Author Topic: BASTION  (Read 50672 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: July 03, 2012, 10:43:02 AM »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2012, 11:34:45 AM »
Imperial Remnant

User Account: Commodore Lucidius Hale

Account Opening Income: +2000 KCs for Construction Projects

Action Day Income: +1000 KCs

Construction Orders:
-500 KCs for Imperial Shipyard, TBC on 7/10/2012
-500 KCs for Imperial Factory, TBC on 7/10/2012
-500 KCs for Imperial Academy, TBC on 7/10/2012

Other Expenditures:
-1000 KCs for Hero Upgrade, + COLONEL to Lucidius Hale

Remaining Account Balance: 500 KCs for Construction Projects
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 04:30:42 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2012, 04:26:50 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: Commodore/Colonel Lucidius Hale

   The Imperial Remnant war machine had little time to waste and so immediate action was taken for an expansion mission. Once the coordinates had been set, the ship jetted into hyperspace with an eye on a very particular prize.

Action Summary
1. Entered hyperspace for **********.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore/Colonel] Lucidius Hale
Location: B-2 | Status: Scanning | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 1
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 2
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 3
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 4
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 5
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> TIE Fighter Squadron Black 6
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 8 | Armor: 144/144

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
Location: C-4 | Status: Attacking | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100
--> Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
--> Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 04:32:28 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2012, 03:44:47 PM »
Imperial Remnant

User Account: Commodore-Colonel Lucidius Hale

Account Balance: 500 KCs

Manufacturing Orders:
-0000 KCs [014] IPV-1 Imperial Patrol Vessels for PDF (Bastion and Dantooine) ... Due 7/17/2012
-0000 KCs [001] (Prefabricated) Imperial Fleet Depot (Dantooine) ... Due 7/17/2012
-0500 KCs [001] Imperial Fleet Depot (Dantooine) ... Due 7/17/2012

Other Expenditures: None

Remaining Account Balance: 0 KCs
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 05:48:25 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2012, 01:19:45 PM »
Imperial Remnant

User Account: Commodore-Colonel Lucidius Hale

Account Balance: 0 KCs

Income: +1000 KCs

Industrial Output: (+575 KCs total)
Omega Platform ... +200 KCs
Imperial Sector Palace (Bastion) ... +150 KCs
Imperial Factory (Bastion) ... +100 KCs
Agriculture (Dantooine) ... +100 KCs
Delta Base (Dantooine) ... +25 KCs

New Balance: 1575 KCs

Manufacturing Orders:
-0020 KCs [002] Imperial Royal Guard Trooper Squads ... Due 8/14/2012
-0540 KCs [006] TIE Advanced Starfighter Squadrons ... Due 7/16/2012
Notes: To be placed on production hold until available for pickup by the ISD-II Avenger.

Other Expenditures
-1000 KCs Hero Upgrade to GENERAL!
Notes: Imperial General's bonus SGAF is placed on PDF until available for pickup.

Remaining Account Balance: 15 KCs
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 06:28:28 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2012, 12:53:45 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   The mighty Avenger exited hyperspace over the Red Planet once known as Sartinaynian, now known as Bastion. The crew onboard the Avenger was looking forward to a short stand-down period where duty sections would be cut down to their minimal in-port requirement. Hale would be busy however, as a new ship would be added to his command, along with a fresh wing of TIE Advanced starfighters. Bastion itself was now a burgeoning fortress, as many facilities not present when Hale departed were now fully completed. With the impressive ISD-II Chimeara looming over the planet, combined with the space defense platforms, the lower orbit of Bastion looked like the hard target it should be.

   "General, the TIE Advanced fighters are looking really good. A brilliant selection if I may say so myself. They are very balanced fighters," commented Commander Kraken.

   "Indeed; and well within our general operating budget. All we need now are some stormtroopers and this star destroyer will be the most fearsome warship in the galaxy," replied Hale.

   "Yes... but perhaps with your leadership our Fleet Troopers may be all we need."

