Author Topic: RAXUS PRIME  (Read 17066 times)

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« on: July 19, 2012, 09:47:09 PM »

Raxus Prime

  An ancient planet once as glamorous and renown as Coruscant itself, with a Galactic History spanning back over twenty-five thousand years.  In the Pre-Republic Era, a large stellar empire known as the Kingdom of Cron swept across much of the distant Tion Cluster.  Raxus Prime was at one time a gorgeous terrestrial planet and one of three galactic capitals of the Kingdom of Cron.  About Twenty-four thousand years ago, following the death of the Cronese ruler Xim the Despot, the Kingdom collapsed and much of the Tion Cluster joined the then fledgling Galactic Republic.  Over the following millennia, industry and heavy mining gradually took hold and inflicted their usual toll on the ecosystem.  With complete lack of regulation or regard for conservation, Raxus was eventually consumed by the "progress" of Mega Industrialization.

  By 1,000 BBY, Raxus had had the misfortune of being host to a number of galactic conflicts.  After a complete transformation from it's serene natural form to an industrial giant and eventually to a toxic pollution choked wasteland, the nearly abandoned world had become a virtual technological junkyard planet.  Destroyed strewn remnants of domestic industry piled upon destroyed strewn remnants of domestic industry, entire scrapped and abandoned star fleets from all eras of the Republic, and all technologies between or imaginable covered entire continents.  The oceans had long dried up or become so polluted they resembled nothing possibly described as water.  Much of the population relocated, and the little that remained fed the machine, living in completely sealed habitats and working in the remaining massive factories.  Completely enclosed tunnels connected one area to another, linking living quarters, working bays, storage facilities and infrastructure.  The surface crawled with patchwork junk droids, seemingly assembled from parts salvaged from the planet's vast technological wastes itself, who plied the landscape on some unforeseen mission, collectively or independently unknown, but all in harmonic unison none the less.

  During the Clone Wars, Raxus Prime was the birthplace of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and was Count Dooku's personal stronghold.  In the years of the New Order afterwards, the Empire established control of the planet and used it's vast unfathomable junk heaps as a source of the rare metals required for starship construction.  A few years prior to the Battle of Yavin, it was rumored to be the site of a mysterious Star Destroyer crash.  Since then it has enjoyed a relative lull in it's vibrant and storied legacy. . .
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2012, 10:22:56 PM »

  The Praenuntium slipped from the realm of Hyperspace, well away from the planet Raxus Prime.  A small stream of tiny specs emerged from beneath the super structure and broke off in to several pairs, assuming well canvassed swooping actions about the larger behemoth while a warm diplomatic communique was dispatched to the surface. . .

=Action Summary=
MC90 Praenuntium exited HS in DS-1
MC90 Praenuntium deployed E-Wing Sqd Red to CSP
Communication dispatched to Raxus Prime announcing arrival and intention to conduct diplomacy

=New Republic Expeditionary Star Fleet=
Mon Cal 90 Battlecruiser 'Praenuntium'
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems - 2800/1400/1400/700
Location - Raxus Prime, DS-1
  E-Wing Sq. Red - CSP, DS-1, Shields 264, Armor 264, UCR 7
  E-Wing Sq. Green - Hangar
  E-Wing Sq. Blue - Hangar
  E-Wing Sq. Yellow - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Gold - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Black - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. White - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. Silver - Hangar
  1 NR Hero General Calgan Verose - Ship Barracks
  100 Republic Fleet Marine Squads - Ship Barracks
  Elite Lambda Shuttle Envoy - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Alpha - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Beta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Delta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Gamma - Hangar
  Recon Y-W Sq. (12) Echo - Hangar
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2012, 10:20:52 PM »

  The Praenuntium moved closer to the planet Raxus Prime, and after receiving an eager response from a source on the surface deployed a shuttle carrying emissaries to conduct negotiations hoping to bring the system amicably under the New Republic banner. . .

