Author Topic: BAKURA  (Read 41878 times)

Offline Ramano

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« on: July 07, 2012, 12:13:29 PM »
This will be cleaned up later, just marking it down for record keeping.

Space Defenses:
7/7 Corellian Corvettes
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 04:59:48 PM by Ramano »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 09:14:30 AM »
The RHD moved to from DS-1 to C-1 to B-1, then a shuttle is launched that moves to A-1 and enters the atmosphere heading to the meeting.

Began diplomacy

Status: B-1
Everything 100%

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2012, 11:01:20 AM »
GM Advisory
Ramano, per the rules: once a unit enters the A-Ring, its movement points are exhausted. Since this Advisory is a week late I wont make any rulings, but please follow the movement rules to the letter next time.

Standard Movement ~ Moving into A-Ring exhausts all movement points. Moving into a DEEP SPACE ZONE (even from another zone) exhausts all movement points. Moving diagonally is NOT ALLOWED.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2012, 03:35:00 PM »
Err... My bad I was unaware we needed to still follow normal movement rules in a diplomacy action. Noted for future reference.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2012, 04:08:42 PM »
OOC Note: This is the 5 day SL

Jason walked down the long hallway in the presidential palace with the ambassador. The negotiations to this point had been firm, but progressing as expected.

"Ambassador, by now im sure you have heard of the recent death of the emperor. You must also know that leaves the imperial war machine in shambles, lowly fleet commanders running about the galaxy on their own whims. What you may not have heard, the republic has lost nearly all of its military strength in their recent advances. They can not protect you should the time come, and with their headquarters located on Mon Calamari, that is quite a distance to travel should an imperial garrison arrive in your system. We however, can offer you the needed protection from any marauding imperial fleets, as well as maintaining your economic sovereignty should the republic come beckoning at your door. For one of the few times in history, your credits will be you're credits. We ask only a minor fee for maintaining the defensive fleet in orbit, credits you would have to furnish with or without an alliance between our people."
"Admiral, with all due respect, it is not your protection and promises we doubt, merely your motives. Even now we hear reports of a fleet laying siege to Bespin, lead by a captain Arterius. Do you deny him being one of your men?"

Jason stopped, looking toward the ambassador with a chuckle.

"Not at all, in fact he is there under my direct orders. A capable ship commander to say the least. However, if you further investigate, I believe you will find these reports to be greatly exaggerated. Unfortunately not all members of the galaxy are as evolved as we are blessed to be and thus need a little more encouragement for them to see their own weaknesses. Some simply do not approve of a peaceful approach."
"Unfortunate but a fact none the less."

The 2 men resumed their walk down the hallway. Jason had been playing his role perfectly, and a thought broke through on how to twist this event further into his favor, provided his captain could keep civilian casualties to a minimum.

"I believe I have something else that would be found of value to you and your people."

The ambassador stopped walking again eyeing him intently. The man was made an ambassador for his ability to read others, but the Admiral in front of him, with his uncaring emotionless facial expressions and body language made it nearly impossible to get a bearing. This concerned him less than it intrigued him, but his guard was kept at all times.

"And exactly what would that be Admiral?"
"With the war winding to an end, people will want to begin rebuilding their lives. I find myself in a position to offer exclusive contract rights to all construction equipment needed for the rebuilding effort. I do not believe I need point out what that would mean for your economy and numerous corporations."

The ambassador nearly choked at the thought. This would easily mean an influx of hundreds of billions of new credits to his planet. He found himself almost hoping for the destruction of Bespin in light of this new information but quickly shook the horrific thought from his head.

"I trust you can put that in writing?"
"Of course."

The two men continued discussing the details of this new arrangement still walking down the hall.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 04:15:20 PM by Ramano »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2012, 08:23:41 PM »
OOC Note: Milestone #2 SL

Jason signed the final piece of the document assuring Bakura of their construction contracts and their alliance with him. He placed the datapad down standing to shake hands with the various delegates and business men around him.

"This will be a new day for your people, one of peace and prosperity."
"We look forward to it. You will already find this years defense credits transfered to your accounts. Dont let our hard earned money go to waste admiral."
"You shall see the fruits of this labor quite soon to bolster your own defenses."

