Author Topic: DANTOOINE  (Read 19204 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: July 04, 2012, 11:25:22 PM »

"Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration. But don't worry, we will deal with your Rebel friends soon enough."
~ Grand Moff Tarkin
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 11:13:15 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 11:31:27 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: Commodore/Colonel Lucidius Hale

   The mighty Avenger exited hyperspace over the Dantooine system, eager to exploit its relative proximity to Bastion and defenselessness. The ship did not commence any scanning operations, as it remained silent to avoid any civilian detection. Hale was hoping to quickly annex Dantooine into the Imperial Remnant as his enemies were likely doing the same with their factions.

Action Summary
1. Exited hyperspace in Deep Space Zone *****.
2. Commenced Mission: EXPANSION.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore/Colonel] Lucidius Hale
Location: DSZ-*| Status: ComScan Silent | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 1
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 2
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 3
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 4
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 5
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 6
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
Location: C-4 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100
--> Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
--> Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 06:30:33 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2012, 12:33:14 AM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: Commodore/Colonel Lucidius Hale

      Hale stood looking out over the Star Destroyer's bow from the bridge viewport, towards the system in the distance. There was nothing personal he had against Dantooine - in fact he kind of appreciated their simplistic way of life and their agrarian government - but the system was a soft target and its proximity to Bastion made it an ideal candidate not only as a buffer/satellite system for the Imperial Remnant, but also as a forward operations base to cut down on hyperspace travel times to other parts of the galaxy. While this was a conservative approach by Imperial standards, it was by no means a necessary one as well because the Remnant would not survive another conflict without the support of additional systems.

   "Alright, let's take her in," ordered Hale. "All ahead full."

   "All ahead full aye cap'n" replied the Chief Helmsman.

   "Shall we scan the space for enemies, sir?" asked Commander Kraken, the XO.

   "Yes, Active ComScan. One ping, one ping only."

   "One ping, aye captain," replied a confused Kraken, who walked over to Lt. Winston's ComScan station and activated the sensor suite, which immediately projected a massive swath of energy that radiated in every direction. Soon, the Avenger would know if any units were in space.

   "Commodore, getting faint returns on Active ComScan. No military energy readings whatsoever. Lots of background noise, maybe a couple civilian transports loitering in orbit but nothing else," reported Lt. Winston.

   "It's quiet... almost too quiet..."

Action Summary
1. Moved to C-10.
2. Civilian information of arrival into the system has been sent out (x2 hyperspace), ETA: 110 Hours to reach Coruscant, 122 Hours to reach Hapes, 168 Hours to reach Mon Calamari, and 277 Hours to reach Endor.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore/Colonel] Lucidius Hale
Location: C-10| Status: ComScan Silent | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 1
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 2
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 3
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 4
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 5
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 6
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100
--> Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
--> Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 09:39:33 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2012, 12:42:44 AM »
On the ground the lone military officer in the small radar outpost almost choked as he saw the massive blip of a star destroyer explode on his screen. Quickly a general emergency response system, usually reserved for natural disasters was activated to usher the few civilian farmers into their homes.

Com>Imperial Fleet> This is major Ellis of the Dantooine defense personnel. Do not fire, I repeat, for the love of god do not fire we surrender!

The major looked over to a private just now entering the small shack of a building.

"We shall see if subjugation is truly preferable to death."

The hopelessly defenseless planet surrenders to the might of the imperial armada.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2012, 05:17:16 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: Commodore/Colonel Lucidius Hale

   "Commodore, incoming transmission from the Dantooine Settlement..." prompted Lt. Winston, "they've unconditionally surrendered to the Imperial Remnant."

   Hale was suprised, as he didn't think the farmers would give up that easily. Regardless, he now had to establish a presence on the world and make good on his intention to set up an Imperial outpost. "Well then," he replied, "let's send down an away team, shall we? Winston, Verdana, Julius, you three are with me. Commander Kraken, you have the bridge. Take the ship to middle orbit."

   "But sir, I must protest, it is against Imperial protocol for the Commanding Officer to be attached to the initial away team while on mission," interrupted Kraken.

   "Don't worry Commander, this away team is going to have plenty of security. Unless you have any more concerns you can make note of this in the Ship's Log as Captains's Perogative. Understood?"

   "Yes sir. If I may make one reccomendation sir, per the Tarkin Doctine, we should deploy combat space patrol in your absence," offered Kraken.

   "Commander, Grand Moff Tarkin is dead - along with his dream of the Death Star - which might I remind you has failed twice over. This is no longer the New Order, this is the Reformed Order, the Imperial Remnant, a place where we have no need for irrational tactics and protocols. If you utter the Tarkin Doctrine one more time on my bridge, you can consider yourself relieved of your duties. We should deploy a combat space patrol because it is a good idea, not because some idiot said so years ago."

