Author Topic: CC: Refuge  (Read 127607 times)

Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2012, 05:58:21 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

Riley had been industrious the day before, and Mara, perhaps picking up on his sudden self-confidence, was careful to keep a closer eye on him the next day.

Today would be busy - the leak on the poor senator's sordid affair would start filtering out, taking heat off the Gellar family.  Mara had early that morning slipped a few anonymous tips to lower level press.  They would submit it, without the ability to trace it back to Mara.  The main press would see it and scramble to catch up.  Likely by the next morning, nobody would be talking about anything else.

It was also the day to begin the flip side - to start negotiations with Rutherford Gellar.  And on that note, Mara was expecting him to contact her so they could set up that meeting.

Because Mara was keeping an eye on Riley, he was in the room when she played the message.  An invitation for Riley to join Mara, and to play with Rutherford's children.

Riley's eyes went wide with hope - this was exactly what he was hoping for.  Who else would have the answers, the connection to his Aunt Valerie, and his mother?

Then he looked at Mara, and his face sunk.  No.  She wouldn't allow it.  It was a silent conversation, their eyes meeting.  Guardian to child, child to guardian.  Finally, he looked away.

"I'm sorry Riley. I just don't think it's safe.  Not to play with them, not to spend time with them"
"I don't get to spend time with anyone"

"You'll make friends in school"

Riley looked up, finally upset enough to shout out.
"No I won't!  I never stay anywhere long enough to keep friends.  But these people - they're FAMILY"

"Riley ..."

It was rare for Mara to see Riley get worked up.  He was usually one of the easiest going kids she had ever met.  Apparently, this was something that was really bothering him, or all the traveling was getting to him. She sighed.

"What, Aunt Mara?  Aren't they?  I mean, maybe I'm not a blood relative, but they knew my mom, and they have kids my age.  What could be so bad?"

"They put your mom in danger"

"No they didn't - some guy named Winton did"

Mara blinked, and Riley shrunk back.  He hadn't meant to say what he knew, and Mara hadn't expected him to know.  They stared at each other, Riley frightened for what Aunt Mara's reaction would be, Mara trying to figure out how to respond.  It was several tense seconds before her voice, low, spoke.

"How do you know about Winton?"

Riley's voice was still trying to sound strong, but it came out a bit timid, feeling ashamed for going around her back.

"I ... I found it on the nets.  His name is all over stories of my mom, and her friends - Aunt Valerie, Melanie Masterton, and his son, Karen Winton"

"Riley, I -"

But he didn't let her speak

"I'm sorry Aunt Mara!  I just had to know!  I couldn't bear not knowing any more"

"Riley, ..."

Again, interrupting her

"Please, I'm really sorry Aunt Mara"

"Riley ... Riley, it's ok.  I just wish you hadn't."

"Why didn't you tell me more?"

"I was trying to protect you Riley."

"I'd be safer if I knew more"

"No Riley - no.  Knowing some things can be dangerous.  too dangerous, and you, as mature as you are, are still only ten.  You shouldn't have danger chasing after you.  Everything - and I mean everything - that Alexander Winton touched was put in jeopardy, and never fully recovered.  I wanted to keep you from that"

"But he's dead - or at least, that's what I read.  Why are you still afraid of him?"

The question was valid.  The answer, more complex.  For one thing, Mara never could really trust that Alexander Winton was dead for sure.  What if he had a backup plan that hadn't been destroyed, that no one knew about?  What if he was already lurking in the background somewhere, slowly weaving his webs again, waiting for his time to strike.  Out for revenge and domination.  But that wasn't it.  Mara knew that Winton was, in all likelihood, gone for good.  She was more afraid of his legacy.  Others might find what he had done, and build on it, trying to make it their own.  Even with Winton gone, the galaxy was still too full of brilliant, power hungry, evil beings.

But how to articulate that to a ten year old?

"He is dead.  But there is a good chance that the things he did will mean that other people, other bad people, will try to do the same bad things that he did"

"Like what?"

Like try to build an army of super droids to take over the galaxy, or mind control an entire system's population using a neck implant.

"Like try and hurt you."

"But they aren't this family, the people you are working with.  They-"

This time, it was Mara who interrupted.

"They are easy targets.  The same people who already want to hurt them would likely want to hurt you.  That's why who you are is a big secret. And why visiting them would be a bad idea"

Riley was a smart kid, and tried absorbing this information.  Finally, he perked his head up.

"What if I promise to keep it a secret?  What if I just spend time with them, but don't let them know about my mom? Would it be ok then?"

Mara looked away, at the communicator, wishing the message, the offer had never been sent.  She didn't want to, but she was worried if she said no, he would take more independent action, something that would put him in even greater danger.  Finally, she nodded her head.

"Fine.  But you have to be extra careful.  I mean really, really careful"

Riley nodded, working hard to look adult and not over joyed at the prospect of meeting those he was somehow connected to.

"I will be Aunt Mara. Really, really careful."

"Alright.  Then I'll set it up"

Later that day, Mara left a message with Rutherford Gellar, telling him she accepted his offer for the 'play date' and praying that it wasn't a mistake.

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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2012, 09:45:52 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Rutherford clicks off the com and turns around.

"Good news," he says. "The Federation Ambassador has agreed to allow you to accompany me."

Gemma claps her hands together, grateful for the opportunity to socialize. Dane is pleased and hopes he and the Ambassador's nephew have something in common. Dahlia is already bored and adjusts the shimmering green mini-dress in front of the mirror.

Celeste pauses near her, clad in a conservative white blouse, grey pencil skirt and heels.

"Isn't that a bit short, darling?"

Dahlia shrugs, "Probably. I don't see why I have to go. The kid is only ten."

"There is nothing wrong with a little polite entertaining."

"Says who?"

"Civilized society."

She groans, "Fine, whatever."

Celeste shakes her head and moves toward Rutherford.

"Are we ready?"

"I think so," Rutherford says. "Shall we?"

The group exits the Gellar suite as the security detail falls into step around them. With the deterred focus, the reporters who were camped out in front of the Hotel Ovallus are now gone. They move casually, enjoying the warm weather, and enter the Hotel Mermeia where they are greeted by the Federation escorts. They are whisked upstairs in the lifts and shown to an executive floor. At the end of a long corridor, they are shown into a simple yet elegant boardroom where Mara Tacofer stands waiting. Beside her stands Riley.

Rutherford smiles pleasantly, "Ambassador Tacofer, it is a pleasure to see you again. May I introduce my wife, Celeste and children, Dane, Gemma and Dahlia."