The men all walked from the room to the awaiting dining hall for the celebrations to follow.


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2012, 11:21:18 AM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Primus Et Optimus | The First and the Finest
Commanding Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale

   At the onset of the After Endor Campaigns, Bakura was one of the first Imperial systems to be aggressively acquired by the Rebel Alliance... and Hale was here to remind the Rebels of the Imperial Remnant's jurisdiction over the system: a job only suitable for the Primus Et Optimus... the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force!

   As each of the ships ripped out of hyperspace, sublight engines lit up and began pushing the fleet closer to their destination. Immediately, Lambda Shuttles and TIE Interceptors began screaming out of the collective launch bays of the fleet, as it entered High Orbit with an absolute resolve to fight. The fleet then began actively scanning the system for hostiles - hoping to find a worthy target. All ComScan information was quickly patched to the HoloComm channels and transmissions were sent to every Imperial stronghold in the galaxy: a battle cry that would surely invoke additional wrath upon the hapless Rebels who feigned guardianship over the system.

   Stepping up the Communications Center, Hale grabbed a wired push-talk mic and opened a subspace channel to all who would listen.

   < Attention Imperial citizens of Bakura: your languishment under the wretched leadership of the pitiful Rebel Alliance has finally been answered. To the Alliance Defense Forces protecting this system, this is your one opportunity to leave now. If you chose to stay and fight, you will experience immediate and decisive action against your presence here... >

   Hale removed his thumb from the mic and walked away. "That should wake them up!"

   "Poignant, m'lord," replied Commodore Hawkins. "Let's hope they are wise enough to realize what this fleet was built for and retreat while they have the chance..."

   "Or foolish enough to fight. That's the thing with these Rebels, Commodore, their leadership is unstable. You never know what's going to happen next, yet: unpredictability grants you the initiative and element of surprise in almost every battle encounter..."
   "...until you are up against a determined and overwhelming force..." finished the Commodore, "Admiral Saul Karath, if I'm not mistaken."

   "You know your ancient naval history well, Hawkins. Thank you for reminding me why I picked you for the job," laughed Hale, casually.

   After the remainder of the ships in the fleet checked in with the Leviathan, Hale sat back in his command chair to wait and see what response he would get from the Rebels.

1. Fleet exited hyperspace in Deep Space Zone 4 and began Active Scanning.
2. ESC Trident & ESC Harpoon stay in C-15.
3. SGAF Sturgewhr & SGAF Espada moved to C-15 and deployed 24 LSHUs to CSP.
4. VNSD Leviathan moved to C-15, and deployed 6 LSHUs to CSP.
5. ESC Trident deployed 7 TIE/N Squadrons to C-15, which go on CSP.
6. ESC Harpoon deployed 7 TIE/N Squadrons to C-15, which go on CSP.
7. VNSD Leviathan began hyperspace (x1) transmissions of all scans and data to each Imperial stronghold.
8. VNSD Leviathan opened up subspace communication channel with Bakura.

(Conquest not declared; Presence in system is subjected to parameters of an INVASION MISSION.)

<> VNSD Leviathan
Location: C-15 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1254/1254 | Armor: 1254/1254 | Hull: 1254/1254 | Systems: 640/640

>> Imperial Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale
            Location: Onboard  | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 200/200 | Health: 200/200 | Attack: 200

>> TIE Avenger Squadron TA-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 9 | Shields: 240/240 | Armor: 240/240

>> Elite TIE Interceptor Squadron TE-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 360/360

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-02
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-03
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Bomber Squadron TB-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 6 | Armor: 192/192

>> TIE Bomber Squadron TB-02
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 6 | Armor: 192/192

>> TIE Bomber Squadron TB-03
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 6 | Armor: 192/192

>> XG-1 Gunboat Squadron XG-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 270/270 | Armor: 270/270

>> XG-1 Gunboat Squadron XG-02
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 270/270 | Armor: 270/270

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-01~06
            Location: C-13 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (6/6)

>> Imperial Army Troopers 1st Regiment
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 6 | HP: 7 | AR: 4 | Units: 500/500

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: C-15 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 330/300 | Armor: 330/330 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 150/150
Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads | Location: Ship's Hold | UCR 6 / HP 7 / AR 4

