Author Topic: CHANDRILA  (Read 43645 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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« on: March 22, 2011, 09:40:19 AM »

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2011, 09:40:51 AM »


A crewman walked quietly down the ladder to the shuttle's lower level, where typically a number of storage containers and other equipment would be, except for duration of this particular mission - which required some temporary prefabricated berthing areas to be setup for Hale and the rest of the crew.  The Veritas was officially transferred with Hale from the Executor, so their trip was just the same. 

The crew was also looking forward to their new assignment with much anticipation, for shuttle crew duty could be particularly boring - especially onboard a massive warship which already had dozens of them.  It was 6 months since the Veritas crew had flow a non-exercise mission, so they were eager to accept their job as Hale's official courier.  After arriving at Chandrila, the crew was going to perform a full overhaul of the Veritas and modify the interior to Hale's specifications.

The crewman whom walked down approached Hale's hatch and knocked twice to wake him up.  After hearing a loud grumble and a concerted groan, the crewman knocked again to let Hale know he was leaving - and he did.  Hale slid slowly out of his rack, coming to his feet and stretching wide, hearing a few bones crack as he did.  It was good to feel awake.

* * *


"Standby to exit hyperspace: 3... 2... 1..."

The vibrant white-blue-black swirls of hyperspace fizzled away as the view became predominantly black, with small white specks all over...outer space.  The view of space was interrupted by a large blue-green ball and two smaller, grayer objects. It was Chandrila and her moons.

The pilot reached for the 1MC annoucing comm, <Veritas, we have exited hyperspace successfully in orbit over Chandrila. Rig shuttle for standard flight. Request Lieutenant Hale to the cockpit.>

No sooner did the pilot put back the 1MC comm did Hale enter the cockpit, his hair still slightly wet from the shower he took just a while ago, and still unshaven.  He was beginning to grow a beard, contrary to Imperial Uniform Policy - mainly because he could get away with it due to "commanding officer's priveleges", especially for an operation as large as the one he was about to have.  He knew beards were more masculine and as such would give him an edge he would need to provide leadership, especially if those under him perceived him to be a weak "mere Lieutenant"-of an officer.

"Good morning gentlemen," began Hale. "I take it we're at Chandrila."

The pilot nodded, "Yes sir, all conditions green. We have clearance for landing."

"Very well," replied Hale, "commence landing procedure."

"Commence landing procedure, aye", the pilot then reached for the shuttle's intercomm, <Veritas, standby for planetside landing.>

With that, Hale took a step back and fastened himself in one of the empty flight operator chairs behind the pilot and co-pilot.  While Hale fancied himself a decent pilot, simulators were far removed from reality, and he certainly didn't have the flight certifications necessary to pilot any Imperial craft anyway, so he preferred to take a back seat to it all.  After a few moments, the shuttle entered the Chandrilan atmosphere with a rumble and began to slow down after passing the lower altitude clouds.  In an age of gravity denial, re-entry was a breeze.

Hale unfastened his harness and made his way out the cockpit, "thanks for the ride. I'm going to get my things ready."

"No problem, sir. We're making our final approach now. We should be touching down in just a few minutes."

Hale nodded and exited the cockpit. He had a busy day ahead of him, no doubt consisting of an official tour of the Operations Palace, an inspection of his officers and men, and any other responsibilities.  Hale figured he'd make his way through the ranks to be treated like a flag officer, but didn't realize that day was now.

And a glorious day for the Galactic Empire it was...

* * *

[THE END of "DISTINCTION AND HONOR", stay tuned for more adventures!]

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2011, 10:58:24 PM »

"...As you can see Lieutenant, ISP CHANDRILA employs the state of the art technology and latest advancements in Imperial research & development, additionally, it's modular construction allows future constructions to be integrated fully with the rest of the compound.  In short, ISP CHANDRILA is the most versatile command center the Galactic Empire has to offer."

Hale nodded, "and personnel? An operation of my importance requires the best."

"Of course, sir.  While the prevailing attitude in the Empire that Chandrila is a 'cushy Core World assignment', we mean nothing but business.  In fact, our ISP has continually outperformed the Moff's Office in turnaround of work volume - a friendly, professional rivalry you need to be aware of sir, though a rivalry nonetheless."

Hale nodded again. Great he thought, just when he figured he had escaped the Executor's incessant scheming, now he had a Moff to parley and pander to.  You never wanted to make a Moff look too bad for too long, otherwise he'd begin to think you'd be gunning for his job - something Moffs apparently don't appreciate.  "Very well. I've yet to speak with Moff Kolumus personally, but I'm sure I can convince him my decision to use Chandrila as my baseworld is not politically motivated..."

"Yes sir. Moff Kolumus is a reasonable man."

Hale and his 'tour guide' along with a dozen or so senior enlisted men and staff officers who followed close behind finally arrived at the main promenade again, where the tour had began. "Well sir, it seems we have finished your inspection tour.  Do you have any more questions?"

"No, I think I had better take some time to acquaint myself with my office now.  Thank you very much for the tour," Hale paused to shake hands with his future staff personnel until finishing, "what time is it...? 1357?"

"Yes sir, I have that time.  Normal working hours are until 1600."

Hale smirked, "Right. Not today though. Sound liberty call."

"Sound liberty call, aye sir."

With that, the entourage dispersed and a few minutes later a 'happy sounding' bell rang over the intercomm system, letting everyone know that they could leave for the day.  Hale wanted to make a good first impression, and cutting everybody loose a couple hours early always helped.  Afterwards, Hale made his way up to his office.

* * *


Hale was standing infront of the large glass backdrop of his office, high above the capital city of Chandrila.  It was rather beautiful, but Hale picked Chandrila not for its scenic qualities but rather its strategic ones.  Across the city he could see the Moff's Palace staring back at him.  Moff Kolumus was probably in his office looking his way, scheming and figuring just the same.

Hale had already sent out his assignment requests to the Imperial Fleet to assemble 6 ships, but he still had more work to get done, so he turned around and picked up his telecomm, dialing his construction officer.

< Yes sir, this is Commander Dukati. >

< Commander, I see you havn't left just yet. Good. Before you head out, please put in the order for ***, ***, and the *** for ***. Thank you. >

< Right away sir. >

< Good day, Commander Dukati. >

< Thank you sir, welcome to Chandrila. >

At that, Hale's first executive decision onworld had been made.  He could almost hear the proverbial gears of the Imperial war machine churning as he hung up the telecomm.  He had already signed the Expenditures Form just minutes before to make everything official, but now that the order was given, it seemed all to real.  Hale was now in command of an impressive operation.  Yet Vader's words still echoed in his head...

