Author Topic: ORD MANTELL  (Read 30040 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2012, 09:36:20 AM »

You need to move your VSD-II into the atmosphere if you want to bombard. You cannot perform orbital bombardments as you have done them in accordance with the rules, which are as follows:

Orbital Bombardment
As a special feature to Star Destroyers, Mon Calamari Cruisers, and the Dauntless Heavy Cruiser, these units may perform this attack from the A-Ring and target the adjacent Ground Grid for suppression and shock and awe strikes. Orbital Bombardment requires that ALL weapons be fired that round, and for 24 hours after the OB was commenced, the following modifiers are in effect: infantry and vehicles cannot move to or from the grid that is being bombarded AND all units (enemy and friendly) take a -1 UCR penalty due to the hazardous conditions.

Atmospheric Bombardment
Capital ships that are in the Atmosphere may fire at targets on the surface freely with a -1 UCR penalty. Ion cannons have no effect on infantry or vehicles.

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2012, 11:25:02 AM »
VSD-II is a "Star Destroyer," thus able to bombard from the A-ring as stated in the quoted rule you post.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2012, 11:50:26 AM »

Right, but Orbital Bombardment isn't a space-to-surface attack in this game... it's more of a ground razing attack. Secondly, we had very lengthy debates about all this a few months back defining what and how both Orbital Bombardment and Atmospheric Bombardment should be. If you want to blast ground targets specifically like you are right now, you will need to be in the atmosphere; otherwise if you're in the A-Ring, Orbital Bombardment is simply a "suppression" attack that creates a temporary battlefield condition with modifiers. This was the agreed upon consensus.


Offline Dementat

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« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2012, 02:31:13 AM »

The first wave of damage came upon the shields.

Action Summary
1. None

Unit Status
ALPHA-class COMMAND OPERATIONS CENTER  | UCR: 10 | Shields: 392 / Armor: 500 / Hull: 500 | Status: G-1
... Army Trooper Squads (500/500) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: Garrisoned
... Combat Skiffs (50/50) | UCR: 7 / HP: 8 / AR: 8 | Status: Garrisoned

BETA-class MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX  | UCR: 15 | Shields: 200 / Armor: 200 / Hull: 200 | Status: G-2
... Army Trooper Squads (300/300) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: Garrisoned
... Combat Skiffs Squads (30/30) | UCR: 7 / HP: 8 / AR: 8 | Status: Garrisoned

DELTA-class MULTIPURPOSE BASE  | UCR: 8 | Shields: 100 / Armor: 100 / Hull: 100 | Status: G-1
... Army Trooper Squads (10/10) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: Garrisoned
... Combat Skiffs (5/5) | UCR: 7 / HP: 8 / AR: 8 | Status: Garrisoned

DELTA-class MULTIPURPOSE BASE  | UCR: 8 | Shields: 100 / Armor: 100 / Hull: 100 | Status: G-2
... Army Trooper Squads (10/10) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: Garrisoned
... Combat Skiffs (5/5) | UCR: 7 / HP: 8 / AR: 8 | Status: Garrisoned

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Flagship of the Sith Empire
Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Conquest Mission: Ord Mantell

    The massive Star Destroyer dropped down into the atmosphere where she could better focus on target. Shuttles and barges poured from her belly as bombers made another pass at the structure. When the barges struck the ground, troops and speeder bikes spilled out onto the battlefield and converged on the largest threat, the Alpha Base. It did not take long for the fortification to crumble. Lider Algoz, Inquisitor of the Sith Empire, seized on the opportunity and made his way through the rubble filled with blood-lust. Not since the Clone Wars had anyone seen such a display. Wielding two blood-red lightsabers and lightning from his fingertips, the dark one had nearly annihilated the entire garrison.

VSD-II moves to Atmosphere and Attacks.
Bombers Attack.
Landing Barges launch and land.
GAVs and Troops Attack.
Sith unleashed!
ACTIVE scanning ground.
ACTIVE scanning space.

