Author Topic: THE BATTLE OF ENDOR  (Read 30002 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: June 05, 2012, 08:09:12 PM »
(ABRIDGED VERSION of the Battle of Endor, adapted from the Screenplay)

{Rebel Fleet Attacks Death Star:}

LANDO (over comlink)
Fighters coming in.

There is much excitement on the bridge as the attack begins. The Millennium Falcon and several squads of Rebel fighters head into an armada of TIE fighters. The sky explodes as a fierce dogfight ensues in and around the giant Rebel cruisers.

There's too many of them!

Accelerate to attack speed! Draw their fire away from the cruisers.

Copy, Gold Leader.

The battle continues around the giant cruisers.


Han and several of the fighters run out of the bunker and race across the clearing.

Move! Move!

A shock wave knocks them flat as the bunker explodes, followed by a spectacular display as the huge shield-generator radar dish explodes along with the bunker.


Ackbar, sitting in his control chair, speaks into the radio.

The shield is down! Commence attack on the Death Star's main reactor.

We're on our way. Red Group, Gold Group, all fighters follow me. (laughs) Told you they'd do it!

The Falcon, followed by several smaller Rebel fighters, heads toward the unfinished superstructure of the Death Star.

{Throne Room Duel:}

Luke stands still, as the Emperor reaches the bottom of the stairs. The Emperor's laughter has turned to anger. He raises his arms toward Luke.

If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed.

Blinding bolts of energy, evil lightning, shoot from the Emperor's hands at Luke. Even in his surprise, the young Jedi tries to use the Force to deflect them. At first he is half successful, but after a moment the bolts of energy are coming with such speed and power the young Jedi shrinks before them, his knees buckling. The wounded Vader struggles to his feet, and moves to stand at his master's side.

Young fool...only now, at the end, do you understand.

Luke is almost unconscious beneath the continuing assault of the Emperor's lightning. He clutches a canister to keep from falling into the bottomless shaft as the bolts tear through him.

Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side. You have paid the price for your lack of vision.

Luke writhes on the floor in unbearable pain, reaching weakly up toward where Vader stands watching.

LUKE (groans)
Father... please! Help me!

Again Vader stands, watching Luke. He looks at his master, the Emperor, then back to Luke on the floor.

Now, young will die.

Although it would not have seemed possible, the outpouring of bolts from the Emperor's fingers actually increases in intensity, the sound screaming through the room. Luke's body writhes in

Vader grabs the Emperor from behind, fighting for control of the robed figure despite the Dark Lord's weakened body and gravely weakened arm. The Emperor struggles in his embrace, his bolt-
shooting hands now lifted high, away from Luke. Now the white lightning arcs back to strike at Vader. He stumbles with his load as the sparks rain off his helmet and flow down over his black
cape. He holds his evil master high over his head and walks to the edge of the abyss at the central core of the throne room. With one final burst of his once awesome strength, Darth Vader hurls the Emperor's body into the bottomless shaft.

The Emperor's body spins helplessly into the void, arcing as it falls into the abyss. Finally, when the body is far down the shaft, it explodes, creating a rush of air through the room. Vader's cape is whipped by the wind and he staggers, and collapses toward the bottomless hole. Luke crawls to his father's side and pulls him away from the edge of the abyss to safety. Both the young Jedi and the giant warrior are too weak to move.

{Destruction of Death Star:}

Rebel fighters follow the Falcon across the surface of the Death Star to the unfinished portion, where they dive into the super-structure of the giant battle station, followed by many TIE fighters.

I'm going in.

Here goes nothing.

Three X-wings lead the chase through the ever-narrowing shaft, followed by the Falcon and four other fighters, plus TIE fighters who continually fire at the Rebels. Lights reflect off the pilot's faces as they race through the dark shaft.

Now lock onto the strongest power source. It should be the power generator.

Form up. And stay alert. We could run out of space real fast.

The fighters and the Falcon race through the tunnel, still pursued by the TIE fighters. One of the X-wings is hit from behind and explodes.

Split up and head back to the surface. See if you can get a few of those TIE fighters to follow you.

Copy, Gold Leader.

The Rebel ships peel off pursued by three of the TIE's, while Lando and Wedge continue through the main tunnel. It narrows, and the Falcon scrapes the side dangerously. Two other TIE fighters continue to blast away at them.

That was too close.

Nien Nunb agrees. The battle between the Rebel and Imperial fleet rages on. Several cruisers fire at the giant Super Star Destroyer.


We've got to give those fighters more time. Concentrate all fire on that Super Star

X-wings pilots head across the surface of the huge battleship.


Admiral Piett and a commander stand at the window, looking out to the battle. They look concerned.

Sir, we've lost our bridge deflector shield.

Intensify the forward batteries. I don't want anything to get through.

The commander is looking out of the window where a damaged Rebel fighter is out of control and heading directly toward the bridge.

Intensify forward firepower!

It's too late!

The Rebel pilot screams as his ship hits the Star Destroyer, causing a huge explosion. The giant battle ship loses control, crashes into the Death Star, and explodes.


There is excitement on the bridge as the battle rages on all sides. They cheer as the giant Star Destroyer blows up.


Chaos. For the first time, the Death Star is rocked by explosions as the Rebel fleet, no longer backed against a wall, zooms over, unloading a heavy barrage. Imperial troops run in all directions,
confused and desperate to escape.

In the midst of this uproar, Luke is trying to carry the enormous deadweight of his father's weakening body toward an Imperial shuttle. Finally, Luke collapses from the strain. The explosions
grow louder as Vader draws him closer.

VADER (a whisper)
Luke, help me take this mask off.

But you'll die.

Nothing can stop that now. Just for once...let me look on you with my own eyes.

Slowly, hesitantly, Luke removes the mask from his father's face. There beneath the scars is an elderly man. His eyes do not focus. But the dying man smiles at the sight before him.

ANAKIN (very weak)
Now...go, my son. Leave me.

No. You're coming with me. I can't leave you here. I've got to save you.

You already have, Luke. You were right about me. Tell your were right.

Father...I won't leave you.

Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker...Luke's father, dies.

A huge explosion rocks the docking bay. Slowly, Luke rises and, half carrying, half dragging the body of his father, stumbles toward a shuttle.


The Millennium Falcon leads a swerving bomb run through the immense superstructure of the half-built Death Star. The Rebel Star Cruisers outside continually bombard the huge station. And each direct hit is answered by resonating, chain-reaction explosions within the station itself.


Lando's crew fires away at the pursuing TIE fighters as the dashing Baron of Bespin and his alien copilot home in on the main reactor shaft. It is awesome. A lone X-wing is just in front of the Falcon.

There it is!

All right, Wedge. Go for the power regulator on the north tower.

Copy, Gold Leader. I'm already on my way out.

The X-wing heads for the top of the huge reactor and fires several proton torpedoes at the power regulator, causing a series of small explosions.

The Falcon heads for the main reactor, and when it is dangerously close, Lando fires the missiles, which shoot out of the Falcon with a powerful roar, and hit directly at the center of the main

He maneuvers the Falcon out of the winding superstructure just ahead of the continuing chain of explosions.


Ackbar and other Mon Calamari lean on the railing of the bridge, watching the large screen showing the Death Star in the main briefing room.

Move the fleet away from the Death Star.


An Imperial shuttle, with Luke alone in the cockpit, rockets out of the main docking bay as that entire section of the Death Star is blown away.

Finally, just as it looks like the Falcon will not make it, Lando expertly pilots the craft out of the exploding superstructure and whizzes toward the Sanctuary Moon, only a moment before the Death
Star supernovas into oblivion.


Lando and Nien Nunb laugh and cheer in relief.


Han and Leia, Chewie, the droids, the Rebel troops, and the Ewoks all look to the sky as the Death Star reveals itself in a final flash of self-destruction. They all cheer.



Captain! Are you seeing this!

