Author Topic: HOTH  (Read 35857 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: December 19, 2012, 11:35:12 PM »

The sixth planet of the Hoth system was supposed to be devoid of human lifeforms, or at least that's what Admiral Ozzel thought before DEATH SQUADRON exited too close to the system and alerted the Rebel Alliance to their presence. In the ensuing conflict that followed, the Battle of Hoth ( would come to be known as a milestone in the annals of galactic history for the victory of the Galactic Empire. Up until these days, the sixth planet was left relatively as it was prior to Echo Base...devoid of human lifeforms.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2012, 12:01:53 AM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Primus Et Optimus | The First and the Finest
Commanding Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale

   A lone Escort Carrier exited hyperspace as close as it could to the sixth planet of the Hoth system. The planet would take on the name of the system itself, for it was the only one worthy of any life, or anything for that matter.

   "An Escort Carrier without any shuttles or starfighters, showing up to a forgotten system... almost sounds too good to be true..."

   "...Or too stupid," replied Captain Johannesburg (OOC Note: the Captain has a lower-class Yorkshire/Manchester accent). The bridge crew laughed. Onboard Escort Carriers, crews were light and not as strict as they were on Cruisers or Star Destroyers, which meant that everyone - from the most junior enlisted man to the captain himself - was a little lax on the job. "But his supreme majestic royal highness, the Supreme Executor, his Lordship, has a special place in his heart for this system," continued Johannesburg sarcastically.

   "And what would that be?"

   "His Lordship wants to take a piss on that frozen piece of rock and then get back to the Core, that's all he's told me. Operation Iceman he calls it. More like Operation Icecock!" The bridge crew laughed again. "Ah well, orders are orders."

   "And what would those be?"

   "Oh would you shut up you twit! Take us in all ahead full, helm. Let's show these wampas we in the Starfighter Corps know how to pick a real good fight! Hahaha!" ordered the Captain.

1. ESC Harpoon exited hyperspace in Deep Space Zone * and moved to *-*.

<> ESC Harpoon
Commanding Officer: Captain Jake Johannesburg
Location: *-* | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 500/500 | Armor: 500/500 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 250/250

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2012, 03:31:25 PM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Primus Et Optimus | The First and the Finest
Commanding Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale

   A victorious but incomplete battle fleet emerged from hyperspace. As part of Operation Iceman, a quick strike initiative was planned prior to stopping at the final destination: Hoth. It seemed just like yesterday since Hale was standing bridge duty onboard the SSD Executor over the system, witnessing the Rebel Alliance being utterly crushed. In the years that followed, both Hale and the Empire forgot about Hoth - until today. It wasn't the best system to have any sort of operational headquarters based out of, but Hoth was remarkably remote enough to avoid detection for so long a time, and relatively close enough to major hyperspace trade routes - which would enable Rebel smuggling networks to thrive. Echo Base, as it would come to be known as, would turn out to be one of the biggest thorns in the Empire's sides. But now Hale was going to turn the tide on the Rebel Alliance by making Hoth a thorn in their side instead. Far, far, away from the glimmering red skies of Bastion, Hale intended to plant the Imperial Remnant's flag on Hoth and make it his next full-scale operations base.

   "My lord, we've exited hyperspace, the Harpoon sends her most warmest of welcomes," commented Hawkins.

   "We're going to need them if we don't plan on freezing to death down there," replied Hale, with a smirk.

   "Yes my lord. Shall I prepare your landing party?"

   "Yes, dispatch the Survey Team - I'm sure they'll be happy to finally get a decent mission. We will launch in 1 hour. You have the bridge," replied Hale.

   Hawkins nodded and immediately sent orders to the Imperial Corps of Engineers Survey Team 01A to prepare for an immediate mission to the surface of Hoth onboard the Aletheia. As the regular flight crew of the shuttle was preparing it for launch, Hale himself had some preparations to make. Upon entering his quarters, Hale noticed that Jana wasn't around. After looking around, he finally heard some noise coming from the bathroom: the shower was running. Stepping into the bathroom, Hale saw Jana's nude silhouette through the foggy glass door of the shower. Hale opted not to go any further than that though, because they had yet to talk about the exact nature of their relationship yet. The tension was tremendous.

   Walking into his bedroom, Hale began packing his bags, although like most military men, there was little more to pack than a few sets of spare uniforms and below zero gear. The rest of his supplies would be in the shuttle. That left everything done except for a quick bite to eat - but just as Hale was stepping out of his bedroom, he bumped into Jana...who hadn't put on a towel yet.

   "Whoa!" exclaimed Hale, as Jana began strategically covering herself with her hands and sliding back into the bathroom, shutting the door quickly soon after. "I'm so sorry Jana. I should have let you know I was here."

   Talking through the door, Jana replied, "no it's alright. These are your quarters, not mine. I don't know why I didn't sense your presence anyway." Although unfortunately Jana did know: in trying to embrace the Light Side of the Force, she struggled at the most basic of Force abilities that even a Jedi youngling of yesteryear would've been able to do in a hearbeat. It was the Dark Side that gave her a strong connection to the Force, as the Dark Side thrived in fear, desire, bitterness, sadness, passion, anxiety, lust, despair, and anger... all of it made her feel stronger and more powerful.

   "Well come on out whenever you're ready. I'm making some stew before the away mission."

   "We're here already?" asked Jana.

   "Yes, and the shuttle will be leaving in about 40 minutes now. You had better hurry if you want to come with me," replied Hale.

   Jana stepped out of the bathroom wearing a towel robe, with her hair still dripping wet. She got close to Hale and took his hand, smiling slightly, "Lucidius... I will always want to come with you..."

   Hale cleared his throat, "Jana..."

   Sensing his strong emotions, Jana deflected, "Let's talk later on the surface. I need to get ready."

   Hale nodded and went to the kitchen to fix up some quick stew. He wasn't much of a cook, and only knew a handful of dishes off the top of his head, but when it came to stews you couldn't really go wrong. Some herbs, spices, legumes, and some meat, and you were good to go. After a short while, the two enjoyed some stew before leaving. Making it down to the launch bay to depart.

   "My lord, the shuttle has been loaded and prepared for launch. Awaiting your orders."

   Hale was doing a personal walk-around of the shuttle just to check himself, as often he chose to personally pilot the shuttle. "Everything looks good, let's get out of here. Are the supply drops also ready?"

   "Yes my lord," replied the survey team leader, Colonel Braskin.

   "Excellent. Let's get going..."

   Within a few minutes, the Aletheia took off and blasted towards the atmosphere of Hoth. Meanwhile, other teams on the flight decks of the Leviathan began launching droid-controlled re-entry vehicles that contained supply parts and construction droids to begin production of a makeshift facility before full-scale construction on the surface began. With any luck, the surface of Hoth would one day be another bastion at the other end of the galaxy...

