Author Topic: ORD MANTELL  (Read 20909 times)

Offline Dementat

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« on: July 06, 2011, 12:56:36 PM »

Hunting for Information

    The small shuttle reverted to real space a safe distance from the terrestrial planet and its many moons. The co-pilot got up from his seat and was about to go alert the Lieutenant, but Mors was already coming through the cabin access. He retook his seat and spoke. "I see you are aware of our arrival, Sir. We are requesting clearance for landing now."
"Good," Mors responded. He took a seat behind the co-pilot and relaxed. The trip had taken one standard day, and Mors was thankful for the rest. He had spent nearly two weeks chasing after abandoned rebels in the forsaken cold of Hoth. He wondered to himself if he would ever know warmth again. A glance out the viewport at the planet below confirmed that indeed he would. Despite its pollution-filled atmosphere, Ord Mantell looked inviting. Who would have though, he mused.
    Ord Mantell had been on of the few worlds records could confirm the coming and going of Zuckuss and 4-LOM, two bounty hunters Mors believed to have taken key rebel leaders as captives at Hoth. Their motives were unclear. Perhaps it was to collect ransom from the Rebel Alliance for the return of their people? It seemed unlikely that the two bounty hunters would do such a thing, after all, they were already in trouble with the Empire after the Governor Nardix ordeal. No, perhaps the bounty hunters were attempting something far more cunning. Perhaps they were using the rebels to locate the next rebel target. This seemed more logical to Mors. If he could predict their movements, he could possibly locate the rebel base. He knew that to understand where they were going, he would need to know where they had been. He also knew that he alone could not do this in a timely matter, not with all his other responsibilities to the Empire. He would have to hire some help. Surely help could be bought on the surface of this planet.

LSHU Shade arrives at Ord Mantell (B4).
« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 03:21:35 PM by Dementat »
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2011, 12:29:59 PM »
Hunting for Information

Ord Mantell was a world with diametrically opposed geographies.  Portions of the world were among the most popular tourist attractions in the galaxy, serving as the site of the Blockade Runners Derby for a century, and some of the largest concentration of casinos and beach resorts, located in sprawling cities along the planet's equator.  The rest of the world, however, was either rural farmland, or trash wasteland.  This dichotomy, along with the planet's semi-independence from galactic powers had made the world ideal for those wishing to stay off the grid.  Both in the capital city, Worlport, and surrounding areas, Ord Mantell had become known as a larger version of the infamous Mos Eisley Spaceport.  A wretched hive of scum and villainy.  Home to some of the best pilots, smugglers and bounty hunters in the galaxy.

For the most part, the planetary government let things be that way - either out of corruption and bribery, or out of fear.  The planetary defenses, consisting of a fair number of smaller ships and orbital platforms, rarely prevented anyone from landing or taking off.  That wouldn't stop the PDF captainsfrom trying to elicit some information - and possibly even a few credits

The Shade would make it into the planet's gravity well, closing in on the world's thick atmospheric clouds,when a cloud car came up on its port side, sending out a hail.

"Greetings, visitor, and welcome to Ord Mantell.  We hope you have a pleasant stay.  Please state your purpose and destination"

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Dementat

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« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2011, 02:13:32 PM »
Hunting for Information

    "We are here on business, and our destination is the Imperial Palace Casino Hotel." That should have been enough to squash additional inquiries. Imperial operations on Ord Mantell were limited, in order to maintain the illusion that the planet was unaffiliated. The Imperial pilot was already growing annoyed with the locals. The Empire should have stamped out this filth years ago, he thought to himself. The outdated cloud car pulled away, knowing not to bother with a shakedown of visitors here on Imperial business. "Lieutenant Mors, we will be touching down in a few minutes."
"Good. Inform the palace that we will require the use of a speeder truck and a few bikes. I want to get started immediately."
"It will be done, Sir."
    Mors turned his attention back to the squad leader. "You and your men will accompany me on a bit of an unorthodox mission. I've come here to collect information on some bounty hunters who could lead us to the rebel base. Stormtroopers will raise suspicion around here, so you will need to disguise yourselves and blend in."
"You can count on us, Sir," the trooper with the orange shoulder-patch replied.
"I've always wanted to be a secret agent," said one of the other stormtroopers.
"Can it," said the leader as he looked back over his shoulder. He turned to face the Lieutenant. "My men seem excited by the challenge. We will not fail you, Sir. Where do we begin?"
"Are any of your men good at sabacc?"
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2011, 03:11:40 PM »
Hunting for Information

