Author Topic: THYFERRA  (Read 71973 times)

Offline Dementat

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  • Posts: 966
« Reply #60 on: November 17, 2012, 01:22:38 AM »
Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Fleet of the Sith Empire
Lider Algoz, Dark Lord of the Sith
Conquest Mission

    All continued to go as planned, although the Sith was amazed to see the shipyard relocated as it was. The time had come to complete the mission. Increasing his will in the Force, Darth Algoz directed his fighters to engage the enemy and begin the infliction they had come to give.

VSD-II continues ACTIVE Scanning of Thyferra.
Fighters moved C-14 to A-4 and attack.

T/F M-01 vs. L/SHU
UCR: 8/5 = 1.0
    24 SFS Laser Cannons = 48 MANDATORY (1 Destroyed, 1 Damaged)

Remaining T/F vs. Rebel Z-95 Headhunters
UCR: 8/5 = 1.0
    432 SFS Laser Cannons = 864 MANDATORY (3 Destroyed)

TIE Fighter Squadron M-01
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron M-02
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron M-03
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron T-01
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron T-02
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron T-03
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron T-04
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron T-05
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron T-06
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-01
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-02
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-03
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-04
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-05
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-06
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron S-01
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron S-02
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron V-03
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-01
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Location: DS-1    Heading: DS-2
Shields: 24/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500
Onboard Starfighters:
Onboard Auxiliary:
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
Landing Barges 1-5
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
Dark Lord of the Sith, Lider Algoz
Location: Bridge    Action: N/A    Armor: 500/500    Health: 600/600    UCR: 13
500/500 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5 
Onboard GAVs:
30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garage    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

Viper Probe Droid 5
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Viper Probe Droid 6
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Viper Probe Droid 7
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Imperial Conquest Income:
18 Auxiliary = 180 KC
3 Squadrons = 30 KC
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

  • SWSF Member
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« Reply #61 on: November 17, 2012, 10:32:50 AM »
The fighters swarmed in on their position in A-4, which is exactly what General Corvel has been waiting for. Unlike Ramano, this man was not interested in trophies or glory. To him, the only thing that mattered was the safety of this planet and its denizens, and so long as the star destroyer was in the far reaches of the system, it posed no threat to the populous below.

"Sir, our forces are taking minor losses, however these pilots fight with a tenacity ive never seen before from imperials."
"Then it is obvious the force is with them, for all the good it will do. Commence counter-assault operations. Make sure that star destroyer stays put or becomes a permanent member of this planet."


Attack Summary:
13 Rebel Z-95 Squads vs Tie Fighters in A-4
312LCs = 312
312CMs = 624
UCR = 5/8 = 0.625 * 936 = 585pts

7 CRVs vs Tie Fighters in A-4
14DHTLs = 280
28HICs = 112
14CMs = 28
UCR = 7/8 = 0.875 * 420 = 368pts

Golan Thyferra 1 vs Tie Fighters in A-4
100TLs = 800
100CMs = 200
UCR = 1/8 = 0.125 * 1000 = 125pts

Total damage to Tie Fighters in A-4: 1,078pts. (Suggested Status: 7 squads destroyed, 1 more damaged)

PDF Space Status:
Golan-class Space Defense Platform Thyferra 1
Location: A-4
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Length: 1000 meters
Hyperdrive: None
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Hull: 1000
Systems: 1000
Speed: Stationary (0)
Maneuver: (1)
100 Turbolaser Cannons (800)
100 Concussion Missile Launchers (200)
5 Tractor Beam Projectors (500m)
Onboard Units:
1 Republic Z-95 Squadron *launched*
12 L/SHUs *launched*
Notes: Limited to (1) per A-ring grid space. Does not count against the Space CP capacity for PDFs.

Republic ShipYard Foundry 1
Location: A-4
Production Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Size: 1000 meters
Shields: None
Armor: 2000
Hull: 1000
Speed: 0 (Stationary)
Maneuver: 1 (Orbital Rotation)
Industrial Output: 0 KCs (Military Facility)
PDF Bonus: +1 CP
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 Rebel Z-95 Squadron *launched*
1. Enables production of all Republic starships.
Notes: Limited to (4) per System. Must be stationed in the A-Ring.

