Author Topic: YAVIN IV  (Read 56792 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: May 03, 2011, 03:15:18 PM »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 03:36:28 PM »
For details concerning this Flashpoint, please review the OOC: Flashpoints thread.  Officially, this Flashpoint opened May 1st when the Mandalorian Liberation Army Fleet entered hyperspace from Mandalore to this world hellbent on conquest (as Yavin IV is both an easy target and a suitable outer rim operations base).

(1) Venator-class Star Destroyer (w/ 3 TIE/F Squads, 5 S/V Squads, 30 FPS's, 200 Mandalorian Merc Squads & 300 Paramilitary Trooper Squads)
(4) NeutronStar Bulk Cruisers (w/ total: 80 Mandalorian Merc Squads & 20 Basilisk War Droids*)

*Which are "AT-STs" for specification and combat purposes.

(1) Golan Space Defense Platform [A-1]
(3) IPV-1 Patrol Vessels [A-1]
(1) Imperial Fleet Depot w/ Imperial Fleet Base (50 Stormtrooper Squads, 5 AT-ATs, 1 TIE/x1 Squad) [G-1]
(1) TIE/x1 Squadron "Black" (from the IFB) on continuos Combat Atmosphere Patrol

(3) YT-1300 Rebel Freighters
(3) Y-Wing Squadrons
(3) GR-75 Transports (w/ total: 300 Rebel Guerilla Squads, 15 T-47s)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2011, 03:40:06 PM »
The MLA Fleet exits hyperspace in Deep Space Zone I where it makes final assault preparations and performs Passive Scanning.

1. MLA Fleet exited hyperspace in DSZ1.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2011, 07:22:35 PM »

Mandalorian Liberation Army
The MLA Fleet moves into high orbit over Yavin IV (C-1), making itself known to the Imperial Base Forces.

Unit Status
VNSD Mandalore: 100%, C-1
NSBC Titan: 100%, C-1
NSBC Dragon: 100%, C-1
NSBC Beast: 100%, C-1
NSBC Slayer: 100%, C-1

Imperial Base Forces
A galactic-wide General Distress Signal is sent out from the Fleet Depot, followed by an Imperial Distress Signal. All base forces prepare for the coming assault.

Unit Status
GOLAN Yavin Defender: 100%, A-1
IPV-1 Shield: 100%, A-1
IPV-1 Guard: 100%, A-1
IPV-1 Wall: 100%, A-1

1. MLA Fleet entered C-1.
2. IBF sent out General (x2) and Imperial (x1) Distress Signals.

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 10:02:04 AM »
Yeah just letting you know I AM planning on participating in this, but a standard 2x DC will take 84hrs to reach my planet, so I still got 2 days before I can even respond. Dont kill it due to inactivity before I get here!

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2011, 01:43:31 PM »

Mandalorian Liberation Army
The MLA Fleet crept slowly towards the Imperial Base Forces, this time with deathly intent to destroy them. The leader behind the MLA operation was a man named Mao'lo, the self-proclaimed "Supreme General of the Liberation" and "Chairman of the Mandalorian Socialist Party", who sought to bring the banner of the MLA to other worlds in order to free them from Imperial oppression and democracy-toting Rebels.  Mao'lo was a young man, but an experienced and hard one as well, as he had seen all too well the failures of government and the weakness of leadership too many times throughout history.  He figured if the MLA was going to succeed, then military power alone could not avail them, rather the power of the people would become their true strength.  Mao'lo likened the power of Socialism to the power of water: one drop was innocent and harmless, but over time the drop could become a bucket, as a bucket suitable for washing, and as the water increased it would eventually become like a wild river going where it wants, and lastly the water would become an ocean that was mighty and powerful, and capable of directing the tides of the entire galaxy.  Right now, he saw the MLA as the wild river, but Mao'lo knew he needed a military victory to attract more people outside of Mandalore to his cause. This was ultimately why he decided on selecting Yavin IV as a target - because he knew ANY victory, no matter how big or small, would give the MLA politcal credibility. 
"Engage all Imperial units! Their oppression has come to an end!" shouted Mao'lo, who often entered a quasi-enraged state during battle. "Yavin IV is now under direct control of the Mandalorian Liberation Army, prepare to be destroyed!"  Upon that statement, the MLA Fleet opened fire on the Golan Platform Yavin Defender, firing all weapons at it. Meanwhile, small craft onboard the Mandalore began flooding the space around the fleet, with (3) TIE Fighter Squadrons forming into a TIE Swarm and entering Combat Space Patrol, while (5) StarViper Squadrons and (30) Firespray Patrol Ships moved to A-1 to engage more targets...
Unit Status
VNSD Mandalore: 100%, B-1, Attacking
NSBC Titan: 100%, B-1, Attacking
NSBC Dragon: 100%, B-1, Attacking
NSBC Beast: 100%, B-1, Attacking
NSBC Slayer: 100%, B-1, Attacking
TIE Swarm FURIOUS: 100%, B-1, CSP
S/V Squadrons VIPER-1 through[/i] -5: 100%, A-1, Attacking
Firespray Patrol Ships FIRESPRAY-1 through -30: 100%, A-1, Attacking

