Author Topic: GCW: Rules of the Game  (Read 19593 times)

Offline SWSF Hale

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GCW: Rules of the Game
« on: March 07, 2011, 03:38:38 PM »

Hoppus and I (Hale) have been developing the ideas of Galactic Civil War for nearly an entire year.  It started out as a pet project due to the dissatisfaction with After Endor and traditional simming as we know it on the Star Wars Sim Forum; and what it became is our new hope for the Forum.  Complex rule systems with endless modifiers and tit-for-tat tweaks and exceptions for this-and-that were things we worked very hard on to prevent and avoid at all costs.  What remains is a set of rules that gets back to the basics.

Our continuing goal and intent with GCW is to provide clear, simple, and universal rules with easy-to-follow gaming mechanics that make gameplay both easy, exciting, and encouraging for multiple players to join in and game each other.  We hope that with an eye towards the passed glory days of AE and GR, and with another eye looking to the horizon of the SWSF, we desire to create an ideal simming environment for the future, today.

Hoppus and I both thank you for your interest in GCW, and we hope to see you on the boards!

<> <> <>

Episode II: Twilight of the Empire
In order to bring GCW back to life and to set the stage for future galactic warfare, the rules have been overhauled to account for the change in player dynamics as well as the changing timeline (After Endor). Episode II will essentially be a "Free For All"-style game with ALL of the Game Master functions either automated or player-controlled. The idea is that players will be able to play independently without teammates or enemies... and vie for control of the galaxy!!

Table of Contents

Volume I: Basic Rules and Mechanics
Volume II: Gameplay Rules
Volume III: Combat Rules

« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 07:32:35 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: GCW: Rules of the Game
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2011, 02:10:30 AM »
Volume I: Basic Rules & Mechanics

Starting Conditions
Hero Unit + 23 Command Points + Faction Command Center + 2000 KCs towards Facilities. (Independent Freelancers do not start the game this way; please read his specs for details).

Action Days
Action Days are when you collect income. They happen on the 1st and 15th of each month, and each player gets 1000 KCs + any additional income (via Industrial Output from other units).

Fleet Command Limits
Players are only capable of projecting so much authority over the units they command, and this is represented by the term Command Point Capacity. Any given ship's Command Point Value is equivalent to its construction time. Players are allows 23 Command Points to control their ships with. Players can only have up to (7) capital ships in their Fleet at any given time.  Both examples below feature "Fleet Escorts" (to be explained later).

Imperial Example.
(1) ACC (12 CP) + (1) STRK (5 CP) + (1) ESC (5 CP) + (1) TIE Avenger Squadron (1 CP) = 23 CPs
This is an acceptable battlefleet.

Rebel Example.
(7) CGUNs (21 CP) + (2) E-Wing Squads (2 CP) = 23 CPs
This is an acceptable battefleet.

Fleet Escorts
Because fleets are so large and can concentrate resources as a mobile supply line, entire starfighter squadrons and auxiliary craft can operate independently with a Fleet, albeit supported by the Fleet on an ad hoc basis. Any starfighter or auxiliary that is hyperspace capable can become a Fleet Escort, with the following restrictions: up to (3) Starfighter Squadrons at (1) Command Point each, and up to (12) Auxiliary Craft at (1) Command Point each, with at least (1) Capital Ship in the Fleet for every (1) Starfighter Squadron or (3) Auxiliary Craft in the Escort Group.

Wrong: (2) X-Wing Squadrons escorting (1) CORV
Right: (3) Z-95 Squadrons escorting (3) CORVs & (12) Lambda Shuttles escorting (4) CORVs. In total this a 22 CP Fleet that just so happens to be all stock units (making it a great starter PDF).

The Burden of Command
Although a player may have up to 23 Command Points (plus additional bonus points and units) worth of active ships in his or her fleet at any given time that can be deployed to multiple locations, only a player's maximum command limit may be used for the duration of a battle.