Corellian Corvette One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Location: All in A-4
Cost: FREE
Production Time: 7 Days
Command Points: 1
Length: 150 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shields: 150
Armor: 150
Hull: 150
Systems: 100
Speed: Very Fast (3)
Maneuver: (4)
2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (40)
4 Heavy Ion Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Units:
5 Republic Fleet Marine Squads
External Units:
1 L/SHU *launched*
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: A-4 Attacking
10/13 Rebel Z-95 Squads     Shields: 144/144, Hull: 144/144, UCR: 5

Aux Group 1: A-4 CSP
1/19 L/SHUs     Shields: 12/20, Armor: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR: 5

PDF Ground Status:
New Republic Sector Operations Base Thyferra Command
Production Cost: 1000 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Size: 1000 meters
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Hull: 1000
Systems: 1000
Defense UCR: 10 (Armored Ground Facility)
Industrial Output: 150 KCs / Action Day
Onboard Units:
600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *Garrisoned*
30 Speeder Bikes *Garrisoned*
5 Rebel Z-95 Squadrons *launched*
1. Enables production of all Republic facilities in same system.
2. Can produce Republic Hero Units.
3. Includes HOLONET transceiver.
Notes: Limited to (1) per planet.

Offline Dementat

  • SWSF Member
  • Posts: 966
« Reply #62 on: November 18, 2012, 09:59:17 AM »
Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Fleet of the Sith Empire
Lider Algoz, Dark Lord of the Sith
Conquest Mission

    Everything continued to go as planned. Skilled rebel pilots were wiped from existence by the possessed Imperials. Darth Algoz glared out the viewports, his brow furrowed as he concentrated. No TIE Fighter shied away from the action. No pilot wavered. They fought on with no regard for their own lives.

VSD-II continues ACTIVE Scanning of Thyferra.
Fighters take damage and attack.

T/F M-01 vs. L/SHU
UCR: 8/5 = 1.0
    24 SFS Laser Cannons = 48 MANDATORY (1 Destroyed)

(19) T/F vs. Rebel Z-95 Headhunters
UCR: 8/5 = 1.0
    432 SFS Laser Cannons = 864 MANDATORY (3 Destroyed)

TIE Fighter Squadron T-05
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 74/144
TIE Fighter Squadron T-06
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-01
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-02
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-03
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-04
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-05
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-06
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron S-01
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron S-02
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron V-03
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-01
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Location: DS-1    Heading: DS-2
Shields: 24/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500
Onboard Starfighters:
Onboard Auxiliary:
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
Landing Barges 1-5
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
Dark Lord of the Sith, Lider Algoz
Location: Bridge    Action: N/A    Armor: 500/500    Health: 600/600    UCR: 13
500/500 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5 
Onboard GAVs:
30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garage    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

Viper Probe Droid 5
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Viper Probe Droid 6
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Viper Probe Droid 7
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Imperial Conquest Income:
19 Auxiliary = 190 KC
6 Squadrons = 60 KC
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

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  • Posts: 1,385
« Reply #63 on: November 18, 2012, 10:51:31 AM »
General Corvel watched the radar screen with intensity as the battle continued to rage on. Entire scores of fighters disappeared from the screen in the span of only a few moments.

"Sacrifice themselves like Noghri, these imperials."
"Perhaps sir, but their tactics are effective, we are down to nearly half our fighter reserves, and our entire auxiliary force has been destroyed. However, our men are registering a 2 to 1 kill ratio."
"I assure you it is only due to superior technology. The Tie Fighter is nothing more then an unshielded durasteel box with engines. The fact we are only registering a 2 to 1 kill rate is a testament to those pilots tenacity. They will die with their honor intact."

Meanwhile in orbit the battle continued to rage as the fighters regrouped in a high arcing formation and swarmed back in on the imperial positions. Even with the aid of the force, the imperial Tie's were still no match for the far superior rebellion fighters. As the corvettes encircled their position, the fate of the imperial fighter group was nearly sealed. The planetary defense had done its job, now it would be up to Ramano to capitalize on the situation.