Regardless of the setback caused by the debacle at Yavin, The Empire was now stronger than it had ever been.  The rebel alliance was on the run, especially after their routing at Hoth, the imperial fleet now included ships of such massive size and firepower that just looking at them caused people to shake.  And its reach had extended further than ever.

Ord Mantell was one world where the Empire claimed to have set up shop, establishing a small garrison near the outskirts of the city.  But like on Tatooine, imperial control here was still tentative at best.  Most of the 'natives' considered stormtroopers a nuisance rather than a sign of imperial control.  They hoped it stayed that way, and preferred a "you leave us alone, we'll leave you alone" policy - let the imperials do what they want, stay out of their way, and they leave you alone.

Nonetheless, there were various locations where the imperial presence was stronger than most, among them, the Imperial Palace Casino, a hotspot tourist location for some of the more luxurious individuals who were loyal to the Emperor.  Whether it was true or not, it was believed the Emperor had the location under watch, to ensure his closest allies were unmolested, even on a world on the fringe of lawfulness.  The Imperial Palace was a massive hotel and casino, built as a sort of replica to the main imperial palace on Coruscant, and possibly more luxurious.

A concierge answered promptly to the request for the truck and bikes.

"Of course, of course. We would be happy to provide them, and any other service for you.  Your rooms will be ready shortly, but our casinos and restaurants are available for your use now."

He was gracious enough to even accept a tip for his services, but not ask for it directly. Quite a gentleman.

Music was playing loudly from the nearby casino, and as Mors and his men approached, it only got louder.  There turned out to be several casinos that opened into this lobby, each with its own theme, set of music, food choices.  To the left, the casino was blaring a modern style music with high bass pumping constantly.  it served as not only a casino, but also a dance-club of sorts.  On the opposite side of the building, a complete switchover - classical music was playing, and players were high rollers with more chips and more refined tastes.  Another casino, almost straight ahead, had a sort of jazzy sound coming from it, and had a bith orchestra playing in the background.  Every taste they could accomodate, the Imperial Palace made the attempt, hoping to get as much share of the business as possible.

In each of the casino rooms, a host of games were going on, including slots and various variants of Sabaac.  Some tables held living dealers (varying from solid, no nonsense humanoids to exotic and flirty aliens) while others had electronic tables.  Waiters and waitresses passed through the rooms, offering drinks to fit every taste.

Meanwhile, down a hallway on another side of the complex, the waft of food was coming from several restaurants. A line of a half dozen turbolifts traveled upstairs, to certain VIP and conference rooms, as well as to the hotels rooms a suites.

It was one of the shadier casinos that would probably draw the attention of Lieutenant Mors.  While the more sophisticated casinos mostly had humanoids dressed in rich clothing, the more clubish one seemed to be filling up with a wide assortment of species, some wearing well worn out clothing, some wearing masks.

A sign outside each of the casino entrances said in bright neon letters:

SWSF: Legacy of the Force
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Offline Dementat

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« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2011, 10:22:49 AM »
Hunting for Information

    Lieutenant Mors enjoyed a Corellian Ale as he watched Sergeant Shard from the far end of the bar. The Sergeant was doing well at the tables, and several of his men combed the room for casual talk that could lead to information. He himself had been eavesdropping on two conversations simultaneously. Nothing of substance was learned. In fact, he grew annoyed with the constant chatter about the upcoming finally of Vogue Empire. It was possible that his mission would force him to catch it at a later date on recording. He took another drink and placed his glass down, this time noticing the stare of a large Wookiee on the opposite side of the bar. The furry beast was not even attempting to be discreet. The Twi'lek bartender, a curvy green female, had also apparently noticed. She switched back and forth between the two through the corner of her eye as she went about her business. Mors returned his attention to the tables, keeping his awareness focused on the fur ball across from him.

