Author Topic: LYBEYA (VERGESSO ASTEROIDS)  (Read 38000 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« on: January 13, 2013, 01:14:46 AM »

Vergesso Asteroids

  The giant star Lybeya is encircled by five distinct asteroid belts of varying size, composition and plane orientation, forming the Vergesso Asteroid Field.  Rich in a wide array of heavy metals, the system is also relatively tame in comparison to other asteroid fields, making it an ideal naturally defensible space outpost.  Originally it was home to a clandestine shipyard of Ororo Transportation, actually a major front corporation for the Tenloss Syndicate, though some time early during the Galactic Civil War the shipyard was destroyed by the Empire, led by the late Prince Xizor of the Black Sun Organization in a bid to cripple his own primary black market competitors to believe that it was a Rebel Alliance operation.

  Since Xizor's and the Black Sun's demise, along with the Empire's fracture, the system has again become home to rogue elements now in the form of the Outer Rim Coalition, a loose affiliation of Smugglers, Pirates, and anybody on the Fringe of galactic society in general.
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 01:54:13 AM »

  The gunboat cockpit was a relaxing and lavish affair compared to the cramped bare bones surroundings of the TIE Fighter's he'd started off in years ago.

  Commander Illith Valk had been charged with commanding the starfighter corps of Admiral Ishfan Szymon's forces.  Previously serving as Szymon's wing commander in the Outer Rim for the better part of a decade, like many of his long time subordinates Illith had grown increasingly disillusioned with the Core Culture of the New Order.  Selected and cultivated, he grew a devoted spirit.  With the demise of Vader and the Emperor and a post far removed from the remaining Imperial elements, the landscape was ripe for their own rise to power.  Fanatical by the then, he never questioned the Admiral's orders, not even when they'd joined league with the Tenloss Syndicate and he was personally dispatched along with them to lead a reprisal raid on the Outer Rim Coalition, who'd occupied the Syndicate's primary haven of Vergesso not long after they were chased out by Xizor and Palpatine.

  The starlines were a sight uncommon to an Imperial fighter pilot.  The vast majority spent their service in one of several TIE models, almost all of which lacking hyperdrive, and the benefit of protective deflector shielding was something most could never count on.  The Cygnus Spaceworks XG-1 was the Empire's heaviest armed and armored starfighter classed vessel in the arsenal.  While originally designed to be deployed in small handfuls, with the onset of the Rebellion, orders skyrocketed as Imperial commander's struggled to match up against far superior Alliance fighters.  Costly and time consuming, back orders were listed by year.  By the time of the Battle of Endor, only 1.2% of the Imperial fighter corp was comprised of the Gunboats, a far cry from the 10% change suggested in internal assessments.  With Daala's defeat and his take over of Kessel and The Maw, dozens were discovered mothballed at the latter and immediately put in to service by Admiral Szymon.

   A soft warning alarm woke and hummed it's song, signalling the imminent proximity of their destination.  Commander Valk flicked on his comm-link and cued a frequency to his squad mates and accompanying Tenloss battle group,

  "Longini Leader to Attack Group Volgus, drop point in fifteen seconds.  Full alert, initiate active scanning and hold positions upon arrival.  Victory is just ahead of us," he confidently commanded.

  Moments later, the small but formidable attack group reverted to real-space on the distant edge of the Vergesso Asteroid Field. . .  

Some Ships Exited Hyperspace in DS1
Some Marauders deployed their fighters
All units initiate Active Scanning

Assault Gunboat Squadron Lancea Longini
Shield/Armor - 270/270
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5

Marauder Corvette Hussar 1
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location: DS1 - UCR; 5
   StarViper Squad Hussar ECHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; DS1, CSP - UCR; 6
   PMC Platoon Hussar ALPHA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 2
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar ZULU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; DS1, CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar BETA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 3
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar RHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; DS1, CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar DELTA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 4
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar TAU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; DS1, CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar KAPPA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 5
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5
  Veteran Y-Wing Squad BASILISK
   Shield/Armor - 384/384
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 5
  PMC Platoon Hussar GAMMA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 6
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; DS1 - UCR; 5
  Elite Z-95 Squad TEMPEST
   Shield/Armor - 288/144
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar ECHO (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 02:01:34 AM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 01:34:01 PM »
Outer Rim Coalition
Vergesso Asteroids | Operational HQ
Admiral Thaddeus von Steelhammer

   It was just another day in the life for the Outer Rim Coalition - the galaxy's most infamous band of pirates, smugglers, and bounty hunters - as they were busy resupplying their bases, performing maintenance, counting credits...and of course drinking. Since the collapse of the Black Sun crime syndicate and the Galactic Empire, the pervasive lawlessness that existed in the galaxy was exacerbated in the Outer Rim, where few if any organizations existed to enforce order. Those that called the Vergesso Asteroids home were certainly not the kind of people that lived well in civilized society, but living out in the fringes of space was a matter of particular specialty for them. Many ORC members once tried to work for the Hutts or Black Sun, but as unforgiving as those organizations were when it came to completing a job, they soon found themselves with a death mark, or blacklisted from the underworld. That's why then Captain Thaddeus von Steelhammer took over the Vergesso Asteroids Mining Company and the Ororo Shipyard, and staged a pirate coup that eventually led to a full-on reorganization of both of those assets into the Outer Rim Coalition. Armed with a fully functional shipyard and all the asteroid resources to manufacture anything, the ORC began consolidating their power and launching pirate raids across the outer rim.

   In the wake of the Galactic Empire's collapse, an official ISB report that was obtained after an ISB undercover agent was killed was as follows: "...the ORC is a de-stabilizing element in the Outer Rim, but also perhaps a necessary one. While extremely rogue, vile, and violent, they maintain a sense of order and discipline through a highly militarized and corporate heirarchy, and as such certainly pose a threat to other criminal organizations in the Outer Rim. It may be in the Galactic Empire's best interest to let the ORC remain on the playing field to offset the balance of power between the Hutts and the vacuum left behind by Black Sun. They have plenty of resources here to start a legitimate business, so perhaps it is the allure of freedom that comes with living a fringer's life that appeals to them greatly and is why they have attracted so many recruits. End of report." After allowing the ISB agent to send the report, the ORC promptly killed him and decided that if the Galactic Empire wasn't going to stop them, then who would?

Asteroid Base Avalon

   An older wookie, Rashaan, was holding a datapad with numerous reports for his boss, the Admiral Steelhammer. Stepping into his boss' office, Rashaan nodded and walked in very professionally, not at all noticing the Chiss slave girl that was busy underneath Steelhammer's desk pleasuring him.

   "Are these the latest R&D reports?" asked Steelhammer.

   "ROOAWR," nodded Rashaan.

   "Good, I'm looking forward to milling over them. We can't continue using our Corvettes, as good as they are. Sooner or later the galaxy's going to wake up and come after us."

   "RUANN ROK ROOOTAAAH RAWRRR," replied Rashaan, Steelhamer's trusted lieutenant.

   "Yes well if the Rebels can do it to the Dreadnaught, then certainly we can do it to the Hammerhead..." at that moment, the Chiss slave girl had finished, "...class." The Chiss slave girl then got up and walked out of the office. Of the many things the ORC did, one of them they excelled in was the expansive prostitution and slave trafficking ring they had a hand in. Steelhammer himself despised permanent slavery, and so all of the ORC's products were considered indentured servants. After a period of two cycles, they were given a large lump sum and offered a position to work independently in the ORC. For many women across the galaxy, it was a ticket to start a new life, and so the ORC only took the willing volunteers who wanted to be there. At least those were the things Steelhammer told himself to make it feel better, anyway.

   "Thank you Rashaan, you're dismissed." At that moment a red light started flashing in Steelhammer's office. It was a signal that he was needed in the command center. After pulling his pants up and fastening his belt, Steelhammer made his way to the command center.


