Author Topic: YAVIN IV  (Read 56795 times)

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2011, 05:45:15 PM »
I didnt shoot at a bulk cruiser though, I was shooting at the 20 or so FireSprays out there in A-4 from the Mandalorian fleet. =)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2011, 08:06:06 AM »
Ramano -- Your ships, the NSBCs are UCR3, not UCR2. You were using 2/5 (x0.4) as your Modifier, which was wrong.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2011, 09:34:50 AM »
Oh.... err.... -feels stupid- Umm... it was your space calculator that told me NSBC was 2, I didnt bother to check it. Either way it really dont matter, 3 are still dead and 12 are tractor locked. I do however thank you for pointing that out, i'll be sure to be more careful from now on. =)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2011, 03:07:50 AM »
Commanding Officer: LCDR Lucidius Hale


Onboard the CHANDRILA...
 "Commander Hale, ComScan reports we've just received a message from the Rebel task force bearing 300 mark 090 that has just closed in and engaged the MLA Fleet. They request a non-aggression truce for the duration of this battle, and they're waiting on our reply..."

 Hale sat quietly for a moment. "Are they serious? They must know we cannot stand for their presence in this system, helpful or otherwise..."

 "What are your orders sir?"

 "Move the fleet to join the Bob task force, so we can have some strength in numbers and finish off those blasted MLA Bulk Cruisers," replied Hale. "After that pounding we received we're going to need to reinforce our position."

 "Yes sir. And as for the Rebels?"

 "I'll deal with that," Hale got up and walked over to the ComScan station and opened a direct comm line to the lead Rebel Bulk Cruiser...

 < Attention, Rebel fleet, you have entered orbit of Yavin IV, which constitutes a direct violation of the Decree of Imperial Supremacy in occupied systems. Any further movement closer to the planet will be considered a hostile act and an appropriate response will be made. Depart from Yavin IV at once. >

 After Hale closed the comm line, he spoke with the enlisted ComScan supervisor
on watch, "Chief Zola, if those Rebels so much as blink in this direction, I want to know immediately."

 "Yes sir," replied Zola. "We're not going to deal with them now though?"

 "Not yet Chief," replied Hale, "securing Yavin is our first priority. Once those Mandalorian socialistas have been dealt with, the gloves come off."

 "Yes sir..." replied Zola, with a hint of bloodthirst. He was waiting for the day to finally engage some rebels.

 After a short while, the fleet finally reached the main battleline.

 "Fire Control, are we in firing position yet?" asked Hale.

 "Wait one sir..." a few technicians were finalizing their firing solutions to engage the MLA bulk cruisers. "Targets acquired sir, weapons are cleared for fire."

 "Weapons cleared, aye" replied Hale. "Fire at will."

 "Fire at will, aye" replied Fire Control, who then sent the firing solutions to the gunners, who began to unleash hell on the pair of MLA ships remaining in space.

Meanwhile, on the ground...
 The four dropships sent from the fleet's Strike Cruisers landed successfully, and as soon as they touched down, hundreds of Stormtroopers began pouring out. Though making much noise in the thick jungle, their bootsteps were eventually drowned out by the deep rumbling steps of the AT-ATs which lumbered over the fresh Imperial troops with pride.

 Onboard the lead AT-AT, Hale's ground commandant, Colonel Zane monitored the situation from his heads-up tactical holographic display, which showed a detailed holographic representation of the battlefield.. at least the battlefield in scanning range that was. On the ground, the hundreds of Stormtroopers, who had donned dark green plastoid armor prior to deploying effectively became 'jungletroopers' - as they were blending in much better with the environment than what their classic white armor would provide.

 Within minutes, the walkers began opening fire on the Basilisk Wardroids, while Jungletroopers
 took point in direct engagement of the Mandalorian warriors. It was ironic, that the Jungletroopers were facing Mandalorians - the very stock from which the original Stormtroopers were cloned from. Although the Galactic Empire had to integrate regulars into the Stormtrooper Corps since clone armies were no longer sustainable, the infantry battle collisions look as if they were mirror images of each other.