   Hale nodded. His commander was right. A general's presence on the battlefield often exuded a elevated sense of power and combat effectiveness. Perhaps the Fleet Troopers would be the shock troops he needed for a full-scale invasion.

   "It also appears with your appointment to General, the Imperial Council has extended your command over a StarGalleon."

   "Yes, the Espada is a fine addition to this fleet. Do you have any suggestions for its commanding officer?"

   "Actually sir I was hoping I could nominate myself. While I have enjoyed my time onboard the Avenger, I believe it's time for my own command," replied Kraken.

   Hale raised a brow, "My good man, the Espada would be a step down for you. You deserve to command a Victory Star at least, but with the way this war is going I can understand your position. You will need to complete one commanding officer tour before being selected for captain, so perhaps this would be best for your career," commented Hale.

   "Those were my thoughts exactly sir," replied Kraken.

   "Very well. Have one of their shuttles pick you up whenever you're ready. It was a pleasure having you onboard, Commander."

   Kraken saluted Hale, "For the Empire, sir", and then departed.

   Hale looked around the sparse bridge, wondering which of his staff he would select for Executive Officer, but also enjoyed the idea of not having one for a while.

   Lieutenant Winston approached Hale with a datapad, "Here are the ComScan logs from the last mission, sir, they need your review."

   Hale signed off the logs and handed them back to Winston, "good work, Lieutenant. Dispatch mobilization orders to the Fleet. In 24 hours I want all stations ready for mission. It's time to move out."

   "Right away; Where are we headed, sir?"

   "It's time we put a little pressure on this galaxy. We have another Stronghold on Wayland currently being fortified, which has extended our reach to the doorstep of the Core Worlds. It's time to push further in..."

   "Very well, sir, I'll dispatch your orders immediately..." Winston said, with a slight smile. While most Zeltrons were passive and hedonistic, Elena Winston was just as hedonistic, only in ways most would find strange. She got pleasure not only from physical intimacy, but also from combat and conquest. Power turned her on more than anything, and so the thought of conquering another planet almost made her blush.

Action Summary
1. Exchanged unit compliments.
2. SGAF Espada added to the Fleet.
3. (7) IPV-1's built for Dantooine PDF enter hyperspace for Dantooine.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore-GENERAL] Lucidius Hale
Location: Bastion | Status: Docked | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
Location: Hangar | Status: Attacking | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
--> Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads
--> Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
Location: Hangar | Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: Bastion | Status: Docked | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha 1~12
Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
--> Infantry: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 12:56:17 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2012, 12:56:18 PM »
Flagship of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Ultor Imperium | Avenger of the Empire
Commanding Officer: GENERAL Lucidius Hale

   After securing liberty for all hands, the fleet made preparations for a new mission and entered hyperspace, bound for glory...

Action Summary
1. Entered hyperspace.

<> ISD-II Avenger
Onboard Hero: Imperial Officer [Commodore-GENERAL] Lucidius Hale
Location: Hyperspace | Status: --- | UCR: 3 | Shields: 1980/1980 | Armor: 1980/1980 | Hull: 1760/1760 | Systems: 990/990

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 1
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 2
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 3
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 4
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 5
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> TIE Advanced Squadron Black 6
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 216/216 | Armor: 216/216

>> Lambda Shuttle Tornado 1~36
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 4 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Imperial Landing Barge Typhoon 1~15
        Location: Hangar | Status: Loaded | UCR: 1 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100 (each)
        Infantry: 1500/1500 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads | Vehicles: 90/90 Speeder Bikes

>> Viper Probe Droid Viper 1~10
       Location: Hangar | Status: --- | UCR: 10 | Armor: 20/20 (each)

>> Elite Lambda Shuttle Aletheia
       Location: Hangar | Status: Landed | UCR: 16 | Shields: 100/100 | Armor: 100/100

<> SGAF Espada
Commanding Officer: Commander Kyle Kraken
Location: Hyperspace | Status: --- | UCR: 4 | Shields: 300/300 | Armor: 300/300 | Hull: 150/150 | Systems: 150/150