Tactical Summary
Alpha Base
    1,465 MANDATORY <Destroyed>
Army Trooper Squads
    2,200 MANDATORY <440 Squads Destroyed>

VSD-II Maleficent vs. Alpha Base
UCR: <Atmosphere -1> 3/10 (.30)
    20 Turbolaser Batteries x 1.1 Bonus = 264 x .30 = 79 Mandatory
    20 Dual Turbolaser Cannons x 1.1 Bonus = 352 x .30 = 106 Mandatory

( 3 ) TIE Bomber Squadrons vs. Alpha Base
UCR: <Atmosphere -1> 5/10 (.50)
    72 Proton Torpedoes x .50 = 108 Mandatory

( 12 ) Gamma Assault Transports vs. Alpha Base
UCR: <Atmosphere -1> 3/10 (.30)
    48 Turbolaser Cannons x .30 = 115 Mandatory
    24 Laser Cannons x .30 = 7 Mandatory

( 30 ) Speeder Bikes vs. Alpha base
UCR: 10/10 (1.0)
    Attack Rating: 10 x 30 Bikes = 300 Mandatory

( 500 ) Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads vs. Alpha Base
UCR: 5/10 (.50)
    Attack Rating: 3 x 500 Squads = 1500 x .50 = 750 Mandatory

Sith Inquisitor Lider Algoz vs. Army Troopers
UCR: 12/4 (1.0)
    Attack = 400 Mandatory
    Force Lightening = 1000 Mandatory
    Lightsaber x 2 = 800 Mandatory

Starfighter Group
Location: A-1    Action: CSP    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 720/720
TIE Fighter Squadron M-01
TIE Fighter Squadron M-02
TIE Fighter Squadron M-03
TIE Fighter Squadron T-01
TIE Fighter Squadron H-01

Bomber Group
TIE Bomber Squadron S-02
Location: Atmosphere    Action: Bombing Run    HP: 192/192    UCR: 5 <-1>  
TIE Bomber Squadron H-02
Location: Atmosphere    Action: Bombing Run    HP: 192/192    UCR: 5 <-1>
TIE Bomber Squadron T-02
Location: Atmosphere    Action: Bombing Run    HP: 192/192    UCR: 5 <-1>

Auxiliary Group
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: G-1    Action: Stealth    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
Lambda Shuttles 1-15
Location: A-1    Action: CSP    HP: 40/40 EACH    UCR: 5
Landing Barges 1-4
Location: Atmosphere    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 1
Onboard Units:
400 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: Landing Barges    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5  
24 Speeder Bikes
Location: Landing Barges    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 10
Gamma Assault Shuttles 1-12
Location: Atmosphere    Action: Attack    HP: 30/30 EACH    UCR: 4

Ground Units - Location G-1
Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Armor: 400/400    Health: 500/500    Attack: 400/400    UCR: 12
Force Powers
Sith Speed <Lightsaber: Attack +400 x 2>
Force Lightening <Attack +1000>
Force Drain
Flagship of the Sith
+1 Command Points
Sith Holocron <+100KC>

Landing Barges 1-5
Location: G-1    Action: Unloading    HP: 200/200    UCR: 1    

500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: Attack    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5  

30 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-1    Action: Attack    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 10

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Location: Atmosphere    Heading: Atmosphere
Shields: 1000/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Terentatek
Location: A-1    Heading: A-2
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225  

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Hssiss
Location: A-1    Heading: A-2
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225

Money Counter
( 1 ) Alpha Base
( 440 ) Army Trooper Squads
Total: 441 KCs
Cashed In
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 02:49:48 AM by Dementat »
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2012, 02:39:43 AM »

The second wave proves devastating.

Action Summary
510 Army Trooper Squads vs. Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
UCR: 4/5
    Attack Raiting 3 x 510 = 1530 (4/5) = 1224 MANDATORY
30 Speeder Bikes vs. 30 Speeder Bikes
UCR: 10/10
    Attack Rating 10 x 30 = 300 MANDATORY
25 Speeder Bikes vs. Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
UCR: 10/10
    Attack Rating 10 x 25 = 250 MANDATORY

Unit Status
... Army Trooper Squads (60/500) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: G-1
... Speeder Bikes (50/50) | UCR: 10 / HP: 10 / AR: 10 | Status: G-1

BETA-class MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX  | UCR: 15 | Shields: 200 / Armor: 200 / Hull: 200 | Status: G-2
... Army Trooper Squads (300/300) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: Garrisoned
... Speeder Bikes (30/30) | UCR: 10 / HP: 10 / AR: 10 | Status: Garrisoned

DELTA-class MULTIPURPOSE BASE  | UCR: 8 | Shields: 100 / Armor: 100 / Hull: 100 | Status: G-1
... Army Trooper Squads (10/10) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: Garrisoned
... Speeder Bikes (5/5) | UCR: 10 / HP: 10 / AR: 10 | Status: Garrisoned

DELTA-class MULTIPURPOSE BASE  | UCR: 8 | Shields: 100 / Armor: 100 / Hull: 100 | Status: G-2
... Army Trooper Squads (10/10) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: Garrisoned
... Speeder Bikes (5/5) | UCR: 10 / HP: 10 / AR: 10 | Status: Garrisoned

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Flagship of the Sith Empire
Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Conquest Mission: Ord Mantell

    Bodies littered the ground, and the dry earth of Ord Mantell became drenched in blood. With only cleanup left on one battlefield, Inquisitor Algoz moved to join the freshly arrived barges that were landing on the next one. Weapons opened up with savagery. The battle was nearly over.