A young commander is awestruck by the destruction of the DEATH STAR. This incident, combined with the destruction of the EXECUTOR and the PRIDE OF TARLANDIA, the entire command of DEATH SQUADRON rested in a mere Captain's hands at this point.

Sound the retreat!

Pellaeon pushed a button to signal communications with the remaining Imperial Fleet.

PELLAEON (cont.)
All ships, this is the CHIMAERA, acting command ship. Commence a full retreat!

The dozens of Star Destroyers and countless other support vessels began recalling fighters and disengaging from the Rebel Fleet, and began zipping into hyperspace one by one. Without the EMPEROR's usage of the Force in BATTLE MEDITATION, many of the Command Officers panickly obeyed orders, others clearly did not - fighting to the end.


All ships, maintain a defensive formation and direct all firepower to those remaining Imperial cruisers!

Within a few hours, the space battle finally comes to an end when the last handful Imperial ships and mixed starfighters begin retreating into deep space after being overrun by the Rebel Fleet. Most of the ships are destroyed utterly, when finally, the last... a lone TIE Advanced... breaks into hyperspace.


Galactic Empire -- Gather a 23 Command Point Fleet, then retreat to Coruscant whereupon you will storyline your character's progress as being loyal to the "real Empire" instead of a rogue faction. The GRAND VIZIER will task you with building up Coruscant's ground defenses in anticipation for attack, as well as orders to build an additional SSD, and capture Bastion, Endor, or Mon Calamari as a means to add legitimacy to the Galactic Empire's dominion over all Imperial forces.

Imperial Remnant -- Gather a 23 Command Point Fleet, then retreat to Bastion whereupon you will storyline your character's progress as being loyal to the "more reasonable and sane leadership" of the Empire, which now refers to itself as the Imperial Remnant under the leadership of the Council of Moffs and the CHAIRMAN. Your orders are to capture Coruscant to drive out the warlords who control the Empire,
or destroy the New Republic by capturing Mon Calamari.

New Republic --- Gather a 23 Command Point Fleet, then fall back to Mon Calamari whereupon you will storyline your character's progress and recognition from ADMIRAL ACKBAR for your services to the newly born New Republic. Your orders will be to commence the Campaign to Coruscant, or aid the New Republic cause by rooting out the dissident Imperial Remnant at Bastion.

Rebel Alliance --- Gather a 23 Command Point Fleet, and remain at Endor to safeguard Rebel interests. Officially, the New Republic is the governing body, but your character decides to split ways after meeting with MON MOTHMA to discuss your continued support of "the real Rebel cause" knowing full well that "the war isn't over yet" and that "any dream of a Republic is pointless until Coruscant is captured". MON MOTHMA reluctantly places Endor under your stewardship, knowing you're half right, and so you officially part ways with the "New Republic" to continue fighting your own war against the Galactic Empire and Imperial Remnant. Your self-given orders are to capture either Coruscant or Bastion, or strike at the heart of the Imperial War Machine by capturing Kuat.

Alternative Starting Setup --- Players wishing to continue their character's presence on the baseworld they established in Episode 1 may do so at their leisure. However please note that this could put considerable risk to the Stronghold world of your faction if you aren't there to defend it. Simply collect your 23 Command Point Fleet and proceed to your former base. You will get the same Space Facilities as a Stronghold, but will have to build the Ground Facilities from scratch.

Independents -- Self-directed storyline.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 09:07:12 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 09:57:46 PM »
1823HRS On board the Space Station Hidden Heart.

The station rocked as the nova from the exploding death star reached the outer planetary atmosphere, throwing the entire populace to the nearest solid object. Sparks erupted from consoles in all sections resulting in a near cascade system failure. Picking himself up from the floor Ramano stood looking sternly out of the view port. The small bright pops had slowed significantly with a large area of calm that was not previously apparent.

"All stations, damage report."
"All personnel reporting only minor injuries, systems are coming back online now. No structural damage registered."
"Someone make a note to praise the Calamari on their construction techniques. Give me a report on the remaining imperial vessels."
"Give me a moment sir, theres a lot of debris out there and its getting hard to distinguish smaller vessels from destroyed cruiser pieces. It seems a majority of the remaining imperial fleet is withdrawing. Sir, it appears we've won."
"My last report had over 1000 imperial vessels in this system, and at our last count less then a tenth of that had been taken out. Figure that explosion took out another 10% that still leaves 800 vessels out there. I fear the only thing we have achieved captain, is to awaken the sleeping dragon."

Ramano turned from the view port taking a few steps across the command deck. He looked up to a small command console mounted to the main captains chair, white and shining in the bright florescent lighting of the station. His gaze wondered across the room, so remarkably clean, almost sterile in the grim contrast of the battle raging in the background. He shook his head as anger welled with in him. "Perhaps if they paid as much attention to the war effort as they did cleaning these rooms more of my men would still be alive." The thought bit at his tongue like a sour grape.

Walking over to the chair he pulled a small chain from around his neck. Standard issue dog tags strung to a beaded metal chain. Detaching it from his neck, a thumb placed firmly to one of the tags he took his seat. After receiving a few remaining reports of minor system outages in non-critical areas he placed the tag to a small slot on the corner of the console bringing it to life.

"Whats the status of project Destiny?"
"Finishing final launch checks and loading now. She's ready when you are sir."
"I believe its about time this project showed the fruits of its expenditure. Inform republic command I will be heading in for a meeting after we have finished clean up in the system. We may now have the field, but a Star Destroyer alone is a match for what is left of our fleet. Signal Admiral Ackbar to pull back and form up with command, I will assume control of the remaining forces for the final push. His ship will be needed for later engagements."
"Roger that sir, we will be waiting on you, XO out."
"Captain, you have the bridge, keep the station in a high atmospheric orbit. Ghost protocol remains in effect."
"Aye aye sir."

TBC... Ok so I got a bunch that needs to go on here including the finishing of this battle, flashbacks describing project destiny and what not else, so im breaking this up to save from having a 35 page long post.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 11:32:40 PM »
~6 Months Before Battle of Endor~
1400HRS Mon Calamari Command HQ

"Commodore, what you ask borders on what most would surmise as insanity. Even should I grant this most ambitious project to you, where would you even find men willing to commit to it?"
"We also have the economic concerns to worry about. Though the Trade Federation shares your disdain of the empire, what you ask for is... problematic."
"The Calamari stand ready to assist in any form needed in the effort to turn the tide of this war. Our homes stand in the gaze of the emperor and we shall not wait for a 2nd Death Star to emerge in the galaxy. If we have an opportunity to gain inside knowledge of this battle station would should not over look it."
"Admiral Ackbar, as always your people remain a treasured friend to the Republic..."
"THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! How can we even be listening to this. You honestly believe you can not only set up, but maintain a base on an imperial stronghold and not once be discovered? The logistics of it alone are beyond measure."
"General Hudsol if you forget, you had the same argument about establishing Demon Base as well, and I believe the results of that speak for themselves."
"I can assure you, none of my men will agree to this. This is a suicide mission with a price tag far above that of multiple worlds. And what is this of dropping soldiers from orbit? Who would possess such technology? With all due respect commodore I do not doubt you're battle prowess, that you have demonstrated on more then one occasion. And your work on D'xun was, for lack of a better word, a miracle. But this, im sorry but I believe the years of combat have reduced your mind to madness. The Bothan resistance can not nor will it support such a measure."
"Firstly general, I do not require you're men, nor would I wish them off of the front lines at Bothawui. I have multiple battalions of men who have been with me since D'xun and I would not grant their command to any officer other than myself. However Viceroy, you're assistance we can not do without. Your technology and expertise in manipulation of planetary economics is vital to this project. I assure you, setting up and maintaining the base can be done. Remember, the costs and materials needed for this project are of secondary concern. Above all secrecy is our most prized asset. The fact the forest moon of Endor is an imperial stronghold only means they wont be looking for us. Provided we can prevent any logistical leaks, a station located over the equatorial convergence zone in a low atmospheric orbit, could in theory stay hidden indefinitely. It would have to be a smaller station, and being located inside the planets ionosphere we would absolutely need Bothan anti-ionizing technology. That is where you come in General Hudsol."