Combat Summary
VNSD Mandalore fires 10 DHTLC + 50 LC + 4 PT @ Golan Defense Platform Yavin Defender = 262 pts
NSBC Titan fires 30 QLC @ Golan Defense Platform Yavin Defender = 120 pts
NSBC Dragon fires 30 QLC @ Golan Defense Platform Yavin Defender = 120 pts
NSBC Dragon fires 30 QLC @ Golan Defense Platform Yavin Defender = 120 pts
NSBC Dragon fires 30 QLC @ Golan Defense Platform Yavin Defender = 120 pts
FPS FIRESPRAY-1 through [/i]-30[/i] fires 60 HLC + 60 PTs @ Golan Defense Platform Yavin Defender = 300 pts
FPS FIRESPRAY-1 through [/i]-15[/i] fires 30 IC @ IPV-1 Shield = 50 systems
FPS FIRESPRAY-16 through [/i]-30[/i] fires 30 IC @ IPV-1 Guard = 50 systems
S/V VIPER-1 through -5 fires 120 DLC + 120 APT @ Golan Defense Platform Yavin Defender = 960 pts

Damage Summary
to GOLAN Yavin Defender ... 2002 pts, DISABLED!
to IPV-1 Shield ... 50 systems, ION STUNNED!
to IPV-1 Guard ... 50 systems, ION STUNNED!

<> <> <>

Imperial Base Forces
The Imperial Defenses scrambled to hold the line in the face of the Mandalorian Warpath, but Captain Brakis knew all too well from his Academy training the power of the Venator-class Star Destroyer, a ship class he served aboard as a young Imperial officer many years ago. From the command chair onboard the Golan Yavin Defender he felt the violent impacts of the enemy lasers, with minor explosions inside the platform breaking out all over, as well as pocket fires. The platform wasn't going to hold under this much firepower, and he knew it, but as the enemy shots were raining down upon him, he gave orders to fire back and launch all craft and to engage the MLA as much as possible. Meanwhile, as the trio of IPV-1s were delt some ion damage, the Wall, which was the only one not stunned concentrated its fire on the Mandalore, hoping to bring it down. Amidst the chaos, TIE/x1 Squad BLACK lept from the Atmosphere and joined the fight.

Unit Status
GOLAN Yavin Defender: Hull: 996/1000, Systems: 1000; A-1, DISABLED, Performing Final Action*
IPV-1 Shield: Hit Points = 100%, Systems = 0%; STUNNED (1/3), A-1, Recharging Systems
IPV-1 Guard: Hit Points = 100%, Systems = 0%; STUNNED (1/3), A-1, Recharging Systems
IPV-1 Wall: 100%; A-1, Returning Fire
TIE/x1 BLACK: 100%, A-1, Engaging Enemy
TIE/B SCYTHE & SCIMITAR: Launched from Golan, 100%, A-1, Engaging Enemy
LSHU YAVIN-1 through -10: Launched from Golan, 100%, B-1, Engaging Enemy

*ADMIN NOTE: Per the rules, prior to being disabled or destroyed, ships can perform a 'dying breath' or 'last shot' actions before actually becoming disabled or destroyed. Ships that are STUNNED do not get this privilege.

