Author Topic: Prologue: The Battle of Hoth  (Read 23914 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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Prologue: The Battle of Hoth
« on: March 16, 2011, 07:43:38 PM »
This thread will be used to detail any introductory or prologue storylines players wish to use regarding the Battle of Hoth before official gaming begins on Friday the 18th. Please be creative, and take liberties (barring complete breaking of canon). Boldfaced text of the excerpted movie script below is there specifically for this game.

Enjoy, good luck, and happy simming!

If you care for some background references:
1. Empire Strikes Back (film)
« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 07:47:45 PM by Lucidius Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Prologue: The Battle of Hoth
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 07:45:29 PM »
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away...

It is a dark time for the Rebellion.
Although the Death Star has been destroyed,
Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden base
and pursued them across the galaxy.

Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet,
a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker
has established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hoth.

The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with finding young Skywalker,
has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of space...


The dark probe robot moves past the smoldering ruins of
station three-eight and down a ridge toward the Rebel base. It
raises a large antenna from the top of its head and begins to
send out a piercing signal.
The probe droid has spotted Chewbacca who, not thirty feet
away, has popped his head over a snow bank. Instantly, the
probe robot swings around, its deadly ray ready to fire. But
before it can get a shot off, it is hit from behind by a laser
bolt, and explodes in a million pieces.
Han Solo replaces his blaster in its holster and peers
intently at the smoldering remains of the Imperial probe.


Leia and Rieekan listen to Han on the comlink.

HAN: (over comlink) Afraid there's not much left.

LEIA: (into comlink) What was it?

HAN: (over comlink) Droid of some kind. I didn't hit it that hard. It
must have had a self-destruct.

LEIA: (into comlink) An Imperial probe droid.

HAN: (over comlink) It's a good bet the Empire knows we're here.

RIEEKAN: We'd better start the evacuation.


Darth Vader's Star Destroyer, larger and more awesome than
the five Imperial Star Destroyers that surround it, sits in
the vastness of space. The six huge ships are surrounded by a
convoy of smaller spacecraft. TIE fighters dart to and fro.


Controllers working the vast complex of electronic controls
hear ominous approaching footsteps and look up from their
controls. The squat, evil-looking Admiral Ozzel and the young,
powerfully built General Veers, who have been conferring near
the front, also feel the approaching presence and turn toward
it. Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith, enters like a chill wind.
As Vader moves across the wide bridge, Captain Piett hurries
up to Ozzel.

PIETT: Admiral.

OZZEL: Yes, Captain

PIETT: I think we've got something, sir. The report is only a fragment
from a probe droid in the Hoth system, but it's the best lead we've

OZZEL: (irritated) We have thousands of probe droids searching the
galaxy. I want proof, not leads!

PIETT: The visuals indicate life readings.

OZZEL: It could mean anything. If we followed every lead...

PIETT: But, sir, the Hoth system is supposed to be devoid of human

Vader moves to a large screen showing an image of the Rebel
snow base. Rebel speeders can be seen approaching the base in
the distance.

VADER: You found something?

PIETT: Yes, my lord.

VADER: (studying the image on the console screen) That's it. The
Rebels are there.

OZZEL: My lord, there are so many uncharted settlements. It could be
smugglers, it could be...

VADER: That is the system. And I'm sure Skywalker is with them. Set
your course for the Hoth system. General Veers, prepare you men.


A captain issues instructions to two of his men at the
entrance to the main transport bay. Several Rebel transports
behind them are being loaded by men carrying heavy boxes and
moving quickly, but not in panic.

REBEL CAPTAIN: Groups seven and ten will stay behind to fly the
speeders. As soon as each transport is loaded, evacuation control will
give clearance for immediate launch.

REBEL FIGHTER: Right, sir.


Alarms sound throughout the hidden Rebel base. In the
control room, a controller urgently gestures for General
Rieekan to check a computer scan.

CONTROLLER: General, there's a fleet of Star Destroyers coming out of
hyperspace in sector four.

RIEEKAN: Reroute all power to the energy shield. We've got to hold
them till all transports are away. Prepare for ground assault.

Rieekan exits hurriedly.


The dark cubicle is illuminated by a single shaft of light
which falls on the brooding Dark Lord as he sits on a raised
meditation cube. General Veers enters the room and approaches
the silent, unmoving Vader. Although seemingly very sure of
himself, Veers is still not bold enough to interrupt the
meditating lord. The younger general stands quietly at
attention until the evil presence speaks.

VADER: What is it, General?

VEERS: My lord, the fleet has moves out of light-speed. Com-Scan has
detected an energy field protecting an area around the sixth planet of
the Hoth system. The field is strong enough to deflect any

VADER: (angrily) The Rebels are alerted to our presence. Admiral Ozzel
came out of light-speed too close to the system.

VEERS: He felt surprise was wiser...

VADER: He is as clumsy as he is stupid. General, prepare your troops
for a surface attack.

VEERS: Yes, my lord.

Veers turns smartly and leaves as Vader activates a large
viewscreen showing the bridge of his mighty ship. Admiral
Ozzel appears on the viewscreen, standing slightly in front of
Captain Piett.

OZZEL: Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of light-speed, and we're
preparing to...Aaagh!

VADER: You have failed me for the last time, Admiral. Captain Piett.

Piett steps forward, as the admiral moves away, slightly
confused, touching his throat as it begins to constrict

PIETT: Yes, my lord.