Things Mara would notice instantly: Celeste and Gemma, both with long blond hair and blue eyes, resemble Melanie. Dane, with his striking features, broad shoulders and dark hair is most definitely a Gellar. But perhaps the most shocking thing of all is Dahlia who moves languorously with an air of nonchalance. Her face is a face she had come to know, a fallen friend, a ghost from the past. This uncanny resemblance would raise far more questions in Mara's mind and paint Rutherford Gellar and Celeste Masterton in a whole new light.

Dane nods and Dahlia smirks but it is Gemma who is suddenly frozen as she looks upon the boy's face. It is a face she has seen many times before in the confines of her own mind. The boy in the dreams that have plagued her for years now stands on the other side of the room. Her face flickers briefly with worry, a gesture Riley would pick up on as he cannot help but stare. Her mother taught her never to cause a scene and so, recovering slightly, Gemma flashes a warm smile.

A long silence passes as the attention is now on Mara.


Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2012, 03:42:41 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril

Mara awaited a bit anxiously for the arrival of the Gellar clan.  Riley was standing next to her, practically bubbling with excitement, but she was worried about the possible repercussions of this meeting.  She knew who Riley was, and if that got out ...  she shook her head, putting on a smile as the adults and their three children entered the room.

Mara immediately begans scanning them over as Rutherford offers a greeting

"Ambassador Tacofer, it is a pleasure to see you again. May I introduce my wife, Celeste and children, Dane, Gemma and Dahlia."

It sounded a bit phony to her, maybe because she disliked him so much, or maybe because he was trying too hard. He was too desperate.  But she played along anyways, offering a hand to Celeste and giving her a genuine smile.

"It is an honor to meet you, Lady Masterton"

The resemblance to Melanie was obvious enough, though Mara had never actually met the fourth member of the clique.  Certainly enough pictures were around that Celeste could be matched.

Mara then turned her attention to the children, the two youngest obviously interested in Riley. But the third, older one - Mara stared at her for a long minute, the smile disappearing from her face. Her gaze flickered back to Dane and Gemma who was staring at Riley oddly before again recovering her smile- and Mara filed suit, smiling down at the children.

"And its wonderful to meet the three of you.  Riley is very excited to spend some time with people other than Trade Federation businessmen.  If you are up for it, we have a small arcade on the second level of the building that I think you would enjoy"

She turned back to Dahlia now, barely able to ignore the uncanny resemblance.  But she had to hold out for just a few more minutes.

"And - Dahlia is it? - I believe next to the arcade is some type of clothing store geared toward young teens.  I forget the name of it, but maybe the four of you could stop a little at both.  Your parents and I have a lot to discuss"

Mara assumed that the expression on Dahlia's face was mild relief.  No doubt a 14 year old did not want to spend time with people four years younger, and Mara hoped that the reference to a fashionable store might placate her some.  It was several minutes of the children greeting each other and before they bounded out the door.

"Riley - remember what we talked about, and stay in the building"

Riley grinned, nodded and ran out with the three other children, and Mara frowned, watching after them.  She had ordered a few Federation officials to keep an eye on the children from a comfortable distance, but Mara was certain something would go wrong.  She stared at the door a moment longer before turning on the two adults, shaking her head.  Her tone, much harsher than when the children were present.

"You're raising a Winton ... how could you be so stupid as to raise a Winton, and think it wouldn't be a problem, to let her out into the public eye.  Anyone can see the resemblance.  haven't you learned anything?"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2012, 07:15:30 PM »
Chandaar: Republica Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

The children proceed to the lifts.

Dane and Riley are talking excitedly about whatever boys their age discuss. Gemma hangs back beside Dahlia. She is semi-thankful for the Ambassadors suggestion as if somehow she knew Dahlia would be bored in the arcade. Maybe it was the outfit that tipped her off about her inclination toward the fashionable. Once they descend and the doors open, Dane and Riley take off down the corridor. Gemma seems hesitant to follow.

"What's the matter? You don't have to shop with me. I promise not to be offended."

Gemma attempts a smile, "Can't I just stay with you?"

"Of course you can," Dahlia says, taking her hand. "Let's find you something lovely."

Inside the store, it's all a little overdone. While it is certainly marketed toward her demographic, it seems more like something they assume girls her age would want. Or something they are supposed to want. Dahlia's taste is much more developed than her years would imply but she insists on finding something for Gemma. They try on a variety of embellished hats and bright dresses in the season's hottest colors. Gemma listlessly touches the fabrics but seems distracted and on the verge of tears. Finally, Dahlia sighs and crosses her arms.

"Alright, out with it. What's the malfunction?"

"That boy..."


Gemma nods, almost fearfully.

Dahlia feels her chest tighten but does not know why.

"What about him? Gem, you are starting to scare me."

"I...know him."

"That's impossible," Dahlia says flippantly. "We were only introduced like, five minutes ago."

There is a moment of hesitation but it comes tumbling out.

"Riley is the boy in my dreams. We run away from the monsters together."

Dahlia inhales sharply. Her younger sister has been plagued with nightmares for as long as she can remember. The doctor's had called them night terrors, dreams that occurred  when she wasn't fully asleep yet not quite awake. Gemma would thrash out of bed and run to the corner of the room, swatting and screaming at the unseen. These night terrors gave their parents an awful fright as they tried to wake her from them. Some nights Gemma would rouse quickly while others it could last almost an hour. Every time she woke up, she spoke of a boy who she called "the forth."

It is then Dahlia realizes that Riley's presence makes four.

She kneels beside her, softening what would usually be a sarcastic tone.

"Gem, honey, listen. Are you absolutely certain this boy is the one in your dreams?"

Gemma nods empathically, "It's him. I swear it!"

"Okay, okay," Dahlia says, squeezing her hand. "I believe you."

This relieves something in Gemma who visibly relaxes.

"What am I going to do? Should I tell him?"

"That may be difficult to explain without freaking him out. Maybe it would be best to try and get to know him a bit, feel him out. Know what I mean?"

Gemma nods.

Dahlia smiles and holds up a striped blue dress, "Good. Now, what do we think about this one?"

"It's very pretty."

"I agree," she says and moves toward the counter to make the purchase. Her mind is swimming in questions. If Riley really is the boy Gemma has had in her head for years, how is it possible that he is here now? It is far too startling to simply be a coincidence but how could it not be? Perhaps the galaxy is not as vast as she thought. Dahlia hands the bag to Gemma as they exit the store and head to the arcade. Maybe a few games would ease their minds. Across the corridor, a man leaning against the wall watches them carefully as they pass, swinging their linked hands back and forth playfully. They step into the arcade with all the standard lights and sounds. The man follows them into the arcade unnoticed. Laughter blends with the beeps and ringing from the games.