   "Yes sir, fully understood," replied Kraken.

   After that, Hale and his away team departed the bride. With him was the young and beautiful Lieutenant Elena Winston, and two junior officers from Corulag who couldn't help but keep their eyes off of Elena. Under most circumstances, Imperial men kept it professional when dealing with their female counterparts, but since women serving in the Navy were so rare - they couldn't really help it. Then again, Elena was also a Zeltron, and so her light pink skin and periwinkle hair, along with her incredible figure meant that any male in the universe probably couldn't keep their eyes off her.

   As the away team took the turbolift to the main hangar bay, they boarded Hale's personal shuttle and "Captain's Yacht" for the Avenger, a highly modified Lambda-class Shuttle named the Aletheia. The main hangar was a busy place, as all the TIE Fighters were launching, as well as the auxiliary craft. Hale didn't want to take any chances, even with a surrendered planet, so all of the Lambda shuttles were deployed as escort for the Aletheia, as well as 5 Landing Barges fully loaded with troops, and a 6th loaded with a Prefabricated Depot. Once the craft were launched, they began moving towards Dantooine, whereup they would secure the ground and commence expansion operations.

Action Summary
1. Moved to B-8.
2. Deployed 36 Lambda Shuttles.
3. Deployed 6 TIE Fighter Squadrons.
4. Deployed 6 Landing Barges.
5. Deployed Elite Lambda Shuttle.
6. 3 TIE Fighter Squadrons on CSP in B-8.
7. All other deployed craft move to A-3 and take up CSP.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore/Colonel] Lucidius Hale
Location: B-8| Status: Passive ComScan | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 1
Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 2
Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 3
Location: B-8 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 4
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 5
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 6
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~6
Location: A-3 | Status: Transit | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100
--> Infantry: 500/500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
--> Vehicles: 30/30 Speeder Bikes
--> Cargo: Prefabricated Fleet Depot

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 7~15
Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100
--> Infantry: 800/800 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
--> Vehicles: 42/42 Speeder Bikes

>> Imperial Remnant Fleet Division Avenger
Location: Hangar | Infantry: 200 IFT Squads | Vehicles: 18/18 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
Location: A-3 | Status: Transit | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2012, 09:37:03 AM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: Commodore/Colonel Lucidius Hale

   On the way to the atmosphere, the shuttle crew was making small talk...

   "Easy up on the throttle there, Mr. Verdana, We don't want to blow past our escort," commented Hale.

   "Yes sir," replied Ensign Verdana. "She's a little hot isn't she?"

   "You bet. I'm not quite used to her myself just yet. This shuttle flies more like a starfighter than anything else," replied Hale. "Lord Vader spared no expense upgrading his personal flight of shuttles."

   "You mean, this shuttle belonged to Lord Vader himself?"

   "That's right. One of a dozen if I'm not mistaken," answered Hale.

   "Well that explains the advanced ComScan equipment here," interjected Lt. Winston, "this isn't exactly stock issue."


   A small light began flashing on the flight panel, it was an altimeter prompt. "Commodore, we've reached the aerospace zone of the planet, we'll be hitting the atmosphere momentarily," prompted Verdana.

   "Good," replied Hale. "Ms. Winston, alert the Avenger that we've entered the atmosphere."

   "Yes sir," she replied, and began tending to her ComScan console. "Avenger affirms entry into atmosphere. The ship has also moved to lower orbit to cover our position."

   "Very well," replied Hale. As the Aletheia entered the atmosphere, so did its fighter and shuttle escorts, along with the six landing barges. The settlers on the Dantooine surface weren't probably expecting more than a few shuttles and a squadron of fighters at most, so to them the situation was probably looking worse...

Action Summary
1. Moved to A-3.
2. 3 TIE Fighter Squadrons, 36 Lambda Shuttles, and 6 Landing Barges moved to Atmosphere 3.
3. Elite Lambda Shuttle moved to Atmosphere 3.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore/Colonel] Lucidius Hale
Location: A-3| Status: Passive ComScan | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 1
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 2
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 3
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 4
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 5
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 6
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~6
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: Transit | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
--> Infantry: 500/500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
--> Vehicles: 30/30 Speeder Bikes
--> Cargo: Prefabricated Fleet Depot

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 7~15
Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
--> Infantry: 800/800 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
--> Vehicles: 42/42 Speeder Bikes

>> 1st Imperial Remnant Fleet Division Avenger Squadron
Location: Hangar | Infantry: 200 IFT Squads | Vehicles: 18/18 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: Transit | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2012, 05:46:01 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: Commodore/Colonel Lucidius Hale