>> Lambda Shuttle Spatha 1~12
       Location: Hangar | Status: N/A | UCR: 7 | Shields: 20/20 | Armor: 20/20 (each)
       Infantry: 240/240 Stormtrooper Squads
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 10:14:29 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2012, 01:14:15 PM »
Imperial Remnant

User Account: General Lucidius Hale

Account Balance: 15 KCs

Income: +1000 KCs

Industrial Output: (+775 KCs total)
Omega Platform (Bastion) ... +200 KCs
Imperial Sector Palace (Bastion) ... +150 KCs
Imperial Factory (Bastion) ... +100 KCs
Agriculture (Dantooine) ... +100 KCs
Delta Base (Dantooine) ... +25 KCs
Imperial Fleet Depot (Dantooine) ... +100 KCs
Imperial Fleet Depot (Dantooine) ... +100 KCs

New Balance: 1790 KCs

Ongoing Construction/Training:
[002] Imperial Royal Guard Trooper Squads ... Due 14 AUG 2012

New Manufacturing Orders:
-0000 KCs [007] IPV-1 Imperial Patrol Vessels ... Due 8 AUG 2012 | Orders: Reserve Fleet
-0100 KCs [001] Imperial Operations Center (Dantooine) ... 2 AUG 2012

Remaining Account Balance: 1690 KCs

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2012, 11:34:37 AM »
Imperial Remnant

User Account: General Lucidius Hale

Account Balance: 1690 KCs

Income: +1000 KCs

Industrial Output: (+1100 KCs total)
Omega Platform (Bastion) ... +200 KCs
Imperial Sector Palace (Bastion) ... +150 KCs
Imperial Factory (Bastion) ... +100 KCs
Agriculture (Dantooine) ... +100 KCs
Imperial Operations Center (Dantooine) ... +50 KCs
Imperial Fleet Depot (Dantooine) ... +100 KCs
Imperial Fleet Depot (Dantooine) ... +100 KCs
Imperial Network Signing Bonus (Rothana) ... +100 KCs
Imperial Network (Rothana) ... +100 KCs
Executive Management (Hale) ... +100 KCs

New Balance: 3790 KCs

Hero Ability Upgrade:

Completed Construction/Training:
[001] Imperial Operations Center (Dantooine) ... Finished 2 AUG 2012
[007] IPV-1 Imperial Patrol Vessels ... Finished 8 AUG 2012 | Orders: Deployed to Rothana to Relieve PDF (ETA 21 AUG 2012)
[002] Imperial Royal Guard Trooper Squads ... Finished 14 AUG 2012 | Orders: Ground RGF Bastion

New Manufacturing Orders:
-1000 KCs [002] Imperial Escort Carriers ... Due: 20 AUG 2012 | Orders: PDF Replacement for Rothana (ETA 26 AUG 2012)
-0648 KCs [012] TIE Interceptor Squadrons ... Due: 16 AUG 2012 | Orders: To be stationed onboard the Escort Carriers when they finish.

-0000 KCs [001] TIE Fighter Squadron ... Due: 16 AUG 2012 | Orders: Ground RGF Dantooine
-0000 KCs [100] Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads ... Due: 29 AUG 2012 | Orders: Ground RGF Dantooine
-0000 KCs [010] Speeder Bikes ... Due: 22 AUG 2012 | Orders: Ground RGF Dantooine

-1000 KCs [001] Imperial Sector Palace ... Due: 22 AUG 2012

Remaining Account Balance: 142 KCs
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 11:44:32 AM by GCW Hale »

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« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2012, 10:40:55 PM »
Imperial Remnant

User Account: General Lucidius Hale

Account Balance: 142 KCs

Income: +1000 KCs (Rothana Diplomacy Bonus)