1. Exited hyperspace in DSZ-*, moved to C-*.
2. Launched ELSHU Aletheia, which moved to ATMO-*.

<> VNSD Leviathan
Location: B-8 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: ---/1254 | Armor: 1254/1254 | Hull: 1254/1254 | Systems: 640/640

>> Imperial Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale
            Location: Onboard  | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 200/200 | Health: 200/200 | Attack: 200

>> TIE Avenger Squadron TA-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 9 | Shields: 240/240 | Armor: 240/240

>> Elite TIE Interceptor Squadron TE-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 360/360

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-02
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-03
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-04
           Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-05
           Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-06
           Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> XG-1 Gunboat Squadron XG-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 270/270 | Armor: 270/270

>> XG-1 Gunboat Squadron XG-02
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 270/270 | Armor: 270/270

>> Imperial Army Troopers 1st Regiment
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 6 | HP: 7 | AR: 4 | Units: 500/500

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
            Location: ATMO-* | Status: Flight | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100    

<> SGAF Sturmgewehr
Commanding Officer: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg
Location: C-* | Status: --- | UCR: 4 |  Shields: 330/300 | Armor: 330/330 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 150/150
Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads | Location: Ship's Hold | UCR 6 / HP 7 / AR 4

<> ESC Harpoon
Commanding Officer: Captain Johannesburg
Location: C-* | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 550/550 | Armor: 550/550 | Hull: 137/137 | Systems: 250/250


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2012, 11:04:42 PM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Primus Et Optimus | The First and the Finest
Commanding Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale

   As the shuttle Aletheia landed in a small ice crater nearby the site that was formerly Echo Base, large pods began falling from the sky, appearing as meteorites. In this pods were construction droids, parts, and equipment to build a makeshift headquarters until fullscale construction operations could begin. It would be a busy time over the next few days for the Imperial Survey Team that came along with Hale, as it was up to them now to lay the first cornerstone of what would eventually become the Imperial Remnant Special Operations Command Headquarters, Ordnance Regional Depot Oversector Outer - a long and illustrious name that would give Hoth premier status as well as a smack in the face and a reminder to all Rebels about their devastating defeat just a few years ago.

   Once the Survey Team was fully offloaded and began their job, Hale and Jana remained onboard - in the warmth of the shuttle - to conduct overwatch using the shuttle's sensors and communication suite. This gave them some time to catch up and have that much needed talk they've been both avoiding.

   "It's been quite some time since I've been here. It's funny how things work out, but I suppose it's for the best," commented Hale, who was reflecting on his return to the Hoth system. "I kind of like it though. In a lot of ways this cold desolation is a lot like outer space, but being on firm ground and seeing nothing but whitewashed terrain is something else."

   "There's more to this planet than meets the eye. There are countless ruins and crashsites buried beneat the dunes of snow. It seems time has a way of burying everything," replied Jana.

   "I think that's what I like about this planet. It reminds you of what's important in the here and now, because nothing is left standing... that's why we need to talk... about us," continued Hale.

   "I know..." Jana looked away, not wanting to have this conversation, but knowing she needed to. "What happened on Corulag was a very selfless thing you did for me, and that's why I'm having a hard time accepting my feelings right now. It's just, well, I've never been shown any kindness, any compassion, or any love by anybody. The only emotions I know - emotions that have been drilled into me - are ones that lead me to the Dark Side, and that's a place I can't be if you're going to be in my life. I want to open myself up to you more, but I'm afraid that if I do, then even the good feelings I have for you will be used against me."

   "I'm not sure I understand..." replied Hale.

   "...all you need to know is that The Force is mysterious; and it's why the Jedi of old tried to remain objective and dispassionate about everything. Strong emotions - even those with the purest of intents - can often be pathways to the Dark Side. If I gave into loving you, that love could make me far more powerful than you could imagine... and I do not deny that my heart has desired this," suddenly Jana's voice was modulated and became dark and grim, unnaturally louder, all while the light in the shuttle's cockpit faded and her very flesh began reflecting the light that once was there. "I would rule this galaxy from an Iron Throne and be loved as its Queen! I would be as beautiful as the stars, showing kidness and mercy to all, and those who dared oppose me would tremble at my wrath! All would love me and despair!"

   Taken aback, Hale was gripping the arm rests on his seat, white-knuckle tight. As Jana calmed down and the light was restored to its previous level, he leaned forward and took Jana's hands, which were shaking terribly. As Jana began curling up, Hale took her into his lap and began comforting her. "You're worried that you'll have to live life alone, that no one will be there to keep you grounded, or to be with you as you face the ups and downs, or share in the joys and the pains, but I'll always be there for you...and I'll always love you for who you are, no matter what."

   "Somehow I've always known... even on Chandrila you were very kind to me. I want to love you, but I want to be sure my feelings will never corrupt and twist me into my greatest fears," replied Jana. "There is an ice cave nearby here that I felt a powerful disturbance in the Force from. I must seek this cave out, alone."

   Hale nodded, "as you wish. I'll supervise the Survey Team in the meantime."

   "When I return, I'll be ready to love you," continued Jana, placing a soft hand on Hale's face.

   As both of them stood up, Hale gave Jana a short hug and then they went down to the holding bay to prep a speeder bike for deployment. Jana put on her below zero cloak and strapped a survival kit to the speeder bike's saddle. After a few more minutes of rigging the bike for Hoth's climate, they lowered the loading ramp and pushed the bike out below the shuttle. The harsh cold winds of Hoth's surface were immediately biting, so Hale only spared a few moments before getting back into the warmth of the shuttle.

   As Jana saddled onto the speeder bike, she turned and spoke, "Don't worry Lucidius, I'll return. I promise." After sliding some heavy duty goggles on and attaching a face mask, Jana sped off into the distance...

   "...but will you be the same?" asked Hale to himself.

1. ELSHU Aletheia landed on G-*.
2. Began construction of a Delta-class Multipurpose Base (ETA 29 DEC 2012).

« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 11:06:44 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2012, 07:28:11 PM »
All Will Be Revealed, Part 1 of 2

   Jana knew through the Force where to go. The journey on her speeder bike didn't take long, although the frosty conditions were horrible enough to make the trip feel like it took hours instead of minutes. At last she arrived at The Cave she felt a powerful disturbance in the Force from. Parking her speeder bike behind an ice-rock to shield it from the snow and wind, she gazed deep into the chasm that led to The Cave. It was a long and narrow passage, created by two glaciers that were looming very high above Jana. As she began walking down the chasm, she noticed the ice on the glacial walls were very shiny, as if the ice was wet from being melted slightly. Her suspicion that The Cave had some volcanic elements was confirmed when she felt a warm breeze come from the mouth of The Cave itself, as well as seeing fiery embers drift into the air.