Ramano turned pacing back and forth in the small room. The highest ranking officers of the rebellion all located here. As far as he was concerned, that alone should have been enough to secure this project from the start. Yet here again he sat, after years of fighting, proving his worth, he was having to prove it all again. "And they claim IM mad."

"With all due respect, sirs, the simple fact of the matter is, we have an opportunity for on site information gathering on the new Death Star construction, as well as have a first strike point on a main imperial stronghold. Of course the ground facilities will have to come after whatever inevitable assault you make on Endor itself. A small strike team is all that would be needed to occupy the imperial defenses long enough to move the station into position, say a Neb and a couple of Corvettes, perhaps a partial wing of fighters."
"Commodore, that is a large amount of crew you order into a most certain death. The Empire does not yet know we have information on the Death Star II's construction. They will not allow any ship to escape."
"With all due respect Viceroy, with great reward comes great sacrifice."
"A sacrifice made most certainly in vane."
"General, I understand your hesitation on this, but what you must understand is, each time you criticize me on this, you merely strengthen my resolve to complete it."
"A surer sign of madness has yet to be seen. I will give you the technology you request commodore, but under no circumstance shall I commit a single soul to this... escapade of delusions of grandeur."
"The Trade Federation shall grant you our support as well. Do not disappoint us commodore."
"You speak with a passion few could ever know. And know we do not doubt your abilities commodore, merely your ambitions. However you have shown yourself to be a true hero of the Republic and as such we do support you. You shall have your station, and with my best of wishes a cadre of 1000 for your secondary L.O.S.T. project. We look forward to exceptional deeds from you commodore, the fate of the entire galaxy may very well rest in your hands. May the force be with you."
"You have my deepest thanks Mon Mothma, may the force be with you. Viceroy, General Hudsol, I assure you with in 4 months time I shall be silencing any doubts you may have about this project."
"See to it that you do commodore."

« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 11:45:24 PM by Ramano »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2012, 01:00:16 PM »
~5 Months 12 Days Before the Battle of Endor~
22:17HRS Secret Republic Research Facility on Mon Calamari

Jason sat the helmet back on the silver metallic table. The white helmet resembled an older clone trooper head piece but with a conical tip and was much heavier than would normally be expected. A press of a small red button on the side near the neck dropped the large cone with a solid metallic thud onto the floor.

"And as you can see, the re-entry cone is easily detached once on the ground to reduce the weight of the unit."
"Excellent, we cant have the soldiers trying to fight carrying a 30lb head piece."
"Yes yes, of course."
"So we have the problem of re-entry into an atmosphere out of the way, how are you planning on landing them?"

He nudged the heavy metal cone on the floor with his foot, looking at it oddly.

"Unless your planning on having them come in as a group of meteors and this cone is going to... protect them?"
"Of course not sir. For that we have this."

The small scientist motioned him over to another table on the opposite side of the room. A large object sat atop it covered by a clean white sheet. With a prideful smile the man pulled the sheet from it.

"What we have here is your standard issue stormtrooper armor, atmospheric sealed, and filled with a nano-polymer gel capable of hardening or softening depending on the force exerted against it. The rebreather system has been relocated internally to prevent damage upon re-entry and the whole suit is attached to the mark 1 atmospheric repulsion system. Front and rear firing ion jets, a starfighter grade inertial dampening system, and deployable atmospheric manuvering wings. In theory the system should safely drop and manuver the troops through orbital re-entry then cut away from the suit at 750 meters using a basic parachutte to safely put them on the ground. Once on the ground the helmet re-entry cone is detached and the unit is combat ready. As you can see the whole system is automated removing the possibility of human error throughout the process. I call it the Mjolnir Armor System Mark 1, my life's work come to fruition."
"Truly magnificent doctor. And you are completely confident in its capabilities, remember, these are real soldiers going into this technological abomination."
"You would dare!? I sir, am no 2-bit computer tech in the Empire."
"So you would stake your life on this armor system?"
"Yes sir I would."
"Thats good enough for me. I shall need 1000 working units by the end of next month."
"1000? Im not sure I can meet that. I just dont have the man-power or the resources to complete such a project."
"How much more would you need to complete it."
"I... Im just not sure it can be done. For starters at least 8 times the man-power I have now with full access to the production facilities."
"Name what you need and you shall have it."
"Ill... begin immediately sir."


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2012, 12:59:00 AM »
~5 Months 4 Days Before the Battle of Endor~
12:00HRS Mon Calamari Low Orbit

The bay of the shuttle was dimly lit, the only source of light being the small red dome on the ceiling in a vane attempt at battlefield conditions. 3 men stood in the bay, Ramano, a technician, and a soldier clad in a most encumbersome suit. The technician quickly raced through a final checklist looking over the suit at nearly every angle.

"Everything checks out sir, we are locked, cocked, and ready to rock."
"I can barely move in this thing."
"Dont worry sergeant, most of it will cut away before you need to maneuver in it. Once your on the ground it will be no different then standard issue stormtrooper armor."
"It still feels like im wearing a starfighter."
"You are."
"Sir, your sure this thing has been tested. I dont want to reach the ground a pile of ash, that is if I reach it at all."
"Do you think republic command would have you here if they wernt absolutely certain of your safety sergeant?"
"As always sir, you are a shining beacon of encouragement."
"Just remember your training and know you'll be fine as ive given you no orders to die. And my men are too stupid to act without orders!"
"Lets clear the bay, see you on the ground soldier."

With a salute the 2 men exited the bay of the shuttle through the small door to the cockpit. With a quiet swoosh the door closed and the light extinguished leaving the soldier alone in the darkness of the empty hanger. A loud hiss later and the soldier was blasted out of the bay from the depressurization of opening the airlock doors. The heaviness of the suit almost instantly gave way to a near sensory deprivation as he floated silently toward the planet.

"Com check, L.O.S.T. 1 do you read over."
"Roger that L.O.S.T. Command, on a personal note, maybe I should have had you cut off one of my fingers."
"Why is that sergeant?"
"At least then there would be something to bury after this!"

The men all had a slight chuckle.

"Congratulations sergeant, I think you just came up with our motto. Give em the finger for the L.O.S.T."
"Roger that sir, lets hope it doesnt hold tru.."

The man was cut off by the sonic explosion erupting from his body as he entered the outer atmosphere. The serene blackness of space giving way to the bright blue hues of the calamari skyline. His sense of feeling had also returned, threatening to crush the very life from his limbs. Small specks of flame shot past, growing quicker in frequency with each passing second before soon engulfing the entire suit in a burning ball of hellfire screaming through the heavens.

"L.O.S.T. 1 we seem to be having some com difficulties, do you read over."

An intermix of static and silence was all that returned from the com system.

"L.O.S.T. 1 come in over."
"External suit pressure reading 18g's and climbing."
"L.O.S.T. 1 come..."
"Ion propulsion firing in 3.. 2... 1... Firing! External suit pressure dropping. Speed 2kmps and slowing. 1kmps. Altitude 20,000 meters."
"L.O.S.T. 1 you sound like a girl. Knock off all that screaming and report."
"Sir... the waste... removal... systems... need... an upgrade... sir."
"Noted sergeant, how about the re-entry systems?"
"Speed 2200kmph, altitude 16,000 meters"
"All seals holding... preparing... for main drive... separation."
"Speed 1700kmph, altitude 12,000 meters."
"Hang in there sergeant, rides almost over and everything is looking good."
"Speed 1500kmph, altitude 10,000 meters. 12 seconds to main drive separation. External suit pressure 9g's."