Continued the assault

Attack Summary:
10 Rebel Z-95 Squads vs Tie Fighters in A-4
240LCs = 240
240CMs = 480
UCR = 5/8 = 0.625 * 720 = 450pts

7 CRVs vs Tie Fighters in A-4
14DHTLs = 280
28HICs = 112
14CMs = 28
UCR = 7/8 = 0.875 * 420 = 368pts

Golan Thyferra 1 vs Tie Fighters in A-4
100TLs = 800
100CMs = 200
UCR = 1/8 = 0.125 * 1000 = 125pts

Total damage to Tie Fighters A-4: 943pts (Suggested Status: 7 Squads destroyed) *144 to 6 squads, 78 to the damaged 1*

PDF Space Status:
Golan-class Space Defense Platform Thyferra 1
Location: A-4
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Length: 1000 meters
Hyperdrive: None
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Hull: 1000
Systems: 1000
Speed: Stationary (0)
Maneuver: (1)
100 Turbolaser Cannons (800)
100 Concussion Missile Launchers (200)
5 Tractor Beam Projectors (500m)
Onboard Units:
1 Republic Z-95 Squadron *launched*
12 L/SHUs *dead*
Notes: Limited to (1) per A-ring grid space. Does not count against the Space CP capacity for PDFs.

Republic ShipYard Foundry 1
Location: A-4
Production Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Size: 1000 meters
Shields: None
Armor: 2000
Hull: 1000
Speed: 0 (Stationary)
Maneuver: 1 (Orbital Rotation)
Industrial Output: 0 KCs (Military Facility)
PDF Bonus: +1 CP
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 Rebel Z-95 Squadron *launched*
1. Enables production of all Republic starships.
Notes: Limited to (4) per System. Must be stationed in the A-Ring.

Corellian Corvette One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Location: All in A-4
Cost: FREE
Production Time: 7 Days
Command Points: 1
Length: 150 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shields: 150
Armor: 150
Hull: 150
Systems: 100
Speed: Very Fast (3)
Maneuver: (4)
2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (40)
4 Heavy Ion Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Units:
5 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *hanger*
External Units:
1 L/SHU *dead*
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: A-4 Attacking
7/13 Rebel Z-95 Squads     Shields: 144/144, Hull: 144/144, UCR: 5

PDF Ground Status:
New Republic Sector Operations Base Thyferra Command
Production Cost: 1000 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Size: 1000 meters
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Hull: 1000
Systems: 1000
Defense UCR: 10 (Armored Ground Facility)
Industrial Output: 150 KCs / Action Day
Onboard Units:
600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *Garrisoned*
30 Speeder Bikes *Garrisoned*
5 Rebel Z-95 Squadrons *launched*
1. Enables production of all Republic facilities in same system.
2. Can produce Republic Hero Units.
3. Includes HOLONET transceiver.
Notes: Limited to (1) per planet.

Offline Dementat

  • SWSF Member
  • Posts: 966
« Reply #64 on: November 19, 2012, 06:40:52 PM »
Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Fleet of the Sith Empire
Lider Algoz, Dark Lord of the Sith
Conquest Mission

    The majority of the Imperial starfighter force had been wiped away, but they remained steadfast and relentless as they continued to eat away at the rebel fighter defense. Darth Algoz was not done yet. He had no intention of taking the ground, but had every intention of inflicting casualties. He could afford another round of fighting before pulling out of the system.

VSD-II continues ACTIVE Scanning of Thyferra.
Fighters take damage and attack.

(12) T/F vs. Rebel Z-95 Headhunters
UCR: 8/5 = 1.0
    288 SFS Laser Cannons = 576 MANDATORY (2 Destroyed)

TIE Fighter Squadron P-06
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 139/144
TIE Fighter Squadron S-01
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron S-02
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron V-03
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron P-01
Location: A-4    Action: Attack    UCR: 8    HP: 144/144