* * *

1. Began construction projects: ***, ***, and ***.


Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2011, 10:27:54 PM »

   An occasional passing light breeze from the portable oscillating heating unit in his quarters offered interjecting relief from the frigid cold cast throughout the small freighters corridors and chambers.  The busted amenities of this lone tramp freighter were the least of Lieutenant Calgan Verose's concerns at the moment though. His feet lay rested up on a large dark and worn wooden desk that seemed to be carved and antique in nature, with a dozen or more drawers, compartments and niches with intricately fashioned ivory looking knobs.  The grain ran in remarkable pattern that nearly resembled written script, only more intimate examination revealing it to be simply a naturally occurring patterned characteristic of the wood itself.  He was mulling over asset inventories with a gloomy mood setting in when a loud thump from down the hall, followed by a curious metallic pitter patter and few soft taps on the steel door to his quarters offered a welcome interruption from the distressing reports. . .

  *TINK TINK*  *TINK TINK*  "Lieutenant Verose?" a soft feminine voice with an emphasis on the queried inflection asked.

  "Come in," Calgan answered while gingerly pulling his feet and legs from the desk and leaning forward to place his data pad upon it.

  The door slid open with a brief whoosh as Calgan had to adjust his anticipated eye level gaze of an average humanoid for that of a short few foot tall furry Tynnan.  The plump fuzzy being took a few awkward bipedal steps forward to be standing just inside of the Lieutenant's doorway before making a swirling motion with her tiny clawed paw hand leading in to a full courteous bow.  She broke in to a smile which revealed rows of rounded small teeth complimenting the already plainly visible protruding incisors and began to speak,

  "Chief Koora Dischek at your service sir!." she eagerly chipped.  "You need something fixed! I'm your girl, and no I'm not a squirrel, but they do make a tasty meal! know what I mean!" she seemed to almost sing while anxiously bopping about from side to side and gesturing at the end with a swoop of her short brown arm culminating in a thumbs up and a wink.

  "I. .," Calgan began to reply before she butt in.

  "Oh oh Oh! Sorry sir!" she exclaimed while gathering her balance with all four of her paws on the ground and quickly straightening her posture to a full bipedal attention stance, snapping a paw to salute while visibly struggling to attentively hold the pose.

  Calgan quickly returned the gesture and began the respond,

  "Good to meet you Chief Dischek, I wasn't aware we were making the trip with a regular maintenance crew on board. . ." he said.

  The Tynnan relaxed her postured and replied, "Ahhh, you weren't!" she exclaimed before pulling back slightly and covering her mouth with a paw to snicker and continued. . .

  "Actually sir, it's kind of embarassing" she said while shifting her gaze to the ground and sounding somber.  "I got stuck in the climate flow shaft while performing some maintenance. . ." she stated with a sense of shame before adding as an excuse, "My fur is quite thick! See!" while pulling a tuft away from her skin for display with her tiny fingers and letting it snap back with an ever so slight blubbery shimmer.

  "You were stuck in there when we took off?!" Calgan inquired with a blossoming sense of concern and surprise.

  "Well actually sir I was stuck in there until just now.  And I, well let's just say I'll put it back together as soon as we get someplace I can find some supplies!" the oversized beaver looking creature answered in her returning chipper tone.

  Calgan leaned back in his chair with a smile, "I don't doubt that you will Chief," he stopped to tap a small key on his vest laden communicator that began to quietly chirp.

  "Verose," he spoke towards his shoulder in to it.

  A static laced voice began to emanate in reply, "Sir, we're approaching Chandrila.  ETA three minutes."

  "Roger that, here we come" Calgan replied.

  "We?" the voice returned on the communicator to a disengaged audience.

  "Come my friend.  I'm sure we can find whatever you need on Chandrila," Lieutenant Verose said while coming to a cautious bone creaky rise from his seated posture.

  "Chandrila!" the smaller Tynnan said with a seeming bewilderment and following Calgan out of his quarters and towards the ships cockpit with a scamper, "Never been there! Heard it's beautiful!  Except. . ."

  "The Empire?," Calgan completed the thought for her.

  Koora abruptly skidded her lively jittery jog to a halt and tugged on the Lieutenant's pant leg to stop him.

  "Yes! The Empire!" she said in a nearly muted exclamation.  "Bad!" *tsk tsk* "Very Bad!" she added shaking her head in disapproval.

  Calgan crouched to her level and pointed to a belt she worn full of hydrospanners then towards a small blaster at his side.

  "You do your job and I promise to do mine," he began. "They won't be bothering us today.  We're not here for confrontation, and hopefully we'll be gone before they even know we've arrived. The Empire is smoke and mirrors.  Fear is their greatest weapon.  You conquer them here," he said gesturing to the Tynnans furry skull and pausing for effect, "And then you can conquer them anywhere."

  He stood and turning about resumed pace to the cockpit with the Tynnan now trampling along behind. . .


  The cockpit door slid open with a hiss as Calgan and the Tynnan stepped in to a crowded room.  The ships Sullustan pilot sat navigating while Calgan's trio of young staff, a male and female human and male Twi'lek occupied the other three chairs.

  "Gentlemen, Lady, I seemed to have found a stowaway, or rather she found me at least," Calgan Verose said introducing his new Tynnan companion with a mere hand gesture while wading his way through the cramped quarters.

  "I was wondering where you'd gotten off to!" the young female human staff officer exclaimed while leeping to her feet and swooping up the small furry sentient for a spinning hug, who squeeled in delight, and plopping her back to the floor.

  The young human officer jumped from his seat saluting and offered it to the Lieutenant,

  "No thanks," Calgan answered distractedly without bothering to return the salute while taking a step further and implying for the Twi'lek to vacate his shotgun position next to the ship's pilot with an ushering pat on the shoulder.  The subordinate slid from his seat and took standing room position on the other side of the pilot as the Tynnan scampered over the feet of the others to the front of the cockpit between Calgan and the Sullustan who shot a brief glance towards her before remarking in his native tongue,

  "Mukka Dubbrah Vorose?" he asked the Lieutenant.

  The human occupants and Twi'lek chuckled while Koora herself looked around confused for a few moments.

  "He asked if you're lunch Koora!" the young female human screeched with a giggle.

  The Tynnan turned back towards the Sullustan with a scoff and thumped him on the knee cap with the handled end of a hydrospanner that she had unsheathed from her tool belt by the functional end with the fluidity of a Jedi Knight and his lightsaber.