The shuttle screamed through the atmosphere as if attempting to catch the falling man before he reached the ground. Much depended not only on the system working correctly but the man being able to hit his target on the ground with enough accuracy to ensure proper dispersal. Following the smoking trail through the sky the shuttle approached the target zone.

"Speed 220kmph, altitude 800 meters. The main drive should be detached."
"We have main drive separation, chutes deployed."
"Roger that L.O.S.T. 1 we see you out the viewport, now pull it together and hit that bullseye!"

A few moments later the shuttle was on the ground. Quickly the exit ramp lowered the the 2 men ran down the ramp to the man awaiting them on his hands and knees, directly in the center of the large red dot in the middle of the target.

"Permission... to speak freely... sir."
"Granted sergeant."
"Thats one hell of a ride."


Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 11:27:00 PM »

(Timeline: This episode takes place moments before the opening scene in Return of the Jedi)

Three Star Destroyers - the Devastator, Tyrant, and Avenger sustained continuous orbit around the Death Star while the rest of the Death Fleet remained in Deep Space somewhere outside the Endor system, awaiting orders from the Emperor to assemble. The Executor of course was also present, but the Empire wanted to downplay the presence of Death Squadron to give the impression that the Death Star II was an open target.

Darth Vader was onboard the Avenger for an important meeting with one of the Empire's up and coming officers, who had earned a reputation cultivating Chandrila into a powerful war machine - rooting out Rebels as well as rebuffing a neo-Mandalorian invasion of Yavin IV almost singlehandedly. Lucidius Hale had been recalled to the Avenger for reasons unknown to him.

Hale was waiting in the Stateroom located adjacent to the bridge, gazing out onto the Death Star from a viewport. The fact that a second Death Star was almost complete signified that the Galactic Empire was still the most powerful government in the galaxy. Hale often wondered where the resources came and went... as clearly thousands of subjugated worlds must have been exhausted to fuel the construction of the Death Star.

Was it all a waste? Hale thought so. The destruction of the first Death Star should have been a wake up call: the Tarkin Doctrine - or rule by fear - was an antiquated notion at ruling a galaxy. Rule by law. Rule by justice. Rule by order... this was a more desireable approach... an approach Hale knew the Empire was capable of sustaining, without the bureaucratic weaknesses of the Republic that stood before it.

Hale's inner musings though were cut short, as the Dark Lord himself entered the room, alone.

"Commodore Hale..."

Hale snapped to attention and saluted. "Yes Lord Vader?"

Never one for pleasantries, Vader cut right down to business, "I have recalled you from your command assignment of the First Imperial Expeditionary Force for an important new assignment."

Hale let out a small sigh. Usually when commanding officers were 'recalled' that most certainly meant death. He listened intently to what his new mission would be.

"As you have read on your report, Death Squadron has been assigned here at Endor in anticipation of a Rebel attack. This Star Destroyer lead the attack Hoth, but yet Captain Needa's failure after the battle led to his terminal resignation. Ever since, this ship has failed to be commanded by a suitable officer, which is why I have chosen you to lead this ship in the coming battle..."

"Thank you Lord Vader, this is a tremendous honor!" for the first time in his career, Hale was getting a command promotion from the Supreme Executor himself.

"Indeed. You have earned the right to command a Star Destroyer in my fleet," continued Vader.

"I won't let you down Lord Vader," replied Hale.

"I pray that you do not, as the Emperor has foreseen that this battle will be a day of reckoning for the galaxy. Everything will change."

Of course, Vader had intended all along that he would convert Luke Skywalker and confront and destroy the Emperor. Vader foresaw that he would be the new Emperor after the Battle was over, and it was likely that the Empire would plunge into a civil war after the rebels were routed. Vader needed officers he trusted in command positions within Death Squadron, so that in the following months he could destroy the powerful Moffs and Admirals in the Empire that saw themselves as equals with Vader or disturbances to the galactic order Vader envisioned. Although these were things Vader kept quietly and deeply to himself...

Vader finished, "You will not be taking this ship directly into combat, however, as I have ordered Admiral Piett to position this ship at the port most flank of the fleet when we assume battle formation so that your survival is guaranteed. I will be onboard the Death Star with the Emperor when the Rebel Fleet strikes, but if they succeed, the entire Empire will crumble. I have foreseen this. This is why I have selected you to command the Avenger, because I know you believe in the New Order wholly."

Hale stood in silence. The thought of the Rebels destroying the Death Star... again... was infathomable. Hale had supreme confidence in the Empire however, just as Vader remarked, "Don't worry Lord Vader, I know you and the Emperor will crush this Rebellion once and for all, Death Star or not!"

Vader began turning to depart, "your faith gives you strength Commodore, see to it that it is not misplaced."

Hale snapped to attention and gave a final salute as Vader walked out of the office they were in. After he left, Hale exhaled deeply. The adrenaline rush he felt after being in the same room with Vader was life-changing. Hale turned back to the viewport, only this time he looked at his own reflection in the window. The AVENGER was his now.

Walking out the stateroom, Hale took his position on the bridge, with everyone looking on to him. They knew it just as well. The previous captain was 'relieved' in the hangar bay as he greeted Vader. It was never long before a new CO was appointed.

"Commodore Hale, congratulations," said one of the bridge officers, Lieutenant Jaxen.

"Thank you," replied Hale. The feeling of power beneath his feet - the deckplating - the whole thing, the power of a Star Destroyer was now his to command. At last.

"Commodore, Lord Vader's shuttle is departing, his escort fighters have launched as well."

"Very well."

It was just another day in the Imperial Navy.

TBC in Episode 2

« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 11:30:34 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2012, 02:42:14 PM »

(Timeline: Many hours before the Battle of Endor)

Emperor Palpatine was sitting in his throne looking out into open space from the throne room viewport on the Death Star. Surrounded by his Inner Circle, Palpatine conferred with them about the continuity of the Galactic Empire... how he foresaw the end of the Rebellion once and for all, and that the new threat would be from those within the Empire itself.  While the Galactic Empire was able to maintain control and order over the thousands of star systems in the galaxy, it was still unable to maintain control over a few of its top officers and bureaucrats. The Imperial Security Bureau released a census report to Palpatine only confirming that some had grown too powerful, and that they could very well splinter from the Empire and pose a considerable internal risk. The Emperor was no fool to this however, and so he made several plans with his Inner Council, most of which involved Vader using Death Squadron for an internal purge.

But the time had come for more pressing concerns, as Vader walked into the throne room to confer with the Emperor.

"What is thy bidding, my master?"

"Send the fleet to the far side of Endor. There it will stay until called for."

"What of the reports of the Rebel Fleet massing near Sullust?"

"It is of no concern. Soon the Rebellion will be crushed, and young Skywalker will be one of us. Your work here is finished, my friend. Go out to the command ship and await my orders."

"Yes, my master." As Vader rose and walked back to the turbolift, he noticed the Emperor continuing his talk with the Inner Council. Secretly Vader despised the Inner Council, who was mainly represented by the Grand Vizier. He saw them as weaklings who beckoned to the Emperor's call and demands. While Vader played a similar role himself, he was only biding his time and waiting to overthrow the Emperor once and for all. The galactic order he had envisioned at the end of the Clone Wars was vastly different than the Empire created by Palpatine an Empire still mired by bureaucrats and politicians. Vader envisioned a reformed Imperial Senate with a Sith Order to supplant the Jedi one that preceded it, with his own organization of Dark Jedi Knights acting as the ruling elite that would actively dispense justice and enforce the peace, rather than passively sit on the sidelines and obey the will of the Senate as the Jedi Order had done. The time had come for the Emperor's overthrow at last, as Vader believed he would turn Skywalker to the Dark Side and vanquish Palpatine once and for all.

Returning to his shuttle, Vader departed the Death Star and took up his position onboard the EXECUTOR once again.