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-07~19
            Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)          

<> SGAF Sturmgewehr
Commanding Officer: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg
Location: C-15 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 |  Shields: 330/300 | Armor: 330/330 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 150/150
Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads | Location: Ship's Hold | UCR 6 / HP 7 / AR 4

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-19~31
            Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

<> ESC Harpoon
Commanding Officer: Captain Johannesburg
Location: C-15 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 550/550 | Armor: 550/550 | Hull: 137/137 | Systems: 250/250

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-04
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-05
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-06
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-07
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-08
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-09
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-32 & LS-33
           Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20

<> ESC Trident
Commanding Officer: Captain Ishmael
Location: C-15 | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 500/500 | Armor: 500/500 | Hull: 125/125 | Systems: 250/250

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-10
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-11
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-12
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-13
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-14
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-15
           Location: C-15 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-34 & LS-35
           Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20

GM Action
This is effectively a "pre-post". All actions at this system will resume once the sim-wide pause to resolve OOC issues ends.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 12:08:31 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2012, 02:09:20 PM »
GM Decree

BAKURA -- My forces will "appear" immediately as the pause ends, and so I still require a full 24 hours to obtain active scans. Some of my units did enter the C-Ring already, and so the PDF is alerted to my presence regardless. Ramano, you will have 48 hours to post a PDF response. If none is posted, then I will assume Bakura has it's previously listed 7 CORVs on PDF and I will post for them to continue the Order of Battle under normal posting rules from that point on.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2012, 01:00:08 AM »
OOC Note: Not that it matters, but why are your T/Is for the Harpoon on CSP in C-13? Typo? Also, can we say... fucked? >=p And just in case you question the Idenna being here, I got my main fleet at Thyferra, the MC-90 at Bespin, and max PDF at Endor... it cant fit anywhere else but here.

General Drake sat in the command chair looking at the radar screen as the message came in. He was puzzled by the message, as were many on the planet itself as life under the Grand Admirals rule had not been any different then things had been before his arrival. The only real change had been the defenses of the planet itself, which would come as an unfortunate surprise for the imperials who would quickly find out they were equally matched in firepower, and not nearly far enough away from the fleet to avoid attack.

The General walked over to the holovid (which I dont really have, but fuck off, no ones coming, its for story effect) activating it, his shimmering form appearing unexpectedly before the Admiral.

"General Drake. While I do so enjoy our infrequent chats, I will have to say though you have impeccably bad timing."
"Pardon the interruption Admiral, but we have a heavily armed imperial fleet scanning the system. Count 1 heavy warship, multiple frigates and support craft."
"Does there happen to be some kind of problem with the Idenna?"
"No sir."
"Then I find myself curious as to why you would be contacting me in the middle of a combat action?"
"I... uhh... Merely wanted to wish you luck sir."
"Roger that general, but do try to keep the channels clear unless its a real emergency."
"Aye aye sir. Bakura out."

The general walked from the holoviewer and reseated himself into his command chair with a puzzled look on his face.

"Did he give you orders sir?"
"I... believe we are weapons free."
"You believe sir?"
"He was... less then clear on that point."
"What do you want us to do sir?"
"Your jobs. All craft move in and engage. If they are worthy imperials they will need to prove it first. A weak Empire is no empire for us!"

A hail erupted from the small make-shift command center as the fleet burst to life and swarmed in on the unsuspecting imperials waiting for a warm welcome and light defense.

VNSD Idenna move B-1 to B-8
3 Z-95s move B-1 to B-8 to C-15
6 CRVs move A-1 to B-1 to B-8
Launched Craft
30 L/SHUs and 8 Z-95s move B-8 to C-16 to D-4
6 YT-1300s move B-8 to C-15

Attack Summary:
VNSD Idenna vs VNSD Leviathan
10DHTLs = 200
50HLs = 100
UCR = 3/3 = full damage = 300pts

CRVs One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six vs VNSD Leviathan
12DHTLs = 240
24HICs = 96
12CMs = 24
UCR = 7/3 = full damage = 360pts