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Location: DS-1    Heading: DS-2
Shields: 24/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500
Onboard Starfighters:
Onboard Auxiliary:
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
Landing Barges 1-5
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
Dark Lord of the Sith, Lider Algoz
Location: Bridge    Action: N/A    Armor: 500/500    Health: 600/600    UCR: 13
500/500 Imperial Army Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 7/7 EACH    UCR: 5 
Onboard GAVs:
30/30 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garage    Action: N/A    HP: 10/10 EACH    UCR: 10

Viper Probe Droid 5
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Viper Probe Droid 6
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Viper Probe Droid 7
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Imperial Conquest Income:
19 Auxiliary = 190 KC
8 Squadrons = 80 KC
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Ramano

  • SWSF Member
  • Posts: 1,385
« Reply #65 on: November 20, 2012, 10:01:31 AM »
OOC Note: I do recall a time when you abruptly made an in HS course change when you found out what I was rolling at Thyferra, I now collect mine from seeing your supernatural level PDF at... well everywhere. And if you check, I did spend the correct time in HS to make it here.

Ramano stood watched as the Holovid of General Corvel displayed the information of the Thyferra battle.

"You've done well General."
"Thank you sir, and as you can see, I believe he has no intention of leaving."
"Well, perhaps we should invite his crew to defect. Being stranded on a derelict vessel tends to change ones viewpoints rather quickly."

With a flash the massive rebellion battle group blasted from HS nearly on top of the last recorded position of the VSD Maleficent from the scan triangulations sent to him via holonet. Fighters and aux poured from the hangers as the final battle of the Maleficent was at hand.

Exited HS in DS-1.
Launched Craft

Attack Summary:
RHD and 2 NSBCs vs VSD II Maleficent
15HTLBs = 248
90HQLs = 792
UCR = 4/4 = full damage = 1040pts

MC-80 Mon Romonda vs VSD II Maleficent
48TLs = 634
UCR = 3/4 = 0.75 * 634 = 476pts

7 Rebel Z-95 Squads vs Tie Fighters in A-4
168LCs = 168
168CMs = 336
UCR = 5/8 = 0.625 * 504 = 315pts

7 CRVs vs Tie Fighters in A-4
14DHTLs = 280
28HICs = 112
14CMs = 28
UCR = 7/8 = 0.875 * 420 = 368pts

Golan Thyferra 1 vs Tie Fighters in A-4
100TLs = 800
100CMs = 200
UCR = 1/8 = 0.125 * 1000 = 125pts

Tractors Beams vs VSD II Maleficent
12TBs = 1200m
UCR: 6 @ Full damage, 6 @ 0.75 damage = 1,050m held

Total damage to VSD II Maleficent: 1,516pts, 1,050m locked (Suggested Status: Disabled, Tractor Locked)
Total damage to T/Fs in A-4: 808pts (Suggested Status: All Destroyed)

Ramano's Heavy Dreadnaught (RHD) Destiny Ascension *Flagship*
Location: DS-1
Cost: 1500 KCs (Unique)
Production Time: 15 Days (Unique)
Command Points: 10
Length: 700 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75 (Fast Hyperdrive)
Shields: 1540 (Mon Calamari Shields)
Armor: 770
Hull: 770
Systems: 770 (Boosted Systems)
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
15 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (248)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(3 Starfighter Squadrons)
1 Veteran Y-Wing Squadron *hanger*
2 Republic Z-95 Squadrons *launched*
(Ground units and Aux may not be modified)
6/80 Republic Assault Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 Republic Vanguard Troopers (LOST Division) *hanger*
20 LAAT/c Gunships *hanger*
20 AT-TEs *hanger*
Notes: Ramano belonged to a splinter squadron in the Rebel Alliance that used Old Republic technology that was funded and improved up by the Rebel Alliance to perform high-impact surgical strikes as part of a rapid response force commanded only by Ramano, who the Rebel High Command preferred to "unleash" rather than "control". Assigned 1000 Republic Heavy Troopers, Ramano created the Low Orbit Shock Trooper (LOST) Division, which enables these troopers to deploy without dropship support from the A-Ring and immediately into the Atmsophere, where they can land anywhere on a planet to strike. The Dreadnaught also features externally rack mounted LAAT/c Gunships, modified for space travel, as Auxiliary support. Used to transport AT-TE walkers during the Clone Wars, these
LAAT/c Gunships do just that, enabling Ramano's team to insert even some powerful GAVs into any battlefield. Due to advanced technology the ship carries a 350KC maintenance cost every action day or is immediately scrapped for no gain. May never be rebuilt.