And then something else strikes her, something that causes dread to wash over her body like a frigid waterfall. Karen Winton and her friends had a title. The articles were littered with the moniker, referencing them collectively.

They were called The Four.


Rutherford is pleased to see Mara's reaction to Dahlia is exactly what he expected it to be. It's not that he had used his adoptive daughter as bait, per se, but knew her resemblance to someone the Ambassador considered a close friend would unhinge her a bit and she takes a tone with them that borders on a parent scolding one of the children. Dahlia is indeed a Winton, the last royal heir to their nearly extinct family line. She had always been distinctive in style but it was not until she reached adolescence that her image mirrored that of her glamorous older sister. While Rutherford knew this could become problematic, it was inevitable. For many years he believed the enemies of Alexander Winton would hunt down his wife and the child they stole and raised as their own but the past had never resurfaced thanks in part to the Force vaccine. As the years passed and his family was weaned off the vaccine, still he waited for the other shoe to drop but their lives moved forward blissfully uninterrupted. In fact, until Mara Tacofer asked to meet him, no one had bothered to make the connections which casts her in a considerable shadow of suspicion. Is she the enemy they feared for so long or a potential ally in more ways than one?

Celeste, on the other hand, is completely stunned and reverts quickly into a surprised denial. Her tone is genuine and light as she clings to the cover story she and her husband had created when they first arrived in the Corporate Sector.

"A Winton? I think you are mistaken, Ambassador Tacofer. The Winton's have been dead for years."


Offline Medivh

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2012, 10:27:33 PM »
Chandaar: Republica Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

"A Winton? I think you are mistaken, Ambassador Tacofer. The Winton's have been dead for years."

Mara can hardly believe the straight up denial.  At least, she wouldn't, if it wasn't part of their profile already.  Celeste and Rutherford had been living a lie for decades now.  At Celeste's words, Mara shook her head, but remained silent. Instead, she moved to the end of the conference room to a terminal located there.  She still didn't speak as she began to type, furiously fast.  A projector lit up on the wall between Mara and the Gellar clan, and still Mara said nothing.  At first, nothing but symbols appeared on the projection, and then, photographs, whizzing by at breathtaking speed.  Pictures of 'the four' - Karen, Melanie, Valerie, Kimber.  Pictures of Karen with her boyfriend, with Dementat.  Then, even a few pictures from further back.  Before Karen was famous but part of one of those human interest stories on her.  And then the flashing of images stopped on the rare family portrait - Alexander Winton, his wife, and their two daughters.  Alexia, the older, had a scowl on her face.  the younger, Karen.

Still Mara didn't speak.  The family portrait was shrunk to cover half the screen, as she began flashing through photographs on the other half.  These were more recent - much more recent.  Tabloid photographs taken within the last week, Celeste and her children as they were making their way into their hotel, just after Rutherford's news broke in the senate.  Most photographs showed bodyguards blocking the children, but there were a few clean shots, and the flashing photos stopped on one - Gemma and Dane were obscured in the photo but there was Dahlia.  And with her picture side by side to the Winton's, the resemblance was unmistakable.

That was when Mara broke the silence.
"I don't know of any red-heads in your genetic lineage, Lady Masterton.  Nor yours, Abassador Gellar.  Dahlia isn't yours by birth.  It took me a matter of seconds to draw this connection, and a matter of minutes to paste the resemblance on the wall in front of you.  Look at the photographs - it's there, clear as day.  If I can do it, so can any number of people.  So I will ask you again, and I pray you don't lie to me again  - how can you be raising someone with the same genetic code as Alexander, Alexia, and Karen Winton and let her be so publicly displayed?  Haven't you learned?  Or do your really believe that the things that happened to your FIRST children won't happen again just because you deny it?"

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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2012, 10:39:34 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

Rutherford studies Mara closely, interested to see if she would reveal more of herself in the wake of the accusation. His wife would be personally and deeply offended by the remarks and he wonders how she would react.

And as Mara silently pulls up the images, Celeste can only watch on in horror as the Federation Ambassador makes a connection she feared for years but knew would come. There was no denying it and the lie was reactionary, a practiced response tied to the falsified adoption records and a cover story that had faded quickly in the corporate scandal driven sector. No one had questioned it before. It wasn't uncommon for the wealthy to adopt or turn to surrogacy even if they had children of their own. Her relation to Melanie was widely known and accepted but given the tragic circumstances surrounding her death and the heroic mantle of a Jedi, most in the D'ian system had refrained from discussing it out of respect. Losing a child is never something even people as manipulative as those in Concordia would ever throw in her face. It was considered poor form. Even with the Corellian reporters story, the details surrounding their involvement in what happened remained muddled in heresay. And since Celeste believed she and Rutherford were the only two left who knew the truth, she is not prepared to be confronted with it by a virtual stranger. 

Mara speaks and of the things she says, two words sound alarms in her head.

Genetic coding.

As if she had some sort of proof beyond the photage present on the screens which is circumstancial at best. She could not allow Mara to use Dahlia or any of their children as some kind of sick leverage in whatever games the Federation and Corporate Sector were playing. Anger momentarily floods through her and Celeste struggles to keep her composure. Inhaling, she strides around the table and stands face to face with Mara Tacofer, keeping her voice steady as she attempts to downplay without confirmation.

"Dahlia is our adoptive daughter and we have loved and cared for her as if she were our own. It is also not a truth she yet knows. I suppose there is never a right time for a mother to tell one of her children she did not bare them as she did her others and explain how biology plays no part in emotion."

Celeste pauses, recovering slightly from the sting of Mara's statements.

"My husband told me you knew things, things about us that were not on public record and certainly not casual pieces of conversation. I asked myself how this could be possible since, to the best of my knowledge, you were never personally acquainted with either of us prior to our visit to Chandaar. He told me that his granddaughter Valerie was someone very dear to you and that you had a personal relationship with Karen Winton. I can understand how, in exchanges with either of them, both Rutherford and myself would be made out to be less than reputable people. We failed our friends and our family in so many ways in the past and I am deeply sorry if our failures cost you those you cared for."

She eases back but keeps her wide blue eyes focused on Mara's expressionless face.

"What you and my husband discuss for the sake of your respective factions is not for me to question or judge but I most certainly will not tolerate accusations against my family from someone I barely know. Our children should not be considered weapons through which to conduct business dealings. Wouldn't you be appalled if Rutherford used your nephew the way you used his granddaughter?"

Celeste softens her demeanor but an edge remains in her tone.