30 L/SHUs vs ESC Tridant
180LBs = 540
UCR = 4/4 = full damage = 540pts

8 Z-95 Squads vs ESC Tridant
192LCs = 192
192CMs = 384
UCR = 5/4 = full damage = 576pts

3 Z-95 Squads vs Shuttles C-15
72LCs = 72
72CMs = 144
UCR = 5/4 = full damage = 216pts

6 YT-1300s vs Shuttles C-15
12HQLs = 96
12ACMs = 36
12ICs = 36
UCR = 8/4 = full damage = 168pts

Total damage to VNSD Leviathan: 660pts
Total damage to ESC Tridant: 1,116pts (Suggested Status: Disabled)
Total damage to L/SHUs CSP C-15: 384pts (Suggested Status: 9 Destroyed, 1@16 hull)

Venator Star Destroyer (VNSD) Idenna
Location: B-8
Cost: 1400 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1140 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 1140
Armor: 1140
Hull: 640
Systems: 640
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
10 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (200)
50 Heavy Laser Cannons (100)
Onboard Units:
8 Rebel Z-95 Squadrons
30 L/SHUs
500 Republic Fleet Marines
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings.

Corellian Corvette (CORV) One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
Cost: FREE
Production Time: 7 Days
Command Points: 1
Length: 150 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shields: 150
Armor: 150
Hull: 150
Systems: 100
Speed: Very Fast (3)
Maneuver: (4)
2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (40)
4 Heavy Ion Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Units:
5 Infantry Squads
External Units:
1 YT-1300 Rebel Freighter
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: D-4 Attacking
8/8 Rebel Z-95 Squads     Shields: 144/144, Hull: 144/144, UCR: 5

Fighter Group 2: C-15 Attacking
3/3 Rebel Z-95 Squads     Shields: 144/144, Hull: 144/144, UCR: 5

Aux Group 1: D-4 Attacking
30/30 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Hull: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR: 4

Aux Group 2: C-15 Attacking
6/6 YT-1300s     Shields: 35/35, Hull: 35/35, Systems: 35/35, UCR: 8
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 11:47:52 AM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2012, 10:03:56 AM »
GM Rules Referral

Attack Ranges
Capital Ships may fire weapons up to 1 grid space away. Starfighters and auxiliaries must be in the same grid to attack their targets.

Please modify your attack post so that your AUX and SFs move to C-15, where they can attack me properly. I know they have the range for it, so I will take the damage... just be sure to modify your post accordingly.

Also yes... C-13 was a typo. All my units moved to C-15.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2012, 10:59:39 AM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Primus Et Optimus | The First and the Finest
Commanding Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale

   "Well then it appears they've given us a heroe's welcome," commented Commodore Hawkins, who was standing by the ComScan Shack. "Lord Hale, all enemy PDF units have mobilized. It appears the bulk of their combat forces were loitering in Middle Orbit."

   "Hmph! Intelligence reports the same PDF positions exist elsewhere on Rebel Alliance-held systems. There is an advantage to putting your units out in the open... but there is also a disadvantage..."

   "Your orders, m'lord?" asked Hawkins. "They are concentrating firepower on the Trident!"

   "Return fire, launch full complements. Let's show these Rebels what this ship was built for."

   As Hale's orders were carried out, the massive flight decks of the Leviathan opened up and immediately dozens upon dozens of starfighters began flooding out of the hangar. Per Hale's instructions, the Leviathan was augmented with two additional starfighter squadrons vice carrying extra shuttles. He hoped to take advantage of it.

   "Move the fleet forward and begin surface scanning of Bakura. Also, I want those Escort Carriers out of the frying pan, so position them back in Deep Space," ordered Hale calmly. "As soon as they are in position I want the Harpoon out of here. Tell Captain Johannesburg to proceed to the next waypoint."

   "But sir, that'll leave the Trident unprotected... they could be moving to capture it! Even a refitted Escort Carrier would be dangerous in the hands of Ramano."

   "It's a risk we'll have to take, Commodore. What matters is our plan..."

   Hale stood up from his command chair and walked over to the viewport to witness the overwhelming firepower that was about to be displayed...