   After a short while, Jana finally reached the end of the chasm and stood at the mouth of The Cave - a veritable precipice of fate, for she did not know what was in The Cave - only that she felt a powerful presence of both the Dark Side and the Light Side. Sliding off her goggles and removing her black sub-zero cloak, Jana untied her hair and let it fall to her shoulders as she took a deep breath and took a step into The Cave. And then there was nothing but blackness...

   Immediately, all of the sound from the howling wind that she heard from the chasm stopped. Spinning around to check the opening of The Cave, she saw nothing but darkness. Moving towards the direction of the mouth of The Cave, she felt nothing there. Quickening her pace to a run, she kept moving into more darkness - seeing, hearing, and feeling nothing but air, except for the flat ground on her feet. Beginning to panic more and more, she finally stopped to catch her breath.

   "What is going on here?" she said softly. Regaining some control over her emotional state, she began processing more clearly what was happening. As soon as she figured out that it was the Force that was controlling her environment, suddenly everything changed. White light surrounded her, but eventually colors came into view and blurry shapes. Eventually her environment focused into a tangible reality: she could see a battle raging involving a small fort. Hundreds of stormtroopers and AT-TEs were massing against this structure, and Darth Vader appeared with them.

   The images she were seeing weren't familiar at all but she instinctively knew it to be the past - her past in particular. Once Vader had entered the fort, he confronted a Jedi who bravely stood with dozens of other defenders - all were cut down. Once the fort had been cleared of all other defenders, unarmed survivors, and those in hiding were all brought out to the fort's courtyard. It was only a dozen people at most, but one pair stood out to Vader - an elderly Arkanian couple and a baby human girl. They pleaded with Vader.

   "Lord Vader please, spare this child - she is innocent."

   "And no doubt part of some scientific experiment, Arkanian!"

   "...We were unable to have children, and so we decided to create this one for ourselves."

   "To be human?" questioned Vader.

   "We wanted her to fit in... to be safe in these times. She is a remarkable child, truly. Everything about her has been perfected. Everything! Please, spare her!"

   The only audible noise coming from Vader was the sound of his breathing machine for the next few moments. Vader was very rarely if ever known for his acts of mercy, but he had a standing policy with the 501st for his troopers to take into custody all battlefield orphaned-infants rather than kill them.

   "Genetic synthesis and engineering is illegal in the Empire, Arkanian!" immediately, Vader used the Force to rip the child out of the arms of them, "...but she is innocent and will grow to serve the Empire. I cannot say the same for you..." at that instance Vader turned his back to them and began walking away.

   "No! NOOOO!!" cried the elderly couple. Within moments they were shot down by a group of Stormtroopers.

   An Imperial officer approached Vader. "Another orphan, my lord?"

   "Send this one to the Imperial Special Projects Division on Byss. She may become of some use to us one day," replied Vader. Normally, orphans were processed into collective homes where these children would grow up together and eventually serve the Empire in some bureaucratic capacity of some variety. The ISPD center on Byss was similar, only these children were raised to be true warriors - as training was modeled after the same Royal Guard curriculum - only less lethal.

   Never truly knowing her past, Jana finally gained some clarity and insight as to who she was. All of her talents, features, skills, personality, and beauty... all of it was the product of Arkanian science. Genetically engineered to be a physiologically perfect human being. No wonder her aptitude test scores were off the charts, no wonder she was at the top of her class - every year - while growing up, no wonder she was selected to be the Emperor's Shadow.

   Immediately, Jana's Force vision brought her to a powerful memory she possessed. It was her first kill. Being brought before the Emperor himself, Jana was asked to stand aside as a well-known and beloved Imperial Moff was brought in to presumably to receive a promotion to Grand Moff. Normally these promotions were given on the field by a superior officer, but the Emperor wanted to give Jana a "final exam" of sorts.

   His cackle still echoed in her mind to this day.

   "Jana Sable, Moff Khaless has served me well. A fine example of a Moff and one that should be modeled forever. Before I considered giving him a promotion to Grand Moff, I had the Imperial Security Bureau and COMPNOR perform a full background and lateral investigation on him, and as I suspected the report was utterly clean, spotless. He is a credit to the Empire, truly..."

   Jana looked upon the image of her younger self, cloaked in black, standing there emotionless.

   ", I want you to kill him. Take this lightsaber. This is your new weapon now."

   Immediately, Moff Khaless stood up and protested angrily, but Jana took the lightsaber, ignited it, and cut him down with no second thought. Her first kill, as ruthless as it was, sealed her path to the Dark Side - and the Emperor knew it.

   Cackling again for a moment, the Emperor spoke again. "Jana Sable, from henceforth you will be my Shadow! You shall be the invisible stalker that moves in the night, and you shall do my bidding!"

   The young Jana smiled, deactivated her new lightsaber and holstered it. "Yes, my master..."

   Again, her Force vision shifted only this time it felt as if everything cleared away. She felt as though she was back in The Cave again - but this time not alone. A lone figure emerged from the shadows, dressed in full Jedi robes, wearing old-fashioned Jedi armor. The figure removed her cloak - and to Jana's surprise it was her, or at least Force reflection of her. This Jedi Jana immediately ignited her blue lightsaber and began speaking aggressively.

   "You are still the Emperor's pawn, even long after his death! You are nothing more than an agent of the Dark Side and you must be destroyed!"

   Immediately the Jedi Jana rushed towards the real Jana and began battling. Jana's orange beam clashed with her counterpart's blue one. They fought for several minutes before the real Jana backed off.

   "You're nothing more than an illusion of my own mind, a projection of the Force, of the future."

   "Much more than that..." replied the Jedi Jana. "I am a part of you, Jana. I'm everything that you could become if you were to lay down your lightsaber, devote yourself to the Jedi Code, and return to the Force with a renewed mind transformed by the Light Side. Only then would you become a true guardian of peace and justice, a leader of the New Jedi Order and of the New Republic!"

   "You only speak of what I would gain, but nothing of what I would lose."

   "Lose? A true Jedi losses nothing, they only make sacrifices to gain something greater. But you speak of the man who loves you, Lucidius Hale, as if he were betrothed to you. Ha! Foolish... attachments are not the Jedi Way. His presence in your life will make you become everything you fear to be."

   "I don't believe you! Lucidius is a good man. Honest, just, wise, powerful. He seeks to serve the greater good of all the galaxy, and I believe in him."

   "Of course he is... but his cause will inspire you to seek and serve justice, to bring peace to countless star systems... all with the Power of the Dark Side! But we both know that the ends never justify the means, however noble those ends are. If you want lasting peace and prosperity, then you must do the right thing... lay down your lightsaber and walk away from all of this..."