Combat Summary
GOLAN Yavin Defender fires 100 TLC + 100 CM @ VNSD Mandalore = 333 pts
IPV-1 Wall fires 6 DTLC + 2 CM @ VNSD Mandalore = 100 pts
LSHU YAVIN-1 through -10 fires 60 SLC @ VNSD Mandalore = 120 pts
TIE/x1 BLACK fires 24 SLC @ S/V VIPER-1 = 48 pts
TIE/B SCYTHE & SCIMITAR fires 48 SLC + 48 PT @ S/V VIPER-1 = 240 pts

Damage Summary
to VNSD Mandalore ... 553 pts!
to S/V VIPER-1 ... 288 pts!

1. MLA Fleet entered B-1 and attacked Imperial Base Forces.
2. Imperial Base Forces returned fire.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2011, 06:06:37 PM »

Flashpoint Recap
The MLA Fleet had caused severe damage during it's initial strike on the Imperial Base Forces of Yavin IV, having knocked out the sole Golan Defense Platform protecting the planet.  Now it seemed the planet was ripe for conquest, as the Golan was the first and biggest defense against attack. Of course, Golans were formidable targets, packed with enough armor and firepower to take on light craft and small sized fleets, but the MLA Fleet was more than the Yavin Protector could handle.  Thus, the MLA Fleet fancied itself in a prime position, as they knew the earliest response would be long after they had their time to wipe away the space defenses.

<> <> <>

Mandalorian Liberation Army
Mao'lo smiled in his battlerage. He knew from the command chair of the VNSD Mandalore that he was commanding one of the most powerful assault fleets in the galaxy, strong enough to attack any target. In Mandalorian warrior style, Mao'lo also figured it didn't matter if he was to be outgunned or destroyed in this engagement, as he would prefer to die in battle with honor standing on his feet, fighting for his cause, then to be back home on Mandalore living on his knees.

"HAHAHAHAH!!" laughed Mao'lo, who was happy to see the destruction before him. He didn't even pay any attention to the incoming damage he had received, for his mind was on the next phase of the attack: the ground assault.  Unfortunately, the MLA Fleet had no dropships to speak of, so Mao'lo reasoned he would have to take the risk of doing an orbital drop on the planet in order to bring the Empire down.

"Move in and continue destroy the Imperial forces!"  ordered Mao'lo, and at that time the MLA Fleet continued firing on various targets while small craft and starfighters attacked as well.

Unit Status
VNSD Mandalore: Shields [607], Armor/Hull/Systems [100%]; A-1, Attacking
NSBC Titan: 100%, A-1, Attacking
NSBC Dragon: 100%, A-1, Attacking
NSBC Beast: 100%, A-1, Attacking
NSBC Slayer: 100%, A-1, Attacking
TIE Swarm FURIOUS: 100%, A-1, CSP
S/V VIPER-1: Shields
  • , Armor [216]; A-1, Attacking

S/V VIPER-2 through[/i] -5: 100%, A-1, Attacking
FPS FIRESPRAY-1 through -30: 100%, A-1, Attacking

Combat Summary
VNSD Mandalore fired 10 DHTLC + 50 LC + 4 PT @ IPV-1 Wall = 131 pts
NSBC Titan fired 30 QLC @ IPV-1 Wall = 60 pts
NSBC Dragon fired 30 QLC @ IPV-1 Wall = 60 pts
NSBC Dragon fired 30 QLC @ IPV-1 Wall = 60 pts
NSBC Dragon fired 30 QLC @ IPV-1 Wall = 60 pts
FPS FIRESPRAY-1 ~[/i]-30[/i] fired 60 HLC + 60 PTs @ LSHUs YAVIN-1 through -8= 40 pts each to YAVIN-1[i/] through -7 and 20 pts to YAVIN-8
-15[/i] fired 30 IC @ IPV-1 Shield = 50 systems
FPS FIRESPRAY-16 ~ [/i]-30[/i] fired 30 IC @ IPV-1 Guard = 50 systems
S/V VIPER-1 ~ -5 fired 120 DHLC + 6 APT @ TIE/x1 BLACK = 432 pts
S/V VIPER-1 ~ -5 fired 48 APT @ TIE/B SCIMITAR = 192 pts
S/V VIPER-1 ~ -5 fired 48 APT @ TIE/B SCYTHE = 192 pts
S/V VIPER-1 ~ -5 fired 10 APT @ LSHU YAVIN-9 = 40 pts
S/V VIPER-1 ~ -5 fired 6 APT @ LSHU YAVIN-8 = 32 pts