1. All units continue active scanning and transmission out-of-system.
2. VNSD Leviathan and SGAFs moves to B-8, attack, and begin GROUND SCANNING.
3. (12) TIE/Ints moved to B-8. (6) attack / (6) CSP.
3. ESCs launch LSHUs, move to Deep Space Zone 4, ESC Harpoon enters hyperspace.
4. VNSD launches all craft. TIE/Ints & LSHUs remain on CSP.
5. Units take damage, then attack.
6. TOTAL CSP in B-8: 9 TIE Interceptor Squadrons / 26 LSHUs.

Combat Summary
1. VNSD Leviathan attacked VNSD Idenna: 330* x UCR (3/3) = 330 DMG
2. TIE/A Squad attacked VNSD Idenna: 168 x UCR (9/3) = 196 DMG
3. Elite TIE/N Squad attacked VNSD Idenna: 144 x UCR (10/3) = 144 DMG
4. (3) TIE/B Squads attacked VNSD Idenna: 360 x UCR (6/3) = 360 DMG
5. (2) XG-1 Squads attacked VNSD Idenna: 264 x UCR (5/3) = 264 DMG
6. (7) TIE/N Squads attacked VNSD Idenna: 672 x UCR (10/3) = 672 DMG
7. (2) SGAFs attack VNSD Idenna: 220* x UCR (4/3) = 220 DMG
8. (9) Destroyed LSHUs attack VNSD Idenna: 162 x UCR (5/3) = 162 DMG


<> VNSD Leviathan
Location: B-8 | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 594/1254 | Armor: 1254/1254 | Hull: 1254/1254 | Systems: 640/640

>> Imperial Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale
            Location: Onboard  | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 200/200 | Health: 200/200 | Attack: 200

>> TIE Avenger Squadron TA-01
            Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 9 | Shields: 240/240 | Armor: 240/240

>> Elite TIE Interceptor Squadron TE-01
            Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 360/360

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-01
            Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-02
            Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-03
            Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Bomber Squadron TB-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: Attacking | UCR: 6 | Armor: 192/192

>> TIE Bomber Squadron TB-02
            Location: Hangar | Status: Attacking | UCR: 6 | Armor: 192/192

>> TIE Bomber Squadron TB-03
            Location: Hangar | Status: Attacking | UCR: 6 | Armor: 192/192

>> XG-1 Gunboat Squadron XG-01
            Location: Hangar | Status: Attacking | UCR: 5 | Shields: 270/270 | Armor: 270/270

>> XG-1 Gunboat Squadron XG-02
            Location: Hangar | Status: Attacking | UCR: 5 | Shields: 270/270 | Armor: 270/270

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-01~06
            Location: C-13 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (6/6)

>> Imperial Army Troopers 1st Regiment
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 6 | HP: 7 | AR: 4 | Units: 500/500

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
            Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 4 | Shields: 330/300 | Armor: 330/330 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 150/150
Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads | Location: Ship's Hold | UCR 6 / HP 7 / AR 4

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-07~19
            Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (2/12)+1 at 16 HP          

<> SGAF Sturmgewehr
Commanding Officer: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg
Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 4 |  Shields: 330/300 | Armor: 330/330 | Hull: 165/165 | Systems: 150/150
Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads | Location: Ship's Hold | UCR 6 / HP 7 / AR 4

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-19~31
            Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (12/12)

<> ESC Harpoon
Commanding Officer: Captain Johannesburg
Location: HS | Status: Hyperspace | UCR: 4 | Shields: 550/550 | Armor: 550/550 | Hull: 137/137 | Systems: 250/250

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-04
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-05
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-06
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-07
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-08
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-09
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-32 & LS-33
           Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20

<> ESC Trident
Commanding Officer: Captain Ishmael
Location: DSZ-4 | Status: DISABLED | UCR: 4 | Shields: 0/500 | Armor: 0/500 | Hull: 9/125 | Systems: 250/250

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-10
           Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-11
           Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-12
           Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-13
           Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-14
           Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-15
           Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-34 & LS-35
           Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 03:54:08 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2012, 08:21:04 AM »
General Drake watched as the imperials demonstrated their might, in a single volly bringing down the Idenna. A smile crossed his face as he realized the Empire perhaps did still have a spark left in it, but he was not yet convinced.