"I mean no disrespect, Ambassador but just who do you think you are making such claims against us? Clearly you take issue with us and have come armed with our pasts to assign blame and take offense to the way we conduct our lives and raise our children. Your friends cannot possibly be your source as Valerie and Karen knew virtually nothing of our interactions with Alexander Winton. So I have to wonder what proof you have to back up these claims you allege or a possible motive outside the professional. Revenge? Punishment? Amusement? It strikes me as more personal than that. And if you know so much about them, about us, then what do you know about Kimber Patten or my daughter, Melanie?"

She frowns sharply, narrowing her gaze.

"Why would we even trust you if you have made it so that anything we discuss can be used to harm us and further the Federation's agenda?"


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2012, 05:04:01 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

Celeste Masterton apparently takes Mara's rebuke as some sort of threat coming from the Trade Federation, or some part of the deal between the Federation and the Corporate Sector.

"I am not accusing you for the sake of the Trade Federation.  It was not me who brought your children into the public eye"

Mara turned her gaze to Rutherford for a moment before returning it to Celeste.

"I am telling you that raising a Winton is dangerous, and letting her have such public exposure is reckless.  Do you think that because Alexander Winton died everything he did died with him?  Do you think the Force potential that were shared by his two daughters isn't going to be shared by someone with the same blood?  I thought you wiser than that, Lady Masterton"

"I mean no disrespect, Ambassador but just who do you think you are making such claims against us? Clearly you take issue with us and have come armed with our pasts to assign blame and take offense to the way we conduct our lives and raise our children. Your friends cannot possibly be your source as Valerie and Karen knew virtually nothing of our interactions with Alexander Winton. So I have to wonder what proof you have to back up these claims you allege or a possible motive outside the professional. Revenge? Punishment? Amusement? It strikes me as more personal than that. And if you know so much about them, about us, then what do you know about Kimber Patten or my daughter, Melanie?"

"Why would we even trust you if you have made it so that anything we discuss can be used to harm us and further the Federation's agenda?"

Mara stared at Celeste for several long seconds before answering, lowering her gaze to the floor briefly.  she would not tell them about Riley, nor would she tell them too much about herself.  But they needed something. Something that would explain what she knew.

"I killed Alexander Winton.  It was my task to stop him, and to prevent anyone else from following in his footsteps.  And I have spent more than ten years on that task.  With the help of Karen Winton, I raided nearly a dozen secret facilities that carried pieces of Winton's plan.  The clones he created of himself.  The armies of droids he was manufacturing.  And the files and research he collected.  Winton was an intelligence director for a reason.  He amassed huge amounts of information on everyone and everything he met or touched - or might in the future.  That is how I know about you.  About Rutherford.  I have collected Alexander Winton's files."

She paused for a moment, looking between the two of them with a frown.

"Nothing I've read indicates he knew you were in the Corporate Sector.  Which is lucky for you.  But you've been sloppy.  And though Alexander Winton is dead, that doesn't mean he didn't have co-conspirators or followers who have access to the information he had.  Individuals who would love to get their hands on those in the same bloodline as any of the original four.  Especially a Winton."

"Quite frankly, Lady Masterton, I don't care if you trust me.  What I care about is making sure that what Alexander Winton tried to do never happens again"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2012, 01:49:36 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

Celeste cannot decide who she is more angry with. True, Mara is not responsible for bringing their children here. Rutherford had asked, no insisted, they accompany him on this trip. Mara did, however, threaten Rutherford with what she knows leading to his admission before the Senate. This admission caused the media uproar and led to their children being targets for the tabloids and the photage Mara now presents.

In her mind, they share the blame.

Mara continues, ignoring Celeste's denial, referencing something both she and Rutherford had wondered about for years. Both Alexia and Karen Winton had extreme connections to the Force capable of phenomenal displays of destruction. Rutherford had been more hesitant about Dahlia and what she might be capable of. In truth, Celeste had speculated about it herself but she had rationalized that the environment Alexia and Karen grew up in played a significant part in how that turned out. Alexander Winton had capitalized on Alexia's instability for the Empire's uses. Her first husband, Henrick, had tried desperately to help her. Celeste had even attempted counseling with Alexia to find the source of her rage. It seemed to stem from a resentment of Karen even though the younger sibling had done nothing to warrant such anger. Alexia had never shied away from her powers. She had fallen headlong into the Force which Henrick had theorized possessed her entirely and led to the blackouts. Force possession was something no one had seen before which is why virtually nothing was taught to Karen throughout her childhood. Granted, history would prove this family connection would rear its head regardless as Karen became a Sith called Darth Kyja under Emperor Dementat's training.

Celeste had taught the children the basics of the Force and explained their connection to it. If this was something they chose to pursue, it would be discussed and if not, they were free to be who they wanted to be. She was convinced that the life she and Rutherford provided them would keep Dahlia balanced. Now Mara casts doubt in her mind.

What she reveals next, Celeste is not prepared for.

"I killed Alexander Winton. It was my task to stop him, and to prevent anyone else from following in his footsteps. And I have spent more than ten years on that task. With the help of Karen Winton, I raided nearly a dozen secret facilities that carried pieces of Winton's plan. The clones he created of himself. The armies of droids he was manufacturing. And the files and research he collected. Winton was an intelligence director for a reason. He amassed huge amounts of information on everyone and everything he met or touched - or might in the future. That is how I know about you. About Rutherford. I have collected Alexander Winton's files."

"You killed him?" Celeste breathes with a hand over her heart.

Mara nods.

And Karen had helped her? This throws her completely. Had Karen come to the same conclusion the other parents had? That the prophecy was intended to harm them? If that was the case then perhaps she had misjudged Karen Winton and, for that matter, Mara Tacofer.

She glances at Rutherford, who regards them both with a curious expression. Celeste turns back to Mara.

"Then I suppose we owe you a debt of gratitude, Ambassador Tacofer. Ridding the galaxy of Alexander Winton's malevolence is indeed something to celebrate. These files, however, concern me."

Celeste sighs, speaking words she had buried for years.

"I barely escaped Winton."

"Celeste..." Rutherford warns.

"No," she says sharply. "She needs to hear this. I need to say it."

Rutherford crosses his arms.

Celeste continues.

"When I came to the Corporate Sector, I believed he would follow me. I was always afraid. I knew in my heart he murdered Monica and Henrick and believed it was only a matter of time before the other parents would meet the same fate. I heard Kyri was killed on Corellia and Lilandra institutionalized. I could never be sure if Alexander knew where I had gone."

Mara stares into her face.