Damage Summary
to IPV-1 Wall ... 371 pts, DESTROYED!
to IPV-1 Shield ... 50 systems, ION STUNNED! (2/3)
to IPV-1 Guard ... 50 systems, ION STUNNED! (2/3)
to LSHU YAVIN-1 ... 40 pts, DESTROYED!
to LSHU YAVIN-2 ... 40 pts, DESTROYED!
to LSHU YAVIN-3 ... 40 pts, DESTROYED!
to LSHU YAVIN-4 ... 40 pts, DESTROYED!
to LSHU YAVIN-5 ... 40 pts, DESTROYED!
to LSHU YAVIN-6 ... 40 pts, DESTROYED!
to LSHU YAVIN-7 ... 40 pts, DESTROYED!
to LSHU YAVIN-8 ... 52 pts, DESTROYED!
to LSHU YAVIN-9 ... 40 pts, DESTROYED!
to TIE/x1 BLACK ... 432 pts, DESTROYED!
to TIE/B SCYTHE ... 192 pts, DESTROYED!

<> <> <>

Imperial Base Forces
Captain Brakis paced around the command bridge onboard the Golan Yavin Protector, wondering why the Mandalorians didnt finish him off - then it hit him: the MLA was going straight for the Depot planetside. There was no other reason why they wouldn't move in closer, because if it was just a raid, they would have been packing up their bags by now.  Regardless of what the MLA was trying to do, Brakis saw the rest of the defenses crumble around him, so he ordered for all personnel to abandon ship and eject escape pods planetside, where hopefully the crew could aid in the defense of the coming ground battle. The remainder of the Yavin space defenses tried to squeeze out what little damage they could do in the face of lethal firepower.

Unit Status
GOLAN Yavin Defender: Hull: 996/1000, Systems: 1000; A-1, DISABLED & DIRELICT (CREW HAS ABANDONED SHIP AND ESCAPE PODS JETTISONED PLANETSIDE). Golan Crew = 500 personnel, so this is converted into 50 Imperial Fleet Trooper squads, which will arrive planetside next post.
IPV-1 Shield: Hit Points = 100%, Systems = 0%; STUNNED (2/3), A-1, Recharging Systems
IPV-1 Guard: Hit Points = 100%, Systems = 0%; STUNNED (2/3), A-1, Recharging Systems
IPV-1 Wall: DESTROYED; A-1, Performed Final Attack
TIE/x1 BLACK: DESTROYED, A-1, Performed Final Attack
TIE/B SCYTHE & SCIMITAR: DESTROYED, A-1, Peformed Final Attack
LSHU YAVIN-1 ~ -9: DESTROYED, A-1, Performed Final Attack
LSHU YAVIN-10: 100%, A-1, Attacking Enemy

Combat Summary
IPV-1 Wall fires 6 DTLC + 2 CM @ TIE Swarm FURIOUS = 75 pts
LSHU YAVIN-1 through -10 fires 60 SLC @ TIE Swarm FURIOUS = 75 pts
TIE/x1 BLACK fires 24 SLC @ TIE Swarm FURIOUS = 42 pts
TIE/B SCYTHE & SCIMITAR fires 48 SLC + 48 PT @ TIE Swarm FURIOUS = 180 pts

Damage Summary
to TIE Swarm FURIOUS ... 372 pts

1. MLA Fleet moved to A-1 and continued to pound the Imperial defenses.
2. IBF Yavin stood ground: Golan crew abandoned ship (50 Imp Fleet Troopers). Other units blew up.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2011, 11:24:21 PM »

Flashpoint Recap
The MLA Fleet has all but secured its victory in space. The Imperial Base Forces managed to muster a defense, but it was unable to hold the line against the Mandalorian Warpath! Now the MLA Fleet is at a key strategical crossroads...

<> <> <>

Mandalorian Liberation Army
As the space battle was winding down, Mao'lo met with his operational advisors onboard the Mandalore's bridge. At this point, Mao'lo's classic battle-rage had subsided for now, so he was in a position to make an appeal to reason in order to plan the next phase of his invasion.  His staff reasoned that by now, at least according to their calculations, that a response force would be arriving soon, which meant that by entering the atmosphere to begin the ground assault they would be putting the fleet at risk.

Mao'lo had to ask himself a question now though: what was the purpose of this invasion? Was it to make a space strike and run, or was it to risk it all... hoping to plant the MLA flag victoriously on the planets surface? For any Mandalorian warrior though, this question had an easy answer...