   The real Jana began feeling a mixed bag of emotions, just about all of them at once. She also felt the calm of the Force rest in her. She knew these moments would decide her fate.

   "Don't worry Jana, as a Jedi, Lucidius will always be your friend. If it's him you want, you'll still have him in your life."

   The real Jana gripped her lightsaber tight and raised it up to a high-guard as she positioned herself in Shien Form, ready to strike.

   "If you kill me Jana, you will kill all hopes of ever becoming a true and powerful Jedi. You will extinguish the ember of Light Side that remains in you. You may perform acts of kindness and compassion, and the Force will be your ally, but your strength will always flow from the Dark Side... and it will only be a matter of time before it corrupts you fully..."

   The real Jana gritted her teeth and pulled her saber back, now even more ready to strike, but a moment of doubt led to hesitation, and she delayed... but for how long?


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2013, 09:18:19 PM »
All Will Be Revealed, Part 2 of 2

   Jana felt as though she were standing at the edge of a seaside cliff, with the thrill of the jump and the inevitable splash and joy that followed or the resolve to walk away from the edge and pursue something altogether different. She was presently facing a bright-faced and beautiful, Jedi-armor clad version of herself that felt powerful, strong, and morally better than who she was today. Yet the illusion was conflicting with what she felt about herself. Why wasn't there a Sith Lady also present in The Cave? Her Jedi persona said that she was the Sith agent, but yet she neither presently knew of nor had any desire to learn the ancient teachings of the Sith and put herself on the path to achieve absolute power through the Dark Side, as well as gain abilities many considered to be...unnatural.

   There were just too many questions racing through Jana's mind, and not enough answers. What Jana did know was that her feelings felt real, and that any knowledge of the future - wether it was based in hopes or fears or truth - could lead to making the wrong choice in the present. This was often the danger of using the Force to perceive the future, as she observed the Emperor do on many occasions. Often those who had the power and will to create their own destiny perceived the outcome of their desires through the Force, but in the end it was only a possible future, even if it was highly likely.

   "If you are so worried that I will become a Sith Lady, then why not just strike me down, Jedi?" asked the real Jana.

   "You would dare question yourself? If I killed you, then I would take over your mind fully. You would become the embodiment of the Light Side, a paragon of the Jedi Order, powerful enough to defeat any and every Sith that will ever live..."

   "Then do it. There is no Death... only the Force."

   "You mock the Jedi Code and part of yourself that desires to follow it. A foolish gesture that will lead to the Dark Side."

   "I think I've heard enough from you," replied the real Jana, tightening the grip on her lightsaber, "it is said that the Sith have no fear. If that is true then I am just as much a Sith as I am a Jedi, for you have shown me that the Jedi inside of me fears the Dark Side."

   The Jedi Jana shook her head. "Listen to me. You can achieve greatness. All you need to do is follow the Jedi Code."

   "The Jedi Code?" asked the real Jana to herself. She wondered why the Light Side manifestation of herself was so adamant over an archaic code of behavior. Surely, there was much to gain from following the Jedi Code, and great power to be had. But with that power came sacrifice and responsibility.

   "Choose your next words wisely, Jana, they may be your last..."

   "You summon me to this cave. You insult me by calling me a Sith. You demand that I sacrifice everything good in my life. You threaten my future with the fear of the Dark Side! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully," replied the real Jana, who then whipped her lightsaber blade up the the Jedi Jana's throat, just an inch away.

   "Then you are truly lost! This is madness!"

   "Madness...? THIS IS DARKNESS!!!"

   Jana then kicked her Jedi persona in the chest, which sent her sprawling across the floor. The real Jana began slowly walking towards her persona that was laying on the ground, weakened from the powerful kick.

   "What you don't understand is that sometimes the galaxy needs somebody that can be the outcast. Somebody that isn't afraid of the dark. Somebody that doesn't care what the law says, or what the bureaucrats say, or how much the Hutt syndicates can pay. It doesn't matter if the whole galaxy says I'm wrong, or tells me to get out of the way and follow the crowd. Sometimes you just have to plant yourself beside a river of truth and when the galaxy says move, you stand up and say: no, you move... Well you know what? I'm tired of running."

   The real Jana was now standing directly over the Jedi Jana, and used the Force to lift her into the air. The Jedi Jana began quivering and the sound of bones and internal tissue getting crushed and ripped became louder and louder. The psychokinetic abilities afforded by the Force were terrifying at times. Then in one swift stroke, the real Jana decapitated the Jedi Jana.

   And then she heard it again... the Emperor's cackle. Emerging from the shadows the Emperor began walking towards Jana ever so slyfully. "Goooood... goooood... your journey towards the Dark Side is now complete!"

   "Nooooo... I've had... ENOUGH... OF YOOOOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!"

   Jana used the Force to slam the Emperor into a wall, and then began unleashing a powerful Force Scream that began shaking the foundations of The Cave and causing the snowy walls to somehow spontaneously combusted and burst into flames. Jana then extended her lightsaber towards the Emperor and used the Force to unleash and expand the natural laser and plasma the lightsaber emitted into an unnaturally large and acute narrowly focused beam of pure energy that engulfed the Emperor and the wall of the Cave in a massive blast.

   Immediately, the Force vision ended and the darkness that surrounded Jana was replaced by the snowy walls of The Cave. She looked down at her lightsaber and dropped it to the ground, where it disintegrated on impact. It was the same lightsaber given to her by the Emperor - so she would need a new one now. As soon as she lifted her head, she felt the Force return to her in full, as well as a rush of emotions and power flowing from the Dark Side. She felt better, more whole, and more alive than ever before in her life. Leaving The Cave, Jana left behind both her past and everything that could have been truly good about her future. All that remained was the present, and a new Jana determined to create her own future doing the right thing, even if it meant using the Dark Side...


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2013, 08:48:26 PM »
Imperial Remnant

An Imperial I-class Star Destroyer exits hyperspace and takes up a formation with the current ships orbiting Hoth. The arrival of the Star Destroyer sends a surging morale boost to the already battle-victorious Leviathan Squadron.