   "Admiral, our outward miners are reporting a fleet that has exited hyperspace in Deep Space!"

   "Can we verify?"

   "Negative, there is an unusual concentration of radiation just off our port vector."

   "Very well. Let's mobilize the fleet prepare the Beautiful Queen for my arrival!"

   "Yes, sir!"

ORC Forces

Beta-class MIC Vergesso Mining Company HQ | Location: Planetoid Surface
Zeta-class MPS ORC Shipwrights | Location: A-1
HHF Beautiful Queen | Location: A-1
ORCAB Avalon | Location: A-1 w/ 2 ORC CORVs
ORCAB Haven One | Location: A-2 w/ 2 ORC CORVs
ORCAB Tuscany | Location: A-3 w/ 2 ORC CORVs
ORCAB Kashmir | Location: A-4 w/ 2 ORC CORVs

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2013, 12:10:59 AM »
  The further sunward in the system you ventured, the more hazardous the environment became.  In the distant reaches, an occasional stray space boulder tumbles out of it's normal choreography.  As the fleet mustered, one by one dropping in quick succession and hovering in place, a few tiny thruster bursts in the near distance carried several tiny mining ships hurriedly away from the rocky mineral rich host they had been sapping as they erratically raced towards the inner system and the relative safety of the dense belts.  As the last of the invading fleet had converged, the group began a slow trawl further in the system.

  Commander Valk carefully assessed the information flowing in to his helmet's micro displays while toggling with several settings on his control boards before addressing the attack group through his com-link,

  "Alright everybody, Welcome to the Rat's Nest.  Lots of activity out there.  Ignore the mining and transport vessels. Any ship attempting to flea, let them.  Intel reports their operations are centered around the second from innermost belt and that they've got bases carved in to a few of the bigger asteroids, so keep your eyes peeled and when you identify one, mark it with a beacon.  Hussar Squadron has the lead on the assault, Longini, we'll be providing back up and we've got an insurance policy in reserve should anything come up.  Hussar One, Attack Group Volgus is your command, take us in, Longini Out,"

  The Gunboats that had been plowing ahead in lead position pulled up and slowed, allowing the Marauder's and their swarming support craft to take point.  Aboard the lead Marauder Corvette, Hussar One, the captain, Veego Yanosh, sat comfortably perched upon his make-shift command chair, the disembodied and preserved head of a massive bull bantha.  A late middle aged human originally from Eriadu, he spent one semester in the Imperial Officer's academy where his combative personality and habitual insolence bought him a junior court martial, prompting his bitter departure and a premature permanent hiatus for the stars.  With a career in bounty hunting and piracy spanning two decades before coming to operate exclusively under stewardship the Tenloss Syndicate, for the last ten years he's commanded Hussar Squadron, an elite strike group of light and fast cruisers prowling the starscape and furthering the Syndicate's goals.

  In the underworld as a soldier of fortune, Yanosh's reputation has grown to precede him.  Hussar Squadron has never been defeated, and while it's seldom specifically attributed to his brash tactics, it can in some ways be credited to his fearsome persona.  Warriors with no wars to fight or no state to serve from across the Galaxy flock to his side in search of fortune, fame, glory and death.  Typically in that order.  He spoke loudly so that the com-mic would pick up his voice as he replied to their Imperial escort (in a Russian kind of accent!),

  "Appreciated Longini, I'm not sure we could have found it without you," he replied to the Gunboat squadron leader, oozing with sarcasm.

  The fleet of small speedy gunships pressed further on in towards the system, splitting and weaving to dodge errant asteroids and pulling back together as possible.  Dozens if not hundreds of similar of the tiny thruster bursts could be seen all over in the distance as miners hastily vacated their work posts and rushed to what they'd hoped was safety, though more than likely their coffins.  The flagship Hussar One, a crimson hulled corvette with blast scarring all over it's surface, pulled slightly ahead of the group and charged onward now picking up speed as the rest of the fleet followed en masse close behind.

  On the bridge, the lights had dimmed as half a dozen or so officers tended their control panels.  Through the main forward view port, the asteroid concentration began to grow increasingly dense as they pushed deeper in.  Their tight formations now impossible to safely maintain, each cruiser bobbed, heaved and careened about to avoid colliding with larger rocky bodies while their turbolasers lashed out at smaller chunks blowing them to dust as their accompanying fighters swooped more comfortably about.

  Yanosh's perch and the immediate area around it was gently illuminated as a small holo-projector flipped down out of the ceiling on a short mechanical arm and began feeding the transmission openly throughout the system. . .

. . .a pair of cohorts stood nearby in the frame with him.  Hanging on the wall behind, both a Wookiee and Trandoshan head mounted as trophies.  Sitting confidently with a sly grin and slightly bent forward, he spoke in his distinct accent,

  "This is Veego Yanosh and The Hussars.  This space belongs to the Syndicate and we have come to reclaim it.  The Outer Rim Coalition is hereby disbanded, consider this your eviction notice.  The bravest and worthy amongst you may raise our banner, prove yourself now in battle.  The rest of you may lay down your arms and flea with your lives or you may raise your fist against the Hussars and lose them," . . .

Fleet Moved Further In-system (C2)
Issued Bribe/Ultimatum! (-500KC logged upon receipt of Defectors!)

Assault Gunboat Squadron Lancea Longini
Shield/Armor - 270/270
Location; C2 - UCR; 5

Marauder Corvette Hussar 1
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location: C2 - UCR; 5
   StarViper Squad Hussar ECHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; C2, CSP - UCR; 6
   PMC Platoon Hussar ALPHA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 2
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; C2 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar ZULU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; C2, CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar BETA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 3
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; C2 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar RHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; C2, CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar DELTA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 4
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; C2 - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar TAU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; C2, CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar KAPPA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 5
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; C2 - UCR; 5
  Veteran Y-Wing Squad BASILISK
   Shield/Armor - 384/384
   Location; C2, CSP - UCR; 5
  PMC Platoon Hussar GAMMA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 6
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; C2 - UCR; 5
  Elite Z-95 Squad TEMPEST
   Shield/Armor - 288/144
   Location; C2, CSP - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar ECHO (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 09:59:45 AM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2013, 02:14:56 PM »
Outer Rim Coalition
Vergesso Asteroids | Operational HQ
Admiral Thaddeus von Steelhammer

   Despite the fact that the Outer Rim Coalition had a close-knit corporate-military structure, there was still no honor among thieves. The terms layed out by The Hussars were unacceptable to some of the ORC forces, but completely acceptable to others. Within moments, the action begun! One of the Asteroid Bases and a single CORV accepted the bribe offered by The Hussars and turned on their own employer, launching a small-scale strike against another defense group.

   "Admiral Steelhammer, sensors are detecting weapons fire..."

   "From where? I can see those damn Marauders on the view-screen, they aren't doing anything! Bearing?"


   "Impossible!" replied the Admiral, "I paid those men last week! Those traitorous bastards!" Steelhammer slammed a fist down on one of the arms of his command chair. "Open a line of communication with the fleet!"

   < Now hear this: it seems some members of our outfit want to find employment elsewhere, so let's send 'em to hell! All ORC forces, converge on the traitors and dispatch them immediately! >

   The ORC Defense Forces came to life as they responded to their insider threat. Starfighters and auxiliaries began trading shots with each other, all without The Hussars firing anything. In the criminal underworld, it didn't matter if you had the bigger guns... all you needed was the bigger bank account!