VADER: Make ready to land out troops beyond the energy shield and
deploy the fleet so that nothing gets off that system. You are in
command now, Admiral Piett.

PIETT: Thank you, Lord Vader.

Piett's pleasure about his unexpected promotion is not an
unmixed emotion. He glances warily at the struggling Admiral
Ozzel who, with a final choke, stumbles and falls in a
lifeless heap before him.


With a sense of urgency, Leia quickly briefs a group of
pilots gathered in the center of the hangar.

LEIA: All troop carriers will assemble at the north entrance. The
heavy transport ships will leave as soon as they're loaded. Only two
fighter escorts per ship. The energy shield can only be opened for a
short time, so you'll have to stay very close to your transports.

HOBBIE: Two fighters against a Star Destroyer?

LEIA: The ion cannon will fire several shots to make sure that any
enemy ships will be out of your flight path. When you've gotten past
the energy shield, proceed directly to the rendezvous point.

PILOTS: (in unison) Right. Okay.

LEIA: Good luck.

DERLIN: Okay. Everyone to your stations. Let's go!

The pilots hurry away. Leia approaches YOU and a small group of other REBEL PLAYER CHARACTERS...

LEIA: Gentlemen, it is especially important you make it past the Imperial blockade.  We need you to make it to the Rendezvous Point as soon as possible to get new Rebel bases up and running! The future of the Alliance is in your hands...


A thin horizon line cuts across the bleak landscape. Small
dot-size objects begin to appear on the horizon, moving in the
direction of the Rebel base.


A Rebel officer lifts a pair of electrobinoculars to his
eyes. Through the lens he sees a very close view of a giant
Imperial snow walker. He adjusts the view which then zooms
back to reveal three more of the ominous battle machines.
Small flashes of yellow fire billow from the guns of the
lumbering snow walkers.
The officer lowers his binoculars as the regular rhythmic
pounding begins to make the ground vibrate. The pounding grows
louder and is accompanied by a high-pitched, metallic
rattling. The officer speaks into his comlink.

TRENCH OFFICER: Echo Station Three-T-Eight.


Pilots and gunners race to their waiting snowspeeders. Ice
and snow begin falling from the walls of the corridor, shaken
by the pounding Imperial snow walker as they draw ever nearer.

TRENCH OFFICER: (over comlink) We have spotted Imperial walkers!

CONTROLLER: Imperial walkers on the north ridge.


The Rebel troops aim their weapons at the horizon as
explosions erupt all around them. They are nervous and their
grip on their weapons tightens from the cold and from fear.
Behind the troops a dozen snowspeeders race through the


LUKE: (into comlink) Echo station Five-Seven. We're on our way.


The fleet of snowspeeders races above the ice field at full
throttle. They accelerate away from the base and head toward
the distant walkers.


LUKE: (into comlink) All right, boys, keep tight now.

DACK: Luke, I have no approach vector. I'm not set.

LUKE: Steady, Dack. Attack pattern delta. Go now!


The cannons mounted on the walker head fire at the
speeders. Other walkers loom in the background. Two speeders
race away past two of the enormous walkers and bank to the


LUKE: All right, I'm coming in.

He turns his speeder and heads directly at one of the
walkers, flying toward its towering legs. The horizon twists
as the speeder banks between the legs.

LUKE: (into comlink) Hobbie, you still with me?


Two speeders race directly at the head of a walker, then
split and fly past it.
Three other walkers march onward, firing all cannons.


Rebel troops fire on the approaching walkers, as the snow
and ice explode all around them.


A speeder banks through and away from the legs of a walker.
Two other speeders pass the first speeder from the opposite
direction. Other Rebel craft race just above the icy plain.
A giant walker head swivels and fires, striking a
snowspeeder and sending it crashing in a ball of flames.


General Veers and two walker pilots keep a careful eye on
the racing Rebel snowspeeders as they maneuver their lumbering
war machine forward.
Luke's speeder banks in from the side of Veers's walker and
heads straight for its viewport, blasting away. An explosion
hits the walker window, but dissipates, doing no harm. The
speeder roars up and over the impregnable war machine.


Luke looks back at the walker as it grows smaller in the

LUKE: That armor's too strong for blasters.

On the horizon, another walker moves up past Luke's cockpit
window, twisting out of sight as Luke banks and starts another

LUKE: (into comlink) Rouge Group, use your harpoons and tow cables. Go
for the legs. It might be our only chance of stopping them. (to Dack)
All right, stand by, Dack.

Dack is at the gunner's controls.

DACK: Luke, we've got a malfunction in fire control. I'll have to cut
in the auxiliary.

LUKE: Just hang on. Hang on, Dack. Get ready to fire that tow cable.

Barely keeping his seat in the tumbling ship, Dack struggles
to set up his harpoon gun.
Luke swings his speeder around and heads toward an oncoming
walker. Laser bolts and flak fill the air, creating a deadly
obstacle course for the tiny craft.


Rouge Leader and another snowspeeder fly in tight formation
toward the walker as explosions burst all around them.


After sustaining a heavy volley of fire, Luke turns around
to see if Dack is all right.

LUKE: Dack? Dack!

Dack is lost. Blood streams down his forehead, which
rests on his smoldering controls. Out the back window, an
Imperial walker recedes in the distance.


Rebel troops fire the dishlike ray gun while explosions
erupt around them.


Two walkers lumber toward the Rebel base as a speeder
between them explodes in a ball of flames.