"Prepare the fleet for ground assault. I want everything down there," ordered Mao'lo. "Any objections?"

"General, according to our intelligence, the Yavin Base Forces have a meager amount of ground support for defenses... no match for our Mandalorian Soldiers and Basiliks. Might I suggest we deploy our Bulk Cruisers to the ground first? Meanwhile, the Mandalore can remain in space to stave off any response attacks."

Mao'lo nodded in agreement, but with reservation. "Your logic is sound, we will split the fleet. But it will not be the Bulk Cruisers that deploy, but rather the Mandalore herself. I will personally lead the ground invasion! The Bulk Cruisers and starfighters can remain topside while I secure victory below!"

The staff agreed. The plan actually made more sense. Collectively speaking, the Bulk Cruisers would be able to sustain enemy attacks more so than the Mandalore would be as an individual vessel. Considering the possible response forces would no doubt target the Mandalore specifically because it was the command ship, removing it from the crosshairs would mitigate risk. Additionally, the Mandalore had sufficient units to handle an invasion all by itself, of course, Mao'lo's need for combat firsthand was not withstanding...

As the orders went out, the fleet maneuvered appropriately. The Bulk Cruisers and starfighters held their position while the Mandalore entered the atmosphere alone, though not before firing on the Yavin Protector one more time for good measure as a final taunt to the ground defenses, seeking to destroy the station. The Bulk Cruisers and small craft then turned their attention on the last two IPVs facing them...

Unit Status
VNSD Mandalore -- Shields [607], Armor/Hull/Sys [100%]; ATMOSPHERE
NSBC Titan -- 100%, A-1, Tractoring IPV-1 Shield
NSBC Dragon -- 100%, A-1, Tractoring IPV-1 Shield
NSBC Beast -- 100%, A-1, Tractoring IPV-1 Guard
NSBC Slayer -- 100%, A-1, Tractoring IPV-1 Guard
TIE Swarm FURIOUS -- Armor [60], A-1, CSP
S/V VIPER-1 -- Shields [0], Armor [216]; ATMOSPHERE
S/V VIPER-2 ~ 5 -- 100%, A-1, CSP
FPS FIRESPRAY-1 ~ 30 -- 100%, A-1, Attacking

Combat Summary
VNSD Mandalore fired 10 DHTLC + 50 LC + 4 PT @ Golan Yavin Defender = 262 pts
NSBC Titan fired 30 QLC @ Golan Yavin Defender = 120 pts
NSBC Dragon fired 30 QLC @ Golan Yavin Defender = 120 pts
NSBC Beast fired 30 QLC @ Golan Yavin Defender = 120 pts
NSBC Slayer fired 30 QLC @ Golan Yavin Defender = 120 pts
FPS FIRESPRAY-1 ~ 15 fired 30 IC @ IPV-1 Shield
FPS FIRESPRAY-16 ~ 30 fired 30 IC @ IPV-1 Guard
S/V VIPER-1 ~ 5 fired 96 DLC + 96 APT @ Golan Yavin Defender = 768 pts

Damage Summary
to GOLAN Yavin Defender ... 1536 pts, DESTROYED!!!
to IPV-1 Shield ... 50 sys, DISABLED & TRACTOR LOCKED
to IPV-1 Guard ... 50 sys, DISABLED & TRACTOR LOCKED

<> <> <>

Imperial Base Forces
The defense had gone well, in that the Imperial officers waiting below on the surface reasoned that despite the major losses sustained in space, it bought them enough time to relay the disress signal and wait for some kind of response. The abandoned crew from the Yavin Defender made their way to the Fleet Depot, where they hoped to hold the line against the coming Mandalorian Warpath!

Space Unit Status
GOLAN Yavin Defender -- DESTROYED

Ground Unit Status
50 Stormtrooper Squads -- G-1, GARRISONED* (in the Fleet Depot)
50 Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads -- G-1, DEPLOYED

<> <> <>

1. MLA Fleet destroyed Golan and tractor locked remaining IPVs.
2. VNSD Mandalore entered atmosphere to prepare for the ground assault phase.
3. Imperial forces prepared for ground assault.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 11:33:10 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2011, 11:29:54 PM »
Effective immediately, the "end date" of this Flashpoint has been suspended. Combat will finish when it finishes!