Atmospheric attacks continue.
Units in G-1 return fire.
Sith moves to G-2 (Sith Speed)
Units land in G-2 and attack.
ACTIVE scanning ground.
ACTIVE scanning space.

Tactical Summary
Delta Base
    302 MANDATORY <Destroyed>
Army Trooper Squads
    351 MANDATORY <70 Squads Destroyed>
Speeder Bikes
    635 MANDATORY <55 Bikes Destroyed>
Beta Base
    600 MANDATORY <Destroyed>
Delta Base
    302 MANDATORY <Destroyed>
Army Trooper Squads
    1650 MANDATORY <310 Squads Destroyed>
Speeder Bikes
    266 MANDATORY <26 Bikes Destroyed>

( 30 ) Speeder Bikes vs. ( 30 ) Speeder Bikes
UCR: 10/10 (1.0)
    Attack Rating: 10 x 30 Bikes = 300 Mandatory

( 160 ) Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads vs. Delta Base
UCR: 5/8 (.63)
    Attack Rating: 3 x 160 Squads = 480 x .63 = 302 Mandatory

( 117 ) Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads vs. Army Trooper Squads
UCR: 5/4 (1.0)
    Attack Rating: 3 x 117 Squads = 351 Mandatory

( 223 ) Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads vs. Speeder Bikes
UCR: 5/10 (.50)
    Attack Rating: 3 x 223 Squads = 669 x .50 = 335 Mandatory

VSD-II Maleficent vs. Beta Base
UCR: <Atmosphere -1> 3/15 (.20)
    20 Turbolaser Batteries x 1.1 Bonus = 264 x .20 = 53 Mandatory
    20 Dual Turbolaser Cannons x 1.1 Bonus = 352 x .20 = 70 Mandatory

( 3 ) TIE Bomber Squadrons vs. Beta Base
UCR: <Atmosphere -1> 5/15 (.33)
    72 Proton Torpedoes = 216 x .33 = 71 Mandatory

( 12 ) Gamma Assault Transports vs. Beta Base
UCR: <Atmosphere -1> 3/15 (.20)
    48 Turbolaser Cannons = 384 x .20 = 77 Mandatory
    24 Laser Cannons x .20 = 5 Mandatory

( 24 ) Speeder Bikes vs. Beta Base
UCR: 10/15 (.67)
    Attack Rating: 10 x 24 = 240 x .67 = 161 Mandatory

( 165 ) Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads vs. Beta Base
UCR: 5/15 (.33)
    Attack Rating: 3 x 165 Squads = 495 x .33 = 163 Mandatory

( 160 ) Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads vs. Delta Base
UCR: 5/8 (.63)
    Attack Rating: 3 x 160 Squads = 480 x .63 = 302 Mandatory

( 77 ) Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads vs. Speeder Bikes
UCR: 5/10 (.50)
    Attack Rating: 3 x 77 Squads = 231 x .50 = 116 Mandatory

Sith Inquisitor Lider Algoz vs. Army Troopers
UCR: 12/4 (1.0)
    Attack = 250 Mandatory
    Force Lightening = 1000 Mandatory
    Lightsaber = 400 Mandatory
vs. Speeder Bikes
UCR: 12/10 (1.0)
    Attack = 150 Mandatory

Starfighter Group
Location: A-1    Action: CSP    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 720/720
TIE Fighter Squadron M-01
TIE Fighter Squadron M-02
TIE Fighter Squadron M-03
TIE Fighter Squadron T-01
TIE Fighter Squadron H-01

Bomber Group
TIE Bomber Squadron S-02
Location: Atmosphere    Action: Bombing Run    HP: 192/192    UCR: 5 <-1>  
TIE Bomber Squadron H-02
Location: Atmosphere    Action: Bombing Run    HP: 192/192    UCR: 5 <-1>
TIE Bomber Squadron T-02
Location: Atmosphere    Action: Bombing Run    HP: 192/192    UCR: 5 <-1>