1. The scope of command points includes all capital ships as well as support craft, starfighters, and ground units onboard those capital ships. To use even a single auxiliary craft, starfighter squadron, ground vehicle, or infantry squad attached to a ship constitutes an act of will that represents the total command points of the capital ship those units are attached to. For example, if a Rebel Assault Frigate is destroyed but its starfighter squadron is still active, then all 6 of the RAF's command points are still being utilized.

2. Capital ships that become DISABLED actively take up a player's command points as well, so until a capital ship becomes fully DESTROYED or DERELICT and all its other support units are destroyed as well, is a player finally relieved of that capital ship's command points.

3. Players cannot assume command over new units until their character is physically in the same system as those units. The only exception to this rule is making direct swaps between newly constructed units or those on PDF duty. For example, if a player has his/her fleet deployed to an away system and places a ship in his main fleet onto PDF duty, a newly constructed ship can be transferred directly into his main fleet without the player needing to be physically present to do so. Additionally, if a player wants to make a 1-for-1 swap between a ship in his main fleet and one on PDF, both of those ships DO NOT have to be present with each other. The final caveat to this rule is that any new additions, transfers, swaps, or any modifications to any player fleet cannot take place if units are involved in combat operations or will be entering combat upon their arrival to a player's current location.

Universal Combat Rating
Because units come in different shapes and sizes, or have certain traits which differentiate them from other units, this game relies on a rating system to quantify those qualitative differences in how units comparatively interact with one another.  A ship's UCR determines the overall combat characteristics of that vessel, and so keep this in mind when you are creating your fleets, as the higher the UCR the better. While bigger ships do more raw damage, when facing smaller vessels it is significantly reduced.

A unit's given UCR value is calculated by adding a its speed + maneuverability.  In practice, UCR works like this: damage inflicted upon a unit is multiplied by the UCR quotient between it and its attacker.  In any scenario when the attacker's UCR is greater than the defender's, the attacker deals 100% damage (never more).

Attacker's UCR = 4, Attacker's Raw Damage vs Defender = 500
Defender's UCR = 7
The Raw Damage of 500 is multiplied by (4/7) or 0.571, so in this case the Refined (Total) Damage comes out to be 285.5 which is rounded up (explained below) to 286.

Mathematical Principles
After calculating Total Damage, always round up - even from the lowest decimal - to the nearest whole number.  When performing divisions, resulting numbers will only be placed to the thousandths (X.000).  

Starfighters Squadrons and Auxiliary Craft
Starfighter squadrons are treated as one singular unit as they absorb and deal damage as one. Every starfighter squadron (and auxiliary unit) has a Command Point Value of 1.

Stock Units & Exchanging Compliments
Stock units are what a faction produces for free (although with longer-than-normal production times) as part of the units that make up the onboard compliments when a starship or facility is produced. Stock units cannot be salvaged (because they are free), nor can they be stockpiled in your reserves ad infinitum, however, they can be replaced by purchasing new units of the same type (SF, AUX, GAV, Infantry) on a 1-for-1 basis. Some units (like the AT-AT) take up more room, so please take note of this when you read their specs.

Posting Requirements
Players must post a minimum number of deliverables in each post to include: a storyline (quick, simple, or long), locations of all units, damage summary, and a unit status summary.

Turn Cycles
Players are allowed 1 post per day, with a minimum of 24 hours between any two posts. As a courtesy, post editing may be done up to 15 minutes after your initial post if it changes the impact on another player (stylistics edits can be done at any time).  Entering hyperspace from a friendly system or while not in combat does not count against your 1 post per day limit.  Players can make a "Withdrawal" (enter hyperspace) from battle at any time, so long as all damage is account for. Withdrawing from battle DOES count against the 1 post per day limit. (Tactical Note: Interdictor Cruisers effectively prevent Withdrawal capability.)

The Space-Ground Grid

The space grid is broken into 4 distinct quadrants to represent large areas of geospace, aerospace, and continental regions of a planet.

Hyperspace ~ When exiting hyperspace in a non-friendly system, all ships must do so in the DEEP SPACE ZONES. After exiting hyperspace all movement points are exhausted.  If the system is friendly or previously scanned, you can exit hyperspace in up to the B-Ring.