 It was a chaotic firefight, as the jungle terrain afforded both sides a great deal of cover, but at the same time allowed for flank maneuvers and alot of forward movement. Although, none of this really mattered, as the sheer number of troops on both sides involved mitigated any sort of strategic offensive, especially considering the Mandalorians preferred rush tactics and direct frontal attacks - much the same way the Empire did, in that an overwhelmed and shocked enemy would eventually be a subdued one.

 As the firefight continued, the TIE Bombers in the skies above began performing surgical air strikes on the defenseless Liberation Army, pounding them into submission...


Movement Summary
All craft moved to A-1, with exception to the dropships (which landed in G-1) and the TIE Bombers (which remained in the atmosphere to perform bombing runs).

Unit Summary
DREAD Chandrila (A-1) -- S[175], A[700], H[700], Sys[344]; Attacking
STRK Warhawk (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
STRK Highlander (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
CRAK Thunderbolt (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
CRAK Vanguard (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
CRAK Dragoon (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
TIE/S Fireball (A-1) -- 100%; CSP
TIE/S Snowball (A-1) -- 100%; CSP
TIE/B Scimitar 1~3 (ATMO) -- 100; Performing BOMBING RUNS
LSHU Trident 5~20 (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
STRAN Cutlass 1~10 (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
BARGE Dropper 1~4 (G-1) -- 100%; Offloading.

Space Combat Summary
DREAD Chandrila fired 20 TLCs + 10 TBs + 10 CMs @ NSBC Dragon = 300 damage
DREAD Chandrila fired 10 HICs @ NSBC Beast = 40 systems
STRKs Warhawk & Highlander fired 40 HTCs + 40 HLCs + 40 ICs @ NSBC Dragon = 560 damage + 120 systems
CRAKs Thunderbolt & Vanguard & Dragoon fired 30 HTLCs @ FPSs Firespray 27, 28, 29, & 30 = 300 damage
CRAKs Thunderbolt & Vanguard & Dragoon fired 30 QLCs @ NSBC Dragon = 60 pts
CRAKs Thunderbolt & Vanguard & Dragoon track 6 Tractor Beam Projectors @ NSBC Beast = 600 meters Held
LSHUs Trident 5~20 fired 90 SLCs @ NSBC Dragon = 180 damage
STRANs Cutlass 1~10 fired 80 LCs + 20 PTs @ NSBC Dragon = 140 damage
STRANs Cutlass 1~10 fired 40 LICs @ NSBC Beast = 40 systems

Space Damage Summary
to NSBC Beast = 80 systems ... ION STUNNED! (as it was dealt 120 pts in my previous post)
to NSBC Beast = 600m Tractor ... TRACTOR LOCKED!
to NSBC Dragon = 1220 pts ... DISABLED!
to FPS Firespray 27, 28, 29 = 90 pts each... DESTROYED!
to FPS Firespray 30 = 30 pts


Ground Unit Status
400 STs Squads (G-1) -- 100%; Attacking
4 AT-AT Walkers (G-1) -- 100%; Attacking
8 AT-ST Walkers (G-1) -- 100% Attacking
12 S-Bikes (G-1) -- 100%; Attacking

Ground Combat Summary
TIE/B Scimitar 1~3 dropped 36 PBs on 18 MLA Mandalorian Squads = 1800 damage
AT-ATs Avenger 1~4 attacked Basilisk Wardroids = 800 damage (200 to Basilisk 4, and 300 each to Basilisks 5 & 6)
AT-STs Avenger Scout 1~4 attacked Basilisk Wardroids = 1200 damage
AT-STs Avenger Scout 5~8 attacked 6 MLA Mandalorian Squads = 600 damage
S-Bikes Speeder 1~12 attacked 6 MLA Mandalorian Squads =600 damage
317 Jungletrooper Squads attacked 152 MLA Mandalorian Squads = 15,216 damage
83 Jungletrooper Squads attacked 79 MLA Paramilitary Squads = 3,984 damage

Damage Summary
to Basilisk Wardroid 4 = 200 pts ... DESTROYED!
to Basilisk Wardroid 5,6,7,8,9, & 10 = 300 pts each ... DESTROYED!
to 182 MLA Mandalorian Squads = 18,216 pts ... KILLED!
to 79 MLA Paramilitary Squads = 3,984 pts ... KILLED!