(New storyline arc to follow.)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 08:54:26 PM by GCW Hale »

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« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2013, 10:13:10 PM »
Set The Horizon Ablaze, Part 1 of 2
(Soundtrack: Killswitch Engage "Starting Over")

   Just weeks ago, the desolation that existed in a small pocket on Hoth's surface had been completely transformed. Now, a large dark tower and a massive complex stood where the Rebel Alliance's headquarters formerly known as Echo Base once was. It was a glorious day for the Empire. Yet just as things were looking brighter than ever before, news of the Rebel Alliance's sudden departure of its highest leadership spread quickly along the civilian and military channels across the galaxy. Even a conflict closer to the Core Worlds at Rendili resulted in a shocking Republic withdrawl and capture of key assets. For once in the Galactic Civil War, it seemed that the twilight of the Empire was turning into the dawn of a victory! If there was any a time to increase the offensive, it was now. Yet despite all of the good news, Hale felt a sense of emptiness inside of him. There was still much conflict across the galaxy, and no end was in sight.

   Looking out over the vast empty snow fields from the penthouse quarters in the Imperial Sector Palace, Hale felt a sense of accomplishment. It felt like years since he first stepped foot on Dantooine's surface to claim a new world for the Imperial Remnant, now, half a dozen systems later, the Imperial Remnant was stronger than ever before. With the limitless resources at his disposal, Hale made no pretentenses about ordering the construction of a Super Star Destroyer. Word from the Intelligence field was that the Galactic Empire also had one under construction, and so Hale knew the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force would need to be equal to Darth Algoz's forces if reunification was even a possibility. In the game of politics, it was always better to dictate terms in an equal playing field.

   Interrupting Hale's introspection came the sound of his penthouse doors swooshing open. An unnaturally cool yet refreshing breeze entered the room as Jana Sable walked in, dressed in a skintight tailoring of the 1st Expeditionary Force's dark navy blue fleet uniform. When Hale turned around, he could see the look in Jana's face...she had changed very visibly. Before her face was slightly pale, and there was a certain grim aura about her - now her cheeks were rosey and her skin appearing as though she spent a long summer on the beaches of Hesperidium. It seemed as though her quest to discover herself, her true nature, and her future led to her reconnection with The Force and all of the positive side effects that came with the Power of the Dark Side but without any of the negative.

   "I like what you did with the uniform," commented Hale as he sized her up.

   "What can I say? I'm so used to wearing a catsuit I had to make the necessary changes. Just wait until you find out what's underneath..." continued Jana, as she unzipped her top by a few inches in a teasing manner as she walked closer to Hale.

   "So what happened in there? In the cave?" asked Hale. "I can tell you've changed."

   "I'm me now, and that's all that matters. I'm also ready for everything. I'm ready for the future. I'm ready to be yours..." and as soon as Jana finished her sentence, she gave Hale a playful push onto a couch. She then unzipped a little more of her uniform top and climbed onto the couch, where she sat on Hale's lap in a straddling position. Hale didn't know what he thought of the 'new Jana', but he was liking everything so far. All of the stresses of life, the war, and the doubts he had about his ability to lead the Imperial Remnant suddenly melted away now that Jana was back and full of energy. As the two passionately embraced they paused and looked each other in the eye for a moment.

   "Lucidius, I haven't felt this alive... in forever. Thanks for having faith in me."

   "Hmm..." replied Hale.

   "What is it?"

   "Just something Vader said to me before I took command of the Avenger. It's nothing."

   "It's never nothing..."

   "I've been thinking about everything lately. Where we're headed, where we're taking this galaxy...and I'm beginning to loose faith in the Imperial Remnant and the Reformation of the New Order."

   "What, are you saying we should cut our ties from Bastion and start over?"

   "Not exactly. The Remnant just needs something different, something to set ourselves apart from the Republic and the Imperial warlords. I'm the Supreme Executor now, so the military is behind me no matter what. I'm responsible for millions of lives and billions of credits, all for what? To prolong this galactic conflict? There won't be peace until there is one government spanning the galaxy, and history has shown that empires never last long..."

   "I'll be with you no matter what, Lucidius. For now, why don't you focus on what's in front of you sitting on your lap, huh?" said Jana with a smile, as she successfully broke Hale's concentration on things other than her. Once she knew she finally had his full attention, she unzipped her uniform top all the way and threw it on the floor...

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« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2013, 12:08:47 AM »
Set The Horizon Ablaze, Part 2 of 2
(Soundtrack: Killswitch Engage "Declaration")

   "Lucidius, it's time to get back to work, shore leave is up!"

   Hale was crawling out of bed, apparently Jana was already up and about. "Since when did you become the model Imperial officer?"

   "When I started sleeping with the Supreme Executor," replied Jana, with a smirk. "Here's some coffee. Oh and by the way, last night was...okay."

   Hale took a sip of the coffee and gave a disgusted face, but not before he was shocked by Jana's commentary on their intimate activities the night before. "Okay?"

   "Well sometimes a girl has to take quantity over quality..."

   Hale just nodded and smiled and headed towards the shower. After a short while he emerged in a fresh uniform and trimmed beard. It was time to get to work. A full month had gone by as Operation Iceman had finally come to close. Despite the fact that the 1st Expeditionary Force was given some shore leave on Hoth, the crews of the various ships put it to good use by organizing many snow-based athletic activities for an impromptu sports championship. While Hale preferred to authorize some time off at a more civilized world, sometimes in the Imperial Navy one had to take what they got.

   Hale and Jana began walking down the passageway of the penthouse suite to the main turbolift shaft of the Imperial Sector Palace. "I've yet to come up with a good name for our new Star Destroyer. She's the command ship now, so she'll need a good name. Any ideas?"

   "I don't know. What do you plan on doing with her?"

   "Are will still talking about a Star Destroyer?" replied Hale, laughing somewhat. Shaking his head, Hale began pondering names for a Star Destroyer again. It would be expected after arriving onboard the vessel that the ship would be given a proper name, and so he mulled over it. For now, he had an important meeting with his senior staff at the Palace, and so making his way to the briefing room he was finally able to get back to business. Entering a long room full of seated officers, Jana remained standing at the door while Hale approached the head of the table and podium.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished officers, members of my command staff. We have ourselves a new reality facing the future of the Imperial Remnant, a reality without the threat and presence of the Rebel Alliance. As our intelligence reports indicate, the once and infamous leader of the Rebel Alliance has gone AWOL. In his place the Corellian general Garm Bel Iblis has risen up to carry on the unrestricted total war the Rebels are waging against the galaxy. We have also become aware of a serious demobilization of New Republic forces across the galaxy. If this is the case, then a new precedent has been created: one in which the New Republic is perhaps secretly endorsing and arming Garm Bel Iblis to wage their Campaign For Coruscant..."

   Hale paused to take a drink of coffee. "You all and I both know that Sate Pestage and Ysanne Isard are the current rulers of the Galactic Empire, and that their leadership is becoming compromised by Darth Algoz's thirst for power. It is likely that Darth Algoz will be staging a coup to depose Pestage and Isard within a matter of months, arguably so that he can attain control of the new Death Star. I say these things not out of fear, but out of a need to acknowledge that the galactic tides are changing. There may come a day when the line must be drawn in the sand, when we can no longer call upon aid from our brothers in the Galactic Empire and instead wage war with them... but today we must stand and fight the Rebel Alliance, and destroy them once and for all!!"