"Nothing I've read indicates he knew you were in the Corporate Sector. Which is lucky for you. But you've been sloppy. And though Alexander Winton is dead, that doesn't mean he didn't have co-conspirators or followers who have access to the information he had. Individuals who would love to get their hands on those in the same bloodline as any of the original four. Especially a Winton. Quite frankly, Lady Masterton, I don't care if you trust me. What I care about is making sure that what Alexander Winton tried to do never happens again."

Rutherford steps forward, "We want that too."

"Do you?"

"Yes!" Celeste says, taking her husband's hand. "We will do anything we can to ensure any residual information has been wiped from every source. His influence must never resurface."

Rutherford nods, feeling the tightness of dread in his throat. The thought of Winton's followers plotting to exact revenge on their children makes him queasy. The question mark that is Dahlia's power could make her a valuable target. This coupled with Mara's revelation about the enzyme in Valerie's genetic sequence is not something he wants falling into the wrong hands. Like it not, he would have to forge a deal with Mara on more than one level.

"Our professional obligations can be arranged for mutual benefit. Contrary to popular belief, free enterprise is the foundation of the Corporate Sector. Fulfilling the tremendous Republic demand for supplies is no small feat. In truth, the rapid growth places strain on the supply and drives prices astronomically high. While this would greatly please the board under which I serve, I think we can agree there is more at stake here than market shares."

He squeezes Celeste's hand and focuses on Mara.

"If Winton has co-conspirators with access to the type of information you have then we must work together. After all, we and our children would not be the only targets. You took his life which means they would blame you and want revenge just as much as they would want an heir to The Four."

He pauses, clearing his throat.

"We can help each other, personally and professionally. I am willing to publicly come out in favor of issuing the Trade Federation permits and negotiate terms that would split the Republic demand between Sector and Federation. It keeps prices competitive and allows both factions to rise above their past mistakes. Your superiors will champion your victory while I will most likely face censure. I can deal with these consequences in exchange for two things."

"Which are?"

"Your assistance in discovering and destroying any ties to Alexander Winton's agenda."


"The pharmaceutical market remains monopolized by ChemiX."


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2012, 05:01:58 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

In the arcade, Dane and Riley hold plastic blasters and repeatedly fire at a screen full of undead creatures. They have devised a plan to cover each other for maximum carnage, taking different parts of the action with every new scene the game enters.

"This is awesome," Dane says.

Riley nods, "Amazing."

"I'm so glad your aunt let you come out with us. I was getting bored."

"Me too!"

"My sisters can be so lame."

"Gemma seems nice."

Dane smirks, taking down a row of creatures. His twin sister always had a warmth that drew people to her. He had noticed this at a young age when those around them fawned and fussed over her. Her powerful voice seemed to amplify these qualities, almost as if the melody cast a spell over all those who hear it.

"You don't have any siblings?"

"No," Riley says, tapping the button on the side of the blaster to reload. He remembers his aunt Mara's words, their agreement not to speak of who he actually is.

"I guess they aren't entirely bad. Dahlia can be...difficult."

"She seems kind of mean."

"You have no idea," Dane laughs.

"Is that so?" Dahlia says from behind them. "I'm pleased you think so."

They both tense, sharing a knowing glance before bursting into laughter.

Dahlia rolls her eyes up, "Whatever, are you guys hungry?"

"Yeah!" "Yeah!"

"I figured. Well, if you can pry yourselves away from the games would you care to join Gemma and I for lunch?"

They nod, set down the blasters and follow her back through the arcade. When they arrive at the table Dahlia left Gemma sitting at, they find it empty. Dahlia blinks, turning around.

"Gemma? Gemma!"

Dane leaps forward, "Where is she?"

"Not far," Dahlia says, feeling her Force signature heading away from them.

"How can you tell?" Riley says.

She smiles, "Magic."

They leave the arcade and head down the corridor. She follows the signature, walking steadily ahead of the boys.

"Where did she go?"

"I don't know. I just left her there for a minute."

"Why would she just leave?" Riley asks. "That seems weird, right?"


"I could call my aunt's associates. They would know what to do."

"No," Dahlia says. "My parents will kill me and your aunt will be pissed. We will find her."

Further down the corridor, the man in the Federation uniform motions to a side door. Gemma Masterton hesitates for a moment. He had approached her at the table in the arcade, identifying himself as a security agent from the Trade Federation with a message from her parents. She had been skeptical at first but when he told her the meeting with the Ambassador had taken a turn and her mother had fallen ill, she followed him without question. On the way, he told her the other agents would find her brother and sister and tell them what had happened.

As soon as Gemma follows him through the door, it slams closed behind them. She jumps and he turns toward her, the uniform disintegrating into a dingy cloth robe she somehow recognizes from her dreams. His face, once blank and angular, seems to melt and scar and when his mouth opens, it reveals two rows of jagged teeth. He raises his arms and at the end of each finger are claws.

One of the monsters she has always seen in her mind now stands before her.

Gemma screams.


Dahlia is driven by something deeper than family, something she does not understand. As they approach the door, a scream echoes from behind it. Without so much as touching it, the swings open and they rush forward.

Something looms over Gemma.

"Get away from her!" Riley shouts, both he and Dane flanking Dahlia.

The monstrosity rears back, taking him in.

"Ah," it sneers. "The forth!"

"The what?" Dane asks, glancing at Riley.

"It's true," Gemma says, crawling away from it. "I've seen it."

"In my dreams."

"Who? Riley?"

"Yes," Gemma whispers.

"What? What's going on?"

Dahlia pulls Gemma away and places her behind them. Instinctively, Riley goes to her. Gemma clings to him, their eyes meeting without comprehending the underlying significance, the emotions beneath the surface.

"Get her out of here."


"Go, Dane. Now."

Dane backs away slowly. Riley holds firmly to Gemma's hand and follows him back out into the corridor leaving Dahlia to face the monster alone. The doors close behind them. She stands in the green halter dress, hands balled into fists. It seems impressed, nodding approvingly.

"You are brave. Much like those before you but as I'm sure you will come to realize, that is not enough to save you. Or them."

"What do we have to do with anything?"

"More than you may know. The bloodlines that spawned you outline your fates. We are here as a kind of insurance against it."

"Who are you?"

"The protectors of the Abominations legacy."

Dahlia narrows her eyes, "What abominations?"

It's horrible mouth attempts a smile, the seared creases of its skin pulling back tightly.

"Those which your sisters created, of course. Such chaos and destruction. So many lives lost to their whims. Lives tied to the four names written upon the forehead of the beast and tied to a destiny from which there is no escape."

Her lips part, allowing a gasp to escape between them.

"Yes," it says slowly, savoring the moment. "They will all die as you will. We will never let you restore what was taken. We will never let you be the balance."