(Flashpoint Bonus Cash = +188 KCs)



« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 03:10:18 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2011, 12:45:43 PM »
"Sir, message comming in from the imperial fleet. Patching it through."
Com> "Attention, Rebel fleet, you have entered orbit of Yavin IV, which constitutes a direct violation of the Decree of Imperial Supremacy in occupied systems. Any further movement closer to the planet will be considered a hostile act and an appropriate response will be made. Depart from Yavin IV at once."
"Cocky arnt they. Well, it would be best if we dont provoke them. Pull back to C-13 and continue to monitor the situation. If the imps want to die defending their planet, that is their choice. It will make for and easy liberation once they are gone."
"Roger sir, engines engaged."
"And dont forget about those firesprays, they will make a fine trophy."
"Aye aye sir."

Attack Summary:
6 NSBC vs 12 Firespray (FPS 15-26)
12 Tractor beams still locked

6 Y-Wing squads vs 12 Firesprays (FPS 15-26)
Atk UCR: 5
Def UCR: 5 = 1 = Full damage
Raw Dam: 144sys

Total damage to FPS 15-26: 1200m Tractor Locked and 144sys. (Suggested Status: Pulled to C-13 and 6 Stunned, 12sys damage to 7th)

NSBCs One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

3/3 GR-75s *SAS* (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 90
Armor: 90
Systems: 90
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
2 Heavy Laser Cannons (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Unit (Capacity):
100 Infantry Squads & 5 GAVs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings. Can operate independently; but normally carried onboard larger capital ships as landing barge auxiliaries. Does not count as a capital ship when determining fleet size for the 6-ship limit, but does count towards the 20 CP limit.

3/3 YT-1300s *SAS* (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shields: 35
Armor: 35
Systems: 35
Speed: Very Fast (3)
Maneuver: (5)
2 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Tubes (4)
Onboard Units:
10 Passengers
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings. Can operate independently; and does not count as a capital ship when determining fleet size for the 6-ship limit, but does count towards the 20 CP limit.

3/3 Y-Wings *SAS* (C-13 Attacking)
Shields: 1152/1152
Armor: 576/576
Systems: 576/576

3/3 Y-Wings (C-13 Attacking)
Shields: 1152/1152
Armor: 576/576
Systems: 576/576

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #35 on: May 23, 2011, 10:19:21 PM »
The disabling continued

Attack Summary:
6 NSBC vs 12 Firespray (FPS 15-26)
12 Tractor beams still locked

6 Y-Wing squads vs 12 Firesprays (FPS 15-26)
Atk UCR: 5
Def UCR: 5 = 1 = Full damage
Raw Dam: 144sys

Total damage to FPS 15-26: 1200m Tractor Locked and 144sys. (Suggested Status: Pulled to C-13 and 6 Stunned (2nd), 12sys damage to 7th)

NSBCs One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

3/3 GR-75s *SAS* (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 90
Armor: 90
Systems: 90
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
2 Heavy Laser Cannons (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Unit (Capacity):
100 Infantry Squads & 5 GAVs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings. Can operate independently; but normally carried onboard larger capital ships as landing barge auxiliaries. Does not count as a capital ship when determining fleet size for the 6-ship limit, but does count towards the 20 CP limit.

3/3 YT-1300s *SAS* (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shields: 35
Armor: 35
Systems: 35
Speed: Very Fast (3)
Maneuver: (5)
2 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Tubes (4)
Onboard Units:
10 Passengers
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings. Can operate independently; and does not count as a capital ship when determining fleet size for the 6-ship limit, but does count towards the 20 CP limit.