MC80 Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (MC80) Mon Remonda
Location: DS-1
Cost: 1900 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1300 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 2860
Armor: 1430
Hull: 1430
Systems: 715
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
48 Turbolaser Batteries (634)
20 Ion Batteries (110)
6 Tractor Beams (660m)
Onboard Units:
(8 Starfighter Squadrons)
8 A-Wing Squadrons *hanger*
20 Assault Transports *hanger*
4 L/SHUs *hanger*
6 Medium Transports *hanger*
(600 Infantry Squads)
113/600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *hanger*
(30 GAVs)
0/30 Speeder Bikes *hanger*
Notes: Must be manufactured at MON CALAMARI SHIPYARDS.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Nefrane
Location: DS-1
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *hanger*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
46/50 Speeder Bikes *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NeutronStar Battle Cruiser (NSBC) Cybean
Location: DS-1
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 5 Days
Length: 600 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 660
Armor: 660
Hull: 660
Systems: 300
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (264)
2 Tractor Beam Projectors (200m)
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 StarViper Squadron *hanger*
(500 Infantry Squads)
500/500 Republic Fleet Marines *hanger*
(50 GAVs)
50/50 Speeder Bikes *hanger*
Notes: This ship can enter the atmosphere and make planetary landings.

PDF Space Status:
Golan-class Space Defense Platform Thyferra 1
Location: A-4
Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Length: 1000 meters
Hyperdrive: None
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Hull: 1000
Systems: 1000
Speed: Stationary (0)
Maneuver: (1)
100 Turbolaser Cannons (800)
100 Concussion Missile Launchers (200)
5 Tractor Beam Projectors (500m)
Onboard Units:
1 Republic Z-95 Squadron *launched*
12 L/SHUs *dead*
Notes: Limited to (1) per A-ring grid space. Does not count against the Space CP capacity for PDFs.

Republic ShipYard Foundry 1
Location: A-4
Production Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Size: 1000 meters
Shields: None
Armor: 2000
Hull: 1000
Speed: 0 (Stationary)
Maneuver: 1 (Orbital Rotation)
Industrial Output: 0 KCs (Military Facility)
PDF Bonus: +1 CP
Onboard Units:
(1 Starfighter Squadron)
1 Rebel Z-95 Squadron *launched*
1. Enables production of all Republic starships.
Notes: Limited to (4) per System. Must be stationed in the A-Ring.

Corellian Corvette One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Location: All in A-4
Cost: FREE
Production Time: 7 Days
Command Points: 1
Length: 150 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shields: 150
Armor: 150
Hull: 150
Systems: 100
Speed: Very Fast (3)
Maneuver: (4)
2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (40)
4 Heavy Ion Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Units:
5 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *hanger*
External Units:
1 L/SHU *dead*
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: A-4 Attacking
5/13 Rebel Z-95 Squads     Shields: 144/144, Hull: 144/144, UCR: 5

Fighter Group 2: DS-1 CSP
2/2 Rebel Z-95 Squads     Shields: 144/144, Hull: 144/144, UCR: 5

PDF Ground Status:
New Republic Sector Operations Base Thyferra Command
Production Cost: 1000 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Size: 1000 meters
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Hull: 1000
Systems: 1000
Defense UCR: 10 (Armored Ground Facility)
Industrial Output: 150 KCs / Action Day
Onboard Units:
600 Republic Fleet Marine Squads *Garrisoned*
30 Speeder Bikes *Garrisoned*
5 Rebel Z-95 Squadrons *launched*
1. Enables production of all Republic facilities in same system.
2. Can produce Republic Hero Units.
3. Includes HOLONET transceiver.
Notes: Limited to (1) per planet.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #66 on: November 20, 2012, 08:42:30 PM »
Fleet of the Sith Empire
Lider Algoz, Dark Lord of the Sith
Conquest Mission