   Everyone at the raised their fists and began cheering. Hale raised his hand to silence them.

   "Our first strike at Bakura was just the first wave. Already the Rebel Alliance has fortified the system's space defenses in the wake of our assault, system defenses that can only be broken by an Imperial Star Destroyer! The urgency for our strike is now. Are there any questions?"

   The room was silent.

   "There are dark days ahead, so let us show the galaxy our resolve by being the blaze that gives this galaxy light!"

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« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2013, 04:29:27 PM »
Imperial Remnant

"In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law. To pursue natural justice. This is not vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No, not vengeance. Punishment."

The ISD Punisher and ESC Harpoon collect personnel on shore leave and support craft, and then enter hyperspace!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 08:34:16 PM by GCW Hale »

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« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2013, 11:56:03 AM »

The ISD Punisher and ESC Harpoon exit hyperspace and assume fleet formation with the VNSD Leviathan, to create what will be the Imperial Remnant's largest attack fleet in recent history in order to take down the Rebel Alliance once and for all.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2013, 11:19:08 PM »

  The stars raced by in the usual elongated fashion filling the large panoramic viewports of the Serpentor's exclusive Executive Dining Room, where sat commander of the Spice Imperium, Admiral Ishfan Szymon, surrounded by his ranking subordinates as together they enjoyed a final informal supper before the impending assault on Endor.  The dozen or so officers spent the evening in a typical manner of braggadocio, reveling and reminiscing, carrying on late in to the ship's Night Cycle, with one exception being the always publicly collected and quiet Urratio Niks, right hand man to the Admiral himself.

   As the others grew increasingly lose lipped and slurred, occasionally maneuvering the fine crystalline glasses recklessly enough to slosh droplets or small pools of the incredibly exotic CharuBerry Wine they harbored, Inspector Niks maintained his composure, offering short comments intermittently and infrequently cracking a slightly toothy grin, and routinely rejecting a growing jolly demand to join the soggy devolution.

  General Barl Cestiss, perhaps Szymon's most ardent, high ranking and important supporter, sat to his left.  A bulging burly man, he occupied the space of two to three normal sized humans.  His hands over sized, his neck difficult to locate, his head perfectly rounded and gleaming.  While extinguishing a cigar of some form in a receptacle brandished by an attending server who then stepped back, he raised his hand and voice and called for quiet from the unruly group, eventually getting it.

  "Admiral, if you don't mind?" the large gentleman inquired in his Eriaduan accent and deep tone while motioning with an upturned open palm to Inspector Niks who sat stoic to Szymon's right.

  Szymon, well relaxed, offered an ambivalent wobbly shrug of his shoulders and brows and slide his chair slightly back, giving the General and Inspector a clear line of sight to one another,

  "One question, one answer," the Admiral replied, indicating with a single raised finger for each mention of the relative word.

  The assembly huddled close, generally forbidden to pry on the Inspector General who offered few words himself and knowing little of him while having served closely with one another for years, they anxiously waited for some slight taste of satisfied curiosity.

  "Ahhh," the General began, "This must be good question!" he said excitedly accompanied by a slap of his own knee before scratching his chin in consideration for a few moments and starring off in to the distance as though physically sorting through his own mind.

  "I've got it!" he exclaimed cheerfully.  "We shall learn much about our mysterious friend!" he proudly declared to the now bated audience before unveiling his drummed up choice.

  "Inspector, who is first sentient being you kill?" the brawny General slowly and deliberately posited before kicking a leg up straight across his other knee and leaning in against his own thigh, eagerly awaiting the witness's response.

  Urratio reacted with slight surprise, perhaps impressed with the other's choice of query, and actually looked to Ishfan for an updated approval before beginning to respond.  Gaining renewed permission, he reached in to his inner lapel pocket and produced a small cylindrical metallic smoking device.  It seemed to be self ignited as he slowly puffed on it several times, inhaling deeply with a crawling nasal exhale.  Allowing several moments of silent interlude to let the tension build, he then smoothly sliced in to it. . .

  "Around Twenty BGE on Juvex, the disparity between the nobility and commoner was so immense that the people literally sold themselves in to slavery to eat.  We weren't even peasants. We were dogs.  For me, it wasn't as terrible.  I never knew a family, so I knew no different.  After The Collapse, it was mandate that all orphans were thereby slaves.  In the Senex Sector, slavery was trade.  We became their currency.  The Republic didn't exist there and passing Jedi of course always practiced appeasement. . ."

  As he settled in to the narrative, the listeners hung on each impending line, sucked in to the setting themselves,

  ". . .eventually I ended up on Belsavis, an iceball wasteland with a few scattered volcanic rift jungle valleys.  It used to be a prison colony thousands of years ago, and served me about the same.  Sold to a Gran magistrate as payment for a debt, I was probably eight when I'd arrived.  The beatings began the first nite.  By the time I was twelve, I'd preferred the beatings of old.  This Gran, had a bit of a penchant for human adolescent males.  There were dozens of us.  The older boys disappeared after awhile, some were sold off when they lost their value to him, others. . .he had special plans for.  Ritual sacrifice. ." he paused only to take another long drag from his small device and continued after exhaling a rolling green plume,

 "I was ready for it.  At that point, I welcomed death however it came.  I remember the beating drums and flickering flames of the torches that seemed to tremble with the beat, how they danced off the ancient stone walls of the catacombs, illuminating the strange glyphs.  Three went before me, four lined up after.  I approached and sat atop the altar.  Laying back, he positioned my arms and legs as he'd desired, I offered no resistance, eager for my end.  As he raised a strange knife over my stomach and made his prayers, I closed my eyes.  And then, an intervention.  A moment of commotion followed by the sonic grenade that deafened me to distant empty ringing.  The concussion blew me to the floor.  I wobbled to my feet a few moments later and cleaned my eyes to be swooped up by a slightly larger pair of tatter clad and darting figures.  As they spirited me away in to the darkness of the mazed tunnels, the last thing I saw was the Gran grab another one of the larger disrupting boys that had emerged from the shadows, slicing him down the right side of his face as the much stronger alien wrestled him to the ground.  He hadn't managed to escape the pig or his thugs, nor any of the other boys the Gran brought with me that night," he broke the flow again for a smokey taste and continued to the climax.  

