector for you to be returned to them"

"May I inquire what the deal is?"

"The Empire has successfully gained a number of shares in Corporate Sector companies.  Including ChemiX.  Apparently, there has been a huge shift of corporate stocks, and with the fall of the Federation, many have soared.  Even your own, which had been damaged in recent months.  The Empire will benefit significantly from this deal. Financially, of course, and strategically, with the influence those shares bring.  It was very considerate of the Direx Board to agree to this deal"

The idea of imperial control or influence over him and his company left Rutherford with a feeling of dread.

"I imagine mine and my company had little say in the deal?"

"Enough say, Mr. Gellar.  I am confident we will meet again soon. There is much we can negotiate about.  In the meantime, I have to depart on business, and I would prefer you be returned to your family as quickly as possible.  A shuttle is already waiting for you."

Rutherford had little to say, and anything he could think of would probably get him in trouble. He was therefore mostly silent as he was whisked from Emperor Schrag's presence, to the docking bay, and bustled on board.

As soon as the vessel departed, Schrag turned to the lieutenant next to him.

"Prepare the ship to depart for Korriban"
"Yes, your highness"

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Re: CC: Imperial March
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2013, 12:51:14 PM »
Besh Gorgon System
(formerly The Wheel)

The absence of the Imperial Star Destroyer Vengence did not significantly reduce the imposing nature of the imperial fleet now in the Besh Gorgon system.

The Emperor had departed just a short while ago, and left in charge of 'cleanup' was Admiral Barc Anida, who had been a lieutenant under Schrag when he was head of the fleet.

Anida had learned from the same school of military thought as Schrag, and viewed the Emperor as a role model in military and government.  He also took great pride in the perception of the imperial navy, and so despite the clear victory here, he maintained formal battle lines among the larger ships while smaller craft patrolled about for any vestiges of the Federation.

There was almost nothing.  Scrap metal and a few stranded ships (that became scrap metal) were all that remained.  Anida was preparing to move on to the next phase of this attack.

Preparing Besh Gorgon as a staging area for attacks on the Republic.

The plan made sense - whereas the Empire would have difficulty striking at the Republic from outside the territory, especially with the Republic's now increasingly secure border thanks to the federation gravity well nets, by setting up a staging post within Republic territory, the Empire could strike with relative ease.  It meant resupply only needed to find a single weak point in Republic outer defenses, to reach Besh Gorgon, rather than figure out ways around with each assault. Less fuel was required in the hyperspace jumps as well.

The victory here had also resulted in some key useful facilities.  A dozen supply platforms and a half dozen starfighter platforms that had serviced the Wheel, were now under imperial control, and would assist in maintaining the fleet.  The Wheel itself would have better served that purpose, and explained why the Emperor had departed so abruptly - he intended to get the Wheel back for himself.

Of course, with that easy access to the Republic, it also meant the Republic had easy access to the imperial fleet, and by now, no doubt, they were planning to somehow counter the imperial menace in their midst.

Therefore, while preparing for the next attack, Anida had the system on high alert, with regular patrols of outlying areas.  Admiral Anida was standing on the bridge of the Imperial Star Destroyer "Behemoth" when the report first came over the channel by a nearby lieutenant.

"We are picking up outlying ships.  Starfighter class, six or twelve.  Shall we pursue?"

The admiral made his way over to where the lieutenant was preparing to respond.

"Order two squads each to circle around.  Don't scare them away, not yet"

The lieutenant nodded, relaying the command to the patrol commander.

"Roger that"

Anida moved closer so he could watch the monitor, tracking the vessels in system.

"Admiral, sir, if we take our time, aren't we letting them get a better picture of our forces?"

"Yes, lieutenant.  But they already have that information.  The battle here was watched across the galaxy.  They aren't trying to discern our size - they want to know what we are doing next.  I'll give them the time so we can trap them, and learn who precisely THEM is"

It was a good few minutes later when the fighters indicated they were in position.

"Order the fighters to launch torpedoes"

Again the order was relayed, and a minute later, space in the distance was lit up by a line of explosions.

"Fighters, converge on the enemy"

The enemy fighters hadn't anticipated the attack, and were barely able to escape from the torpedoes, forced into last minute diversions that didn't work - the result of being stationary moments earlier.  Many were damaged, and unable to maneuver as the fighters moved in and attacked.

"Make sure we ID the craft before they are all destroyed"

The comm rattled with battle-chatter as the imperials did their work.

"This is patrol commander - the fighters appeared to be X-Wing, Recon type fighters."

Anida nodded, stepping away from the lieutenant
"The rebels are preparing a strike against us.  Let's make sure when they arrive, they get exactly what they deserve"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you