Author Topic: GCW: Missions, Quests, and Flashpoints  (Read 19939 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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GCW: Missions, Quests, and Flashpoints
« on: July 04, 2012, 11:17:20 PM »
This thread will be used to post all mission types for Heroes as well as quests and Flashpoints.

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: GCW: Missions, Quests, and Flashpoints
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 11:19:06 PM »
1. Diplomacy
2. Conquest
3. Expansion
4. Invasion
5. Surrender
6. Accession Treaty

Mission Requirements: Republic Leader (Consular/Ambassador) or Republic Jedi (Jedi Knight)
Cross-Class Penalty: Republic Officers attempting Diplomacy must take a +2 Day stacked penalty (+2, +4, +6, +8) for each Milestone (i.e. Milestone #4 will require 24 Days).
1. Take the Flagship to a neutral, non-Stronghold world. Once you exit hyperspace and move into the C-Ring, you can declare neutrality and consular status in order to move about the system freely without getting fired upon by the PDF.
2. Move your ship to the A-Ring, and then take your Hero to the surface via shuttle in order to engage in "Diplomatic Relations" between the host system and the New Republic.
3. Once Diplomacy has begun, refer to the following time-table below for mission results. Players are required to write a storyline post in addition to fulfilling the time and action requirements in order to achieve each Mission Milestone:
Milestone #1 [4 Days]: Host System temporarily joins the Galactic Free Trade Association (GAFTA). On your next Action Day, this system will render a one-time credit of 100 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #2 [8 Days]: Host System permanent joints the GAFTA; on your next Action Day and every one after that, this system will credit 100 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #3 [12 Days]: Host System agrees to become a conditional Municipality System and Protectorate of the New Republic. Required Actions: Build a New Republic Embassy on the system in an open G-grid. Also, fully replace their Space PDF Fleet (23 CP/7-ships), which can be done with stock units; once the Embassy and Replacement PDF is completed, this Milestone will be done.
Milestone #4 [16 Days]: Host System agrees to become a Member System of the New Republic. All Space and Ground facilities on the planet are immediately scrapped and the System transfers 1000 KCs to your Account. Required Actions: Build a New Republic Sector Operations Base to replace the Host System's Alpha-class Command Operations Center. Once the RASOB is completed, the Host System is officially under your control as a player, and you can build new facilities at your leisure.

Mission Requirements: Imperial Leader (Consular/Ambassador)
Cross-Class Penalty: Imperial Officers and Sith must take a +2 Day stacked penalty (+2, +4, +6, +8) for each Milestone (i.e. Milestone #4 will require 24 Days).
1. Take the Flagship to a neutral, non-Stronghold world. Once you exit hyperspace and move into the C-Ring, you can declare neutrality and consular status in order to move about the system freely without getting fired upon by the PDF.
2. Move your ship to the A-Ring, and then take your Hero to the surface via shuttle in order to engage in "Diplomatic Relations" between the host system and the New Republic.
3. Once Diplomacy has begun, refer to the following time-table below for mission results. Players are required to write a storyline post in addition to fulfilling the time and action requirements in order to achieve each Mission Milestone:
Milestone #1 [4 Days]: Host System signs on as a provisional member of the Imperial Network (IMPNET). On your next Action Day, this system will render a one-time credit of 100 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #2 [8 Days]: Host System permanently joins the IMPNET; on your next Action Day and every one after that, this system will credit 100 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #3 [12 Days]: Host System agrees to become a member of the Imperial Senate (GE) or the Council of Moffs (IR). Required Actions: Build an Imperial Fleet Depot on the system in an open G-grid. Also, fully replace their Space PDF Fleet (23 CP/7-ships), which can be done with stock units; once the Depot and Replacement PDF is completed, this Milestone will be done.
Milestone #4 [16 Days]: Host System agrees to become a Member System of the GE/IR. All Space and Ground facilities on the planet are immediately scrapped and the System transfers 1000 KCs to your Account. Required Actions: Build an Imperial Sector Palace to replace the Host System's Alpha-class Command Operations Center (or next highest facility). Once the ISP is completed, the Host System is officially under your control as a player, and you can build new facilities at your leisure.

Mission Requirements: Imperial Officer or Imperial Sith (Sith Lord)
Cross-Class Penality: Imperial Leaders attempting Conquest must take a +2 Day stacked penalty (+2, +4, +6, +8) for each Milestone (i.e. Milestone #4 will require 24 Days).
1. Take your Fleet Flagship to a neutral, non-Stronghold world. Once you exit hyperspace in a Deep Space Zone, perform an Active Scan of the System. Please post locations for the System's units once your scan is completed (24 hours).
2. Once you move your ship to the C-Ring, the System will be fully alerted to your presence and give you a warning. If you move to the B-Ring, the System will consider your presence hostile and send out a galaxy-wide distress call (x1 hyperspace). You are now free to move about the System and engage neutral units at your leisure. As the "Mission GM" you will now take direct control of the PDF forces and post for them as you would defend your own world.
3. Once combat has begun, refer to the following time-table below for mission results. Players are required to write storyline post in addition to fulfilling the other requirements of each Milestone in order to complete this mission fully.
Milestone #1 [4 Days]: Disable all units making up Space PDF. For each platform, capital ship, starfighter squadron, or auxiliary craft destroyed, add 10 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #2 [8 Days]: Destroy all ground units making up the Ground PDF. For each Infantry Squad and GAV you destroy, add 1 KC to your Account.
Milestone #3 [12 Days]: The system can now be declared under control of the GE or IR; Immediately add a "spoils of war" victory prize of 1000 KCs to your Account. You can now start building facilities on the System at will.
Milestone #4 [16 Days]: Build an Imperial Sector Palace on the System. Once you complete this Milestone, your character gets a free ability upgrade (if fully upgraded, transfer 1000 KCs to your Account) due to the experience gained from battle.