Combat ~ Firing diagonally is NOT ALLOWED. Units in LOW ORBIT (A-Ring) can fire normally at any adjacent units in MIDDLE ORBIT (B-Ring).  Units in MIDDLE ORBIT (B-Ring) can fire normally at any adjacent units in HIGH ORBIT (C-ring). Units in HIGH ORBIT (C-Ring) CANNOT attack other units in DEEP SPACE ZONES.  Units in DEEP SPACE ZONES can only attack other units in the same DEEP SPACE ZONE. Firing into the ATMOSPHERE from LOW ORBIT (A-Ring) is NOT ALLOWED; firing into LOW ORBIT (A-Ring) from the ATMOSPHERE is NOT ALLOWED.

Standard Movement ~ Moving into A-Ring exhausts all movement points. Moving into a DEEP SPACE ZONE (even from another zone) exhausts all movement points. Moving diagonally is NOT ALLOWED.

Atmosphere ~ The atmosphere for all intents and purposes is a singular, wrap-around grid space that functions as a transit and combat zone. While in the atmosphere, all units receive a -1 UCR penalty, with exception to the X-Wing, A-Wing, and XG-1 Assault Gunboat, which receive none. The Z-95 Headhunter receives a +1 UCR bonus, due to it's aerospace characteristics. All other starfighters and auxiliary can enter atmosphere but only those capital ships that explicitly state they may enter atmosphere can do so.

Entering the Atmosphere ~ Moving into the atmosphere must be done from LOW ORBIT (A-Ring) or from the GROUND (G-grid), and takes ALL movement points. Once a ship is in a planet's atmosphere, it can engage any other units in the atmosphere at will (see Combat Rules for details). For matters of science, the Atmosphere is between 50km (Mesosphere) and 690km (Thermosphere) above the planet, and thus also functions as an "Aerospace Zone" as well.

Transitioning from the Atmosphere to the Ground ~ Once a ship is in the ATMOSPHERE, it may descend and land on the GROUND (G-grid) anywhere. Once a ship lands, all movement points are exhausted.

The Ground ~ Represents both the low atmospheric region of the planet (anything < 50km) and the surface itself. Starships that are in flight or hovering in a Ground Grid take on an additional -1 UCR penalty. Players must designate where their units are by stating either G-1 Surface or G-1 Air as this will factor into combat.

Hyperspace Travel and the Galaxy Map (see attached file below, or refer to THE GALAXY thread)
The Galaxy Map was carefully designed to encompass a high-degree of 'name recognition' worlds, while also being relatively large to allow galactic-scale gameplay.  Each world was placed as close as possible to know canon locations, in order to facilitate an accurate depiction of the galaxy at the time of the Galactic Civil War.  Well-known trade routes (such as the Hydian Way, and the Corellian Trade Spine, etc) are also featured (though not by name) as to add the functionality of quicker hyperspace routes. In the absence of trade routes, planet-to-planet routing (or Common Routes) were added. Special worlds colored in green (Byss, Hapes, and Roon) are inaccessible via normal hyperspace routing plus an additional 24 hours of travel time (due to navigating uncharted space). For all other destinations, simply plot your course (beginning with your departing system) by adding the number of hyperspace links between it and your destination. TRADE ROUTES marked in red, take 6 hours to cross.  COMMON ROUTES marked in blue, take 12 hours to cross. The total amount of time you calculated is how much time you must spend in hyperspace between your starting point and destination.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 09:43:08 AM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: GCW: Rules of the Game
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 12:07:15 AM »
Volume II: Gameplay Rules

Capture Coruscant to Win the Game
Twilight of the Empire is set directly after the Battle of Endor, and thus, many planets have sprung into open rebellion against the Empire and have rallied under the banner of the New Republic. Although the Emperor has been vanquished, the vast Imperial war machine marches on with Moffs and Admirals alike desiring to forge their own Empire or simply sustain the present one. Victory for any faction will arrive if Coruscant is captured. Destroying the SSD and the Imperial Sector Palace is enough to satisfy this event.