=Action Summary=
MC90 Praenuntium moved to C-1
Declared Neutrality
MC90 Praenuntium deployed Elite Lambda Shuttle Envoy
Elite Lambda Shuttle Envoy Proceeded to A-Ring

=New Republic Expeditionary Star Fleet=
Mon Cal 90 Battlecruiser 'Praenuntium'
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems/UCR - 2800/1400/1400/700/3
Location: Raxus Prime, C-1
  E-Wing Sq. Red - CSP, C-1, Shields 264, Armor 264, UCR 7
  E-Wing Sq. Green - Hangar
  E-Wing Sq. Blue - Hangar
  E-Wing Sq. Yellow - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Gold - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Black - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. White - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. Silver - Hangar
  1 NR Hero General Calgan Verose - Elite Lambda Shuttle Envoy
  100 Republic Fleet Marine Squads - Ship Barracks
  Elite Lambda Shuttle Envoy - A-?, Shields 100, Armor 100, Systems 100, UCR 16
  Lambda Sq. (6) Alpha - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Beta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Delta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Gamma - Hangar
  Recon Y-W Sq. (12) Echo - Hangar
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2012, 10:20:21 PM »

  Elite Lambda Shuttle Envoy moves to G-?, delivering a New Republic delegation to conduct diplomacy with Raxus Prime representatives. . .

=Action Summary=
Elite Lambda Shuttle Envoy Proceeded to G-?
Commence Milestone Countdown (#1 Completed 7/28 10:30PM)
SL Forthcoming!

=New Republic Expeditionary Star Fleet=
Mon Cal 90 Battlecruiser 'Praenuntium'
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems/UCR - 2800/1400/1400/700/3
Location: Raxus Prime, C-1
  E-Wing Sq. Red - CSP, C-1, Shields 264, Armor 264, UCR 7
  E-Wing Sq. Green - Hangar
  E-Wing Sq. Blue - Hangar
  E-Wing Sq. Yellow - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Gold - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Black - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. White - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. Silver - Hangar
  1 NR Hero General Calgan Verose - G-?, Conducting Diplomacy
  100 Republic Fleet Marine Squads - Ship Barracks
  Elite Lambda Shuttle Envoy - G-?, Shields 100, Armor 100, Systems 100, UCR 16
  Lambda Sq. (6) Alpha - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Beta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Delta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Gamma - Hangar
  Recon Y-W Sq. (12) Echo - Hangar
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2012, 04:45:34 PM »

  Logistics. . .

  B-Wing Squadron Basilisk exits hyperspace and berths within it's new home, the MC90 Praenuntium. . . (STOCK Rep. Z95 Sqd vanishes)

=New Republic Expeditionary Star Fleet=
Mon Cal 90 Battlecruiser 'Praenuntium'
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems/UCR - 2800/1400/1400/700/3
Location: Raxus Prime, C-1
  E-Wing Sq. Red - CSP, C-1, Shields 264, Armor 264, UCR 7
  E-Wing Sq. Green - Hangar
  E-Wing Sq. Blue - Hangar
  E-Wing Sq. Yellow - Hangar
  B-Wing Sq. Basilisk - Hangar
  Rep. Z95 Sq. Black - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. White - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. Silver - Hangar
  1 NR Hero General Calgan Verose - G-?, Conducting Diplomacy
  100 Republic Fleet Marine Squads - Ship Barracks
  Elite Lambda Shuttle Envoy - G-?, Shields 100, Armor 100, Systems 100, UCR 16
  Lambda Sq. (6) Alpha - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Beta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Delta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Gamma - Hangar
  Recon Y-W Sq. (12) Echo - Hangar
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2012, 11:42:41 AM »

  Logistics. . .