"Look at they're support ships. They've brought no landing craft."
"Seems as if he plans on using the ships themselves to do the dirty work sir."
"And it shall be his downfall. Order all craft to concentrate fire on the smaller transport ships. If we can knock those out he will be far outmatched when he reaches the planet with the Venator."
"A sound plan sir, but perhaps we should be taking precautions in case the worst should happen?"

The general quickly turned, glaring at his subordinate.

"If the Empire conquers our defenses, then they are again worthy of leading us to greatness. In such an event we will welcome our imperial brothers with open arms. But as you were trained, a weak empire is unworthy of leadership. They must demonstrate their strength if they wish to lead us once again."

Continued the assault

Attack Summary:
VNSD Idenna vs SGAF Espada
10DHTLs = 200
50HLs = 100
UCR = 3/4 = 0.75 * 300 = 225pts

CRVs One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six vs SGAF Espada
12DHTLs = 240
24HICs = 96
12CMs = 24
UCR = 7/3 = full damage = 360pts

9 Z-95 Squads vs 9 T/Is on CSP B-8
216LCs = 216
216CMs = 432
UCR = 5/10 = 0.5 * 648 = 324pts

2 Z-95 Squads vs SGAF Espada
48LCs = 48
48CMs = 96
UCR = 5/4 = full damage = 144pts

6 YT-1300s vs T/Bs
12HQLs = 96
12ACMs = 36
12ICs = 36
UCR = 8/6 = full damage = 168pts

30 L/SHUs vs T/Bs
180LBs = 540
UCR = 4/6 = 0.67 * 540 = 362pts

Total damage to 9 T/I Squads CSP B-8: 324pts (Suggested status: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged, all engaged)
Total damage to 3 T/B Squads B-8: 530pts (Suggested status: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged)
Total damage to SGAF Espada: 729pts (Suggested status: Disabled)

Space Status:
Venator Star Destroyer (VNSD) Idenna
Location: B-8 Disabled
Cost: 1400 KCs
Production Time: 14 Days
Length: 1140 meters
Hyperdrive: x1
Shields: 0/1140
Armor: 0/1140
Hull: 572/640
Systems: 640
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
10 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (200)
50 Heavy Laser Cannons (100)
Onboard Units:
8 Rebel Z-95 Squadrons
30 L/SHUs
500 Republic Fleet Marines
Notes: Capable of entering the atmosphere and making planetary landings.

Corellian Corvette (CORV) One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
Location: A-4
Cost: FREE
Production Time: 7 Days
Command Points: 1
Length: 150 meters
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shields: 150
Armor: 150
Hull: 150
Systems: 100
Speed: Very Fast (3)
Maneuver: (4)
2 Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (40)
4 Heavy Ion Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Launchers (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Units:
5 Infantry Squads
External Units:
1 YT-1300 Rebel Freighter
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Fighter Group 1: B-8 Attacking
11/11 Rebel Z-95 Squads     Shields: 144/144, Hull: 144/144, UCR: 5

Aux Group 1: B-8 Attacking
30/30 L/SHUs     Shields: 20/20, Hull: 20/20, Systems: 20/20, UCR: 4
6/6 YT-1300s     Shields: 35/35, Hull: 35/35, Systems: 35/35, UCR: 8

Ground Status: *Until further notice*
Alpha-class Command Operations Center (ALPHA)
Location: GA-1
Production Cost: 500 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Size: 500 meters (tall)
Shields: 500
Armor: 500
Hull: 500
Defense UCR: 10 (Prefabricated Ground Facility)
Industrial Output: 0 KCs (Military Facility)
Onboard Units:
500 Republic Fleet Marine Squads
50 Speeder Bikes
1. Provides continuos PASSIVE SCANNING of system (up to C-Ring), and ACTIVE SCANNING up to A-Ring.
2. Includes: HyperComm-I Transceiver (may send messages at x1 hyperspeed)
3. Enables production of all Independent facilities in the same system.
Notes: Limited to 1 per planet.