"Welcome back, Lord Vader. What news from the Emperor?" asked Piett, who was less than relieved from Vader's presence. The atmosphere on the bridge felt clearer when Vader was gone.

"We are to proceed to the far side of the Endor moon, where the fleet will remain until the Emperor gives you your battle orders," replied Vader. "In order to make sure there is a clear line of communication between the fleet and the Death Star, position the Avenger at high orbit."

"Yes m'lord, right away, replied Piett. The Admiral then proceeded to the communications station on the bridge and began sending out mobilization orders to the dozens of Star Destroyers and countless other support vessels that comprised Death Squadron. Since the Avenger was the designated Fleet Communications Destroyer, its HoloNet capabilities as well as its conventional ComScan and TeleComm suites were second to none in the fleet. Thus, any Communications Officer hoping to get a duty assignment on the Executor first had to prove themselves capable on the Avenger.

"Commodore Hale, incoming transmission from the command ship; Code: Green," announced the Comm Officer, Lieutenant Elena Winston.  For quicker message recognition, Imperial transmissions were broken into five different color codes. Red was for urgent high priorities or emergency messages; Blue was for top secret messages; Yellow was for unclassified or civilian-bound transmissions; Green was for tactical or mission orders; and lastly Black was for transmissions going to or from the Emperor or Darth Vader himself, mostly by way of HoloNet.

"Very well, patch it to my ComPad," replied Hale. Upon assuming the duties of commanding officer, Hale was issued a powerful wireless handheld tablet device colloquially referred to as a ComPad. Built by APPL Technologies, Ltd; the Imperial Mark-IV ComPad was a multi-media device capable of linking to a ship's systems to provide immediate command and control capabilities at the touch of a finger. Other devices such as DataPads were quite useful and very similar, but the ComPad was unique in the role it provided to commanding officers.

After reading the message from Admiral Piett, Hale turned to the rest of the bridge crew in the command pit, "Helm, set course for the far side of Endor, position 349 mark 272, hold position at high orbit."

The Chief Helmsman replied, and began inputting the coordinates into the ship's navigation system. The automated starship driving technologies made the role of the helm as easy as punching a few buttons, although manual control could be taken sometimes if necessary. Once the mighty ship flared up its engines, the massive ion propulsion drive system kicked into gear and pushed the Avenger to its intended destination, where it waited for further orders. Hale stood by the viewport looking at the rest of the fleet move and come to a stop. At last the time had come. The Battle of Endor was close at hand...

To Be Concluded in DAY OF RECKONING, Episode III
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 03:54:31 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2012, 10:03:19 PM »
~4 Months 19 Days Before the Battle of Endor~
23:42HRS Mon Calamari Command HQ

"The problem isnt the superstructure sir, its these systems. The Bothans and Trade Federation operate on wholly separate types of computer code. They just arnt compatible. I just dont see this happening in your time frame sir, perhaps if we had a few more months to study the technology."
"Im fully confident in your abilities Major. I would have never requested you for this assignment if I was not absolutely sure you could get it done."
"Well it would go much faster if you would simply let us install a few comm systems..."
"Absolutely not! This station must have no way to send a signal out. 1 stray message and this entire endeavor is for not."
"Sir, if we could just..."
"No major, you will not. And for the record I am needed for a meeting with republic brass. Quite frankly if I was looking for answers to why this project can not be completed I could have done it myself. Do not tell me of what you cant figure out yet, I want to know only of your progress thus far."
"We are behind schedule sir, no other way to say it."
"As I said, I am confident in your ability to complete this project major, with in the scheduled time scale. I trust you will not fail me major, for if you do you will find the rebellion and the empire have much in common."
"Understood sir."
"If you'll excuse me major."

With a quick salute the two men parted ways. Jason watched him exit the room before adjusting his uniform and making a last check of his datapad.  He hated these meetings with the republic higher-ups but such was necessary to secure the funding and man power for his project. With a last breath he entered the room.

"Commodore, we are interested to hear of your progress."
"Everything is coming along smoothly viceroy. L.O.S.T. battalion is already into their training, with the Mjolnir units are nearly finished as well as the completed superstructure of the station itself. However I am in desperate need of Bothan scientists to help integrate the systems with the trade federation technology. It seems Bothan anti-ionization technology is not compatible with the trade fed systems aboard the station, having scientists on hand more familiar with these systems would greatly expedite my engineers work."
"Commodore Ramano, you must understand we already have nearly 150,000 personnel assigned to you, and the costs of this project are quickly becoming insurmountable. I fear soon we may no longer be able to support your endeavor. As you must know our resources are already stretched far to thin."
"And as good as we are, you can not hide the bankruptcy of a planetary government commodore. It almost seems as if you plan to destroy the death star by building your own?"
"Yes, I admit the costs of this project have far exceeded the original estimates, but you must realize the scope of this, and what we hope to gain. On site logistical support against the Death Star II, as well as being in prime position to monitor nearly all imperial communications. I also have it on good authority that the Emperor himself will be over-seeing the final stages of construction."
"All the more reason for us not to be there commodore."
"On the contrary general, imagine the blow it would deal to the imperial propaganda machine that the rebellion was able to slide a space station directly under the nose of the Emperor and his entire command staff in the most heavily fortified imperial outpost in the galaxy."
"Or the fuel that would give it should we fail."
"We will not fail general, that I assure you of."
"You speak as if you were a Jedi commodore. Next you will be telling us of how you have "foreseen" this victory."
"Alas general I am no jedi, but I most certainly have a vision. Perhaps at some point you will jump on board and join us in our victory over the empire, over the very Emperor himself. Or maybe you would prefer heading back to Bothawui, how is the resistance movement doing these days?"
"You forget yourself commodore, and that is above your pay grade."
"That good eh?"

The mood in the room quickly shifted as the general stood from his seat, anger flaring in his eyes, his palms planted firmly on the table in front of him.

"You are speaking to a superior officer Mr. Ramano, and you would do well to remember that should you wish to retain your position."
"No disrespect intended general, merely making a rating suggestion sir."
"Gentlemen, this bickering does a disservice to you both. General Hudsol, the commodore simply lets his passion for this project cloud his sense of discipline. He should not be punished for his ambition, it has served the republic well many times in the past. Commodore Ramano, the general merely voices his concern with your planning, a concern we all equally share. He is however your superior officer and will be shown the proper respect his position entitles."
"My apologies ma'am. My frustration gets the better or me. Sometimes its hard to see we are all fighting on the same side. If you'll excuse me, there is still much work to be done. And general, I invite you the use of L.O.S.T. Battalion for your resistance movement, im sure they will give you the edge you've been seeking as well as provide hands on operational training for my troopers."

With a crisp salute, Jason turned exiting the room. His thoughts raced about the project, the republic leadership, but mostly about putting a fist across the face of one condescending general who had the audacity to question his combat effectiveness while the generals own planet burned under imperial fire. This was far from over.


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« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2012, 12:43:05 PM »
~4 Months 9 Days Before the Battle of Endor~
18:00HRS Drev'starn, Bothawui Capital

"Commodore I do not understand your compulsion to be here on the front lines when you could be much safer on Mon Cal."
"A good leader leads his men. A fact that can not be said for your illustrious commanders. Perhaps if they spent more time here and less time bickering to each other on far off planets, the situation would be different here."
"I can see why your men are so effective. Lets hope that will make a difference here."
"I assure you it will Major."

At that the 2 officers looked up to the sky. The sun was hanging low on the horizon line casting a light red hue over the city. The bunker was cramped and cluttered with what little space there was filled with communications equipment and the few soldiers manning it. Com chatter fluttered from the receivers as units from nearly every part of the city radioed in their readiness. Suddenly, almost startlingly, the radios were silent.

"18:03Hrs, all sectors report ready commodore. We await your signal."
"Commendable major. Its good to see the ineptness in this army is not at the soldier level. Radio?"
"Well, we are set to broadcast at your command sir, but, I still dont see the point of this?"
"For effect corporal."