  The fun and games were interrupted by Lieutenant Verose who demanded attentive calm as the cockpit hyperspace drop indicator began sounding and the ship then slid from the alternate dimensional hyperspace tunnel on the edge of the Chandrila Star System.  A major terrestrial agricultural planet that provided food stores for the entire Core region, and currently a heavily policed world with large Imperial presence.  The space surrounding Chandrila was flooded with traffic of all kinds, small, large, commercial, industrial, civilian and military alike.

  "Toopa?" the Sullustan asked while slowing to a typical in system cruise speed and making his way towards a swath of open space with numerous well demarcated space traffic lanes in the distance.

  The cockpit's gathering, save Calgan, clung to the edge of their seats with their tongues buried in their throats as the reality of the risk hadn't really set in until arrival, and until the looming Imperial warships bastioned around Chandrila came in to focus.

  "Turn on the secondary transponder and head for the business express lanes. . .there," he said while waiting until being sure and then motioning towards a series of blinking blue buoys.

  The small Corellian freighter proceeded closer towards Chandrila, hoping to penetrate without a scene to the surface and conduct their affairs. . .

TBC. . .

Action Summary:
  Exited Hyperspace on edge of Chandrila and began moving in towards the planet itself
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 01:49:17 PM by Eidolon »
SWSF 'til Death

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2011, 01:41:15 PM »
"TRAFFIC, part 2"


ComScan Technician 2nd Class Tabusu was minding his post.  It was just another day for him onboard the Hanna, the Empire's only 'officially permanent' defense for Chandrila.  For Tabusu, monitoring numerous transmissions all at the same was a breeze.  The latest in Imperial signal recognition and display technology made his job much easier, but still tedious nonetheless.  Luckily, every now and then he caught something of interest, today was just one of those days.

Tabusu brought it up to his supervisor, Ensign Berrel.  "Sir, I got something here. Corellian freighter of some kind, apparently transmitting from his secondary transponder.  Frequency is close to another freighter on our watch list."

Ensign Berrel walked over to Tabusu's post, taking a look at his screen. "What traffic lane is he in?"

"Business express, sir."

"Hmmm... probably nothing, but we're on high alert right now, so let's put a tracker on it Tabusu."

"Yes sir," replied Tabusu, moving his cursor over to the Corellian freighter and double-clicking it, adding a tracking algorithm to the freighter, which recorded both its transmission data and course information.

Ensign Berrel reached for the inter-station comm, < Bridge, ComScan, gained new contact of interest bearing 085 mark 287; designating as Sierra 31, classified Corellian freighter. >

< Bridge, ComScan, aye. >

Meanwhile on the bridge, Lieutenant Vuposse walked over to another workstation to get a view of the freighter. "Let's get a look at Sierra 31..." he said to himself, pushing a few buttons which immediately gave him a closed-up view of the craft.  He watched it for a few moments to see if he couldn't find anything unusual, like presence of weapons, extra bulk compartments, etc.. and outside normal armaments carried on freighters, he didn't see anything.

< Bridge, ComScan, Sierra 31 looks clean. I'm not going to call in an interdiction, but maintain your track until he makes his descent planetside. >

< ComScan, Bridge, aye. >

"Alright Tabusu, you heard the lieutenant..."

"Yes sir, I'll keep my eye on him."

And with that, the Imperial watch team let the 'clean' Corellian freighter go...

* * *


Moff Kolumus was a fair and reasonable man, until it came time to deal with Rebels.  He spared none of them, and preferred to execute any upon immediate discovery.  But unfortunately, he had his orders from above not to touch one in particular, because 'some hotshot lieutenant' by the name of Hale was supposed to come in and handle the interrogation.  This made Kolumus question Hale's true purpose on Chandrila.  Was it to actively pursue the Rebels, or simply make him look bad at doing his job?  Either way, Kolumus was determined to show Hale who the real boss of Chandrila was by getting to his prisoner first.

* * *

Kolumus walked into a dark room, lit only by a single light bulb.  In the middle of the room was a Rebel prisoner, transferred from a recent incident involving his capture during a mission in which multiple AT-ATs were destroyed singlehandedly by him.  Unfortunately, his on planet contact sold him out, and his evacuation route became and ambush.  After killing half a dozen stormtrooper squads in a forest firefight over the course of a few days, this Rebel agent was finally subdued.

"Well then, Cheif Warrant Officer Troy Grennik is it? Of Rebel Special Operations? ... Do you even know who I am?" asked Kolumus.

"One ugly son-of-a-bitch," replied Grennik.

Kolumus walked over to Grennik, who was strapped down to a steel chair, and slapped him in the face.  "You insolent bastard! I am Moff Centarius Dominicus Kolumus, and you will address me as such!"

Grennik smirked, spit some blood out and remained silent.

"...No matter, you'll soon learn the full measure of Imperial interrogations," retorted Kolumus, trying to get back his pride.  "Tell me, Mr. Grennik, are you even aware that your pathetic Rebel base on Hoth has been destroyed?"

Grennik looked confused for a moment. He had been on mission for an entire month before making his strike, and as such was incommunicado with Rebel command.  He had no idea if Kolumus was bluffing or not.

"Oh... you didn't know...? How interesting..." Kolumus had a holoprojector activated which began to play the Imperial recordings of the battle, the overrun, the overslaughter, the destruction in and out of Echo Base.

Grennik shook his head, "lies."

"Lies!? HAHAHAHAH. Mr. Grennik, your Rebellion has been destroyed.  You are all alone..." at that instance, Kolumus walked out of the room, hoping to let the psychological torture eat at Grennik for a few hours before Hale was scheduled to arrive.  Kolumus just wanted to 'pop' Grennik first and get the satisfaction from the pain he was causing him.

Meanwhile, Grennik just sat there.  The holographic images kept playing over and over.  Everything looked right, even if it was just a fabricated projection - every little naunce of Echo Base was there, from the trench layout the marker positions.  Surely the Empire couldn't get ALL those details correct.

Echo Base really is destroyed... thought Grennik, so he sighed and continued to sit there, dwelling in the fact that perhaps Kolumus really was right: he was all alone now.

* * *

1. Corellian Freighter with Calgan Verose CLEARED.
2. Moff Kolumus interrogated CWO Troy Grennik.

TBC by Eidolon

Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2011, 10:37:02 AM »
TRAFFIC, part 3


"Yes, what is it Tabusu?" asked a yawning Ensign Berrel. It had been a long watch, but Tabusu was still as keen as he was the first hour he reported for duty.

"Sir, I picked something up here. Inbound craft not transmitting any transponder codes, its emission frequencies are unlike any I've ever seen..."

"Did you run it through the matrix?" asked Berrel again, this time walking over to Tabusu's workstation.

"Yes sir, it's right there," replied Tabusu, pointing out a trace on his screen. "Very fuzzy. I can't even get a sensor lock on it.  The SigRec software says it's Imperial, but that seems unlikely - we don't have any inbounds scheduled for the rest of the day."

