Author Topic: HOTH  (Read 37831 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2013, 06:33:55 PM »

  . . .descending the shuttle, Szymon feigned continued composure and expected grace as standing out from the crowded but neatly arranged gathering a lightsaber affixed to an initially non-particular hip caught his eye.  So there would be no pussy footing about, but rather a blatant outward display in seeming confirmation of the suspicion.  Supreme Executor Hale had himself a Force wielder, at least in outward appearance.  The recent unanticipated manipulation by the Tenloss Triad's Adjunct, the surprise dark adept Sephi Norokos, had left him feeling open and vulnerable.  With the new supposed Dark Lord posing upon the throne-world of Coruscant commanding the bulk of the residual, proclaimed SITH Empire, and his empowered minions, the very real threat of this galactic wide resurgence in the prominence of Force users loomed over his every move, imperiling the relative autonomous existence.

  At the bottom of the ramp, Szymon motioned slightly for the marching black armored guards to hold behind as he, Inspector Niks, General Cestiss and Lieutenant Letyena Moura strode ahead a few paces to meet the awaiting stoic Hale and confidently postured seemingly. .magnetic, Jana Sable.  Szymon's apprehension to the woman's hip adornment and it's implication was overpowered by her pure allure and captivating draw.  As the ever cliche overbearing gentleman, Szymon first paid homage to the young lady, gently cradling her revealed extended hand with his own and depositing a gentle dry kiss upon it before a kind of extended bow,

  "M'lady, it seems Lucidius has done well for himself in many forms," he deeply purred.  To which she faked a kindly flattery and acceptance.

  Then standing tall and turning to the superbly garbed Supreme Executor, offering a respectful bowing nod and stern hand shake,

  "Lord Hale, Greetings!  Yes, a Lieutenant, but it seems time changes us all," he began with insinuated impressed assessment and measuring hand motion of the individual.

  "Indeed Ishfan, Indeed," Lucidius offered in friendly bantered retort with a chuckle.

  The Admiral stepped aside to introduce his companions to the styled King and Queen of the Imperial Remnant,

  "My right hand, Inspector General Urratio Niks, previously a Field Operations Manager in the Ubiqtorate.  The literal BULK of our manpower and bedrock beneath me, esteemed Eriaduan, General Barl Cestiss.  And our..Logistics Specialist, the lovely Lieutenant Letyena Moura," he announced them each with individual presenting motions.

  The parties exchanged the expected social greetings and acquantainces, as Hale ushered Szymon along while placing an arm partially across the other's back, who in turn mimicked the creeping inherent subconscious Alpha Male display.  Jana walked along beside Hale with the pair of half embraced leaders who quietly discussed while Szymon's companions walked behind.  Urratio was uncontrollably drawn to a blatant locked observation of the tightly attired and deliciously shaped Sable who's perfectly aligned steps sent hip swinging sharply from side to side, her saber hilt swinging along.  Letyena took notice and scoffed beneath her breath, to which the Inspector briefly corrected himself before being uncontrollably drawn back in to the saber wielding woman as she seemed to slightly turn her head and shoot him a backward peripheral glance.

  Szymon and Hale conversed while Cestiss admired the perfect formations of the endless rows of Remnant personnel, as the procession proceeded along a rigid man-framed walkway leading out of the large parade arena converted hangar bay,

  "to be honest Admiral, I'm rather surprised to see the kind of. .commitment you've demonstrated.  I wasn't even sure you'd be receptive to the scheme at all," Lucidius commented, referencing the ominous pair of Imperial Star Destroyers the other had arrived with, genuinely surprised by the powerful projection and wasting no time in beginning to prod the individual himself.

  "I wasn't, the General you see," Szymon interjected half jokingly while motioning with a thumbed point to the large burly human walking along behind them, "he's a bit of a penchant for the dramatics.  I was content to sit back, collect and retire but he insisted we stretch our legs and be good neighbors," Szymon answered with a sly smile as they'd passed through a large double sliding hydraulic blast door.  The General grinned, making his deep laborious breaths more audible and added, "I am social butterfly," followed by a trail of self-entertained muffled snickering.