The dislike ray gun is hit by a laser bolt and instantly


Through the cockpit window, Veers and his pilot can see the
Rebel power generators in the distance.
A hologram of Darth Vader appears on a control panel

VEERS: Yes, Lord Vader. I've reached the main power generator. The
shield will be down in moments. You may start your landing.


Vader deactivates the HOLONET transmitter and gives the order to the main hangar bay to prepare his TIE INTERCEPTOR for launch. After conferring with ADMIRAL PIETT to give him command of the bridge, he approaches YOU and a group of IMPERIAL PLAYER CHARACTERS...

VADER: Lieutenants, I have ordered you to report to me because I have a special mission for you to undertake. The Emperor has foreseen the Rebel Alliance persevering through this battle, and as a contingency you will be dispatched to seek and destroy any remaining remnants.  You will also oversee the construction of my Armada-class Super Star Destroyer on Dathomir.  If you care to join me on the surface to finish the Rebels, you may do so, but at this instance you have your orders... and DO NOT FAIL ME...

Vader turns, and walks briskly away from the contingent of IMPERIAL PLAYER CHARACTERS, his cape flowing powerfully behind him, as he begins his journey towards the surface of HOTH.


The fierce battle on the vast snow plains of Hoth rages on.
The Imperial walkers continue their slow, steady assault on
the Rebel base, firing lasers as they lumber ever onward. In
the snow trench, Rebel troops fire large bazookalike guns and
dishlike ray guns as explosions erupt around them. A gun tower
is hit by a laser bolt and instantly explodes. Another blast
destroys a ray gun.


General Veers studies various readouts on his control

VEERS: All troops will debark for ground assault. Prepare to target
the main generator.


Apart from the distant thunder of laser blasts, the
corridor is strangely quiet and empty. Running footsteps echo
through the freezing hallway, then Han appears. Cracks have
appeared in some of the walls and some pipes have broken,
sending hot steam billowing into the underground hallways. Han
hurries into the command center. It is a shambles, but some
people are still at their posts. As he enters, a gigantic
cave-in almost obliterates the room. He finds Leia and
Threepio near one of the control boards.

HAN: You all right?

Leia nods. She is surprised to see him.

LEIA: Why are you still here?

HAN: I heard the command center had been hit.

LEIA: You got your clearance to leave.

HAN: Don't worry. I'll leave. First I'm going to get you to your ship.

THREEPIO: Your Highness, we must take this last transport. It's our
only hope.

LEIA: (to controller) Send all troops in sector twelve to the south
slope to protect the fighters.

A blast rocks the command center, throwing Threepio
backward into Han's arms.

ANNOUNCER: (over loudspeaker) Imperial troops have entered the base.

HAN: Come on...that's it.

LEIA: (to head controller) Give the evacuation code signal. And get to
your transports!

Leia looks exhausted. Han grabs her and starts to lead her
As Han, Leia, and Threepio run out of the command center,
the code signal can be heard echoing off the corridor walls.

HEAD CONTROLLER: K-one-zero...all troops disengage.

THREEPIO: (to Han and Leia) Oh! Wait for me!


Rebel troops retreat under the awesome Imperial onslaught.

OFFICER: Begin retreat!


Troops flee from the battle, the ground exploding around


Three of the giant walkers, firing lasers, advance toward
the Rebel headquarters.


Continuing their retreat, the Rebels see the walkers
looming ever nearer.


On the battlefield, Luke watches as a walker foot rises and
moves over him. He looks up at the underbelly of the huge
walker, passing overhead.
Running beneath the monstrous machine, Luke fires his
harpoon gun at the walker's underside. A thin cable follows
the projectile from the gun. The magnetic head and cable
attach firmly to the metal hull.
Still running under the walker, Luke attaches the cable
drum to his belt buckle. Soon he is pulled up the cable and
hangs dangling underneath the walker.
The walker's giant feet continue to pound onward across the
frozen snow. Stray laser bolts whistle by Luke as he climbs up
the cable to the walker's hull, reaching a small hatch.
Hanging precariously, Luke cuts the solid metal hatch with his
laser sword.
He takes a landmine from around his neck and throws it
inside the Imperial machine. Quickly, Luke starts down the
cable and crashes onto the icy ground far below. He lies
unconscious as a giant rear leg passes by -- and just misses
The giant walker stops in mid-step. A muffled explosion
comes from within -- and then the walker's mechanical insides
are spewed out every conceivable opening. The machine sits
dead in its tracks, smoking like a locomotive on stilts.


Veers's walker continues to advance toward the Rebel base.
The smoldering walker that Luke exploded stands smoking just
to the right of Veers's path.


Inside his walker, General Veers prepares to fire on the
Rebel power generators.

VEERS: Distance to power generators?

PILOT: One-seven, decimal two-eight.

Veers reaches for the electrorangefinder and lines up the
main generator.

VEERS: Target. Maximum fire power.


The Rebel troops continue their desperate retreat, pushed
back by the relentless Imperial assault..

« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 01:53:45 AM by Lucidius Hale »

Offline SWSF Hoppus

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Re: Prologue: The Battle of Hoth
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2011, 10:32:40 AM »

The nearing Imperial war machine provoked small tremors in the ice crust of the planet, and shook material loose from the empty corridor walls of Echo Base.

Danen Kettering hurried through the passage ways, his com link ready in his hand. His second in command, Myn Ogani, hurried along beside him, her long, slender fingers working over the screen of her own data pad. Her hair was tied back in a severe knot, heightening the sharp features of her pale face.