3/3 Y-Wings *SAS* (C-13 Attacking)
Shields: 1152/1152
Armor: 576/576
Systems: 576/576

3/3 Y-Wings (C-13 Attacking)
Shields: 1152/1152
Armor: 576/576
Systems: 576/576

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2011, 07:31:53 PM »
The disabling continued again.

Attack Summary:
6 NSBC vs 12 Firespray (FPS 15-26)
12 Tractor beams still locked

6 Y-Wing squads vs 12 Firesprays (FPS 15-26)
Atk UCR: 5
Def UCR: 5 = 1 = Full damage
Raw Dam: 144sys

Total damage to FPS 15-26: 1200m Tractor Locked and 144sys. (Suggested Status: 6 Stunned 3rd Rnd Stunned, now disabled. 12sys damage to 7th)

NSBCs One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

3/3 GR-75s *SAS* (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 90
Armor: 90
Systems: 90
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
2 Heavy Laser Cannons (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Unit (Capacity):
100 Infantry Squads & 5 GAVs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings. Can operate independently; but normally carried onboard larger capital ships as landing barge auxiliaries. Does not count as a capital ship when determining fleet size for the 6-ship limit, but does count towards the 20 CP limit.

3/3 YT-1300s *SAS* (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shields: 35
Armor: 35
Systems: 35
Speed: Very Fast (3)
Maneuver: (5)
2 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Tubes (4)
Onboard Units:
10 Passengers
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings. Can operate independently; and does not count as a capital ship when determining fleet size for the 6-ship limit, but does count towards the 20 CP limit.

3/3 Y-Wings *SAS* (C-13 Attacking)
Shields: 1152/1152
Armor: 576/576
Systems: 576/576

3/3 Y-Wings (C-13 Attacking)
Shields: 1152/1152
Armor: 576/576
Systems: 576/576

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #37 on: May 25, 2011, 05:55:16 AM »

Flashpoint Recap
 The tides were official turned when the mighty Mandalore fell from the skies and crashed into the Yavin jungles - however its sting would still be felt, as a its crew, along with some fresh troops from the Titan provided an amble boost to the MLA Ground Force. Though with the recent landing of Avenger Squadron's ground forces - the ground battle was officially ushered into its final chapter...

<> <> <>

Mandalorian Liberation Army
 Mao'lo was riding in his command skiff, remaining in communication with his space fleet above him - until there was utter silence. He looked up, and saw the explosions and flashes between the Bulk Cruisers and the Imperial warships. This view was then interrupted by TIE Bombers, which began streaking the skies and dropping vicious proton bombs on his troops. This only prompted him to get more angry and enter one of his classic battle rages.


 As General Mao'lo's statement went over the comm lines, the firefight began as the MLA ground forces and the Imperial army faced off. The Slayer also took off, hoping to join the last of the fighting in space. At the same time, the units remaining in space did what little they could to stand their ground...


Space Unit Status
NSBC Dragon (A-1) -- S[0] A[0] H[580] Sys[180]; DISABLED! Performing final attacks.
NSBC Beast (A-1) -- S[600] A[600] H[600] Sys[180]; Systems Recharged, but TRACTORED! (UCR=1)
NSBC Slayer (ATMO) -- S[0] A[420] H[600] Sys[180]
TIE/S Furious (A-1) -- Attacking
S/V Viper 3~5 (A-1) -- Attacking
FPS Firespray 15~26 (C-13) -- DISABLED & TRACTORED!
FPS Firespray 27~29 -- DESTROYED! Performing final attacks.
FPS Firespray 30 (A-4) -- S[14] A[44]