Heroic Units
Heroic Units represent Player Characters and come with various abilities that can be upgraded at a considerable cost (1000 KCs), but can yield tremendous benefits long-term. All Heroic Units begin the game at Level 1. Players can train another Hero Unit during their campaign, but can only have 1 extra. Once a Hero Unit dies - it is dead.

Episode II: Twilight of the Empire | Factions, Strongholds, Bonus PDF Units, and Available Technology
Galactic Empire: Coruscant [1 SSD] The GE in Twilight of the Empire represents the faction that controls Coruscant and still maintains a vast swath of the galaxy as "the real Empire". The GE is full of warlords, Admirals, and Moffs that fancy themselves as masters of their own Empires. GE Players may only use Imperial technology.
Imperial Remnant: Bastion [1 ISD-II] The IR is a splinter faction of the GE that acknowledges the death of Palpatine and has set up a continuance government in the form of the Council of Moffs, headed by a Supreme Executor. Politically, the IR is more "reformed" from the hardline New Order, and so many policies such as the Tarkin Doctrine are ignored. IR Players may use full Imperial tech and the Venator-class.
New Republic: Mon Calamari [1 MC-90] The New Republic is the official government that has superseded the Rebellion and is headquartered at Mon Calamari, where its shipyards continue to serve the NR faithfully. NR Players are servants to the greater cause: restoring the Republic, and so they obey the orders handed down to them. NR Players may only use Republic/Rebel technology.
Rebel Alliance: Endor [1 MC-90] The Rebel Alliance is a continuation of the organization that fought against the Empire but are no longer serving the government that is the New Republic. While both the NR and RA want to see the Republic restored, the RA wants to do it on their own terms. RA Players may use both Rebel technology and full Independent technology.
Trade Federation: Mustafar [1 DHC] The Trade Federation is a reassembly of the major players that survived the Galactic Civil War, and wish to reform the original Trade Federation of the Clone Wars into a modern fighting force. With headquarters on Mustafar, the new TF has abandoned Cato Nemoidia entirely as is managed exclusively by humans and other humanoids. TF Players may only use TF technology.
Hutt Syndicate: Nal Hutta & Nar Shaddaa [1 VNSD + 1 PBC] While perhaps not a true military-political faction with an overarching government, the Hutt Syndicate maintains considerable power inside Hutt Space and is a dominant player in galactic affairs. Using the Hutt Syndicate Network to their advantage, HS players can increase their wealth as well as influence the economics of the galaxy. HS Players may only use HS and Independent technology.
Hapes Consortium: Hapes [Star Home, 1 CFC, 2 HPB, 3 NBCs] The Hapes Consortium represents dozens of star systems that have maintained a strict isolationist policy throughout the Galactic Civil War...until now. HC Players may only use HC technology.
Corporate Sector Authority: Bonadan [1 VSD + 2 MCCs] Aligned with the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, the CSA has now fully separated from the Empire since the death of Palpatine and is the sovereign faction of the Corporate Sector. CSA Players my use Independent technology and VSD-I's.
Independents: Tatooine [4 DREADs] Belonging to nobody, Tatooine serves as an Intergalactic Amnesty planet where anyone can go and do whatever they want.
Outer Rim Coalition: Vergesso Asteroids [4 ORC-ABs + 4 ORC-CORVs] The ORC is the dominant underworld organization of the Outer Rim. With its headquarters located in the Vergesso Asteroids, they frequently launch raids to nearby planets and even Core Worlds. ORC Players may only use ORC technology.

Each Stronghold will have an impressive array of defenses, as they are hubs for commercial and political activity. The following Space Defenses will be at every Stronghold at the start of the game (FOR FREE):
1 Omega-class Command Operations Platform
3 Gamma-class Space Defense Platforms
1 Sigma-class Starfighter Platforms

Players can go out and conquer other worlds at their own leisure and are responsible for posting for their defenses. Players will be fighting themselves essentially, and so the Planet List will be referenced to see which planet has what.