    Sergeant Shard sat across the table from a Dug with an especially filthy disposition. It slapped away the hand... err... foot of its counterpart as the other Dug attempted to recommend the next card to drop. Curses flowed from its mouth as another round went to the human. Another alien, a blue humanoid female from some world Shard was not familiar with, took a seat beside him. "You should be more mindful of the danger a Dug is capable of, young man. They can be particularly nasty when they lose this badly."
"I've dealt with many dangerous species in my time. What is one more?"
""I think you need a more challenging opponent."
"Are you offering?"
"I would be delighted. I could use the company of a gentleman. I hope you are not angry with me when I take your credits."
"These guys aren't much good for conversation anyways. All I'm understanding are the curses." He gestured to the pair of aliens, "Why don't you two move along to the beginners tables." The Dug fired back with yet another foul insult and left the table. They had not been helpful at all with information.
"Shall we begin?" She took a seat and placed the deck under the randomizer. The cards were distributed between the two players, and they began. "I prefer Old Republic style. How about you?" The look in her eye indicated to him that she wanted more than to play cards. She had already pegged him as an Imperial.
"Old Republic rules it is."

Several hands of cards were played between them before they spoke, her taking the majority of the wins. The room had thinned out a great deal by now, leaving only a dozen or so individuals. Four of those, including the Lieutenant and himself, were the only remaining humans. The other two were also members of his team. She looked from side to side, surveying the room without turning her head. Then she leaned over and began to speak in a hushed voice. "So, my hansom friend, what is the real reason you are here?"
"Why does anyone come here? Profit."
"Yes, of course. Strange, though, with the Empire having its vast resources. What could Ord Mantell possibly have to offer a rag-tag group of soldiers like yourselves?"
"Information. Nothing more. I am looking for a bounty hunter, and not some scab either. I need a tracker capable of sniffing out a very cold trail."
"I like you. You are to the point. Anyone in mind?"
"You haven't heard? Skorr was killed, my dear. Killed by his own blaster in a struggle with some Corellian named Solo."
"Well, a pity. Anyone in mind that is worth their weight in credits?"
"Of course. One will meet you at this location, in the ship graveyard." She got up from the table and strolled towards the door. "Don't be late, hansom. See you around." The room began to fill again as she departed.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Medivh

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« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 12:36:31 PM »
Hunting for Information

As the female departed,the room began to fill with more denizens, a wide array of different species and standings.  The Dugs that had been playing - and losing- at Sabaac earlier had been grumbling and cursing, joining another game but keeping an eye on Sergeant Shard and his female companion.  As more people poured into the room, the two Dug's departed as well, still watching the Sergeant and stepping out of view.  A prudent soldier would keep an eye out for them, the potential of an unwanted complication to the mission.

The wookiee that had been watching Lietenant Mors also seemed to have stepped out, his seat empty and his drink left in place.

More tables opened, and more people cursed or shouted as their fortunes went up and down in various games.

Meanwhile, the twilek bar tender, after serving a host of newcomers, came over to where Mors was sitting, leaning against the bar and offering him a smile

"So, stranger, can I offer you another drink? or something else?"