  B-wing Squadron Leviathan, A-Wing Squadron Charger and A-Wing Squadron Ocelot exit hyperspace and berth with the Praenuntium

  2 E-wing Squadrons vacate the MC90 and enter hyperspace for ********. 1 STOCK Rep. Z95 Squadron disappears

=New Republic Expeditionary Star Fleet=
Mon Cal 90 Battlecruiser 'Praenuntium'
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems/UCR - 2800/1400/1400/700/3
Location: Raxus Prime, C-1
  E-Wing Sq. Red - CSP, C-1, Shields 264, Armor 264, UCR 7
  E-Wing Sq. Gold - Hangar
  A-Wing Sq. Charger - Hangar
  A-Wing Sq. Ocelot - Hangar
  B-Wing Sq. Basilisk - Hangar
  B-Wing Sq. Leviathan - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. Green - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. Blue - Hangar
  1 NR Hero General Calgan Verose - G-?, Conducting Diplomacy
  100 Republic Fleet Marine Squads - Ship Barracks
  Elite Lambda Shuttle Envoy - G-? (Surface), Shields 100, Armor 100, Systems 100, UCR 16
  Lambda Sq. (6) Alpha - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Beta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Delta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Gamma - Hangar
  Recon Y-W Sq. (12) Echo - Hangar
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2012, 09:33:15 AM »

  The shuttle Envoy had come to a hydraulic cushioned landing on the hangar bay's steel floor as a dozen meters above, a pair of large domed magnetically sealed doors groaned and grinded their way closed, with a final loud thunk as they met and sealed the toxic polluted exterior environment from the relative safety of the completely sealed "City-Complex".

  A small gathering of what could be presumed to be the local community leaders eagerly waited to greet the New Republic delegation as the shuttle's boarding ramp lowered with a familiar hiss and release of plumes pressurized air.

  General Calgan Verose brought up the rear of the column, preceded by several politicians and diplomats.  As the two groups met, they eagerly exchanged warm greetings. .

  "Welcome! Welcome!  I am Klomo Haradus, Minister of this settlement, your unexpected arrival has come at a most perilous time for us, and we are most enthused to host New Republic emissaries!" a tall but thin gangly looking near human of some exotic origins said, his nervous and anxious demeanor shining through as clear as an Alderaanian afternoon.

  As Calgan shook hands with him, the near-human joyfully commented on his pleasure with a full fledged Military General being part of the unexpected guest party,

  "A General!, yes.  We are most anxious to discuss our deteriorating security situation with you my Lord,"

  "Please Minister, General or Calgan will suffice.  There is no room for Lordship in the New Republic hierarchy,"  Calgan answered with a smile while the two kept a meandering pace behind the other representatives who were ushering onward putting an ever widening distance between them.

  "Ah, yes, yes.  I understand this, General.  On my homeworld, we have no hierarchies or ranks.  Here I'm afraid, we cannot afford the luxuries of peaceful surroundings. ."

  The two delegates intermingled as they made acquaintances with one another and slowly proceeded along a clearly marked walkway, behind the larger group, leading out of the Hangar Bay, through a large blast door and deeper in to the complex. . .(more coming)
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2012, 02:06:10 PM »

   MC90 Praenuntium recalls CSP and enters HS bound for ******.  Hero and Elite Lambda remain on surface continuing Diplomacy.

=New Republic Expeditionary Star Fleet=
Mon Cal 90 Battlecruiser 'Praenuntium'
Shields/Armor/Hull/Systems/UCR - 2800/1400/1400/700/3
Location: Hyperspace
  E-Wing Sq. Red - Hangar
  E-Wing Sq. Gold - Hangar
  A-Wing Sq. Charger - Hangar
  A-Wing Sq. Ocelot - Hangar
  B-Wing Sq. Basilisk - Hangar
  B-Wing Sq. Leviathan - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. Green - Hangar
  X-Wing Sq. Blue - Hangar
  100 Republic Fleet Marine Squads - Ship Barracks
  Lambda Sq. (6) Alpha - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Beta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Delta - Hangar
  Lambda Sq. (6) Gamma - Hangar
  Recon Y-W Sq. (12) Echo - Hangar
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