  They entered a corridor and immediately stepped off in to a waiting turbolift.  Hale smiled, briefly laughing to entertain the casual disarming sarcasm of old he'd well remembered Szymon for.  Then turning to face him, even shouldered and gazed he spoke a bit more bluntly

  "Humorous Ishfan, but honestly, I'd feel more comfortable should you express some. . honest motivation.  There are a lot of whispers of what you've got in motion.  Not the least of which concerns what may lay in The Maw," Lucidius plainly said while carefully articulating a lack of abrasion through his tone and rolling hand motions.

  "Executor, I can assure you that Honesty, is the least of my motivations.  As far as what lay behind the curtain, well it wouldn't be proper to spoil the show.  But I can assure you Lord Hale, it is a friendship and mutual respect I seek and offer," Ishfan replied, offering his hand again in a much more informal yet meaningful embrace as the turbolift doors hissed shut. . .
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2013, 09:30:53 PM »
Imperial Remnant
Enemy of the Enemy, Part 3 of 3

   As the turbolift door closed, Hale removed a small key from his upper blouse and inserted it into the turbolift control panel, giving it a hard right turn and then a half left turn, before pushing one last button to send the turbolift up to the secured levels of Echo Palace. While Hale resided in the VIP Penthouse in the palace's north tower, the south tower was home to a VIP Lounge with fully dedicated holosuite for tactical displays and everything of the sort. With the number of the present company, the turbolift suddenly seemed very small. Seemingly out of chance, Jana and Letyena somehow managed to rub shoulders.

   "Lieutenant Moura, what exactly does a Logistics Specialist do for a man like your Admiral?" asked Jana, hoping to probe her abilities...

   "I make sure things get to where they need to go as well as... procure any specially requested items for the Admiral. Whatever he needs, I get done..."

   Jana nodded and continued small with the woman, while the men exchanged some small talk as well.

   "Ishfan, I must say, when the news of Admiral Daala's defeat hit Admiral Pellaeon's ears.. the old man nearly foddered himself out of pure joy. You have no idea how much he hated Daala. She was an unstable loose end that needed to get tied up, though I'm afraid not the last. There are still many warlords that have yet to be brought in line with the natural order of things."

   "Ahh yes, the 'natural order of things'..." replied Szymon, while his General began laughing to himself, knowing full well what their natural order was. "Daala was the first, but she will not be the last. We have many opponents that yet stand in our way."

   As the turbolift came to a halt and the doors opened, the group began shuffling to the main lounge. Refreshments were divvied out before everyone took seats, although Hale remained standing in order to activate the main holo display. After pushing a few buttons, Hale called up a picture of the galaxy. Immediately, various colors indicating the political alignment across the galaxy began populating the picture. A vast majority of the galaxy was still independent, but yet the handful of Imperial warlords that still roamed the galaxy unchecked were beginning to consolidate. Rumors of the Corporate Sector experiencing an internal power struggle had not fallen upon deaf ears, and the Trade Federation it seemed was poised to make a comeback.

   "Needless to say gentlemen, the galaxy is changing beneath our feet. While we may have been accustomed to traditional power bases existing in the Core Worlds, recent events have shown us that those who hold the Outer Rim also hold the keys to that power. That is why the time has come to stage our final assault on the Rebel Alliance... they are the last threat that stands in the way of total Imperial dominance and eventual reorganization of Coruscant..."

   Hale paused to allow his guests to interject any necessary comments, before continuing with his brief.

   "Admiral Szymon, your Star Destroyers are well poised to spearhead the attack from any position, but the sheer number of support craft in Endor's defenses present an entirely different challenge, which is where the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force will be stepping in. Regardless of how the attack plays out, I strongly suggest we exit hyperspace where the Rebel Fleet is the strongest... and destroy the MC-90 and Omega Platform and work our way downwards to the smaller targets. The ground battlefield does not present a challenge in the least bit, but if the space battle plan can be agreed upon, then perhaps we can expedite our return to Endor..."