Space PDF Fleets
Space PDFs are limited to 23 Command Points, and operate the exact same way a Player Fleet. Bonus units to a PDF do no count against the 23 CP Limit. Starships serving on PDF duty, unlike the Fleet Reserve Force (below), are considered "active units", therefore you can pull any ship from a PDF Fleet and put it into your main Battle Fleet without any penalty. Concordant, if you wanted to transfer a ship from your main Battle Fleet to a PDF, this too can be done at anytime without penalty. Just make sure the normal command limits apply to both (23 CP/7-ships).

Fleet Reserve Force
You may store up to an additional 23 CPs worth of units outside of the Deep Space Zone of your Stronghold to be interchanged with active units at any time. In order to activate a Reserve unit, this process takes 3 Days (since these units are effectively "mothballed"), and then whatever unit you activate will arrive at one of the Deep Space Zones of your Stronghold to be used. Units can be sent to your Fleet Reserve Force at any time.

Ground PDF and RGF
Ground PDFs are limited to facilities, that is, only the units that can be housed in a facility are the ones that can be permanently stationed there. Reserve Guard Forces (RGF) would be the equivalent to National Guard units employed by many nations today. Ground RGFs are comprised of entirely stock units at first but can be upgraded if a player so chooses, and they are always "active". The RGF has the following standing limits: 1 Starfighter Squadron, 100 Infantry Squads, and 10 GAVs to be placed in any Ground Grid with a facility.

ComScan Sensors
There are different types of scanning options available to players. A player must post which scan he is using. It takes 24 hours to complete all scans (information is gathered in the post following the start of the scanning). All capital ships and auxiliaries can perform scans. Only specifically noted starfighters can do it as well. Ground facilities equipped with ComScan suites can scan as well (see their specs for details).
ACTIVE ~ A capital ship, auxiliary craft, or facility (with ComScan) is actively transmitting sensor sweeps to verify locations and details of in-system units. Active Scanning reveals the location of the unit performing the scanning. If a ship is scanning from Deep Space, only units up the A-Ring can be detected. Atmospheric and electromagnetic "background noise" is too great for sensors to overcome from Deep Space.
PASSIVE ~ Passive scanning is available to all units and detects energy signatures and classifications of units. If a ship moves at all, exits hyperspace in the C or B-Ring, raises shields, or fires its weapons, this energy can be detected passively by a receiving unit without that unit revealing its location and classification. Ships that perform the listed actions must post their location.
ATMOSPHERE ~ Scanning the Atmosphere either Passively or Actively can only be done if a ship is in the C-Ring or closer.
GROUND ~ Scanning the ground is done Actively, and can only be done once a ship is in the B-Ring or closer.
DEEP SPACE ~ Ships in Deep Space Zones are invisible to Passive Scanning, and can only be detected by Active Scanning from other ships in the same Deep Space Zone or bordering C-Ring grid spaces. Exiting hyperspace in a Deep Space Zone is undetectable to other capital ships in the C-ring or further (so ships in the same DSZ can detect you). Units performing an Active Scan from Deep Space must reveal their location, but all other information about that unit cannot be assumed by the player/system getting scanned (thus, players will know they are getting scanned but not know from what, only from where).

Fleet Hyperspace Movements
A fleet only moves as fast as its slowest ship, and so if multiple capital ships are in a fleet with different hyperspace ratings, the entire Fleet moves at a rate that is of the slowest rating.

Much like an RPG Quest, Missions will be specialized tasks that Hero Units can seek to accomplish in order to gain more notoriety, immense wealth, strategic power, or perhaps even win the game! They will often involve traveling to numerous planets, completing specific objectives, and then finally reaching a climax where the mission is completed. Each Hero will have a specific Mission related to their class that is repeatable so long as Mission Milestones are completed. Note: Only (1) Mission can be active at any time.

Flashpoints are GM-controlled events that encourage multiple players to have an excuse to enter into an epic battle scenario that involves high risk and even higher payout. If you are familiar with the previous Flashpoints in GCW (like the Mandalorian Liberation Army event), then you will feel right at home. Some Epic Missions may trigger a Flashpoint or vice versa, so its important to pay attention to each one and try to participate.