With that Jason walked over to the mic. He glanced to his watch watching it tick and giving a slight nod of his head before looking up and beginning a silent countdown in his head.

18:03HRS Bothawui System

The small shuttle group burst from hyperspace deep inside Bothawui space. The 8 transports screamed toward the planet at full speed hoping to catch the imperial defenses off guard.

"We have a small rebel shuttle group entering the system, 8 vessels sir, transport class."
"Where do they think to land? Pathetic rebels, lock down the space port and move the defenses to the outskirts of the city to intercept them when they land. No sense sending out an alert for a few pesky soldiers. Inform ground commander Jordan of his incoming package, im sure his men are getting fat and bored about now."
"Roger sir, im sure they will enjoy it."

18:05HRS Drev'starn, Bothawui Capital

"You called it, it seems the imperial commanders are moving their troops to the city outskirts in preparation of a landing."
"Predictable as cattle these imperials. Activate the mic."

A resounding voice exploded from the cities air raid sirens, radios, televisions, and nearly any other communications device throughout the capital city. It was loud and commanding and echoed through every building.

"And them that were without, they struck with blindness from the least to the greatest, so that they could not find the door. And they said to Lot: Hast thou here any of thine? son in law, or sons, or daughters, all that are thine bring them out of this city for we will destroy this place, because their cry has grown loud before the Lord, who hath sent us to destroy them. And he rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth."

The message ended by the sound of a sonic boom erupting from above the city. Soon after there was another, then another, and more until the roar of it alone began to shake the very ground at their feet. High above the city the fire streaks rained down, hundreds of them heading on a direct collision course with the center of the city. On the ground nearly all stared at the sky in both shock and awe of the sight and sound of it, a thousand meteors headed toward them. The imperial stormtrooper formations quickly scrambled to take a position upon realization of what was taking place, but for many it was far to late as the shuttles poured turbolaser fire into them. Their pass was concluded with large blue detonations as the high powered proton torpedo's were dumped directly into the mid city area supplying the main command complex. In what could not have been more then 8 seconds time the entire downtown area was reduced to smoldering ruin, just in time to receive the incoming troops now completing their orbital drop.

The men broke off into 3 smaller groups heading into the remaining sectors of the city where resistance fighters had already engaged the remaining imperial forces who were reeling in confusion from both the force of the assault and the total loss of any command structure to mobilize them. In the bunker overlooking the city the major stood in total confounded silence witnessing the scene unfold before him.

"Move alpha and bravo squads over to the main starport, this entire attack is all for not without that building. Charlie squad, swing around and flank that formation hitting beta teams one and two. Get the transports running CAP over the city with anything remaining from Drev command, I dont want the imps landing anything to reinforce the city."

The major watched in awe at the way Ramano commanded the battle, almost as if watching an orchestra conductor lead a choir in a most profound performance of sight and sound. His masterful tactics in mere moments had reduced a near impenetrable imperial defense to a leaderless army of rabble, its forces depleting by the second.

"This is Echo team two, we are at the starport but theres a dam AT-ST right in the do... scratch that command, the problem has been dealt with."

18:10HRS Drev'starn Main Starport

"God dam are we glad to see you."
"L.O.S.T. squad Bravo at your service."
"So you're the ones who just put on that light show above the city."
"Roger that, I hear we got a starport to take."

The man pulled the resistance soldier to the ground just as imperial soldiers opened up with a barrage against their position. Debris showered the two men as the blaster bolts impacted all around the small over turned speeder they had taken cover behind.

"Oh they are gunna wish they hadn't done that."

No sooner had the man spoken then the 2 smoke trails of the rockets streaked past into the front of the building. The ensuing explosions blasted out most of the front of the building revealing a gaping hole into a now empty entrance way. As the smoke began to clear the soldiers charged into the building quickly dispatching the few remaining troops who had not already moved out into the city.

"L.O.S.T. Command, this is L.O.S.T. Bravo One, the starport is secure. Alpha squad is arriving on site now to reinforce the position. Expect heavy resistance still in the city, the building was nearly empty."
"Roger that Bravo One, dispatching further reinforcements to your position, excellent work out there."

18:13HRS Drev'starn Streets

Explosions rang out as a grenade barrage was thrown from the large factory complex sending resistance fighters scrambling for new cover. Blaster shots traded between the positions resembling some sort of abstract laser show, the smoke from the thousands of impacts hazing out the view. Loud repeating zaps pounded the soldiers from the multiple e-web positions set up in a few windows, the continuous fire making a counter assault impossible.

"L.O.S.T. Command this is Alpha two, we are pinned down. Many stormtroopers holed up in a factory complex 3 clicks southeast of the starport. The unit is split and cut off, requesting immediate assistance over."
"Roger that Alpha two, I need an exact coordinate."
"Grid AY4402 by RJ1004 over."
"Roger that Alpha two, have your men take cover, this is going to be loud. Groundbreaker One this is L.O.S.T. Command come back."
"Roger L.O.S.T. Command, we have you."
"Coordinates AY4402 by RJ1004, fire for effect."

In the distance a loud thundering rumble was heard as the awaiting artillery divisions outside the city opened fire. At the factory the whistling whine piercing the air caused a momentary pause in the firing followed closely by ground shaking explosions tearing into the building. One after another the proton shells blasted entire sections of the factory away, secondary eruptions from inside the complex signified the various chemicals and fuels had added their fury to the mix. Seconds later the entire area was nothing more then a blinding pillar of flame and rubble. Quickly the remaining soldiers of all sides scrambled to flee the area as the toxic smog billowed out from the fires blanketing everything, easily wiping out any imperial formations unlucky enough to be around. Hatches to many underground tunnels sealed behind the fleeing resistance fighters and L.O.S.T. soldiers alike. As fast as the fighting had started it was over, with the city belonging to the bothans once again.

18:17HRS Drev'starn, Bothawui Capital

"The city is ours major. The starport is intact. Losses reported at less then 1%. Execution excellence."

The major could do nothing more then stare at the smoking ruin that was once the shining jewel of Bothawui. Thousand foot high flames licked the clouds from parts of it, others were not to be seen at all. "Perhaps this is the cost of war." The thoughts of all flowing through his head. The man command had sent him truly was a weapon of mass destruction, and in his wake not even death remained.

"I have truly never seen anything like it sir. Both in execution and destruction."
"If your men did their job, civilian casualties should be at a minimum I assure you. Buildings can be rebuilt, infrastructure repaired, but unfortunately this is how war is fought major. Feel fortunate we stand on the winning side."

The major looked over the field a last time.


« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 01:19:39 PM by Ramano »

Offline Erasmar

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« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2012, 02:12:32 PM »
Three days after the Battle of Endor

A young, handsome man in a simple page's uniform stood at parade rest beside the stone archway that led to the grand fitting chamber. "M'lady, is it not to your liking?"

Alial Vist clenched her jaw, willing herself not to roll her eyes. She again adjusted the placement of the belt-holster straps around her waist and left thigh. "What is this?" she said, pointing to gilded bas-relief vines and leaves growing across the belt from its middle.

"M'lady, those are sixty-three filduun leaves, each representing a single world of the Cluster, while the filduun leaves represent Gallinore, their homeworld."

"Exactly how quickly do you wish the Queen Mother to have me assassinated?"

The page immediately sank to a knee in the doorway, head bowed. "M'lady! I have no such desire or intention!"

"Each world of the cluster represented by the symbol of Gallinore? If I wore this before the Queen Mother, she may have a mind to skip all pretense and shoot me herself, in front of the entire court." She sighed, the sea of her anger already calming. "Besides, I said no ... frills. I can't wear this," she said, removing the belt and holster and replacing it with a worn leather and silver one.