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2013, 02:49:12 PM »
. . ."Needless to say gentlemen, the galaxy is changing beneath our feet. While we may have been accustomed to traditional power bases existing in the Core Worlds, recent events have shown us that those who hold the Outer Rim also hold the keys to that power. That is why the time has come to stage our final assault on the Rebel Alliance... they are the last threat that stands in the way of total Imperial dominance and eventual reorganization of Coruscant...,"  Hale began explaining.

   Ishfan spoke up from the small select informally arrange audience, "Lord Hale, as much as I've benefited from it's absence, I now share the same desire for. .a stability.  But I'm not so sure those on Coruscant don't believe they already have their organization.  Nor care for any opinion otherwise," he began as he rose and paced about the dimmed room,  "This. .Algoz.  An uncompromising man of darkness I've heard.  Are you sure there isn't more in the works here?  It's well known he wields a Super Star Destroyer at Coruscant.  This ship alone could crack Endor like an egg.  What's to stop him from turning it on us?"

  Hale keyed up a focused projection of the Mon Calamari star system.  The holo representation bustled with activity, numerous heavy cruisers, defensive weapon platforms and smaller ships orbited and zipped about the huge orbiting blue orb and it's ringed shipyards,

  "Because the New Republic is waiting for that.  The slightest hint of weakness in Coruscant and the massive armada growing around that impregnable bastion will strike at the heart of what remains.  If that happened, there'd be no hope for a unified galactic government under any banner EXCEPT the New Republic,"
  Hale closed the focus image projection and walked around closer to where Szymon had ceased pacing and stood listening intently,

  "You see Algoz may have a behemoth at his back, but it's strategically locked there.  His hold on the core is solid but there's a shadow hovering over him from afar.  I don't doubt if he thought it better served his purpose he'd destroy us at Endor, but it doesn't. ."

  Szymon digested the response before returning, "But you DON'T trust him?  Otherwise, would I even be here?"

  Hale confirmed, "I trust him less than I trust you Admiral Szymon, but that's a limited scope as well," he finished with a semi-jesting smirk.

  Szymon returned the smirk with a contained chuckle and returned to his seat.

  Hale pulled up a more specific main holo projection.  A representation of Endor materialized. Complete with all the intelligence confirmed defenses.

  "The intelligence has been provided by Sith Empire elements, AND confirmed by our own scouts. ." he began.

  "There's that trust thing again Lucidius!," Ishfan jokingly called out in interruption.  It simply rolled off the other who continued to unfold the attack plan. . .

  ". . . so Admiral Szymon, your Star Destroyers are well poised to spearhead the attack from any position, but the sheer number of support craft in Endor's defenses present an entirely different challenge, which is where the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force will be stepping in. Regardless of how the attack plays out, I strongly suggest we exit hyperspace where the Rebel Fleet is the strongest... and destroy the MC-90 and Omega Platform and work our way downwards to the smaller targets. The ground battlefield does not present a challenge in the least bit, but if the space battle plan can be agreed upon, then perhaps we can expedite our return to Endor." the Supreme Executor and general architect of the cooperative strike finished his presentation.

  Szymon took in a final assessment of the plan as laid out in digital image before him and made a few final conditions,

  "My ships, they stay away from SE forces.  And when we're done cleaning house..the 90 comes with me.  Besides that I want nothing out of that rock," he boldly stated.

  Standing again to face the nearby Hale, Ishfan inquired, "Do we have terms Lord Hale?" he inquired positively with wide eyed expectation, extending his hand to hopefully seal the arrangement. . .
« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 05:35:43 PM by GCW Hale »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2013, 07:06:57 PM »
Imperial Remnant
Enemy of the Enemy, Epilogue

   "The Imperial Remnant cannot guarantee any action with or against Sith Empire forces, as you very well know. But what if they also seek to capture the MC-90? Surely that would necessitate operations within the same vicinity of the Sith Fleet?" asked Hale, rhetorically. "Yet your terms are agreeable."