"Everything checks out," Myn said. "Reed says we have the all-clear."

They entered the large, and now nearly empty, forward hangar of Echo Base. Cables hung loose from the domed ice ceiling and half of the lighting flickered or was dark. In front of them were the large, barrel-like engines of the transport ship that held their future, a long ramp extending from the underbelly of the ship to the hangar floor. A few troops were still carrying the last of containers and other devices into it.

"Is our escort ready?" Danen asked, looking about the hangar. "Are they with us?" He pointed at a pair of snub fighters, blue lines painted down their fuselage. Two pilots were closing their cockpits and prepping for flight.

"I think so," Myn said.

They hurried into the transport and picked their way through to the small bridge. Outside of the viewports Danen could see the two X-Wing fighters floating forward on their repulsor lifts, nudging towards the front of the hangar's entrance. The transport ship hummed to life as its own repulsors engaged, the ship taking to the air.

"Don't wait on me, take us to hell out of here," Danen said. The officer at the engineering chair nodded and returned to his repeater display, adjusting thrust and preparing the transport's sublight engines. A few seconds later, the threesome of starships pushed out of the hangar and lifted skyward. They would usually wait to get out of atmosphere to engage their sublight drives, but they needed more speed to beat the empire's multiple star destroyers. With a thunderous bang the drives turned on and the transport accelerated exponentially faster, the snub fighters keeping pace.

The base signaled the shield was down and with a final push of acceleration the transport slung out of the atmosphere and into the darkness of space.

"Multiple contacts," the communications officer reported. "Several Star Destroyers and lighter cruisers. TIE Fighters are changing course and moving to intercept."

"Push straight through. If our jump ready?" Danen asked, standing behind the stations and their officers. Outside the viewports one of the Star Destroyers clearly changed course, its nose turning towards their projected path through the Imperial blockade. Just as he began to order a change of course, the bridge lights dimmed. Three blasts of blue light smashed into the white belly of the star destroyer, and blue lightning played over its hull as it began to list.

"Jump ready," the officer reported.

"Do it."

And in a flicker of psuedomotion, the transport and its escorts jumped into hyperspace.


Offline SWSF Eidolon

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Re: Prologue: The Battle of Hoth
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2011, 01:59:07 PM »

  An unusually clear morning on the remote frigid wasteland world offered a bleak outlook across the landscape as the Rebel lines, or what remained of them, shattered in retreat against the diligently encroaching Imperial assault led by several of the fearsome looming land dreadnought AT-ATs, or Imperial Walkers.  Towering marching mechanisms of destruction, their rhythmic steps thumped the frozen snow covered earth sending plumes of the powder up with each stomp as their heads swiveled from side to side lashing out with powerful bursts of blaster fire wreaking havoc upon the Rebel defenders.  Small snow speeders buzzed about the persistently advancing metal monsters until they were all swatted down like pests with little effect, save for a one in a million harpoon shot and maneuver, by a Rogue hotshot, managing to tangle and trip up one of the beasts bringing it literally to it's knees.

  The smaller awkward "Chicken Walkers" scurried ahead of their much larger brethren, accompanied by mobs the ghostly looking cold weather Stormtroopers, picking apart what remained of the crumbled Rebel fortifications.  Bombed out smoking shells of laser towers and emplacements littered the whole of the stretch of trenches along the front line as the bodies of Rebel martyrs lay strewn about while their battered and defeated brothers in arms fled with all their haste to the rear, only several hundred yards from the pressing Imperial force.

  Calgan stumbled in his hurried rout as a laser blast walloped the frosty ground not more than a wookiee's length from him.  He dropped his pack and rifle and lost a cap bearing his Lieutenant's rank while clawing through the deep snow to his feet, only succeeding with the help of a passing Sullustan grunt as various others sprinted past.  The alien excitedly sputtered his nasally speech while pulling the Lieutenant up by his coat and half dragging him in full run along behind until he regained his own stride.  The wind briefly swept up clouds of snow dust, temporarily concealing the devastation of Echo Base and pursuing enemy forces behind.  Only three transports taking on their final cargoes and their anxiously awaiting snub escorts remained at the exterior evacuation point as Calgan and the last of the surviving line defenders trickled in.  In the distance the assuring fire and recoil of the Ion Cannon could be heard, giving the fugitive rebel ships a safe corridor of exit from the planet and system.

  Exhausted and beleaguered, he trudged the few steps further to the wide loading ramp of one of the transports before kicking his boot up on it and briefly leaning forward with his weight on his knee to catch his breath.  Soldiers and other personnel filed up a narrow lane marked by bright yellow painted pathway as worker and loading droids proceeding along a broader one marked in red.  His lungs pounded with short frantic bursts as the warmth of his breath cast out a frosty steam until finally regaining himself and steadying to a slow intake and exhale through his nose.  He stood and straightened his crumpled fatigues as a few stragglers hobbled up the ramp.  A now familiar Sullustan approached and pulled an even more familiar cap from in his bulky winter clothing, offering it forth to Calgan with a few sloppy words and what passes for a smile on a Sullustan. . .

 "Ne-uuh Nak Mook Dubbrah Vooroose!"

  Calgan eagerly accepted the gift and couldn't help but display an ear to ear grin while shaking it off and fitting it back to his head.  The Sullustan stood erect and proudly snapped to a salute as the two now stood at the base of the ramp with the last procession of rebel gear and sullen personalities lumbering up as the ship's engines roared to life, preparing for departure.