Space Combat Summary
NSBC Dragon fired 30 QLCs @ DREAD Chandrila = 120 damage
NSBC Beast fired 30 QLCs @ DREAD Chandrila = 40 damage
FPS Firespray 27~30 fired 8 HLCs + 8 PTs + 8 ICs @ DREAD Chandrila = 32 damage + 16 systems
TIE/S Furious fired 72 SLCs @ LSHUs Trident 5~7 = 48 damage each
S/V Viper 3~5 fired 72 DHLCs + 72 APTs @ TIE/S Fireball = 432 damage

Space Damage Summary
to DREAD Chandrila = 272 pts + 16 sys (includes +80 backlogged damage)
to LSHUs Trident 5~7 = 48 damage each ... DESTROYED!
to TIE/S Fireball = 432 pts ... DESTROYED!


Ground Unit Status
327(-79) MLA Paramilitary Squads (G-1) -- (79) KIA & Performing final attacks!
182(-182) MLA Mandalorian Squads (G-1) -- KIA! Performing final attacks.
10(-10) MLA Basilisk Wardroids (G-1) -- DESTROYED! Performing final attacks.

Ground Combat Summary
2 MLA Paramilitary Squads attack AT-AT Walker 1 = 2 damage
10 MLA Basilisks attack AT-AT Walkers 1 & 5 = 500 damage each
182 MLA Mandalorian Squads attack 113 Jungletroopers = 9100 damage
325 MLA Paramilitary Squads attack 73 Jungletroopers = 5850 damage

Groun Damage Summary
to AT-AT Walker 1 = 502 pts ... DESTROYED!
to AT-AT Walker 5 = 500 pts
to 186 Jungletroopers = 14,950 pts ... KIA!


Imperial Base Forces
 The remaining two AT-ATs stood with pride as they held the line long enough for their reinforcements to arrive, a line which was ultimately compromised, as Walker 1 was shot down, and Walker 5 took heavy damage. They returned fire, but the bulk of the fighting was now being done by Hale's ground forces.. which hoped to finish off the MLA once and for all!

Ground Unit Status
AT-AT Walker 1 (G-1) -- Destroyed! Performing final attacks.
AT-AT Walker 5 (G-1) -- Armor [500]

Combat Summary
2 AT-ATs attack 13 MLA Paramilitary Squads = 667 damage ... KIA!


Offline Ramano

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« Reply #38 on: May 25, 2011, 01:28:16 PM »
"Open a channel to the disabled firesprays we have tractored. Perhaps we can make this easy."

Comm: "Attention mandalorian vessels, you are disabled, tractor locked and targeted. You have been bested in this battle and your challenge met. Abandon your vessels and you may yet live to challenge me again, this I demand! Resist and I shall make your deaths honorless and without meaning. Your bodies will float lifeless in space, forgotten, and no one will ever know of your glory here. I ask, can your families live with such dishonor? Starhammer out."

"If I didnt know better sir, Id say you were a mandalorian."
"The mandalorians are a glorious civilization, bound by honor. They judge other civilizations through combat. They are not mindless barbarians, however perhaps a danger to the galaxy all the same. I just hope they now realize the galaxy is prepared to handle them this time around."

Attack Summary:
Y-Wings continue to ionize the 12 Firesprays. (Blah blah, they are disabled, im just making sure they stay that way. Just distribute the points enough to reset their recharge timers)

NSBCs One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

3/3 GR-75s *SAS* (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 90
Armor: 90
Systems: 90
Speed: Fast (2)
Maneuver: (2)
2 Heavy Laser Cannons (4)
1 Tractor Beam Projector (100m)
Onboard Unit (Capacity):
100 Infantry Squads & 5 GAVs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings. Can operate independently; but normally carried onboard larger capital ships as landing barge auxiliaries. Does not count as a capital ship when determining fleet size for the 6-ship limit, but does count towards the 20 CP limit.

3/3 YT-1300s *SAS* (C-13)
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shields: 35
Armor: 35
Systems: 35
Speed: Very Fast (3)
Maneuver: (5)
2 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (16)
2 Concussion Missile Tubes (4)
Onboard Units:
10 Passengers
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings. Can operate independently; and does not count as a capital ship when determining fleet size for the 6-ship limit, but does count towards the 20 CP limit.