   Hale pulled up a holographic display of Endor, with Near Real-Time information. "With considerable effort and gratitude, the skirmish forces supplied by our mutual supporters should be picking off the Rebel skirmish line in the near future. This will leave their defenses on the lower orbit entirely exposed to our attacks... but yet the danger of the Rebel Alliance Fleet still looms. Our intelligence reports indicate that the Rebel Fleet at Thyferra is poised and ready to deploy, and will be getting underway within the next 24 hours..." Hale looked over to Jana, who gave him a nod of confirmation. "When the Rebel Fleet arrives, I claim rights on the Destiny Ascension. The destruction of the ISD-II Avenger - for lack of a better term - will be avenged."

   Hale looked around the room and opened the floor to any additional commentary. After everyone said their final piece, Hale snapped his fingers and immediately a cadre of waiters arrived and served a glass of Bakuran Pilsner, recently arrived. "Let us toast to this partnership and to the final destruction of the Rebel Alliance!" After Hale finished toasting, he concluded the meeting and alerted all staff and crew to standby for immediate deployment.

   At last... the time had come...

1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
ISD-I Punisher, VNSD Leviathan and ESC Harpoon enter hyperspace for Endor.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 06:00:42 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2013, 11:38:48 PM »

   Another link in the chain of life lines.  Ishfan had always found it paid to distribute your eggs.  With relations warmed between himself and Supreme Executor Hale and certain understandings reached, the great undertaking felt much more relaxed and promising.  Szymon's shuttle returned into the belly of his flagship, the Serpentor as she and her sister cruiser the Audacity slowly lumbered away from the snowscape world, eventually leaping in to hyperspace in sync. . .

Admiral Ishfan Szymon (+10% Shield/Armor/Hull/Dmg all ships of fleet)

 Fleet Escort TIE Avg sqd OMICRON; 480DUR, HS, UCR 9

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Serpentor
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 1760/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; HS  UCR; 3

 TIE Avg sqd OMEGA; 480 DUR, Hangar, UCR 9
 TIE Int sqd BETA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd GAMMA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd SIGMA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd DELTA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd KAPPA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(36) UPSILON; 40ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) NU; 200ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 1

   IMP ARMY Brigade ? (400sqds); 7ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 6
   IMP STORMTROOPER Battalion ? (200sqds); 8ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 6
   IMP FLEET TROOPER Brigade ? (400sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   AT-TE SQUAD ? (6); 100ea DUR, Armory, UCR 6
   AT-ST Company ? (20); 60ea DUR, Armory, UCR 7
   IMP SPEEDER Company ? (28spdrs); 10ea DUR, Armory, UCR 10

Imperial Mark I Star Destroyer Audacity
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 1760/1760/1760/800
Location/Activity; HS  UCR; 3

 TIE Avg sqd ALPHA; 480 DUR, Hangar, UCR 9
 TIE Int sqd THETA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ETA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd ZETA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd IOTA; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 TIE Int sqd CHI; 240 DUR, Hangar, UCR 10
 LAMBDA Grp(36) EPSILON; 40ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 5
 IMP BARGE Grp(5) MU; 200ea DUR, Hangar, UCR 1

   IMP FLEET TROOPER Division ? (1000sqds); 6ea DUR, Barracks, UCR 5
   IMP SPEEDER Company ? (60spdrs); 10ea DUR, Armory, UCR 10
« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 11:40:19 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2013, 09:09:32 PM »
Imperial Remnant

The 1st Imperial Expeditionary Group exits hyperspace and immediately disperses around Imperial Remnant held systems as part of a new PDF alignment program. The fabled and captured Destiny Ascension also is transferred to an undisclosed location, whereupon it will be reserviced to meet IR needs. Hale and Jana transfer to a pair of SGAFs, which jet to Corulag to pick up the new ISD-II...
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 09:05:46 PM by GCW Hale »