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2011, 08:23:40 PM »
OOC Note: -yawns waking up from his 4 day nap- lol

With a flash the small republic fleet slipped from its confines of HS quietly into the system. (CSD) Quickly all shields were raised and weapons powered.

"Hold position here, passive scans only, lets not make ourselves known quite yet."
"If I may ask sir, what exactly are your intentions here?"
"The people on that planet are my only concern. Our war aside the mandalorians are a threat we can all appreciate. And perhaps if we can successfully defend the citizens of the planets colonies we can sway some favor away from the empires side. Win their hearts and their minds will follow so to speak."
"And if the imperials dont come running to ask for our assistance?"
"Then we kill as many as we can on our way out. For now I just want us holding position. Make sure the mandalorians cant escape. If the imperials figure out we are here, keep a quick escape route open."
"Aye aye sir."

Exited HS
Powered Shields and Weapons
Held Position in (CSD)

Status: Location classified (Either scan or figure out my code hehe)
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NSBC Three
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

3/3 Y-Wings (CSP CSD)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2011, 11:29:59 AM by Ramano »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2011, 11:54:54 PM »
Commanding Officer: LCDR Lucidius Hale


 It was a day Hale had longed for - to lead a fleet of Imperial warships into battle. During the long hyperspace journey, he and his staff had carefully planned their entrance. Fortunately, they weren't going into battle blind because scans were transmitted along with the distress signal, which gave them time to plot exactly where they wanted to exit hyperspace. Unfortunately, the scans were days old and could have been rendered useless by now, but that didn't allow for at least some strategy to be planned. In addition to Hale's own estimations of how the battle could have played out, dozens of computer simulations were ran. Every scenario predicted the MLA Fleet as completely breaking the space defenses, which meant help was needed immediately and in powerful way - but what kind of help, and where?

 These were the questions Hale and his staff discussed. If they exited hyperspace in the same vector as the MLA, they could hope to attack immediately, but if not, then a more forward and safer route could be taken. Hale decided it was best not to enter battle with guns blazing, so the more prudent approach was taken...

 "Captain sir, we'll be exiting hyperspace in 2 minutes outside the system. Request location," asked the helm.

 "Helm, I want us exiting hyperspace nice and close to the system, we're going to be creeping into this battle with eyes wide open," ordered Hale. "Position 345 mark 315, vector B8."

 "Vector B8, aye sir," replied the helmsman with a repeat back. "Standby." At that, the helm's workstation began flashing a blue light, with a small red meter filing up quickly. On this meter was a hyperspace distance scale. Towards the beginning of the meter would have equated to a deep space exit, the end of the meter equated to an orbital exit, for which Avenger Squadron was going for.


 The vibrant white-gray-blue-black swirls that were seen in hyperspace reverted to normalspace, with a black backdrop that was the space of the universe, littered with stars - and the planet Yavin IV. The three Imperial warships sat silently for a moment, standing tall as shields were raised and all other ship systems brought online for combat operations. Per pre-discussed plans, a trio of TIE Fighter squadrons were launched from the various ships, and they formed into a tightly packed swarm...circling around the ships in defensive formation. At that point, active scanning commenced immediately, revealing the location of all enemy units.

 "Sir, ComScan data coming in now... oh no... it's all gone sir. All of it," said the XO.

 Hale sighed, but that was expected. "Is there anything?"

 "Yes sir, getting some faint returns from two IPVs. They appear to be disabled and tractored. All forces on the ground are reporting in. They know we're here now."

 "Good. Let's sit tight for now and see what happens. We need to charge up our engines anyway," said Hale.

 "Very well sir," replied the XO.


Unit Summary
DREAD CHANDRILA -- 100%; B-8, Active Scanning
STRK WARHAWK -- 100%; B-8, Active Scanning
STRK HIGHLANDER -- 100%; B-8, Active Scanning

1. Avenger Squadron exited hyperspace in B-8.
3. Deployed (3) TIE/F Squadrons to form TIE Swarm (on CSP).

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2011, 10:57:17 AM »
Public Service Annoucement regarding Combat Space Patrols:
Unlike previous sims where CSP was limited to units covering units, GCW has units covering areas. As per the rules:
Starfighters can enter into a protective formation scheme to guard friendly units, called Combat Space Patrol.  Starfighters on CSP must designate and protect an entire grid space, and cannot perform any aggressive actions that round.
Thank you.