3/3 Y-Wings *SAS* (C-13 Attacking)
Shields: 1152/1152
Armor: 576/576
Systems: 576/576

3/3 Y-Wings (C-13 Attacking)
Shields: 1152/1152
Armor: 576/576
Systems: 576/576

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #39 on: May 25, 2011, 01:43:23 PM »
From the rules:
Ionization, Disabling, & Capturing
Ion weaponry is capable of firing harmful electromagnetically charged ionized particles to a target, and thus, affect energy levels instead of inflicting physical harm. Ion weapons bypass shields and impact a ship's systems directly.  A ship is STUNNED when its systems reach 0 (UCR = 0; it can no longer move, fire weapons, or enter hyperspace, but may launch/recall craft as well as maintain shield power). A ship is stunned for one turn only, at the end of that turn its systems return to 100%. The following round it has full functionality unless attacked again. If a ship is stunned three times in a battle it remains disabled until the end of the battle. Systems ONLY recharge after reaching 0 points! 

A ship is DISABLED when it has been STUNNED 3 times during a battle. When a ship is disabled, its power systems are incapable of being restored or even operating on an emergency threshold. Shields immediately lower once a ship is disabled, in addition to all other incapabilities it has while stunned.

A ship may be CAPTURED only after it has been DISABLED. In order to capture a vessel, it must be boarded and the onboard personnel must be killed. Ship crews are to be considered "Fleet Troopers", and by number are equal to 50% of the ship's length (example: a Corellian Corvette's Crew would be 8 Fleet Trooper Squads). Ship Crews are also considered Garrisoned (see Ground Combat Rules > Garrison Troops).

After the Ship's Crew has been killed, the ship must be brought back to a friendly world (with a Shipyard) via tractor beams. Once at a friendly shipyard, the captured vessel must undergo a systematic reprogramming of computer systems and installation of compatible equipment and complimentary units (which must be furnished at replacer's expense) -- this process takes an amount of time equal to the ship's production time. If control of the ship is not desirable, it cant be SALVAGED (redeemed at 50% cost) for income.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2011, 03:54:03 PM »
Umm... not sure if I understand what the objection to my last post is? I know this part I was reading it as I made the post. So im just at a loss. Whats the issue?

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #41 on: May 25, 2011, 04:05:31 PM »
No issue, just making sure you know what to do with those Firesprays now, since they are DISABLED!

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #42 on: May 25, 2011, 04:08:02 PM »
Commanding Officer: CDR Lucidius Hale


Onboard the CHANDRILA
 Hale was pleased with how the battle was going. Within a few moments, he was going to give the final orders to secure victory. Despite taking some armor damage, the Chandrila itself would be good enough to see the battle through.

 "What's the situation on the ground?" asked Hale.

 "We're recieving comms from Colonel Zane right now sir. Situation is going well. Stormtroopers are receiving casualties, walkers are untouched."

 "Excellent. Tell the Colonel I want Mao'lo captured alive... and everyone else dead," ordered Hale.

 "Yes sir..." replied the Comm Officer, with a grin. As the order went out. The rest of the fleet began opening up on the surviving Mandalorian forces in space.

Meanwhile, on the ground...
 As the Jungletroopers received heavy casualties, Imperial firepower prevailed, as the sheer volume of faceless Imperial troops backed up by the mechanized war machines kept pushing through the jungles - and due to the dense terrain, alot of the skirmishes were close quarters battles. Though the repeated small arms blaster fire became increasingly less quiet as troops hit the ground dead, and the stompings of the AT-ATs boomed in the distance.


Movement Summary
All craft remained in A-1, with exception to the dropships (which are landed in G-1) and the TIE Bombers (which remained in the atmosphere to perform bombing runs).