The page scurried to his feet and collected the rejected belt from Alial. His face, smooth and chiseled, remained downcast. He was twenty, nine years younger than she, the son of a prominent Gallinorian noble family, a loyal servant as far as Alial could tell, a somewhat competent lover and as such necessarily impotent -- Alial had seen to that procedure immediately upon taking him into her household and second bed. No sense risking an unwanted and unearned mingling of bloodlines.

"Who designed this belt?" she asked softly, running her fingers through his wavy blonde hair.

"The Lady Desimi, m'lady."

"Thank you," said Alial and dismissed him.

So, she thought, examining herself in the mirror. Sister. Is this how it begins? And such an obvious ploy -- you want me to know. She ran her hands from the swell of her chest to her belted waist, running over rank insignia and battle commendations. The deep blue of her admiral's uniform was fresh, clean, perfect. The fit, impeccable and flattering. Today, at long last, she became more than an admiral. But just as that battle was concluded, it seemed a fresh one was set to begin.

And she would be ready.
SWSF Rogue

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« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2012, 07:11:32 PM »
~4 Months Before the Battle of Endor~
09:00HRS Mon Calamari Command HQ

Jason stood outside the small room staring intently at his data pad. Preparations for this moment had been going solid for 2 months, and Jason was looking forward to the 4 day trip to Endor. Work would still need to be done but it would be of a more technical sort. With a final straightening of his uniform he walked through the door.


Jason stopped abruptly looking toward the tables, one of which had just tumbled over as the other members of the room held the lone bothan from charging across the room.

"There were over 100 million people living in that city!"
"And your people did their job getting the majority of the populous out of the city before the action started. My reports show civilian casualties at less then 1%."

At that the small bothan giving in to his rage shrewdly tossed the larger calamarian away, causing him to stumble backwards slightly. Quickly he lunged across the room clearing it in but a few steps and making a final leap toward the man still in the entrance way. Equally as quick the bothan was grabbed mid attack and a fast spinning motion sent him sideways into the wall, his own force propelling the attack. With a flash Ramano was on top of him a knee across the bothans throat, his left arm pinned by the weight of the man, his right arm twisted awkwardly over his head. Jason lowered his head next to the ear of general Hudsol taking in the fear in the bothans eyes, whispering softly.

"I want you to remember this moment sir. This moment that shows you the true difference between a soldier and a politician. Know that it is by my grace alone that you live. Go back to your people, rebuild your capital. You have not the heart for this project."

Jason released his grip on the bothan, forcibly lifting him to his feet by the front of his unifrom. The general could only stare at the commodore, a look of equal parts desperation and terror. He slapped the humans hands from his uniform straightening it as if nothing had happened.

"If you'll excuse me sirs, I have a disaster area to deal with."

The general then exited the room without another word. As the door closed behind him the rest of the cabinet looked on in awe.

"As I stated, a war can not be won without sacrifice. Have my expeditionary force ready by 15:00HRS."

Jason tossed the datapad onto the table infront of Admiral Ackbar, still standing blankly near the back wall. Without awaiting a response he exited the room. There was no time to listen to pointless banter.


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« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2012, 10:57:32 PM »
~3 Months 26 Days Before Battle of Endor~
14:26HRS Space Station Hidden Heart

It had been a quiet 4 days on the space station as they were towed through hyperspace by the half dozen tugs. Every preparation the could be made had been made and now it was time to show that the plan could be done. Everything was riding on this last piece of the puzzle. Jason sat in his command chair looking out the view port.

"Helm, eta to target?"
"Eta 39.332 seconds sir."
"Your positive you can pull this jump off, a fraction of a second off and we hit that planet at megalight. With the navicomputers over-ridden there are 26 billion credits riding on your precise execution captain."
"With all due respect sir, if a lone X-Wing pilot can bullseye a 2 meter exhaust port with no targeting computer, I can make this jump."
"I dont believe I have to tell you what happens should you fail."
"Thats not in my nature sir."
"5 seconds sir. 4... 3... 2..."

The station shuttered slightly as the vessels slammed head long into the planets gravity well and immediately exploding from hyperspace. With in mere seconds the blackness of space was replaced by the blue hues of the Endor atmosphere. The crew grabbed their consoles as the station shook as it came screaming into the air, directly above a massive storm system on the equator.

"Fire the inertial dampeners, deploy atmospheric sails and electrostatic discharge towers, atmospheric manuvering jets to full!"
"Leveling off sir, all systems report deployed and nominal."
"Give me a scan of the area, did they see us come in?"
"Negative sir, our comrades out there did their job well. Poor bastards. That SSD didnt even give them a chance to get their shields up. Receiving reports the imperials suffered moderate losses collecting escape pods. Seems the crews left a few surprises."
"Make a note of these soldiers valor. Their families should know they died heros."
"Roger that sir, seems the imps are heading back to normal patrol routes. They have no clue we even exist."
"Congratulations men, we have just accomplished the impossible... for a second time. Ghost protocal is now in effect. We live and die to collect every piece of information on this system now."


Offline Erasmar

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« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2012, 12:07:23 PM »
The Battle of Endor...

The Duchess Eidele Vist of Gallinore stood near the back-right of the Mon Calamari cruiser's bridge as it rolled through hyperspace. She was out of the way and would have been totally inconspicuous if not for her famed -- even by Hapan standards -- beauty. Vibrant red-tinged blonde hair, half-gathered in a bun and half falling in amber plates just past her shoulders, had not faded or grayed in the slightest throughout her fifty-seven years. No lines of age radiated from her eyes, but from the unsettled reactions she often noticed in others upon making eye-contact in battle situations like these, she knew there was a depth of age, experience, and memory in her eyes that few saw in others. She saw this as her single weakness.

A Mon Calamari commander, diminutive for his race, continuously glanced in her direction. If it were someone more humanoid, Eidele may have assumed attraction -- a younger officer noticing a powerful, older female figure still in her prime. But in this case, she knew it could be one of two things, or perhaps a combination: one, that she may have been ten times more experienced in battle than this evolved octopus, or two, that she was perhaps one of the most important people currently in the Alliance to Restore the Republic's fleet; after only, perhaps, Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar.

Admiral Ackbar. A decent tactician, brilliant in his own way, and certainly quite respectable given his personal history. Having been a former admiral herself, she had felt something like a connection to him upon first meeting days ago -- albeit a professional one. But the military life was largely in her past now, the mantle of Admiral of the Gallinore Levee having passed to her daughter Alial, and this added to her feeling of being out of place on the bridge. It was both physical and now professional isolation.

The junior Mon Calamari commander looked at her again, this time more intently, and Eidele suppressed a sigh when she realized he had at last mustered up the courage to shuffle toward her into conversation range. Not near enough to enter her personal space -- her bodyguards remained, black-robed and deadly, two meters to her aft left and right.

"Commander," she said, not sure which eye to look into and settling on the one to her left.

"Duchess," he said gruffly. It was a slight insult in its delivery, one punishable by an instant backhand across the mouth with the Cluster, but Eidele had the diplomatic restraint to easily ignore that reaction here; these were, after all, members of a rag-tag rebellion, a motley collection of former dock workers, Imperial slaves, and moisture farmers. If tact and grace were to be supplied, they would come from her.

"Would you not be safer, perhaps, closer to your escape shuttle?" the bipedal octopus continued. "There is a secondary command center overlooking the hangar deck. You would be more comfortable there."

"I thank you, commander," she smiled, "but I am quite comfortable here."

"Then I would be more comfortable, my lady," he said. Quickly, he added, "But your wish is my command."

And your wish is that I command, she thought. Command or leave, to be someplace safer, where your inevitable errors might go unwitnessed by me, and where I would more readily escape the consequences.

"Will your people join us, my lady? Join the Rebellion against the Empire?"