"No," she says, feeling a cold wave come over her body. Her emerald eyes, wide and vibrant, cloud over into pools of pure blackness that ripple like puddles. It is now the creatures turn for surprise as it watches her transform. It attacks, slashing through the air with its claws. She moves with a precision and dexterity only someone with extensive training would have, a training Dahlia Greyson has never received but, completely consumed by the Force, she executes flawlessly. She is not in control and pushes him back, deflecting attack after attack before halting it in place. The monster roars, clawing at its throat as it is lifted into the air. It convulses violently as it's charred flesh begins to peel back, detach and turn to ash. Within seconds the monster is nothing but a skeleton that breaks down into a swirling mass of dust.

No trace is left behind.

The color snaps back into Dahlia's eyes as she staggers back into the corridor, breathless, weakened and confused. Her pulse is racing, mind blank as she collapses into the arms of the Federation agents Riley sent after her. Knowing discretion is best and a scene must avoided at all costs, they whisk Dahlia away through a set of passages to regroup with the rest of the team watching Dane, Gemma and Riley.

The children had said virtually nothing, only that Dahlia needed their help. Dane had sworn them to keep the secret. He may not have any answers but he is clever enough to know their respective parents and guardians would be upset. It might even jeopardize the business dealings currently taking place and he makes the same appeal to Riley and Gemma. They agree to conspire for the time being and tell the security agents Dahlia had gotten sick while in the arcade and they were worried. The Federation security take this in stride as a medic is sent for.

Dahlia lies unconscious on a table as the three others watch over her closely.

Riley looks at Dane then focuses on the concern creasing Gemma's delicate features. The things he has read and what the monster said flood through his mind. Perhaps his aunt Mara was right about them and the danger they represent but his connection to it, to them, is the only question he can see.


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2012, 01:33:40 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

Dahlia rouses, sitting upright quickly.

"Oh my, what happened?"

The Federation medic hovers nearby, "You fainted, miss Greyson."


Dane, Riley and Gemma surround her.

"You weren't feeling well," Dane says.

"I wasn't?"

"What do you remember?" The medic asks.

"We were in the arcade," Dahlia says slowly, rubbing her temple. "I was going to take everyone to lunch."

The medic unwraps an energy bar and hands it to her, "Eat this. Low blood sugar can lead to loss of consciousness."

She accepts it gratefully, "Thank you."

"Shall we alert your parents?"

"No, no," Dahlia says. "It's silly, really. I don't want to bother them."

"Are you sure?"


Gemma takes her hand, "We were worried."

"I'm okay, Gem. You guys still hungry?"

They all nod.

Dahlia slips off the table and tosses the wrapper of the energy bar into the trash. She feels strangely more alive, emboldened somehow. There are pieces of her memory that are missing. She remembers leaving the arcade then waking up here. What happened in between is like a haze of static in her mind. She sighs, taking Gemma's hand.

The medic crosses her arms, "Are you sure you are alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine," she says, glancing at the three children. "You guys did the right thing coming to them for help. Let's get some real food."

As they begin to leave, the medic stops them. She grabs the hem of Dahlia's green dress and holds it up.
"What happened here?"

There is a jagged slash mark torn through the fabric.

Gemma glances at Dane and Riley.

Dahlia touches the rip, "My dress! I must have caught it on something."

"It can be mended," Gemma says, trying not to think about what caused it.

Dahlia frowns, clinging to the fabric as they wander back through the passages out into the main corridor. They arrive at the restaurant and are seated promptly. Dahlia excuses herself to go to the restroom to clean up.

Once she is gone, Riley leans over the table.

"Okay, does someone want to tell me what's going on here? What was that thing?"

Gemma takes a sip of water, "It was a monster from my nightmares. I've had them since I was very little."

"You've seen them before?"

She nods.

"I've seen you too."

Riley blinks, "What?"

"In my dreams, you are there and we run from those monsters."

Dane holds up a hand, "Wait a minute! He's the boy in your dreams?"


"Did you know it was him?"

She shakes her head, "Not until I saw him today."
"It called me the forth. What does that mean?"

"Beats me," Dane says.

Gemma shrugs, "I'm not sure but they called you that in my dreams too."

"Are there more of the monsters?"

"I don't know..."

Dane glances over the menu.

"And what's with Dahlia? What happened to her?"

"Well, the monster didn't get her. That's good, right?"

"Yeah. The Federation agents didn't mention anything about seeing it."

Gemma tugs on a golden curl.

"Maybe she scared it away."

"Or destroyed it."


That stumps all three of them. No one wants to think about what could have happened or what it means for them. The implications are beyond their grasp. All they know is that there is something between the four of them that cannot be denied.

Dahlia appears at the edge of the table, startling them.

"Well, who's hungry?"


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2012, 10:54:06 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

"We can help each other, personally and professionally. I am willing to publicly come out in favor of issuing the Trade Federation permits and negotiate terms that would split the Republic demand between Sector and Federation. It keeps prices competitive and allows both factions to rise above their past mistakes. Your superiors will champion your victory while I will most likely face censure. I can deal with these consequences in exchange for two things."

"Which are?"
"Your assistance in discovering and destroying any ties to Alexander Winton's agenda."
"The pharmaceutical market remains monopolized by ChemiX."

Mara shakes her head

"The Trade Federation doesn't deal in pharmaceuticals - not directly anyways.  Several manufacturers have used Federation shipping lanes to transport the goods, but its not something we deal in.  As far as I'm concerned, it's all yours."

Mara turns away, back to her computer, the console an item of comfort to her.  Here she was, trying to live a 'normal' life - and she was being pulled back into it.  And for what?  Hadn't she been thorough?  Wasn't Winton's work destroyed, archived now only in her own mind?  No.  She knew better.   A work that vast had too many hands that even all the unraveling wouldnt have undone it completely.  And the prophesy, as much as Winton had butchered it, was based on something that others had heard, others not under Winton's control.

She turns back to the two of them, nodding her head.

"I'll help you.  And in the meantime, I must ask that you take precautions as well"

"such as?"

"Make sure you are all taking the Force vaccine, the one your company marketed so well.  Make sure you and your children cannot be traced"

Rutherford and Celeste looked to each other before nodding acquiescence.  It was a simple enough precaution, no real downsides.  Why not?

"What else can be done?"

"Unfortunately, part of it is finding out who the threat is.  The Empire might have some connections, but Emperor Schrag was never part of Winton's network - he was pulled up in ranks as one of few who could stand up to Dementat without cowering during a conversation.
The Corellians are also unlikely as a starting point.  Which means that whoever else might have the Winton information is part of the unaligned sector."