Bribed Units:
1. ORCAB Tuscany (A-3) w/ Starfighters
2. ORC CORV Tuscany 1 (A-3)

Combat Summary
1. ORCAB Kashmir attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 100 x UCR(2/2) = 100 DMG
2. ORC CORV Kashmir 1 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 78 x UCR(7/2) = 78 DMG
3. ORC CORV Kashmir 2 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 78 x UCR(7/2) = 78 DMG
4. ORC CORV Tuscany 2 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 78 x UCR(7/2) = 78 DMG
5. R-41 Squadron KSF-1 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 96 x UCR(5/2) = 96 DMG
6. T-Wing Squadron KSF-2 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 96 x UCR(4/2) = 96 DMG
7. CloakShape Squadron KSF-3 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 192 x UCR(3/2) = 192 DMG
8. ORCAB Haven One attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 100 x UCR(2/2) = 100 DMG
9. ORC CORV Haven 1 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 78 x UCR(7/2) = 78 DMG
10. ORC CORV Haven 2 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 78 x UCR(7/2) = 78 DMG
11. R-41 Squadron HSF-1 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 96 x UCR(5/2) = 96 DMG
12. T-Wing Squadron HSF-2 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 96 x UCR(4/2) = 96 DMG
13. CloakShape Squadron HSF-3 attacks ORCAB Tuscany: 192 x UCR(3/2) = 192 DMG
Total Damage: ORCAB Tuscany = 1358 DMG, DISABLED @ 642 Hull

Non-Combat Movements
1. ORCAB Avalon deploys (3) SF Squadrons and (12) AUX to CSP (A-1).
2. ORCAB Kashmir deploys (12) AUX which move to A-1 and go on CSP.
3. ORCAB Haven One deploys (12) AUX, which move to A-1 and go on CSP.
4. HHF Beautiful Queen deploys (3) SF Squadrons and (2) AUX to CSP (A-1).
5. ORC CORV Avalon 1 & 2 deploy (2) AUX which go on CSP (A-1).

Unit Status

ZMPS ORC Shipwrights | A-1 | 100%
--{ EZ-95 Squadron SSF-1 | A-1 | CSP | 100%
--{ (4) ORC FAS AUXB-19~22 | A-1 | CSP | 10%

ORCAB Avalon | A-1 | 100%
--{ R-41 Squadron ASF-1 | A-1 | CSP | 100%
--{ T-Wing Squadron ASF-2 | A-1 | CSP | 100%
--{ CloakShape Squadron ASF-3 | A-1 | CSP | 100%
--{ (18) ORC YT-2400P AUXA-1~18 | A-1 | CSP | 100%
--{ (18) ORC FAS AUXB-1~18 | A-1 | CSP | 100%

ORCAB Haven | A-2 | 100%
--{ R-41 Squadron HSF-1 | A-3 | Attacking | 100%
--{ T-Wing Squadron HSF-2 | A-3 | Attacking | 100%
--{ CloakShape Squadron HSF-3 | A-3 | Attacking | 100%

ORCAB Kasmir | A-4 | 100%
--{ R-41 Squadron KSF-1 | A-3 | Attacking | 100%
--{ T-Wing Squadron KSF-2 | A-3 | Attacking | 100%
--{ CloakShape Squadron KSF-3 | A-3 | Attacking | 100%

HHF Beautiful Queen | A-1 | 100%
--{ Veteran Y-Wing Squadron QSF-1 | A-1 | CSP | 100%
--{ StarViper Squadron QSF-2 | A-1 | CSP | 100%
--{ StarViper Squadron QSF-3 | A-1 | CSP | 100%

ORC CORV Avalon 1 | A-1 | 100%

ORC CORV Avalon 2 | A-1 | 100%

ORC CORV Haven 1 | A-2 | 100%

ORC CORV Haven 2 | A-2 | 100%

ORC CORV Tuscany 2 | A-3 | 100%

ORC CORV Kasmir 1 | A-4 | 100%

ORC CORV Kasmir 2 | A-4 | 100%

BMIC VMC HQ | Planetoid | 100%

« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 07:33:57 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2013, 11:36:56 AM »

  Captain Veego Yanosh braced himself off of the bantha throne's horns on either side against the force of the surging corvette's bucking and weaving.  The half recessed operator's stations made for comfortable support even during complete barrel rolls in the void of space or atmospheric conditions.  The ship's pilot was a hulking albino Herglic who wielded the controls effortlessly, a pair of imaging goggles helping him navigate the treacherous asteroid field as his post was situated foremost and center of the small bridge.  Behind him and offset evenly apart, Duros sensor and communications officers conducted their duties in focused silence until both simultaneously began sputtering in their native tongue addressing Yanosh,

  "Buucha Buucha! Malakee olo pissi, segma ba ses!" one loudly addressed in a deep tone over-ruling the other, who then waited and followed merrily in a much higher soft pitch, "Go-ma desix moe pa, ichi hessi vindock ashka!"

  "Patch them through on the main screen," Veego answered in his accented voice as he continued clenching the bantha horns.  A small holo window appeared in the corner of the main view port and beamed the image of a Givin.  The frail ghostly or skeleton looking being shed the hood of his bulky brown cloak and spread his arms wide in welcoming fashion with a bow as he paid homage in his high nasally speech filled with what sounded like intermittent tongue clicking, an effect actually originated in his throat and caused by having to hold his breath to produce the syllable sounds of Basic,

  "Grahtings Kaptun Janosh! *clic clic*," he began, "We of the Trackers Guild *clic* eagerly embrace your call and *clic clic clic* are honored by an oppor-*clic*-tunity *clic* to serve the Tenloss and Hussars! *clic clic*  As a gesture *clic*, we transmit asteroid base locations *clic clic*"

  "A worthy groveling to be sure comrade! We shall see the strength of your commitment in moments and fate shall be all our judge.  Prepare your warriors and ships and fight for your fortune with the Hussars!" Yanosh warmly but cynically replied to the offering.

  The strike group veered hard left and continued on in their evasive press for a few moments before gradually pulling out of the asteroids in to a clearing giving them a chance to regroup as a skirmish clearly began to erupt in the distance.  Numerous tiny glared specs and silhouettes buzzed about a large isolated miniature planetoid sized asteroid that a handful of seemingly stablized natural satellites orbitted as the Marauders and their companions closed in.

  The rival groups clashed in a ferocious hail of laser fire and cascading torn away starship debris.  A fiendish grin crept over Captain Yanosh as his fleet bore down on the mostly ill-equipped pirate band, the defending flagship, a distinctive Hammerhead style frigate of some make and model posed a considerable threat but the blanket of wasps would first have to be swatted aside.  The defectors themselves were heavily beaten down for their hasty declaration, swarmed by their scorned brethren but not before a rapidly deployed group of Firespray attack ships quickly made their way safely past the incoming wave of attack craft and crashed into the opposing and much larger Firespray formation from the rear and zipping clear through it, deploying their dreaded seismic charges on the way by! . . .

-=NonCom Summary=-
Hussar Units Move from C2 to A1 and engage ORC Units there
ORCFAS Slovene moves from A3 to A1
ORCAV Pegasus moves from A3 to A1
AGB Moves to B1 and waits for some juice =(
Lambda Group ALPHA materializes from 2 stock aux ea per MARC, Moves to A1

-=Combat Summary=-
ORCFAP Slovene [6] Attacks FASAUXB - ucr 4/4 = 100% dmg, 80*6  = 480dmg (is there a trick to using the charges i miss?)
Lambda Group ALPHA attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg, 18*12lambds = 216dmg
MARC Hussar 1 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
MARC Hussar 2 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
MARC Hussar 3 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
MARC Hussar 4 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
MARC Hussar 5 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
MARC Hussar 6 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg

ORCFAS AUXB dealt TOTAL 1344dmg / 22 ships @ 88hp ea = 15 potential kills

StarViper Echo attacks R41 ASF1 - ucr 5/3 = 100% dmg = 192dmg
StarViper Zulu attacks R41 ASF1 - ucr 5/3 = 100% dmg = 192dmg

R41 ASF1 dealt TOTAL 384pts dmg = potential destroyed

StarViper Rho attacks StarViper QSF2 - ucr 5/5 = 100% dmg = 192dmg
StarViper Tau attacks StarViper QSF2 - ucr 5/5 = 100% dmg = 192dmg
EZ95 Tempest attacks StarViper QSF2 - ucr 5/5 = 100% dmg = 120dmg