   The Aletheia with shuttle escorts and the Landing Barges from Typhoon Group broke off from the fighter escort as they descended to the atmosphere below. Most of the settlers from hundreds and even thousands of miles away gathered around the Delta-class Multipurpose Base, where the Dantooine central government and defense forces oversaw the planet. Most of the communities on Dantooine were agricultural and pacifist, so only a basic government was needed to run the planetary affairs. Nobody on Dantooine knew what was going happen. In the sky they saw a few squadrons of TIE Fighters performing formation maneuvers, and in the distance the glimpse of the Avenger could be made out above the clouds. The shuttles from Tornado Group formed a perimeter around a landing zone less than half a kilometer from the Delta Base, where the landing barges dropped just behind them. The Aletheia landed last.

   The hiss of shuttlebay doors opened as Hale walked down the loading ramp of his shuttle with Lieutenant Winston and Ensign Verdana at his sides. Immediately, two speeder bike troopers appeared infront of the shuttle. One of fleet troopers stepped off his bike, the officer-in-charge.

   "Captain Katanga reporting, sir. All divisions have been mustered. Awaiting orders."

   "Very well Captain. Take the Cavalry to LZ position Bravo and await further orders. I'll be marching with the troopers from Typhoon 1 to the main enemy compound," ordered Hale.

   "Yes sir," replied Captain Katanga. After turning around he spoke to the other bike trooper, "Right, let's move out!"

   After the bike troopers went off to a near-distant position, Hale and a thousand Imperial Troopers began marching towards the Delta Base. Though the terrain was grass, you could still hear the timed footsteps of the boots pounding on soil. In a short while, Hale approached the Delta Base, where Major Ellis was waiting.

   Ellis spoke first, "Commodore Hale, I presume. I take it you're hear to discuss terms of our surrender, with..." Ellis looked over Hale's shoulder for a moment,"...a thousand or so troopers? This is Dantooine, Commodore, not a battlefield."

   "Major Ellis, I know you to be a military man based on our Intelligence. Possibly the only one on this planet," Hale replied, then he turned to face another man standing next to him, "...but you, you're a native of this planet, what is your profession?"

   "Farmer, sir."

   "And you, Arkanian?"

   "Mechanic, sir."

Farmer... Mechanic..." replied Hale. He then turned a shoulder to face his troops, "IMPERIALS! WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION?"


   "As you can see Major Ellis, this planet needs some defense. The entire galaxy is a battlefield now - in case some of you havn't heard, the Emperor is dead..."

   "Dead?! How?" replied Ellis, who apparently hadn't heard.

   "The Rebel Alliance has scored a major victory against the Empire. Now all that remains is a broken Empire. The Rebels have scattered as well, but they are redrawing their strength as we speak. In the history of this conflict, we know this planet has harbored a transient Rebel base before - but this is a new era. I represent a splinter faction of the Empire that calls itself the Imperial Remnant, and we bring the Reformed Order with us. No more are the Emperor's insane ideologies, and so do not consider subjugation of Dantooine a scary thought. We will ensure the defense of your people, while taking advantage of empty landscape to build facilities and factories to sustain the new Empire."

   "Well then, it appears you have me at a loss..." replied Ellis.

   Hale turned to Verdana, and whispered a few orders into her ears. He turned and walked away.

   "...Would you and your officers care to join the village for a banquet tonight to formalize our partnership?"

   "That would be most appreciated Major, I look forward to it. However in the meantime, I will be setting up a Depot near this compound, as well as beginning construction of another Depot in the northern hemisphere. Next cycle we will be upgraded your facilities, but this will be your garrison for now."

   "Thank you, Commodore," replied Ellis, who extended a hand. Hale met his hand with his, and the handshake signified a new era of cooperation between Dantooine and the Imperial Remnant...

Action Summary
1. Elite Shuttle and 6 Landing Barges drop in G-3.
2. All ground units disembark.
3. Prefabricated Fleet Depot commences construction. (Due: 7/17/2012)
4. Commenced construction of Imperial Fleet Depot in G-* (Due: 7/17/2012)

<> ISD-II Avenger
Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore/Colonel] Lucidius Hale
Location: A-3| Status: Passive ComScan | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 1
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 2
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 3
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 4
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 5
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 6
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~6
Location: G-3 | Status: Landed | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
--> Infantry: 500/500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads (Disembarked, G-3)
--> Vehicles: 30/30 Speeder Bikes (Disembarked, G-3)
--> Cargo: Prefabricated Fleet Depot (Building, G-3)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 7~15
Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
--> Infantry: 800/800 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
--> Vehicles: 42/42 Speeder Bikes

>> 1st Imperial Remnant Fleet Division Avenger Squadron
Location: Hangar | Infantry: 200 IFT Squads | Vehicles: 18/18 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
Location: G-3 | Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2012, 02:44:45 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: Commodore/Colonel Lucidius Hale

   "Gentlemen, our work here is done," commented Captain Katanga, who was the officer-in-charge of the Dantooine Expedition. Immediately, all the fleet troopers and lamba shuttles gathered troops and took off, heading for the atmosphere. After signing all other official documentation to transfer Dantooine to the Imperial Remnant, Hale and his staff embarked on the Aletheia and headed for the atmosphere as well.