New Manufacturing Orders:
-0225 KCs [001] Delta-class Multipurpose Base ... Due: 30 AUG 2012
-0080 KCs [001] Imperial Operations Center ... Due: 31 AUG 2012 (construction begins when Deltas finish).
-0400 KCs [001] Imperial Fleet Depot ... Due: 1 SEP 2012
-0225 KCs [001] Sigma-class Starfighter Platform ... Due: 1 SEP 2012

Ending Balance: 212 KCs

Other Fleet Movements/Orders:
1. IPV-1 PDF Fleet deployed to Rothana is recalled to Fleet Reserve Force outside Bastion (ETA 3 SEP 2012).
2. *Newly acquired manufacturing bonuses applied to Rothana.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 09:37:53 AM by GCW Hale »

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« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2012, 09:36:17 AM »
Imperial Remnant

User Account: Lord General Lucidius Hale

Account Balance: 212 KCs

Income: +1000 KCs

Industrial Output: (+1300 KCs total)
Bastion ... +450 KCs
Dantooine ... +350 KCs
Rothana ... +400 KCs
Hero ... +100 KCs

New Balance: 2512 KCs

Completed Construction/Training:
[001] Delta-class Multipurpose Base
[001] Imperial Operations Center
[001] Imperial Fleet Depot
[001] Sigma-class Starfighter Platform

Hero Ability Upgrade:
-1000 KCs [LORD GENERAL] | Ship Bonus: +1 SGAF added to Fleet at Rothana

New Manufacturing Orders:
-450 KCs [001] Imperial Academy ... Due: 4 SEP 2012
-450 KCs [001] Imperial Factory ... Due: 4 SEP 2012
-420 KCs [030] AT-STs ... Due: 4 SEP 2012 | Orders: Report to ISD-II Avenger.
-162 KCs [003] TIE Interceptor Squadrons ... Due: 2 SEP 2012 | Orders: Report to Sigma Starfighter Platform.
-000 KCs [001] TIE Fighter Squadron ... Due: 15 SEP 2012 | Orders: Ground RGF Rothana
-000 KCs [100] Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads ... Due: 15 SEP 2012 | Orders: Ground RGF Rothana
-000 KCs [010] Speeder Bikes ... Due: 15 SEP 2012 | Orders: Ground RGF Rothana

Remaining Balance: 30 KCs
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 09:46:15 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2012, 11:28:28 AM »
Imperial Remnant

User Account: Lord General Lucidius Hale

Account Balance: 30 KCs

Income: +1000 KCs

Industrial Output: (+1400 KCs total)
Bastion ... +450 KCs
Dantooine ... +350 KCs
Rothana ... +500 KCs
Hero ... +100 KCs

New Balance: 2430 KCs

New Manufacturing Orders:
1. 0600 KCs [0002] Imperial Escort Frigates ... DUE: 19 SEP 2012 | Orders: Enter hyperspace for ******* (ETA 24 SEP 2012).
2. 0160 KCs [0002] TIE Bomber Squadrons ... DUE: 17 SEP 2012 | Orders: Place on production hold until NEBs are done.

EDIT: Order cancelled due to pending GM Ruling. Money is refunded (+760 KCs).

1. 0000 KCs [5000] Imperial Army Troopers ... DUE: 23 SEP 2012 | Orders: Replacements for Imperial Fleet Troopers at all ground facilities and Reserve Ground Forces, and replacements for lost and soon-to-be lost ISD-II Avenger ground units. Units produced at over-capacity will be deactivated. This order is FREE due to Military Tradition and Executive Management bonuses.
2. 1200 KCs [0003] Imperial Fleet Depots ... DUE: 23 SEP 2012 | EDIT: I ran out of room on Rothana so one Depot was cancelled and money refunded (+400 KCs).