SV QSF2 dealt TOTAL 504 dmg = potential destroyed

EZ95 Tempest attacks StarViper QSF3 - ucr 6/5 = 100% dmg = 120pts dmg
VYWing Basilisk attacks StarViper QSF3 - ucr 5/5 = 100% dmg = 192pts dmg

SV QSF3 dealt TOTAL 302 dmg

Cloak Batwing attacks CloakHSF3 - ucr 3/3 = 100% dmg = 192pts dmg
ORASB Tuscany attacks CloakHSF3 - ucr 2/3 = 66.6% dmg = 53pts dmg, TUSCANY is then DISABLED

Cloak HSF3 dealt TOTAL 245pts dmg

TWing Victor attacks TWing HSF2 - ucr 5/5 = 100% dmg = 96pts dmg
ORCRV Pegasus attacks TWing HSF2  - ucr 7/5 = 100% dmg = 78pts dmg
ORCYT24 Outrider attacks TWing HSF2 - ucr 7/5 = 100% dmg, 18*6 = 108pts dmg
ORSAB Tuscany attacks TWing HSF2 -ucr 2/5 = 40% dmg = 8pts dmg (conc. missiles only)

TWing HSF2 dealt TOTAL 290pts dmg = potentially destroyed

R41 Rhino attacks R41HSF1 - ucr 4/4 = 100% dmg = 96pts dmg

R41 Rhino dealt TOTAL 96pts dmg

Unit Status
ORC Defectors
Asteroid Base Tuscany
Armor/Hull - 0/642
Location; A3 - UCR; 2

Cloakshape Squadron Batwing
Shields/Armor - 180/180
Location; A3. attacking - UCR; 3

R-41 Starchaser Squadron Rhino
Shields/Armor - 192/192
Location; A3, attacking - UCR; 3

T-Wing Squadron Victor
Shields/Armor - 144/144
Location; A3, attacking - UCR; 3

ORC YT-2400 Group Outrider (6)
Shields/Armor - 44/44ea
Location; A3, attacking - UCR; 7

ORC Firespray Group Slovene (6)
Shields/Armor - 44/44ea
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 4

ORC Corvette Pegasus
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 200/150/150/100
Location; A3 - UCR; 7

Admiral Szymon Loyalists
Assault Gunboat Squadron Lancea Longini
Shield/Armor - 270/270
Location; B1 - UCR; 5

Lambda Shuttle Group ALPHA (2 ea from MARCs, oversight, if dispute from no previous note, will accept) [12]
Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5

Tenloss Hussar Squadron
Marauder Corvette Hussar 1
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location: A1, attacking - UCR; 5
   StarViper Squad Hussar ECHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 6
   PMC Platoon Hussar ALPHA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 2
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar ZULU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar BETA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 3
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar RHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar DELTA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 4
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar TAU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar KAPPA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 5
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5
  Veteran Y-Wing Squad BASILISK
   Shield/Armor - 384/384
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5
  PMC Platoon Hussar GAMMA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 6
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 195/195/100/100
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5
  Elite Z-95 Squad TEMPEST
   Shield/Armor - 288/144
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar ECHO (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 03:09:16 AM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2013, 01:30:08 AM »
note: post modified to include attack for speedier progress on 1/19 @ 4PM

   The Star Destroyer Devorantum dropped from hyperspace on the edge of Lybeya in deep space and quickly pressed onward, deploying it's support craft shortly after and rushing in to the developing brawl.  The ship's executive officer had assumed command and dispatched by Admiral Szymon from Nal Hutta, been sent to assist in the sacking of the nuisance ORC who's operations had been encroaching on the lifeblood of Kessel.  He relaxed comfortably in the command chair while entertaining the scorning of the Hussar commander who's tiny holo-image beamed from an armrest as he chastised the Imperial officer,

  "What are you doing on my battlefield worm!? This is the Hussar's glory! I demand you withdraw and leave this to the true professionals Commander!" he angrily yelled in his characteristically accented Basic.

  The Imperial officer was ambivalent and undisturbed by the hostility.  With a smug smirk and waving dismissal of his hand he retorted, "You can take it up with Admiral Szymon, Veego.  We're here to ensure the expeditious success of this mission.  You're welcome, Devorantum out," he finished, terminating the miniature projection with a dramatized finger punch and turning his attention to the skirmish ahead, centered around an asteroid base. . .

-=NonCom Summary=-
VSDII Dev exits HS in DS4
Moves to B7
Deploys all Support, some move to A3, A4, and A1

-=Combat Summary=-
VSD DEVORANTUM attacks ORCAB Kasmir - ucr 4/2 = 100% dmg = 680pts dmg
AGB EPSILON attacks ORCAB Kasmir - ucr 5/2 = 100% dmg = 132pts dmg
GAMMA TRANS ALPHA (6) attacks ORCAB Kasmir 4/2 = 100% dmg = 216pts dmg

ORCAB Kasmir dealt TOTAL 1028pts dmg = potentially disabled

TIE AVG OMEGA attacks SV QSF3 - ucr 9/6 = 100% dmg = 168pts dmg
LAMBDA SHUTTLE BETA (3) attacks SV QSF3 - ucr 5/6 = 83.33% dmg =  45pts dmg

SV QSF3 dealt TOTAL 213pts dmg = with previous non-assessed attack, potentially destroyed

E TIE INT GAMMA attacks TWING KSF2 - ucr 10/5 = 100% dmg = 144pts dmg
TIE INT BETA attacks TWING KSF2 - ucr 10/5 = 100% dmg = 96pts dmg
LAMBDA SHUTTLE ALPHA (3) attacks TWING KSF2 - ucr 5/5 = 100% dmg = 18*3 = 54pts dmg

TWING KSF2 dealt TOTAL 294pts dmg = potentially destroyed

Unit Status
Admiral Szymon Loyalists
Victory Class II Star Destroyer Devorantum
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 1000/1000/900/500
Location; B7 - UCR; 4

  TIE Avenger Squad OMEGA
   Armor/Shields - 240/240
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 9
  Elite TIE Interceptor Squad GAMMA
   Armor - 360
   Location; A3, attacking - UCR; 10
  TIE Interceptor Squad BETA
   Armor - 360
   Location; A3, attacking - UCR; 10
  Assault Gunboat (XG-1) Squad EPSILON
   Shield/Armor - 270/270
   Location; A4, attacking - UCR; 5
  Gamma Shuttle Group ALPHA (6)
   Shield/Armor - 30/30ea
   Location; A4, attacking - UCR; 4
  Lambda Shuttle Group ALPHA (3)
   Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
   Location; A3, attacking - UCR; 5
  Lambda Shuttle Group BETA (3)
   Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
   Location; A1, attacking- UCR; 5
  Landing Barge Group ALPHA (5)
   Shield/Armor/System - 100/100/100
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 1
  Imperial Army Brigade Hammer (200 squads)
   HP - 7 ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 6
  Imperial Stormtrooper Brigade Anvil (200squads)
   HP - 8ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 6
  Imperial ARC Battalion Ghost (100squads)
   HP - 8ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 9
  AT-TE Squadron Dragon (6 vehicles)
  HP - 100ea
  Location; Shipboard Armory - UCR; 6
  AT-ST Squadron Mantis (10 vehicles)
  HP - 60ea
  Location; Shipboard Armory - UCR; 7
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 07:41:16 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2013, 06:37:18 PM »
Outer Rim Coalition
Vergesso Asteroids | Operational HQ
Admiral Thaddeus von Steelhammer

   As the battle for Vergesso erupted, the major combatants were the starfighters: the frontline skermishers that would determine the later endgame of the conflict. Admiral Steelhammer decided to concentrate attacks against his enemy's capital ship resources, and so the piratical and fanatical forces of the Outer Rim Coalition began fighting back in every way they knew how. Unfortunately for the Hussars, this meant dealing with the infamous Space Marines!