Unit Summary
DREAD Chandrila (A-1) -- S[175], A[603], H[700], Sys[328]; Attacking
STRK Warhawk (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
STRK Highlander (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
CRAK Thunderbolt (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
CRAK Vanguard (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
CRAK Dragoon (A-1) -- 100%; Attacking
TIE/S Fireball (A-1) -- DESTROYED! Performing final attacks.
TIE/S Snowball (A-1) -- 100%; Broke CSP to attack.
TIE/B Scimitar 1~3 (ATMO) -- 100; Performing BOMBING RUNS
LSHU Trident 8~20 (ATMO) -- 100%; Attacking (5~7 destroyed and performing final attacks)
STRAN Cutlass 1~10 (ATMO) -- 100%; Attacking
BARGE Dropper 1~4 (G-1) -- 100%; Offloading.

Space Combat Summary
DREAD Chandrila fired 5 TBs @ NSBC Slayer = 60 damage
DREAD Chandrila fired 10 HICs @ NSBC Beast = 40 systems
DREAD Chandrila fired 20 TLCs + 5 TBs + 10 CMs @ S/V Viper 5 = 120 damage
STRKs Warhawk & Highlander fired 40 HTCs + 40 HLCs @ S/V Viper 3 = 467 damage
STRKs Warhawk & Highlander fired 40 ICs @ NSBC Beast = 160 systems
CRAKs Thunderbolt & Vanguard & Dragoon fired 30 HTLCs + 30 QLCs @ S/V Viper 4 = 480 damage
CRAKs Thunderbolt & Vanguard & Dragoon fired 30 HICs @ NSBC Beast = 60 pts
CRAKs Thunderbolt & Vanguard & Dragoon track 6 Tractor Beam Projectors @ NSBC Beast = 600 meters Held
TIE/S Fireball fired 72 SLCs @ S/V Viper 3~5 = 48 damage each
TIE/S Snowball fired 48 SLCs @ S/V Viper 5 = 96 damage
TIE/S Snowball fired 24 SLCs @ TIE/S Furious = 48 damage
TIE/B Scimitar 1~3 fired 72 SLCs + 72 PTs @ NSBC Slayer = 360 damage
LSHUs Trident 5~20 fired 90 SLCs @ S/V Viper 5 = 150 damage
STRANs Cutlass 1~10 fired 80 LCs + 20 PTs @ S/V Viper 5 = 94 damage
STRANs Cutlass 1~10 fired 40 LICs @ NSBC Beast = 40 systems

Space Damage Summary
to NSBC Beast = 300 systems ... ION STUNNED! Strike 2!
to NSBC Beast = 600m Tractor ... TRACTOR LOCKED! (UCR=1)
to NSBC Slayer = 420 pts ... DISABLED IN ATMOSPHERE! (Ship will crash land).
to S/V Viper 3 = 515 pts... DESTROYED!
to S/V Viper 4 = 528 pts... DESTROYED!
to S/V Viper 5 = 508 pts... DESTROYED!
to TIE/S Furious = 48 pts... DESTROYED!


Ground Unit Status
TIE/B Scimitar 1~3 (ATMO) -- 100%; Peforming Bombing Runs!
400(-186) STs Squads (G-1) -- 100%; Attacking (186 performing final attacks)
4 AT-AT Walkers (G-1) -- 100%; Attacking
8 AT-ST Walkers (G-1) -- 100% Attacking
12 S-Bikes (G-1) -- 100%; Attacking

Ground Combat Summary
TIE/B Scimitar 1~3 dropped 36 PBs on MLA Paramilitary Squads = 1800 damage
AT-ATs Avenger 1~4 attacked MLA Paramilitary Squads = 1000 damage
AT-STs Avenger Scout 1~8 attacked MLA Paramilitary Squads = 2400 damage
S-Bikes Speeder 1~12 attacked MLA Paramilitary Squads = 600 damage
400 Jungletrooper Squads attacked MLA Paramilitary Squads = 19,200 damage

Damage Summary
to MLA Paramilitary Squads = 25,000 damage ... OVERKILLED!


« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 04:10:03 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #43 on: May 25, 2011, 04:14:41 PM »
Oh yeah, I was just trying to give us an easy out and save on some needless SLing by allowing them to leave with their honor still intact. You gotta admit, that would make for some good mandalorian story telling on how they engaged the combined forces of the galaxy and survived, with a direct challenge to come back and try it again when they are better prepared.

And I mean lets face it, I have absolutely no intention of engaging either you or X here as that would be an obvious suicide run, and I cant afford that. So im just saying, lets save ourselves 6 posts each of dicking around with firesprays that have like 20 crew members each and get this done with. If that is acceptable to you of course. =)

Also, I vote we waive the customary 24hr posting cycle so you can get this done with =)
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 05:27:25 PM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #44 on: May 27, 2011, 01:41:10 AM »

Flashpoint Recap
 This is the final chapter of the Mandalorian Liberation Army, for their hopes of staking claim in the universe have been all but shattered - now the only thing which remains is a broken warpath, a false crusade, a causeless cause... or not?  Perhaps the death of Mao'lo and the defeat of the MLA here will be the martyr's catalyst needed to ignite the flames of socialism throughout the rest of the galaxy? Only time will tell of if another Liberation will rise up to challenge...

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 General Mao'lo looked around him, and although the dense jungle terrain prevented him from seeing too far - his sight was not betraying him, as there were literally thousands of dead troops all over the jungle bottom. Mao'lo's command skiff was knocked out by an AT-AT, and he managed to jump out at the last moment. Now Mao'lo was on the run, looking for anywhere to hide. Fortunately for him, there were some Massassi ruins nearby the battleground which he hoped to make his last stand - for he wasn't planning on surviving in the Yavin jungles a fugitive for the rest of his life - he wanted to die a Mandalorian. With his boots strapped and standing firm on both feet.

 Mao'lo eventually made his way deep into one particular temple. He heard echoes behind him of Jungletroopers fresh on his tail, and they would surely search the temple, for Mao'lo knew the tenacity of Imperial troopers. They never let anything out of their sight.

 After running down a long flight of stairs, Mao'lo eventually made his way into a throne room, where he spotted a throne at the end of a long hall. He decided to sit in this throne and make his last stand there. His rifle was ready and aimed at the entrance of the throne room, ready to blast anyone who came down the stairs. Of course, light was an issue, as there was only a few beams of sunlight entering the throne room, making just about the entire room pitch black.

 This wouldn't be an issue for Trooper GX-1878, who along with 9 other troopers activated their light enhacement mode in their helmet visors. They made contact with Mao'lo quickly, but due to their orders to bring him in alive, they didn't take a shot. GX-1878 made a silent tactical hand motion, giving the rest of his squad an order to set weapons for stun, though one of them with a long-range rifle maintained a clear shot on Mao'lo at all times in case he got out of control.

 Within a few moments, the final assault began. A pair of flashbangs were lobbed into the main hall, followed by another pair of smoke grenades. The squad immediately rushed in soon afterwards and began spraying stun bolts in Mao'lo's direction, hoping to score a hit. Mao'lo himself though was a bit too prepared, as his full Mandalorian battle armor afforded him the same tactical advantages as the stormtroopers - if not more so. Neither the flashbangs nor the smoke distracted him, and after engaging his jetpack, he began opening fire on the squad from above.

 Three troopers went down before the rest were finally able to stun him. Mao'lo came crashing down on the floor and knocked himself out. "General Mao'lo, you are under arrest," said GX-1878. "And you're coming with us..." At that moment, the stormtrooper squad picked up Mao'lo's incapacitated body and carried him outside, where an immediate evac was made. Mao'lo would soon find himself infront of Commander Hale, who would no doubt give him the Imperial taste of justice.

 As the battle was winding to a close. The surviving Imperial troops lifted their weapons in victory, for Yavin - though bruised - remained Imperial once again...

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