Auxiliary Group
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: G-1    Action: Stealth    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
Lambda Shuttles 1-15
Location: A-1    Action: CSP    HP: 40/40 EACH    UCR: 5
Gamma Assault Shuttles 1-12
Location: Atmosphere    Action: Attack    HP: 30/30 EACH    UCR: 4

Ground Units - Location G-1
Landing Barges 1-5
Location: G-1    Action: Unloading    HP: 200/200    UCR: 1    

255/500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: Attack    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5  

30 Speeder Bikes

Ground Units - Location G-2
Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Armor: 400/400    Health: 500/500    Attack: 400/400    UCR: 12
Force Powers
Sith Speed <Lightsaber: Attack +400 x 2>
Force Lightening <Attack +1000>
Force Drain
Flagship of the Sith
+1 Command Points
Sith Holocron <+100KC>

Landing Barges 1-4
Location: G-2    Action: Unloading    HP: 200/200    UCR: 1

400 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: G-2    Action: Attack    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5  

24 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-2    Action: Attack    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 10

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Location: Atmosphere    Heading: Atmosphere
Shields: 1000/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Terentatek
Location: A-1    Heading: A-2
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225  

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Hssiss
Location: A-1    Heading: A-2
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225

Money Counter
( 1 ) Alpha Base
( 1 ) Beta Base
( 2 ) Delta Base
( 820 ) Army Trooper Squads
( 81 ) Speeder Bikes
Total: 905 KCs
Cashed In
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 02:44:00 AM by Dementat »
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2012, 02:07:44 AM »

The defenses of Ord Mantell continued to crumble, leaving only a few speeder bikes to deal with. Defeat was inevitable.

Action Summary
70 Army Trooper Squads vs. Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
UCR: 4/5
    Attack Raiting 3 x 70 = 210 (4/5) = 168 MANDATORY
55 Speeder Bikes vs. Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
UCR: 10/5
    Attack Rating 10 x 55 = 550 MANDATORY
310 Army Trooper Squads vs. Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
UCR: 4/5
    Attack Raiting 3 x 310 = 930 (4/5) = 744 MANDATORY
35 Speeder Bikes vs. Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
UCR: 10/5
    Attack Rating 10 x 35 = 350 MANDATORY

Unit Status
... Army Trooper Squads (0/500) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: DESTROYED
... Speeder Bikes (0/50) | UCR: 10 / HP: 10 / AR: 10 | Status: DESTROYED

... Army Trooper Squads (0/300) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: DESTROYED
... Speeder Bikes (9/30) | UCR: 10 / HP: 10 / AR: 10 | Status: G-2

... Army Trooper Squads (0/10) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: DESTROYED
... Speeder Bikes (0/5) | UCR: 10 / HP: 10 / AR: 10 | Status: DESTROYED

... Army Trooper Squads (0/10) | UCR: 4 / HP: 5 / AR: 3/0.1 | Status: DESTROYED
... Speeder Bikes (0/5) | UCR: 10 / HP: 10 / AR: 10 | Status: DESTROYED

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Flagship of the Sith Empire
Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Conquest Mission: Ord Mantell

    The battle was over and Ord Mantell was once again under Imperial control. Inquisitor Algoz dispatched the last remaining forces to the afterlife in quick action. The remaining fleet troopers took a collective sigh of relief. The next time the fleet engaged in landfall, Stormtroopers would be doing the ground pounding.

Sith finishes off last units.
ACTIVE scanning ground.
ACTIVE scanning space.
Milestone #2 Complete.

Tactical Summary
Speeder Bikes
    400 MANDATORY <9 Bikes Destroyed>

Sith Inquisitor Lider Algoz vs. vs. Speeder Bikes
UCR: 12/10 (1.0)
    Attack = 400 Mandatory

Starfighter Group
Location: A-1    Action: CSP    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 720/720
TIE Fighter Squadron M-01
TIE Fighter Squadron M-02
TIE Fighter Squadron M-03
TIE Fighter Squadron T-01
TIE Fighter Squadron H-01

Bomber Group
TIE Bomber Squadron S-02
Location: Atmosphere    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 5 <-1>  
TIE Bomber Squadron H-02
Location: Atmosphere    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 5 <-1>
TIE Bomber Squadron T-02
Location: Atmosphere    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 5 <-1>

Auxiliary Group
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: G-1    Action: Stealth    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
Lambda Shuttles 1-15
Location: A-1    Action: CSP    HP: 40/40 EACH    UCR: 5
Gamma Assault Shuttles 1-12
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 30/30 EACH    UCR: 4