Combat Summary
1. 22 ORC Firesprays move to C2 and attack MARC Hussars 2~5: (80x22) x UCR(4/5) = 1408 DMG (352 DMG each)
2. 18 ORC YT-2400Ps moved to C2 attack MARC Hussar 2~5: (18x18) x UCR(7/5) = 324 DMG (81 DMG each)

3. EZ-95 Squadron SSF-1 attack Hussar 1: 120 x UCR(6/5) = 120 DMG
4. ORC CORV Avalon 1 attacks Hussar 1: 78 x UCR(7/5) = 78 DMG
5. ORC CORV Avalon 2 attacks Hussar 1: 78 x UCR(7/5) = 78 DMG
6. ORC CORV Haven 1 moves to A1 and attacks Hussar 1: 78 x UCR(7/5) = 78 DMG
7. ORC CORV Haven 2 moves to A1 and attacks Hussar 1: 78 x UCR(7/5) = 78 DMG
8. HEF Beautiful Queen attacks Hussar 1: 160 x UCR(4/5) = 128 DMG

9. R-41 ASF-1 move to C2 and attack MARC Hussar 6: 96 x UCR(4/5) = 77 DMG
10. T-Wing ASF-2 move to C2 and attack MARC Hussar 6: 96 x UCR(5/5) = 96 DMG
11. CloakShape ASF-3 move to C2 and attack MARC Hussar 6: 192 x UCR(3/5) = 116 DMG

12. Vet Y-Wings QSF1 attack StarViper Rho: 192 x UCR(5/5) = 192 DMG
13. StarViper QSF2 attacks StarViper Rho: 192 x UCR(5/5) = 192 DMG
14. StarViper QSF3 attacks StarViper Rho: 192 x UCR(5/5) = 192 DMG

15. R-41 HSF-1 attacks CloakShape Batwing: 96 x UCR(4/3) = 96 DMG
16. T-Wing HSF-2 attacks CloakShape Batwing: 96 x UCR(4/3) = 96 DMG
17. CloakShape HSF-3 attacks CloakShape Batwing: 192 x UCR(3/3) = 192 DMG

18. ORCAB Kasmir attacks VSD Devantorum: 100 x UCR(2/4) = 50 DMG
19. R-41 KSF-1 move to B7 and attack VSD Devantorum: 96 x UCR(4/4) = 96 DMG
20. CloakShape HSF-3 move to B7 and attack VSD Devantorum: 192 x UCR(3/4) = 144 DMG
21. CORV Kasmir 1 attacks VSD Devantorum: 78 x UCR(7/4) = 78 DMG
22. CORV Kasmir 2 attacks VSD Devantorum: 78 x UCR(7/4) = 78 DMG

Ship-Boarding Combat Actions
1. 3 ORC YT-2400Ps board MARC Hussar 2 --> 15 ORC Marine Squads attack 2 PMCs: (15x12) x UCR(12/6) = 180 DMG
2. 3 ORC YT-2400Ps board MARC Hussar 3 --> 15 ORC Marine Squads attack 2 PMCs: (15x12) x UCR(12/6) = 180 DMG
3. 3 ORC YT-2400Ps board MARC Hussar 4 --> 15 ORC Marine Squads attack 2 PMCs: (15x12) x UCR(12/6) = 180 DMG
4. 3 ORC YT-2400Ps board MARC Hussar 5 --> 15 ORC Marine Squads attack 2 PMCs: (15x12) x UCR(12/6) = 180 DMG
5. 3 ORC YT-2400Ps board MARC Hussar 6 --> 15 ORC Marine Squads attack 2 PMCs: (15x12) x UCR(12/6) = 180 DMG

Damage Summary
MARC Hussar 1 = 560 DMG ... DESTROYED
MARC Hussar 2 = 433 DMG ... DISABLED & BOARDED
MARC Hussar 3 = 433 DMG ... DISABLED & BOARDED
MARC Hussar 4 = 433 DMG ... DISABLED & BOARDED
MARC Hussar 5 = 433 DMG ... DISABLED & BOARDED
StarViper Rho = 576 DMG ... DESTROYED
CloakShape Batw = 384 DMG ... DESTROYED
VSD Devantorum = 446 DMG ... SHIELDS HURT ;)

Unit Status

ZMPS ORC Shipwrights | A-1 | 100%
--{ EZ-95 Squadron SSF-1 | A-1 || 100%
--{ (4) ORC FAS AUX-B | A-1 || 10%

ORCAB Avalon | A-1 | 
--{ R-41 Squadron ASF-1 | A-1 || DESTROYED
--{ T-Wing Squadron ASF-2 | A-1 || 100%
--{ CloakShape Squadron ASF-3 | A-1 || 100%
--{ (18) ORC YT-2400P AUX-A | C-2 || 100%
--{ (3/18) ORC FAS AUX-B | A-1 || 3 @ 100%

ORCAB Haven | A-2 | 100%
--{ R-41 Squadron HSF-1 | A-2 || (288/384)
--{ T-Wing Squadron HSF-2 | A-2 || DESTROYED
--{ CloakShape Squadron HSF-3 | A-2 || (115/360)

ORCAB Kasmir | A-4 | DISABLED (972/1000 HULL)
--{ R-41 Squadron KSF-1 | A-4 || 100%
--{ T-Wing Squadron KSF-2 | A-4 || DESTROYED
--{ CloakShape Squadron KSF-3 | A-4 || 100%

HHF Beautiful Queen | A-1 | 100%
--{ Veteran Y-Wing Squadron QSF-1 | A-1 || 100%
--{ StarViper Squadron QSF-2 | A-1 || DESTROYED
--{ StarViper Squadron QSF-3 | A-1 || DESTROYED

ORC CORV Avalon 1 | A-1 | 100%

ORC CORV Avalon 2 | A-1 | 100%

ORC CORV Haven 1 | A-1 | 100%

ORC CORV Haven 2 | A-1 | 100%

ORC CORV Tuscany 2 | A-3 | 100%

ORC CORV Kasmir 1 | A-4 | 100%

ORC CORV Kasmir 2 | A-4 | 100%

BMIC VMC HQ | Planetoid | 100%

« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 11:37:17 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2013, 03:10:09 PM »

The attack continues. . .

-=Attack Summary=-
MARC Hussar 1 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
MARC Hussar 2 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
MARC Hussar 3 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
MARC Hussar 4 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
MARC Hussar 5 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
MARC Hussar 6 attacks FAS AUXB - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 108dmg
ORCYT24 Outrider attacks YT24 AUXA - ucr 7/7 = 100% dmg, 18*6 = 108pts dmg
ORCRV Pegasus attacks YT24AUXA  - ucr 7/7 = 100% dmg = 78ptsdmg
StarViper Echo attacks YT24AUXA - ucr 6/7 = 86% dmg = 165dmg
StarViper Zulu attacks YT24AUXA - ucr 6/7 = 86% dmg = 165dmg
StarViper Rho attacks  YT24AUXA - ucr 6/7 = 86% dmg = 165dmg
StarViper Tau attacks  YT24AUXA - ucr 6/7 = 86% dmg = 165dmg
E TIE INT GAMMA attacks YT24AUXA - ucr 10/7 = 100% dmg = 144pts dmg
TIE INT BETA attacks YT24AUXA - ucr 10/7 = 100% dmg = 96pts dmg
Lambda Group ALPHA1 attacks R41 HSF1 - ucr 5/3 = 100% dmg = 216dmg
TWing Victor attacks R41 HSF1 - ucr 5/3 = 100% dmg = 96dmg
EZ95 Tempest moves to and attacks Cloakshape HSF3 - ucr 6/5 = 100% dmg = 120dmg
ORCFAS Slovene moves to and attacks Cloak KSF3 - ucr 4/3 = 100% dmg = 180dmg
Cloak Batwing attacks Cloak KSF3 - ucr 3/3 = 100% dmg = 192dmg
R41 Rhino attacks R41 KSF1 - ucr 4/4 = 100% dmg = 96pts dmg
VYWing Basilisk attacks HHF Beautiful Queen - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 192pts dmg
AGB Lancea Longini moves to and attacks HHF Beautiful Queen - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 132pts dmg
LAMBDA SHUTTLE ALPHA (3) moves to and attacks HHF Beautiful Queen - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 18*3 = 54pts dmg
LAMBDA SHUTTLE BETA (3) attacks HHF Beautiful Queen - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 18*3 = 54pts dmg
TIE AVG OMEGA attacks ORCCRV Avalon 1 - ucr 9/7 = 100% dmg = 168pts dmg
VSD DEVORANTUM moves to and attacks ORCAB Haven - ucr 4/2 = 100% dmg = 680pts dmg
AGB EPSILON moves to and attacks ORCAB Haven - ucr 5/2 = 100% dmg = 132pts dmg
GAMMA TRANS ALPHA (6) moves to and attacks ORCAB Haven 4/2 = 100% dmg = 216pts dmg