Berrel nodded. < Bridge, ComScan, we have an unidentified craft bearing 218 mark 320, closing very fast. Best classification Imperial craft. >

< ComScan, Bridge, aye. >

Lieutenant Vuposse walked over to his visual scope workstation to get a visual reading, but after zooming in on that bearing, he couldn't see anything... at first...

* * *

Meanwhile, inside the dim red-lit cockpit of the Vengeance flashed a silent red alarm, her pilot extending a slender arm to deactivate it, returning a hand back to the flight yokes.

* * *

< ComScan, Bridge, appears to be a J-type Nubian 327. I can barely see it though... damned reflective surface. >

< Bridge, ComScan, aye. SigRec software says it's Imperial.  Tabusu agrees. We think it might be an Imperial VIP.  Recommend requesting transponder codes. >

< ComScan, Bridge, aye. Request transponder codes. >

Ensign Berrel had Tabusu isolate a comm signal for the inbound J-type, "ready sir" said Tabusu, giving Berrel the all clear...

* * *

The Vengeance's pilot saw another flashing light, this time it was blue, a signal for receiving comms. Another slender hand slipped across the control panel and pushed the necessary button..

< Inbound J-type Nubian 327, you have entered Imperial space, please identify yourself.  I repeat, inbound J-type Nubian 327, you have entered Imperial space, please identify yourself. >

The pilot sighed, knowing full well the hard-working staff was doing their job, but it was unfortunate that they would not be expecting what would happen next. The pilot once again pushed another button, to transmit the vessel's transponder codes.

* * *

< Bridge, ComScan, receiving inbound flight's transpon.... holy shit. >

< ComScan, Bridge, say again last. >

< Bridge, ComScan, inbound flight has been indentified as an Imperial VIP, security clearance Epsilon Sigma. >

"...Epsilon Sigma..." said Lt. Berrel to himself, slightly astonished. Moments later he reached for his own off-station comm signal to the J-type.

* * *

< Vengeance, you are cleared for all flight operations in Chandrila space. >

The Vengeance's pilot smirked, and immediately increased the throttle, puhsing the sleek Nubian craft closer and closer to the surface...



Meanwhile, Hale's shuttle the Veritas had just landed at the palace of Moff Kolumus, on the north landing platform overlooking the busy city streets.  It was a pleasant day, though perhaps too pleasant to conduct any official business, as Hale had received orders to interrogate a recently captured Rebel prisoner - perhaps as a test of his interrogation abilities by Imperial High Command, but Hale was up to the task nonetheless.

He walked down the landing strip into the Moff's Palace and immediately made his way to Kolumus' office, where he entered.

"Good afternoon, Moff Kolumus."

"Lieutenant Hale..." replied the Moff, who sounded slightly annoyed. "I received your prisoner earlier than expected, he is waiting for you."

"My lord, I was told the prisoner is a one Mr. Troy Grennik, is this correct?"

The Moff nodded.

"...and is he untouched in accordance with the transfer orders?"

The Moff smirked, "you can't expect a Moff to let some mere lieutenant get the first dish of the interrogations can you?"

Hale looked over his shoulder to see if the door was closed. It was.  He then walked straight up to Moff Kolumus' desk and tossed a datapad on his lap, leaning forward to make his point clear.

"Look, I get it.  Your the Moff of this world.  I'm the new officer on the scene, who just so happens to have priority orders from Lord Vader which means I can pretty much do whatever I want regardless of my current rank, which also means I don't have to put up with your bullshit Moff.  So listen closely when I say this... don't expect me to cut you ANY slack when the shit hits the fan," Hale paused to let his point sink in, leaning back up, "...and just when I was considering just minding my own business too, you just had to stick your nose in my orders, MY JOB."

Moff Kolumus leaned back in his chair and smirked. He began a slow cap and smiled. "Lieutenant Hale... I was wondering when you would show your spine, heheheh, earlier than I expected too," but then the Moff leaned forward and changed his demeanor to that of being extremely pissed, "...but you will RESPECT my office and MY TITLE - priority orders or not, you can't just walk into my office and bark at me like some dog! I am CENTARIUS DOMINICUS KOLUMUS, MOFF OF CHANDRILA!"

Hale turned around and walked away, not wanting to deal with the Moff. "Blow me," he said under his breath, making his way towards the door.

"If you walk out of this room without apologizing for your actions Mr. Hale, consider yourself an enemy to the Council of Moffs!"

Hale stopped, paused for a moment, then kept walking. He made his way out of Kolumus' office and down to the basement levels where the Rebel prisoner was being held.

Meanwhile, Moff Kolumus reached for his telecomm and dialed a short number. "Yes, this is Moff Kolumus. I want Hale killed. He is a nuisance.  Also, one more thing..."

"Yes my lord?" asked a man with a pale voice on the other end.


* * *

Hale walked into the holding room of Grennik, and approached him while carrying a datapad.  Grennik was sleeping, having presumably been annoyed after the continuos holo projections of the Hoth massacre.  Hale switched off the holo, and walked infront of Grennik, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Mr. Grennik, my name is Lieutenant Hale, and I'll be adressing you today.  For the record, you have hereby been arrested on the following charges: 1 count of high treason to the Empire, 3 counts of violating of Imperial intergalactic traffic law, 18 counts of violating Imperial space by illegal means, 4 counts of resisting arrest, 4 more counts of evading arrest, 3 counts of destruction of Imperial Army vehicles, 40 counts of murder involving killing of Stormtroopers... and these are all in the past 3 months, shall I go on?"

Grennik smiled, "just when I was expecting you to get to the highlights."

Hale smirked, having heard this sort of Rebel defiance before. "Mr. Grennik, let me be frank. My orders are to interrogate you until tell us everything, and at that time, you're going to be sent to the spice mines of Kessel for perhaps the rest of your life."

Grennik laughed again. "Kessel... been there, done that."

"Yes, I'm sure you're referring to your break-out 3 cycles ago. Fact of the matter is, I don't even know if you'll make it out of this palace alive.  Moff Kolumus does not take kindly to Rebels, and I'm sure you've met him already.  What do you think of the man?"

"Skiddish... very skiddish."

"Yes, well. I think it's time for us to leave," Hale walked over to the door and pushed a red button, letting two guards in. "Escort Mr. Grennik to the North Platform, where my shuttle is. He's being transferred to the ISP..."

* * *

1. Imperial VIP craft Vengeance entered Chandrilan space for unknown reasons.
2. Hale arrived at Moff's Palace.
3. Moff Kolumus gave order to kill Hale and Grennik.


Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2011, 12:03:02 PM »

  The beautiful seemingly organic community of Hanna City was not only their capitol but a model example of the overall Chandrilan cultural commitment to maintaining balance to the environment and ecosystem, in all an odd fit for Imperial ideals.  A natural and developed harbor opening up in to the Silver Sea offered a picturesque horizon as the sun was just rising.  Nature and society existed as one on Chandrila, the city was bustling and pristine, unfolding in organized smooth patterns.  Plots of farm and large serene park land lay amidst the residential and commercial districts while the few industries sprinkled amidst it all remained unnoticed due to their impeccable standards of cleanliness and emission free operational regulations.  Most of the buildings weren't very tall, save for a central core surrounding the main spaceport where the familiar reliable old horse shoe shaped Corellian YT freighter Pegasus set down in a comfortably fitting berth of it's own in the small craft commerce district.  The ship's repulsors whined to a stop followed with a hydraulic hiss as the landing gear settled to hold her weight.

  The overhead bay doors slid shut with a rather loud metal clank, blocking out the bright barely peaking sun, as rows of circular ceiling mounted lamps kicked in bathing the temporary nest in a cool blue lighting.  The Pegasus' lanterns kicked in as the loading ramp began to lower erasing some of the shadows left by the angled walls.  Calgan stepped off the ramp in a casual spacer or trader's looking garb, followed by his Twi'lek staff member Petty Officer Akkoa and the typecast human male Ensign Corolak in similar attire.  A small group of half a dozen or so young men stepped out of the shadows near the hangar's main personnel exit doorway.

  The Twi'lek Akkoa instinctively reached under his grab as Calgan quickly raised an arm erect across his chest to arrest his action, but not before most in the group of young men did the same.

  "Eaaaasy fellas eaaaasy, Locos, Locos!" Calgan coolly rationalized towards them, dropping a codeword in at the end.

  The young affiliates seemed to ease their stance as one amongst them stepped forward.

  "Verose?" he asked cocking his chin up and looking down his nose.

  "In the flesh as they say, Rudisel?" Calgan answered and inquired while proceeding to step forward amidst the young Chandrilans with his small entourage.

  "That's me and your just in time, they pushed his transfer up," the young leader said while slapping a small hand drawn map in to Calgan's hand.

  "Pushed it up to when?" the Lieutenant asked.

  "Today, a couple of hours, we have no time to waste" the other answered while continuing to unfold the plan to Calgan and his team, "we've made all the necessary arrangements as best as possible in the cramped time frame.  From here you'll proceed to a newly designated extraction point, it's marked on your map right there," he said crackling the paper document that Calgan had unfolded to peruse with a finger point contact.

  Calgan began to interrupt his pitch, "this is less than a clic from the Palace, we can't bring our ship in that close, have you ever smelled roasted Sullustan and Tynnan skewers?" he half jokingly exclaimed while motioning up towards the Corellian Freighter's cockpit behind them where a couple distant but clearly visible alien faces were looking on.

  "We changed that to.  My men will be handling everything, we couldn't afford to wait to see if you made it here in time.  All you have to do is show up at the marker.  Your ship will be carried out of the system on one of our heavy transports before the fireworks even begin, your team and Grennik will board a makeshift shallow water submarine in the nearby ravine and make your way in to the Silver Sea and on to the Poison Isles, we operate a smuggling base there and will be able to get you off world even once the lock down takes effect," Rudisel, the leader of the young local rebel group answered.

  "Whoa whoa whoa, my team is supposed to handle the whole rescue and extraction while you provide intelligence and distraction.  This is going to draw a lot of attention to your operations here, High Command is not going to be pleased when the Empire comes down in force on Chandrila in response to this escapade.  I'm canceling the mission, we cannot jeopardize your entire network here for one man," Calgan plainly stated in a disappointed but matter of fact manner.

  "It's too late for that, everything is in position and I can't call it off now.  My contacts at the Palace tell me that an Imperial Shuttle has just touched down to pick him up.  The platform charges are in place along with several fire teams and our rescue squad.  We're going ahead with the mission with or without your support Lieutenant," the young Chandrilan boldly replied with a challenging gaze.

  Calgan grumbled and let out a heavy sigh while folding up the drawn map and tucking it in to his attire.  He shot a glance towards Ensign Corolak at his left and Petty Officer Akkoa to his right, who together had offered an opposing shake and nod of the head respectively, before answering. "All right, let's go" he somewhat reluctantly said while motioning for a hasty advance with a swoop upwards of his arm and open hand.

  Rudisel cracked a grin, "I knew you'd see it my way," he joked while keying open the hangar bay street level door which slid open sending a swath of piercing sunlight in to the unnatural dimly lit structure.  Calgan and his team along with the brazen Rudisel stepped out in to the busy Merchant's district of the Space Port quarter of Hanna City. . .

TBC later on today. . .

  Touched down in Hanna City
  Advanced Plot to Rescue Grennik from Moffs Palace
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 02:43:32 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2011, 04:44:21 PM »

  . . .a wide variety of species were casually strolling about the Spaceport Market District, unlike much of the rest of the planet who's population was nearly ninety-six percent human, trolling from gleaming shop to gleaming shop and modest stand alike.  A casual looking commercial taxi repulsor van pulled up along side of the the four conspirators standing alongside of the roadway.  A sidepanel door way slid open and as Calgan and his companions huddled inside it became quite apparent it was no ordinary repulsor taxi.  

  A large heavy repeating blaster cannon lay concealed inside, apparently mounted on a lift and turreted platform.  Interior steel plated walls implied the vehicle was not actually a modified transport but a disguised armored unit.  The driver wore a blast helmet and dark shaded goggles, he turned to observe his passengers behind and greeted them with a cynical seeming smirk and A-OK signal before returning attention to his piloting and pulling away rather erratically.  The rapid shift in motion unsettled their balance but Calgan, Akkoa and Corolak clumsily stumbled their way to small metal perch seats and fastened themselves in to the harnesses.  Rudisel was donning an armored vest and helmet with the assistance of another local rebel on board who was already in full combat gear with a blaster rifle slung over his shoulder.

  They settled in to a casual flow with traffic winding through the streets of the Market District and proceeding in to the more affluent collaborator neighborhood surrounding Moff Kolumus' Palace.  It rose up over the surrounding residencies like an altar of glorification.  The characteristically outspoken and opinionated Chandrilans scoffed at the blatant coddles of their Imperial overlords while maintaining restraint publicly to avoid what most of the local population would consider only a premature confrontation.  The taxi disguised armored van pulled over to the side of the road in front of a large park range just a few hundred meters before a split in the avenue, which either circled around through the regular streets or broke off in to a causeway leading to the Moff's Palace.  Calgan and his two men stepped out of the low hovering vehicle and the Lieutenant turned to bid Rudisel adieu. . .