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2011, 02:46:17 AM »

Flashpoint Recap
The arrival of both Imperial and Alliance task forces has the Mandalorians back on edge, though concerned about their presence, their overall mission is still a top priority: destroy the Yavin Base!

RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE! (a quick note on ground combat): Facilities and Landed Capital Ships are UCR10 when being attacked by ground units (not UCR1 as listed in the battle calc). For damage dealing, Infantry vs Facilities will use their vs Infantry attack ratings.

<> <> <>

Mandalorian Liberation Army
 From the ground looking up, the menacing visage of the VNSD Mandalore got bigger and bigger until it became absolutely certain to the ground forces below: the Mandalorians were making a landing. The Clone Wars saw an impressive display in troop logistics, as it was ultimately and arguably the ground assault capabilities of the Acclamator-class and Venator-class that helped win that war the most -- NOT the space assault capabilities. Regardless, these classes of ships were still effective today, and Mao'lo was going to capitalize on it. Why fix something if it wasn't broke? Despite this sound logic though, the Tarkin Doctrine made better sense - it was simply too risky to commit to planetary landings anymore, which was exactly why dropships were introduced with the Victory-class Star Destroyer, enabling it to have both a space and a ground presence, or if need be, simply drop troops and go.

 A general broadcast message was sent out: < Attention all Imperial forces...Prepare for battle! > from the VNSD Mandalore, as General Mao'lo sought to taunt his enemies. His strategists calculated a swift victory for their forces, as ultimately their 5000 strong ground force would completely overrun the some 1000 strong Imperial force. However, a tactical blunder might have been made, in that orbital bombardment could have been initiated long ago by the Mandalorians in order to soften up the Imperials, but Mao'lo's thirst for man-to-man combat had to be satiated. He wanted fresh troops to fight, not bruised ones.

 As the VNSD Mandalore touched down on the surface (G-1), its huge loading ramps lowered, revealing a tightly packed and racked contingent of troops who began marching away. Their footsteps were ringing in unison, echoing through the jungles of Yavin IV. The Mandalorian Warriors and Paramilitary troopers mustered in perfect formation awaiting their beloved General...who took a step on Yavin's terra firma, ready to deliver a speech...

"Mandalorians! Soldiers! COMRADES!!" shouted Mao'lo, who was met with a roar from his troops. "My brothers, we are here today not because I led you, but because we all share the same STRUGGLE against those who oppress us! - AND THEY DARE TO OPPOSE US!! From this day forward, we will paint the future in blood! For it will be our blood that will be shed today which will liberate the galaxy!! From this day forward, all shall know that we are the MANDALORIAN LIBERATION ARMY!!!" As the troops cheered and roared, Mao'lo stepped aboard his command skiff and hovered past all his troops, performing a standard 'sieg heil' salute as was customary with socialistas.
As soon as the pomp and circumstance was done though, the troops broke into squads and began moving towards the Imperial Fleet Depot, ready for action. The initial skirmishes were met in the jungles themselves, as the MLA encountered the evacuated personnel from the Golan platform. As these troops were overrun, the rest of the MLA kept pushing forward to the Depot itself, initiating a literal hellstorm of small arms blaster fire. It would take some time to bring the Depot down, but it would not be long...

Unit Status
VNSD Mandalore -- Shields [607], Armor/Hull/Sys [100%]; ATMOSPHERE
NSBC Titan -- 100%, A-1, Tractoring IPV-1 Shield
NSBC Dragon -- 100%, A-1, Tractoring IPV-1 Shield
NSBC Beast -- 100%, A-1, Tractoring IPV-1 Guard
NSBC Slayer -- 100%, A-1, Tractoring IPV-1 Guard
TIE Swarm FURIOUS -- Armor [60], A-1, CSP
S/V VIPER-1 -- Shields [0], Armor [216]; CAP
S/V VIPER-2 ~ 5 -- 100%, A-1, CSP
FPS FIRESPRAY-1 ~ 30 -- 100%, A-1, Loitering
300 MLA Paramilitary Trooper Squads -- 100%, G-1; Attacking
200 MLA Mandalorian Warriors -- 100%, G-1; Attacking

Combat Summary
134 MLA PMT Squads attacked 50 YAVIN IFT Squads = 3015 damage
166 MLA PMT Squads attacked IFD YAVIN = 1494 damage
200 MLA MW Squads attacked IFD YAVIN = 4000 damage

Damage Summary
3015 pts to (50) Imperial Fleet Trooper Squads ... KIA!