-=Damage Summary=-
ORCFAS AUXB dealt 648dmg (7 destroyed)
ORCYT24 AUXA dealt 1086dmg (12 destroyed)
R41HSF1 dealt 312dmg (destroyed)
CloakHSF3 dealt 120dmg (destroyed)
CloakKSF3 dealt 372dmg (destroyed)
R41KSF1 dealt 96dmg
HHFBeautifulQueen dealt 432dmg
ORCABHaven dealt 1028dmg (disabled)
ORCCRV Avalon 1 168dmg

Unit Status
ORC Defectors
Asteroid Base Tuscany DISABLED
Armor/Hull - 0/642
Location; A3 - UCR; 2

Cloakshape Squadron Batwing
Shields/Armor - 0/0
Location; A3, attacking/destroyed - UCR; 3

R-41 Starchaser Squadron Rhino
Shields/Armor - 192/192
Location; A3, attacking - UCR; 3

T-Wing Squadron Victor
Shields/Armor - 144/144
Location; A3, attacking - UCR; 3

ORC YT-2400 Group Outrider (6)
Shields/Armor - 44/44ea
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 7

ORC Firespray Group Slovene (6)
Shields/Armor - 44/44ea
Location; A3, attacking - UCR; 4

ORC Corvette Pegasus
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 200/150/150/100
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 7

Admiral Szymon Loyalists
Assault Gunboat Squadron Lancea Longini
Shield/Armor - 270/270
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5

Lambda Shuttle Group ALPHA1 [12]
Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
Location; A3, attacking - UCR; 5

Victory Class II Star Destroyer Devorantum
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 554/1000/900/500
Location; A2, attacking - UCR; 4

  TIE Avenger Squad OMEGA
   Armor/Shields - 240/240
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 9
  Elite TIE Interceptor Squad GAMMA
   Armor - 360
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 10
  TIE Interceptor Squad BETA
   Armor - 360
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 10
  Assault Gunboat (XG-1) Squad EPSILON
   Shield/Armor - 270/270
   Location; A2, attacking - UCR; 5
  Gamma Shuttle Group ALPHA (6)
   Shield/Armor - 30/30ea
   Location; A2, attacking - UCR; 4
  Lambda Shuttle Group ALPHA (3)
   Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5
  Lambda Shuttle Group BETA (3)
   Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
   Location; A1, attacking- UCR; 5
  Landing Barge Group ALPHA (5)
   Shield/Armor/System - 100/100/100
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 1
  Imperial Army Brigade Hammer (200 squads)
   HP - 7 ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 6
  Imperial Stormtrooper Brigade Anvil (200squads)
   HP - 8ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 6
  Imperial ARC Battalion Ghost (100squads)
   HP - 8ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 9
  AT-TE Squadron Dragon (6 vehicles)
  HP - 100ea
  Location; Shipboard Armory - UCR; 6
  AT-ST Squadron Mantis (10 vehicles)
  HP - 60ea
  Location; Shipboard Armory - UCR; 7

Tenloss Hussar Squadron
Marauder Corvette Hussar 1
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 0/0/0/100
Location: A1, attacking/destroyed - UCR; 5

   StarViper Squad Hussar ECHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 6
  PMC Platoon Hussar ALPHA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 2
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 0/0/57/100 DISABLED
Location; A1, attacking/disabled - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar ZULU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 6
 PMC Platoon Hussar BETA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 3
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 0/0/57/100 DISABLED
Location; A1, attacking/disabled - UCR; 5
 StarViper Squad Hussar RHO
   Shield/Armor - 0/0
   Location; A1, attacking/destroyed - UCR; 6

 PMC Platoon Hussar DELTA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 4
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 0/0/57/100 DISABLED
Location; A1, attacking/disabled - UCR; 5
  StarViper Squad Hussar TAU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 6
 PMC Platoon Hussar KAPPA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 5
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 0/0/57/100 DISABLED
Location; A1, attacking/disabled - UCR; 5
  Veteran Y-Wing Squad BASILISK
   Shield/Armor - 384/384
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5
 PMC Platoon Hussar GAMMA (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6

Marauder Corvette Hussar 6
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 0/0/57/100 DISABLED
Location; A1, attacking/disabled - UCR; 5
  Elite Z-95 Squad TEMPEST
   Shield/Armor - 288/144
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 6
 PMC Platoon Hussar ECHO (2 squads)
   HP - 10ea sqd
   Location; Ship - UCR; 6
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 03:15:21 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2013, 09:37:20 PM »
Outer Rim Coalition
Vergesso Asteroids | Operational HQ
Admiral Thaddeus von Steelhammer

   The defense of the ORC Stronghold continued! Admiral Steelhammer gives to order for all able units to converge upon the enemy's command ship and send it back home to put this battle to an end!

Most units that were able moved to A-2. The rest stayed where they were.

Combat Summary
CloakShape ASF-3 attacks TIE/A Omega: 192 x UCR(3/9) = 64 DMG
Veteran Y-Wing QSF-1 attacks TIE/A Omega: 192 x UCR(5/9) = 107 DMG

ZMPS ORC Shipwrights attacks Elite TIE/N Gamma: 80 x UCR(1/10) = 8 DMG
EZ-95 SSF-1 attacks Elite TIE/N Gamma: 120 x UCR(6/10) = 72 DMG
ORCAB Avalon attacks Elite TIE/N Gamma: 100 x UCR(2/10) = 20 DMG
ORC YT-2400Ps attacks Elite TIE/N Gamma: (18x18) x UCR(7/10) = 223 DMG
T-Wing ASF-2 attacks Elite TIE/N Gamma: 96 x UCR(5/10) = 48 DMG

FAS AUX-B attacks VSD Devantorum: (7x80) x UCR(4/4) = 560 DMG
R-41 HSF-1 attacks VSD Devantorum: 96 x UCR(4/4) = 96 DMG
CloakShape HSF-3 attacks VSD Devantorum: 192 x UCR(3/4) = 144 DMG
HEF Beautiful Queen attacks VSD Devantorum: 160 x UCR(4/4) = 160 DMG
ORC CORV Avalon 1 attacks VSD Devantorum: 78 x UCR(7/4) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Avalon 2 attacks VSD Devantorum: 78 x UCR(7/4) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Haven 1 attacks VSD Devantorum: 78 x UCR(7/4) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Haven 2 attacks VSD Devantorum: 78 x UCR(7/4) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Tuscany 2 attacks VSD Devantorum: 78 x UCR(7/4) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Kasmir 1 attacks VSD Devantorum: 78 x UCR(7/4) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Kasmir 2 attacks VSD Devantorum: 78 x UCR(7/4) = 78 DMG