  The Lieutenant casually returned his salute and leaned in, "Anything else I forgot Sergeant?" he yelled over the transports now whining drive system.

  The Sullustan stepped back and pointed with a large finger to the landscape they were about to abandon.  Motioning from one end to the other along a row of pillaging Imperial units now overrunning Echo Base.

  "Pu-dock," he said in a summary tone turning back to face Calgan.

  "Oh I didn't forget them," the Lieutenant said while turning to go up the ramp and gesturing the Sergeant along with him.  "Let's put this shit hole behind us Sergeant and plan on what to do about 'Them'."

  As the two disappeared in to the large freighters interior the landing ramp began to lift and retract as the ship rose in a hover a few hundred feet from the ground.  A pair of X-wing fighters levitated up to meet her as the trio's engine exhausts fluttered up and they rocketed forward off in to the sky.  The massive Ion Cannon fired one last volley as Calgan's transport and escort cleared the atmosphere, the concentrated energy bursts flinging past their formation in to open space.

  Out a viewport, Calgan looked down upon the revolving white washed orb of Hoth that had become a graveyard for much of the Alliance's hopes.  Further off, numerous wedge shaped glints dotted the spacial horizon.  The hidden Rebel stronghold had been uncovered and left smoldering in ash by Lord Vader's Death Squad.   Now a broken force, the remnants of the Alliance scattered in all directions across the galaxy, seeking obscurity and refuge from the Empire's vengeance.

  Moments later the small rebel group snapped to hyperspace, leaving behind the disgrace and ashes of defeat on Hoth. . .
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 04:03:46 PM by Eidolon »
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Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Prologue: The Battle of Hoth
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2011, 11:02:03 PM »


The mood on the bridge of the Executor was for lack of a better word - grave.  The prestige associated even with being a mere enlisted man stationed aboard the vessel garnished much respect, as many in the Empire were using the successes of Death Squadron to gain assignment priority for more 'choicier' duty stations.  The prestige associated with being an officer in Death Squadron was enormous. A bridge officer - incalculable.  For an Imperial Officer, to be on the bridge of the Empire's most powerful warship, in the presence of Lord Vader himself no less, amounted to a palpable experience.  But this prestige came at a price.  The Imperial chain of command relies much on honor and duty, sure, but also on power and fear.  The higher you go, the more servings of each of those thing you get.

Cutthroatness and guile were rewarded more than duty and honor. It seemed everything you learned at the Naval Academy about 'distinction and honor' was thrown out the window when it came to being a bridge officer.  Hale didn't really appreciate any of it though - he'd just assume to do his obligated time onboard with 'distinction and honor' and stay out of the spotlight...and out of Vader's viewscreen.  But Hale wouldn't get this chance.  It seemed 'distinction and honor' had been enough for the late Admiral Ozzel to recommend him and others for a joint task force setup by Vader himself to fufill the Emperor's design.

* * *


These were the words which kept echoing in Hale's mind.  After hearing them, he had stood there standing for a moment to catch his own breath.  Being a bridge officer onboard the Executor was deathly serious.  Just moments before the invasion of Hoth began, Admiral Ozzel was 'relieved of his command' - something Hale never wanted to happen to him.  All he wanted was a solid career in the Imperial Navy, maybe to command his own Star Destroyer one day, or perhaps command the space defenses of a cushy Core world, either way one could say he was getting what he wanted by being assigned on this new joint task force.

Now, his Level 1 Priority Orders gave him unparalelled access to Imperial resources - to which he would have to execute his primary mission directive: destroy the Rebel Alliance once and for all.  This veritable 'blank check' allowed him to pick and choose from Death Squadron itself a fleet of warships, a world to base his operations, and a direct credit line to the Galactic Imperial Bank from which he would be receiving money to fuel his efforts.  While the logic in selecting young officers for this task wasn't exactly clear, Hale didn't want to dwell on it to much. 

Insider rumors regarding the Imperial High Command weren't spoken publicly, but the rumors spread nonetheless: that the Empire was loosing the war.  Even to an outsider, nobody would question that the Galactic Empire is definitively in control of the galaxy, but the Emperor's foresight was enough to corraborate the rumor.  Now, the logic seemed clear.  Pick a young Imperial Officer to do something.  Why?  Because they have something to proove, and because they're creative.  Clearly, the Emperor or Vader for that matter didn't want old officers dealing with the Rebels with old solutions - this was Tarkin's failure.  Instead, if the Empire is to survive the likes of the Rebellion, then it needed change from the ground up.  Who better to pick for a job in that regard than the young and ambitious?

* * *

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: Prologue: The Battle of Hoth
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2011, 12:59:30 PM »


Hale walked out of the turbolift to find himself in the middle of a very busy launch bay.  He was carrying his olive fleet bag and wearing his issued backpack, looking very sharp in his solid olive uniform.  While some considered Imperial uniforms to be very boring, there advantages were numerous for cultivating morale: in conformity there was commonality and professionality, a sense of belonging and purpose with the Empire.  Hale adjusted his cap, and walked onto the landing pad of the launch bay, his Lambda-class shuttle waiting for him, with crew standing at attention underneat the loading ramp.

Hale piqued an eyebrow.  He wasn't expecting the shuttle's crew to be standing at attention at all for an officer of his standing, but Hale supposed he would have to get used to receiving a little more attention now that he was under priority orders from Lord Vader.