    Darth Algoz had left the Maleficent vulnerable for too long. He cursed himself for not using his gut and withdrawing from the battle days earlier as planned. Now it was too late, and the ship was disabled. The communications officer, who he believed responsible for the error, lay smoking on the bridge from force lightening. He forced his will on the crew, instructing them to place charges throughout the ship. He left the bridge, its crew strewn throughout, its consoles and circuitry smoking with lightsaber slashes. On the way to the hanger he gave orders to the troops as he passed. Squads were sent to vital sections, such as engineering, to place explosive charges with the intent to scuttle the ship. The engine room became a spiders web of wires, running from mine to mine around the core. The blast from there would be sufficient to split the ship effectively in half. For good measure, speeder bikes were moved from the garage and placed strategically throughout the ship and set to explode in the weakest areas. The lights flickered as the Sith walked through the corridors, his eyes yellow with anger. Flashes of fire followed him as troopers tossed grenades and other explosives into every vent and portal they could find. A howl filled the ship as atmosphere began to escape through fissures in the hull where the speeder bikes had been detonated. The entire ship went dark as he reached the hangar bay. Darth Algoz boarded his personal shuttle, following several crew who had been given the task of collecting any confidential documents that were aboard. The hangar was black, with the occasional red flash. As the clearance lights of the shuttle kicked on, they revealed trooper after trooper saluting the shuttle before putting their plaster pistols to their own heads.
    The shuttle emerged from the belly of the ship and speed away at full speed. Lider watched the monitors, then sat back in satisfaction as the evidence of detonations began to spread along the Star Destroyers hull. A large blast silhouetted the enemy fighters as the core exploded, breaking the ship in half and sending a shock wave through space. Maleficent was no more. The shuttle leaped away into hyperspace.

VSD-II sends final transmission.
Sith escapes on shuttle, enters hyperspace.
Troops destroy ship.

(5) T/F vs. Rebel Z-95 Headhunters
UCR: 8/5 = 1.0
    120 SFS Laser Cannons = 240 MANDATORY (1 Damaged)

(500) Imperial Army Troopers vs. VSD-II Maleficent
UCR: 6/4 = 1.0
    4 AR x 500 Troops = 2,000 MANDATORY (Destroyed)

Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: HS    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
Onboard Troops:
Dark Lord of the Sith, Lider Algoz
Action: N/A    Armor: 500/500    Health: 600/600    UCR: 13

Viper Probe Droid 5
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Viper Probe Droid 6
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Viper Probe Droid 7
Location: DS-*
Armor: 20/20

Imperial Conquest Income:
19 Auxiliary = 190 KC
8 Squadrons = 80 KC
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 11:34:27 AM by Dementat »
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #67 on: November 21, 2012, 01:00:43 PM »
GM Intervention
After deleting OOC comments on this thread that should have been kept to PM and/or directed at me, I've decided to make the following ruling.

The ability for onboard units to damage their own ship in an attempt to scuttle the vessel is not in violation of the rules. The inability of infantry to damage a capital ship due to the density of its armor does not exclude the ability to damage a ship from the inside-out. As stated before, infantry squads do not just carry blasters but other squad-based weapons as well to include anti-armor and high-explosives. While on the ground battlefield, these weapons lack both the effective range and power to damage a capital ship, in close quarters they can certainly cause significant damage if the intent is to do so.

The following rule is retroactively applied and is now in effect:

Capital Ships will have an internal defensive UCR the same way ground facilities do, and it will be UCR 20.

The internal scuttling attack on the VSD-II Maleficent by the Army Troopers caused 150 Damage, which combined with Darth Algoz's lightsaber attacks, will be sufficient to destroy the vessel since its Hull was previously at 698.

I understand this might be a controversial ruling, so if you have any comments or concerns please direct them towards me via PM.

Further Ruling Commentary:

As the judge and GM I have to take a certain responsibility for the fair treatment of all players - including myself. In this situation, Dem missed the memo - something which could have been avoided had I sent everybody a PM regarding the new hyperspace rules. I chose to make this ruling because I think implementing Scuttling rules is the fairest approach without getting into questionable territory such as voiding the scuttling to begin with (which would've been unfair to Dem), or simply implementing a cop-out "self-destruct" button (which would've been unfair to Ramano's efforts, as well as all future efforts from everybody to capture a ship).