Communication & Information Networks
Communications sent from capital ships travel at a rate of their own hyperspeed. For general communications (including distress calls sent from space facilities), these are sent galaxy-wide and travel at x2 hyperspace. Additionally, because espionage and news networks run rampant in the galaxy, all construction orders are considered common knowledge to every other player and so news of them travels at x2 hyperspace as well, so please post this information when you are building whatever. On the other hand, exact locations and such can only come through scanning. Players can also assume knowledge of any combat actions and any enemy fleet movements (not destinations) as well.

Scrapping and Salvaging
Scrapping units can be a good way to get rid of unwanted material and generate a little income on the side. Only units that were originally manufactured by the player can be scrapped by him, and the payout is 25% of its original cost. Salvaged units are any units that the player captured or discovered; the payout for these units is 50% of the original cost. Scrapping and Salvaging must be done at a system with a Shipyard or Factory, or with one of the following System Features: Salvage Yard, Heavy Industry, or Heavy Mining. Scrapping stock units do not pay anything.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2012, 02:37:47 PM by GCW Hale »

Offline SWSF Hale

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Re: GCW: Rules of the Game
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2011, 04:12:39 PM »
Volume III: Combat Rules

A Concise Definition of Conflict and Occupation
When a system has an active hostile presence, it is considered "in conflict". Any participating or belligerent units in that system are thereby also considered "in conflict", and the manufacturing abilities of all facilities are also suspended. Only until a system is wholly cleared out by a single faction for a period of 24 hours will a system no longer be considered "in conflict". Occupation of a system occurs when all military units and facilities of a host faction have either been destroyed or surrendered to a foreign faction. While a system is being occupied, it can be claimed by your faction if a ground facility is built there.

How UCR Works
Because UCR applies for all units and to all weapons, space and ground combat is simplified.  When one unit (Cap Ship/AUX/SF Squad) attacks another unit, it may fire any number of its weapons upon it. UCR will determine the outcome (how much damage was dealt).  

Fire and Movement
During combat, starships can fire all weapons and then move OR move and then fire all weapons. Players cannot fire some weapons, move 1 grid space, fire more weapons, and then move again - or vice versa. It is either "move then fire" or "fire then move". As written below in the Damage section, if ships take enough damage to be DISABLED, they can still fire and move normally before blowing up as a final action.

Attack Ranges
Capital Ships may fire weapons up to 1 grid space away. Starfighters and auxiliaries must be in the same grid to attack their targets.

Combat Space Patrol
1. Starfighters and Auxiliary Craft can take up CSP to protect a single Grid Sector anywhere in the Space Grid. In order to "occupy" a Starfighter Squadron, it must be engaged by either another Starfighter Squadron, a Capital Ship, or be dealt enough damage for it to be destroyed. In order to "occupy" Auxiliary Craft on CSP, they must be engaged by another AUX craft or dealt enough damage to be destroyed.
2. Combat Space Patrols prevent any units of the same type from attacking Capital Ships in the same Grid Space. Starfighters block other Starfighters, Aux block other Aux. Starfighters cannot block Aux, nor can Aux block Starfighters.

1. Ion Cannons hit Shields first, then Systems, then Hull. Ion Stunning has been removed in favor of a more traditional approach. The new values for a Capital Ship's Systems = Length/2. Starfighters and Auxiliaries will not have Systems values, thus all Ion damage will be treated as mandatory damage against the Armor.

2. Considering planetary scale weapons eject large volumes of energy, they are capable of plowing straight through a ship's shields and hitting a target where it hurts: Planetary Ion Cannons impact a ship's Systems first and then Hull. Planetary Turbolasers hit Armor first and then Hull. A player firing a Planetary Weapon can scale back the energy of the attack by any percentage if the desired effect is to DISABLE rather than DESTROY.

3. If a Capital Ship's Systems or Armor reach 0, that ship is DISABLED. A disabled ship's shields are immediately reduced to 0. If a ship's Hull reaches 0, it is DESTROYED.