"Shuttle Veritas standing by for your orders, sir!"

Hale dropped his fleet bag and saluted, "at ease ensign. We have a busy day ahead of us.  Is the Veritas
 ready for launch?"

"Yes sir, preflight checks have been completed. Request permission to launch, sir."

"Very well, permission granted. Launch the Veritas," replied Hale.  Moments later he motioned towards grabbing his fleet bag but an enlisted man took the initiative and helped Hale out.  Everything he owned was in that fleet bag.  It wasn't much, and even then it was mostly issued gear, but Hale hoped to begin a new career life at his future base of operations.  Sector Ops Palaces were not as formal as a Governor's or Moff's Palace,
 but they were very comfortable compared to starship standards.

Hale and the crew walked up the ramp and took their stations, with Hale moving to the cockpit to take the co-pilot's chair so he could be in the action.  As the loading ramp closed up, the engines of the Veritas began their fusion cycle and kicked into high gear, boosting power to the repulsors and lifting the shuttle off the landing pad.  Within moments, the Veritas slowly began creeping out of the launch bay until it was finally clear.

* * *


"Where to, sir?" asked the flight officer.

Hale looked out of the cockpit window and saw the bright flashes on the surface where Echo Base was, along with two other Star Destroyers failing to maintain power through an ionization surge.  The battle was going well for the Rebels, but their defeat was inevitable.  Hale didn't have a soft spot in his heart for the Rebellion, but he didn't disdain them either.  He reasoned the Rebels were just misunderstanding of the Empire, that if they would just cooperate, then peace, justice, and order would be established throughout the galaxy just as the Republic before.  The stronger governments will always prevail.  In this trying times of the galaxy, the Galactic Empire was the mightiest.

"Chandrila... I don't care to join Lord Vader on the surface. We have more important work to do.  Besides, something tells me he won't find what he's looking for..."

"Yes sir, making way to Chandrila," acknowledged the flight officer as he flipped a few switches to begin the hyperspace calculations. "Looks like it's going to be a pretty long hyperflight, sir, better make yourself at home."

Hale nodded. The flight officer was right.  Fortunately, Lambda-class shuttles had deceivingly large cargo holds for vessels of their stature, so the Veritas was outfitted with standardized berthing rooms common aboard Imperial starships, which weren't exactly luxurious, but at least the beds were comfortable enough to get a good night's sleep on.

"I have numerous starships to review for the formation of my battlefleet, so I'll be keeping busy," replied Hale.

"Oh really sir? They're giving you an entire fleet?" asked the flight officer, suprised.

"Yes, priority orders from Lord Vader himself. It would seem as though I am only a 'Lieutenant' by name only now..." replied Hale, as he got up and motioned towards the cockpit door. "Alright, well, I'll be settling into my quarters now. Pilot, commence hyperflight watch rotation."

"Commence hyperflight watch rotation, aye sir."

With that, Hale exited the cockpit and descended to the lower levels of the shuttle, finding his quaint quarters awaiting him.  He enjoyed this newfound superiority.  No higher-ups looking down on him.  It was legitimate freedom, to an extent.  But time would tell and proove Hale wrong or right if he was going to earn it...

* * *

("DISTINCTION AND HONOR" to be concluded with Part 3 at Chandrila)

Offline Ramano

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Re: Prologue: The Battle of Hoth
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2011, 01:37:07 PM »
Hoth: Ice Plain Evac Point 12

The massive billowing cloud signaled the demise of the shield generator allowing for the full scale imperial assault of the base. Rebel soldiers stood in shock at how fast the imperials were able to infiltrate their defenses and lay siege to the planet. The imperial war machine was a sight to behold indeed.


With that the soldiers continued their hurried run-a-bout of the evacuation zone. Jason observed as the final crates were loaded onto the transport with little care as to how it was loaded.

Soldier: "Commander Starhammer! Report from Echo Command. The tunnels have collapsed and all routes to the evacuation point are cut off. Han Solo will get the princess out on the Falcon sir."
Jason: "
No sense standing around here anymore then. Everyone on the transport, its time to go."

The remaining personel quickly boarded the transport as the engines sent a blizzard of snow swirling around it. Slowly the ship lifted into the air, the 2 X-Wings speeding off next to it. As the transport completed its turn laser blasts came roaring past turning one X-Wing into a fireball and sending the other careening to the ground. Jason counted in his head, waiting for the tell tale pops as more laser fire shot past.

Jason: "Why is no one shooting those chicken-walkers?"
Soldier: "Uhh... Roger that sir!"

Not even a moment later the laser turrets exploded to life ripping into the twin AT-STs now arriving at the evac site. One after the other they burst into orange and red. The lasers of the Rebel Transport far outmatched those on the speeders, whos numbers were now nearly extinct on the battlefield.

Jason: "Armor too strong for that you sons of bitches!"
Soldier: "Sir! Over there."

Jason looked out the side of the viewport to see the hundreds of soldiers still fleeing the imperial onslaught, a half dozen AT-ATs close on their heels.

Jason: "Why are those troops still down there!?"
Lt: "In all the commotion everyone just scrambled. Command probably doesnt even know they are down there."
Jason: "Land... There!"
Lt: "Sir, might I inform you that even if we did that, AND survived, we couldnt fit them all on the ship anyway."
Jason: "Then dump the supplies and make room!"
Lt: "SIR?!"
Jason: "Leuitenant either you land this transport and dump those supplies or I will make room for those soldiers by throwing YOU OUT THE NEAREST AIRLOCK! I want this ship, on the ground, 1/2 click behind those soldiers NOW! If one of them gets left behind, WE ALL GET LEFT BEHIND. Is that understood Leuitenant?"
Lt: "Roger sir."