1. 1000 KCs [0002] Imperial Fleet Depots ... DUE: 26 SEP 2012

Remaining Balance: 230 KCs
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 11:04:55 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2012, 11:20:31 AM »
1st Imperial Expeditionary Force

2 SGAFs, 1 Elite Lambda Shuttle, 32 Lambda Shuttles, and 6 TIE Advanced Starfighter Squadrons exit hyperspace. The Elite Lambda Shuttle docks onboard the Omega Platform, while the 32 Lambda Shuttles are recycled, and the TIE Advanced replace the TIE Fighters stationed onboard the ISD-II Chimaera on PDF. Hale bides his time while a recovery and response plan is devised.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2012, 02:06:14 PM »
2nd Imperial Expeditionary Force
Phalanx Squadron

The order is given to mobilize the Remnant's Fleet Reserve Forces for active combat assignments, a group of seven IPV-1 Patrol Ships. While the process to assemble crews and perform activation maintenance will take a few days, Hale transfers command of the Espada and Sturmgewehr to Phalanx Squadron while remaining onboard the Chimaera in the meantime to confer with Pellaeon about the future prospects of the Imperial Remnant. While Phalanx Squadron is a mediocre combat force at best, its cost effectiveness and ability to concentrate damage to single targets would make it an effective strike and response unit...

« Last Edit: September 26, 2012, 05:17:19 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2012, 11:19:54 AM »
Commanding Officer of the 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force
Loyal Servant of the Imperial Remnant and Avenger of the Empire

"Lord General, please step into my stateroom," requested the venerable Admiral Gilead Pellaeon. Hale did as he asked.

"Admiral, it is good to see you again, although I wish it were on better terms," began Hale.

"I don't have much time Hale so let's make this brief. We've reviewed the footage and holosimulations of your actions over Thyferra. While your courage to confront a large and powerful Rebel fleet is commendable, your execution was... for lack of a better word... sloppy. The Avenger has been serving the Empire for many, many years, and it's a damn shame one of our finest Star Destroyers went down without taking anything with it. What were you thinking? You'd just be able to show up in the system and have the Rebels cower at your presence simply because a Star Destroyer showed up?"

"No, sir..."

"I'm not done yet," remarked Pellaeon. "The number of Star Destroyers at our disposal no longer numbers in the thousands, Lord General, but the very few hundred. We cannot afford to make any more mistakes like this, and quite frankly if Lord Vader were still alive you would be a dead man right now."

"Yes Admiral, I understand," replied Hale.

"Your penance however will be paid... I've been in contact with the Galactic Empire over the past few weeks to establish some back channel communication and cooperation in times of struggle. There is a new Dark Lord of the Sith like our former Lord Vader has arisen, and he has grown quite powerful in the past months and may one day perhaps stake a claim on the Imperial Throne in a bid to become the next Emperor, but nonetheless I have made some private arrangements for him to handle the production of a Victory Star Destroyer for you since currently your resources are exhausted."

"Since when were we parlaying with warlords Admiral?" asked Hale, boldly.

"Don't be a fool, Lord General. The seasons have changed and the galaxy grows cold. We cannot be certain about every Imperial splinter faction, or every former Grand Moff or Grand Admiral that has gone rogue for that matter, instead only those who show absolute determination towards restoring the former power and glory of our Empire can we trust. I am capable of managing the bureaucracy and organization of the Imperial Remnant to some extent, but at the core of the Imperial political philosophy is that our government must function with a powerful and visionary leader. It is my personal opinion, desire, and hope that this kind of leader will reveal himself and unite the shards of the Empire back into a sword."

"What are you saying Pellaeon, that this Dark Lord of the Sith has potential?"

"Yes, and no, Hale. Not all of our Grand Amirals or Moffs are accounted for, and so one day they might return and with their sheer force of will rally not only the Remnant but other splinter groups as well. This is why I have opened up a dialogue between us and the Sith Lord, because the future is uncertain. It is our job therefore to be ready. "

Hale nodded, "I shall be ready then, Admiral. I'm sure you've read my strategic analysis for the future of 1st Imperial Expeditionary Force?"

"Indeed. It seems you are getting back on track Hale, and who knows, if you keep continuing expanding the Remnant at the rate you're going, then perhaps one day it will be I calling you leader..."

"Thank you Admiral."