 "The next night, the Gran came back with a larger procession, including the older boy shackled, his face torn and untended.  But so did we.  There were many escaped slave children hiding in the catacombs scraping by a squalid existence living off fungus, migrated puddles of stagnant water and rodents, some as long as a few years but most too young to be of much help.  The older boys congregated and led the band.  After the botched rescue, they were planning to try and lead us out of the tunnels.  I convinced them to go back one last time.  And so we did.  We crouched in the shadows from various ante-tunnels leading in to the ceremony chamber.  Preparing the rites he offered the eldest first and raised the knife again.  Then we sprung.  It took four of us to over power the Gran and just manage to barely slice his throat with that knife.  I remember the gurgling sound and blood squirting from his mortal wound, coloring the dusty dim lit stone floor as I grabbed the now stained blade and in the ruckus, we disappeared back in to the shadowed tunnels.  I don't know what happened to the rest of them but me and the scarred boy escaped together," he wrapped up while leaning forward and reaching at his lower back, producing a small sheathed weapon.

  Placing it on the table and removing it from the encasing, he looked it over briefly and set it down.  A jagged glassy black stone blade of several inches in length and a few in width laid in to a bone seeming handle.

 "It took us another three weeks to find our way out of the tunnels," he finished, standing and tucking his smoking device back in to his tunic lapel before grabbing his jacket from his chair and throwing it over his shoulder.

 "Admiral," he said turning and nodding to the superior, preparing to depart.

 Ishfan glanced up to the standing Urratio, "Inspector," he answered plainly with an accepting nod and departing bidding motion of the hand while barely containing a smile.

 As the Inspector left the now exhausted engagement, the General proudly declared the correctness of his assertion,

 "I was right.  Indeed, we have learned a lot," he said, taking the final swig of his glass himself and beginning a puzzled reflection.


Booming from that still only partially understood realm of Hyperspace, a pair of familiar ominous wedged shape cruisers came to a dwindled glide as they proceeded to slowly loom through space near the interior of the Hoth Star System. A lone shuttle departed one of the ships and streaked towards the fourth planet of Hoth where orbited several other large Imperial cruisers. . .

Admiral Ishfan Szymon (+10% Shield/Armor/Hull/Dmg all ships of fleet)

 Fleet Escort TIE Avg sqd OMICRON; 480DUR, XX CSP, UCR 9

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Serpentor
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 1760/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; XX  UCR; 3

 TIE Avg sqd OMEGA; 480 DUR, XX CSP, UCR 9
 TIE Int sqd BETA; 240 DUR, XX CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd GAMMA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd SIGMA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd DELTA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd KAPPA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(36) UPSILON; 40ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) NU; 200ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 1

   IMP ARMY Brigade ? (400sqds); 7ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 6
   IMP STORMTROOPER Battalion ? (200sqds); 8ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 6
   IMP FLEET TROOPER Brigade ? (400sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   AT-TE SQUAD ? (6); 100ea DUR, Armory, UCR 6
   AT-ST Company ? (20); 60ea DUR, Armory, UCR 7
   IMP SPEEDER Company ? (28spdrs); 10ea DUR, Armory, UCR 10

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Audacity
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 1760/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; XX  UCR; 3

 TIE Avg sqd ALPHA; 480 DUR, XX CSP, UCR 9
 TIE Int sqd THETA; 240 DUR, XX CSP, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ETA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ZETA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd IOTA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd CHI; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(36) EPSILON; 40ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) MU; 200ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 1

   IMP FLEET TROOPER Division ? (1000sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   IMP SPEEDER Company ? (60spdrs); 10ea DUR, Armory, UCR 10
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 10:10:47 AM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

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« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2013, 06:19:07 PM »
Imperial Remnant
Enemy of the Enemy, Part 1 of 3

   With the arrival of a pair of Imperial I-class Star Destroyers, Hoth was now the host to the largest joint Imperial task force assembled since the fall of the Empire. The poetic sense of justice that Hoth once stood as the Rebel Alliance's hidden base and now as an Imperial stronghold and staging ground to launch a final attack on Endor was a glimmer of a possibility that one day there could be a galaxy without chaos and disorder. It was for this reason why Hale was so adamant about destroying the Rebel Alliance, because even on some level the New Republic could be reasoned with.

   "Send a message to the Serpentor: extend an invitation to Admiral Ishfan Szymon that his presence and guests are cordially welcome to meet me on the surface at Echo Palace in the Command Center Lounge for drinks and refreshments prior to our operational brief," ordered Hale.

   "Right away m'lord," replied the communications officer, who immediate dispatched the message.

   In the meantime, Hale and Jana departed the ISD Punisher aboard the Shuttle Aletheia and made a quick dash towards the surface...

   "Lucidius, do you know this Szymon guy?"

   "I would say we are more professional acquaintances, from many years ago. He was attached to the Executor briefly around the same I was before Lord Vader selected me to command the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force. In many ways he is a model Imperial officer... ruthless, cunning, and ambitious..."

   "Do you trust him?"

   "Absolutely not, but Admiral Pellaeon has encouraged me to develop a mutual working relationship with the man, to set a sort of 'live and let live' arrangement. What can be trusted is his scope of power, particularly in the underworld."

   "If the galaxy knew what I know about the Hutts and syndicated crime, everyone would be sending warships in to destroy them..." replied Jana, recalling some hurtful memories.

   "Exactly my point. At the end of the day, Szymon is the lesser of two evils... and perhaps a necessary friend in these adversarial times. Better to have him consuming the underworld than somebody else..."

   Jana nodded her head in agreement, although she hated criminals of every sort - especially the Hutts. Out of a desire to ensure the survivability and prosperity of the Imperial Remnant, Hale decided to pursue a more diplomatic stance with those he would rather prefer punishing, but even he knew that it didn't matter how many crime organizations you took down or destroyed... one would always come rising up again.

   As the Aletheia touched down on the surface, Hale and Jana quickly entered Echo Palace and began making arrangements for their soon-to-be guests...

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2013, 01:25:03 PM »

  Every move has a purpose. . .

  A man of much credential, association and obligation, sometimes conflicting.  Ishfan Szymon.  Low level Imperial Admiral turned rogue Warlord in the tumultuous aftermath of The Battle of Endor.  Tenloss Syndicate Princep, a member of the Barons Council.  Close ally and bound cohort of the Hutt Council of Elders.  From chains on Kessel to usurper and conqueror of it and the Maw, for which he'd defeated the infamous Natasi Daala, he went on to aid the Tenloss in retaking their traditional haven in the Vergesso Asteroids from the infesting Outer Rim Coalition.  Now with support shored up and dues paid in full, his stronghold well fortified itself and secure beneath the umbrella of the Hutts, he's assembled the bulk of his Imperialist assets at Hoth in support of the nearby newly encroaching Imperial Remnant, commanded by the renown and accomplished Lucidius Hale, for the purpose of dealing a finishing blow to the Rebel Alliance at their fortress of Endor.