Action Summary
1. All units recalled to Atmosphere.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore/Colonel] Lucidius Hale
Location: A-3| Status: Passive ComScan | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 1
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 2
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 3
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 4
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 5
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 6
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~6
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: Landed | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
--> Infantry: 500/500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads (Onboard)
--> Vehicles: 30/30 Speeder Bikes (Onboard)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 7~15
Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
--> Infantry: 800/800 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
--> Vehicles: 42/42 Speeder Bikes

>> 1st Imperial Remnant Fleet Division Avenger Squadron
Location: Hangar | Infantry: 200 IFT Squads | Vehicles: 18/18 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
Location: ATMO-3 | Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 01:22:21 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2012, 03:59:04 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: Commodore/Colonel Lucidius Hale

   The Avenger stood proud and victorious in low orbit as the shuttles and landing barges were fully recalled. The ship would be standing guard until a planetary defense fleet would arrive.

Action Summary
1. All auxiliaries recalled to the Avenger.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore/Colonel] Lucidius Hale
Location: A-3| Status: Passive ComScan | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 1
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 2
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 3
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 4
Location: A-3 | Status: CAP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 5
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 6
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
Location: A-3 | Status: CSP | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
--> Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads (Onboard)
--> Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes (Onboard)

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
Location: Hangar | Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 01:24:04 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2012, 01:50:45 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   As the Aletheia completed its landing procedures, the loading ramp lowered and Hale and his staff walked down and was met with loud applause and cheers from the troops, who were congratulating him on his first 'victory'.
 Hale looked upon the thousands of troops that were assembled nearby their associated landing barges. After a short while when the applause died down, the general atmosphere was quiet and disciplined - the calm after the storm.  Some were cleaning their rifles, others loading gear off the landing barges, others talking to each other with their helmets off, some just sitting on the ground keeping to themselves. As Hale walked past them, they snapped to attention and saluted before saying hello.

   Hale wasn't much of an Army man - never really aspired to be one - but he knew in times like these, he was going to have to become the officer and leader his ship and crew needed. He saw the look in their eyes...and felt that something was missing deep inside of them. The Avenger had a powerful army but no General to lead them into battle. The highest ranking Army officer onboard was Captain Katanga, a junior officer. He was skeptical about sending the Fleet Troopers into battle, as he knew their overall function was to provide standing defenses for starships as their crew, to operate and protect facilities - not fight wars.

   However, things were about to change. Commander Kraken approached Hale with a smile on his face.

   "Commodore, I have received a most welcome message from the Imperial Council, and they asked me to be the first man to congratulate you on your promotion to General of the Empire! Well done, sir!"

   Hale smiled and shook Kraken's hand in congratulations. The promotion to General was awarded based on the merit of capturing Dantooine, but as with any promotion to Flag Officer, this now meant that the rank needed to be earned.

   "I was hoping to make Admiral someday..." remarked Hale, who knew at this point his dream of being famous Naval officer was now over.

   "Come now sir, history has shown us that Generals are more famous than Admirals," replied Kraken. The two officers then shared a laugh together. "Besides, I hear that General Veers can't even find a command to take him in. The Empire is full of Admirals and Moffs... we need a new General!"

   "I suppose you're right. Let's get back to Bastion. We have some new units to pick up." Hale and his staff eventually made it back to the bridge. By this time the starfighters were fully recalled and the ship's hyperspace calculations were completed. Hale didn't mind leaving Dantooine open for a few days until the IPVs would arrive. Intelligence didn't suspect any strikes against the Remnant...yet.

Action Summary
1. All TIE Fighters recalled.
1. Entered hyperspace.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Hero: Imperial Officer [General] Lucidius Hale
Location: Hyperspace | Status: -- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 1
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 2
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 3
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 4
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 5
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 6
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
Location: Hangar | Status: -- | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
--> Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads (Onboard)
--> Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes (Onboard)

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
Location: Hangar | Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 02:00:25 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2012, 05:07:44 PM »

7 IPV-1 Imperial Patrol Vessels exit hyperspace and take up positions around Dantooine. The people of Dantooine celebrate upon hearing the news of their arrival.