  "I can't say I agree with your chosen sacrifice but I respect it, good luck.  Give them hell kid, maybe I'll see you again on the March to Coruscant," Calgan said to Rudi and the other two young freedom fighters.

  "Coruscant?," Rudisel rhetorically asked with a smirk of confidence, "I like the sound of that Lieutenant, but we've got plenty of rats to roast here on Chandrila first," he said leaning forward and affectionately patting the barrel of his heavy repeater.

  The door slid shut and Calgan's group disappeared in to the park land while their previous ride waited for several minutes before slowly pulling out in to sparse intermittent traffic again and veering at the fork in the road on to the causeway heading towards the Moff's Palace where only a few large supply repulsor trucks lay further ahead and a mid sized one encroached from behind falling in to equal pace at a few dozen meter distance.

TBC in mission culmination later on tonite. . .

  Advanced to positions near Moff's Palace for hasty assault to spring Rebel Infiltrator Grinnek before transfer
  Corellian YT 1300 Pegasus is assumed placed aboard large common bulk cargo transport and moved off world to return to Sanctum
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 04:47:40 PM by Eidolon »
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« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2011, 07:26:51 PM »

  . . .Calgan crouched in brush along the treeline, prone on one knee and peering through a pair of macrobinoculars towards the Moff's Palace that was perched on a hill in the not so far distance  though slightly lower ground than his own position.  His Twi'lek Petty Officer and Human Ensign companions huddled nearby while a few dozen meters behind them in a shallow gully a pair of Chandrilan resistance fighters were preparing a small ramshackle submarine tied to shore while floating in a small rushing river that ran a few kilometers before opening up in to the Silver Sea.

  Focused in on a long walk way leading to a large landing platform where a typical Imperial Lambda shuttle sat perched, Calgan anxiously watched as a pair of storm troopers emerged from the Palace flanking a grisly looking battered man with his hands bound in front of him while another pair of troopers walked behind.

  He quickly shifted his view towards the long causeway leading up to the Palace walls as the hi powered binoculars momentarily blurred and refocused, then again as he tapped a tiny button increasing magnification.  The taxi marked armored van was pulling up to a small check point along the road just several hundred meters before the Palace.  A trio of regular Imperial army looking personnel manned it while a chicken walker stood idly parked near the tiny guard post building itself.  

  The officer of the group clad in grey combat armor displaying his Sergeant's rank stepped around to the driver section of the vehicle.  As he began to lean slightly forward as if to glance inside of the vehicle, a tiny jolt of blaster fire came blazing out the back of his skull.  What remained of his head immediately cocked up and appeared momentarily stiff while the rest of his body went limp and collapsed to the ground like a pile of wet laundry but with a pavement scraping clank of fibrous armor.  At the same time the van's side door had slid open and a rapid burst of rifle fire erupted, laying out the other two Imperial army soldiers with their blasters still holstered as errant erratic shots impacted the small metal crafted structure they stood in front of.  The van's engine roared much louder than at all previously as it peeled out racing closer towards the Palace gates.  It took a few seconds before whooping alarms began to sound.  As they did much of the van's rear side and upper wall sections flew off the vehicle, like light tin scraps, revealing it's true aggressive form.  As it closed in on the front of the palace, a few wallops of heavy blaster fire from a pair of now alert guard towers on either side of the main gate began to impact on the ground around the speeding armored unit.

  The pilot bucked a few well placed shots as they closed in to range and the heavy repeating blaster platform elevated slightly as Rudisel sat strapped in to the gunner's chair training his aim on the guard towers.  A rapid series of dozens of lashes of laser blasts erupted from the gun's long barrel up towards them.

  Calgan shifted his gaze back to the walkway and landing platform, just in time to see a brief flicker of ignition charges along the bottom bare and visible supports of the platform sparkle and a few larger explosions follow, sending rolling fire balls and concussive force ripping through the underlying struts.  The badly damaged raised landing platform began to lurch and angle backwards slowly before gaining momentum and crashing down sending the Imperial shuttle that sat atop smashing to the ground with an impressive fiery eruption of it's own.

  By now small arms blaster fire was erupting up towards the Palace from small pockets throughout the normally serene temperate landscape surrounding it.  The surprised defenders began to organize along the parapet walls and were firing back.  Along the walk way turned gang plank which now no longer led to a landing platform, the chained man's stormtrooper escorts had neglected focus on their detainee and were in battle mode taking cover and returning fire.  Grennik had momentarily huddled for cover before gaining a wind of adrenaline and hurtling himself with his shoulder lowered in to the back of one of his previous guards sending both of them flying over the side of the walk way and falling a dozen meters in to a thicket of lightly cushioned overgrowth with Grennik landing on top of the stormtrooper.  They both had the winded knocked from them and at least one of the troopers leg's cracked but he still tried to scramble out from underneath the other and gain a posture to attack the raging Rebel detainee who was now violently flailing his bound hands about like one large fist while rushing forward on his knees, coming down on the troopers helmet and chest plating as he frantically pedaled back with his hands and kicked with his one good leg while still on his ass.

 The surrounding tall brush shimmered as the two soldiers fought their awkward duel before a pair of Cracian Thumpers and their riders came barreling out.  One of the beasts gave a loud yell as it's rider hugged his mount tightly and it proceeded to deliver a powerful front kick with one of it's large feet to the stormtrooper sending him flying in to the base of a tree and going limp.  Grennik lay in the torn dirt and ground cover for a moment gathering his composure as one of the Thumper riders hoped down and strolled up to him.  The battle raged on in the back drop with several large explosions shaking and reverberating through the surrounding ground as the would be rescuer crouched down with a electro blade brandished.  Grabbing Grenniks hands he pulled them up and sliced the metal bindings in half.  The two pieces fell from his wrists and hit the ground with a soft thud.  The rider quickly hoped back on to his Thumper and directed it over towards Grennik,

 "RESCUE Man RESCUE.  You're making us look bad out there with the astroball tackle on to the pillow top foilage!" he exclaimed with a chuckle and smile.  "Come on man, hop on before this bitch decides she's leaving without either of us!" he hurriedly continued as his Thumper mount eagerly bucked and spun about, full of nervous energy.

  Grennik pushed himself to a stand and shook off the dizziness while stumbling over to the steed and pulling himself up on it behind the rider.  The two beasts and riders with their jailbreak companion rushed off in to the woodland dashing towards Calgan's position, the extraction point. . .