Beta-class Military Industrial Complex (BETA)
Location: GA-1
Cost: 250 KCs
Production Time: 7 Days
Length: 200 meters
Shields: 200
Armor: 200
Hull: 200
Systems: 200
Defense UCR: 15 (Armored Ground Facility)
Weapons: None
Upgrade Cost: None
Industrial Output: 0 KCs (Military Facility)
Onboard Units:
300 Republic Fleet Marine Squads
30 Speeder Bikes
1. Can produce all neutral ground units and vehicles.
Notes: Military Industrial Complexes are standardized manufacturing and training facilities designed to build and equip armies and provide standing defenses. (Limited to 1 per G-unit grid).

Delta-class Multipurpose Base (DELTA)
Location: GA-1 x3
Cost: 250 KCs
Production Time: 3 Days
Size: 100 meters
Shields: 100
Armor: 100
Hull: 100
UCR: 8 (Lightly Armored Ground Facility)
Industrial Output: (see below)
Onboard Unit Capacity:
10 Republic Fleet Marine Squads
5 Speeder Bikes
0/2 L/SHUs
Special Capabilities:
1. HyperComm-I Transceiver (may send messages at x1 hyperspeed).
2. COTS ComScan (capable of PASSIVE scanning up to the A-Ring).
3. Low-Profile (Invisible to PASSIVE scanning, until units are deployed)
4. Trade Center (Industrial Output of 25 KCs each Action Day).

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2012, 03:31:28 PM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Primus Et Optimus | The First and the Finest
Commanding Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale

   As the battle raged on, Leviathan Squadron was bearing witness to a strategically weakened yet still tactically strong defense force that had managed to pick the right targets in their initial waves of attacks. The strength of the Ventator-class was not in the power the ship itself wielded, but the power in the ships of its support fleet.. or at least that's what Hale had intended the defenses to think. For once the Rebel forces would get a taste of their own usage of misdirection.

   "My lord, they've targeted the Espada, and it has been swiftly disabled," commented Commodore Hawkins.

   "How unfortunate timing. It appears we'll have to accelerate our plans. Destroy the Idenna, Commodore."

   "Yes my lord," replied Hawkins.

   Immediately, the fleet's firepower once again opened up on the Idenna, only this time, the green bolts of turbocharged particles and proton bombs began ripping and incinerating the actual ship itself - tearing into its hull. As sections of the Venator began breaking away and bodies of fleet sailors floating off into the icey vacuum of space, the last moments of the crew were met with a sudden rupture of the main power core, resulting in a small anti-matter implosion followed by an even larger fusion explosion. There was silence onboard the Leviathan's bridge as the ship went down. After the boatswain's mate blew a final whistle for the Idenna, the crew went back to work.

   "It's a shame that ship fell into Rebel hands. She would've made a fine addition to the Imperial Fleet," commented Hale. "Are there any survivors?"

   ComScan began short-wave scans, "faint life signs my lord, probably in the more rigid compartments that were sealed off. Emergency life support should sustain them long enough for the enemy to rescue them. Maybe a few dozen or so."

   "At last, the Avenger is avenged," Hale opened up a line of communication with the system:

   < Attention, loyal Imperial citizens of Bakura: We regret to inform you that our time here has come to an end... for now. Our presence in this system was just a demonstration of our power, and as you can see, there is only one Star Destroyer in orbit where two once stood. To the Rebels who so bravely fought today: We may return to this sytem, we may not, or we may pay a visit to Endor, or Bespin as well. If we can take down your precious Idenna, how safe are your Mon Calamari cruisers? Or the Destiny's Ascenion itself? One by one we will come for them... like thieves in the night, like the Mandalorian big game hunters of the Dxun wildlands... one by one they will fall... until there is nothing left but an empty promise of strength and security. Welcome to a brave new galaxy. Winter is coming my friends... >

   "Alright Commodore, dispatch final orders to the Espada and Trident... and to the rest of the Fleet."

   Commodore Hawkins nodded and pushed a red button, which sent off a set of orders Hale wrote before the battle in case emergency contingencies occured. Now was that time. Hale's orders would gaurantee this. Without delay, crews began placing charges around the ships they were serving on and scuttled them. After the escape pods were collected one by one by the Leviathan, the victorious Star Destroyer and the Sturmgewehr lept into hyperspace. The starfighters and shuttles that remained in the system would continue the fight until their last breath - a honor many zealous TIE pilots longed for.