"Or somewhere in the Republic"

Mara shrugged

"The Republic has thousands of star systems, most of which have their own personal interests ... so its not much different than the unaligned sector ... but that may be the best way to start the search.  Why don't we see if there is any system or faction that has made any unexpected moves recently - a build up of forces, a large purchase"

Mara was tapping into the computer now, staring at the monitor and speaking aloud.

"Of course, if you and your children have been found, the ones we are looking for could also be in the Corporate Sector"

"Or the Trade Federation, for that matter"

Mara looked up at Rutherford, a look of annoyance in her eyes.
"I'm not attacking your organization, Gellar.  You wanted my help, I'm offering it.  Because obviously, you cannot do this on your own.  It's been ten years since Centerpoint - long enough that whatever new plan was conceived could very well start coming into play.  I don't want to be caught off-guard when something suddenly happens."

Celeste intervened
"But why not the Trade Federation?  If Alexander Winton had fooled your organization once, it could happen again"

Mara faced her nodding her head.
"It's true - but I've already been keeping my eye on the Trade Federation, and its partners.  I don't think I will be able to find much more information there"

Mara sighed, typing a few keys and closing the small pad in front of her.

"There could be a lot involved in finding a mysterious threat and destroying it before it becomes real.  I will help you.  But unfortunately, we have a more mundane matter that we need to deal with - the negotiations between the Corporate Sector and the Trade Federation.  That's what this meeting is supposed to be about, and there are outsiders who will expect results"

Rutherford and Celeste nodded, and the three of them took their seats, abruptly changing the conversation away from blame and conspiracy to profits and dealing.

It was some time, quite an ordinary meeting really, before they were interrupted, a young federation officer stepping into the room.

"Ambassador Tacofer - I have a minor incident report"

Mara glanced up from some projections she was reading


"Apparently, Miss Dahlia Gellar had a fall a few minutes ago.  Fainted from low blood sugar.  She and the other children were released by the medic a few minutes ago, and they were spotted heading to the restaurant"

Mara took in the news, trying to contemplate what it meant, if anything.  As the aide stepped out of the room, She turned to the Gellars.

"Is it normal for Dahlia to faint?"

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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2012, 08:43:42 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

Rutherford is pleased that the Trade Federation has decided not to dabble in his industry. This would allow ChemiX to retain the position as the primary supplier to the Republic as well as within the Corporate Sector. Other industries are discussed and not everyone on the Direx Board would be pleased with the outcome. While it would certainly cut into the considerable profits, there was more than enough to go around. The pace at which the Republic is growing would see to that. Rutherford would accept the backlash for Mara's assistance in a possible new threat to them all. He imagines the Federation would be pleased with her progress but the Republic Senate would at first be suspicious of their arrangement. There are ways to present the agreement in terms that would mute the cries of conspiracy. Working together would serve the Republic well and it would be difficult to argue otherwise.

The matter of Winton's potential legacy lingering in the galaxy serves as a powerful motivator. Mara suggests precautions which he and Celeste readily agree upon. He uses his com-link to signal Garron Prescott who always carries emergency doses of the Force vaccine for the family. The vaccine itself was a wonder, first developed by Celeste's deceased husband, Doctor Henrick Masterton under the orders of Alexander Winton. The trials had proven effective but was never mass produced once Henrick stole the samples and injected Celeste and baby Dahlia before sending them off with the remainder. These samples were given to him by Celeste, a gift for his help in their escape. Rutherford's bioengineering team had broken down the compound and reproduced it for production under the ChemiX label. While the vaccine serves primarily to disrupt the midi-chlorian levels in a biological entity, effectively rendering them Force neutral to other sensitive's, there was a question as to its potential for military application. One that may or may not have been investigated by ChemiX.

They are in the process of the Sector-Federation dealings when an aide enters the room to speak with the Ambassador. After the aide has departed, Mara gazes at them across the large table.

"Is it normal for Dahlia to faint?"

Celeste frowns, "No, why?"

"It appears she had fainted from low blood sugar, according to the Federation medic who treated her."

"Oh my," Celeste says. "Is she alright?"

"Dahlia was released and took the other children to lunch at the restaurant downstairs."

Rutherford and Celeste glances at each other uneasily. Dahlia had been a picture of health growing up. The children were routinely examined at the beginning of each year without incident. Celeste remains composed as she thinks back through Dahlia's childhood. The only instance in which she has had ever lost consciousness is after...she used her Force ability for the first time. Her throat tightens, considering the implications. Dahlia would know better than that. Celeste was very specific in her instructions about how and when to use these abilities. Not everyone is as progressive and understanding of those with gifts. Rutherford remains unaware and continues glancing over the documents on the consol screens.

Celeste smiles.

"That's sweet of her. I'll be sure to have our associates look in on her."

Rutherford looks up briefly, "I have Prescott on his way over now with doses of the vaccine."

He pauses, focusing his attention across the table.

"Speaking of which - would this be something you or your nephew would also be interested in? For precautions sake. I would be more than happy to complimentary provide as much of the vaccine as you would like."

"That's a lovely idea," Celeste says warmly. "We want to make sure you are equally protected."

Rutherford nods, "What do you think?"


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2012, 07:50:35 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia
There's something about the way that Rutherford and Celeste look at each that makes Mara wonder if maybe the little fainting spell is something more than what it seems.  Do they know something? does it mean something?

Regardless, the conversation shifted as Rutherford announced the coming of the force vaccine

"Speaking of which - would this be something you or your nephew would also be interested in? For precautions sake. I would be more than happy to complimentary provide as much of the vaccine as you would like."

"That's a lovely idea," Celeste says warmly. "We want to make sure you are equally protected."

Rutherford nods, "What do you think?"

Mara doesn't need it - her own connection to the Force, when only recently discovered, had been severed during that battle with Winton, a reminder that he was a machine in control of other machines.  Even when she had it, the unique way of connecting her droid-self to the biological midichlorians had allowed her to turn it off almost at will.  Still, Riley could use it - and in fact, him taking it would be a helpful addition to other precautions.  And as for her, she didn't want to invoke any suspicions, any reasons to think her physiology was any different than any other humans.

"I think that would be a good idea.  Riley doesn't like shots, but I think he can be persuaded"

Rutherford and Celeste seem almost relieved by her acceptance.  Maybe they have decided they prefer her on their side rather than against her.  Well, it was true enough - too many people were enemies, and Mara certainly could appreciate having less of those.  Even if they were people she didn't feel she could trust.

They talk about some more details, before they are again interrupted, this time, Prescott stepping in, the valuable vaccine in a secured medical kit on his back.  Mara accepts her dose without comment, and accepts a second, for her to administer to Riley upon his return.