Damage Summary
Elite TIE Interceptors = 371 DMG ... DESTROYED
TIE Avengers = 171 DMG ... DAMAGED

Unit Status

ZMPS ORC Shipwrights | A-1 | 100%
--{ EZ-95 Squadron SSF-1 | A-1 || 100%
--{ (4) ORC FAS AUX-B | A-1 || DESTROYED

ORCAB Avalon | A-1 | 
--{ T-Wing Squadron ASF-2 | A-1 || 100%
--{ CloakShape Squadron ASF-3 | A-1 || 100%
--{ (6/18) ORC YT-2400P AUX-A | C-2 || (12/18) DESTROYED / 6 @ 100%
--{ (3) ORC FAS AUX-B | A-1 || DESTROYED

ORCAB Haven | A-2 | (972/1000 Hull) DISABLED
--{ R-41 Squadron HSF-1 | A-2 || DESTROYED
--{ CloakShape Squadron HSF-3 | A-2 || DESTROYED

ORCAB Kasmir | A-4 | DISABLED (972/1000 HULL)
--{ R-41 Squadron KSF-1 | A-4 || 96/192 Shields, 192 Armor
--{ CloakShape Squadron KSF-3 | A-4 || DESTROYED

HHF Beautiful Queen | A-1 | (117/315 ARMOR)
--{ Veteran Y-Wing Squadron QSF-1 | A-1 || 100%

ORC CORV Avalon 1 | A-2 | (-168)
ORC CORV Avalon 2 | A-2 | 100%
ORC CORV Haven 1 | A-2 | 100%
ORC CORV Haven 2 | A-2 | 100%
ORC CORV Tuscany 2 | A-2 | 100%
ORC CORV Kasmir 1 | A-2 | 100%
ORC CORV Kasmir 2 | A-2 | 100%

BMIC VMC HQ | Planetoid | 100%
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 09:53:37 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2013, 09:55:17 PM »
The badly beaten Imperial warship recalls it's craft and retreat's to hyperspace while the Hussars remain behind fighting to the death to fulfill their oath. . .

-=Attack Summary=-
StarViper Echo attacks ORCCRV Avalon 1 - ucr 6/7 = 86% dmg = 165dmg
StarViper Zulu attacks ORCCRV Avalon 1 - ucr 6/7 = 86% dmg = 165dmg
ORCRV Pegasus attacks ORCCRV Avalon 1  - ucr 7/7 = 100% dmg = 78ptsdmg
StarViper Tau attacks ORCCRV Avalon 2 - ucr 6/7 = 86% dmg = 165dmg
ORCYT24 Outrider attacks YT24AUXA - ucr 7/7 = 100% dmg, 18*6 = 108pts dmg
EZ95 Tempest attacks YT24AUXA - ucr 6/7 = 86% dmg = 103dmg
E TIE INT GAMMA attacks YT24AUXA - ucr 10/7 = 100% dmg = 144pts dmg
Lambda Group ALPHA1 attacks TWing ASF2 - ucr 5/5 = 100% dmg = 216dmg
TWing Victor attacks TWing ASF2 - ucr 5/3 = 100% dmg = 96dmg
ORCFAS Slovene attacks MARC Hussar 2 & 3 & 4 - ucr 4/5 = 80% dmg = 144pts dmg
AGB Lancea Longini attacks MARC Hussar 4 & 5 - ucr 4/5 = 80% dmg = 106pts dmg
R41 Rhino attacks R41 KSF1 - ucr 4/4 = 100% dmg = 96pts dmg
VYWing Basilisk attacks R41 KSF1 - ucr 5/4 = 100% dmg = 192pts dmg

-=Damage Summary=-
R41 KSF1 dealt 288pts dmg - DESTROYED
TWING ASF2 dealt 312pts dmg - DESTROYED
ORCYT24AUXA dealt 355pts dmg - 4 DESTROYED
MARC Hussars dealt 250pts dmg - Marc Hussars 2, 3, 4 & 5 DESTROYED, no turning my shit around on me when I come back! ;p
ORCCRV Avalon 1 dealt 408pts dmg - DESTROYED
ORCCRV Avalon 2 dealt 165pts dmg - Barely Bruised

Unit Status
ORC Defectors
R-41 Starchaser Squadron Rhino
Shields/Armor - 192/192
Location; A4, attacking - UCR; 3

T-Wing Squadron Victor
Shields/Armor - 144/144
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 3

ORC YT-2400 Group Outrider (6)
Shields/Armor - 44/44ea
Location; C2, attacking - UCR; 7

ORC Firespray Group Slovene (6)
Shields/Armor - 44/44ea
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 4

ORC Corvette Pegasus
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 200/150/150/100
Location; C2, attacking - UCR; 7

Admiral Szymon Loyalists
Assault Gunboat Squadron Lancea Longini
Shield/Armor - 270/270
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5

Lambda Shuttle Group ALPHA1 [12]
Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 5

Victory Class II Star Destroyer Devorantum
Shield/Armor/Hull/System - 0/48/900/500
Location; HS - UCR; 4

  TIE Avenger Squad OMEGA
   Armor/Shields - 69/240
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 9
 Elite TIE Interceptor Squad GAMMA
   Armor - 360
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 10

  TIE Interceptor Squad BETA
   Armor - 360
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 10
  Assault Gunboat (XG-1) Squad EPSILON
   Shield/Armor - 270/270
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 5
  Gamma Shuttle Group ALPHA (6)
   Shield/Armor - 30/30ea
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 4
  Lambda Shuttle Group ALPHA (3)
   Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 5
  Lambda Shuttle Group BETA (3)
   Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
   Location; Hangar- UCR; 5
  Landing Barge Group ALPHA (5)
   Shield/Armor/System - 100/100/100
   Location; Hangar - UCR; 1
  Imperial Army Brigade Hammer (200 squads)
   HP - 7 ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 6
  Imperial Stormtrooper Brigade Anvil (200squads)
   HP - 8ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 6
  Imperial ARC Battalion Ghost (100squads)
   HP - 8ea
   Location; Shipboard Barracks - UCR; 9
  AT-TE Squadron Dragon (6 vehicles)
  HP - 100ea
  Location; Shipboard Armory - UCR; 6
  AT-ST Squadron Mantis (10 vehicles)
  HP - 60ea
  Location; Shipboard Armory - UCR; 7

Tenloss Hussar Squadron
   StarViper Squad Hussar ECHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A2, attacking - UCR; 6

  StarViper Squad Hussar ZULU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A2, attacking - UCR; 6

  StarViper Squad Hussar TAU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A2, attacking - UCR; 6

  Veteran Y-Wing Squad BASILISK
   Shield/Armor - 384/384
   Location; A4, attacking - UCR; 5

  Elite Z-95 Squad TEMPEST
   Shield/Armor - 288/144
   Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 6
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 10:06:46 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2013, 08:03:00 PM »

Outer Rim Coalition
Vergesso Asteroids | Operational HQ
Admiral Thaddeus von Steelhammer


   As the invader's flagship withdrew from the system and scuttled the Hussar Marauders, Admiral Steelhammer knew it was time to activate his contingency defense plan. While most military forces did not install self-destruction devices on their ships, Steelhammer made sure loyalty to the ORC would be ensured in the event they were needed most.

   < Personnel stationed onboard the Tuscany and support craft... I was hoping this battle could be resolved without having to do this to give you a chance to work for The Coalition again, but I'm afraid you leave me no choice... >

   "Activate the FED."

   "Yes, Admiral!" Within moments, small devices onboard the Tuscany as well as every other support craft associated with it activated and five seconds later triggered microfission explosions that resulted in the immediate destruction of everything.

   "It will take us months to rebuild, so let's finish off those Imperials and get back to work!!"


Most units that were able moved to A-2. The rest stayed where they were.