Ground Units - Location G-1
Landing Barges 1-5
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 1    

136/500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5  

Ground Units - Location G-2
Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Armor: 400/400    Health: 500/500    Attack: 400/400    UCR: 12
Force Powers
Sith Speed <Lightsaber: Attack +400 x 2>
Force Lightening <Attack +1000>
Force Drain
Flagship of the Sith
+1 Command Points
Sith Holocron <+100KC>

Landing Barges 1-4
Location: G-2    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 1

187/400 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: G-2    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5  

24 Speeder Bikes
Location: G-2    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 10

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Location: Atmosphere    Heading: Atmosphere
Shields: 1000/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Terentatek
Location: A-1    Heading: A-2
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225  

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Hssiss
Location: A-1    Heading: A-2
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225

Money Counter
( 1 ) Alpha Base
( 1 ) Beta Base
( 2 ) Delta Base
( 4 ) Lambda Shuttles
( 820 ) Army Trooper Squads
( 90 ) Speeder Bikes
Total: 918 KCs
Cashed In
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2012, 01:52:21 AM »
Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Flagship of the Sith Empire
Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Conquest Mission: Ord Mantell

    With the Battle of Ord Mantell concluded, troops reorganized and prepared for peace operations. The spoils of war were collected and now being specifically delegated to achieve Imperial needs on the ground. Inquisitor Algoz had already made his address to the people of the planet after single-handedly slaying the disloyal leadership. A collection of Imperial-leaning candidates was being arranged to assume the reigns of power. Algoz was pleased. Satisfied, he returned to his special shuttle to study more on the Dark Side.

ACTIVE scanning ground.
ACTIVE scanning space.
Milestone #3 Complete.

Starfighter Group
Location: *-*    Action: CSP    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 720/720
TIE Fighter Squadron M-01
TIE Fighter Squadron M-02
TIE Fighter Squadron M-03
TIE Fighter Squadron T-01
TIE Fighter Squadron H-01

Auxiliary Group
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: *-*    Action: Stealth    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
Onboard Troops:
Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Armor: 400/400    Health: 500/500    Attack: 400/400    UCR: 12
Force Powers
Sith Speed <Lightsaber: Attack +400 x 2>
Force Lightening <Attack +1000>
Force Drain
Flagship of the Sith
+1 Command Points
Sith Holocron <+100KC>

Landing Barges 1-4
Location: Atmosphere    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
187/400 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5 
Onboard GAVs:
24 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garage    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 10

Ground Units - Location G-1
Landing Barges 1-5
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200    UCR: 1   

136/500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: G-1    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5   

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Location: Atmosphere    Heading: Atmosphere
Shields: 1000/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500
Onboard Auxiliary:
Gamma Assault Shuttles 1-12
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 30/30 EACH    UCR: 4

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Terentatek
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225 
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Bomber Squadron T-02
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 6
Onboard Auxiliary:
Lambda Shuttles 1-12
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 40/40 EACH    UCR: 5

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Hssiss
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Bomber Squadron H-02
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 6
Onboard Auxiliary:
Lambda Shuttles 13-15
Location: Hangar    Action: CSP    HP: 40/40 EACH    UCR: 5
Viper Probe Droid 3
Location: Hangar    Armor: 20/20

Nebulon-B Frigate Shyrack
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 300/300    Armor: 300/300    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 150/150
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Fighter Squadron S-01
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 144/144
TIE Bomber Squadron S-02
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 6 
Onboard Auxiliary:
Viper Probe Droid 2
Location: Hangar    Armor: 20/20

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Offline Dementat

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« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2012, 01:21:15 PM »
Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Flagship of the Sith Empire
Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Conquest Mission: Ord Mantell

    The subjugation of Ord Mantell back into the cradle of the Empire was nearly complete. Satisfied with his progress, Inquisitor Algoz returned to his shuttle. Auxiliary and other units reunited with their motherships and accountability for all that remained was performed. The factories and academies were apprized of the needs of the fleet and ordered to prepare for their arrival. With all her units accounted for, Maleficent lifted from the atmosphere and returned to orbit.

ACTIVE scanning ground.
ACTIVE scanning space.