At the restaurant, the four youngsters enjoy a delicious meal.  Gemma, Riley, and Dane all order from the kids menu, while Dahlia picks something a bit more sophisticated.  The conversation veers away from the events of the past hour, though undoubtedly it was forced.  Riley, Gemma and Dane all offer uneasy glances at Dahlia - curious as to what exactly happened after they had run.  Dahlia, meanwhile, seemed preoccupied with her damaged wardrobe, complaining about getting it hemmed, and how it would never look as good as it did originally.  If she was aware of the looks from the others, she didn't let it on.

Eventually, lunch was over, and all four began making their way out of the restaurant, back up to the Federation suite.  As they were walking, Riley grabs Gemma's hands, holding her back far enough that they can whisper without Dahlia overhearing.

"So - your sure we shouldn't tell anyone?  not even your parents or Aunt Mara?  Didn't they say"

Gemma shook her head

"There's nothing they could do but worry, and they wouldn't let us see you again.  They would think that us being together caused the problem"

Riley appreciated that Gemma wanted to be able to see him again - and Dane too for that matter, but he wasn't connecting the dots.

"But what does us spending time together have anything to do with that creature?"

"Didn't you hear what he said?  he said you are the FOURTH - Now I don't know what that means, but I do know that with you spending time with us, there were four of us today - You make four, you were the fourth"

"But the fourth WHAT?  what do the three of you and me have in common?"

Gemma turned her head to Riely.

"I'm not sure - but whatever it is, it's the reason that thing was after us"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Syren

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Re: Refuge
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2012, 06:14:05 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

As Rutherford and Mara wrap things up, the children appear in the doorway of the conference room. Celeste moves quickly to Dahlia, running a hand along her cheek.

"Are you okay, darling?"

"I'm fine," she says, mock wearily. "I just needed some refueling. Riley got help so all was well."

Celeste smiles at him, "We appreciate your quick thinking."

"You're welcome."

Dane, Riley and Gemma are still clumped closely together as if hesitant to part ways. They are all in good spirits and from what the adults can tell, everyone had a good time. Celeste announces she and the children must return to the Corporate Sector before school starts. She kisses Rutherford lightly and tells him they will see him when he's concluded his business on Chandaar. She then turns to Mara.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Ambassador. We'll be in touch."

Dane tells Riley he will call him soon but Gemma seems reluctant to leave his side. They linger, fingers intertwined with one another, a gesture both Celeste and Mara observe very clearly. Finally, Gemma joins her family and waves to everyone as they sweep back through the doorway and into the hall. Riley stares after her for a few seconds before returning to his room to wait for his aunt.

A silence falls over the room.

Rutherford nods to Mara.

"The children seem to have had fun together and we have made considerable progress here. Should we discuss a docket schedule to address the Senate? I know how valuable their time is and I do not wish for rumors of our meeting to become something undesirable. Is there anything else we need to cover?"


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Re: Refuge
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2012, 05:52:27 PM »
Chandaar: Republic Capital

Surface: Ambaril: Hotel Mermeia

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Ambassador. We'll be in touch."

Mara nods to Celeste, knowing the departure meant more than just those few brief words.  But at the moment, her attention was not so much on Celeste - it was on Riley and Gemma. Clearly, their brief time together had drawn them closer together, though it seemed unlikely to Mara that playing an an arcade and having lunch would develop that kind of companionship - especially between a ten year old boy and a ten year old girl.  Mara would need to question him on the matter later on, but lets him head back to the room before turning to Rutherford.

"The children seem to have had fun together and we have made considerable progress here. Should we discuss a docket schedule to address the Senate? I know how valuable their time is and I do not wish for rumors of our meeting to become something undesirable. Is there anything else we need to cover?"

Mara shook her head

"I think we have made the necessary steps.  But I disagree on moving things too quickly.  An abrupt announcement may lead to unwanted speculation.  Let's see if we can schedule our appearance before the Senate in about a week - and then make sure that our meeting and progress is leaked.  By the time we head to the senate, the speculation and anticipation of our negotiation will be so high that the Senate is likely to not only approve of the plan, but to cheer it."

Rutherford agrees, and begins to gather his datapads and other belongings.  Mara watches him in silence, thoughtful, and as he is preparing to leave, she speaks.

"I'm not doing this for you, you know."

Rutherford looks up at her, stares for a moment, and nods

"Yes, I know"

And walks out of the room, leaving Mara to herself.  She frowns at the closed door before heading to her own console, typing in a few codes and calling down to the hotel's staff.

"This is ambassador Tacofer of the Trade Federation.  Do you have anything of interest to report"

"Aside from the fainting of young Miss Grayson, nothing unusual has happened all day"


"Well, we did have a brief power surge - knocked out a few cameras for about five or ten minutes"

Mara tilted her head

"a power surge?"

"yes, it happens occasionally, usually when too many guests are using some of the higher-powered amenities we offer at the same time."

"Why did it happen today?"

The staff member's holo-image glanced down, looking over the report before looking up at Mara again.

"It appears that this time, the source actually came from the arcade"

That immediately set off an alarm in Mara's head.  The arcade?  That was where the children had been. Or at least, for part of the time.

"Are you saying it was caused by one of the games?"

"Not entirely clear - usually, these surges are so quick, and random, its hard to trace them to one element."

"When exactly did this surge occur?"

Mara sensed she already knew the answer, dreading it before she even heard it.

"At about 13:00 - around the same time Miss Greyson fainted.  In fact, that's why none of our officers were around to see it happen.  Apparently, they were checking on the surge"

So at the very time that Dahlia Greyson - make that Winton - had supposedly fainted, guards had been pulled away from where she and the children were, AND it had shut down cameras, preventing anyone from knowing precisely what had happened.  Mara was about to sign off when the staff member spoke up.

"Actually, it was pretty strange - we thought we had found the root of the problem, but then there was something else.  Not a power surge, but it seemed to mess with our systems.  That was about the time your nephew came to get us"

A second surge? Apparently caused by another source.

"Thank you.  Please make sure my staff remains informed about any and all security issues"

"Of course, Ambassador Tacofer"

Mara couldn't get off the link fast enough, rushing out of the conference room and down to the other end of the suite, not even knocking before she opened Riley's door.

Riley turned his head abruptly from where he had been sitting, at the computer console.  There, on his screen, were two search terms "Kimber Patten" and "the four".  The computer was busy showing him the many, many entries on the holonet related to the search.  Riley looked as if he had just been caught cheating on an exam.

But Mara didn't have time to be angry.  Stepping into the room, she closed the door behind her, and in a quiet but firm voice.

"Riley - I need to know exactly what happened this afternoon"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you