TBC. . .

  Initiated Distraction as Grennik was being led towards the Imperial Shuttle
  Battle around Moff Kolumus' Palace began, several fire teams scattered around the surrounding landscape and one armored vehicle
  Charges blew up landing platform which led to the destruction of Imperial Shuttle
  Rebel Infiltrator Grennik lept from walkway, rescued after landing hard by two Thumpers and Riders
  Grennik spirited away to presumed safety at Evacuation Point where Calgan and his team wait to depart and leave Chandrila
« Last Edit: April 03, 2011, 07:35:15 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2011, 10:00:14 PM »
Minutes before the Rebel Assault...


"Skiddish... very skiddish..."

"Yes, well, I think it's time for us to leave," Hale walked over to the door and pushed a button, letting two guards in. "Escort Mr. Grennik to the North Platform, where my shuttle is. He is being transferred to the ISP..."

The guards nodded, but something seemed strange. Instead walking over to Grennik to pick up him, one of them turned to Hale, with a hand slowly motioning behind his backs - reaching for his combat knife.  Almost sensing the danger precognitively, Hale braced himself as the guard unsheathed his knife and lunged towards him. Hale grabbed the guard's wrist and flipped him over his back, twist his shoulder in the process, which resulted in slamming him on the floor and breaking his arm simultaneously. The second guard was met with a stiff sidekick to his solar plexus, sending him sprawling to the steel wall. Both guards were incapacitated. Hale wasn't much of a soldier, but he paid attention during his few Officer Corps Martial Arts Program (OCMAP) classes he took at the Academy, which synthesized a blend of brutally effective self-defense and offensive hand-to-hand combat moves.

"Son of a bitch, that Moff Kolumus must want me dead!" Hale said while breathing heavily from the adrenaline rush.

"Nice moves, but what about me?" asked Grennik.

"You're getting out of here," replied Hale.

"Look... Hale is it? I don't know what's going on, but when the Empire is trying to kill its own, from my experience that's when you know it's time to go. And I don't mean leave..."

"What are you suggesting Grennik? That I join you? Run off to the Rebellion and throw away my entire career in the Empire for a hopeless cause? Useless," Hale replied. But somewhere deep down inside he knew Grennik was right. A career in the Empire could be compared to walking on a razor's edge - when you fall, you get cut.

* * *

{OOC: The following SL details alter the previously written condition of Grennik. For more dramz-action.}

"Yeah, but..." Grennik was cut off by a loud explosion and rumble felt throughout the Palace. Something huge just went down. Moments later, red lights and alarms started blaring. The palace was under attack. "Come on Hale, let's go!"

Hale grunted, and walked over to Grennik's chair, unbinding him. As soon as he did this, a pair of stormtroopers rushed into the holding cell, presumably to execute either Grennik or Hale, as was the Moff's orders. The stormtroopers noticed the fallen guards on the ground and immediately raised their blaster rifles to Hale, apparently not noticing that Grennik was just unbound. This was their last mistake.

Figuring himself under arrest or about to be executed, Hale lifted up his hands in innocence, all while Grennik picked up the chair he was sitting on and threw it at the Stormtroopers, knocking them down like white bowling pins. Grennik then rushed at them, stomping on one of their heads in the process, and then wrestling the other's rifle from his hands. After another moment of general comotion, a blaster shot was fired - into the second stormtrooper.  Grennik shoved the dead body off him and stood up, all while raising the E-11 rifle to Hale's chest...

...but Grennik flipped the weapon and handed to Hale. "Prisoner, ready for transfer."

Hale slowly took the rifle, astonished that the Rebel didn't finish him off right there and then. He looked down for a moment, and cursed under his breathe. "Not anymore you're not," realizing the Rebel had also saved his life by taking care of the stormtroopers, "we're even. Now get out of here before I change my mind!"

Grennik nodded and quickly stepped towards the door, picking up a fallen stormtrooper's rifle on his way out. Hale heard blaster shots ring in the hallways as apparently Grennik was making a B-line to the North Platform. Hale decided to go a safer route, using the Palace's maintenance shafts to make his way deeper into the palace... he had a score to settle with Moff Kolumus.

* * *

{OOC: Shit's about to get crazy.}


A small technician and piloting crew was prepping a Lambda-class shuttle for launch, per Kolumus' standing orders. In the event of an attack, the Moff wanted to have an exit strategy rather than a victory strategy. One of the technicians was making some final power coupling adjustments as he noticed a bright shining object in the distance...

The sleek J-type Nubian 327 Vengeance streaked downward from the sky in its descent towards the capital city of Chandrila. Its pilot was in a terrible hurry, especially after receiving comms that the Moff's Palace was under attack by Rebel forces. The slender craft made its way to the Moff Palace's central tower and slowed to a still hover just a few dozen meters above the Moff's Platform, which was Kolumus' personal landing pad attached above his main office.

The crew working on the Moff's shuttle looked up, confused. Thinking it could be part of the Rebel strike. One of the flight officer's ran towards the platform's laser turret, but as soon as he did that, the Vengeance's landing hatch opened, and a dark cloaked figured emerged, which leaped down from the hatch towards the laser turret. The dark figure ignited a red lightsaber and lunged at the flight officer, slashing him down. The figure then turned to the rest of the shuttle's crew, whom then ran off the platform down the nearest ladder exits.

The dark figure then pulled a small device out, and tossed it onto the Moff's shuttle. High-pitched beeping noises began ticking away faster and faster as the dark figure made long strides towards the platform's turbolift, waving a hand which opened its doors. As soon as the turbolift's doors shut, the device finished its beeping with a long constant tone... which was met with a brief silence before the entire shuttle exploded in a furious plasma firestorm.

* * *


Hale eventually made his way towards a maintenance turbolift that led directly to the top floor where Kolumus still was. After walking out of the turbolift, Hale noticed dead bodies and body parts littering the floor. The limbs and wounds all looked carterized. From Hale's estimates, some Rebels must've beaten him to the punch, but those were no blaster wounds.

Hale jogged carefully to Kolumus' door, opening it, only to see the backside of a dark figure before him making strides towards Kolumus' desk...

"Moff Centarius Dominicus Kolumus, you and your entire Palace have been found guilty of conduct unbecoming of an Imperial Moff by the COMPNOR. You are hereby sentenced to immediate execution...!"

"Wait! Under whose authority?! Who are you?!?" replied a frightful Moff, now realizing that all the dirty politics he played throughout his tenure as a Moff on Chandrila to line his pockets had finally caught up to him: slave trafficking, spice koa plantations, misappropriation of Imperial resources, corruption of Imperial personnel, and dozens of other auxiliary criminal charges. Moff Kolumus was dirty.