Ultimately, the buck stops with me, and adding new Scuttling rules was the most utilitarian ruling on the table I could have made, so I made it. If you don't like it, then let's talk about what we can change for Episode III and move on.

Additional Rulings:

Dementat, I will need you (at your earliest convenience since you may be AFK for the holidays) to write a storyline accompanying your Scuttling post detailing how Darth Algoz will use the Force and everything at his disposal to cause as much damage as he can (within the realm of possibility), as the realistic amount of damage the lightsaber itself can cause (even if you just dragged it everywhere) has been called into question. If you write this SL, I hope to remove these doubts and proceed forward so that all parties will be considered fairly and satisfied with the outcome of this ruling.

Thank you everyone.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 02:29:14 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #68 on: December 06, 2012, 07:35:10 PM »
Post was edited as of December 1st.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #69 on: December 06, 2012, 11:19:46 PM »
GM Fail

Noted. =)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #70 on: December 07, 2012, 08:59:58 PM »
OOC Note: Nah, that was just a mistake. Your fail was deleting my shit talking about it damn it! lol. Also, keep in mind I dont actually own any battle droids, this is for SL effect only. As far as combat is concerned, they are still republic fleet marines. Oh yeah, and Dem... now its my turn. >=)

Jason watched out of the viewport as the fighters reformed for a final assault run on the Maleficent as it suddenly began to disintegrate. Explosions ripped through the superstructure and large chunks of the vessel where tractors were locked onto tore away as the final core failure reduced the flagship of the galactic empires expeditionary force was added to the large debris ring encircling the planet. A small streak jumped to hyperspace as the dark lord fled yet another battle from the republics most powerful weapon.

"My asteroid belt continues to grow."

Jason smiled as he motioned toward the viewport. A small chuckle from the bridge crew followed the comment.

"I trust my exploratory fleet is ready?"
"Roger that sir. We automated as many systems as we could, but they are still going to require a minimal crew. Im rather curious as to how you are convincing anyone to accompany you on this madness?"
"Friends in high places admiral. I trust you'll understand when I tell you that is need to know information only."
"Roger that sir."
"I also trust you'll understand when I tell you that you will not be accompanying me on this mission."
"Not only will I understand sir, I will thank you for it."
"Well try not to sound so upset about it."
"Simply smart enough to know no one you bring with you on this is coming back from this mission."
"Have some faith admiral."
"Not so much faith but common sense sir."
"The bridge is yours admiral. Take care of my ship."

The 2 men nodded to each other as Jason exited to his shuttle and departed to shipyards. The shuttle flew past, the bright sparkling durasteel of the newly produced ships gleaming in the star shine casted throughout the system. After a quick flyby the shuttle touched down in the hanger of the QFBC Sleipnir, a few other shuttles of an unknown make already there. The landing ramp extended and Jason proceeded down to the hanger floor.

"Are the preparations completed?"
"Yes sir, the droids are responding well to the new software. Although I sure would love to know where you got ahold of 2 battalions of B1d MkII battle droids."
"As would a lot of people major. Its a question of leverage. I hold command over the most dangerous fleet in the galaxy. Many are willing to pay to keep that fleet well with in rebellion space. The key is to not let on that they were never a target to begin with."
"So you extorted the mustafar military command."
"Work more, think less, major."

The major smiled before offering a quick salute, heading to the bridge to make sure final preparations were in order after securing the fighters were operational. Less then an hour later the fleet had departed, enroute to places only Ramano knew.

Fleet placed on PDF duty.
1st Expedition fleet taken command *flagship QFBC Sleipnir*
Entered HS for ****

QuasarFire Bulk Cruiser (QFBC) Sleipnir *flagship*
Cost: 450 KCs
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 340 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 374
Armor: 374
Hull: 184
Systems: 184
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (3)
1 Heavy Quad Laser Cannon (9)
1 Auxiliary Tractor Beam (28m)
Onboard Units:
1 T-Wing Squadron
3 Starviper Squadrons
Notes: Limited to (2) per fleet.