Combat Summary
ORC CORV Avalon 1 attacks SV ECHO: 78 x UCR(7/6) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Avalon 2 attacks SV ECHO: 78 x UCR(7/6) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Haven 1 attacks SV ECHO: 78 x UCR(7/6) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Haven 2 attacks SV ECHO: 78 x UCR(7/6) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Tuscany 2 attacks SV ECHO: 78 x UCR(7/6) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Kasmir 1 attacks SV ECHO: 78 x UCR(7/6) = 78 DMG
ORC CORV Kasmir 2 attacks SV ECHO: 78 x UCR(7/6) = 78 DMG

Damage Summary
StarViper Squadron ECHO = 546 DMG ... DESTROYED

Microfission Explosion Damage
R-41 Rhino ... DESTROYED
T-Wing Victor ... DESTROYED
YT-2400 Outriders ... DESTROYED

Unit Status
ZMPS ORC Shipwrights | A-1 | 100%
--{ EZ-95 Squadron SSF-1 | A-1 || 100%

ORCAB Avalon | A-1 | 100%
--{ T-Wing Squadron ASF-2 | A-1 || 100%
--{ CloakShape Squadron ASF-3 | A-1 || 100%
--{ (2/18) ORC YT-2400P AUX-A | C-2 || 16 DESTROYED / 2 @ 100%

ORCAB Haven | A-2 | (972/1000 Hull) DISABLED

ORCAB Kasmir | A-4 | DISABLED (972/1000 HULL)
--{ R-41 Squadron KSF-1 | A-4 || DESTROYED

HHF Beautiful Queen | A-1 | (117/315 ARMOR)
--{ Veteran Y-Wing Squadron QSF-1 | A-1 || 100%

ORC CORV Avalon 2 | A-2 | 135/300 DUR
ORC CORV Haven 1 | A-2 | 100%
ORC CORV Haven 2 | A-2 | 100%
ORC CORV Tuscany 2 | A-2 | 100%
ORC CORV Kasmir 1 | A-2 | 100%
ORC CORV Kasmir 2 | A-2 | 100%

BMIC VMC HQ | Planetoid | 100%
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 11:53:15 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2013, 07:18:01 PM »
  The remaining Hussar elements make a hasty escape in to hyperspace, the only known surviving members of their once prestigious attack group.  A minor set back for the Tenloss and Szymon's schemings.  The ORCs defenses and resolve were highly underestimated and while badly beaten themselves, have successfully repelled the invaders.  It will take a bigger stick to swat these flies. . .

-=Attack Summary=-
StarViper Echo attacks ORCCRV Avalon 2 - ucr 6/7 = 86% dmg = 165dmg
ORCRV Pegasus attacks ORCCRV Avalon 2  - ucr 7/7 = 100% dmg = 78ptsdmg

ORCYT24 Outrider attacks CLOAK ASF3 - ucr 7/3 = 100% dmg, 18*6 = 108pts dmg
TWing Victor attacks  - ucr 5/3 = 71% dmg = 96dmg
ORCFAS Slovene attacks CLOAK ASF3 - ucr 4/3 = 100% dmg = 144pts dmg
R41 Rhino attacks CLOAK ASF3 - ucr 4/3 = 100% dmg = 96pts dmg

-=Damage Summary=-

Unit Status
ORC Defectors
R-41 Starchaser Squadron Rhino
Shields/Armor - 192/192
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 3

T-Wing Squadron Victor
Shields/Armor - 144/144
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 3

ORC YT-2400 Group Outrider (6)
Shields/Armor - 44/44ea
Location; A2, attacking - UCR; 7

ORC Firespray Group Slovene (6)
Shields/Armor - 44/44ea
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 4

ORC Corvette Pegasus
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 200/150/150/100
Location; A1, attacking - UCR; 7

Admiral Szymon Loyalists
Assault Gunboat Squadron Lancea Longini
Shield/Armor - 270/270
Location; HS - UCR; 5

Lambda Shuttle Group ALPHA1 [12]
Shield/Armor - 20/20ea
Location; HS - UCR; 5

Tenloss Hussar Squadron
  StarViper Squad Hussar ECHO
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; A2, attacking - UCR; 6

  StarViper Squad Hussar ZULU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; HS - UCR; 6

  StarViper Squad Hussar TAU
   Shield/Armor - 252/252
   Location; HS - UCR; 6

  Veteran Y-Wing Squad BASILISK
   Shield/Armor - 384/384
   Location; HS - UCR; 5

  Elite Z-95 Squad TEMPEST
   Shield/Armor - 288/144
   Location; HS - UCR; 6

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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2013, 09:10:16 PM »
ORC Unit Update

1 ORCAB Avalon
1 E/Z-95 Squadron
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron
1 *newly modified* Hammerhead Assault Frigate Beautiful Queen
1 ORC Shipyard
1 Beta-class Military-Industrial Complex
3 *recently produced* Z-95 Headhunter Squadrons

(all units in A-1 at 100%)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 11:29:00 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2013, 10:33:17 PM »

   The Imperial Star Destroyer Serpentor appeared in a blink from hyperspace with it's escort, coasting for a moment before turning and driving inward on the treacherous asteroid infested system.  A seeming endless parade of support units streamed from the beast's underbelly and formed a dense swarm about their host as the group prepared for battle. . .

ISD Serpentor & Escort exit in C1*
ISD Serpentor Deploys all support which assume CSP positions and all units initiate active scanning

*= Am I imagining a memory or wasn't there a previous ruling that scan results can last like 7 days after leaving for return attacks and such?  Or is it that they WERE perpetual and then LIMITED to 7 (or so) days?  Either way if in conflict, will alter exit for DS and do initial scans

 StarViper Squadron Hussar Zulu (FLEET ESCORT)
   Shields/Armor - 252/252     Location; C1, CSP     UCR; 6

Imperial Star Destroyer Serpentor
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 1600/1600/1600/800
Location; C1 - UCR; 3

 StarViper Squadron Wyvern
   Shields/Armor - 252/252     Location; C1, CSP     UCR; 6
 StarViper Squadron Ophidian
   Shields/Armor - 252/252     Location; C1, CSP     UCR; 6
 Vet. Y-Wing Squadron Basilisk
   Shields/Armor - 384/384     Location; C1, CSP     UCR; 5
 TIE Avenger Squadron OMEGA
   Shields/Armor - 240/240     Location; C1, CSP     UCR; 9
 TIE Interceptor Squadron ALPHA
   Armor - 360     Location; C1, CSP     UCR; 10
 TIE Interceptor Squadron BETA
   Armor - 360     Location; C1, CSP     UCR; 10
 Gamma Shuttle Group RHINO (6)
  Shields/Armor - 30/30ea     Location; C1, CSP     UCR; 4
 Lambda Shuttle Group EPSILON (15)
  Shields/Armor - 20/20ea     Location; C1, CSP      UCR; 5
 Lambda Shuttle Group SIGMA (15)
  Shields/Armor - 20/20ea     Location; C1, CSP      UCR; 5
 Imperial Landing Barge Group INVADER (10)
  Shields/Armor/Systems - 100/100/100ea     Location; Hangar     UCR; 1

   Imperial ARC Trooper Battalion (100 sqds)
     HP - 8ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 9
   Imperial Stormtrooper Brigade (200 sqds)
     HP - 8ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 6
   Imperial Army Trooper Brigade (200 sqds)
     HP - 7ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 6
   Imperial Fleet Trooper Brigade (500 sqds)
     HP - 5ea     Location; Barracks     UCR; 5
   AT-TE Squadron Dragon (6 vehicles)
     HP - 100ea     Location; Armory     UCR; 6
   AT-ST Company Mantis (20 vehicles)
     HP - 60ea     Location; Armory     UCR; 7
   Speeder Bike Squadron Mercury (28 vehicles)
     HP - 10ea     Location; Armory     UCR; 10
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