" the Emperor's Shadow..." with that, the dark figure revealed her identity, which was then matched with Kolumus' desk being Force tossed to the side, and the figure stabbing the red lightsaber into the heart of the Moff, killing him instantly.  The saber was withdrawn from the Moff's flesh, as his dead body slouched back, with Hale witnessing everything.

The dark figure turned around and met Hale's eyes with a powerful gaze. "Lieutenant Lucidius Hale!" the figure shouted, as it began walking closer to Hale. The figure deactivated its lightsaber and holstered it, then removed its mask and hood - revealing an amazingly beautiful face of a young adult woman. Her features were gentle and soft, with stark blue eyes and deep brown hair. "I am Aletheia Sable - Emperor's Shadow. I have been assigned to you by the Emperor himself to serve and protect you and your operations. I also come bearing a message from the Emperor: you are now the Provicial Moff of Chandrila.

Hale was flabbergasted, realizing what had just happened, but he didn't want to ask any questions. He just wanted to get out of Palace. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Aletheia. Shall we depart?"

Aletheia nodded, "come with me," her sultry voice said, "my ship is hovering over the Moff's Platform."

Hale nodded back and ran towards the turbolift with her, making his way out...

* * *

1. Grennik was released.
2. Aletheia Sable, Emperor's Shadow (Imperial Operative Unit) arrived on Chandrila.
3. Moff Kolumus was executed.
4. Moff's Palace in disarray and under attack.


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« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2011, 12:49:47 PM »
Battle of the Moff's Palace


The erupting chaos around the Moff's Palace was a sight to behold. Kolumus never ran any training drills for the minimal troops whom he had stationed at the palace, so as the action began, one could see stormtroopers scurrying about with little to no organization, confused. A pathetic show of force from the Empire.  Hale observed all of this from onboard the Vengeance, which was make slow passes around the palace, several hundred feet above. 

Outside the palace, civilians brandishing blaster pistols and RPGs stormed the gates. Hanna City was in full uprising against it seemed. The situation was at its tipping point. Even unarmed civilians from the city began rushing to the gates, hoping to capitalize on the chaos.

Hale was reaching for the ComScan panel to send a message to the Golan platform in orbit: scramble starfighters... but he was too late. Just moments before he was about to speak, various small explosions erupted throughout the palace. Crowds of civilians began running away, retreating back into the city. The rebels had presumably planted charges in their infiltration of the compound, charges which were going off - until... the big one.

Suddenly, the entire palace blew up with a consuming firestorm and mushroom cloud. Leaving behind a completely leveled structure and a mound of durasteel and duracrete. Of course, the massive dust cloud generated from the rubble began sweeping across downtown Hanna, filling the streets with ash.

The palace was no more.

"Son of a bitch!" Hale a reached for the ComScan panel, opening a broad Imperial frequency transmission:
 < Attention all Imperial units, this is Lieutenant Hale, the Moff's Palace was just destroyed. This is no drill. Scramble all starfighter patrols. Commence emergency lockdown procedures of the planet until further notice. >

The transmission went out and echoed through auxiliary channels until, systemwide, all Imperial military personnel heard the orders and began carrying them out. It would take a full day for a complete lockdown to be secured, but Hale hoped to capture those responsible before then and bring them to justice.

Meanwhile, TIE Fighter patrols were seen streaking the sky.  Far above the planet's surface, incoming and offgoing traffic was ordered to stand down or turn around.

It had begun...

* * *

1. Hale and Sable escaped the Moff's Palace.
2. The Moff's Palace was destroyed.
3. Lockdown of Chandrila began: TIE patrols scrambled, traffic halted.

Offline SWSF Eidolon

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« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2011, 03:50:05 PM »
  Several kilometers out from the mainland Calgan stood on the sandy beach of one of the many tiny specs of earth making up the Poison Island chain, gazing through his macrobinoculars towards Hanna City on the horizon as the setting sun behind him offered a misleading charmed golden hue to the whole scene.  Black smoke billowed from the landscape where the Moff's Palace once stood, the bustling commercial traffic to and from the space port had faded to non existence while military transports seemed to begin descending on the city almost instantly and hadn't let up for the last few hours.

  A young Chandrilan resistance fighter approached Calgan from behind, "Sir," he asked to gain the Lieutenant's attention.

  Calgan turned to face the young man, "Yes?"

  "Your transport is ready sir.  You'll be smuggled off world aboard a Lantillian Short Hauler, the Long Shot commanded by captain Ixsthmus," he said gesturing to a tall Ithorian clad in spacer attire approaching the two while pulling up his slouching belt with a blaster pistol slung low on it.

  "Nuka!" the hammerhead alien cheerfully greeted Lieutenant Verose while extending his large hand to grasp Calgan's in a powerful shake.

  "A pleasure captain Ixsthmus!" Calgan exclaimed while being pulled from his usual posture by the force.  He began to console his shoulder with a deep gentle rub, "You're only getting half if you break my arm before we get there," he jokingly added.

  The stoic Ithorian chuckled and delivered a hefty slap to the bicep of Calgan's coddled arm while beginning to stroll away and gesturing for the Lieutenant to follow.

  An aged Lantillian GX1 levitated up out of a large stubby sleeping cauldron volcanoe and blasted off in to the horizon opposite of Hanna City, hugging the sea surface closely for some time before climbing sharply to punch through the planetary atmosphere in to open space when it safely lept to hyperspace as Chandrila was left behind to bear the weight of Imperial retribution for the ill advised attack and uprising. . .

  Calgan and Grennik safely fled Chandrila, returning to Sanctum
  SL action ended, Thank You Hale!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 03:51:51 PM by Eidolon »
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« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2011, 02:48:08 PM »
Smoothly and silently a lone YT-1300 exits HS and begins a passive scan of the space from one of the deepspace locations.

Exited HS
Initiates passive scan

YT-1300 One
Everything 100% (Do I really need a full status for a non-battle post?)

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« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2011, 03:36:16 PM »
{ACTION: Scan results sent via PM.}

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« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2011, 06:00:41 PM »
{Since everyone else is posting their player files, I'll do the same so there's some transparency, and because we don't have a GM yet.}

Current Player Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Total Victory Points: 120
1 APR: +50 (ISP)
15 APR: +50 (ISP), +10 (ISH), +10 (IAC)

Previous Balance: 0 KCs
VP Paycheck: +120 KCs

Expenditures & Constructions
Upgrade Imperial Shipyard to Level 2: -50 KCs, DUE: 25 APR
Upgrade Imperial Academy to Level 2: -50 KCs, DUE: 25 APR

Ending Balance: 20 KCs