The massive transport turned screaming across the battlefield, the roar of its engines litterally shaking the ground as it passed only meters above the AT-ATs advancing across the plains. Lasers blasts lit up the belly of the ship as they impacted on the shields one after another as the walkers had now found themselves a very large target. Simultaneously the laser turrets on the transport sprang back into action taring 2 large trenches across the battlefield as the red streaks rained down into the imperial formations.

Lt: "Sir, port rear deflector screen down to 27%. We are not going to be able to stay here long."
Jason: "Just open the rear unloading bay and start throwing stuff as we set down. I want anything not bolted down off this ship and we need it done yesterday!"

Even before the transport had touched down things were already been thrown about, spreading throughout the new landing zone. The soldiers still running for their lives quickly realized a slim chance at survival had just blasted down from the heavens, and the straffing run may have just bought them the precious seconds they needed to claim it.

With a resounding thud the ship made contact with the ice, sending a snow cloud up obscuring even the best efforts of proper aiming. Commander Starhammer, having moved to the hanger of the ship was already standing on the open loading bay with a few heavy lifters rushing passed him. An additional present for the imperials in extange for the lives of the soldiers.

Jason: "Unless you want this place to be your icy grave I suggest you move your asses!"

The soldiers quickly stormed onto the transport with the hails of praise and thanks as Jason squinted trying to eye through the snow swirling around the ship, the occasional blindly fired laser bolt screaming invisibly passed.

Rundle: "Sir, im Sergent Rundle, my god are you a sight for desperate eyes."
Jason: "Sergent, how many men are you running here?"
Rundle: "I couldnt answer that for you currently sir. I got mixed regiments from the 37th, 44th, 46th, 50th, and 51st. The entire command structure is either gone or dead. We were running a fighting withdrawal to evac point 7 using whoever happened to run passed."
Jason: "I got some bad news for you sergent, we were the last evac point to go and we were in 12."

A look of terror crossed the sergents face as he too turned out the landing bay screaming for the remaining soldiers to cram onboard. A massive blast rocked the ship to its side sending its passengers tumbling. As they began to pick themselves up the Lt. came running up.

Lt: "Sir, our rear deflector screens are gone, and we have some minor hull buckling on the aft starboard. We're well inside their infrared targeting systems sir, we have got to go NOW!"

A few large laser blasts scattered the few remaining groups scrambling for the safety of the transport. Jason turned forcing his way through the cargo bay now packed like a japaneese subway car trying to make for the bridge.

Jason: "Get us off the ground NOW NOW NOW!"

The transport lifted off once again through a hail of laser fire, a few taking a sizzling glance off the now shieldless hull. Quickly the ship cleared the range of the slow moving walkers as it entered the atmosphere. Slowly the pale blue and white of the planet faded away to the black void of space, and in front of them in that void was an entire wing of TIEs. Jason finally reaching the bridge was just in time to witness this as well.

Lt: "So, what kind of luck do you have for that one sir? Im counting 72 various TIE craft holding position 040 mark 1."
Jason: "Luck often enough, leuitenant, will save a man if his courage hold. Continue course, plot the navicomputer and make the jump to hyperspace when possible."
Lt: "Sir, I cant even plot a jump to..."

He was cut off by the small blue flashes appearing behind the imperial fighter formation. In the distance the small red lines streaking out from them signaled a quick death for the completely off guard fighter formation, the transport proceeding effortlessly through the dogfight.

Jason: "Rebel squadron leader, this is RAT Delta 4-7 Heavy. I got about 700 heads on board that thank you for plowing the road."
RSL: "Roger that Delta 4-7, get those soldiers home commander. Red leader out."

No sooner had the comm ended and the transport disappeared into its confines of hyperspace headed for Rendezvous Point.

Offline Dementat

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Re: Prologue: The Battle of Hoth
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2011, 04:17:39 PM »
The Cavalcade!

    Smoke and steam rose in the distance as the rebel stronghold succumbed to Imperial firepower. A dozen rebel infantrymen, who had missed the final flight out, scrambled through the snow in hopes of finding shelter before nightfall. "We have to keep moving," ordered one of the men as he reached the mouth of the canyon. There was a non-organic howl in the distance. Visibility was down to less than 10 meters, due to the falling snow. Two of the men stopped in their tracks when they heard it, but then continued moving. They passed columns of ice as they moved closer to the pass. The temperature was dropping, and the sound of the cracking and freezing ice was reminiscent of the sound wind chimes made. Some had even compared it to the music of the Vors' Cathedral of Winds. But again the men were stopped by the unnatural howl of a repulsor engine. It echoed through the canyon, amplified, and caused snow to begin to fall from the stone walls that lined their escape. Then a new sound, the sound of gears and metallic impacts against rock and ice. The man at the front became more urgent. "Run, run now! Find cover!" But it was too late. A blast of red fire vaporized his upper body, leaving a pair of legs and smoking hip standing in the thick snow. It slowly dropped to its knees, then off to its side, unleashing what steamy entrails remained onto the white snow.