QuasarFire Bulk Cruiser (QFBC) Nightmare
Cost: 450 KCs
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 340 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 374
Armor: 374
Hull: 184
Systems: 184
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (3)
1 Heavy Quad Laser Cannon (9)
1 Auxiliary Tractor Beam (28m)
Onboard Units:
1 T-Wing Squadron
3 Starviper Squadrons
Notes: Limited to (2) per fleet.

Hammerhead Escort Frigate (HEF) War
Cost: 400 KCs
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 315 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 347
Armor: 347
Hull: 347
Systems: 182
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
12 Heavy Turbolasers (132)
12 Ion Cannons (40)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (5)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (110m)
Onboard Craft:
3 T-Wing Squadrons
2 L/SHUs
40 Republic Fleet Marines
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and performing planetary landings.
Background: The Hammerhead-class is one of the most enduring warships to have served in the galaxy, much like its peer - the Dreadnaught.  Despite being an aged design, contemporary versions of the vessel are still being produced today for private buyers due to their flexibility and popularity.

Hammerhead Escort Frigate (HEF) Plague
Cost: 400 KCs
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 315 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 347
Armor: 347
Hull: 347
Systems: 182
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
12 Heavy Turbolasers (132)
12 Ion Cannons (40)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (5)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (110m)
Onboard Craft:
3 T-Wing Squadrons
2 L/SHUs
40 Republic Fleet Marines
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and performing planetary landings.
Background: The Hammerhead-class is one of the most enduring warships to have served in the galaxy, much like its peer - the Dreadnaught.  Despite being an aged design, contemporary versions of the vessel are still being produced today for private buyers due to their flexibility and popularity.

Hammerhead Escort Frigate (HEF) Death
Cost: 400 KCs
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 315 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 347
Armor: 347
Hull: 347
Systems: 182
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
12 Heavy Turbolasers (132)
12 Ion Cannons (40)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (5)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (110m)
Onboard Craft:
3 T-Wing Squadrons
2 L/SHUs
40 Republic Fleet Marines
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and performing planetary landings.
Background: The Hammerhead-class is one of the most enduring warships to have served in the galaxy, much like its peer - the Dreadnaught.  Despite being an aged design, contemporary versions of the vessel are still being produced today for private buyers due to their flexibility and popularity.

Hammerhead Escort Frigate (HEF) Famine
Cost: 400 KCs
Production Time: 4 Days
Length: 315 meters
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 347
Armor: 347
Hull: 347
Systems: 182
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
12 Heavy Turbolasers (132)
12 Ion Cannons (40)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (5)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (110m)
Onboard Craft:
3 T-Wing Squadrons
2 L/SHUs
40 Republic Fleet Marines
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and performing planetary landings.
Background: The Hammerhead-class is one of the most enduring warships to have served in the galaxy, much like its peer - the Dreadnaught.  Despite being an aged design, contemporary versions of the vessel are still being produced today for private buyers due to their flexibility and popularity.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #71 on: January 14, 2013, 01:50:45 PM »

   With the sudden departure of their famed and beloved commander, General, and Admiral - Jason Turlis Ramano - who had vacated his post and departed his flagship leaving behind no additional orders to carry out command and control in the event of an unexpected absence, the morale and fighting spirit of the Rebel Alliance was shaken. While speculation and rumor spread quickly amongst the Rebellion ranks that their leader was perhaps assassinated by Imperial operatives, the lack of evidence perplexed the troops. Was it some long-term test Ramano was hoping to implement? Had he simply wanted to go on vacation? The number of questions asked and lack of answers were rampant in the face of a highly militarized but suddenly leaderless Rebellion Against The Empire. Because Ramano himself was a wild man, and his leadership style and combat tactics ranging from the extreme to unorthodox to flat out unpredictable, nobody had a rational explanation for anything. Ramano's second in command, Admiral Hallsey, took command of Ramano's forces and ordered the Rebel Alliance to stand down on all fronts everywhere and begin demobilization and preparations for consolidating current resources. Communiques were dispatched to the New Republic High Command, as Hallsey sought to finally integrate Rebel Alliances forces back into the New Republic structure, now that Ramano was gone.

(details coming soon)