Starfighter Group
Location: *-*    Action: CSP    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 720/720
TIE Fighter Squadron M-01
TIE Fighter Squadron M-02
TIE Fighter Squadron M-03
TIE Fighter Squadron T-01
TIE Fighter Squadron H-01

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 1000/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500
Onboard Auxiliary:
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: Hangar    Action: None    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
Gamma Assault Shuttles 1-12
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 30/30 EACH    UCR: 4
Landing Barges 1-5
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
136/500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5 

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Terentatek
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225 
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Bomber Squadron T-02
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 6
Onboard Auxiliary:
Lambda Shuttles 1-12
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 40/40 EACH    UCR: 5
Landing Barges 1-2
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
Onboard Troops:
187/200 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5 
Onboard GAVs:
12 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garage    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 10

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Hssiss
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Bomber Squadron H-02
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 6
Onboard Auxiliary:
Lambda Shuttles 13-15
Location: Hangar    Action: CSP    HP: 40/40 EACH    UCR: 5
Viper Probe Droid 3
Location: Hangar    Armor: 20/20
Landing Barges 3-4
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard GAVs:
12 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garage    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 10

Nebulon-B Frigate Shyrack
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 300/300    Armor: 300/300    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 150/150
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Fighter Squadron S-01
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 144/144
TIE Bomber Squadron S-02
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 6 
Onboard Auxiliary:
Viper Probe Droid 2
Location: Hangar    Armor: 20/20

Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Armor: 400/400    Health: 500/500    Attack: 400/400    UCR: 12
Force Powers
Sith Speed <Lightsaber: Attack +400 x 2>
Force Lightening <Attack +1000>
Force Drain
Flagship of the Sith
+1 Command Points
Sith Holocron <+100KC>

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Offline Dementat

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« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2012, 02:10:04 AM »
Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Flagship of the Sith Empire
Lider Algoz, Sith Inquisitor
Conquest Mission: Ord Mantell

    With the completion of a sector palace, Ord Mantell was now fully back in the fold of the Empire. The fleet pulls away from orbit and enters hyperspace to begin resupplying itself.

Recalled craft.
Entered HS.
Milestone#4 Completed.

Victory-II Star Destroyer Maleficent
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 1000/1000    Armor: 1200/1200    Hull: 990/990     Systems: 500/500
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Fighter Squadron M-01
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron M-02
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 144/144
TIE Fighter Squadron M-03
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 144/144
Onboard Auxiliary:
Elite Lambda Shuttle 1
Location: Hangar    Action: None    HP: 200/200    UCR: 10
Gamma Assault Shuttles 1-12
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 30/30 EACH    UCR: 4
Landing Barges 1-5
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
136/500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5  

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Terentatek
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225  
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Fighter Squadron T-01
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 144/144
TIE Bomber Squadron T-02
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 6
Onboard Auxiliary:
Lambda Shuttles 1-12
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 40/40 EACH    UCR: 5
Landing Barges 1-2
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard Troops:
Onboard Troops:
187/200 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
Location: Barracks    Action: N/A    HP: 6/6 EACH    UCR: 5  
Onboard GAVs:
12 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garage    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 10

Strike-class Medium Cruiser Hssiss
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 450/450    Armor: 450/450    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 225/225
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Fighter Squadron H-01
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 144/144
TIE Bomber Squadron H-02
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 6
Onboard Auxiliary:
Lambda Shuttles 13-15
Location: Hangar    Action: CSP    HP: 40/40 EACH    UCR: 5
Viper Probe Droid 3
Location: Hangar    Armor: 20/20
Landing Barges 3-4
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 200/200 EACH    UCR: 1
Onboard GAVs:
12 Speeder Bikes
Location: Garage    Action: N/A    HP: 5/5 EACH    UCR: 10

Nebulon-B Frigate Shyrack
Location: *-*    Heading: *-*
Shields: 300/300    Armor: 300/300    Hull: 150/150     Systems: 150/150
Onboard Starfighters:
TIE Fighter Squadron S-01
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    UCR: 8    TOTAL HP: 144/144
TIE Bomber Squadron S-02
Location: Hangar    Action: N/A    HP: 192/192    UCR: 6  
Onboard Auxiliary:
Viper Probe Droid 2
Location: Hangar    Armor: 20/20

Lider Algoz, Sith Master
Armor: 500/500    Health: 600/600    Attack: 500/500    UCR: 13
Force Powers
Sith Speed <Lightsaber: Attack +400 x 2>
Dark Side Lightening <Attack +2000>
Force Drain
Shadow of the Dark Side
Dark Side Sense
Flagship of the Sith
+1 Command Points
Sith Holocron <+200KC>

Money Counter
+1000KC to Hero
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