Mission Requirements: Republic Officer
Cross-Class Penality: Republic Leaders or Republic Jedi attempting Conquest must take a +2 Day stacked penalty (+2, +4, +6, +8) for each Milestone (i.e. Milestone #4 will require 24 Days).
1. Take your Fleet Flagship to a neutral, non-Stronghold world. Once you exit hyperspace in a Deep Space Zone, perform an Active Scan of the System. Please post locations for the System's units once your scan is completed (24 hours).
2. Once you move your ship to the C-Ring, the System will be fully alerted to your presence and give you a warning. If you move to the B-Ring, the System will consider your presence hostile and send out a galaxy-wide distress call (x1 hyperspace). You are now free to move about the System and engage neutral units at your leisure. As the "Mission GM" you will now take direct control of the PDF forces and post for them as you would defend your own world.
3. Once combat has begun, refer to the following time-table below for mission results. Players are required to write storyline post in addition to fulfilling the other requirements of each Milestone in order to complete this mission fully.
Milestone #1 [4 Days]: Disable all units making up Space PDF. For each platform, capital ship, starfighter squadron, or auxiliary craft destroyed, add 10 KCs to your Account.
Milestone #2 [8 Days]: Destroy all ground units making up the Ground PDF. For each Infantry Squad and GAV you destroy, add 1 KC to your Account.
Milestone #3 [12 Days]: The system can now be declared under control of the NR or RA; Immediately add a "spoils of war" victory prize of 1000 KCs to your Account. You can now start building facilities on the System at will.
Milestone #4 [16 Days]: Build a Republic Sector Operations Base on the System. Once you complete this Milestone, your character gets a free ability upgrade (if fully upgraded, transfer 1000 KCs to your Account) due to the experience gained from battle.

EXPANSION (Any Faction)
Mission Requirements: None.
1. Take your Fleet to a Barren World.
2. Once you move your ship to the C-Ring, the System will be fully alerted to your presence and will send out a galaxy wide information report (x2 hyperspace). You are now free to move about the System and engage neutral units at your leisure. As the "Mission GM" you will now take direct control of the PDF forces and post for them as you would defend your own world.
3. Once combat has begun, refer to the following time-table below for mission results. Players are required to write storyline post in addition to fulfilling the other requirements of each Milestone in order to complete this mission fully.
Milestone #1: Destroy all units that make up the PDF (if any) and deploy your units to the Ground to build a new facility.
Milestone #2: Once a facility has been completed, the system can now be declared under control of your faction. News of this exploit will travel the galaxy at x1 hyperspace.

INVASION (Any Faction)
Mission Requirements: None
1. Take your Fleet to a non-Barren World.
2. Once you move your ship to the C-Ring, the System will be fully alerted to your presence and will send out a galaxy wide information report (x2 hyperspace). You are now free to move about the System and engage neutral units at your leisure. As the "Mission GM" you will now take direct control of the PDF forces and post for them as you would defend your own world.
3. Once combat has begun, refer to the following time-table below for mission results. Players are required to write storyline post in addition to fulfilling the other requirements of each Milestone in order to complete this mission fully.
Milestone #1: Destroy all units that make up the PDF (if any) and deploy your units to the Ground to build a new facility.
Milestone #2: Once a facility has been completed, the system can now be declared under control of your faction. News of this exploit will travel the galaxy at x1 hyperspace.

Mission Requirements: Your units must actively be on an Invasion Mission.
1. Once your Fleet is at a non-Barren World and currently engaged in an Invasion Mission, the following Milestones can be treated as criteria for the either GM Hale or a Player GM (acting as the PDF commander) to properly surrender a system.
Milestone #1: Invading forces must have completely destroyed the Space PDF Fleet.
Milestone #2: Invading forces must have at least x3 the troops of the Ground PDF Army.
Milestone #3 [7 Days]: The PDF Commander calls for a cease fire to negotiate terms of surrender. During this time, the Invading player must post a storyline detailing this process in order complete the milestone. Remaining ground units and facilities are scrapped at 25% and awarded to the Invading player. An exceptional storyline award can be received at this Milestone to reduce it to 5 days.
Milestone #4: Build a ground facility on the planet. Once the facility is complete, the system can be transferred to your control.

Purpose: The Accession Treaty is a fast-track version of the Diplomacy Mission that seeks to add a new system to a faction without complex negotiations or arrangements made by a visiting or hosting faction. Diplomats simply will meet with the planetary leaders, engage in minor talks, and then the system will convert to the visiting faction.
Mission Requirements: A "Diplomat" which can be either a Leader, Ambassador, Jedi Knight, Sith Lord, or Admiral/General
1. Take your Fleet to a Barren or non-Barren World.
2. Once you move your ship to the C-Ring, the System will be fully alerted to your presence and will send out a galaxy wide information report (x2 hyperspace). You are now free to move about the System and engage in diplomatic negotiations at your leisure.
Milestone #1: Bring your Diplomat to the surface and begin negotiations with a storyline.
Milestone #2 [5 Days]: The host system signs a Peace Treaty with your faction and agrees to disarm its planetary defense forces so that your faction can provide protection. All space units and platforms are scrapped by your faction for 25% of their base cost. Storyline required.
Milestone #3 [10 Days]: The host systems signs a full Accession Treat with your faction and becomes a member system. With exception to some planets (check with Hale), all ground units and facilities will be scrapped by your faction for 25% of their base cost. Storyline required.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 09:50:54 AM by GCW Hale »