   The lead TIE Interceptor pilot opened up a comm line: < Men of the Imperial Remnant. Your sacrifices will be honored and paid back in full when order is restored to the galaxy. Now let's give these Rebels some hell! >

1. All units make final attacks, then get recalled. VNSD makes some field-swaps: (3) TIE/B squads for (3) TIE/N squads.
2. Units attack; fleet enters hyperspace.

UNITS LEFT BEHIND: 1 TIE Bomber Squadron (B-8), 9 TIE Interceptor Squadrons (DSZ-4), 1 SGAF (B-8, w/ 12 LSHUs onboard)
OOC: I cleared my unit status to avoid any confusion. Only "left behind units" are below. Everything else is in hyperspace.

Combat Summary
1. SGAF Espada attack VNSD Idenna: 110* x UCR (4/3) = 110 DMG
2. (2+1) TIE/B Squadrons attack VNSD Idenna: 360 x UCR (6/3) = 360 DMG
3. (1/9) TIE/N Squadrons attack VNSD Idenna: 96 x UCR (10/3) = 96 DMG
4. (1/25) LSHUs attack VNSD Idenna: 18 x UCR (4/3) = 18 DMG
5. (24/25) LSHUs attack enemy LSHUs: 432 x UCR (4/4) = 309 DMG (10 Destroyed, 1 Damaged)
6. (8/9) TIE/N Squadrons attack Z-95 Squads: 768 x UCR (10/5) = 768 DMG (2 Destroyed, 1 Damaged)
7. ESC Trident Crew (50 Fleet Troopers) scuttle their ship: 150 x UCR (5/20) = 38 DMG
8. SGAF Espada Stormtroopers scuttle their ship: 1200 x UCR (6/20) = 360 DMG


<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: B-8 | Status: SCUTTLED | UCR: 4 | Shields: 0/300 | Armor: 0/330 | Hull: ---/165 | Systems: 150/150
Units: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads | Location: Oblivion | UCR 6 / HP 7 / AR 4

<> ESC Trident
Commanding Officer: Captain Ishmael
Location: DSZ-4 | Status: SCUTTLED | UCR: 4 | Shields: 0/500 | Armor: 0/500 | Hull: ---/125 | Systems: 250/250

>> TIE Bomber Squadron TB-01
            Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 6 | Armor: 192/192

>> TIE Bomber Squadron TB-02
            Location: B-8 | Status: Destroyed | UCR: 6 | Armor: 192/192

>> TIE Bomber Squadron TB-03
            Location: B-8 | Status: Destroyed | UCR: 6 | Armor: 46/192

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-07
           Location: B-8 | Status: Destroyed | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-08
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 156/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-09
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-10
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-11
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-12
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-13
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-14
           Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-15
           Location: B-8 | Status: Destroyed | UCR: 10 | Armor: 000/240

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-01~06
            Location: B-8 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (24/24) +1 @ 16 HP

« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 08:56:15 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2012, 07:09:10 AM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Primus Et Optimus | The First and the Finest
Commanding Officer: SUPREME EXECUTOR Lucidius Hale

   Taking advantage of the opening in battle, the Imperial starfighters and shuttles moved to lower orbit.

1. All units in B-8 move to B-1, then A-1.

>> TIE Bomber Squadron TB-01
            Location: A-1 | Status: Moving | UCR: 6 | Armor: 146/192

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-08
           Location: A-1 | Status: Moving | UCR: 10 | Armor: 156/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-09
           Location: A-1 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-10
           Location: A-1 | Status: Moving | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-11
           Location: A-1 | Status: Moving | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-12
           Location: A-1 | Status: Moving | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-13
           Location: A-1 | Status: Moving | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> TIE Interceptor Squadron TN-14
           Location: A-1 | Status: Moving | UCR: 10 | Armor: 240/240

>> Lambda Shuttle LS-01~25
            Location: A-1 | Status: Moving | UCR: 5 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 | (24/24) +1 @ 16 HP


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2013, 10:53:34 PM »
GM Wizardry

IR units are magically transported to Hoth, where they are recombined into IR forces. Bakura's PDF is restored to a stock level, and conflict is cleared so that pending constructions ordered by Ramano can be completed and arrive for future defensive purposes.