    "RUN...," shouted another man just as the incoming laser fire intensified. In a panic, the eleven remaining soldiers darted off in different directions. Ice columns fractured like glass as the large Scout Walker speed towards them belching fire from its mouth. Steam from the superheated air condensed the falling snow into rain. It dropped on their heads as they ran. Another of them, a young man not even old enough to legally drink, was struck from behind by twin bolts of plasma. His remains sprayed the icy walls like a pretentious artists "masterpiece." Two more AT-ST materialized from the fog, speeder bikes maneuvering through their legs in deadly pursuit. Two rebels took cover behind a snow-covered rock and began returning fire, only scorching the paint of the large metal beasts. Realizing how frivolous their weapons were against the armor, they turned their attention to the snow troopers on the bikes. One of the bikes was struck in the mid-section, dropping it from the air and sending the rider flying into the fog. Gears began to turn, the sound of a turret orienting towards its target. They looked up in time to see the concussion grenade launch in their direction.

    Five men had managed to round the corner of the canyon, only to find a dead end. They took cover in the snow, attempting to camouflage themselves with it. The echo of laser fire ricochet off the walls for what seemed like an hour, but had only been minutes. Then there was silence. "Stay down," one of them whispered to the others. The silence was eerie, only the whistle of the wind could be heard. But then they heard the sound of fresh snow being crushed underfoot. A half dozen snow troopers came around the corner with blasters drawn. They stopped and took aim, not fooled by the attempt to hide. Another man, dressed in a dark heavy coat, stepped through them and approached. "Stand up now, there is no reason to resist any further." The lead man slowly got to his feet, motioning the other men to do the same. They raised their arms in surrender and gathered together before the man, who wore the single bars of a Lieutenant on his lapels. He held up a datapad and scanned the rebel captives for facial recognition. "None of you are officers of the Rebel Alliance?" One man pleaded, "No, we are not. Under the articles of war, we surrender. Please spare us." The Lieutenant looked over his shoulder at the snow trooper wearing the orange shoulder patch of a squad leader. "A pity." He turned around and stepped back through the troopers, disappearing into the fog. The troopers raised their weapons with a series of clicks.

    Lieutenant Gauge Mors grabbed a headset from a waiting trooper as he approached a kneeling AT-ST. A fuzzy transmission came over the small speaker as he held it to his ear. "Negative contact in this quadrant for any of the upper rebel echelon." A short series of blaster fire echoed through the canyon, followed by the sound of snow and rock sliding down the walls. "We have no prisoners to catalog."
« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 04:34:12 PM by Dementat »
(\/)ighty RE

Offline Dementat

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Re: Prologue: The Battle of Hoth
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2011, 10:54:20 PM »
The Cavalcade!

    It was General Veers who had ordered Mors to report to the Star Dreadnought Executor. He stood among other officers, looking up into the black mask of Lord Vader himself.

    "Lieutenants, I have ordered you to report to me because I have a special mission for you to undertake. The Emperor has foreseen the Rebel Alliance persevering through this battle, and as a contingency you will be dispatched to seek and destroy any remaining remnants.  You will also oversee the construction of my Armada-class Super Star Destroyer on Dathomir.  If you care to join me on the surface to finish the Rebels, you may do so, but at this instance you have your orders... and DO NOT FAIL ME..."

    His skin grew cold and clammy as he watched the caped nightmare leave the conference room. He had heard stories of what happened when one disappointed Vader. Risk and perilous danger were a staple in Gauge Mors' daily life. He would accept the Dark Lords challenge. An entire task force under his command... a division of troops and vehicles with which to hunt down and eliminate rebel scum wherever it could be found... his chin lifted with pride as he considered the reward for success. He returned to his shuttle and departed for the Star Destroyer Stalker to collect his belongings and prepare.

    Stepping from the loading ramp onto the black deck of the Stalker, Mors' attention was diverted to a heavily damaged GR75 Freighter in the hangar bay. Security swarmed the vessel, pulling from it the bodies of dead and badly wounded rebels. Some of his own team were among those securing the captives. "What have we hear," he asked one of his Sergeants. "A light freighter called Bright Hope. We intercepted her as she attempted to flee the system. Nobody of importance has been identified as of yet, Sir." The Lieutenant nodded and continued to walk towards the ship. Lower ranking officers stepped out of his way as he entered the ship. He immediately recognized three escape pods as missing. It seemed the cowardly rebels had run, leaving their helpless and dying behind. So much for their compassionate high ground, he thought to himself. He approached a fallen Rodian, who labored on the floor for his last breaths. Kneeling down and looking into its black eyes, Mors questioned it.
    "Where are the others, those who left you here?"
The Rodian turned his head and looked past Mors, refusing to answer, but his puckered lips quickly opened into a maw of pain as his wrist was twisted and broken.
    "I'll ask you one more time, where have the others gone."
Between gasps for air, the green alien attempted to speak. "Please... help... me."
Mors twisted at the hand again, causing another series of snaps and cracks. The Rodian cried out and stiffened on the floor, thrashing its feet.
    "Please... ok... ok... bounty hunters... a Gand... and... a droid..."
The aliens eyes glazed over, and the chest failed to rise again. It was better than nothing, Mors thought. A direction in which to step. He collected his bag from the deck and headed back to quarters to collect his things.

    Just hours later he was aboard the Star Galleon Garron, a ship that had been handed over to his command. It pulled away from the Star Destroyer and moved out beyond the gravitational shadow of the planet Hoth. The navicomputer calculated the jump, and the ship stretched out toward the brightness surrounded by black, the core.
(\/)ighty RE