At about the same time, he received a light chirp on his civilian commlink, an indication that rooms were ready in the upper levels of the hotel.
SWSF: Legacy of the Force
May the Force be with you

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2011, 10:49:45 AM »
Hunting for Information

    The sun began to shine in through the window, a dirty red thanks to the polluted atmosphere of Ord Mantell. Mors climbed carefully out of bed and made his way into the refresher. It had been a long night, and his head was pounding. Renewed by the warm water, he stood before the vanity and began the daily ritual of shaving his head. He thought about the information he had learned that night from the Twi'lek bartender. They had not been the only team gathering information last night. The two Dugs were involved in a ship left ring, and had mistaken Sergeant Shard as a possible mark. Unless they were the two dumbest thieves in the galaxy, they would not pursue Mors' team any further. The Wookiee, on the other hand, was a mercenary and part-time bounty hunter, and sympathizer of the rebel cause. The men were on alert and watching out for this wild card. Lastly was the Chagrian female, the one who had spoken with the Sergeant. The bartender was less than forthcoming about the blue alien. She claimed to know little more than that the woman was a liaison for a small guild of bounty hunters. Mors rinsed his freshly shaved head and returned to the main room.

    The comm unit across the room was signaling that a message had been received. Mors checked the text and smiled with pleasure. He had been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. A second message, from the Sergeant, conveyed a congratulations and informed Mors that the team was in the garage and ready for their mission. Mors strapped on his boots and holstered his personal firearm as he stood from the comm station. Something stirred on the far side of the room.
"Leaving so soon," asked the bartender as she stretched out on the mattress.
"Duty calls. Feel free to go when you are ready." He left the room and headed for the hotel garage.
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Dementat

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« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2011, 11:56:36 PM »
The Ord Mantell Ship Graveyard

    Two speeder bikes and a heavy truck speed along the narrow path between masses of twisted metal that had long ago been capital ships. Relics of the Clone Wars, stripped and scavenged, littered the landscape as far as the eye could see. Mors' team was closing on the rendezvous point at break-neck speed. The Chagrian female had given the coordinates the night before, promising a bounty hunter meeting the Imperial's qualifications would be there. She had given Sergeant Shard nothing more to go on than that. Shard looked over the shoulder of another trooper to see the sensors, then returned to his seat. "Sensors are clear of anything that looks hostile, Sir. Just a scattered presence of life forms throughout the yards."
"Excellent," Mors replied. "We should be arriving in a few minutes. Have your men prepare to take positions."
"It will be done, Sir."
    Mors returned to his personal data pad and read over the latest information from the Imperial Holonet. Pockets of resistance blossomed and were squelched throughout the Empire almost daily now. It pained the Lieutenant Commander that things were progressing so slowly. This mission alone had taken him far longer than anticipated. Costs were increasing, and he would have to leave immediately to aquire other forms of revenue soon. Already the shuttle was being prepared for a trip to Ralltiir, where a fleet depot would be established. The number of officers in Death Squadron's ranks dwindled with every disappointment Vader received.
    The vehicle shuddered as it slowed. Mors peered out the view port and a lone blue alien in the clearing, a Chagrian female. The men disembarked from the truck and took up their positions to secure a perimeter as Mors and Shard approached the woman. She stood, unarmed, beside a large case. "Glad you could make it, gentlemen."
Sergeant Shard searched her before moving to the case. "Good to see you again, Miss.... I never got your name."
"Valia... Valia Dotruun."
"Ms. Dotruun, I am Lieutenant Commander Gauge Mors. This is my team. Where is the bounty hunter you promised us?"
"Dear Commander," she grinned from one corner of her mouth, "I AM your bounty hunter."
An hour later the Shade took off and made its way towards the planets atmosphere. After yet another exchange with local customs, the shuttle ascended into deep space and entered hyperspace for home.

    Mors sat across from his guest and went over the mission objectives. A large amount of contraband was making its way around the galaxy through Imperial-controlled territory, and he wanted to know where it was going. Valia Dotruun would begin frequenting the underbelly of each trade system, locate the rebel sympathizing smugglers, and eliminate them for the Empire. Her bank account would swell with each success, as would her reputation.

LSHU Shade enters hyperspace for Brentaal IV.
Bounty Hunter Valia Dotruun recruited.
(\/)ighty RE