 Though the faction's seat of power lay across the Galaxy, an impressive series of highly successful annexations over the last year had seen their territory and influence increase immensely, giving them a relatively wide comfort zone and enabling the far flung expansion they'd now begun to undertake.  Though no hostile sentiment had been expressed or anticipated, they were a little too close for Szymon's peace of mind.  It'd seemed suspicious at first when the request for the cooperation had come through, but Lucuidus has been long slated as a man of integrity and honor, prizing order above all else.  The skepticism was assessed and dismissed.  But even more motivating, a decline to commit support for the highly mutually beneficial action would have insinuated an inability to do so.  A display of weakness in the current times that no one seeking to retain autonomy could afford.

  As the shuttle sped past the large Remnant fleet, Szymon and General Cestiss watched out the starboard viewport,

  "Not such a Remnant I think?" Barl Cestiss commented.

  "Agreed.  If Lucidius can bring that kind of power this far from his home space, imagine what he's got back there," Szymon returned.  "I suppose it's a good thing we've cast our lot along with his then old friend, perhaps you'll get to dust off your body armor?" he added while slapping that much larger General on the back in stoking of enthusiasm.

  "Yes. Heh Heh, Yeeesss," the General replied, cracking his gigantic knuckles and rolling his bloated neck.

  Penetrating the atmosphere of the fourth planet of Hoth, a heavy snow storm ensued as the shuttle proceeded it's descent. The faint blinking guide beacons atop the surface's only dominant structure, the towering Echo Palace, beckoned them.  Symbolically built atop the long abandoned ruins of the Rebellion's Echo Base, razed years ago by Lord Vader's Death Squad, it was an imposing technological castle.  As the visiting shuttle approached, a pair of TIE Fighters screamed up along side, forming up in escort before eventually pulling away when it'd passed in to the protective shield blanketing and on to one of the base's smaller ancillary hangar bays.

  The ship settled softly to the steel floor plating as the landing skids slightly recoiled in absorption of the force causing the vessel to briefly and gently bounce to rest.

  Szymon turned to the other officers in his entourage who'd been conferring at the port side viewport, his janissary bodyguard the Tenloss Adjunct Letyena Moura, disguised as an Imperial Lieutenant, and Inspector General Urratio Niks.  The Inspector, his right hand man and closest confidant.  Recently revealed tragic childhood companion.  An information specialist, amongst other things.  The Adjunct, an indebted servant of the mysterious Tenloss Triad leadership, a life guard gift of sorts bestowed upon all Tenloss Princeps.  A young adult woman of incredibly appropriate breeding standard by most any assessment.  Her slender fit figure accentuated by her innately feline posture.  Defined by smooth curvature and arch-work, she moved with natural feminine grace and allure.  A near form fitting drab green female officer's uniform was somehow rendered stylish by the power of her appeal alone, with her long auburn hair tucked up beneath an olive green officer's cap bearing her false rank.

  As Letyena adjusted herself Ishfan addressed her personally,

  "Remember your purpose.  The woman.  If she's there, press her and find out if the murmurings are true," he instructed.  The Adjunct declined a verbal response as she simply made some stern eye contact while snapping a pair of leather gloves snuggly on at her dainty wrists, insinuating the obviously understood.

  Directing his attention to Niks he apparently diverted subjects from the mission at hand, though speaking intentionally vaguely, "The reverse job.  Is it ready?" he inquired.

  The Inspector checked a wrist band data device, "They finished the core prototype this morning.  A few final checks and balances on the Beta and the docks will be at it, end of the week," he answered.

  "And the manpower situation?" Szymon asked.

  "Well in hand.  The transition at Sky Bogey has moved incredibly flawless.  I've no reports of mishaps.  All remaining," he allowed just a fraction of a second of hesitation to assure that General Cestiss wasn't tuned in, "All remaining personnel have been reassigned to The Maw as ordered.  Besides that, I've accounted for virtually every soul.  All aboard the Serpentor and Audacity."

  "Excellent Niks, by the time we return everything should be in order and the evolution complete," the Admiral assured his secondary as the shuttle's boarding ramp began to extract with a mechanical rolling hum.

  As the light from the hangar bay began flooding in through the gradually widening opening, Ishfan corralled his company and flanked by a quartet of black armor clad guard on either side, marched down the boarding ramp to make formality and briefing with the new Ally of Convenience. . .
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 05:52:39 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2013, 08:36:45 PM »
Imperial Remnant
Enemy of the Enemy, Part 2 of 3

   Hale was standing at attention infront of Szymon's shuttle with his consort and executive special agent, Jana Sable. In parallel ranks near the shuttle lining both sides of a walkway, the vaste horde of Imperial personnel and troops that staffed Echo Palace were standing at attention to greet their honored guest. Members of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force were wearing their dark navy blue uniform, but all other Imperial colors could be seen: drab gray, black, green, olive, and white. Hale was also clad in the custom 1st IEF uniform, but was wearing a ceremonial outer jacket with gold shoulderboards and full regalia. Jana had opted to wear her skintight leather black catsuit, with her utility belt fastened neatly around her hips. Her lightsaber was clearly visible - an icon of a bygone era - but a signal to all those who threatened the Imperial Remnant that the Force was with the Imperial Remnant as much as the power of Star Destroyers.

   It had been nearly half a decade since Hale last saw Szymon, but the years had been much rougher on the man than Hale had expected - for he saw a roughened man with a certain cold look in his eyes, yet also a firey sense of determination. Whatever Syzmon's agenda was in the Outer Rim, the Imperial Remnant would soon find out. Afterall, Rothana was just a stone's throw away from Syzmon's territories, and Rothana Heavy Engineering was one of the crown jewels of the Remnant's war machine. With the recent additions of Hoth and Bakura added to the Remnant's expanse, the Outer Rim was certainly the new battleground of the post-Endor Galactic Civil War.

   "Greeting, Admiral Szymon... and welcome to ORD Hoth. I believe the last time I stood before you I was but a mere lieutenant. It seems time has shown favor to us both..."

   As Hale was dishing out the pleasantries and greetings, Jana's eyes began scanning Szymon's company from head to toe. While she was doing this because of her mission to manage Hale's personal security, she did so more because she wanted to size up Szymon's attache to determine what measure of power the man really held. The various alien species he surrounded himself with proved that his influence in the Outer Rim criminal underworld was reputable. Jana's eyes then befell a woman, who looked the part but Jana sensed she was out of place.

   "Ahh yes, I almost forgot. Ishfan, allow me to introduce to you my executive special agent, Captain Jana Sable..."

   Jana removed a leather glove and extended her hand with a well rehearsed and professional, yet nonetheless captivating smile. "Admiral..."