4. On the turn a player's ship becomes DISABLED, they may: Move, Fire Weapons, Launch Craft, and/or Abandon Ship as final actions for that ship. Hyperspace movement is not allowed. Abandon Ship involves sending the crew via escape pods to the planet below (they will arrive on the ground in the next round). Crew = Length/10 = # of Stock Infantry Squads. If a crew Abandons Ship or fails to Repel Boarders before it's DESTROYED (with the Hull is still intact), that ship becomes DERELICT (UCR=0), and can be tractored away.

5. If a Starfighter Squadron is DESTROYED, that Squadron may Move and Fire Weapons normally as a final action.

6. If a ship is DISABLED, its crew and infantry can attempt to SCUTTLE the ship by placing detonating explosives and purging other major systems. These attacks will be calculated using UCR 20 for a Capital Ship's HULL (and HULL only) since the intent is to cause damage to critical structural, mechanical, and electrical power systems.

Launching Craft
All capital ships can launch or recall any or all of their onboard craft each round.

Boarding and Capturing Enemy Vessels
Players may deploy any non-Landing Barge Auxiliary Craft to an enemy ship only once its shields have been taken down. Once units are onboard a ship, combat will commence as it does on the ground. If an entire ship's Crew and Onboard Units are killed, that ship is successfully CAPTURED. Ships that are captured must immediately occupy Command Points, and so captured ships will either have to be placed on PDF at the system where they were captured, or other ships can transfer to PDF to make CP room for the new ship. Only until a system is no longer in conflict can captured ships begin repairs.

Weapon Damage Chart
Note: All weapon damages are MANDATORY.

(LC) Laser Cannon = 1
(SLC) Seinar (SFS) Laser Cannon = 2
(HLC) Heavy Laser Cannon = 2
(LB) Laser Battery = 3
(LTL) Light Turbolaser = 6
(TLC) Turbolaser Cannon = 8
(HTLC) Heavy Turbolaser Cannon = 10
(TLB) Turbolaser Battery = 12
(HTLB) Heavy Turbolaser Battery = 15
(PTLC) Planetary Turbolaser Cannon = 300
(LIC) Light Ion Cannon = 1
(IC) Ion Cannon = 3
(HIC) Heavy Ion Cannon = 4
(IB) Ion Battery = 5
(HIB) Heavy Ion Battery = 6
(PIC) Planetary Ion Cannon = 500
(CM) Concussion Missile = 2
(ACM) Advanced Missile = 3
(PT) Proton Torpedo = 3
(APT) Advanced Torpedo = 4
Dual (any weapon) = x2 base damage
Quad (any weapon) = x4 base damage

Repairing Damage
Shields can only be recharged while at a friendly system and while not in combat. Shields recharge at a rate of 5%/hour. Armor and hull repairs to capital ships can be made while present at any Stronghold (or Shipyard World) at a rate of 1 hour for 5% of Armor or Hull.  Starfighters and auxiliaries can recharge shields anywhere while note in combat at 20% per hour.  SFs and AUX armor can be repaired at a rate of 1 hour for 10% armor.

All ships have unlimited warheads (no reloading is necessary). All warheads are considered mandatory damage; UCR determines the amount of that damage.

Tractor Beams
Capital ships with tractor beam projectors are capable of physically controlling another vessel of lesser size. The length of control for tractors are posted on each unit specification. Typically 1 tractor beam projector has 100m of control. Auxiliary tractor beam projectors has 25m of control. To determine the amount of tractor control, calculate the length as you would damage using UCR. A ship is under the control of tractor beams when the length of the ship is exceeded by projectors (i.e. 2 tractor beam projectors at UCR 7 [200m], would have control of a Corvette [150m]). If a ship is under complete tractor control, it can be dragged, pushed, or pulled up to 1 grid space away and can be taken into hyperspace. Once a ship has been fully tractored, it has a UCR of 1. In the Order of Battle, Tractor Beam operations come last (so on an initial post using tractor beams, ship cannot tractor their target first and shoot second to take advantage of their new ultra-low UCR).

1. ISD Devastator projects 10 Tractor Beams onto CORV Tantive IV. UCR 3/7 = 0.428 x 1000m = 428 meters held.

The deliberate or tractor controlled ramming of one ship into another is PROHIBITED.