"We have never suffered the Imperialists' yoke and therefore cannot join an uprising against it," she said. "Support, now that is another matter. The Hapes Consortium has long favored isolationism since the Jedi-led purge of our men. Fortunately, for your rebellion at least, my family is quite interested in the prospects of being perhaps a bit more open in our relations with the outside galaxy, if not with our borders than with our ... military.

"From what I have seen, there is some competent leadership here,"
she said, looking past the young commander and at the rest of the bridge crew, busy with their work. "Admiral Ackbar chief among them. If this day goes well, it would make it less difficult for me to return and persuade my Queen that a military concordance with the rebellion would be beneficial."

"We would be most honored," said the Mon Calamari, bowing slightly. "The Hapan Royal Navy is greatly respected by the Mon Calamari. The fear it inspires in the Imperial Navy in turn gives us strength that we might one day hope to match its excellence."

Surprisingly well-spoken. You have some talent after all, Mr. Fish.

"Sir, emerging from hyperspace in less than one minute, sir!" shouted a Mon Calamari ensign from his console.

"Please excuse me, my lady," said the commander, spinning and shuffling back to the center of the bridge. "We go now to the heart of all darkness. May we be victorious, and may the Force be with us all."

Eidele watched as the forward viewport showed starlines abruptly shrink into single points again. There before them, the bulk of the Alliance fleet fanned out toward a forested moon and a smaller, half-built metal one falling around it. Caught in mid-construction, it looked already to be disintegrating. Soon enough, Imperialist dogs. X-Wings and other starfighters swarmed through the Alliance ships, distance rendering them invisible as they closed on the Death Star. Orders were issued through the bridge, and the crew snapped into frenzied motion.

But where were the Imperials? Why were there no picket ships, no semblance of defense?

Nervous comm chatter then.

Where, oh where?


Imperial scum.

And suddenly--
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 12:18:14 PM by Erasmar »
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Offline Erasmar

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« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2012, 09:45:37 PM »
Three days after the Battle of Endor...

Alial rode the long shuttle ride from Gallinore's surface to the immense, royal palace of the Queen Mother parked in orbit, the Star Home. Ta'a Chume had had two options for how to conduct this ceremony, which did not so much require the Queen Mother as come from the Queen Mother, since new titles -- even passage of a title through well-established lineage -- could only be bestowed personally by the Queen Mother.

Her first option for this ceremony was to have held it on Hapes, crown jewel of the Cluster itself. Requiring Alial to travel to Hapes would have reminded Alial of her place in the Cluster, and of the Queen Mother's.

Her second option and the one she chose was to have the ceremony here, above Gallinore, aboard her star citadel. For ultimately, reminding Alial of the majesty of Hapes would have taught her nothing -- in fact, in the Queen Mother's mind it probably would only have fueled Alial's lust for ultimate power, if she had any. Instead, by taking the Star Home to Gallinore, the Queen Mother could exert herself over not just Alial but over Alial's people, the people of Gallinore. A reminder of who they truly owed their allegiance to.

As her shuttle passed out of the upper atmosphere, her twin X-Wing escorts peeled off and were replaced by four royal Miy'tils, painted battle red, straight from the Star Home's hangar no doubt. They left her shuttle little room for maneuvering. Their dagger like dual wings glistened in Gallinorian sunlight right outside her passenger lounge viewport.

"Two minutes to the palace, m'lady," said the female pilot.

Alial nodded. She passed the time mulling over her fleet. She would have her Battle Dragon the Art of War and its sister the Hyperion under her direct command, in addition to a newly completed fleet carrier and a battered Nova cruiser that had recently been rotated out of active duty in the Transitory Mists. Not a particularly daunting force, but a formidable one nonetheless. Enough to do what the Queen Mother willed. Perhaps even enough to do what she willed.

The Miy'til escort broke off as the shuttle approached the royal hangar bay of the Star Home, an auxiliary to the main bays. Only royal or courtly craft were allowed landing privileges. Her shuttle braked and landed gently, the foot ramp already dropping from its belly.

Alial strode down the ramp at a measured pace, confident and intimidating. Aside from the shuttle's engines hissing as they cooled, there was little sound to accompany the clanking of her military boots on the gangway. Her pace was so assured that it did not falter even as she recognized the two figures awaiting her.

"My lord," she said, stopping at the foot of the ramp and bowing her shoulders and head slightly, a great deal of respect to be accorded to a man within the Cluster.

"Admiral Vist, it is my pleasure as always," said Prince Isolder, managing to maintain a clear smile that threatened to broaden into a grin.

Alial herself had to make a conscious effort not to actually smile. This was made easier as she turned her attention to the woman who stood beside the handsome prince. "Lady Desimi. How wonderful to see you well. I had heard you had taken ill and feared the absolute worst."

Desimi Vist, sister to Alial and younger by three years, curtsied just enough for it to not be insulting. "I had. Food poisoning, but of a very rare strain. Funny that my personal cook has been in my employ for twelve years and no one has ever once been made sick from his cooking. A pity, as I just had to transfer him after this."

Alial gave her a rueful half-smile. "Nowhere too harsh, I hope?"

"It depends on one's definition of 'too harsh,'" she said. She glanced at her sister's waist. "Why, sister, you're not wearing my gift!"

"But it was much too showy for me; I'm more about the substance of the material," said Alial. "I'm afraid I don't have your tastes."

Prince Isolder cleared his throat, smiled, and offered his arm to Alial. "Admiral, would you allow me to escort you to the Great Hall's antechamber?"

"Of course," she said, placing a hand on his forearm and gently guiding it back down to his side. "Lead the way."

They began walking, leaving Desimi behind. After a few meters the prince murmured, "Good to see you again, Ali."

She allowed herself a smile -- a small one. "You too."

"You should visit the court more often."

Alial sighed, glancing up at the gilded and hand-painted ceilings of the opulent hallway they strode down. "Oh, Isolder. There is too much to do. If only you knew what I must do now. Too much to do, and too little time."
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Offline Dementat

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« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2012, 12:57:07 AM »
Victory Mk-II Star Destroyer Maleficent

   All he heard was the ringing in his ears as he collected himself from the cold metal deck. Smoke filled the room as he climbed to his feet and shook the fogginess from his head. It was as though the chaos of war had suddenly ceased. The ringing subsided to complete silence, then was replaced by the sounds of crackling electronics and the coughing of men. He stepped up to the transparisteel viewport and observed the supernova that had moments ago been a base the size of a moon. A ring of light traveled out from the center towards him. His eyes burned with rage as the traveling light expanded into a rolling cloud just before it struck the ship. A thunderous roar filled the star destroyer as it was sent end-over-end. Shrapnel burned through sections of the hull, venting fire and atmosphere. Bodies and equipment jettisoned from the breaches. The knife-like nose of the ship sheared through the center of a frigate as it oriented away from the source of the blast, the Death Star.

    The alarms had been silenced long before the blast, Maleficent having suffered early on to the torpedoes of rebel bombers and gunships. The aging star destroyer had, in fact, been in the process of moving closer to the Death Star for protection. Ironically, the destruction of the station had left the ship in worse shape than if it had held its ground on the front. Captain Lomel had ordered the move after observing the slow death of Executor as it slammed into the battlestation. Captain Lomel now lay dead on the catwalk, the lightsaber burn still smoldering in his torso. Cowardice had no place in the Empire.

    The crew began to find their way back to their stations as fire teams smothered the flames. Reports began to pour in. The majority of weapons systems were offline, shields had failed, and armor had been reduced considerably. As each engineer reported in it became more and more aparent, Maleficent could fight no more. It was then that the order for retreat came in from Chimaera. "Divert what systems we can to the engines. Begin calculations for return to Imperial Center. We will fight another day." The crew went to work. Maleficent limped away from the center of the battlefield and towards the end of the system. The hyperdrive engaged, and the ship leaped to lightspeed. The crew was silent. Defeat burned in the stomach of Lider Algoz like an ulcer.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 10:31:09 PM by Dementat »
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