5494 pts to Imperial Fleet Depot Yavin ... UNDER ATTACK!

<> <> <>

Imperial Base Forces
 The Imperial Ground Forces were slightly overrun, but they would soon prove to the MLA that they were dealing with trained warfighting professionals, not sloppy paramilitary troopers. The Fleet Troops from the Yavin Protector fought back vehemently in the jungle, being able to take down many enemy combatants before finally getting gunned down. As other MLA troops squared off against the Depot, their small arms fire was proving to be effective, as it would seem a death by a thousand needles was becoming all too real. Regardless, siege holes opened up and the Stormtroopers waiting inside began returning fire and picking off Mandalorians left and right. It was a literal turkey shoot, as the Stormtrooper's garrisoned position afforded them a supreme tactical position.

 Amidst the chaos, 5 AT-ATs could be heard approaching from the rear side of the Depot, and for once fear could be seen in the Mandalorians. Facing off against troops holed up in a compound was one thing, facing off against AT-ATs was another. As the AT-ATs approached the main battlefield, they began trampling over enemy soldiers... but it soon became clear what they were going for... the VNSD Mandalore itself!

 The Imperial Base commanders reasoned that by sending the AT-ATs against the mothership, they could force a retreat, effectively winning the day. It was a risk proposition, as the last scans of the Mandalore had it operating in good standing, which meant that it could take some time to effectually damage the ship, but it was a risk the Imperials were willing to take, and a risk they hoped to be rewarded from!

Unit Status
50 Imperial Fleet Troopers -- KIA, G-1; Performing Death Action
Imperial Fleet Depot -- [4506] Armor, [5000] Hull, G-1; Defending
50 Stormtroopers -- 100%, GARRISONED.
5 AT-ATs -- 100%, G-1; Attacking

Combat Summary
50 IFT Squads attacked 60 MLA PMT Squads = 3000 damage
50 ST Squads attacked 24 MLA MW Squads = 2400 damage
5 AT-ATs attacked VNSD Mandalore = 500 damage

Damage Summary
3000 pts to 60 MLA PMT Squads ... KIA!
2400 pts to 24 MLA MW Squads ... KIA!
500 pts to VNSD Mandalore ... UNDER ATTACK!

1. VSND Mandalore landed in G-1 and began ground battle.
2. The Empire struck back.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 02:47:51 AM by GCW Hale »


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« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2011, 02:25:34 PM »
Bob, flanked by the Strike Cruisers Serpents Fang and Firestorm burst forth from Hyperspace into high orbit over Yavin.  TIE fighters surged into space and assumed defensive positions as the capital ships began scanning the system.

exited HS in B2
TIEs on CSP in B2
acitve scanning

Offline Ramano

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« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2011, 04:22:45 PM »
((OOC Note: Just incase there are questions to my previous location, CSD subtract 1 letter from each. CSD = BRC = Bottom Right Corner = DeepSpace 2. =) However im pretty sure Hale already knew that, lol. And you said we could choose to put CSP per ship if we wanted to, so im going back to that unless you say otherwise.))

"Sir, count 2 imperial battle groups exiting into the system."
"As was expected. Move us to grid 3, continue blocking off any exit to the mandalorians. Hold radio silence unless the imperials decide to acknowledge we are here, they gotta know by now."
"And if they do?"
"Open a channel, tell them we are here to offer assistance and come get me immediately. I'll be in my ready room until the situation changes. Keep an ear open on the imperial comm channels, if they sound like they are getting beaten too badly we may not have time to wait for their approval."
"Roger that sir."

Continued to monitor the situation

Status: All craft in DS3
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

NSBC Three
Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

Hyperdrive: x2
Shields: 600/600
Armor: 600/600
Hull: 600/600
Systems: 180/180
Speed: Slow (1)
Maneuver: (2)
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Onboard Units:
20/20 Rebel Marine Squads
5 AT-PTs
Notes: Can enter atmosphere and make planetary landings.

1/1 Y-Wing (CSP NSBC 1)
1/1 Y-Wing (CSP NSBC 2)
1/1 Y-Wing (CSP NSBC 3)