Bombing Runs
As a special feature to Skipray Blastboats, XG-1 Assault Gunboats, TIE Bombers, B-Wings, Y-Wings, Hetrinar Assault Bombers, and Condor Droid Bombers: these units can opt to perform a BOMBING RUN against Capital Ships using their warheads to inflict Shield Bypass Damage. Because of the precise targeting calculations and attack maneuverings that occur during a BOMBING RUN, these units cannot fire any other weapons that round AND they can only attack targets with equal or less UCR than their own.

TIE Swarms and CSP
Any number of TIE Fighters and TIE Interceptors (except Elite) may form into one big meta-squadron that can remain together indefinitely until they are destroyed. UCR = 8 regardless of how many Squadrons take part. In order to "occupy" a TIE Swarm while it is on CSP, an attacker must have both of the following conditions met:
1. TIE Swarm is engaged 1:1 by a combination of starfighters or capital ships for each TIE Squad in the Swarm. (i.e. TIE Swarms with 4 Squads must have 4 attackers).
2. The TIE Swarm must be dealt enough damage to be destroyed.

Combat Fatigue
An attacking player may only deploy up to 5000 Infantry Squads and 50 GAVs to a Ground Grid for up to 7 Days before these units suffer Combat Fatigue (-1 UCR). Any attacking force of 4999 Squads and 49 GAVs or less can last up to 14 Days before Combat Fatigue sets in. Attacking players can recall their units to the host ship for at least 24 hours to restart the Combat Fatigue clock. Combat Forces with host ships that are landed are immune to combat fatigue.

Infantry and Vehicles cannot move from one Ground Grid to the other because these regions represent vast continental zones and as such are "unmarchable".

Combat Atmospheric Patrol
CAP can be done by Starfighters and Auxiliaries, and operates the same way in principle as Combat Space Patrol.

Orbital Bombardment
As a special feature to Star Destroyers, Mon Calamari Cruisers, and the Dauntless Heavy Cruiser, these units may perform this attack from the A-Ring and target the adjacent Ground Grid for suppression and shock and awe strikes. Orbital Bombardment requires that ALL weapons be fired that round, and for 24 hours after the OB was commenced, the following modifiers are in effect: infantry and vehicles cannot move to or from the grid that is being bombarded AND all units (enemy and friendly) take a -1 UCR penalty due to the hazardous conditions.

Atmospheric Bombardment
Capital ships that are in the Atmosphere may fire at targets on the surface freely with a -1 UCR penalty. Ion cannons have no effect on infantry or vehicles.

Atmospheric Bombing Runs
Bombing Run-capable starfighters may initiate a Bombing Run to fire their warheads at ground targets without having to be in the "Air" of a Ground Grid.

Strafing Runs
Starfighters that move to the Ground Grid and operate in the Air take on an additional -1 UCR penalty, but can attack ground targets at-will.

Surface-to-Space Combat
Planetary weapons may fire into the adjacent A-Ring grid space where they are located.

Surface-to-Air Combat
Only Vehicles may fire at targets that are in the air of their same Ground Grid, since Infantry weapons lack both the range and firepower to impact a starship's shields or armor. (See "Damage" above to determine infantry vs capital ships while onboard a capital ship).

Air-to-Air Combat
Starfighters and combat airspeeders (T-47, T-16, V-Wing) that are in the same Ground Grid may attack each other normally.

Ground-to-Ground Combat
All infantry and vehicles must be in the same Ground Grid in order to attack each other.

Garrisoned Units & Attacking Facilities
Units stationed in a facility can attack other units in the same Grid without fear of counter-attack because the facility provides cover. Outside units cannot attack garrisoned units until their facility is DISABLED (Armor = 0). When attacking a facility, use the Defensive UCR to compute total damage. Garrisoned units inside a facility must use their own UCR when attacking (they cannot take advantage of the high Defensive UCR). Some specialized units can enter facilities and attack units from within as if they were not Garrisoned, see the specs for details.

Ground-to-Hero Combat
In order for opposing ground units to attack a Hero, they must first engage all units in the same grid as that Hero.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 01:05:13 PM by GCW Hale »